#yeah s3 the whole campaign is when they all fall apart it hurts
maraczeks · 4 years
veep s3 rewatch thread pt 3
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daddystevee · 5 years
Crashing down
(steve harrington x hopper!reader / billy hargrove x hopper!reader)
Hi guys! I’m new at writing stories and shit but ya know what oh well. This is gonna be my first story or fic whatever you call it so no hate pls 😁 feedback is very much appreciated. My god I don’t even know where to start.. but thanks and enjoy love bugs. 
Catch up here
Warnings: angst?, sadness, Stranger Things s3 spoilers (eventually), uh yeah 
Part 1/?
Word count: 1458
Summery: Sometimes things just don’t go as planned and your world just come crashing down, but it’s a good thing that you have people in your life to be there to catch you when you fall. 
A little backstory, your name is Y/N Hopper, daughter of Chief Hopper. You have been best friends with Steve Harrington since middle school.You had always had sort of a crush on him, but you never really did anything about it since you’re best friends. You two stuck together through thick and thin, you even stuck out the whole King Steve phase and all of the Nancy bullshit in high school, which kind of sucked but you made a few friends out of it, like Nancy, Barb, Carol and Tommy H. (even though you didn’t exactly Like Tommy and Carol). 
Since you were friends with Nancy, you would end up being a part time babysitter of the party, which you didn’t mind because you just so happen to love all of the kids and the nerdy shit that they were into. You would hang out with them and spectate their D&D campaigns, giving feedback every now and then. So when everything went down with Will’s disappearance you wanted to help as much as you could, because that was one of your babies. (Will is baby <3)  That’s when you got sucked into all of the upside down stuff, and your dad was NOT a fan. After losing your little sister and your mother, Hop would do any and everything to keep you safe, you were all he had left. In the end of it all you got Will back and gained a new sister, El.
When heart-breaker Billy Hargrove moved into town you, like every other girl at Hawkins High, fell head over heels for him. But something about you made Billy super interested, and not just interested for a day or two. After awhile of seeing each other Billy started to open up to you about everything, about Neil, his life back in California, his dreams and everything in between. He eventually asked you to be his girlfriend and of course you said yes! This boy would do anything for you, he was soft for you. He wasn’t exactly crazy about you being best friends with Harrington (because he hated his guts), but there wasn’t a lot he could do about it. You guys would argue about a few things here and there, but never bad, until recently. It almost seemed as if everything you did annoyed Billy. You would be talking to him about something and he wouldn’t even attempt to act like he was paying attention to what you were saying because he was bored or annoyed. You could almost say he looked like he was losing interest in you. 
Then there was that one night, in 1985.
June 29, 1985
It was one of those nights where you were arguing with Billy in the front seat of his Camaro, in your driveway. Maybe it was because you had been spending more time with the kids recently, watch over the little shitheads. Maybe it was because you saw they way he would be flirting with Mrs. Wheeler when he was on duty at the pool, and didn’t think that you were looking. Whatever it was, it was stupid and you shouldnt have been arguing in the first place. It was at this moment that you realized that you and Billy were drifting apart. One thing led to another and Billy started yelling at you full force, and there was no holding back. He had never yelled at you like this before. 
Tears started to form in your eyes, so you opened your door and got out of the car slamming the door behind you before he could get a word out of his mouth.
“Y/N!” Billy yelled, voice still full of anger.
You didn’t need to turn around to know that he was hot on your tail following you to the front door of your dad’s cabin.
“Y/N, baby c’mon” his voice softened.
“No, Billy! You don’t get to ‘baby c'mon’ me after you just yelled at me for spending too much time with the kids’ when it’s literally my job and you’re the one spending too much time ogling at Mrs. Wheeler and then act like it’s not a big deal and that everything’s okay!”, you had finally had enough. 
“I’m sor-”
“Billy, I love you. I literally love you to the moon and then some. I give you my all and I try to make this work but I’m starting to think that the feeling isn’t mutual.” you finally admitted.
Billy stood with his mouth open in shock to what you had just said. You stood staring at each other for a few solid seconds, but having a staring contest was the last thing you needed so you turned on your heels and marched your way up the stairs to your house, leaving Billy in the darkness of the forest, alone and hurt. You slammed the door behind you and slid your back down the door to the ground. Shortly after, you heard the familiar sound of the Billy revving up the engine of his Camaro, and finally driving away. Did you really just say all of that? What does this mean? What will become of your “relationship”?
That’s when all of the tears finally fell, your head hung low in between your knees. Quiet sobs left your throat, you were happy that your dad and El weren’t home, well that’s what you thought at least. El slowly makes her way into the living room, staring at you with wide eyes. She took a step closer to you and the floor make a creaking noise. That was when you realized you weren’t home alone.
Your head snapped up to meet her brown eyes. Your eyes were bloodshot and filled with tears, the only time El had ever seen you cry was when she had made her reappearance in November of 1984. You started to open your mouth to say something to her but before you could she fell onto the floor and into your arms. At first you didn’t hug back, but when she squeezed you with all her might you hugged her back like it was your last night on earth. 
You eventually moved from the floor to your room, snuggling with your little sister on your bed. It was around 11 pm when you heard three soft knocks on your bedroom door.
“Come in..” you managed to get out between the sniffles.
Hopper opened the door slowly and peeked his head in, noticing the state you were in, he suddenly changed his force with the door pushing it open harder than intended. He quickly walked over to you and sat on the edge of the bed. 
“Why are you crying? Are you okay? What happened?” he questioned
“Billy and I- we- we got in a fight” you said thinking back on the fight 
Tears started forming in your swollen eyes once again. Your father tensed up at the thought of his little girl being so heartbroken over a stupid boy. He instantly began plotting how he was going to turn this little shits life upside dow-
“But it’s okay.” you said softly “I mean everyone had fights, right? People go through shit..”
“Language” El commented.
You turned to her with an amused look on your face and you two burst into giggles for no reason. You loved being apart of this little family, for this very reason. Someone could be having the most awful, shitty, terrible day and someone would be your ray of sunshine and make your dark world a little bit brighter. 
“Well I know you probably want a little bit of space kid, so I’ll leave you two alone, but if you need me to tear that son of a bitches balls off I wi-”
“DAD!” you and El both shouted amongst the laughter that broke out into the room
“Okay, okay.. I won’t..” he started, “unlessyouchangeyourmind” he finished 
You started to motion for your dad to leave the room, he started to take El out with him.
“Hey El, can you stay?” you asked loud enough for them both to hear.
El turned to you with a smile on her face as wide as it could’ve been, she ran and leaped back onto your bed and engulfed you in a big bear hug. Once you two got settled into a comfortable position you began drifting off into a peaceful slumber thinking, ‘maybe tomorrow will be better?’
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