#yeah i'd betray eddie for chris
firefighterbracket · 1 year
Everyone should vote for Buck because it's what Christopher would want. Two of the things he loves most in life are his Buck and dunking on his dad.
vote for Buck. for Christopher.
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laylawatermelon · 4 months
Y'all i just cracked the davinci code and idk if you're gonna like it.
As a Buddie fan devastated obviously, as a 9-1-1 fan devastated obviously and as a writer absolutely blown away by the finessing they just graced us with.
They literally found a way to make Eddie straight and by God they've done it successfully.
Lemme explain.
I was locked in when he was having the speech with Shannon and didn't get to deep in the emotions (heinous ik but I wanted to hear what he was feeling).
I did get some water wobbles in my chest but that's neither here nor there. I did scream horrifically at the cliffhanger of the show.
Guess the nun did scare the life out of her (and me!) after all! Heeh should've seen that coming honestly but I didn't think they'd go there.
So there's two things I think is gonna happen, one Eddie's gonna go on more straight woman dates (yay 😮‍💨) and Chris is leaving.
Now the second one I'll address first and don't bash me if it's not trueee.
I'll get the Chris one over with. First Gavin, Chris' actor, family moved. Since he's become a main he's had little to no screentime in the show.
What I think has happened in real life it's that Gavin will step away from the show. They have him main to show his importance in the cast and storyline (i can also guess pay raise but I'm not saying that's unreasonable really) before his send off.
Realistically he's a disabled person, a child/minor at that, who i assume has a lot of equipment and things he has to travel with. I can imagine it's not that easy to consistently travel across states with equipment, doctor's appointments, schoolwork etc.
So this is probably his last season for a while.
The birthday party (which can also double as a send off or until next time message) and the promotion/upgrade in role despite not being written as such or having storyline outside of the adults.
(off topic but I'd love a mini 118 hijinks b story with all the kids or a low stakes disaster where they all team up until the 118 get there)
He's been hypocritical to him about cheating and even tarnished his mom's legacy by bringing a fake version of her in his house.
The reason i can say the story can effectively write him off for the first half of next season is that Chris will go with his other family because he feels betrayed by his dad.
He doesn't feel safe anymore (😞😭 I'm making myself sad) so he opts to leave until his dad gets better.
The hospital scene is Eddie realizing what his kid needs isn't a new mom but to trust in his parents and that's now shattered (ooh this starting to feel personal be gone trauma!).
So he'll throw a tantrum (a rightfully deserved one that's my boy😤) and say in anger he doesn't want to be with his dad.
Buck will obviously be there cause yeah Eddie (delusional hubby) clearly needs help in his hour of need and so does Chris.
Eddie will do self isolation. Buck will be there for him (Tommy probably staying too but I'm neutral for this post) but with everything Eddie going through he's gonna be wrecked.
And because Eddie's a (good? Eh so so right now) dad he'll let Chris decide when he wants to return.
Hence the heartbreak.
Boom it solves the Gavin problem where he can probably stay during the summer so maybe mid season 8 or limited role like how they did this season and his family can focus on him/life.
Now the Straight Eddie!
By God he's done it!
You've pulled a real good one. Tim I salute you truly.
Idk how you made a straight man out of him but by his you've done it!
(so did you Ryan I'm watching you!)
Since buddie isn't on the table this season the platonic hasn't been more platonic-er since season 7 episode 1.
The way he did it was so easy and smooth I'm in awe.
This is how he kept and can probably enforce straight Eddie.
This is also how he can not enforce straight Eddie (haha got you).
The line you were the love of my life but I'm living it without you now stuck out to me.
That means he's going to find himself and what he really likes without a partner. Therapy, hobbies all that good ish. Maybe a few dates but def church.
Here's why.
Church has been something he drift away and let's be honest American tv and society is still founded in Christianity and all of its adjacent branches.
You must have God somewhere in there for the older audience to tune in/connect with of it's getting a lil secular (aka the bundle of lgbt characters. They're probably saying at least one of em knows God😮‍💨😮‍💨) /hj
The book of prayers symbolizes him going back to God to find answers about himself.
Anyways for the straight Eddie he can get closer to himself better in his faith and get a nice Christian girl who he matches with and (maybe) even has a kid/ similar background.
Since he's been to therapy and he's let go of the love of his life he's now free to find love in someone else. A new woman. (And truly this time)
(or a man, or they/them)
Yes my queer Eddie agenda rises!
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But seriously though the other way it can go is that he's discovering stuff about himself away from romance. He becomes more comfortable with religion but when confusing feelings (attraction to the same gender anyone for $10?) arise then he'll maybe start to fight his Catholic guilt about it since he's gotten closer to it.
Then he'll have to ask for for forgiveness but not permission for the live he wants to live.
(with buck in a house on the waves! Let me be delusional! I've kept it under wraps this long!)
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But anyways they've truly dodged the lgbt fruity storyline.
They've also shown us that yes, Buddie was NOT platonic because I've never felt more friends energy in my life this season.
And what the AuDHD brain says is canon/not canon I vibe accordingly.
The vibes were low. Like a suspiciously low.
Dare I say subtextually low.
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That's not happened in the history of buddie this is a code red!
Okay I'm done btw hate me or whatever! /big J
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no-mercy-bby · 2 years
Chrissy dumps Jason a week before prom, and it shocks the whole school- even Eddie. He who had intended to ask her to prom then, considering she wouldn't be going with Jason. Yet Eddie overthinks it and chickens out.
He spills his guts to Steve Harrington of all people with his face smushed against the Family Video counter. Next day, he runs into Nance in the hallways while skipping class(just the one) and she sympathizes with him. Steve apparently told Nancy, Nancy who knew Chrissy, Chrissy who he chickened out from asking to prom. Eddie proceeds to skip the rest of the school day, ashamed he couldn't work up the courage to ask the prettiest girl in school to prom.
But he didn't want to ruin the friendly limbo that they had gotten into after Spring Break. Although Eddie sulks all that day at school, the other seniors in Corroded Coffin practically drag him to prom by his bangs. Suit blazer, slacks, and all. Even a stupid tie.
Ever the black cat, Eddie lurks in the corner while a Duran Duran song plays. And then the worse thing happens. He finds Chrissy. She's all shiny gold sequins and... pink. Little pink clips in her strawberry hair, pink bracelets shaking on her wrists as she dances timidly in her pretty pink heels. Her cheeks were flushed pink and her chest was too. Dear Lord. Eddie feels like he's been sucker punched, staring at her in shock and unblinking. Hell, he must really look like a freak now, frozen in place.
Then Eddie sees him. The guy Chrissy Cunningham is dancing with. Steve fucking Harrington. Eddie feels like he's just been gut punched, betrayed, and sold out all at once.
He doesn't even realize he's standing in front of Steve until Chrissy hugs his side with a smile.
"Eddie! I didn't think you were coming! Oh, I love your tie," Chrissy bubbles, moving in front of him to carefully reposition it from where he had tugged at it,"We're practically matching."
It was Wayne's tie, gold and probably from the 70s, but Wayne had told him a formal dance needed a tie. Eddie was now more than glad to wear it.
"Yeah," Eddie laughs nervously, staring down at her dress again," uh, you look amazing, Chris."
Chrissy flushes more while Steve has the audacity to clear his throat.
"Hey, I'd like to continue dancing with my date now." Steve says blankly and Eddie sputters.
"Date??" Betrayed again by The Hair, didn't Shakespeare write something about this?
"I only said yes if Nancy said no, and she said yes, so I'm not your date, Steve." Chrissy explains to him, almost annoyed. It was cute. Eddie wanted to giggle at her nearly angry expression but decides against it.
"In that case, dance with me instead, Cunningham." Eddie grins probably like a lovesick fool, pulling one of Chrissy's hands up to his shoulder.
They dance and then ditch prom to get milkshakes. On opposite sides of a booth, they stare at each other. Chrissy pulls off her heels, complaining about how they ache. Eddie doesn't hesitate and pulls her feet up to rest on his legs before starting to massage her feet.
"Eddie!" She gasps in shock, as if they'd gotten caught in the act or something.
"Yes, my queen?" Eddie bows his head, ever the respectful jester.
"Don't call me that," Chrissy pouts before pulling off the crown, she had won prom queen after all," And stop touching my feet."
Eddie rolls his eyes before massaging the arch of her foot more. Chrissy's hand flies to her mouth.
The waitress scoffs when she sets down the milkshakes and plate of fries, muttering,"there's a bathroom for a reason."
Eddie and Chrissy both blush then.
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