#yeah like uu seem genuine so idrc if this was a troll or something hope this helps anon
joculatrixster · 3 years
this is probably the stupidest question you'll ever hear but a serious answer is very much appreciated because i really am clueless with this, so does misandry exist? is it as much of a problem as misogyny? asking because of what happened with the guardian spice crew saying those horrible things to men.
hm. hmmmm short answer? technically yes but not a systemic level so 2 not even close i know ur trying to be genuine but do not compare them ever again on equal grounds
u see misogyny is a systemic issue that's baked into my(American), and many other, cultures for centuries that is still alive and well. misandry is more individual-based discrimination that is not on a wider scale. being a man is the ideal and default for many, its seen as something to admire and live up to. being a woman is still seen as an insult. if ur identity can be used as an insult in popular media and society for years then ur oppressed if not then ur not simple as that i think
i think for many cis men ppl like the high guardian spice crew are the first or one of the first times they felt misandry as the feminist movement was when they heard their identity questioned and demeaned in such a way so it FEELS like a bigger deal than it seems but like...ok let me put this into perspective?
do u think cracker is a slur? it's racially motivated and used as an insult. but do u know what it means? it means crack like the whip against slaves. the insult is white people used to hold power over my ancestors???? the n word is calling my skintone ugly. its like how u can't be racist against white people because the system is designed to benefit them. even something like an insult directed at them calls upon the fact they held the power.
misandry vs misogyny is the same way. a group of afab ppl saying they hate men is nothing similar to the millions of women being abused by men and society telling them it was their fault my guy u get me?
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