#yeahhhh sorry for the long hiatus(?) but I had the idea and before I could do anything I was already doing an animatic
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paprikkamspaint ¡ 5 months ago
I put this togheter with sticks and glue, sweat, and other fluids - -- Enjoy! I will never doin' it again! (I probably will)(?)
Happy halloween for those who celebrate it as well!
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xxdragonwriterxx ¡ 2 years ago
hello! ✨ i’ve just come across your blog and it’s so amazing!!! You are an amazing writer and reading your fics have me flying through the roof ❤️‍🔥 if your requests are open, can i ask for levi x fem!reader where she’s ratger stressed studying hard for exams and doesn’t take any breaks? and levi has to take care of her and has to force her away by seducing her out of her work? like being really, REALLY seductive and teasing, knowing what strings to pull since he knows her like the back of his hand ✨ it can be set in the canonverse, maybe she’s studying for her captain exams?? and maybe you can make it nsfw? 😭 but only if it’s okay with you ❤️‍🔥 once again thank you for writing all those amazing fics, you are amazing and i hope you’re having a good day! ✨✨
A/N: Hey everyone!!! Man, isn't it so weird when one of the authors you read abruptly disappears for months at a time only to suddenly drop absolute filth with no advanced warning whatsoever? Yeahhhh, so I have no idea what got into me 😅. I'm currently on vacation in the mountains with my family and last night, I sat down to do some homework only to end up writing 16 pages of sinful shit instead. Honestly, school has just been really getting me down, and my busy schedule has made it so writing is more of a chore than something I enjoy. Getting away from all that really helped me to relax a bit, and it felt so fucking good to write fanfiction again! Sorry for the really long hiatus, I can't promise that I'll be consistent again, but I'm hoping I'll be able to continue getting back into writing fanfiction even after I go home. I've really missed this ❤️. Well, enough of me rambling, I hope you guys enjoy this random smutty word vomit! I had a blast writing it, so thank you for requesting it!! Also, thank you for all of your kind words, I actually reread this request like five times cuz it made me feel so warm and fuzzy whenever I read ur compliments 💕💕. You're so sweet, thank you so much for making my day!!
🐉 Song Recommendation: "she calls me daddy" By: KiNG MALA 🐉
Word Count: ~7 k
🔥 I've Had Enough 🔥
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“Whatcha starin’ at her for, Shorty? Wound a little tight?”
Hanji’s teasing snapped Levi out of his reverie, forcing his gaze away from where he was watching his lover shuffle across the Mess Hall to send a dark glare towards the chaotic scientist. “Shut up, Four-Eyes.”
They chuckled, leaning more into the raven-haired captain, their eyes sparkling with mischief. “What? I’m right, aren’t I? From what I’ve gathered, (Y/N)’s been swamped with studying for her captain exams so my guess is that you two haven’t been able to spend any ~quality time together for a while now.”
They were right of course, it had been a while since the two of them had gotten the chance to spend time together. The upcoming captain exams weren’t for another week but (Y/N) had practically drowned herself in books and reports and files to study, desperately hoping to make it into Erwin’s superior officer program. She was more than qualified, one of the strongest, most capable squad leaders in their ranks, but that didn’t stop (Y/N) from pushing herself harder than anyone in her methods of preparation. It had admittedly taken away from her time with Levi, making it more and more difficult for them to spend more than an hour in the same room before she was whisked back to her office, hunched over her desk as she poured over the study guides and books she had snagged from the Survey Corps library. But that wasn’t why Levi felt anxious.
He could tell, even from this distance, that the near constant studying was starting to take a toll. Her head was hung low as she stumbled her way to the line for food, her eyes blinking slowly and filled with a bleary fog that blocked the light that usually shone in them. Once she reached the front of the line, Levi watched as she nearly fumbled the bowl of stew that was handed to her, barely managing to catch it with shaky fingers. She was burnt out.
Levi closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat, rubbing his temples in annoyance. He had always admired her sense of strength and determination, her patience of steel, but he couldn’t help but hate the way those qualities could be so self-destructive when she let herself get carried away. (Y/N) was a workaholic, possibly even more so than he was, and hardly ever remembered to give herself a break, no matter how exhausted she was, until she inevitably collapsed. He had tried talking to her about it, and she had promised him that she wouldn’t let herself get out of hand this time, but he knew from the beginning that she was going to break her promise. These exams meant everything to her, there was hardly a force in the world that could stop her once she hyper focused on something.
Suddenly, Levi stood from his seat, abandoning the remainder of his meal just as (Y/N) sat down at a table at the opposite end of the hall, too tired to notice and sit beside him. Hanji gave him a confused look, one that turned into slight amusement as Levi started off towards the doors of the Mess Hall, striding with newfound purpose.
“Shorty? You didn’t answer my question!”
“I know,” Levi growled in response, the scientist’s shocked cackles of delight fading from behind him as he turned down a different hall, aiming for the last office door on the left.
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“Jesus (Y/N), you look like shit.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, too tired to argue, “Wow, thanks a lot, Oulo.”
He shrugged, “Hey, I’m just sayin’, you look like- ow!”
“Stop being an asshole and leave her alone,” Petra said, cutting off her comrade’s rambling insults and meeting his hurt sneer with a glare of her own. (Y/N) shot her an appreciative glance as the ginger-haired woman sat down across from her, next to Oulo, who was still rubbing the sore spot on the back of his head where she had slapped him.
“Yeah, Oulo, what the hell, man?” (Y/N) smiled when Gunther came to sit beside her, Eld following close behind. “At least she has a reason to feel shitty, studying for the captain exams is killer. You look like shit everyday despite not doing anything.”
(Y/N) chuckled as Levi’s squad bickered around her. She had forgotten how much she missed this. It had been a while since she had just been able to talk and laugh with her friends, and it wasn’t just because of the upcoming exams either. Before she had been promoted to squad leader, she had been in Levi’s squad with these people, laughing, talking, and training with them every day, but after she was given her own cadets to train, she had had less and less time to spend with them, despite being around Levi almost constantly. Her heart fluttered with warmth, but she knew she couldn’t stay. She was already wasting time in coming down to eat, she didn’t have the liberty to stay and chat. She had hardly finished her food, but the anxiety gnawing at her nerves killed what little appetite she had had when she came in this morning, so she dropped her spoon in the now cold stew and made to stand up.
“Wait, (Y/N), where are you going?” Petra asked, her hand automatically reaching for (Y/N)’s wrist to keep her from moving.
She winced, placing her hand on top of Petra’s and feebly attempting to break free of her friend’s hold. “I’ve got to get back now. Those books aren’t gonna study themselves.”
Despite (Y/N)’s weak attempt at humor, Petra frowned and tightened her grip, “But you’ve barely touched your food and you haven’t even been here for a half hour.”
“I know, I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to stay.”
Petra sighed, “Listen, (Y/N). We all know how much those exams mean to you, and you are the hardest worker I know, but you need to take a break. Oulo didn’t have the right approach, but he did mean well. You haven’t been in tip top shape lately, and we’re starting to get worried about you. Why not at least finish your breakfast? You’re going to need the energy if you’re going to be spending the whole day studying again.”
(Y/N) finally managed to loosen her friend’s grip on her wrist, refusing to look at anyone from her old squad as she grabbed her bowl and slowly backed away from the table. She knew realistically, they were right, and she hated that she was worrying them, but she just couldn’t shake the feeling that she was quickly running out of time, drowning in the fears of failing because she didn’t push herself hard enough.
“I’m not hungry, but thank you for your concern. I’m just a little tired is all, but I’ll be fine. And the quicker I finish this, the sooner I can have a break, so if I leave now, then it’ll be better for everyone involved, okay? I promise, I’ll take a break later tonight, I just need to get back to work for now. I’ll talk to you guys tomorrow?”
Petra slumped in her seat, exchanging worried glances with Eld, Gunther, and Oulo. The red-head wanted to argue further, but a subtle shake of the head from Eld made her bite her tongue. It was no use, no matter what any of them said to her, she still wouldn’t listen. There was probably only one person who could force (Y/N) to take a break, but Petra hadn’t seen him since he had slipped out of the Mess Hall, presumably to complete his own work. She could only hope that he would do something to put a stop to this soon.
“Alright,” Petra sighed. “Good luck with your study session today.”
Despite her exhaustion, (Y/N) beamed at her friends, grateful for their compliance. “Thanks guys! I’ll see you again sometime soon.”
A chorus of mumbles and half-hearted goodbyes saw her off as she dumped the remainder of her stew and made her way out of the dining hall. It wasn’t until the large wooden doors had shut behind her that the exhaustion hit her full force. Being around her friends always tended to make her feel better, make her forget about the stresses and problems nagging her in her life, but once the silence of the hall permeated the air and settled in her bones, she suddenly felt achy all over, no longer distracted from it by the bright energy of her friends. She fought against the urge to slide to the ground, and dragged her feet down an adjacent hall toward her office.
‘Just a few more days’, she thought to herself stubbornly as she finally reached the last door on the left and pushed it open.
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Levi had to fight to keep the smug smirk from creeping along his lips when (Y/N) froze in the doorway of her office, her once droopy, glazed eyes wide and full of shock.
“Welcome back, beautiful. I knew it wouldn’t be long before you’d be back here.”
(Y/N) slowly stepped into her office, subconsciously pushing the door shut behind her. Her gaze was skeptical as it dragged up and down his body, taking note of the way he sat in her desk chair, his shirt unbuttoned and loose on his shoulders and his legs spread casually. Her whole body was tense, her pace a slow prowl as she approached him, only making the blood in his loins boil further.
“Levi… why are you here?”
Rhetorical question. She knew exactly what he was doing here. She could see it in the way his eyes had darkened considerably, his palm sliding in a smoothing motion over the slight bulge between his opened legs.
Levi scoffed, “You need a break, baby, but you’re too stubborn for your own good, so I’m here to ensure you take some time off.”
(Y/N) groaned, trying her best to ignore the increasing wetness in her underwear. “You know I can’t do that, Levi. I have to study for these exams.”
“You’ve been doing nothing but studying for days, sweetheart,” Levi said with a slight pout that made her heart melt into a warm puddle of goo in her chest. He had figured out early on in their relationship that she couldn’t ever really resist him when he pouted like that, and she hated it as much as she loved it. Shoving down the instinct to immediately cave, (Y/N) let out a frustrated huff and stomped her way over to him, leaning down to cage him in with her arms, her hands grasping the armrests of her desk chair on either side of him.
“Levi, out.”
He arched an eyebrow, a direct challenge. “No.”
“Fine, then I’m just going to continue studying with you here,” (Y/N) said, gesturing for him to stand. For a moment, Levi didn’t move, and (Y/N) thought he might actually ignore her until he let out an annoyed sigh and stood. “Thank you, and I promise, we can spend time together later tonight, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Levi grumbled, slinking over to the couch sitting on the far side of her office, facing the cobblestone fireplace and worn cedar bookshelves. She rolled her eyes playfully at his sour mood and took her place in her chair before turning her attention back to the reports and books on her desk.
Levi watched her in silence as she went back to studying without a second thought, as if he wasn’t even in the room with her. He knew she wasn’t being neglectful on purpose, but he was quickly getting fed up with the lack of attention. He had been patient for a week already, he wasn’t willing to wait anymore, especially when he knew it would be good for both of them.
When he first came into her office, he had been hoping that just the sight of him in her chair would be enough to break her resolve, even if for a couple of minutes. Maybe she could’ve given him a few kisses, or indulged in some cuddles with him, even if it was just her sitting on his lap in her chair. But now he knew he was going to have to try a more drastic approach if he was going to get her to focus on him.
Taking a deep breath, Levi shifted his knees apart, just like he had done when sitting in her chair. His bulge had not receded despite her initial rejection, although he was not fully hard yet, so he quickly set to work, rubbing his palm over the front of his pants with a blissful sigh. The room was quickly getting warmer, making him feel constricted in his clothes as he continued to tease himself, imagining his past encounters with (Y/N) as fuel to add to the growing fire in his loins.
When he felt himself start to sweat, his shirt sticking to his back uncomfortably, Levi released himself long enough to reach back and pull the fabric from his body, tossing it to land carelessly on the floor for once. 
“Oh fuck, that’s it,” he groaned as he brought his hand back to his clothed cock, palming himself with more speed and pressure now.
“Levi…” (Y/N)’s voice was a warning growl, sending a delicious shiver down his spine as he turned to meet the barely suppressed hunger in her gaze. “What are you doing?”
Another rhetorical question. One that Levi took advantage of this time.
“Well, you didn’t seem inclined to help me so I just thought I’d do it myself. I still need you, after all, that doesn’t change just because you’re too busy, brat.” His words were punctuated by the purposeful, loud moan he let out as he bucked into his fist, the pressure of his own hand sending electric tingles pulsing throughout his entire body.
(Y/N) swallowed thickly and bit her lip, trying her best to ignore the sudden throbbing between her legs. She should’ve known better, while she could be very stubborn when she wanted to be, nobody could compare to her grumpy lover once he set his sights on something. He was like a dog with a bone, there was no reasoning with him. But even as the sight of him set her body on fire and tempted her to rub her thighs together, the nagging of her anxiety still scratched incessantly at the edge of her brain, reminding her of what she had to lose if she failed these exams. She had to hold out.
So, it became a competition of iron wills, both of them trying to get the other to break. (Y/N) forced her eyes to stay glued to the paper in front of her, even as the words barely registered in her brain. Levi, on the other hand, took his efforts even further, standing from his spot on the couch to stay directly in her peripheral vision before running his hands sensually down the length of his body, using his fingers to massage and tease himself in a way similar to what she often did for him. His hips swayed to music only he could hear, his abs flexing as he stretched and moved just for her. Anyone else would’ve looked stupid but Levi was dancing to an unknown rhythm as if he was born to do it, flowing through the movement like water as he sank to his knees and spread them, his hands continuing their journey across his inner thighs.
Despite her resolve, (Y/N) couldn’t help but watch from the corner of her eye, her brain no longer taking in information as she focused on maintaining her breathing. She feared her pen might snap in the tight grasp she had on it, her knuckles paling under the pressure. She managed to keep her cool for the most part, until the sound of a belt buckle clinking made her look up without thinking of the possible consequences.
The paperwork and study guides on her desk were immediately forgotten the moment she looked at him directly, her mouth parting slightly and her eyes widening at the delicious display in front of her. Captain Levi was still spread out on the floor, propped by his knees as he stroked over his somehow still clothed cock. His head was knocked back, his mouth open in a soundless moan and his eyes closed, sweat glistening on his body in the light of the flickering lanterns in the room. His beauty made her breathless, and when he finally allowed the sound of his moan to fill the room, she couldn’t stop herself from clenching her thighs together in need.
“Holy shit, Levi,” (Y/N) breathed, the pen falling from her fingers with a clatter. The noise made him look up, his gaze feral as he watched her watching him. A near evil smirk spread across his face when he noticed the blown pupils that swallowed her normally (e/c) hues and her flushed cheeks.
“Finally got your attention now, huh brat?” Levi rasped, keeping his eyes locked on her as he slowly pulled the zipper of his pants down, leaning even further back with a hand propped behind him to give her more visual access. He groaned when she licked her lips in anticipation, but he kept things slow as he untucked his legs out from under him and arched up to pull his pants completely off of himself. He made sure to keep his legs spread wide, allowing her to see the wet stain left on his tight black boxers as he continued to touch himself in front of her.
“Ah, fuck baby,” Levi moaned. “I need you so bad.”
He hated to admit that this wasn’t all for show. Sure, part of it was a bit dramatized in an effort to rile her up but it truly had been a long time. At least, for the two of them. He was more sensitive than he realized, and his desperate, needy routine was starting to become less of an act the longer this continued on.
“Yeah?” (Y/N) said, her voice low and dripping with desire, making the exposed man before her shiver.
“Yeah,” he only palmed himself faster, pausing just long enough to slip his boxers down beneath his swollen cock, before his hand was wrapped around bare skin, hastily squeezing the heated flesh. He felt himself twitch in his palm at (Y/N)’s gaze, the sizzling flame of desire in her eyes scorching him to his core. He really didn’t know how much longer he could keep this up before he fell apart, not with her looking at him like that. 
The thought forced him to slow down his pace, not yet wanting to finish, especially not all over himself. He kept his eyes pinned on her face, the fringe of his hair falling over his features to slightly obscure his vision. He was so sure she was going to break, neither one of them looking away, but he wished she would hurry the fuck up. He was starting to consider listing the supplies in his cleaning closet to keep from this being over too quickly.
He watched as she broke eye contact for a moment, her gaze shifting to glance at the pile of papers awaiting her perusal. She hesitated, her fingers twitching as if they were aching to grab ahold of that pen once more. She looked back at him, and he made sure to give her the most pleading expression he possibly could. She was stubborn as hell, something that was admirable in battle, if not a bit irritating during situations like this.
But Levi could be very persuasive when he needed to be.
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment longer before she breathed a quiet, “fuck it” under her breath. It was all the warning Levi got before she shot from her chair and launched at him, her lips colliding with his with a swipe of her tongue and a click of their teeth. Levi hadn’t expected her to be quite so aggressive in her approach, but he was far from complaining as he moaned into her mouth and frantically clawed at her hips to steady her against him.
“God… damn… it, Levi,” (Y/N) huffed in between ravenous kisses, “you… are… such a fucking… asshole, you… know that?”
“Am I?” Levi murmured against her lips, unable to keep the smug smile from his face. “Because I think you’re the asshole who’s neglected me this whole time.”
(Y/N) growled as she forced her tongue into his mouth, tangling it with his, but she didn’t argue, making his smirk widen slightly. Only to immediately feel it drop from his face when he let out an open mouth sigh at the feeling of her soft hand suddenly wrapping around his swollen length, replacing his own with her movements. He grunted into her mouth, trying to break free of her grasp. This was his show to run, damn it! He may have been acting desperate earlier, but that was just supposed to be a way to get her attention. Now that he had it, he figured she could use some punishment, something to remind her why she needed to pay attention to him from time to time. But he found himself struggling to follow through as her warm palm brought him to his own version of heaven, making his eyes cross as pleasure shot up his spine and coiled tightly in his belly.
“Babe,” Levi tried, only to get interrupted by another kiss. “Baby, you’ve gotta stop. I don’t wanna cum yet, not here.”
“What if I want to see my little slut make a mess all over my floor? I think it’s the least you could do, considering this is what you’ve been begging me for all night, interrupting my important work just for a quick fuck.”
Levi shuddered at the words and bit back what he knew would be an embarrassingly high moan. It had been so long since she had spoken to him like that, and he damn near caved at it’s return. He loved when she put him in his place, but he needed to stay strong despite the fog of pleasure starting to cloud his brain. 
“This was supposed to be about you, babe,” He tried to bargain. “I wanted you to be able to relax and take a break. I don’t want to cum until you’ve reached at least some sort of satisfaction.”
(Y/N) hummed as she pulled away from where she had been sucking sloppy kisses into the pale skin of his neck, reapplying the marks that had long since faded away as a result of their dry spell. “Don’t worry, love, I’m getting plenty of satisfaction from this.”
Levi whined when she gave him a firm squeeze at the base of his cock.
“But I appreciate your sentiment. I think you’ve earned the right to prove yourself; to prove that interrupting me was worth it. Show me what you’ve got. Right now.”
She didn’t need to tell him twice. He launched to his feet, (Y/N) letting out a positively rapturous giggle when she was lifted into the air with him, held tightly in his warm, strong arms. She leaned forward to press more of her intoxicating kisses against his throat as he strode across the room to bend her over her desk, scattering her papers, books, and reports all over the floor.
Her eyes sparkled with a mischief that matched the smirk on his lips despite the glare she threw him for the rough treatment. “Fuck you.”
“Oh, you’re about to, sweetheart,” Levi purred as he climbed up to meet her, his warm palms running up the back of her thighs.
“No,” Levi said, cutting her off and digging his fingers into the meat of her ass. “You had your fun, it’s my turn.”
“Not really,” (Y/N) countered with a pout. “All I got to do was kiss you. I barely even got to make you beg.”
Levi raised an eyebrow at her but she glared right back over her shoulder, refusing to back down. “Do you think you deserve that?”
“I think I more than deserve to have you in whichever way I want, considering it was you who interrupted me.”
“Really? Because the way I see it, I should get to have you in whichever way I want because you were the one who neglected me for so long I had no choice but to interrupt your work.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, “You’re so dramatic.”
A sudden nip to her inner thigh, just below the rim of her shorts made her yelp, heat rising to her cheeks in embarrassment and slight annoyance once she got a look at his gloating expression.
“Who’s the dramatic one now?”
“Still you.”
Levi chuckled against her skin, his fingers ghosting further up her legs until he was able to curl them into her waistband. His gaze was molten as he pressed a kiss to her left ass cheek through the fabric of her pants. “We’ll see about that.”
(Y/N) swallowed back a whine as Levi began to pull her shorts down her hips at an excruciatingly slow pace, his eyes never leaving her face as he worked the article down her legs. She huffed and tried her best to sit still, to keep from letting him know just how much he was affecting her, but she knew it was no use. She could see in his eyes that he knew exactly how much she was holding back. Her hips shifted back of their own accord, and she quickly forced them down into the edge of the desk, biting her lip in an effort to keep her impatient noises to a minimum as Levi finally pulled her shorts completely off her body and dropped them to the floor.
(Y/N) automatically turned to face forward again, reaching to curl her fingers along the edge of the desk to ground herself as she braced for the first touch. She had to force herself not rub her ass back against his face when he didn’t move for a while. His fingers merely teasing the  edge of her panties as if he had all the time in the world.
“Levi, hurry,” she said, unable to help herself. “We have to do this quickly so I can get back to- AH!”
Levi growled as he licked a long stripe up her clothed cunt, cutting off her pleas for him to rush through this. He was going to take as much damn time as he wanted, and he was determined to show that to her. She was done with work for the night, he was going to make sure of it. He nipped her lower lips, reveling in the loud squeak of surprise she let out just for him.
He made sure to tease her a few more times, his tongue laving her mound while his hands flitted up her shirt to finger the edge of her lace bra before he finally broke away just long enough to latch his teeth onto the edge of her panties. Making sure to take the same amount of time that he did with her shorts, Levi slowly dragged her panties down her legs, only switching to using his hands when they got too low on her for his mouth to follow. (Y/N) shivered as her core was bared to the open air of her own office, completely unhidden from his ravenous gaze.
Levi leaned back, a shaky breath his only warning before he was on her, his hands moving from her bra to the backs of her thighs to keep her spread wide open for him. (Y/N) keened, her mouth falling open of its own accord as his tongue attacked her clit, switching from long, flat licks over her entire slit to quick little flicks and circles on her throbbing clit.
“Levi!” She whimpered as he ate at her like she was his last meal, his own moan reverberating through her in the most delicious way as he tasted her juices for the first time in weeks.
Levi was in heaven. He had forgotten just how much he had missed this until he had his tongue on her again, her juices flooding his mouth in a way that had his eyes rolling back into his skull. She was his favorite meal, with the most delicious flavor, he could hardly stand it. She was better than any tea he had ever tasted, sweeter than any candy that had ever graced his tongue. He only dove in more enthusiastically as she squirmed and moaned above him, his eyes closing as he fucked her with his tongue as if he’d never get to taste her again.
“Ah! Levi, I’m gonna-!”
“That’s it, sweetheart, fucking cum for me. I want it on my tongue. It’s been too long since I’ve gotten to taste you properly.”
His words sent her over the edge as she squealed with her release, the coil of heat in her stomach giving way to a wave of euphoria that crashed over every nerve ending. It truly had been a long time, she had forgotten how good she could feel under her lover’s care.
“Oh god,” (Y/N) panted as she fought to catch her breath. “Levi, that was- ngh!”
She didn’t get to finish her sentence, choking on her words as Levi’s lips suddenly wrapped around her clit, sucking harshly against the oversensitive bud until tears were streaming down her face. “LEVI!”
He ignored her scream, continuing to lick and suck at her clit until painful overstimulation gave way to pure, pulsing pleasure.
The noises coming out of her mouth were damn near pornographic as he continued to slurp at her sloppy pussy, only taking a break to lap at her clit every once in a while. It didn’t take long for the coil to tighten once more, the immense heat making her teeter on the tantalizing edge of yet another precipice.
“Levi, Levi please!”
Her lover said nothing as he nipped at her clit, sending her over the edge for the second time in a row. Her scream was silent with this one, her release not as deep yet sharper, wrenching the breath from her lungs and leaving her stunned. Her vision washed white with the sensation, her entire body shaking hard enough to make the desk shudder as Levi continued to push her through her orgasm.
She was so out of it that she barely even realized that Levi had yet to lift his mouth from her sopping cunt until she finally managed to get her heart rate in check. Her eyes widened as Levi gave her another wet, messy kiss against her lower lips, making her entire lower half jerk in shock and delicious agony. Reaching back with one hand, her other unable to let go of the desk lest she risk losing her balance, not trusting her wobbly legs to hold her up, she tried to push his head away.
“Levi, please, I can’t…”
“You can and you will, princess,” Levi rumbled, his voice a dark, gravelly growl that rocked her to her core. She glanced back at him from over her shoulder, only to melt at the pure, flaming desire in his eyes. “It’s the least you can do after depriving me of such a delicacy for so long. I don’t know when you’ll be free enough for me to do this again, so I need to make the most of this.”
(Y/N) mewled, her eyes screwing shut at the violent wave of pain and pleasure crashing over her. She turned back to face the front before she leaned down to rest her forehead against the cool wood of her desk, too tired to hold it up any longer. Levi was pussydrunk at this point, that she knew, completely subservient to his rampant desires. It made a weak smirk tease the corner of her lips. It was exactly how she wanted him. Because at the end of the day, even though he may feel like he’s in control, she was the one that had driven him deep into something primal.
“Besides,” Levi said as he broke from her with a loud smack of his lips, snapping her out of her haze. “I need to make you at least a fraction of the needy mess you make me so you know how it feels when you neglect me.”
A gasp pierced through her lungs as he attacked her once again, her words and sounds caught in her throat as if with a net, smothered by the ferocity of his actions. Her throat burned and her cheeks were soaked with tears, but she managed to hold herself together by the threads of her frayed seams, forcing herself to take deep breaths as he leisurely rolled her clit around on the tip of his tongue. It wasn’t until she suddenly felt two fingers push their way in that another scream managed to wrestle its way past the block in her throat, the way they stroked against her spongey walls making her toes curl and her back arch to the point of aching.
Levi kept up his frantic pace, his fingers jolting against her innermost sensitive spot as his tongue continued to play with her clit. He was doing his best to maintain his own composure, her moans and squeals shooting down his spine to strike right at his cock, but he managed to mostly keep ahold of himself. The only sign that he was starting to lose patience was in the way his hips rolled subconsciously into nothing, his red, swollen cock bouncing in the air with every thrust as he desperately sought the friction needed to bring him to completion.
A groan that vibrated right against her clit followed by the curling of his fingers brushing her g-spot made her tip over the edge for the third time, bringing a genuine smile to Levi’s face as he fought to swallow every drop of her spend. She was panting so hard above him that he would’ve been worried for her health if it weren’t for the safewords the two had in place. She had yet to use them, so Levi kept going, making sure to clean every last inch of her before finally detaching himself from her pussy.
(Y/N) immediately collapsed against the desk, her knees buckling so hard, the only thing keeping her up being Levi’s hands against the backs of her thighs. She couldn’t stop shaking, her hands clenching and unclenching against the wood of her desk as she fought to ground herself back in reality. Levi himself felt more than a little dazed, but quickly snapped himself back into action.
“(Y/N), love? What’s your color? Are you feeling alright?”
She took a moment to answer, swallowing thickly and trying to remember how words worked. “G-Green, I’m okay.”
Levi nodded to himself before reaching down to scoop her into his arms. It was a short walk to the bedroom and it wasn’t long before (Y/N) was sprawled across the mattress on her back, her top and bra now discarded somewhere haphazardly on the floor. Her arms were placed above her head, Levi’s belt, which he had grabbed on his way to their room, tying her wrists to the headboard. She didn’t fight him, long since having abandoned any thought of dominating him tonight, and just lay back, watching him with tired, lustful eyes as he crawled over her.
He regarded her with dark eyes, his mouth dropped open in awe as he stroked himself to the beautiful image of her below him. She was stunning, absolutely breathtaking, and he was still at a loss for how he had managed to convince this gorgeous creature to be with him. He knew she would berate him for his self-deprecating thoughts but he couldn’t help it. She was just too good for him. He wanted to find a way to tell her all this, to express this in a way that was more understandable for her.
Instead he said, “You’re not getting up from this bed even after I fucking ruin you, understand?”
She nodded, a wide smile breaking out across her lips. “I love you too, Levi.”
His heart felt like it was going to explode. He had no fucking clue how she knew what he meant by that but he was in no position to complain. God he didn’t deserve her.
His smile was wicked as he leaned over her, lined up to her opening without the need of a hand to guide himself, and slid into her with ease. Moans broke out in unison, filling the dark room as Levi continued to enter slowly. (Y/N) was plenty wet for him, but as he had reminded himself over and over, it had been a while since their last time together. As eager as he was, he refused to hurt her.
(Y/N) was having none of it though. Levi was half way in, moving at a snail’s pace to make sure he didn’t cause any unnecessary pain, when her legs crossed over his lower back and pressed, making him grunt loudly as his hips were shoved forward, sheathing him into the hilt. He leaned back to glare at her in response.
“Brat, you could’ve gotten hurt!”
“Levi,” she bit her lip and tightened the grip of her legs on his hips. “Fuck me.”
That was when he realized she didn’t care. She knew her body and what she could take, and right now, she wanted to take his cock in its entirety. She was tired of waiting, tired of his teasing, agonizingly slow tempo. He had finally gotten her to feel as needy as he was.
Fighting to regain the upper hand, Levi decided to take her impatience in stride and pulled out to just the tip before slamming back into her, hard. Her loud, throaty moan made his painfully hard dick twitch inside her before he repeated the action, setting a steady, harsh pace. The sound of skin slapping skin echoed wetly throughout the room, the pale, ghostly light of the moon shining through the slit in the curtains to bathe their writhing bodies in a crisp, angelic glow. (Y/N)’s fingers curled and grasped at nothing, jerking against the restriction of the belt at her wrists as her guts were stirred thoroughly, her brain turned to soup. The headboard was starting to bang against the back wall as they moved together, but neither found it in themselves to care as the pleasure started to creep into every muscle, every nerve ending, every limb.
(Y/N) closed her eyes and leaned her head back, reveling in the way Levi whined and mewled against her ear and down her throat in between his desperate kisses along her skin. His unhinged enjoyment of the act only made her blood boil further.
“Levi…! I don’t know how much longer-”
“I know baby, me too,” Levi groaned into her collar, his hot breath leaving droplets of condensation against her skin. “I’m almost there, just a little more-!”
He leaned back, rising to his knees as much as their joined hips would allow, before he grabbed ahold of her waist and began to pound even harder into her body, his tip kissing her cervix with every thrust. His free hand immediately dove for her clit, rubbing sloppy circles into the quivering bud. He could feel himself swelling with every squeeze of her pussy constricting around him, the white hot fire of lust and pleasure starting to tingle along his spine like living sparks of flame lovingly nipping his bones. He gritted his teeth in an effort to stave off for just a bit longer.
“Fuck, baby, you’re s’good,” He slurred.
“Fuck, oh fuck, holy-! Levi!”
Levi’s orgasm caught him off guard, making him choke on his moan as he lunged forward, making sure he was as deep within his lover as possible as he released rope after rope of cum. The feeling of his warmth overflowing into her abused pussy sent (Y/N) flying over her precipice as well, taking her down with him until she was sobbing with pleasure, her back arching and her hips canting into him as she rode out her high.
When the two were finally finished, they both collapsed, Levi beside her to avoid crushing her, and (Y/N) into the mattress beneath her. Levi released her wrists from their restraints and kissed away the light bruising on her skin before he finally stopped moving, content to lay and catch his breath for a moment. A loud part of him itched to stand and wash the sheets, take a shower, and clean up, but he knew that could be done later. If he got up now, there was a chance (Y/N) would use the opportunity to escape and get back to work before he could stop her.
The thought had him wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his chest, his left leg moving to drape over her hip as if he owned it. She shot him a weakly annoyed glare, immediately seeing through why he was being so clingy, but didn’t argue, merely rolling her eyes before turning to embrace him back. Levi sighed when she ran her fingers through his hair, playing with the soft raven locks in a way that left Humanity’s Strongest Soldier as nothing more than a puddle on the sheets.
“Aren’t we going to clean up?” (Y/N) asked after a moment of collecting themselves.
Levi hummed and squeezed her tighter against him. “In a bit.”
That worked just fine for her. Maybe she did need a break every once in a while.
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fanfic-inator795 ¡ 8 years ago
Hero Magi Penn Zero Magica: Chapter 7
Plot: Penn never really thought that he could be as strong or heroic as his parents. However, when a mysterious cat-like creature named Phyllis offers to grant him one wish in exchange for becoming a magical hero, he finds that he may just be able to make his dream come true, and maybe even get his family back at the same time. Unfortunately, the life of a magical hero is filled with tragedy and despair. Can Penn really live that life? Can he help his friends? And what is with that mysterious new art teacher of his? Read to find out!
((...So, yeahhhh... The hiatus for this story ended up lasting just a bit longer than I thought it would... Really sorry about that :/ BUT! I promise that I will finish this AU! And hey, with PZ coming back in less than a month, I should have plenty of inspiration/motivation! So, enjoy! ^v^ Btw, @rinnysega was the one who thought up this AU in the first place))
“Stevenson?” â€œHere.” â€œMikay?” â€œHere.” â€œZero? ...Zero!”
“Huh? Oh, uh, here...” Penn answered. Rippen gave a small nod, staring at the boy for just a moment before continued down the art class attendance list, as if today was just another day. He didn’t even bother saying Boone’s name.
Boone... Wincing, Penn glanced over at the empty desk beside him. Though, after what he - what all of them learned the night before, Penn couldn’t exactly blame him for playing sick. But even so, he couldn’t help but worry... 
‘Oh come on, he’ll be alright,’ Penn thought to himself as he got out his notebook, â€˜Boone always bounces back... He’ll be fine.’ 
...Unfortunately, no matter how many times he told himself that as he half-listened to the lecture on Gothic art, he could never really get himself to believe it...
After what seemed like an eternity, the art class finally ended. But while the other students left as quick as they could, Penn simply sat at his desk, watching as the magical hero in disguise packed up his own papers and notes.
“...If you must speak with me about-... about the incident,” Rippen started to say, his eyes still glued to his satchel, “then we should do it in private.” The boy nodded, and together they headed outside to the tree where Penn and Boone usually ate lunch. Penn silently scoffed at the notion - it honestly felt like he had lost his appetite for at least a year.
“...Hey Rippen?” The boy started to say, his hand reaching up to fiddle with his pin, â€œYou... You knew all about soul gems, didn’t you? What they actually were and, and what it meant to get one.”
There was a long pause, and for a split second Penn swore he saw the older man’s yellowish eyes soften. â€œYes, I did.”
“Then why didn’t you tell us?”
“You don’t think I’ve tried that before?” Rippen squeezed his fists. â€œHonestly, it gets so infuriating... It may seem like the smartest thing to do - warn someone before they’re devastated and get harsh truths out in the open. But, if I did tell you, would you honestly believe me?”
Penn opened his mouth to argue, but nothing came out. â€œ...This is crazy,” he eventually managed to say, mumbling it under his breath, â€œBoone... Boone didn’t deserve something like this. He was just trying to help a friend get better, and then use the â€˜curse’ he was given to actually do some good - like when he saved me and Alex from that witch! He just wanted to be a hero! Just like Larry...” Just like his parents. 
But despite Penn’s little speech, Rippen’s expression never changed, no matter how much his student stared at him, hoping that the older man would show at least a bit of concern for what had - or what could - happen to Boone. 
“No good deed goes unpunished, it would seem,” Rippen simply told him, “This is just another price one has to pay in order to get their wish - their miracle - granted. And now that he knows, it would be in the best for everyone if Wiseman just accepted what he was. And, if he doesn’t, then maybe it would be best for you to just leave him behind.”
“...What is wrong with you?” Penn asked, just loud enough for the man to hear him. There wasn’t any anger behind the question, but there was certainly hurt. â€œHow, how can you be so cold?”
“I don’t know,” Rippen answered just as he began to turn away from the boy. Though before he walked back into the school, Penn heard him add, â€œMaybe it’s because I’m no longer human either.”
It had been hours. The scent of the leftover meatloaf his mom had brought him for lunch had long since evaporated, the food itself not even touched. He couldn’t even think about eating, or getting up, or... or doing anything really. All Boone could do was lay there and stare at the glowing green soul gem in his hand.
Had this just been something he saw on some movie or show, the normally-chill middle schooler probably would have just shrugged it off. He might have even thought it was cool. But this wasn’t just a plot-point in some cheesy scifi/fantasy thriller. This was real. It was happening to him, and he had no idea how to deal with it.
Closing his hand up around the soul gem so that he could barely see it, Boone sighed and closed his eyes...
“Why what?” Phyllis asked, just as monotone as ever as her tail swished back and forth.
“Why would you trick us?!” Boone snapped, shooting her a glare, â€œI thought we were friends! I mean, this is a pretty big detail about the whole magical hero thing to just leave out!”
“You never asked,” Phyllis replied, â€œMost never do. Larry never knew.” 
Boone winced. â€œ...I still don’t get it. Why do you have to just... just take our souls?! W-Why can’t you just give us the cool powers and wishes without taking our souls out of our bodies?!” This was messed up... This was SO messed up! “I don’t-”
“Stop,” Phyllis ordered as she stared him down, and despite everything he was feeling, the boy managed to force himself to stand still and listen. 
“Humans can never understand. This is why they are illogical. You ask all these questions, but did you ever consider things from Phyllis’ point of view? Why would I let magical heroes fight in such fragile bodies? You are breakable. Weak. Soft.” She paused, lifting a paw to poke at Boone’s belly - and somehow became even more unimpressed with him. â€œVery soft. But, as long as true body is kept in protective container, humans can become great magical heroes.”
“Oh come on!” Boone argued, â€œWe don’t-”
Having grown tired of trying to get the magical rookie to see things through logic, Phyllis decided to simply show him through example. So, she leapt off his desk and onto his bed - the spot where he had thrown his soul gem as soon as he got home. 
“You have been hit by Sashi’s spear before, yes?” she asked, â€œAnd it hurt? But, because of soul gem, you have not felt the true pain of a spear...” With that, Phyllis placed her paw on top of the soul gem and waited.
Boone raised an eyebrow. â€œUhh, what? What are you- GH!” A sharp pain - a pain at least ten times stronger than any attack he’d ever gotten from Sashi - struck him in the gut, leaving him breathless as he fell to his knees. But even as he wrapped his arms around himself, the pain just became more and more intense. Even while clenched shut, Boone’s eyes still burned with tears as his body remained completely paralyzed with pain.
“Do you see now, Boone Wiseman?” Phyllis asked, finally taking her paw off the gem. Within a few seconds, the pain disappeared from his stomach (though the memory certainly wouldn’t disappear anytime soon...). 
“With soul inside you, you feel every painful hit. You could never fight. But with soul and body separated, as long as soul gem remains undamaged and has untainted magic, you can take hit after hit and still get up. You can lose every drop of blood and still live. With enough practice, you can even block out physical pain entirely! So, this arrangement is better, no?”
“...No is right, lady...” Boone mumbled, his eyes once again moving to his hand - to his soul. â€œ...And to think, I used to think zombies were kind of cool...” But there was a big difference between enjoying seeing one on tv and actually being one yourself.
“Hey dummy, are you up or what?”
“Huh?” Blinking, Boone tossed the covers off him and sat up. But no one was in his room, not even Phyllis. â€œWhat the...?”
“Out here,” the now-familiar voice told him. Slipping on his slip-slops (slipper flip-flops, an invention of his own design), Boone got out of bed and went over to his bedroom window - and sure enough, there was Sashi. 
She was in her street clothes, and even if she wasn’t it didn’t look like she was there for a fight. Adjusting her glasses slightly, the magical hero veteran glanced up at him. â€œCan you come down here?” she asked telepathically, â€œWe need to talk.”
“...Uh, sure, I guess,” Boone replied after a moment of thought, â€œJust give me a sec...” Maybe he should have been more suspicious of her. But honestly, what else could go wrong? So, he quickly got dressed and met Sashi downstairs. 
Despite being in a civil mood, Sashi still only gave him the bare minimum of a greeting before beginning to lead the way to wherever she was taking him for their conversation. (Though apparently it was somewhere near or in one of Middleburg’s forests.) 
Unable to help but be a bit curious now, Boone spoke up. â€œSo uh... Kind of a far walk we have to go on just to talk.”
“Hey, if you don’t like it, you can head back on your own,” Sashi shrugged. Boone’s frown deepened a bit, but he kept following.
“...Well, are you even bothered by the-... you know, soul gem thing?” 
Sashi gave a small huff, putting her arms behind the back of her head. â€œI guess I was pretty mad about it last night. I hate being tricked... But, after thinking about it, it’s not that big of a deal.” She glanced back at Boone, meeting his eyes. â€œI mean, there’s not much we can do about it now, right? We still have our magic, and as long as we ONLY use that magic for ourselves, then we have no one else to blame but ourselves.”
“Only for ourselves...?” Ah, there it was. The familiar selfish mindset that had made Boone so angry with her in the first place. ...And yet, now he could barely feel annoyed at it. â€œSo, I guess you’re saying that we have to just deal with what we have?”
“Exactly!” Sashi nodded. Spotting a small rock in their path, she simply kicked it away and into the trunk of a tree with ease. She smirked slightly. â€œLive with no regret, do things just for yourself, and you can deal with anything.” Boone didn’t say anything to that, though he didn’t scowl or glare at her words either.
Soon enough, the forest started to widen a bit, and as they entered a clearing Boone could spot two small structures. One was a wooden house, modern but still with a bit of a Japanese touch to the architecture. Unfortunately, any beauty of it was muddled by the boarded up windows and chipping paint. 
However, it wasn’t the house that Sashi walked towards. Instead, she lead them to the smaller house made out of glass that stood behind the abandoned home. One more strong kick from the disguised magical heroine, and the door to the old greenhouse was opened.
“Geez... You ever think about just opening doors the normal way?” Boone mumbled as he followed her inside, glancing around at all the dead plants within.
“Hey, it’s not like keeping this place nice matters much now,” Sashi shrugged. Sticking a hand inside her skirt pocket, she pulled out two energy snack-bars. “Here.”
“No thanks,” Boone said immediately, despite his hunger.
Sashi narrowed her eyes. “Take it anyway. One of the first rules of being a magical hero, rookie: Always keep your strength up. Physically and magically.” Thinking back to what Phyllis had told him the other night, Boone could have easily argued against this rule. However, the more he stared back at Sashi’s burning glare, the more he decided that he’d just be better off taking it and telling her he’d eat it later.
Deciding to accept this, Sashi dropped her scowl and instead gave a small sigh. “Besides, you never know when you’re going to need it. When you won’t have regular meals to rely on anymore.” 
As she unwrapped her own snack, Boone spoke up once again. â€œSo, what is this place, and why did you bring me here?”
“Well, first off, this is- ...was my younger brother’s greenhouse.” She glanced out the dirt and dust covered glass wall. “And this used to be my home...”
Reaching a hand out, she wiped away some of the dust. â€œWe were a pretty average family, really. The most exciting thing I did was play on my middle school dodgeball team. But my brother, he wasn’t into sports. For one reason or another, he was more interested in gardening. Growing flowers and planting crops, stuff like that. Unfortunately, while he had plenty of determination, he didn’t really have the talent for it...”
Taking a couple steps back from the wall, Sashi stopped at one of the tables. â€œNone of us could ever really figure out why his plants never seemed to sprout right - or if they did, they’d only live for about a week,” she continued as she brushed her hand up against the dead leaves of an old tulip. “Even after he bought this greenhouse and all the fancy dirt and plant nutrients he could find with his allowance, things still didn’t change much.” She clenched her fists. “My brother was getting frustrated. Really frustrated. He was getting pretty depressed too, and I hated it...
“This wasn’t just a bully that I could threaten and get to back off, or a problem that I could solve with just a bit of work.” Stopping her hand, Sashi then glanced down at the floor. â€œ...Maybe if I had just let him deal with it on his own, things would have turned out differently... But instead, I could only focus on how much he was hurting and how much I wanted to make it stop. And the longer he struggled, the more I felt like I had to take action. I just needed to do something to help!”
Suddenly, she turned to face Boone, nearly making the boy flinch from her intense gaze. â€œAnd that was when I met Phyllis, and I’m sure you can pretty much guess what I wished for.” 
“...You made a wish for your brother,” Boone replied quietly. She had made a wish for someone else, just like he had... 
“Yep,” she nodded, â€œI wished that he was great at planting, that every seed he planted would grow. And sure enough, just like magic, it did.” And despite it not reaching her eyes, Sashi did begin to smile at these memories, just a little.
“Not only did he get his confidence back, but he was enjoying himself too. He was proud of what he was growing. He even joined the horticulture club at school and started entering contests with his plants - and winning them! Meanwhile, I was staying out late being a magical hero, saving the day and all that stuff. But as hard as it was, it was also... kinda nice. Saving people, defeating witches, and then making it back home just in time to see my brother harvest his morning crops.”
Of course, as nice as all of this sounded, Boone knew that this story wouldn’t have a happy ending. â€œ...What happened?”
“He found out,” Sashi answered, turning away from him again as she glanced across the yard at the abandoned house. â€œThey all did, and my parents weren’t going to accept any lies or vague answers. So, I told them everything... and my brother was devastated.”
The girl clenched her fists tightly, yet she never scowled. “He gave up on his planting, saying that there wasn’t any point in it anymore if the plants just grew themselves with magic. Hmph, to say he was depressed again was an understatement... And as for my parents, well... To them, I was no longer that perfect, normal daughter. Now I was just this weird, magical, freakish thing. They just couldn’t accept that I was a magical hero, but they also knew that there was nothing they could do to change me back or stop me from my â€˜new job’. So, they did the only thing they could and just... left me behind.”
“Geez...” Boone’s frown deepened. As different as he and Sashi were, no one deserved to be abandoned. “And... you never went after them, or tried to find them again?”
“Why would I? It was obvious they didn’t want me anymore,” Sashi replied over her shoulder, â€œSo, I let them go and just threw myself into my new magical duties. That was the only thing I could do. ...But, that doesn’t mean I forgot. My wish ended up doing way more harm than good, and I’m sure there was a chance things could have gone even worse... So from that moment on, I promised that I’d never use magic for anyone but myself ever again. It’s like I said: No regrets, just live for yourself.”
With that, she finally took a bite of her snack bar, only pausing her chewing long to add, “That’s the only safe way to live as a magical hero.” 
“Geez...” For a moment, Boone didn’t really know what to say. â€œI, I think I get it now, why you act the way you do. And, I guess you’re not as selfish as I thought... I’m sorry about your family.” Still chewing, Sashi just gave him a small nod.
However, what he said next was enough to make her swallow. â€œStill, I don’t feel bad about using my wish to help someone else. I don’t care what it ended up doing to me. And... And I’m still going to use my magic to be an actual hero, and that includes using it to help people.”
Sashi scowled, with the lower half of her snack bar crumbling in her fist. â€œAre you really that stupid?! Why can’t you just understand?”
“What am I supposed to understand?” Boone asked calmly, meeting her gaze.
“These ‘miracle wishes’ we get? For all the hope and joy we get from them, the same amount of despair and hurt end up coming from it too, so you’re just going to keep making trouble for yourself in the long run! THAT’S what you need to understand! Come on, is that really worth it?”
“Well, maybe you don’t think it’s worth it... But I do.” Sashi blinked, but Boone just continued to stare her down. â€œYou said it yourself to not have any regrets. So I’m not gonna regret the wish I made for Aggie, and I’m not going to regret what I use my powers for, alright?”
“You... You stupid, big-nosed, no-brained-!”
“Hey, if it really upsets you that much, you can just come fight me again,” Boone told her as he started to step out of the greenhouse, â€œBut I won’t lose, and you aren’t going to stop me from being a magical hero my own way.” However, just before he left, he added, â€œBut, I won’t hate you for being a magical hero your way either.”
“...” Now Sashi was the silent one, and as Boone walked away from her, looking more serious and determined than she ever thought he could be, all she could do was glare at him. Glare and finish up her snack.
“You sure you’re gonna be alright, Boone?” â€œYeah. I mean if- er, if you’re still â€˜sick’, we can walk you home-”
“Don’t worry guys, I’m fine!” Boone insisted, â€œA little flu isn’t gonna keep the Boone down for long!” 
And really, this did seem like the case, at least on the outside. Even Boone’s smile seemed pretty genuine. Still, Penn couldn’t help but stare at him a bit- â€œDon’t worry, dude, I’m good. Really,” Boone told him telepathically. Sure, he could have used maybe one more day at home, but it wasn’t totally needed. If he was really going to be a decent magical hero, he had to get back on his feet and just keep going. 
“Well, it’s nice to see you feeling better,” Alex nodded.
“Yeah, it’s feeling pretty nice too! And hey, how’s about we celebrate these nice vibes after school? We could stop by the arcade for a bit, maybe try out that new Wizards and Wands adventure game and see-”
Noticing a flash of purple out of the corner of his eye, Boone turned and stopped. Following his gaze, Penn and Alex saw just who he was looking at. â€œOh hey, looks like Aggie’s feeling better today too,” Alex commented. She still had a couple bandages on her throat, but other than that she looked happy and well as she talked with her drama class friends. 
“Nice!” Penn smiled, “After all that time in the hospital, I’m sure she’s glad to be back.” Though, when he looked back at Boone, this smile faltered a bit. 
“Uh, yeah... Great.” With that, Boone continued walking, all while doing his best to avoid eye contact with Aggie. 
“Well, hey, if you want you can go say hi to her real quick,” Penn told him.
But Boone just shook his head and continued walking. â€œMaybe later...” he mumbled. Penn and Alex shared a look, but despite their slight confusion decided not to push it and instead just followed him into the school. 
Unfortunately (yet maybe unsurprisingly), that â€˜later’ never really came for Boone, no matter how many times he and Aggie nearly ran into each other in the hallway or in a class. By the time they got to Rippen’s class, any plan that involved Aggie was forgotten. ...Or at least, that’s what it seemed like. “Hey, Boone?” 
Boone glanced up from his clay (an in-progress statue that was either going to be a pig or a toilet, he hadn’t decided yet). â€œYeah, Alex? What’s up?”
“I know we said that we were all gonna hang out together after school but... Do you think you and I could meet somewhere instead? I have something I need to talk to you about, and it’s kind of important.”
“Uh, sure,” Boone nodded, a bit surprised but ultimately not too concerned. They told Penn about the change of plans, and of course their friend didn’t mind too much and simply said that he’d talk to them later. With that taken care of, Boone and Alex easily made their way to a nearby ice cream shop as soon as the final bell of the day rang. 
Once Boone had gotten himself a small cup of ice cream, the two sat down at a table. â€œSo, what’d you wanna talk to me about? ...And if it’s those Space Fight movies I borrowed, I promise I’m gonna return them soo-”
“No, it’s not that,” Alex told him, his face serious. â€œLook, I... I wanted to talk to you about Aggie. I like her, Boone. And I mean, I really like her. And I have for a while now.”
As Alex said this, Boone could feel his body go cold as he listened, nearly dropping his spoon as he did so. â€œ...O-Oh, really? Well, uh, congrats dude! I-I mean, she’s pretty great so, so it’s no surprise that you like her. So, yeah, uh-”
“Do you like her too?” â€œH-Huh?” â€œI mean... You guys are friends, right?” Alex asked.
“Well, kinda... I mean, we took a couple drama classes together when we were kids... And we’ve hung out a bit outside of school but- I mean, I guess-”
“Boone.” Boone stopped and looked back up at his friend. â€œIf- ...Do you only think of her as a friend? Or, do you like her in the way that I like her?”
“I...” He had plenty of answers he could give, plenty of things that he could confess, but he couldn’t manage to say any of them.
Softening a bit, Alex started to stand up. â€œLook Boone, you’re my friend, and you’ve known Aggie longer than I have. So, I’m giving you time to tell her anything you want to tell her, just because I don’t want you having any regrets.” Boone flinched slightly at that. No regrets, huh? Talk about deja vu... 
“But tomorrow after school, I’m telling Aggie how I feel. So if there’s anything you need to do or say, do it before then.” With that, Alex told his friend goodbye and walked out of the shop while Boone just continued to sit at the booth, his friend’s words echoing in his head as his ice cream started to melt.
Penn glanced at his watch. It was getting kind of late... Maybe Boone decided not to hunt witches tonight? â€œIt’s not like I could really blame him if he didn’t,” he mumbled to himself, â€œBut still-”
Just then, he heard Boone’s front door open, and sure enough there was the rookie magical hero, with Phyllis walking out beside him. It took him a moment to notice Penn was even there. â€œOh, hey.”
“Hey.” Penn gave him a small smile. â€œSo, I was just thinking I’d come along with you again tonight. Is that cool?”
“...Heh,” Boone laughed bitterly, turning his head away. â€œ...You’re too nice sometimes. You know that?” Penn raised an eyebrow. What was going on? â€œI don’t deserve it... I don’t deserve my magic either. I...”
“Boone.” Penn stepped forward, putting a hand on his shoulder. â€œBoone, what’s going on? What happened?”
For a moment or two, Boone still couldn’t bring himself to look at his best friend. But eventually, he did start to speak again. â€œToday, after I talked with Alex, I... I actually thought â€˜what if I hadn’t saved Alex from that witch’? It was just for a sec, but... tc’ch, some hero, right?”
“Boone...” Taking another step forward, Penn finally got Boone to look at him. His friend was already tearing up, his fists clenched tight.
“What is wrong with me? I’m supposed to save people!  ...I’m supposed to be the good guy. But, but I- I can’t-” Understanding now, Penn pulled his friend in for a hug, just as Boone finally started to cry. â€œI’m going to lose Aggie, Penn,” he sniffled, â€œI’m going to lose her to Alex and, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it! I, I can’t just tell her I like her! Not when I’m like this! Not when I’m pretty much just a zombie! How could she ever want to be with me now?!” “Hey, hey.” Trying to keep his own emotions in check, Penn just continued to hug him. â€œYou are a hero, Boone... It’ll be okay. It’ll be okay...” As for Phyllis, she just sat silently, watching as the two boys hugged and the magical hero rookie’s tears continued to fall. 
Eventually though, Boone’s crying did start to slow, his sobs turning into the occasional sniffle. â€œ...Okay... I think I’m good now,” he said quietly as he let go of Penn. 
“You sure?” Penn asked, still keeping a hand on his shoulder.
But Boone just gave a small nod, smiling slightly. â€œYeah... Thanks, Penn. Now, come on. We’ve got a witch’s butt to kick, right?”
“...Yeah, right,” Penn replied, though he didn’t return the smile. And, as the two friends started walking towards the upside of Middleburg, the feeling in his gut - the feeling that something was going to go wrong - just became stronger and stronger...
“...Enjoying the view, Kobayashi?”
Stopping mid-chew, Sashi glanced over her shoulder. The purple magical hero flatly stared back at her. â€œYou don’t seem like the type who would just sit on the sidelines and watch,” Rippen told her.
“Hey, he’s the one who wants to be a hero,” Sashi argued, â€œSo, I’m letting him get a taste of a real fight. After all, this one’s an actual witch, not just a familiar, so I want to see what he can do.”
“Fair enough, I suppose,” Rippen told her, â€œThough I’m still surprise you’d give up your prize so easily, just for an â€˜idiot rookie’.”
Sashi scowled, and she would have probably continued the argument. But before she could, a flash out of the corner of her eyes brought her attention back to the fight. To anyone else walking by, it would have looked like she and Rippen were just staring at an empty lot. But to them, they had the perfect view of the witch’s labyrinth, as well as it’s fight with Boone.
And so far, the witch was winning. “Ugh, stupid... What kind of strategy is that? He’s going to get himself killed!”
Grunting slightly, Boone stood up, gripping his sword tightly. The witch itself was just a dark silhouette. But, whenever someone got close to it, sharp branches would jet out from its back and towards the attacker, slashing and stabbing them as much as they could. Boone tried his best to dodge, but more often than not, his opponent’s attacks would land. 
“BOONE!” Penn shouted, wincing as another branch slashed his best friend’s arm, making him drop his sword.
However, Boone just ignored it. Wincing slightly, he summoned two more swords and ran forward. Before he could get too close though, a huge branch shot towards him. It opened up and wrapped itself tightly around the hero, threatening to crush him. 
But, before it could, a sharp spear slashed through it several times, utterly destroying the branch and freeing Boone. Grabbing his arm before he could fall, Sashi guided him towards the ground, placing him next to Penn. â€œGeez, I just couldn’t watch anymore! Haven’t you ever heard of having a plan?” Rolling her eyes slightly, she got herself into an attack stance. â€œJust stay here and watch. I’ll teach you the basics. alri-?”
Despite these instructions, Boone just stood up, surprising both Penn and Sashi. â€œI’ve got this,” he said quietly, raising his sword once more, â€œJust stay out of my way.” With that, he launched himself up into the air.
“Boone, wait-!” Penn cried out, but he was ignored. Letting out a battle cry, the magical hero rookie plummeted towards the witch, and managed to slice its head clean off. However, that didn’t stop the branches... Within a couple of seconds, Boone had been stabbed multiple times. Even Sashi had to gasp at the sight. “BOONE!” Penn shouted again.
...And yet, despite the attack - despite everything - Boone didn’t slow down at all.  He just continued to move forward, breaking off any branch that stabbed itself in him as he continued to slash at the enemy. He didn’t ever cry out in pain or even whimper. ...In fact, after a couple moments, he actually started chuckling. 
“Heh, i-it’s true!” he said in between his panting and his laughter as he hacked at the witch’s near lifeless body, â€œI guess Phyllis was right! Heh, I can block out the pain! Hah! There’s no fight I can lose now! Haha! I can just totally block the pain all out! All of it!”
The labyrinth began to fall apart. The witch was defeated now, yet Boone didn’t stop attacking. Not for a second. And all Penn could do was watch with wide eyes.
“Stop... Please... Boone. What’s happening to you?”
((Okay so, I know I changed Sashi’s backstory quite a bit, and I hope no one’s too annoyed by that... I just didn’t feel comfortable giving a religion-focused story to characters that (as far as I know) aren’t religious. But I still made sure Sashi’s backstory was similar to Kyoko’s in theme - making a wish for someone in order to right something that seems unfair - and was in-character for both of them. 
So yeah, hope this new chapter was worth waiting for! And hopefully the next one won’t take me as long to write, lol))
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