#yeah my guy is fully a villain i just get corporate shill vibes off him
punemy-spotted · 1 year
ehehehe so here's a tough one, elaborate on any one of these future possible additions to the Valley - Jake, Lee, Ransom, or Lloyd (Lah-loid) 😈😈
this could be headcanons or backstory ruminations
Smoochin’ you, smoochin’ you, smoochin’ you for your wondrous asks, Brandyyyyyy. Okayokayokay, in the interest of not rambling for literally forever, I’m choosing ONE. ONE at a time, Tessa dammit.
Let’s start with our favorite bastard man — Lloyd. Complete with Moodboard. None of this complies with actual Grey Man canon.
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In life, Lloyd Hansen was not a good man. Could barely be generously characterized as good — or even a man, considerin’ the crimes he was arrested an’ subsequently sentenced for. Thing about monsters though — monsters draw in more monsters.
Pierce Mineral Resources hollowed Lloyd Hansen out as easily an’ greedily as they hollow out the mountain, dug tunnels into his heart and soul to mine out what little humanity was left inside of his body, leaving nothing but blood, darkness, and death.
And then they set that snarlin’ beast of an agent loose onto the world.
Got a mining town thinkin’ about unionizing? A strike startin’ to sound real plausible? Fast talkin’ lobbyist gettin’ too close to a popular Senator charin’ the newly-created U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions? That’s a job for the Grey Man, all smoke, mirrors, and violence.
Come join us for a Family sleepover, Down Here, in this Valley!
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