#yeah some rose pinions i suppose lol!
desertsfic · 2 years
Oh you dont have to worry i definetly didnt mean anything bad by saying she's mean! Its just a trait a lot of people portray her with and i was curious about how you personally went about building up that portrayal since you write the mean streak in your characters so (imo) lovingly and well thought out
Oh well! Thank you, I was so worried for a second there, like "oh no she's too mean oh noooo"
So! I am glad that it comes across. I think Rose has a lot of anger and frustration in relation to her circumstances and the box she is expected to fit in and I think she's a really neat character! (Edit: I had more thots so unfortunately for us I did go on a ramble and I am embarrassed so I'm putting it under a read more do not feel pressure to read... more lol)
I probably said a bunch of weird stuff in my post but I guess a lot of it relates back to like, Dirk and Rose and that desire to control a situation, and the desire to lash out when you lose that control, and simply saying "that's just how she is" feels like a cop out LOL but you know to a point I guess it is just that biting sarcasm mixed with the weird circumstances and such
I never meant for them to spend so long at the Lalondes lol can u even imagine
But Rose's situation is weird, now, and her life is weird (my fault), and I think to a point her meanness comes from that defensive edge you get when you are raised in a way that you have a hard time discerning other people's intentions towards you, the way Rose really thought everything Mom did was some kind of passive-aggressive joke, and only "forgafe" her when she started drinking as an attempt to get closer to her, and it is just. You know, tough i guess. Maybe I am projecting my frustrations for Rose and the way she is trapped by the narrative to always be the Voice of Reason and nothing more, but it is also genuinely enjoyable exploring the fact that she is like Dirk, and therefore capable of being like bro!
And of course with the alpha guardians it's a little easier to build them out using their kid counterparts as a baseline. So Alpha Rose is Rose but meaner, older, more bitter, the way adults can tend to be, sometimes without meaning to.
I think my friend asked me why she was evil and I laughed lol! She's not evil she's just. Been alone for as long as D has, and is needling and curious in the way Rose is, with that little edge of tendency to push at people's discomfort the way Dirk does with his friends, and the way Rose does too just, turned up to 11. There is a fierce protectiveness to her one and only friend, and a tendency to point out things without really caring, perhaps, if the other person's feelings get hurt because of it. She falls into the tendency to treat the Daves like her own, with no regards for their feelings, and tbh she probably enjoys it, which isn't very nice. There are several people in the run and go who are similar to bro strider in many ways, and while most of them are uncomfortable with it, I think she not only knows, but is at peace with that. In a previous life, her tendency towards calculation and separating her feelings from her goal would have been not just handy, but also necessary for survival so! That is something I like to think of while writing her and stuff.
I think if I had more time it would be interesting to explore her relationship with Roxy, but it's so odd to think about I hardly know where to start.
Anyway so sorry for the misunderstanding and also sorry-er that I went on a ramble about all that.
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