#yeah its scummy but if you dont wanna be a lolcow then dont act like one...be more self aware like i am...
ghostcrows · 5 months
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god i wish we knew how vikki approached him in the first place or what kinds of conversations they were having outside of this (in the beginning, we see a few things but i want to know how and why they continued to stay in contact after the video went up)
cause what would possess you to trust her this quickly OR think that she understood...
i think on some level the shared experience of being trans might have been enough for him because she can relate to him in that way so she would (presumably) be able to see the gravity of the situation with doxxing and all that shit (and understand the pain of intentional misgendering from literally everyone online and off)
but trans people do not always understand other trans people...i would even argue that we have a better capacity to misunderstand and hurt each other than cis people have over us
and vikki obviously does not see this shit as for real until it Gets real and when it gets real she gets uncomfortable and tries to find a way to distance herself from it again...and shes so distant from the shit that she recieves that she thinks that because she can brush it off when she gets harrassed that milo should be able to as well (on top of kind of sort of maybe thinking he has it coming a little bit)
the way she gets mad at him and misgenders him is so stupid and real like god. lol. although reading it again it definitely seems less like she was intentionally saying "well youre a GIRL" and more like the worst possible wording of a more complicated sentiment. like. "you are pulling the same crap as cis white women do when they get called out for literally anything and youre clinging to that percieved fragility and innocence in every aspect of your life"...which like yeahhhh but you still know better lol
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