#yeah people with ocd tend to also have anxiety disorders and the two can coexist
ok side rant before i go back to sillyposting
i hate how someone will post something that’s about a certain disorder and all the reblogs are “omg i do this therefore i must have this disorder” because it’s like. GOD. YES YOU CAN FEEL GUILTY OR ANXIOUS BECAUSE A TUMBLR POST MADE YOU FEEL BAD. DOES IT INFECT YOUR ENTIRE BEING AND SEEP INTO EVERYTHING YOU DO AND RUIN YOUR LIFE TO THE POINT YOU CANNOT FUNCTION? NO? ok then maybe stop saying you have 500 billion disorders after reading one (1) tumblr post online
i’m all for self diagnosing if it’s RESEARCHED not just “oh shit i do that” because newsflash! behavioural patterns in disorders can also be shared with neurotypical people! its not black and white! the difference is how badly this shit fucks you up
god. okay i’ll stop now i’m just irritated
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