#yeah so im starting this thing of deconstructing HL characters cause im deep into the lore like that
witchyafterdark · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy Headcanon # 1:
I think people are underestimating, or at least forgetting, that Sebastian and Anne are twins.
The mental and emotional — even physical — connection between the two of them is something that psychologists today have proven to be immense. The bond between twins is really special that sometimes, not even their parents or other siblings can explain or understand.
(If my memory serves me right, there's even a true crime case of twins who didn't speak to anyone else and used special language to communicate with one another)
So, Sebastian's actions and decisions is coming from a place of dread that his twin sister is dying and that through whatever psychological connection, he could probably even feel her pain whenever it strikes.
While murder will never be justified, I think it's important to note that in Sebastian's mind, he most likely had tunnel-visioned the way to Anne's cure, and that Solomon was in the way of that; thus, he needed to be eliminated.
He even said it himself, "I won't let her suffer."
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