#yeah i’m telling you about my day today. it’s my BLOG it’s what you do on here
ripley-ryan · 10 months
found out that the really familiar looking girl from my ballet class was in fact who i thought she was. she has a decently uncommon name and a distinctly angular face and so i was like hey you look really familiar. did you happen to be friends with [name of older sister of my long distance best friend] and she was like yeah!! anyways yeah we went to high school together. she was two years ahead of me tho. also finally introduced myself to the girl who is in both my spanish and ballet classes. i was a little intimidated at first because she seems really cool but i passed her to get water during ballet and she smiled at me and then in spanish i finally had the time to introduce myself. she’s super nice. i’m really liking college so far tbh. it’s a bit harder because it’s a community college and so i’m not like automatically given roommates to be friends with so i gotta do it myself on my own but i’m making progress!!
anyways i treated myself to a boba and spring rolls. ten minute walk from campus but worth it even in flip flops. also finally picked up a massage ball from target. was considering the foot roller but that was three times the price and the only difference is that it’s elongated thinner and on wheels. but it does pretty much the same thing. so now i can properly roll out my feet instead of using the base of the portable barre
did have to spend 50 bucks for access to my online textbook that is required for a lot of coursework (the textbook has an interactive corresponding website you need the textbook for) and id already bought a physical copy for 40 bucks but as it turns out the loose leaf version doesn’t come with an access code. and i didn’t wanna pay 100 bucks on the website itself. so i only came out like 10 dollars ahead but tbh i’d probably have bought a physical copy anyways just for convenience. also bought a shirt with my schools name on it which is nice.
anyways all in all a good day and it’s only like 3 pm but i’m tired. got three hours of sleep last night and had to get up at 6:30. already have fatigue issues to begin with. so it’s nap time
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luveline · 5 months
would you ever be willing to write the day spencer and stripper!reader met in the grocery store? i’ve always loved the concept when you’ve referenced it in the story, i would love to read it👀 you’re absolutely incredible and i can never say anything not anon to you because my blog is flooding you with notes constantly and i’m embarrassed😅
thank you for your request ❤️ fem!reader, 1.5k
cw for domestic violence and workplace abuse
There's this weird organic grocery store by Spencer's place that's far too expensive, but it's a ten minute walk, so that's where he goes. (Weird in separation to organic.) 
He needs a lot of groceries now he's home for the week. Bread, vegetables, rice, flour if he wants to try and make pancakes, which he does. He also needs a new pen to write a letter for his mom, but Leaven is slightly too small for a stationery section. 
He doesn't know what he'll say to her in this one. Maybe that the cases he's going on are easy, or that he's been reading about crows. She's not feeling well lately. It might help her to know he's doing gentle things, even if it isn't true. 
No, he thinks. Can't lie to her. He never lies to his mom. 
Eggs. Sugar. Coffee grounds. He fills his cart. It'll be a lot to carry on the way home, but better to do it in one go. He likes keeping busy but he's a human being, too, and he's looking forward to spending at least sixteen hours in bed after dinner tonight. 
You look tired, too. 
Your back is turned, but Spencer knows it's you. You must live close by, he's been seeing you duck in and out for months. Usually with a loaf of bread or a single box of painkillers tucked in your pocket. You don't steal, he'd be able to tell, and he wouldn't say anything if you did, anyways. All he knows about you is that you have a nice smile when you have the energy, and your voice is like silk. Purposeful or by nature, he's yet to guess. 
You're standing by the end of the aisle near the checkouts with a basket hanging from your fingers. All you're buying today is a box of pancake mix and a bag of peas. 
Weird, he thinks with a smile. Spencer likes weird stuff. It's quirky. 
You turn to see which checkout is empty and Spencer's smile abruptly drops. 
You have a bruise across half of your face. It isn't strictly fresh —he can see the split skin on your cheek starting to close in on itself, and your purpled eye is open (though barely). You're frowning. Spencer knows how bad it hurts to get hurt like that. For a split second he can't believe someone could do that to another person, and then he remembers the hundreds of women he's had the privilege to meet at their most vulnerable, who trusted him, and he thinks maybe he's capable of helping another one. 
“Hey,” he says. 
You meet his eyes with a funny smile. “Hey. Sorry, am I in the way?” you ask, your voice stretched, thin but not weak. 
“No, you're not, it's… I see you here all the time.” 
You hold your breath. When you talk, it rushes out. “So?” you ask wearily.
“Are you okay?” 
Your funny smile fades as Spencer's had. He supposes that's the talent of cruelty. Even when it's over, it's not truly over. Your bruise still hurts, and Spencer still needs to know you'll be okay when you go home tonight. 
“I see you all the time too. We've… we've actually spoken before, haven't we?” you ask after a moment. 
“Yeah, about spirometry. I was out of breath running and–” It doesn't matter. You asked him if he was okay, and he explained that he was, just that his lungs don't hold much air on account of his own laziness, and it doesn't matter. “Are you? Alright? It's a bad bruise.” 
“It's getting better.” 
It might be, but there's something so raw about seeing you standing there in your sweatpants too big for you and a hoodie with a hole in it, purple and yellow contusion across your eyes and nose like the clumsy stroke of a paintbrush. Spencer will admit to feeling sorry for you.
“Can I talk to you?” he asks, knowing this isn't the right place. “There's the cafe at the front? Let me pay for my stuff and–” 
“I'm really okay–” 
“You had a cast on your wrist two weeks ago and now you're here with a limp and a really bad bruise,” he says softly, imploringly, “I just wanna talk to you about it. You don't have to say yes, I'm not trying to be weird, but I–” 
You cut off his mile a minute speech with a small smile. “Okay. I'm not, you know, doing anything anyways. It'll be nice to sit down.” 
Spencer knows it's dumb, but he wants to show he has good intentions. He takes your basket out of your hands and nods toward the cafe past the checkouts. “I'll come and meet you.” 
“You don't have to,” you say, gesturing at the basket. 
“The damage is done, right? This place is ridiculous.” He doesn't like the way you're holding your hip. It makes him feel sick, even though there's no proof one way or another to say you've been hurt beyond your bruising.
He pays for his things and yours and meets you at the cafe. He's half expecting you to have bolted, but you sit at a table near the entrance, completely still. 
Spencer puts his two bags under the table and offers you your pancake mix and peas in their own bag. 
“Yeah, no problem.” 
“It was my boss.” You look at your fingers, spreading them slowly over the table top. “I’m a dancer. Sorry. I know you’re going to ask.” 
“And he hit you?” 
Spencer knows the number for every women’s shelter in every state, but he doubts it would matter to you. He can tell already that you’d say no. He can tell you’re scared, even if you don’t realise it yourself. “Is it getting worse?”
You can’t offer him anything else. He understands how that feels. There have been moments where he desperately wanted to tell someone, anyone, what was going on in his life, but he always holds his secrets like a perpetual ache in his throat. It’s like he can’t tell someone, even if they ask. 
Sometimes he just wishes they’d ask twice. 
“You can tell me. It won’t sound stupid,” he promises. He’s in some odd place between Agent Reid and young, terrified Spencer, determined to help you, but not sure how. “It’s getting worse, right?” 
“Yeah,” you say, the weight of tears on your tongue. 
“You’re a dancer. Is he just a boss– Does he… abuse you financially?” 
You laugh wetly. “He’s not my pimp.” 
He can feel his face heating up.’“No, but do you get paid on time? Everything you earn?” 
You shake your head. “No, I don’t get paid on time. He takes a percentage, and somehow there’s always another percentage, and then discipline. And now…” 
“Now he’s hitting you.” Very badly. 
“I’m not stupid.” 
Spencer frowns gently, talks softly, “I didn’t mean to imply that you were.” 
“No, I know, but I need you to know I’m not stupid. When we talked before, you– you’re so smart, I bet you know so many smart people.” 
He’s not sure where you’re going with this. Perhaps you don’t want to talk about being hurt anymore. It must be a kind of torture to be hurting and know that that hurting will come again. There isn’t an end in sight for you, just right now. 
“Can I buy you something to eat?” 
“I have money,” you say, taking your small purse from your pocket. There are a few notes wedged inside. 
“You can’t take painkillers on an empty stomach, and you should take painkillers again soon. You had some before you came, and they’re wearing off.” He meets your confused frown with a frown of his own. “Your hands are twitching like you want to move away from yourself.” 
“You’re very perceptive,” you say in that smooth murmur. Power clawed back, he thinks. You’re protecting one of the things you can control about how you’re seen when everything else is far from it. 
“I’m a profiler. Do you,” —he tries not to sound hoity toity— “know what that is?” 
“I’m an FBI agent.” You’re laughing as he takes out his badge. He joins you. “I know it sounds like I’m making it up.” Spencer offers you his identification passport slowly, so you know he isn’t wielding it around to be an asshole. “I’m in the behavioural analysis unit. We analyse the way people act. That’s why I know you’re in pain.” 
You take his badge, looking between his photo and his real face with a growing smile. “If you need all that to know I’m in pain, you’re not as smart as you think,” you tease, gesturing to the mottled skin of your bruise sweetly. 
Spencer buys you both cold sandwiches from the front of the shop and a drink to wash down your aspirin. It’s awkward, he guesses, but he’s used to that by now, and under it he can feel your palpable relief. You trust him to not hurt you, if nothing else, and he can work with that. 
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tteokdoroki · 4 months
⋆ 𝜗𝜚 ˚⟡. — KATSUKU BAKUGOU. homemade love.
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about. katsuki takes the pain of his middle-born daughter to heart, and does anything he can to fix it.
warnings. minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact! sfw, fluff, characters aged up, bakugou is a girl dad of three, reader is referred to as ‘ma’, their daughter is quirkless like deku lol, he makes her pasta, pro hero!bakugou, fem!reader, … a draft from a long time ago!! enjoy please <3
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katsuki who cooks and makes his middle daughter her favourite pasta recipe whenever she’s down.
she comes home from middle school with scraped palms and knees, teary eyed and with the weight of the world on her shoulders.
“they don’t like me ‘cause ‘m quirkless.” she says as soon as she’s through the door — the authentic bakugou twang thick in her shaky voice. her face is pressed into your torso when you make eye contact with katsuki, who’s emerged from the kitchen down the hall and to your left.
you see it all flash before his eyes — his childhood, his high school career and the day he died. the way he treated the number one, uncle izuku, for so many years. it’s all reflected in the familiar red of his middle child’s eyes and it kills him.
“c’mere squirt,” katsuki calls to her, drying off his hands with the red riot tea towel slung lazily over his shoulder. he’d been washing dishes before she got home. “we’re makin’ dinner together.”
“but i—“
“i wasn’t askin’, i was tellin’.” the older blonde nudges his head towards the kitchen, reaching a hand out for his daughter which she tenderly takes. when she sniffles, bakugou tucks her into his side as if to protect her from the horrors of the world. you let them go without interrupting, knowing the importance of this moment for the two.
it’s not easy, being a bakugou when you’ve got dynamight’s reputation to live up to. he’s fearsome and fiery, confident and calculated. your husband and the father of your three beautiful daughters is one of the main reasons why japan is safe today. the burden and weight of his reputation that your children carry is unimaginable — only made worse by the fact that your middle is quirkless.
and yet, dynamight’s love for her doesn’t falter. since the moment he first held his baby girl she’s been his entire world, his moon along with his sun and now his stars. he’s adored her before she even became a twinkle in his eye — no amount of power or special ability would change that for him.
she’s katsuki’s girl, not just dynamight’s daughter. he’d tear the world apart to find anyone who ever hurt her.
“hold the knife properly. you cut your finger off ‘n yer ma will have my head.” his gruff voice, holding no malice, makes your sweet girl snort with laughter — a change from her earlier wobbly bottom lip and teary eyes. “we’re tryna mince garlic for the sauce, not yer little hands, squirt.”
she sticks her tongue out at him, bright blonde curls bouncing when she narrowly misses a playful swat from her father. “i’m trying,” your middle child wails with faux upset — her nose scrunches all too similarly to how yours and it sends an arrow of love straight through katsuki’s chest. for a moment, the kitchen falls to silence and the elder of the two turns his attention to the pasta dough in his large floured hands — focusing on shaping them into little bow ties just how his daughter likes, on occasion adding them to a boiling pot of water.
“i’m trying,” she says again, but quieter. “but daddy, everythin’s so hard.”
and like pot simmering away on the stove, her emotions start to boil over — tiny hiccups forming a sad symphony with the sounds of a working kitchen.
bakugou instantly springs into dad mode, dropping everything that he had been doing to take your daughter’s hand in his. despite how messy it may be. “hey now gorgeous, don’t cry…tell me what’s wrong, yeah?”
“i-i don’t want to disappoint you by not havin’ a quirk n not bein’ a hero…” she manages to get out through her blubbering — digging the heal of her palm into wet eyes. “i jus’ wanna make you proud!”
katsuki’s face softens, everything except for love for his daughter melting away. “‘nd i am proud. fiercely fuckin’ so…ah, shit, don’t tell yer ma i cursed, kay?” he stumbles over his words, he’s never been the best at comforting people but when bakugou’s child needs him, he’ll be damned if he leaves her in any pain. “from the moment y’first came into this shitty — i mean — crappy world, i’ve been proud of you. you’ve always pushed yourself beyond anythin’ i could achieve, you’re kind to people when they don’t deserve it, you smile whenever things get tough…”
taking a moment from his passionate rant, katsuki slows his breathing and composed himself — squeezing his little girl close. “yer the best thing that’s ever happened t’me ‘n yer ma. my proudest moment… i love ya so much. you’d never disappoint me.”
“really, daddy?” your baby sniffles, rubbing at her snotty nose.
bakugou nods with a gentle smile, cupping her face between his two floury hands before kissing her forehead z “really.” he affirms. “now get yer choppin’ skills together, this pasta sauce ain’t gonna make itself.”
the two blonde’s return to cooking, a comfortable silence settling in your family kitchen, also full of love. that night, your family of five sit together munching on homemade pasta bow ties in a sauce that your middle daughter had worked so hard to make. she grins brightly between her sisters, staring at her father with her shining red eyes thankfully.
in that moment, she knows that she is loved no matter what the status of her quirk is.
you link your fingers with bakugou’s under the table. “you did good, dad.” you whisper to him, stabbing through your pasta with your fork. “
“so did you, ma.” he whispers back gruffly, thumb running over your wedding band as he eats his pasta too.
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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tip-top-cloud-surfer · 7 months
The Danger Zone (Part 14) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Fem!Bradshaw!Reader | OC
Word Count: 4.8k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ ONLY.
Warnings: Unplanned Pregnancy; Military Inaccuracies; Daddy and Mommy Issues Galore; Arguing; Crying; Angst; Screwed Up (Seresin) Family Dynamics Discussed; Use of "You," No Use of Y/N, No Set Physical Description
Summary: You and Jake spend some time apart. Maverick offers his help.
Series Master List
Master List
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You called out of work the next day, knowing that you were in no shape to go. Closer to lunch time, after you'd wallowed for a time, Maverick drove you over to Jake’s apartment and packed up a few things while Jake was out. You didn’t take everything, just a few days' worth of clothes and necessities, before heading back to Maverick’s house to wallow some more.
Burying your face into your pregnancy pillow, you looked up when the door to your room opened. You sat up when you saw Penny standing there. And when she walked over and sat on the edge of your bed, you couldn’t help but latch onto her.
Penny pulled you close and rubbed your back as you cried, sharing a worried look with Maverick. He leaned against the doorframe, looking like he didn’t know what to do. Penny gave him a look, glancing down at you, before returning the same look to Maverick.
He nodded and walked away to make a call.
While Penny led you outside, Maverick stood on the front steps with his phone to his ear. He knew that it was the middle of the day, but he was still hoping that there was a chance.
“Hey, Mav, what’s up?” Javy answered calmly after a few rings.
“I’m assuming that you’ve heard,” Maverick stated bluntly, causing Javy to sigh.
“Yeah, I’m putting out my own fires over here,” Javy stated, glancing over at Jake’s office.
Jake was furiously writing away at forms and typing paperwork into his computer, barely taking a moment to blink. He looked like he hadn’t slept all night and hadn’t eaten anything, save for three cups of coffee. He was in no shape to do anything. Javy would tackle him to the floor himself before letting him into a plane in this state.
“How’s she doing?” Javy asked Maverick.
“I haven’t seen her like this in a long time. And I don’t ever want to see her like this again.” Maverick glanced back at the house before turning back to the street. “What happened, Coyote?”
“His mom wrote him a letter.”
“And?” Maverick pressed a bit more, not seeing the connection.
“Jake doesn’t really have a traditional relationship with his parents. And for good reason on his part. And he needs to tell her about it, but he’s not exactly the most emotionally intelligent guy.”
Javy gestured for Fanboy to carry in another stack of files into Jake’s office. Jake didn’t look up, working through the paperwork in front of him like a robot on rocket fuel. Fanboy hesitated for a moment but with another sharp look from Coyote, Fanboy turned to Jake.
“Hey, Hangman, we’re kind of falling behind, so I was wondering—”
“—Just put it on the pile, Fanboy,” Jake stated, not even looking up.
Fanboy dropped the stack and walked out, shooting Javy a thumbs up that Javy returned. Glancing worriedly at Jake again, Javy turned away to continue his conversation with Maverick.
“He’s not anywhere near a plane right now, right?”
“No, I’m making sure of that," Javy promised him.
“It might be a good idea to keep Rooster away from him too.”
“Already on it,” Javy replied, watching his wife march Rooster down the hall to go and teach lessons today. Far away from Jake. “I’ve got it handled here but I’m worried about him when he gets off.”
“I should warn you that we went over, and she took her stuff.”
“She’s already decided to move out?” Javy asked, starting to panic.
“No, she just needed some time and some of her things for now. But I'm worried that if he sees her stuff gone, it might set him off.”
“Alright, I’ll drag him home with me and Phoenix.”
“Actually, Coyote, I was wondering if you think that Jake would come with me for a drive tonight?” Maverick suggested, causing Coyote to pause for a moment. “If you think that he needs more time, he needs more time. I trust your judgment.”
“Tomorrow,” Coyote decided after a moment. “Come to my house in the morning. Before he has a chance to get worked up.”
“Alright. Keep me updated, Coyote.”
“You too, Mav.”
Hanging up the call, Maverick walked back inside the house and paused when he saw you and Penny out on the back porch. You seemed to have stopped crying, but you looked so broken that it felt like a direct punch to Maverick’s gut.
You were the little girl that Goose and Carole hoped and begged for. You were the little girl that Goose continually sobbed over when he got a photo of you from the hospital, having missed your birth. You were the little girl that he then proceeded to sob over at the airport in Miramar when he got to hold you for the first time. You were the little girl that Goose swore up and down that he’d protect and love and definitely not let you anywhere near naval aviators.
And when Goose died, Maverick took up that mantle in his place. And he wasn’t going to let you, or Goose, or Carole down.
They were going to fix this. Someway. Somehow.
Bradley, as soon as he saw that something was off with Hangman, knew that something was probably off with you too. And when you didn’t answer his call, he went looking for you after work. He drove by your apartment and after a quick scan of the parking lot, moved on.
And when he saw your car parked in Maverick’s driveway, he pulled in. Getting out of the Bronco, he walked around the back and entered through the side door. Rooster spotted you standing in the kitchen, pouring yourself a drink. You looked up at the sound of footsteps before looking right back down, defeat written all over your features.
“Where’s Mav?” Bradley asked, looking around.
“He went out to grab dinner. Did you need him for something?”
“No, I came to check on you.”
“Why would you do that?” you asked, adding some ice cubes.
“Well, Hangman seemed off today.”
“Did he?” you questioned quietly.
“Yeah.” Bradley waited a moment before asking, “What happened between you guys?”
“Why? So that you can run off and yell at him?” you scoffed haughtily. “Or make some comment to him tomorrow in front of everyone and watch him bite his tongue? Or finally explode?”
“Are you okay?” Bradley asked you worriedly.
“Yeah, Brad. I’m really fucking peachy,” you snapped, causing him to wince. “Look at how okay I am. I’m living out of a bag in Mav’s house after having a massive fight with my boyfriend while I’m nearly six months pregnant with his baby. And one of the things that we were fighting about just so happened to be about how hard my family was on him. Comparing him to my ex. Making him feel like he wasn’t good enough to be with me. Telling him that he was going to be a shit dad.” Placing your hands on your hips, you glared at your brother. “Does any of that sound familiar, Bradley?”
When he didn’t respond, you grabbed the paper towel roll off the holder and threw it at Bradley’s head. And when that bounced off his arm, you reached over and yanked the dish towels off the oven and chucked them at him too. Bradley walked around the cabinets and grabbed the loaf of bread before you could throw it at him too.
“Just put the bread down,” Bradley tried to coax you, worried that you’d grab a knife next.
“Why the fuck did you say that shit to him!?” you yelled, pushing your brother in the chest.
Bradley called your name softly, but you kept pushing him away or trying to hit him. And when he grabbed your wrists gently, you finally broke down. Bradley, not sure what to say, just pulled you in for a hug. You didn’t fight him on that one.
“I love him, Bradley,” you sobbed, your whole body shaking. “Why’d you say that to him?”
“I’m sorry,” Bradley replied a few moments later.
“Are you? You wanted us to break up and now he’s probably shut down completely and is packing up the rest of my stuff in his apartment as we speak.”
“No, he’s not.”
“How do you know? Do the two of you talk now?”
“After your last appointment, he showed the whole squad and about half of the department the ultrasound. I had several people ask me if he had an identical twin brother playing a prank on everyone because he wasn’t acting like his usual asshole self.” Bradley paused for a moment before adding, “A man who’s that excited about his baby isn’t just going to walk away after a little fight.”
You slowly stopped crying, but you didn’t let go of your brother. And he didn’t let go of you. It kind of reminded you of when he came back home to grab some more of his stuff after his fight with Maverick. You were home and tossed everything but the kitchen sink at him for not calling you to tell you that he was alright.
“Everyone has fights. Emma kicked my ass out onto the couch before. We got through it. You’ll get through it too.”
Maverick walked in with a bag of food, not surprised to see Bradley standing there with you. You and Bradley slowly released each other, and you reached to grab a tissue, but paused when they weren’t at their usual spot. You must have thrown them at Bradley.
“I found them,” Maverick called, grabbing the box from behind the kitchen table.
Jake stared at the ceiling of Javy and Nat’s guest room. He hadn’t slept for more than three hours before the nightmares woke him up. You still hadn’t reached out to him, and he took that to mean that you decided to break up with him and the next time that he’d get to see you was in court about child support.
Well, at least he wasn’t crazy to assume that it could all blow up.
Getting out of bed, Jake got dressed. He usually went for a run after he woke up, but he didn’t even care anymore. He just wanted a coffee. But with his current streak, he’d fuck that up too. Not even bothering to shave, Jake headed out to the kitchen. He heard Phoenix and Javy already up and talking.
But when he turned the corner, Jake was surprised to see Maverick standing there.
“Morning, Jake,” Javy greeted him, placing a cup of coffee down.
Jake walked over quietly, reaching for the coffee. He didn’t respond verbally and simply stared down Maverick, waiting for him to explain his presence.
“Morning, Jake,” Maverick repeated in greeting.
“What are you doing here, Mav?” Jake asked, a bit defensive, but mostly exhausted.
“I came to ask if you were free for a chat,” Maverick replied calmly.
“Do I have a choice?”
“Of course, you have a choice, Jake.”
“Should I bring my photo ID? Or would you prefer to make it a little difficult for whoever drags my body out of the ditch to identify me?”
“You can bring whatever you want.” Maverick glanced between Jake, Javy, and Phoenix before moving to leave. “I’ll wait out in the car.”
Jake turned to Javy and Phoenix, who stared at him with encouraging looks as Maverick walked out of the house. Jake took a sip of his coffee before setting the cup down.
“Did you call him?” Jake grumbled, causing Javy to sigh.
“He called me because he’s worried about her.”
“What do you mean? Is she hurt? Is the baby hurt?” Jake asked urgently, but Phoenix quickly shut it down.
“No, just emotionally.”
“You talked to her?” Jake asked her.
“I texted her,” Phoenix answered honestly. “She responded, but not much.” After sharing a look with her husband, Phoenix added, “And she asked me about you. So, if you want to repair your relationship with her, go for the drive with Maverick.”
“You have nothing to lose by doing it,” Coyote added, causing Jake to look to where Maverick’s car was parked in the driveway.
Jake didn’t know what to think about Maverick taking him for a drive. He just sat and stared. Maverick started driving up the coast, letting Jake stew in the silence, before pulling off the coastal road. It was a random barren pull off with a stretch of sand beyond the pavement that wasn’t even a body length wide.
Jake guessed that Maverick wanted him to swim with the fishes.
They walked to the edge of the lot together, though they made no move to break the silence. Jake stared down at the dark waves, waiting for Maverick to speak. But Maverick was too busy staring off into the distance.
“What is this place?” Jake asked quietly.
“It’s the closest point to where my accident happened. The one that ended the life of my best friend. And the maternal grandfather of your child.”
“Why’d you bring me here?” Jake questioned quietly, sounding like he was walking on eggshells. “Do you even bring them here?”
“I brought Bradley here once. Not long after their mom died. But I never brought her here. I’m sure that Bradley mentioned it to her, but she never asked me to take her here.” A breath of silence passed between them before Maverick added, “I come out here to reflect. I guess it’s a type of therapy for me.”
“Why did you bring me here?” Jake asked again.
“You’re having a baby with my goddaughter. That means that you’re part of our unconventional family now. And despite what you may think about us, we know that we’re not perfect. We’re far from it.”
Maverick stared out at the waves, lost in his thoughts for a moment.
“My father died in Vietnam. He was a pilot and crashed after a dogfight. The State Department ran his name through the mud and sent my mother into a downward spiral. She died less than a year after my father. And then I went into foster care.”
Maverick turned to look at Jake out of the corner of his eye, though Jake did not return his stare.
“The only point that I’m trying to prove to you is that whatever you’re worried about sharing with her about your past, she’s not going to care. Your parents don’t define you. Their lives don’t define yours. And they’re not going to change how she feels about you.”
Maverick turned to Jake, his serious expression hidden by his sunglasses. Jake didn’t return his gaze directly, but his body did tilt more towards Maverick to show that he was listening.
“But she mentioned that you told her that you were trying to ‘protect’ her from your parents, which, as her godfather, raises some concerns.” Maverick folded his arms behind his back. “I don’t need any specifics. All I need to know is whether my goddaughter and her child are in any kind of physical danger.”
“They're not”
“Then what are you referring to?”
“My parents, the type of bullshit that they would try to pull would be financial. They would try to stop the transfer of any of my assets to her and the baby. At least ones that I inherited. They’re not the mafia, just some old money assholes trying to keep their wealth.”
“And the baby? They wouldn’t try any bullshit with the baby, right?” Maverick asked seriously.
“They wouldn't fight for custody. We’re not married and she’s not a choice that they would have ever made for me. They’d probably try to prove that the baby isn’t mine or do something else to cut off any sort of inheritance or child support from me or my estate. They wouldn’t want anything to do with the baby beyond that.”
“We can work with that,” Maverick stated calmly. “But you need to tell her what you told me and even more. If the two of you are going to raise a baby together and deal with whatever your parents throw at you, you need to be on the same page. And we’ll support you through it. All three of you.”
Jake nodded slowly, staring out at the waves in the distance before he looked down at his shoes.
You sat out on Maverick’s back porch in the shade, reading a book when you heard a car pull into the driveway. You assumed that it was just Maverick.
But when Jake came walking around the corner, you completely forgot about your book. Jake slowly walked over to you, stepping up onto the deck, and slowly sat down in the seat across from you. The two of you stared at each other for a moment in silence until Jake finally bucked up the courage to speak.
“Can we talk?” Jake asked softly.
“Yeah,” you returned quietly, shifting in your seat. “Of course, Jake.”
“How are you feeling today?” he awkwardly asked.
“Can we please cut past the small talk?” you inquired, causing Jake to pause, looking a bit surprised. A bit embarrassed, you rephrased your sentiment. “Sorry. I just really want to talk about our fight. It’s been eating away at me since I left.”
“I get it.”
Jake pulled out the envelope that set off a bomb in your relationship. He stared down at it for a moment before leaning over and holding it out to you. You started to reach out but hesitated.
“Read it,” Jake insisted, leaning further forward.
“Are you sure?” you asked quietly, gently taking the envelope from him.
“I want you to read it.”
You slowly opened the envelope and pulled out the card. It started out as a normal card would. But there were a few lines that jumped out at you that were distinctly odd. And by the end of it, you were more confused than you were when you started. You looked up at Jake and handed the card back to him. He placed it on the table between you and stared down at it, getting ready to begin his speech.
“I haven’t talked to my mom in five years. I wasn’t lying about that. But she has sent me a few cards, usually for my birthday, since then. Similar to this one. I’ve ignored them because I was happier without them in my life.” Jake slowly turned back to you. “And the reason why I stopped talking to my mom is because she is an extension of my father.”
Jake looked away for a moment, thinking over his next words carefully, before turning back to you. You were sitting calmly across from him, hands folded in front of your bump.
“My father is the type of guy to make his own kid call him ‘sir’ around the house. He wasn’t caring. He wasn’t ever there for me, except when I won an award or did well. And I caught him cheating on my mom at least three times myself.”
“Does she know that he’s cheating on her?” you asked softly.
“She’s known since the first affair. He’s not exactly a discreet guy. But she’s stayed with him for three reasons—her image in their community, her religion that preaches that divorce is a sin and a bunch of other bullcrap, and because he’s manipulated her into thinking that she owes him.”
“What does she owe him for?” you asked, growing more confused and concerned.
Jake paused, rubbing his hands together. He turned back to you and straightened up.
“Because she could never give him the biological son that he wanted more than anything else in the world,” Jake stated, causing you to blink rapidly.
“But . . . you . . .”
Jake let you fumble for a moment before finally dropping the bomb that he had held inside of him pretty much every day since he found out the news himself all those years ago.
“I’m adopted,” Jake explained calmly. “And you’re only the second person that I’ve ever told.”
“Jake, I never would have cared if you were adopted or not,” you reassured him. “And if I ever did, I’m sorry.”
“You never did. And I wasn’t scared to tell you that I was adopted. I was worried about explaining the story that comes along with it.”
Jake rubbed the back of his neck slowly, trying to figure out the best way to tell you.
“My parents tried to have a baby naturally for three years to no success. My father threatened to divorce my mother because she couldn’t give him a baby. And the bastard never stopped to consider the fact that he might be the problem.”
You sat back quietly, hearing the anger build in Jake’s tone and giving him the space to let those thoughts out.
“He never got any of his mistresses pregnant. If he did, he would have divorced her in a heartbeat and claimed that kid as his true son. And he could have easily pulled it off with a paternity test on me. No one else knew that I was adopted. He would have claimed that my mom got pregnant with another man’s baby and he probably would have gotten away with it. Maternity tests aren’t exactly common outside of adopted children and my mom was never going to expose the secret to the world.”
“There wasn’t any paperwork to say that you were adopted? Nothing?” you asked curiously.
“No, because my manipulative father and desperate mother did it all under the table. They found a woman who was unexpectedly pregnant. Vulnerable. Desperate. Apparently, she couldn’t tell her family about the baby and the father was gone. My mother took her to a doctor and paid for an ultrasound. Discovered that the woman was pregnant with a boy. And so began the sham.”
He couldn’t bear to look at you, afraid of what he would see in your eyes. But now that he had started, he wasn’t sure that he could stop until it was all out there and in the open.
“They took her in until she had the baby. They hid her away with my mother away from everyone for months to build up the story. And after I was born . . . they coerced her into giving me up. They told her that they would give me a better future than she ever would. They offered her money for her troubles and to write a letter to sell whatever story she told her family. And two weeks after I was born, she left.”
Jake stared at the ground for a long moment and only looked up when he heard you move. Picking his head up, Jake watched you as you slowly walked over to him. You hesitated when you drew close, but Jake didn’t pause when he reached out for you. Finding your seat in his lap, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
“The only thing that I can think to say . . . is I’m sorry,” you whispered, causing Jake to pull you closer. “That’s awful, that’s-that’s . . . psychotic. Criminal. Absolutely disgusting. I—” You cut yourself off, focusing on Jake in your arms again. “I’m so sorry, Jake.”
The two of you sat there for a long moment, just processing your conversation. You focused on rubbing Jake’s back and slowly combing your hand through his hair to try and soothe him. You could feel how tense he was and had to wonder how much he had worked himself up to tell you those dark secrets.
Jake didn’t say anything, keeping his face buried in the juncture of your neck. His arm was solid on your back, keeping you supported and close with his hand curled protectively around your bump.
Feeling Jake pick his head up, you turned to meet his gaze, letting him set the tone. He took another breath, leaning back and pulling you further into his lap and you had no qualms about curling up against his chest. You didn’t even realize how much you missed the simplest details about him.
“I don’t plan on ever inviting them back into my life,” Jake began, causing you to nod supportively. His voice cracked a bit as he continued, “And I know that you pictured a life with a guy who didn’t have such a fucked up family and past and—”
“—Jake,” you cut in, tears building in your own eyes. Cupping his cheeks with your hands as a tear slipped down Jake’s cheek, you let a few fall yourself. “I don’t care about any of that. It doesn’t matter what I pictured before I met you. You’re my baby’s father and you’re the man that I love and I don’t care about how your family is. I just care about you.”
“You love me?” Jake asked you softly.
“I love you, Jake Seresin,” you repeated with more confidence in your tone.
“You’re not going to leave me for being a complete asshole to you?” Jake added, his voice breaking again. “Because I hate myself for that. I hated that I said that the second that those words left my mouth.”
“Of course, I’m not leaving you, Jake,” you practically sobbed, tears quickly streaming down your cheeks. “I love you. I don’t want to leave you.”
“I love you too,” Jake returned softly, surprised by the amount of emotion in his voice. “I love you. I love our baby. And I don’t want to do anything else to jeopardize it and risk losing you. Because I can’t lose you. I can’t lose either of you.”
“You’re not,” you promised him, pulling him in for a tight hug again. “We’re not going anywhere.”
“I was stressed and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I just—when Cyclone told me about my promotion, he told me that there was a higher chance that I could get deployed over the next few weeks or months.”
“Jake,” you whimpered softly, drawing your fingers down his cheek. “It wouldn’t be your fault.”
“It would feel that way.”
“But it wouldn’t be,” you told him firmly. “I know that you want to be there, Jake. I’m not going to hold that against you. I knew that was a possibility. And I don’t want you to hold that against yourself, alright?”
“—Alright,” you pressed more.
The two of you latched onto each other, letting your tears dry and fade. You felt Jake press a kiss to your neck and leaned into the touch when you suddenly jolted in his lap.
“What? What’s wrong?” Jake asked you quickly, causing you to smile.
“Nothing’s wrong. They’re just moving again. They scared me.” Moving Jake’s hand to rest over the side of your bump that your child was active around, even though he wouldn’t be able to actually feel them, you rested your head on his chest. “They weren’t moving around as much when I was here.”
“Do you need to go to the doctor?” Jake asked, staring worriedly down at your bump.
“I called yesterday. They said just to monitor them and to relax a little bit more. And they were right because now our child’s moving around again.” You leaned back against him as he curled his arm around your bump. “They’re going to be a handful? Aren’t they?”
“More than likely,” Jake agreed, sharing a smile with you before turning back to your bump. “But stop scaring your mom. Do you hear me?” After a moment, Jake turned back to you. “Can they hear me?”
“I think so. At my last appointment, they said that the baby should be responding to sound soon.”
Leaning down more so that he could speak directly to your bump, Jake repeated his earlier message, causing you to laugh. He picked his head back up and turned to you, smiling softly. You leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek. He, in turn, pressed a kiss to your lips that you happily accepted.
“Do you think that you’re ready to come home with me?” Jake asked, causing you to nod quickly. “Then let’s get you packed.”
Jake got you packed in about ten minutes and as you pulled your snacks out of the cupboards, Maverick came walking back inside. He paused by the door, hanging up his keys, before walking over.
“You’re heading home?”
“Yeah. Thanks for taking me in for a little bit,” you replied softly.
“You’re always welcome.”
You pulled Maverick in for a hug and whispered your thanks again. Maverick gave you a squeeze and looked up when Jake came walking around the corner with your bag. Releasing you, Maverick stepped aside and let the two of you out the door.
“Drive safe.”
“We will,” you promised him, smiling over your shoulder at your godfather.
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luxaofhesperides · 7 months
We Are Robins meeting to Signal apprehending Danny ; requested by @zylev-blog!
“Hey, Danny. How are you feeling?”
Danny gives Duke a tired smile, his head falling back against the wall. He’s sitting up today, which is good. It’s definitely an improvement from the many days Danny was unable to do much but lie down and grit his teeth through the pain as Duke checked on the gunshot wound. It’s a good thing Danny’s a meta with a healing factor, or nothing Duke could have done would have saved him.
As it is, the wound was severe enough to keep Danny vulnerable and unable to move on his own without making it worse. Though Duke has looked, he hasn’t had any luck in finding whoever did this to Danny. He hasn’t brought it up to the rest of the We Are Robin gang, but only because Danny only let him help if he kept it between the two of them.
What’s another secret? If it lets him stay close to Danny and make sure he’s healing well, then he’ll keep quiet and carry on the search by himself. He’s got plenty of practice in doing things on his own.
“Busy out there?” Danny asks as Duke sits down next to him, dropping his backpack onto the ground. 
“Yeah, it’s tough with the cops after us, but someone needs to help Gotham and with Batman gone…”
A pained expression crossed Danny’s face. Eyeing him carefully, Duke opened his backpack and pulled out a few protein bars and sports drinks for him. Once Danny takes them and began eating one, Duke takes out the first aid kit, always kept at the bottom of the backpack, and sets it in front of Danny.
The most he can do is offer supplies and company at this stage of Danny’s healing. He gets twitchy and tense when Duke tries to tend to his wound, and seems to have plenty of practice in patching himself up. 
He didn’t answer when Duke commented on it once, so Duke let the matter drop. 
Metas may have legal protection, but that doesn’t stop people from targeting them. Duke has no intention of pushing Danny into remembering unpleasant things while he’s already wounded, hiding out in the upper corner of an abandoned warehouse taken over by a group of homeless people. Most aren’t inside during the day, choosing instead to be out with the rest of the city, which leaves them alone. 
Duke keeps an eye on the ground floor of the warehouse, making sure no one comes in while Danny tends to his wound. When he peeks back, he can see that it’s much smaller than it was the night Duke found him, crawling down an alley with one hand clutching his side, tears slipping down his face. There had been so much blood that Duke was sure he had just stumbled upon someone dying and froze, horrified. 
And then a shout down the road prompted him to move, hauling Danny up and helping him into the warehouse to hide. 
For a normal person, if it didn’t kill them, the wound would still be raw and bleeding, larger than any gunshot wound he’s seen before. But Danny’s wound is closing up quickly, no longer bleeding, the edges a healing pink.
It doesn’t look like it’s going to scar, either. 
“Think it’ll be all healed up by the end of the week?”
Danny glances up, then continues covering it with new bandage, large enough to cover the entire wound. “Hopefully,” he says. “Then I’ll be out of your hair and can figure out a way to get home.”
“Your folks gonna look out for you?”
“Probably. I’m not planning on telling them, though, since they’ll get way too overprotective. The only reason they’re not tearing Gotham apart looking for me is because I came here with my godfather and he told them we’d be gone for two weeks. Can’t believe he tried to kill me on day one…”
“Your godfather tried to kill you?”
“Yeah. Not personally, or anything, but he definitely hired the guy who shot me. Though he also yelled at him for shooting me? Not sure what that’s about, but I never trusted the guy and he didn’t try to help me afterwards when I ran away, so. You know.”
Duke wants to have a conversation with Danny’s godfather. Maybe bring the other Robins along to make sure the message sinks in: Don’t touch Danny.
But Danny, acting so casual about his godfather trying to kill him, would be unhappy about it, and Duke would really rather be able to take care of him than be shut out for trying to take control of the situation.
“Shit, man, that sucks,” he offers, instead of prying for details so he can hunt down his godfather. “You want a hug or something? I can’t really do much else, but if it can make you feel better about all this…”
Danny brightens and shoves the first aid kit away, his shirt (one of Duke’s old ones he offered up to replace the bloodstained one) falling to cover the bandage. “Please. I would love a hug, dude, I don’t remember the last time I felt so lonely.”
Carefully, Duke wraps his arms around Danny, leaning back so Danny could relax fully and not worry about holding himself up. Danny sighs into the hug, going fully limp as he drops his forehead onto Duke’s shoulder.
“Thanks for this. And everything,” Danny says some time later. He doesn’t move to pull away, so Duke stays as he is, watching the weak sunlight slowly move across the warehouse as it spills in from dirty windows. 
“You don’t need to thank me. I mean, I’m a Robin.” He brings up a hand to tap a finger against the R embroidered into his jacket. “It’s what we’re here for.”
It’s been years since he saw Danny. After he was fully healed, Duke helped him get to city limits, watching as he boarded a bus and disappeared down the road, leaving his life just as suddenly as he entered it.
After spending so much time together, quiet hours of stillness just looking out for each other, his life feels emptier without Danny in it. He knew it wouldn’t last, that Danny would go home eventually, but it didn’t make the parting any easier.
Even now, as Signal, taking a break from going on missions with the Outsiders to spend some time with the Bats, his thoughts drift towards Danny, wondering if he’s alright. In his darker moments, he wonders if Danny’s godfather has tried to kill him again, if he’s succeeded. In calmer, happier moments, he remembers Danny’s quiet stories about his family, his town, all his dreams and hopes for the future, remembers the easy company and how Danny didn’t look at him with pity when talked about his parents, just quiet and contemplative. 
Sometimes, he can’t resist the urge to look him up, but there are so many Danny’s out there that he doesn’t know where to start. He never got Danny’s last name or learned when he came from.
It’s not like he can just ask the Bats for help finding a guy he knew for two weeks before he ever joined them. They’re all busy with their own missions, and definitely don’t have time for Duke’s reminiscing. 
“Just caught sight of the truck entering city limits,” Oracle says in his ear. “It’s heading towards the Coventry.”
“On it. Any movement from the mobs?”
“None yet. I expect this to change soon. Red Hood and Black Bat are patrolling nearby if you need backup.”
“Got it. Signal out.”
His comline shuts with a little click, and then he’s grappling over the roof tops, keeping an eye on the roads in search of the truck. He doesn’t have time to think of Danny anymore, not when a shipment of new, experimental weapons is passing through Gotham. Spoiler had heard a few whispers of it and Red Robin helped find more solid details; the mobs are all looking to take the shipment for themselves in an attempt to get the upper hand in the nonstop fight for control of Gotham’s streets. 
It’s passing through during the day, visible and a good move to keep from being ambushed at night, but it’s not enough to stop mobs hoping to take out their competition with new weapons. Duke enters the Coventry just as his comline beeps once and Oracle begins giving him specific directions, along with a brief description of what the truck looks like. 
Apparently, the weapons are being moved in a U-Haul rental truck. That is… certainly a Choice™ to make for moving weapons around the country.
He follows it from the rooftops, but nothing happens. The truck passes through the Coventry without incident and takes a turn that keeps it away from Crime Alley and the Bowery. It gets to the middle of East End then pulls to a stop in the parking lot of a diner. 
Two people get out and stretch, then head in to get something to eat.
It would be the perfect time for someone to break in. Duke pulls the light over himself, manipulating it to make him disappear from sight as he looks down from the edge of the rooftop, tense and prepared for anything.
He almost doesn’t see it at first. It’s just a flicker, a flash of color, a shift in the shadows across the street. But he does see it, even if he can’t find it again, and drops down from the roof, creeping towards the truck.
Duke waits, holding his breath, off to the side of the parking lot. 
A minute passes. And then a figure materializes out of thin air, floating right behind the truck. All Duke can see is white hair and a black body suit; they’re either a meta or an alien, but either way, Duke is ready to take them down.
The figure lifts their hands and a bolt of neon green energy hits the truck, melting the back and leaving a large hole that gives them direct access to the weapons. And then they shoot again, destroying the weapons.
“Phantom!” someone shouts, and the truck driver comes tearing out of the restaurant, a white gun in his hand. His companion follows, her gun also out, and the begin shooting. 
Phantom dodges the blasts, then vanishes from sight. He reappears behind them a moment later, tackling back of them into the side of the truck. 
“No you don’t!” Duke say, rushing forward as he pulls at the shadows around him then sends them racing towards Phantom, restraining them. The driver and his companion collapse onto the ground, groaning weakly, and Duke grits his teeth. “O, send someone to look after the people moving the weapons. Apprehending an attacker now.”
He doesn’t wait to hear a response, tightening the shadow’s grip on Phantom, who struggles fiercely.
“We can do this the hard way, or the easy way,” he says, pulling Phantom closer to him.
Phantom doesn’t answer. They just scream, the force of it making Duke fall back. His shadows dissipate, and Phantom flies up.
“Get back here!”
Duke gives chase, dropping in and out of shadows, throwing some at Phantom in the hopes of catching him again. But Phantom is fast and it takes all he has to keep up as they cross Gotham.
He thought Phantom was flying around blindly, but the way they move across the roofs and then through the streets are too confident, too focused to be anything other than someone with a destination in mind. But where? Where could they be going? If they’ve been in Gotham, then Duke would have heard of them.
A flying, powerful meta with a multitude of powers? Yeah, he would have known about them.
Phantom flies through a wall and Duke curses, going onto the roof and looking around, waiting to see them fly out. But they don’t and Duke finds a broken skylight to drop in from, landing on the support beams of the warehouse, well above the ground.
He knows the warehouse, he realizes suddenly. It’s the warehouse Danny hid in while he was healing. Duke hasn’t been back in years.
“Just listen to me, please,” a voice says behind him, and Duke tense, spinning around to face Phantom, floating just out of reaching distance. “Those weapons are dangerous. No one should have them, it’s why I had to destroy them. Please, you can’t let them get those weapons out.”
Duke stares. Something about Phantom is familiar. The shape of his face, maybe. His voice. Maybe it’s just because he’s in the warehouse again, with someone pleading for his help.
Maybe it’s all in his mind.
Phantom flinches, floating back a few inches. “What— How—”
“What happened? Is it your godfather again?”
“My— Duke? Is that you?!”
He definitely shouldn’t be doing this, but Danny’s here. Danny’s here in front of him, needing help, and he doesn’t need the Signal. He needs Duke.
He pulls off his helmet and lifts his bare face to Danny.
“Oh,” Danny breathes. “Well. I guess I should have known you’d be a hero. Can you help me one last time?”
“Yeah, of course Danny. Tell me what you need.”
“Those weapons, they were first made to kill me and others like me. It’s a whole thing I don’t have time to explain. But they’ve been changed to affect humans, all types of people, as well. I can survive a few hits from those weapons, but for most people, it would kill them instantly. I need to destroy all of them and stop any further production before the rest of the world gets a hold of them.”
“That’s why you—”
“They have to be destroyed,” Danny says. “And the people making and selling them need to be stopped. I can’t do it on my own. I’ve tried, but…”
“I’ll help,” Duke says, “I’ll help. This is a big enough problem to bring the Outsiders into it. Or the Bats, but they like to stay in Gotham.”
Danny floats closer, looking painfully relieved. “Really? They’ll be able to put an end to this?”
Duke reaches for him. “Yeah. they can do it. I’ll make sure of it.”
Danny’s feet land on the support beam as his hand meets Duke’s. They balance above the rest of the warehouse, drinking in the sight of each other. Duke rubs his thumb over Danny’s knuckles in soothing circles and watches as the tension begins to fall away from Danny’s shoulders.
“Duke,” he whispers, “I’ve missed you—”
The door below is kicked open, and a gunshot rings out. 
Moving on instinct, Duke tackles Danny, wrapping him up in his arms as they fall off the support beam. They hit the ground hard, rolling a bit, and Duke tucks Danny into his chest, bodily protecting him.
The Red Hood stands over him, menacing, a gun pointed at him. 
“Hood?” He loosens his grip on Danny. “What the hell was that for?” 
“Thought you needed back up. You chased after our guy and lost your helmet, I think I’m right to be a little worried about you. So, who’s this?” There’s a hard edge to his voice, and Duke realizes with a sinking heart that all anyone else sees is an aggressor, a meta who attacked a truck full of weapons, attacked two people, and had to be chased down by the Signal. Jason’s seeing a threat and acting accordingly, putting Duke’s safety first. 
And with his helmet off, identity clear, Danny’s even more dangerous now that he has this knowledge.
“I’m sorry,” Danny whispers to Duke. He doesn’t have time to ask for what? before Danny’s shooting another beam of green energy at Jason then taking off, flying through the roof and out of sight.
“Shit,” Jason mutters, straightening up from where he ducked to avoid being hit, then puts his gun away and kneels next to Duke. “You alright? Why’d you let him go? I thought you had him.”
“I’m fine. He’s not… He wasn’t going to hurt me. He just needed help.”
“Sure. And what are you not telling me?”
“I knew him. He’s a good person, but he’s been in danger for a long time. This was him trying to protect others from what he went through.”
Jason takes off the helmet and stares at him. Then he sighs and reaches a hand down to help Duke to his feet. “Alright,” he says, “Let’s head back to the truck. You have until then to convince me that they’re the problem, and if they are, then I’ll help you blow up more of their weapons.” He claps a hand on Duke’s shoulder, then pulls his helmet back on. “Grab your helmet. We’re wasting daylight, Narrows.”
There’s nothing else he can do, no way to search for Danny when there are other leads to chase, so Duke grapples up to the catwalk where his helmet landed and grabs it.
Just before he puts it on, he sees a flicker of white just outside the window he’s facing. He ducks his head to hide a smile. It’s almost like he’s stepped back in time; Danny’s here in Gotham, needing help and asking for it in the warehouse. 
And though so much has changed in those years, there’s still one thing that Duke will ensure never changes: he’s Danny’s hero. Above Robin, or Signal, or anything else, Duke is Danny’s hero.
This time, he has the power to actually help Danny. He’s going to make sure no one ever hurts Danny again.
“Let’s go,” he says, jumping back down to Jason, helmet on. “I’ll tell you everything you need to know.”
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dizscreams · 1 year
Hii hii can I request a Jack Champion × actress reader where they react on some edits Abt the two of them in an interview and then one ship edit Abt them came out thank you so much
++ I luv your writing so much some times I go overboard by liking all of them sorry Abt that Have a great day/night
ur so sweet anon ty :( <3 I hope I understood this right 😭
Mesmerized — Jack Champion ★
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PAIRING: Jack Champion x gn!reader
TAGS: @beary-rambles @ashlesys-blog @wekiamo @wenvierismycomfort @aesthetixhoe @mbankfav @aqellano @dizzyscreams @c8rdigan @teyamsgirll @evanpeterswifeyy868
A/N: he’s so bf like he’s literallyy my bf?! I love my bf!! bf!! he’s so this song!!
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The producers for the interview you were doing didn’t tell you what the interview would be about. Both you and Jack just assumed it was a normal interview until you had to do the intro for the video. ‘Action!’
You wave, “Hi I’m y/n l/n!” Jack follows you and waves as well, “And I’m Jack Champion.” You both share a smile before quickly looking back at the camera, “And today we are going to be reacting to edits of ourselves.” Jacks eyes widen a bit before nodding slightly, “Lets do it.” “Lets do it,” you repeat.
Someone gives you a phone and tells you all you need to do is scroll and give commentary. “Jack, do you ever look at edits of yourself?” You ask him before clicking on the first video, you pause it before it starts to hear Jacks answer. “Uhh sometimes,” he laughs, “When I’m bored, or they’ll randomly appear on my for you page. What about you?” You smile a bit, “Same here. I also get tagged in a lot of them.” “Oohh yeah me too.”
“Shall we start?” You ask shaking the phone a little.
“We shall,” Jack responds with finger guns. You chuckle and start the first video, it’s an edit of Jack. It was of his Scream 6 character, Ethan Landry. Jack was blushing slightly when you had looked over at him. You giggled when the video ended, “Soo what’d you think?” He giggled with you, “People are really talented. I will say though I wasn’t expecting so many people to love Ethan. Especially because of.. the movie,” he said slowly.
You hum, “The movies been out a while I think you can say it.” He looks at you and then back at the camera, “I didn’t expect many people to love my character in Scream 6 because he’s a psychopathic murderer who chases people in a Ghostface mask,” He says in an accent and claps his hands together. You cover your mouth with your hand as you laugh. “Alright let’s move on, next!” Jack says smiling.
“Okay, here you can take the phone this time,” you tell him handing the phone to him. He takes it and scrolls down to the next edit, “I think it’s of you,” he whisper yells. You recognize the clip used as one in an interview you did only about a week ago. Jack looked at the video and then looked back at you while grinning. He seemed to be enjoying this a little too much, but you didn’t mind.
“Aw I liked that one,” you spoke up first.
“Me too,” Jack says as he stared at you. He liked the outfit you chose to wear today, he always admired your sense of style. He also liked the way you did your hair, it framed your face nicely. “Jack?” He cleared his throat, “Yeah? What?” You let out a confused laugh, “Were you listening?” His face turned red at the question, “uhhh-” You shake your head with a smile, “It’s okay, next edit!” You stick out your hand, signaling for him to give you the phone and he just looks at it.
You shake your hand and nod towards the phone a bit trying to be more clear and he tilts his head. You look at him and he looks like a lost puppy with his big brown eyes boring into yours. You smile a bit and lower your voice, “The phone, Jack.” “OH! Right yeah here,” he stumbles over his words as he hands you the phone. The light pink blush dusting his cheeks once again making him look even cuter than before.
“Okay and here we go,” you mutter. The video plays and at first it’s clips of Jack, you can recognize where some of the clips are from. A lot of them are from Avatar interviews, which makes sense. But then there’s clips of you and that causes your eyebrows to knit together slightly. Just a friendly edit, you presumed, but at the end of the video there’s a clip of you and Jack together.
It’s a clip from a little behind the scenes of Scream 6. The small moment was of Jack putting his arm around you while you were both in the backseat of a bus going to set that day. You smiled at the memory and the video came to an end, “That was cute.” He nodded in agreement, he had the same stupid smile on his face, “Yeah.” You took a peak at the comments, all of them were ship comments.
“They’d be so cute together!”
“Are we sure they aren’t dating?”
“The way they look at each other 🥹”
“There’s no way they aren’t dating”
Your smile got bigger and you handed Jack the phone with a quiet, “Your turn.”
The interview went on for a couple more minutes until they were satisfied with the length that the video would be. Then, it was time for the outro. “I’m y/n l/n,” Jack said and you followed his lead, “And I’m Jack Champion.”
“And you’re watching Disney Channel!”
“That’s not it, Jack-“
“And you’re watching Buzzfeed Celeb!”
“There you go. Thank you so much for watching..”
“And make sure to leave a like for more content like this,” he said finishing your sentence in a British accent.
“Cut! That was great, guys.”
You looked at Jack only to find him already looking at you, “You wanna go get lunch?” He asked already standing. “Of course.” You guys made your way out of the filming room and he made sure nobody was looking before he grabbed your hand, giving it a kiss,
“You don’t know how hard it was for me to stay quiet about our relationship. You looked so good, I just wanted to brag about how you were mine the whole time,” he said while pulling you in for a hug. You giggling and wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss, “We’ll tell them soon, babe.”
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Ok so, ever since I’ve discovered your blog I’m addicted, how you manage to make me love Eddie even more than I already did is beyond le but somehow you did it! I just noticed that your requests were open and was wondering if you could write Eddie with fem reader who’s like, hyper affectionate; she just need to have some sort of physical contact with him even if it it’s just touching his arm or something else. And when she wants affection but is worried to be annoying by asking she does a simply thing where she rest her head against his back or arm?
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
A/N: Hello friend! Thank you so so much for this request! I’m so sorry that it took so long, my mental health hasn’t been great so writing has been hard for me on top of how busy life has been. But this request hit SO close to home as I am constantly looking for affection from my loved ones and I’m just hyper affection in general, I love writing this. I really hope you like it!
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You had always been considered “touchy”, you always wanted to be touching the people you love. Person, to be more accurate, as currently the only person you really cared about touching was your boyfriend Eddie Munson. You were always trying to hold his hand or arm, hug him, kiss him, really any sort of affection you could get from him.
Currently you were in his bed with him, both of you reading different magazines as a mixtape he made for you played softly on the stereo. You were itching to touch him, feeling exceptionally touch starved today. But you were trying to hold back, worried that you were annoying him with your constant need for affection.
You had been with each other all day, practically attached to Eddie’s hip as you went about your day. You held his hand when you would walk anywhere, wrap yourself up in his arms when you would sit next to each other, lean up for kisses whenever you could. You were like his little shadow, following him in hopes that you’d get to touch him again.
Eddie had never, ever, made you feel like your affection was unwanted or annoying, yet your insecurities made you second guess that he liked it. Your mind would sometimes scold you for how needy you felt, telling you things like: “He just hugged you, don’t annoy him by asking again!” “He’s been holding your hand all day, give him some space!” And now, as you stared at the magazine in front of you, itching to be held by your boyfriend, it was telling you to leave him alone.
“You okay baby?” Eddie's voice rang out, breaking you from your thoughts.
“What? Oh, yeah, I’m okay. Why do you ask Eds?” You said quickly, whipping your head to the side to look at him. Soft eyes full of adoration found yours and you tried not to melt.
“You haven’t turned the page in like fifteen minutes. What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” He asked with a gentle smile. His hand came up to cup your cheek lightly, thumb caressing the apple of your cheek soothingly.
“I just got distracted, don’t worry about me Eds.” You said with a smile of your own, not wanting to bother him.
“If you're sure, baby.” He smiled before pecking your lips quickly and going back to his magazine.
You smiled from the small dose of affection he gave you, relieved that he initiated it with you. But you wanted more, you wanted to be in his arms snuggled into his chest, your favorite place to be. You loved hearing his heartbeat as it thumped against your ear, you loved the way his scent clung to you after and how you could smell him on your clothes for days, you loved hearing the low rumble in his chest when he would hum or talk to you. You just loved being close to him.
You sighed quietly as to not alarm him, giving into your desires. You looked over to him as he read and leaned your head against his arm. A silent plea Eddie knew to mean that you wanted his attention and affection.
You heard him chuckle as you screwed up your eyes, “There she is. My baby want some lovin’?” He cooed as he put the magazine on his side table and pulled you into his arms, resting you against his chest gently. You heard him chuckle again as you nodded your head against him with a little excited “mhmm!”, happy to be in his arms finally. “I’ll always have lovin’ to give to you sweetheart.” He laughed as you seemed to almost burrow into him further.
He grabbed your leg and pulled it over to the other side of his body so you were effectively straddling him as you cuddled into his chest. “There you go, I want you as close as possible sweet thing. We can stay like this all night if you want, okay?” He asked, rubbing up and down your back as he placed soft kisses into your hair.
“Thank you baby.” You mumbled against his shirt. “I love you so much Eddie.”
“Oh I love you too sweetness. So fuckin much.” He said, you could hear the smile pulling at his lips as he spoke. You let out a dreamy sigh as he started to hum along to the song that was playing as he continued to rub your back, he was just as ecstatic to have you in his arms as you were to be there.
Taglist: @srapalestina @yvonneeeee @cityofidek @anaisweird @mrslovesmayahawke @harrys-tittie @becca-alexa @catacina
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wildemaven · 8 months
he makes life better | joel miller
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-> pairing: no outbreak!joel miller x reader
-> word count: 1335
-> content warning: 18+ blog; bad day, annoyed with work, dealing with flat tire, joel being sweet, lots of fluff
-> note: this is for my sweet friend @gnpwdrnwhiskey hoping this brings a smile to her face 💞 this isn’t beta’d either so it’s probably filled with mistakes lol.
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Joel ❤️: How’s your day going Honey?
I’m so ready for my shift to be over. I’d rather read the dictionary, front to back, than deal with the shit they have me doing today. 
“That bad, huh?” Joel’s voice brings you an instant smile when you answer his call, silently stepping away from the mess that you were dealing with at work. 
“You have no idea. It already feels like it’s been the longest week, today has just added to the shit show life keeps throwin’ at me lately. Went to leave for work this morning and I had a flat tire. Ugh! I’m sorry for complaining.” You vent to him, tucking yourself in a secluded corner. You were going against policy by taking a personal call while on the clock, but you didn’t care about company policy or the outcome of you were to get caught at the moment— Joel was your only focus right now. 
“Hey, none of that. Don’t apologize for being stressed. Why didn’t ya call me ‘bout your tire?” Joel asked. 
You know he would’ve dropped everything the minute did call him, which is also why you didn’t. He had been stressing over starting at a new job site, one of the biggest ones he had been hired for. The last thing you wanted was to add to his already busy day of things he had to deal with. 
“You’d already left for work and had that new job you’ve been talkin’ about. Didn’t wanna bother you with it. I called AAA and had them put the spare on for me so I could drop it off at the tire shop. Now, I’m unexpectedly the owner of 4 new tires.” 
“I don’t care how busy I am— you need something, you call me, no matter what. Got that, Honey?” 
“Got it, Joel. Thank you.” You smile into the phone at his concern for you, always finding ways to make you fall even deeper in love with him. 
“Good. Hey, I gotta go. Tommy looks like he’s about ready to break his back. I should probably go help him before he actually does and my insurance takes a hit. I’ll see ya tonight then, sweetheart?” 
“Yeah. I should be outta here in 3 hours.” The end to your long shift, almost over. 
“That sounds great! I love you, Honey. I’ll see ya later.” You can faintly hear Tommy cursing in the background. 
“Love you too, Joel.” You tell him before the line goes dead. Giving yourself a few minutes of quiet before heading back to join your team and the never ending line of customers. 
The rest of your shift goes by fairly quickly. Joel’s phone call must have been just the moral boost you needed to sprinkle a little bit of extra positivity into your day.
The minute the clock hit 5 pm, you wasted no time clocking out and logging out of your computer for the day. Deliberately bypassing your usual exit path to avoid any chatty coworkers, Joel and home your main focus of the rest of your day, you weren’t going to waste any time stuck in drawn out conversations. 
Your purse thrown over your shoulder, work apron crumpled in one hand and the other holding your empty tumbler that once held the warm delicious coffee you had hoped would sustain you through the day, now wishing it was filled with something a little stronger to help you unwind when you got home. 
It’s a struggle trying to juggle your things as you search for your keys, lost somewhere in the depths of your purse along with the rest of your life's necessities. You pause in the middle of an empty parking space near where your jeep is parked to give the search your full attention. After some thorough digging, you locate your keys and let out an exasperated sigh, one step closer to being home. 
Taking a step forward as you press the unlock button on your key, you look up to see an unexpected sight. A familiar truck in the parking spot next to yours, and the most handsome man leaning on it. He looks like he came straight from the job sight, too. His peppered grey hair disheveled, but his soft curls were still intact even after a long day. The sleeves of your favorite green flannel are rolled up over his flexed forearms that are crossed against his chest, the fabric stretched over his broad shoulders. 
The sight of him is enough to melt away any of the bullshit you had endured over the past week, a completely welcomed surprise. 
“What are you doing here?” You ask him, letting your feet carry you the rest of the way to him. 
“Heard you were havin’ a shitty day. Couldn’t let my lady end it on a bad note.” He croons, pushing himself off the side of his truck, opening his arms to you. 
You melt into him, your face nestled into his shoulder. His rugged scent of musky vanilla and natural pheromones is permanently infused into the fibers of his shirt, it’s your favorite thing ever. His strong arms wrap around you as he presses a soft kiss to your temple, prompting you to straighten up, looking into his amber eyes. 
“Hi, Cowboy.” You beam at him. 
“Hi.” He says, leaning in to gently mold his lips over yours. “I’ve got a surprise for ya, Honey.” 
“This was enough of a surprise for me. What more could I need?” Stealing another kiss from him. 
“If I tell ya, it won’t be a surprise then, will it?” He says, tilting his head slightly as he looks at you. 
“I guess you have a point.” 
“We’ve gotta get going though, it’s time sensitive.” He grabs for your things and walks you around to the passenger door, holding it open as you climb in. “We’ll grab your jeep in the mornin’, if that’s okay with you?” 
“Whatever you say, Cowboy.” He leans back in for another kiss, before making his way around into the driver’s seat. 
The drive isn’t long. Down some familiar roads that lead to a dirt one off the main highway. His truck travels down the gravel road lined with a barbed wire fence. After a few minutes he’s pulling off to the side and killing the engine. 
“You brought me to my favorite place.” Looking over to his side of the truck, where he’s already looking in your direction. Your heart grows at how he thought to bring you here, knowing how much joy it brings you every time. 
“Thought you could use it. Look, here they come.” He says pointing to your window. 
Off in the distance, the small herd of cows were in pursuit of their evening meal and water break. Mamas with their little rambunctious calves trailing behind, trekking along the same path they travel each evening. 
It’s a calming sight. Their heads bobbling with each dramatic step. Tails whipping over their rear ends to swat away the annoying flies. A few stopping mid trek to look in your direction, letting out a long drawn out moo. Their friendly hello, it’s good to see you again, then back on the move. 
The sky is painted in pinks and purples as the sun dips below the horizon. Your day feeling less shitty as you sit silently in the cab of Joel’s truck. His hand resting on your thigh while his thumb draws soft circles over thick denim seam. 
“Thank you for this. Didn’t realize how much I needed it. I love you, Joel.” You tell him, rolling your head over the headrest in his direction. 
“I did it because I love you, Honey. And s’what I’m here for.” There’s a low rumble in the air as he turns the key over, shifting the truck into drive. “Now, how ‘bouts we head on home and I spend the rest of the evenin’ show you all the other ways I love you?”
“Take me home, Cowboy.” 
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judesmoonbeauty · 9 days
Black Wedding: The True Vow For A Jet-Black Bride - Harrison Gray
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do not post my translations elsewhere. What I obtain is what will be translated. If other blogs have translated the stories before I do, I will notate their blogs. Thank you, for you support! ☾.
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On a day before the wedding -
(I think I prefer this dress.)
We were at a boutique having a custom-fitting done.
While white dresses are popular, I chose a jet-black wedding dress.
(The black wedding dress means that no one else can stain it, but you.)
I remember wearing a dress of the same color for a mission once upon a time.
(At the time, I never thought I’d have a wedding.)
The delicately embroidered dress captivated my eyes as I spun around in front of the mirror.
(Beautiful….I wonder how Harry will react.)
From the time we started dating until today, there has not been a day that I have not thought about him.
(I’m sure Harry will tell me it looks good on me, but I think he’ll lie again.)
(But now, I know his true feelings.)
We went through a lot before I was able to see through his lies.
(He thought he shouldn’t be happy, but he’s changed and swore to be with me forever…..)
(What should I do……I’m going to cry even though the ceremony hasn’t even started yet.)
I felt a burning behind my eyes and looked up trying hide them-
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Harrison: Kate, you finished changing?
I heard his voice through the curtains.
Kate: Yes, I’m done.
When I looked through the gap in the curtains, I saw him looking different than usual…..
Harrison: Why are you just sticking your neck out?
Kate: It’s a little embarrassing……Harry, you look great.
As I admired his unfamiliar appearance, the realization of our marriage was growing rapidly.
(To have such a wonderful man to be my husband……)
Harrison: …..I’m just as embarrassed. Let me see you in your dress.
Kate: Oh, right! Here…..
I try to open the curtain, but it’s blocked by his hand.
Kate: Harry?
Harrison: Uh….wait. I’ll turn around.
Kate: What?
Harrison: I just need to be prepared.
He turns his back on me and takes a deep breath.
Harrison: …….Okay.
As soon as he turned around, I opened the curtains and stood in front of him.
Kate: …..Harry?
Harry was unusually frozen.
He didn’t respond or even blink when I waved in his face.
Kate: ……Perhaps it doesn’t suit me?
(It didn’t suit me so much that it left him speechless…….?)
Becoming anxious, I pulled at his sleeve, and the moment I did, he suddenly hid his face.
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Harrison: Sorry, I made you uneasy. That’s not it.
Kate: Then why are you hiding your face?
I tried to peek, but he turned his face away…..
Harrison: Don’t look at me.
Kate: Huh?
Harrison: …..Because I feel like I’m going to cry.
The slightest glimpse of his eyes were shining,
Harrison: It just hit me that we’re really getting married…….I can’t wait to be with you.
Harrison: I’m so happy……
As his voice trailed off, he crouched down on the spot.
The sound of sniffling echoed through the room, and seeing him for the first time, made me want to cry as well,
I crouched down and faced him.
Kate: We’re getting married, Harry.
Harrison: …..Yeah.
Kate: We’ll be together from now on.
Harrison: Yes……..
He took my hand while trembling.
Harrison: ……I never thought this day would come until I met you.
Harrison: It makes me anxious when I’m this happy.
A single drop slides down his cheek and falls onto the back of my hand as he mutters.
That makes me feel so happy and loved.
Kate: …..I also, never thought this day would come until I met you.
Kate: For the first time, I felt like wanted to be happy with someone.
A drop falls from my eye as I can no longer bear it.
Kate: I love you, Harry. Love you.
Laughing through his tears, he hugged me with all his strength.
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Harrison: I love you too.
Kate: I love you more.
Harrison: Nah, I’m on my side for this one.
When I shake my shoulder in uncontrollable laughter, I can hear the same laughter in my ears.
Harrison: ……The dress. It looks great on you. I don’t want anyone else to see it.
Kate: Heh……thank you.
Harrison: I’ll be sure to escort you on the day of the ceremony.
Harrison: Just for now…….let me savor this happiness.
Sunlight pours down to bless us as we are filled with joy and love.
We will surely share a lot of happiness in the future.
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[Black Wedding Master List] Tag list: @theimaginativelyreticent
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sturniololoco · 4 months
can you do one where justin is in la visiting and all the boys start doing stuff (going out to eat, going shopping, etc) all without her and she starts to feel left out so she isolates herself until chris starts to notice and does something to make her feel better (her and chris are the closest)
Left Out
Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo triplets
warnings: crying, angriness, jealousy, fluff, etc.
Today was a big day for my brothers and I: My oldest brother Justin was flying into LA to spend the week with us.
We were in the car, heading to the airport to pick him up.
Nick pulled out the camera and began filming an intro to the blog they were filming while he’s here.
“Are you excited?” Nick asked me, leaning over and holding the camera to show the both of us in selfie position.
“Heck yes!” I said, leaning over and smiling into the lenses with Nick.
“That’s good because we’re almost there!” Matt said as we passed under the green sign that said we were taking the exit to get to the airport.
“Hey guys!” Justin said as he saw us parked in the back of the parking garage.
He gave each of my brothers a hug, smiling into the camera that Nick had rolling.
I sat there excitedly, waiting for my hug from my big brother.
But it didn’t come.
“Sis, you cool with sitting in the back?” Chris asked me as he put the very back seat down before throwing Justin’s bags in the trunk.
“Oh-um yeah.” I said, not seeming like I had much of a choice, I quietly climbed in the back of the car.
I was pretty quiet on the ride home, giving up on trying to but into the conversation.
As we pulled into the driveway, everyone got out, except for me who was waiting for Chris to put the seat down so I could climb out.
But he didn’t.
He walked inside, carrying Justin’s backpack as they walked inside, leaving me in the car.
I tried to tell for him, text him, call him, but I didn’t get any response.
I eventually sighed and spent the next 10 minuets forcing my body through the small opening between the headrests to get into the trunk.
I eventually got and found the emergency exit button in the trunk.
“Mother fucker,” I mumbled under my breath as I rubbed my knee that I banged on the window of the car.
“What happens to you?” Chris laughed as I walked in, an unpleasant look on my face.
I rolled my eyes and mumbled,
“I’m gonna take a shower, I’ll be right back.”
After doing my skincare and hair routine and getting into some cozy pj’s, I walked down stairs,
To be met with an abandoned house.
I looked around, checking my brothers room which we’re completely empty.
After defending the stairs to the garage, I found that my brothers left me here by myself.
I had no notification from them either.
I slouched down on the couch and pulled out my phone, dialing Nick.
He didn’t answer till about 20 minutes later.
“Where the fuck are you?!” I shouted into the phone, letting my anger out.
“okay, chill the fuck out.” He said sarcastically back to me.
I rolled my eyes and responded.
“You just left me here! Where did you go?”
“We took Justin out to dinner and we’re on the way to top golf now.” He said.
At this, I felt my hear shatter.
I quickly hung the phone up, not even responding.
I willed the tears not to come, but they did anyways. They rolled down my face as I though about how they just left me out.
They didn’t even bother telling me! Justin hasn’t even talked to me once.
As the tears kept falling, I feel myself drifting off to sleep.
I feel myself being picked up and carried up the stairs. I open my eyes to see myself pressed against Chris’s chest.
“Shhh, go back to sleep.” He said as he opens my door and walked me to my bed.
As he played me down, he pressed a kiss to my forehead, saying his good nights.
But then it came flooding back to me.
I feel the tears come again as he pulls away. He noticed and kneeled down beside me, brushing some hair out of my face.
“Hey, what’s wrong sweet girl.” He asked, grabbing my hand and looking at me with a sad face.
“Y-You guys just left me here! A-And I was scared when Nick didn’t answer. And Justin doesn’t even wanna see me, he’s only here to see you guys and I-“
I began to rant, letting my feeling pour out. He climbed into bed next to me and pulled me into a hug, saying,
“Shhh, I promise that’s not true. And I’m so sorry we left you bud.” I nodded into his chest, hugging him back tightly.
As I drifted off to sleep again, I hear Chris’s soft words say,
“tomorrow will be a better day. I promise.”
The next morning, I was being lightly shook awake.
I opened my eyes to see Justin’s smiling at me.
“C’mon! We’re gonna go get donuts!” He whispered, signaling that it might be early.
I quickly shot up, smiling before throwing on a hoodie and following him out to the car.
“Hey kid, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. We left you out and I feel really bad.” Justin said as we pulled out of the Duncan drive through.
he grabbed my hand and gave it a little squeeze before looking at me with a sympathetic smile.
I smiled back, but mine was sincere.
I didn’t say anything, all I did was lean into him, resting my head in his shoulder as he held my hand.
“I love ya kiddo.”
Note: kinda short fluffy one. I’ll have some GOOD fics out tomorrow 😏
@idkwhosnyla @babypat08 @eyelessdemon00 @christopherowensturniolo @sturnsxx @freshloveforthefit @matty443355 @sleepysturnss @emeraldgreenbeautiesstu @sunsetsturniolos @hoesturniolo @x4nd3rsukz @chr1sgirl4life @sstvrnioloo @sturns-posts @chrisstopherfilmed @kylasrealityx @zoeysturnioloooooo @comet235 @islaasblog @sturnioloblogs @defnotayonna @mattsleftnipple03 @thematthewlover @mattsaq @idkhowtosleep
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cupidcures · 5 days
When Tulips Kiss | Hwang Hyunjin SMAU
WORD COUNT: 4.3k (not proofread)
CONTAINS: talks about sex (they don’t actually have sex haha.. this is my sfw blog not my nsfw blog), profanity, a little violence
nothing has changed
“Ayen I’m nervous as fuck dude,” Hyunjin whispered nervously and wiped his sweaty palm on his jeans.
“You’ll be fine! Just be yourself, you’ve got this.” Ayen encouraged from the other side of the phone, “Don’t worry, or else you’ll be tense and awkward, you’ll do great. I gotta go now, I’m still on live. Good luck dude!” And with that, Hyunjin’s phone beeped a few times before turning off, leaving him to just sigh and shove it into his pocket.
Exiting the vehicle, he sits on the hood of his car and waits for you to come out from the building, and soon enough, you do.
There you were, stepping outside in all your glory. You were stunning, he would be a fool to ever deny you of that fact.
“Hey, you look beautiful.” Hyunjin greeted you and hopped off the hood, approaching your figure with a small smile plastered on his face.
“Thank you, Hyunjin.” You smiled back at the boy as he walked you to your side of the car, not letting you lift a single finger and doing everything for you.
“I was thinking of bringing you to one of my favorite bakeries, it belongs to my friend, too.” He mentioned and got into his seat, turning the engine of the car on and reversing to pull out of the parking spot.
“Really? Which friend is it?” You questioned in curiosity. “Do I know them?”
“Yeah, you do. It’s Felix! He runs a bakery-library fusion with his sister and they’re both insanely talented. I wouldn’t be surprised if they ended up making chains so there’s more than one location to their bakery.” Hyunjin praised them and leaned back in his seat, one hand placed on the steering wheel and the other rested on the middle armrest.
“Thanks for agreeing to hang out with me today, by the way. It was last minute too.” He laughed tensely, but all you did was shake your head.
“Oh, it’s nothing! I’d take any chance I get to leave my dorm, to be honest. I try my best to not be as much of a homebody as I was before. I’d like to think that I’m improving!” You grinned proudly and thought back to the days when you would reject every outing to go out because you didn’t want to leave the comfort of your own home. You shuddered.
No wonder why you were so prone to gloominess back then.
“Yeah, you are. I’m proud. You used to hate going out on consecutive days and now you do it almost every day.”
“I was so boring back then.”
“Don’t say that, you were perfect. You still are.” Hyunjin coughed and cleared his throat awkwardly as you blushed at his statement.
If somebody asked you three weeks ago if you would ever see yourself hanging out one-on-one with Hyunjin ever again, you would have laughed it off and pretended to throw up, but here you were. Reminiscing with someone who made your heart crumble into pieces back in high school. How funny.
You don’t do anything to stop your friendship from growing, though. You’ve come to accept that it was going to happen sooner or later. You just wish that you knew what was going on in his mind when the two of you broke up, but it doesn’t seem like that’s going to be something you know about any time soon, so you forced yourself to push those thoughts away and just focus on building new memories rather than focusing on the past.
Forgive and forget, right? You didn’t even know what to forgive him for.
“Why did we break up?”
You looked over your shoulder to look at him, but all there was, was a distant expression on his face. He chewed on his lip before exhaling quietly.
“You know why we broke up.”
“No, I want to know what YOU think is the reason why we broke up.” You corrected yourself to clarify it for him, as he stole a glance from you for a moment before his eyes glued back onto the road.
“Okay. I’ll tell you in the bakery, just not while we’re still on the road, okay?” He spoke quietly and you nodded.
Your heartbeat picked up its pace, blood rushing all throughout your body. You felt hot. Nervous. You were finally about to figure out Hyunjin’s side of the story after years of being oblivious to it.
Maybe, just maybe, things could go back to the way they were.
Hyunjin hadn’t expected to have given into you so easily. Yet, he did. He made up his mind at that moment and told himself he was going to tell you everything today.
He has spent the last few weeks mentally preparing himself for this conversation, and he expected to have everything he thought happened in the past, disproved by you.
He was ready to swallow his pride and apologize for misunderstanding everything, and he was even ready to ask for another chance. Beg you, if he had to.
“Have you dated anyone else since we broke up?” Hyunjin questioned in curiosity as you stopped to think about it.
“Mmm… I have. It was never an official relationship though.” You decided to mention it just so it wouldn’t cause any problems if it were brought up in the future. “How about you? Have you dated anybody? And no, hooking up doesn’t count.”
Hyunjin chuckled at what you said before then shook his head. “Nah, I haven’t dated anyone. It was only flings and hook-ups. You know, the usual fuckboy shit.” He shrugged indifferently.
“You fucking sex addict!”
“Hey, you enjoyed it when we were together though.”
“Ew shut up.”
“Yes ma’am!”
The two of you bickered jokingly before bursting out into laughter. The atmosphere inside the car was light and the tension that once took its place between you two had faded away. You had almost forgotten how fun it was to be around Hyunjin, so you were glad that you were able to experience this side of him again.
No facades.
“And here we are! Tadaa! Young Books Bakery!” Hyunjin spoke in a sing-songy tone, parking his car right in front of his friend’s business.
“Young Books Bakery?” You couldn’t help but laugh at the wordplay, “How clever.”
“Thanks, I helped him with it.” He grinned at you and turned his key to turn the car off before taking it out.
“Of course you did, it’s so corny.”
“Hey! That’s not very nice.” Hyunjin pouted and got out of the car to help you on the other side.
Opening your car for you, he teases, “Hurry up shortie,” and you raise an eyebrow at him in response, stepping out of the car while he closes it behind you.
“Oh so now we’re lying?” You crossed your arms at him and stuck your tongue out.
“I’m not lying. You’re short to me.” He smirked at you and poked your cheek before dragging you along to enter Felix’s bakery.
As soon as Hyunjin opened the door for you, the sweet aroma of all the baked goods filled your nostrils and you could feel your mouth watering in response.
“Holy shit! It smells like heaven in here!” You exclaimed giddily as you walked in like a kid in a candy store, Hyunjin following close behind with fond eyes.
“Y/N!! Hyunjin!! Hey guys welcome in!” A deep voice spoke from behind one of the bookshelves as he peeked his head out, revealing himself with a toothy smile.
“Felix hi!!! This place looks amazing!” You clapped as you admired your surroundings and the decor around the room.
The place was warm and cozy, furnished with soft sofas, bean bags, hammock chairs, and a lot of pillows. A LOT.
Bookshelves covered the walls from the floor to the ceiling and there was always a splash of color, no matter where you looked. The cashier counter was located in the very back of the place, with a few of the baked goods on display for everybody to see. There was soft and quiet music playing in the background, but it was so subtle that you were barely able to notice it. The place was lively, and honestly, you could see yourself coming here much more often.
“Thank you! You can go ahead and look around, just let me know when you want to order anything from the bakery! Or you could just chill here too, I don’t mind!” Felix encouraged you to explore the place more before going back to organizing the bookshelf he was working on.
“Go ahead, I’ll come back to you but I gotta talk to Felix real quick, okay? It won’t take long, I promise.” Hyunjin patted your head before ushering you off and walking towards Felix.
“Hey, bro.”
“Hey, Hyunjinnnnie~ Taking Y/N out on a date I see? We’re so proud!” Felix smirked and nudged his side, gaining a groan from the taller boy.
“My fucking palms are sweating bro. I told her I was going to tell her my side of the story in here.” Hyunjin whispered as the other boy chuckled.
“You ARE gonna go through with it, aren’t you? You can’t just say you’re gonna do something and NOT do it, y’know?”
“Yeah yeah, I’m doing it. I just hope she won’t judge me for being insecure in the past. I’ve obviously thought about it a lot in the past four years, and I never actually saw her cheat. I just… assumed. I was scared and threatened by the guy she was talking to. I’ve never seen her so close with another guy that it broke something in me.” Hyunjin sighed and ruffled his hair back as Felix shook his head.
“She wouldn’t. You know she wouldn’t, just trust her AND trust yourself.“
“Thanks Felix, I knew I could talk to you. Now wish me luck.”
Walking away from him, he made his way to you, who was indulged in a book that you picked out. You decided to sit on one of the beanbags, and your entire body was sunken into the cushion.
Hyunjin admired how you looked so comfortable and cute, even if you were practically doing nothing.
“Hey I’m back, did you wanna eat anything? I’ll pay.” He offered and took a seat on the beanbag next to yours, the soft cushion molding to his figure.
“I’m not really hungry right now, but thank you for asking anyway!” You declined the offer but put the book down on the coffee table in front of you to face towards him.
“So what?”
“Your side of the story, silly. You can start wherever you’d like, I’m all ears!” You flashed him a smile and he returned one to you nervously.
This was REALLY happening.
“Well okay. I was hoping you’d forget about it.” He playfully teased and you giggled, rolling your eyes.
Urging him to continue with your hand movements, he opens his mouth to finally get the burden off of his chest, only to be interrupted by the chimes above the entrance door.
Hyunjin’s eyes break contact with yours as his pupils travel to the person to just entered, his back straightening and his face morphing into one of discomfort.
“Hyunjin?” You tapped his shoulder in concern as he managed to stutter out, “I uh.. Sorry for getting distracted..” He mumbles and presses his lips together, forming a thin line.
His actions made you confused. Who walked in to get him so tense? You turned around to see who it was, and to your surprise, it was Beomgyu who walked in with another guy beside him. He looks familiar.
They weren’t looking in your direction yet as they hadn’t noticed that you were there, so you turned back around and placed your hand on Hyunjin’s shoulder, offering a reassuring smile.
Successfully grabbing his attention, he looks back down to your face and smiles as best as he can, even if it is strained. His eyes flicker back up, and unfortunately for him, he makes eye contact with the pair that had just walked in.
“No way. Is that THE Hwang Hyunjin from high school?” A voice, tinted with disdain, broke the tension in the air, but at the same time, it felt as if the tension was at an all-time high right now. You didn’t recognize the voice immediately, but you felt it in your gut that you knew him, or at least had met him before.
You decided it was best to keep your identity hidden and not turn back around to look at them.
Hyunjin’s hand took its place on your waist as his grip tightened protectively. Eyes narrowing at the guy, Hyunjin ignored him and put his attention back onto you.
“Anyway, as I was saying.” His eyes rolled so far he could swear he was almost able to see the back of his head.
“Yo, it’s rude to ignore people y’know? Oh wait, I totally forgot you don’t care about whether you’re rude or not.” The unknown boy remarked as you heard footsteps approaching close behind you.
“Y/N?” It was Beomgyu that spoke just now, and not his friend. You had nothing against him and you didn’t want to be disrespectful, so you hesitantly looked behind you to greet him.
“Hey Gyu..!” You laughed awkwardly as the boy next to him gasped.
“Y/N! It’s been a while! Remember me?” The tone his friend chose to talk to you with was drastically different compared to the tone he chose to talk to Hyunjin with, and it confused you a bit. Your eyes landed on the familiar boy’s face as you studied his features a little longer before your eyes widened.
“So you do remember me! It’s nice to see you again.“ Heeseung smiled at you and you smiled back, anger bubbling in Hyunjin’s stomach at the exchange.
Why did you smile at him?
“One question though, what the fuck are you doing with this jackass again? You’re better than that.” Heeseung pointed at Hyunjin who scoffed at his remark.
“Oh, I’m the jackass?” He stood up from beside you, “That’s real funny coming from you.”
“And you’re still not making any sense years later. What the fuck are you on dude? I did nothing to you and yet you did the most to me.” Heeseung snarled and pushed him back threateningly.
You and Beomgyu looked at each other in concern. While Beomgyu hated Hyunjin, he didn’t think it was worth getting into a fight with him. Violence was always a last resort to him, and that was something you both had in common.
“Heeseung we should go, let’s not cause a scene. It was good to see you Y/N.” Beomgyu grabbed his friend’s arm to pull him back as you stood up with Hyunjin and tugged his arm as well.
“Let’s sit back down, yeah? Ignore it.” You attempted to calm him down, but it was easy to tell—even from a mile away—that he was still pissed.
“Y/N, you should leave with us too. This guy is crazy.” Heeseung laughed as Beomgyu elbowed his ribs to get him to stop.
“Stop it, man.”
“What? I’m telling the truth. The motherf-“
Before he even got to finish his sentence, a strong blow to the face put him on the floor, rubbing his jaw.
Hyunjin rolled up his sleeves and approached Heeseung as you panicked and tried to hold him back, only to be shoved back down onto the beanbag.
“Fuck is wrong with you? First, you beat the living shit outta me in high school with no explanation and leave Y/N heartbroken. Now that I’m trying to protect her from getting her heart broken again, you wanna punch me?! You’re fucking mental.” Heeseung spat out and glared.
Beomgyu was quick to go to your side and check if you were okay, and thankfully you were. It wasn’t a hard shove that Hyunjin gave you. In fact, it was really gentle, and you just happened to lose your balance and fall. But it still made Hyunjin look bad.
Heeseung’s words lingered in your mind.
Hyunjin beat him up in high school?? I thought they were friends?
You decided to shrug it off for right now and focused on getting him to leave Heeseung alone. That was a topic to talk about on another day.
“Hyunjin stop, let’s just go.” You spoke up, wanting to de-escalate the situation as much as possible, but it came to no avail.
“Listen to Y/N, it’s the least you can do for not doing it years back. Asshole.” Heeseung mocked as another hit landed on his face. And another, and another.
Beomgyu pulled you back from Hyunjin to prevent any hits from accidentally landing on you, the two of you wincing with each punch thrown at Heeseung.
You couldn’t watch this anymore and you grabbed your phone to call Felix, and he immediately picks the call up.
“Hey Y/N—“ “Please come! Hyunjin is beating the fuck out of Heeseung!” “..What? Shit, okay I’m coming.”
The call ended and you were able to hear rapid footsteps coming from the back as Felix quickly rushed to the scene from the storage room, pulling Hyunjin off harshly and throwing him on the ground.
“Bro what the fuck??” Felix furrowed his eyebrows talking to his friend, looking back and forth from him to Heeseung. Hyunjin stayed quiet but his eyes fixated on you.
You made eye contact with him and frowned, shaking your head in disappointment.
Felix watched Hyunjin watch you to check if Heeseung was okay before sighing.
Felix knew of what he thought Heeseung did, so he couldn’t be fully mad at him for beating up. That, and because they’re best friends. Beating him up to this extent, though? It was uncalled for. He didn’t blame you for checking up on him instead of Hyunjin, but he was well aware of what this would make Hyunjin think, and it wasn’t any good.
So much for progress…
“Are you fucking serious Y/N? You’re worried about this fucker rather than me? I was right all along. You’re still the same two-faced bitch from before.” Hyunjin cursed at you, pushing back his tears, and you looked back with a mix of confusion and hurt on your face.
“Are YOU serious, Hyunjin? I don’t know what you’re on, but do I need to remind you that YOU beat Heeseung up?? He’s fucking bleeding and I’m sure as hell confident he’s gonna be bruised! Of course I’m worried about him when he didn’t even hit you ONCE!” You were baffled and hurt by his outburst, so you looked away and tended to Heeseung’s wounds instead, not wanting to even look at him.
“I always knew you two had something going on. All you did was prove me right.” Hyunjin muttered quietly under his breath. He got up and dusted himself off, heading towards the exit whilst ignoring Felix’s pleas to stay and explain everything to you instead of leaving.
“Find your own way back home. You clearly don’t need any explanation. You can forget about us being friends, too. You haven’t changed at all.” And with that, Hyunjin left.
You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes, but you blinked them away so it made it look like you were unbothered.
“I’ll get the first aid kit from the back.” Felix rubbed your back before standing up to fetch some ointment and bandages.
“What were you doing with him?” Heeseung questioned as you dabbed his bleeding lip with his shirt.
“He was going to explain his side of the story of what happened in high school since we were on good terms again. I’m sorry, I don’t know why he did this. I didn’t even know he did it before.” You sighed sadly as he shook his head.
“It’s not your fault, he’s an ass. He just started hating me for no damn reason.” Heeseung laughed a little and sat up straight, fixing his posture.
“You look really pretty today. Say, after we clean him up, let’s all hang out! Let’s invite Ayen too! It’d be a waste to go back home after wearing a stunning outfit.” Beomgyu tried to brighten the mood, and it worked out as you giggled and Heeseung nodded.
“I didn’t know you knew Heeseung, how come you never mentioned it? He was the other person in the trio that me and Ayen are in.” He asked you with curious eyes.
“Ah, we weren’t that close! We talked like maybe once or twice outside of class, and that’s pretty much it. Excluding a partner project we had to do together.” You explained as Beomgyu hummed in acknowledgment.
“I’m back with the kit!”
“Thank you, Lix!”
“No problem Y/Nnie! Sorry about Hyunjin, I’ll make sure to talk to him.”
“Thanks, Felix. Okay, I’ll add you to the group chat and you text Ayen that we’ll pick him up.” Beomgyu took out his phone to add you to the group, and you took yours out as well.
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“He WHAT?!” Jeongin spat his drink out in the car.
The four of you were driving somewhere without a destination in mind, and you had just finished telling Jeongin everything that went down, making sure not to miss any important details.
“Watch the seats! But yeah, your friend is insane dude. Tell him to watch it and stop getting into fights.” Beomgyu sighed as Jeongin facepalmed, Hyunjin’s fucking everything up. He thought to himself.
“Yeah, not only did he beat me up, I heard him call our sweet Y/N the word that rhymes with pitch,” Heeseung added on, and you couldn’t help but laugh at him avoiding saying bitch out of respect.
“What the fuck??? Man, I don’t know what’s up with him. No wonder why he was in a bad mood when he got home.”
“Yeah well, It’s whatever. What matters now is that we have fun together!” You changed the topic and cheered, as the three other boys in the car joined you in the cheering.
The loud knocking came from the other side of Hyunjin’s bedroom door, and he couldn’t help but hope it was you coming back for him, but he knew that wasn’t the usual way you would knock. So he kept his head buried in his pillow.
“Come in.”
He heard the door creak open and close, the person sitting down on his desk next to the bed.
“Care to explain what the fuck happened?” Jeongin had a hint of irritation in his voice, and Hyunjin was able to detect it. Sighing, he rolls over to lie on his back and stares up at the ceiling.
“She chose Heeseung over me. Like before.” His voice cracked as he sniffled, nose red.
Jeongin stared at the boy’s face, noticing his red and puffy eyes.
“You’re so stupid. You beat Heeseung up and he didn’t fight back. Didn’t even attempt to. Of course she would check up on him instead of you.” Jeongin scolded and folded his arms over his chest. “Is he the guy you think she cheated on you with?”
“I don’t think she cheated, I KNOW she cheated.”
“Shut up, no you don’t. You don’t know she cheated because she DIDN’T, stop fucking accusing her of it when you don’t know her side of the story.” Jeongin defended you in a heartbeat, gradually getting more and more annoyed.
“You don’t know my side either!” Hyunjin exclaimed and glared at the boy next to him.
“I don’t need to, I’m smart enough to put two and two together, and you couldn’t be any more wrong.” Jeongin’s volume increased the more he talked. “You hurt two of my closest friends in one day. One physically and one emotionally. I was willing to help you figure all this shit out because you’re also one of my close friends, but I fucking refuse to let you hurt them, not for the third time. You’ve already hurt them in the past, and you’ve done it again today in the same way you did it before. The same two people that have done NOTHING to you. All because you can’t communicate your thoughts and feelings, people are getting hurt. And so are you, Hyunjin.” Jeongin was yelling at this point, and he was sure he caught the attention of everybody else under the same roof, or maybe even the neighbors.
“Don’t ever call my best friend a two-faced bitch ever again, I mean it. You’re out here telling Y/N that she hasn’t changed, but have you ever stopped to look in the fucking mirror? Or, I don’t know, step back and see that maybe, JUST MAYBE, she hasn’t changed because she hasn’t done anything wrong in the first place? Don’t expect me to help you with the shit you have going on anymore. You really fucked it up this time.” Jeongin got up from the desk and opened Hyunjin’s bedroom door, only to find Felix, Changbin, Minho, and Chan all listening in.
They all, except Felix, looked at him with a questioning look, one that asked ‘What the hell happened?’ But Jeongin did nothing but shrug it off.
“Ask the crying piece of shit over there. I’m staying over at Han’s place for a while. If you need me, I’ll be there.”
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a/n: this one’s a little short guys I APOLOGIZE. also, yes i know ayen, gyu, and heeseung are 01 liners but i changed their ages to be 03 liners instead to match the storyline better😋
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ramp-it-up · 1 year
All I Want
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Paring: Mob Boss! Steve Rogers x Reader
Word count: 3.4 K
Summary: Steve has left you alone for a week with no explanation. Will you let him back into your life?
Warnings: 18+ As always, MINORS DNI, SMUT, Lil bit of ANGST. A lot of FLUFF Not Beta’d. All mistakes my own. A slap on the face, organized crime, implied violent retaliation, Bucky’s arm injury implied, Steve simping for reader, reader watching porn, sloppy toppy, gagging, swallowing, coached masturbation, oral (m/f receiving) fingering, nipple play, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it up!) breeding kink, size kink, violence (due to mob world).
A/N: This is a bonus for  #DJ’sAllIWant4KChristmas and based on this ask and any other requests for a part 2 to Try a Little Tenderness. Here it is babes, I hope you like it as much as the first part. Happy New Year! 🍾
I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post.
I Do NOT consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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Sam came, and he watched as you paced in your closed store the first day after the dust up at DUMBO. He told you minimal information, just that Bucky was alive and that he was going to stay there per Steve’s ‘request’ until he asked him to leave.
“I’m opening my store today.”
“No. You are not.”
Sam was usually nice, with that beautiful smile on display whenever he picked up Steve’s gifts. But now, he was steadfast.
You were hot. Not only at Steve for not telling you the whole story, but at everyone.
You couldn’t just sit around all day. You walked up to Sam and stood toe to toe.
“Take off that expensive jacket.”
You had an apron with the store logo in your hand.
Hours later, Sam took a break from helping you do store inventory to take a call. You kept working as he stepped into the back room. Then, you walked back to listen.
You peeked around your corner to see Sam letting out a sigh of relief.
“Good. At least that’s progress? He squeezed your hand?”
He paused.
“I know he has a long way to go, but you know Buck’s a fighter.”
“…Yes. Steve. I’m trying, but you know she’s stubborn…She’s okay. She’s a pistol, and she’s working me to death. She’s pissed at you though. At all of us. Yeah… I don’t think I can protect you from that. I’ll tell her it will be a while…”
You went back to your spreadsheet feeling some kind of way. Steve had time to call Sam, but not you. Okay.
Sam stepped out of the back room.
“Bucky’s alive. He was very badly injured, his left arm is…”
Sam paused, looking at you warily.
You looked back at him relieved, yet anxious at the same time.
“Let’s just say that he has a long road.”
You nodded and swallowed.
“What about Steve?”
You hated yourself for asking Sam. You should have been talking to Steve. But you couldn’t help it.
“He’s fine. Just has some… work to do right now.”
Your stomach dropped and you lifted your chin.
“What Steve does with his time has nothing to do with me, Sam. I don’t own him and he certainly does not own me.”
You were ready to fight.
“It’s not like we’re in a relationship. Steve’s fine, Bucky’s alive. So you can go now.”
You looked him in the eye so that he could get the message.
Sam shook his head.
“That’s not gonna happen Y/N.”
You glared at him.
“Tell your Boss that I’m sending you back.”
Sam advanced upon you, but you knew he wouldn’t hurt you.
“Learn this, Y/N. Steve’s not my Boss. He’s my friend, and just like Bucky, he’s my partner. I'm doing him a favor making sure you’re alright. That’s what friends do. You can’t send me back.”
You two stared at each other. This must be what it was like to have a brother.
“You know you’re very annoying.”
“Same, lady.”
You fought the urge to laugh and wanted to stick your tongue out at him.
“Get back to work. We have the entire stockroom to count.”
Sam shook his head and obliged.
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Six days later, on Christmas Eve, the bell rang, signaling someone opening the door. You turned with a smile to greet the customer to see Steve standing there.
It was liked the wind was knocked out of you.
Steve stood there, staring at you, looking very tired, but with those same sparkling blue eyes. And he had the nerve to smile at you.
“Can I have the usual?”
He was a sight for sore eyes. You’d spent the week worried and frustrated, in addition to mad as hell. But he looked so damn good.
You walked over to Steve, and gazed up at him as he beamed down on you. You did the only thing you could think to do.
You slapped him.
“How dare you!”
Sam, who was in his apron behind the register, audibly gasped, because it didn’t end well with the last woman who slapped Steve. She’d ended up climbing out of a dumpster where Steve had unceremoniously placed her.
You looked over at Sam.
“Here is your friend, Sam. Talk to him. Because I certainly won’t.”
Steve’s heart was beating a mile a minute as he rubbed his face. That fire pent up inside you signaled a need for release. He watched you hungrily as you left, then turned back to Sam.
You stormed upstairs toward your apartment, hearing the beginnings of thier conversation.
“I thought we agreed to keep the store closed, Sam.”
“Well, the store’s owner might have a little to say to that. Have you ever tried to get her to do something she didn’t want to do?…”
You went upstairs, straight to the kitchen, reaching for your liquor cabinet. It was only noon, but you needed a drink.
You heard the door open behind you and did not turn around. You heard his steps into the kitchen, but you were immovable.
“Pour me one?”
You reached for a glass and slammed it down on the counter next to you, then poured some Uncle Nearest into it. You still didn’t look at him, but you shivered as he stepped behind you, nearly touching you to reach around for the glass, but only sharing his body heat.
“I deserve your anger, Ambrosia, But at the beginning, I genuinely thought that you knew who I was. I mean….”
You spun around, eyes full of fire, facing down Steve’s desire for you. And there was something else in his eyes. But you launched in nevertheless.
“At no time over dinner, or while you were sweet talking me into bed, did you mention that you were the head of an international crime organization. And then you put my business in danger. And apparently my life???”
Steve sighed and scrubbed his face.
“I know you’re angry, Baby, but you gotta listen to me.”
You closed your mouth and crossed your arms.
Steve’s face softened. At least you weren’t running away.
“I said at the beginning I thought you knew who I was. But then I realized that you didn’t know me as Steve Rogers the big bad dude, I was just that one customer who was sweet on you and sent gifts. And that made me fall for you even more.”
When he said ‘fall for you,’ your eyes went to his.
“Yeah, I said it.”
You were trying to remain upset, but he was so sincere. Your resolve was weakening.
“Fall for me? You haven’t spoken to me in a week, Steve. You called Sam every day but…”
“I had work to do. Bucky was injured and he was touch and go. And I had to take care of… I had to take care of some things.”
He looked at you and slowed down.
“You had work to do? So did I. But you told me to close my store. You couldn’t have taken a few minutes to call, to text? I figured I didn’t mean as much to you as I thought.” 
You looked down at your dirty chucks, and at Steve’s Ferragamos.
Steve moved closer and tilted your head up by your chin. The electricity from his fingers was almost too much.
“No, Ambrosia.”
Steve’s eyes were wild now, and desperate. He wanted you to understand so badly, but he knew it would seem outlandish.
“You mean so much more. I fell for you because there were no expectations. I kept buying you gifts and you kept sending them back. And I thought you didn’t want me. But then when I asked you on a date and you accepted, I realized that…”
“…That all I want is you.”
You looked up at him and bit your lip. Steve could hardly contain himself.
“I can listen to you, Steve. And I would have listened if you called.”
Steve leaned down and kissed your lips softly. He groaned when you yielded to him, opening your mouth and peeking out your little tongue. He wanted to ravage you, but first, you had to understand.
“You’ve got to know. You’ve got to know that you change me Ambrosia. With you I am a different man. I couldn’t call you because you make me weak.”
Steve kissed your frown and started talking again.
“With you, weak is a good thing. I am gentle, I am kind. I am patient.”
Steve looked into your eyes. 
“I am in love.”
You gasped. 
“You gotta listen. When I left, all I could think about, besides Bucky, was you. Your smile, your wit, your laugh, your body. How it felt to make love to you. To be inside you. To make you cum. Do you remember, do you remember how it felt?”
You smiled and nodded, playing with the St. Christopher’s medal around his neck.
“Look at me. Do you remember? Use your words.”
You clenched at his command. And you obeyed.
“Yes, Steve. I remember. I was sore for three days.”
Your admission and the new huskiness in your voice made him pull you closer and you could feel the pulsing in his pants. You also felt his heart beating in his chest.
“Fuck, Ambrosia. You make me wanna ruin you again.”
The way you looked at him indicated that you wanted the same. Steve felt his knees almost give out. He chuckled.
“See? You make me weak in the knees. Thoughts of you make me soft. And for what I had to do, I couldn’t be. D’you understand?”
You tried to think rationally. You knew what he was saying without saying it. He had to do horrible things. You watched the news this past week. You knew what Steve was responsible for. But you didn’t care. Bucky was always nothing but kind to you. And he was Steve’s best friend.
You thought about what you would have done in this situation. You looked back up at Steve.
“I understand.”
You bit your lip again.
“And I am still standing here with you because it is too late for me to tell you to leave. I endured Sam sleeping on my couch for a week and protecting me because I love you too, Steve. I think I have been in love with you for months now. And then, last week...”
Your hands moved to slip his jacket off his shoulders, kneading them and feeling the tension there. Steve’s eyes sought yours again.
“You love me too?”
“Yes, are you tired?”
“Exhausted, but… You want me to stay?”
Your hand was on the outside of Steve’s pants, grasping his hardness and making him groan, knowing that he was leaking in his underwear. His hands moved up your sides and lifted you up to sit on the counter.
He dove into your neck, inhaling your scent and giving you gentle kisses that made you arch your back and your breasts into his chests. Then, he started sucking hickeys into you as his hands came up to knead and grasp you, and to tease your nipples with his thumbs.
“All week I’ve gone to bed and woken up rock hard to visions of you. Didn’t wanna jack off. I need you Ambrosia. Need to see you cum again. Need to bury myself deep inside you. Need for you to hug me in all the ways. Need to see your beautiful body. Need to sleep with you in my arms. I’m tired. Tired of being without you.”
You nuzzled his ear, knowing that the only important thing right now was his need. And yours.
“Sounds like you need me to suck your dick.” 
You felt bold because he wasn’t looking at you.
The man literally growled in your ear and then picked you up, still wrapped around him like a vine, and carried you to your bedroom. He sat you down on your bed and looked down on you as you looked up at him.
“What did you say?”
Steve made sure to hold your head up so you could look him in the eye. Your eyes watered as you licked your lips and took a deep breath.
“I said, I want to suck your dick.”
“That’s… what I thought you said.”
Steve continued to hold your head by your chin, and stuck his thumb in your mouth as he undid his pants. You squirmed as you got wet at the sound of his belt clanging on the floor and sucked his thumb like it was going out of style.
Steve could hardly catch his breath for anticipation and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He looked down at you as he pumped his massively hard cock in your face.
“I want to be very, very rough with you, but I’m not going to hurt you, Baby. You want this?”
Steve moved himself to within an inch of your lips.
You made to move closer, but he held you fast. You almost felt his dick jump when you saw it. You squirmed again.
“Can you take it?”
You managed to extend your tongue and collect the drops of precum on his tip, making Steve shiver as his blazing eyes looked down on you.
“Fuck my face…”
Steve grabbed both sides of your head as you opened wide and accepted him into your mouth.
“That hot little mouth, holy shit, Ambrosia. How do you…”
You concentrated and allowed him to push past your tonsils to your throat, then suckled him as he pulled out, tracing your tongue along the vein on the underside of his cock. You ran your hands up his sides, tracing his v cut and abs upward under his shirt. Steve scrambled to take it off, and then pulled you off of him to take your shirt off.
“Where did you learn that?”
Steve raised his eyebrow as you grabbed for him again. He tried to be gentle, but you wouldn’t allow it, as you bottomed out again.
This time when you pulled off, gasping you said one word, “Porn,” and then started slurping sloppily again.
Steve stood there, head thrown back as you took his hips and went to town.
“Thank goodness for technology.”
You hummed your agreement, and then went for the gold.
“Ho-ho-holyyyyy. I’m gonna, fuckkkk Ambrosia, I’m gonna…”
You started gagging louder and finally, Steve took your head in order to use your mouth for his pleasure.
“It’s gonna be a lot… “
Steve was looking down on you with lust and you basked in it.
“You gonna swallow?”
You nodded eagerly, as Steve bared his teeth with an effort to hold back. You played with his balls, and he couldn’t anymore.
“Swallow like a good… fucking… girl…”
With those three thrusts, Steve sent a torrent of spend past your lips. You gulped it down and Steve thought he’d died and gone to heaven. He fell to his knees and you hugged him, assenting to his kiss so that he could taste himself on you.
“Thank you for that. Now I can think straight.”
He moved to push you back on the bed. 
“So, my sweet Ambrosia has been watching porn, huh?”
“I missed you Steve. Missed your cock.”
Steve shook his head.
“I’m sorry, Baby. I’m so sorry.”
Steve was now taking off your shoes, pants, and panites. He kissed your thighs and spread your legs with his hands. He was looking deep into your intimate parts. 
“My little sweet flower. Still so beautiful. But now she’s so sloppy.”
Those blue eyes looked at you, and your cheeks warmed.
“What happened?”
That deep voice.
“You know, Steve…”
“You like sucking my cock, yeah?”
“Yes, I do. Been dreaming of it.”
Steve grunted. His cock coming back to life at your words.
“You been touching yourself?”
“I have, but nothing compares to you. Didn’t know if I would see you again. Was thinking of getting a toy.”
Steve looked angry for a second.
“Never doubt, as long as I have breath in my body. You will see me again.” 
His eyes flicked down your body, reminding you of possession.
“Show me how you touched yourself. I wanna watch. Will you let me watch you cum?”
You squirmed at the request.
“Don’t be shy. Look. I’ll join you.” 
Steve leaned up on his elbow and started stroking his dick, making you wetter than you already were.
You bit your lip and slid your hands from your tits down your sides, one moving back up to play with your nipple, and the other finding your clit. You licked your lips as your fingers played in your slippery slit and lubricated your button. The sound was pornographic as your movements indicated how wet you were.
You watched as Steve opened his mouth and moved his hand faster.
“Put your fingers inside, baby. Pretend they’re mine.”
You shivered as you obeyed and your thumb tuned your body to a marvelous frequency with Steve watching. It was so erotic. You started to cum when Steve started moaning. 
“How pretty. Y’look so pretty getting off. Pretty little fingers in that gorgeous hole. My sweet Ambrosia…”
He was descending toward your center, breath hot on your cunt.  He inhaled deeply, taking in the essence of you.
“Let me be your toy…”
And his lips wrapped around your vibrating clitoris, sliding it between his lips quickly at first, causing you to jump, then, when his strong hands held your thighs open, he suckled it completely into his mouth and used his tongue to try and suck the life out of you.
You screamed and Steve slipped a finger inside your tight hole, thrusting gently at first, and then  adding another finger and becoming more insistent in the quest for your orgasm.
You came very quickly, knees around his head before he pried them off and then held you open. Steve blew on your cunt to extend the sensations, and thrummed your clit while you begged him to stop. The quivers were extended as he came up and sucked your nipples, and pulling his hair only spurred him on longer.
When you finally, finally came down, your hoarse voice complained to, 
“All my stars and heavens, Steve!”
“How can you be so fucking cute and so damn sexy at the same time. My dream girl.”
Steve kissed your forehead as you grabbed his cock and started pumping.
Steve tried to frown at you.
“So demanding.”
“Steve please.”
“You want this dick?”
Your breathy “Yes!” almost made him almost cum in your hand. 
“You. Are going to be the death of me.”
Steve held your thighs in your hands and pushed them up beside you.
His stiff cock seemed to know the way home as he positioned himself at your entrance. He slid the thick head inside you as you keened as you knew his shaft was almost as thick.
“You okay, Baby?”
“Hnnngh.. Oh Steve…give me more…”
Steve almost exploded at your face and the way you were squeezing him.
“Okay.. I don’t really wanna… hurt…”
“Hurt me pleaseeeee.”
Steve slid into your very wet canal and stayed there as you wrapped all of your limbs around him as you got used to his girth again.
“I-I-I can’t… I’m gonna cum… inside… I can’t… you’re gripping me so… so so tight…”
“Mmmmmmghhh! Give me!”
And Steve started moving, slowly at first, and as you urged him on, faster and deeper.
“I had plans for how I was gonna… fuck…”
“Oh my god… Steve, I’m…”
“I wanted to go nice and slow… ohhhhhh…”
When he felt you quiver around him was when he started cumming.
“Fuck! It’s too soon… oh my god you feel so good…”
Steve buried his face into your neck, huffing and puffing as his cum spurted out of him and into your warm goodness. You felt every splash of his hot ejection inside you and briefly considered the consequences.
So did Steve.
“Oh shit, I came inside you.”
Steve looked pretty pleased with himself. You had to laugh.
“I can’t with you, Steve.”
“I believe you just did.”
You both chuckled as he kissed you and collapsed on the bed.
Steve pulled you close.
“Sam is probably down there dealing with customers…still got bills to pay. The lights, the mortgage…”
You were dumping the last thoughts out of your head as you were falling asleep.
“Not the mortgage anymore. Valkyrie bought it from Wells Fargo…”
Steve sighed and kissed you on the forehead, exhaustion finally catching up with him.
“Oh, ” You replied as you snuggled closer to him. 
And both of you fell into the warm embrace of deep sleep for an afternoon nap.
READ Part three I WONDER
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harrywavycurly · 1 month
Secret Rendezvous Part 19: Good Idea
Masterlist: Here
CW: Language
Tag List: @emma-munson @aol19 @tlclick73 @prestinalove @kailey-firefly @fromasgardandback @therealgothamguardianfr @peaches-roses-sins @hiscrimsonangel @furiousladyking @angelina16torres-blog @sofaritsalrightt @josephquinnsfreckles @starrywhitenight @mrsjellymunson @witchwolflea @jasminelafleur @ohmeg @comeonatmebruh @missmarch-99 @arthurcerverogf @disassociationdive @123iloveyou456 @perplexing-vex
A/N: This takes place the same day as part 18, and the next part is the last one for this series and I’m sad but I know y’all will love it✨
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“Jesus I’ve been looking everywhere for you…why are you out here?” “I was hoping to be alone…what do you need Emerson?” “I need you to tell me why you thought asking her to fucking prom was a good idea when the two of you haven’t talked in-” “Chrissy said I needed to show her I didn’t give a fuck about what other people think about us being together so why wouldn’t I ask her to prom? That’s…what…normal couples do isn’t it? Go to dances and shit?” “Uh yeah Eddie key word there is couples…you two aren’t even friends!” “We are now…we talked about it at lunch today…” “Oh…well that’s….that’s good.” “She hasn’t listened to the tape yet…thinks it was fucking Henry who gave it to her.” “Yeah she’s going to figure it out pretty quickly it wasn’t him…assuming you actually sing the songs right? Or did you just-” “Yes I actually sang the songs I’m not going to half ass this shit…I can’t risk fucking it up again…” “So…you love her don’t you?” “What?” “Oh come on man you asked her to prom with a mixtape of songs you covered yourself…you totally fucking love her.” “Okay…and what if I do?” “Uhm…you should tell her.” “I’ll wait and see how she feels after listening to the tape…did you know she was co Captain of the cheerleading squad?” “Yeah…I saw it on her jacket she wears on game days.” “Oh…I guess I never noticed…” “there’s a lot of shit you don’t notice about her…but If you’re serious about wanting to be in a relationship with her and if you’re in love with her you gotta get better at just…being interested in the things she’s into.” “I know…I uh actually watch her perform sometimes at the games I just don’t sit in the stands.” “That’s not creepy at all…” “fuck off…I just…I’m going to try and be there for more things when…or if…she even wants me there…she could really tell me to go fuck myself and I wouldn’t blame her.” “I doubt she’ll tell you that…but I’m glad you’ve finally come to your senses because it was hard watching you fuck this up so badly…” “yeah?” “Yeah it was like watching a car wreck in slow motion…totally brutal.” “Well you could’ve tried to stop it at any point ya know?” “Uh I did try…but you’re so stubborn you just refused my help…but look at you now man…hiding from the girl you’re in love with outside under the bleachers…” “that’s what some people would call progress.” “Exactly….I’ll uh let you have your alone time now but uhm…really don’t let too much time go by before you tell her how you feel okay?” “Yeah I won’t…don’t worry.” “Oh please…you two manage to get into these weird fucking scenarios and all I can do is worry.” “Emerson…get outta here before I kick your ass…” “Right…leaving now…see you later Eddie.”
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tip-top-cloud-surfer · 6 months
The Danger Zone (Part 15) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Fem!Bradshaw!Reader | OC
Word Count: 5.6k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ ONLY.
Warnings: Unplanned Pregnancy; Military Inaccuracies; Some Body Insecurity (Pregnancy Related); Use of "You," No Use of Y/N, No Set Physical Description
Summary: You and Jake work on your relationship. Jake is officially promoted to Lieutenant Commander
Series Master List
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After you moved back into your apartment with Jake, the two of you spent the next week focusing on your relationship.
While the two of you weren't strangers, there was still plenty of relationship moments that you had skipped over before and after you got pregnant. And now was the time to figure all of that out before the baby came.
You talked about the past. Jake explained the steps that he took after he left home to protect himself and now, by extension, you and your daughter. He had already been to see lawyers in the past about protecting his assets and what money was legally his and what money was legally his parents' money.
You told him more stories about your parents and about how their lives impacted how you viewed raising your own child. About the safeguards that you wanted in place to protect either one of you. And to especially protect your child. Jake updated his will to ensure that everything he had went you and the baby. And you were in the process of updating your own when one slightly contentious subject popped up.
Who would be entrusted with your child if something happened to both of you.
It was a subject that you brought up initially, playing off your own fears from your own childhood. Jake echoed your concerns and shared your desire to have it all down in writing.
But the question remained: who were you going to ask?
“You want it to be your brother?” Jake guessed, resting his arms on his thighs.
“And you want it to be Javy?” you returned softly.
You stared over at Jake from the couch. Your arm was lazily draped over your bump as you lounged around in Jake’s shirt and a pair of your boy shorts.
“I would feel more comfortable with Javy, yeah, but this isn’t just about me.”
“Or me,” you agreed, sitting up. “We have to pick someone that we both agree on.” You leaned back and rested your hands on your bump, looking at Jake through your eyelashes. “Why do you want Javy and Nat?”
“Javy’s the only person—besides you and the baby—that I consider to be my family. And I trust both of them with my life. And I'd trust our child with them too.” Jake paused for a moment before asking, “Why do you want your brother?”
“Well, he’s the last biological family that I have left. And Emma and I are really close. And I know that they want to have their own family one day. Bradley can tell the baby stories from our childhoods and our parents.” You shared a look with Jake before continuing, “And I trust Javy and Nat with my life too, but I’m worried that with both of them being in the Navy and neither of them expressing an interest in leaving it or having kids, that our baby wouldn’t fit into their lives.”
Jake didn’t disagree with any of your points, but it didn’t change how he really felt about your preference. Even though he and Bradley had a chat after your and Jake’s fight where Bradley apologized to him, they weren’t best friends. There was still distrust on both sides, and Jake was worried that if the baby went to Bradley and Emma, then he'd be written out of the storyline.
And he knew that Javy and Nat would never do that to you.
“But I know that you and Bradley don’t have the best relationship,” you replied softly, careful with your words. “And I don’t want you to feel like you don’t have a choice in this decision. This is your baby too and we need to agree on a couple.”
“I don’t feel that I don't have a choice,” Jake assured you, causing you to nod. “It’s just . . . there’s some thinking to do.”
“We don’t have to decide today,” you stated, slowly getting to your feet. Resting a hand on your back, you walked over to Jake, who automatically placed his hand on the curve of your bump. “I think that I’m going to shower and get dressed for lunch. I feel all gross and sweaty after this morning.”
“Do you need help?”
“If you want, but no funny business,” you warned him.
You bumped him on the nose with the tip of your finger, causing Jake to grin, remembering the last shower that you took together.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“You know that I can still drive, right?” you reminded Jake as he drove to Penny's house.
“I know, but I like driving you around. It makes me feel like I’m doing something for the two of you,” Jake replied, making you swoon a bit. “And besides, you have more space over there.”
"Alright," you agreed as Jake threaded his fingers through your own. "But after your promotion ceremony, I can drive home so that you can actually enjoy it."
"We'll see how it goes," Jake replied as you neared Penny's house.
Jake parked on the street and the two of you walked together around the house. It was the first family event since your and Jake's fight and you were hoping that it went well. At least, better than the last few had gone. Giving Jake's hand a squeeze, you called out to your family, who were seated around the lawn furniture.
“There they are,” Penny stated, standing up from her seat and moving to greet the two of you. “How’re you feeling?”
“Sweaty,” you joked, accepting Penny’s hug. “Thanks for having us.”
“Don’t even start with that. You know that you’re always welcome here. You too, Jake,” Penny stated, offering him a quick hug too. She took the plate of sweets that you baked before ushering you over. “Come and sit. Dinner’s almost done.”
You and Jake took your seats on the couch beside Emma, who greeted you both with a kind smile. While the two of you chatted about your weeks, Maverick walked over to you and Jake.
"How's the little birdie?" Maverick asked, referring to your child.
"Getting more active," you replied, accepted Maverick's hug and the bottle of water with a thankful smile.
"And you ready for your promotion, Jake?" Maverick questioned, handing him a beer.
"I guess," Jake replied, rubbing the back of his neck. "Not really much else to do except show up at this point."
"Yeah, I always found that the week after always ended up being more stressful than the week before it. Because then it all sinks in," Maverick stated, taking a sip of his beer and raising an eyebrow when he caught your look. "What?"
Bradley called out that all of the grilled items were done, and everyone got up to make their plates. The six of you ate in relative peace. There was still some tension there. Bradley and Jake were actively avoiding each other, but it was better than glaring at each other, so you would take it. As Emma told you about a wedding invite that she received from someone that you knew from college, Amelia came running down the stairs.
“What’s wrong?” Penny asked, standing up from her seat.
“My driving instructor cancelled,” Amelia stated, causing Penny to sigh and lower her head. “I’m not going to pass my test, Mom!”
“Amelia, you’ll be fine.”
“You won’t even let me drive to the bar, Mom,” Amelia replied, staring her mother down. “And I don’t think Rooster’s going to come driving with me again.”
“If you give me time to drink four more beers—”
“—Bradley,” Emma admonished, nudging her husband in the side. “She’s learning.”
“She hit the mailbox. Three, actually.”
“And you won’t let Mav teach me,” Amelia reminded her mother, folding her arms over her chest.
“For a reason,” Penny stated firmly.
“Mav taught me how to drive when I was her age,” you spoke up, reaching for your water. "And I turned out fine. I'm sure that she'll be perfectly safe with him, Penny."
“I can teach her,” Jake offered as soon as you finished talking, causing everyone to turn to him. He added, “But only if that’s okay with you, Penny.”
“Yeah, my test is in three weeks,” Amelia agreed, turning to her mom. “I need to practice.”
“Alright, fine,” Penny consented after a few moments of thought. “But no speeding. And don’t hit anything this time. Please.”
“Thanks for offering to teach her how to drive,” you told Jake, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “You didn’t need to do that.”
“No, I felt like I should,” he replied, squeezing your knee before getting up from his seat.
“Like you . . .?” you trailed off, running through the last few seconds of the conversation in your head. “Jake?”
“Hmm?” he asked, turning around after Amelia handed him the keys.
“Are you calling me a bad driver?” you asked him, frowning when you saw how his expression changed at your question. Now offended, you pressed, “Jake?”
“You did hit the garage,” Bradley reminded you, taking a long sip of his beer.
“Shut up, Bradley,” you told your brother before turning back to your boyfriend, who was quickly walking away from you with Amelia in tow. “Jake Seresin!”
“Sorry, I can’t hear you over the waves!” Jake called back, motioning to his ears as he and Amelia walked around the corner of the house. “I love you!”
Huffing, you sat back in your seat, folding your arms over your chest and pouted a bit. Rooster snickered to himself, earning a sharp look from you.
“Yeah, laugh it up, you big chicken. You stole the neighbor’s Playboy magazines and let Mav take the fall for it.”
And that got him to shut up.
“So, you guys are using the ‘l’ word with each other now?” Emma asked you, causing your frustration to leave your system.
“Yeah, we are,” you replied softly, a bit bashfully.
“So, everything’s patched up?” Maverick asked with an edge of parental concern.
"We're working through everything together," you stated, rubbing your bump with your thumbs. "And we've been doing a lot of planning for the future together. Wills, joint checking accounts, loan applications."
"All good steps," Penny told you with a supportive smile.
"So, you guys are looking at houses now?" Emma questioned, causing you to smile and nod.
"I'm hoping to get one in your neighborhood. So that our kids can go to school together," you admitted, causing Emma to beam. "But we'll see what we can find."
"We'll keep an eye out for any signs in our neighborhood."
"So, you guys are buying a house together and doing all of these other things together," Rooster trailed off, sharing a look with his wife before asking, "Are you guys getting married then?"
"We've talked about it," you admitted quietly, glancing over at Penny and Maverick.
"And when it happens, it happens," you replied with a shrug of your shoulders. "I mean, I'm due relatively soon. We'd have no time to plan anything. I'd look like a whale in all of the photos. And Jake could still get deployed without a lot of notice . . ." you trailed off, glancing down. "So, we'll just wait and see."
“Gently,” Jake told Amelia as she pulled into an empty parking lot. “You’re not a NASCAR driver.”
“Says the man who flies around in a fighter jet all day,” Amelia scoffed, driving into the parking lot. “Can we try backing into a spot? I really need to practice that.”
“Yeah, go over there.”
Amelia drove into the corner of the lot and stopped a bit suddenly, causing Jake to grunt as his seatbelt locked to prevent his head from slamming into the dashboard. Rubbing his chest where the seatbelt tightened, Jake turned to Amelia, who winced.
“I know, I know, easy,” Amelia sighed, slumping in her seat. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine. Just straighten out and drive down the row like you’re going actually to park.”
Amelia followed Jake’s instructions and eventually slowed to a stop. Looking over his shoulder, Jake pointed at the parking spot that he wanted her to aim for. Walking her through the process of backing up, Jake guided Amelia through the maneuver, taking the steering wheel from her for a moment.
After Jake walked her through it again and she pulled out of her spot, Amelia tried to do it herself. But when she finished crooked, Amelia let out a groan of frustration.
“It’s alright. Just straighten out and try it again,” Jake coached her. “You just need to pull the wheel less before you move.”
Amelia pulled out of the spot and tried to back in again. Jake helped her straighten out the wheel properly as she moved into another parking spot. The second try was straighter, though there was still room for improvement. And by the sixth try, Amelia backed into the spot on her own. Once she put the car in park, both Jake and Amelia opened their doors to check the lines.
“See? You just needed a little practice,” Jake replied, closing his door.
“Thanks,” Amelia returned, shutting her own door. “Especially because I know that you’re just doing this to impress her.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure, you don’t,” Amelia replied, glancing over at Jake. “You know, you’re a lot better than my mom at this stuff.”
“I’m used to staying calm,” Jake stated, turning to Amelia. “And besides, your mom does a hell of a lot more than I could ever do. She's allowed one weakness.” He paused for a moment before turning back to the lot. “Who’s been teaching you how to drive?”
“Just my driving instructor, really. Mom doesn’t trust Mav to do it because she’s worried that he’ll teach me to speed.” Amelia turned back to Jake and asked, “Do you really think that your girlfriend is that bad of a driver?”
“No, not at all.”
“If I promise to not tell her?” Amelia rephrased.
“I’ll be driving our family every chance that I can,” Jake stated, causing Amelia to laugh. “But you said that Bradley went driving with you once?”
"It was that bad?"
“He freaked out and only lasted about ten minutes.”
“That doesn’t shock me,” Jake scoffed, shaking his head. “About him, not you.”
“My mom thought that I gave him a heart attack.”
“He gave himself a heart attack over nothing, I’m sure,” Jake replied, turning back to Amelia. “Besides, you don’t even have your license yet. You have plenty of time to learn and improve.”
“Thanks. You too.” When Jake turned to Amelia with a questioning look, she explained, “For when you teach your own kid how to drive.”
“Oh,” Jake replied quietly. “Thanks.” Controlling his own emotions, Jake cleared his throat and pointed at the space in front of him. “You should probably learn how to parallel park too if you’re going to pass your driver’s test.”
“I’m just worried that I’m going to look ridiculous,” you sighed to Penny and Sarah, glancing at the racks of clothes in the store.
It was only a few days before Jake's promotion ceremony, and you still didn't have anything to wear to it. So, you enlisted the help of Penny and Sarah Kazansky to find a dress for the occasion. But so far, it was not going well.
“You’ll be fine. And no one’s going to think that,” Sarah Kazansky assured you from another rack.
“Will I? Have you noticed that more than half of the maternity dresses look like they just used the fabric that no one else wanted to wear?” you sighed, showing Sarah a dress from the rack that proved your point. "This print is giving me a headache."
“Here, try this one,” she offered, handing you a plain blue one.
With some help from Penny and Sarah, you collected a few dresses before walking back into the changing rooms. You tried on one that you picked and immediately cringed at your reflection.
“How’s it going?” Penny called through the door.
“Oh, great,” you called back sarcastically.
“Just come out in one. I’m sure that it’s not that bad,” Penny tried to convince you.
Stepping out of the changing room, you shot Penny a look as she tried to hide her expression behind her hand. Sarah, however, noticeably winced. You sighed, turned on your heel, and walked back into the changing room. After you went through all of the dresses that you picked, the three of you headed to another store.
“Jake will love you in anything,” Sarah encouraged you, as you started to look disheartened.
“He has to,” you sighed, inspecting another dress. “He’s the reason why I’m fat.”
“Here, what about this one?” Penny suggested, holding out another dress to you.
“It doesn’t look half bad,” you agreed, studying it.
“Go try it on.”
You walked into a changing room and pulled on the dress. Letting the zipper in the back hang open, you stepped out to show Penny and Sarah. Penny got up and zipped up the back of the dress for you before the three of you looked it over.
The fabric was soft and stretchy and not too heavy. It accentuated your bump and breasts without making either look too big. And with Sarah’s approving look, you knew that it would be appropriate for the promotion ceremony.
“I think we found it.”
You paid for the dress and then Sarah and Penny insisted on taking you out for a meal. Sarah asked all kinds of questions about the baby and your pregnancy and you, in turn, had some questions for her.
"What did you get Ice for his promotions? I haven't been able to come up with anything good to get Jake yet.”
“When he became a captain, I got him a nice watch. When he became an admiral, I got him a new desk for his office." Sarah reached for her drink with a small smirk. "And when he was promoted to Lieutenant Commander, I gave him a baby nine months later.”
“Aunt Sarah!” you groaned, sticking your tongue out.
"Well, you're already working on that one," Penny teased, causing you to hold a hand to your face. "You could always get him something related to the baby."
"But is that really a good gift for his promotion?"
"You know, one time for Ice's birthday, I took a few portraits with the kids so that he could take the photos of them with him if he got deployed or sent to conferences.”
“Jake did love the ultrasound photos,” you replied, mostly to yourself. Thinking it over, you smiled and turned back to Sarah and Penny. “I’ll think of something.”
“So, what exactly did you need my help with?” Javy asked as he and Jake drove into San Diego.
“I need your advice.”
“Thank you for narrowing it down.”
“I need your help with picking out a ring,” Jake stated, causing the sarcastic smile on Javy’s face to fall.
“A ring ring?”
“Yeah, a ring.”
“No, Jake. A ring ring? You’re going to buy the ring?” Javy repeated, turning to face Jake, who kept his gaze on the road. “You’re going to ask her to marry you?”
“That’s the plan,” Jake agreed, pulling into a parking lot. “But I need a ring first to do that.”
“You’re serious?” Javy asked, causing Jake to shoot him a look.
“Of course, I’m serious, Javy.”
"What made you suddenly decide to take my advice?"
"I had a lot of time to think while we were fighting and she wasn't there with me," Jake began, turning off his truck. Turning to Javy after a pause, he added, "And every dream where we were separated, of her looking at me like she did during our fight . . . I couldn't fucking bear it, Javy." Jake looked down at his hands for a moment. "She and our baby deserve the world, and this is just another step in me giving them that. I want to call her my wife and fucking hell I want her to call me her husband."
“I get it,” Javy replied with a proud smile. "You're finally growing up, Jake. I knew it would happen one day."
"Yeah, yeah," Jake scoffed, pushing Javy's hand off of him. "Now, come on. I still got to pick one."
Jake and Javy got out of his truck and made their way down to the jewelry store. Standing in front of the display case with all of the engagement rings, Jake tried to not get overwhelmed with all of the choices. It almost felt like a test. Would he pick one that you would wear and cherish for the rest of your life? Or would he just look like an idiot kneeling there?
"What's your budget?" Javy started off with.
"We're having a baby in three months," Jake reminded Javy, staring down at the rings. "And we're trying to buy a house."
"Should we go to Walmart then?" Jake shot Javy a look, clearly anxious, causing Javy to chuckle and turn back to the display case. "Don't shit your pants over it. We'll find the perfect one."
"I remember telling you that," Jake mumbled, studying more of the rings below him.
"Turn around is fair play," Javy joked, picking up a card that showed off the different cuts and sizes. "Here, does this give you any sort of idea of what to get?"
"This is her mom's ring," Jake replied, showing Javy a picture of it. "She held onto it until Rooster proposed to Emma with it and I think she still has that in her head."
"You're just going to get a replica then?"
“No, but something similar, I guess. We're not her parents, but I know that she holds onto their story. And she's already cried to me about them not being here and I just want to make her happy and feel like they're still apart of this whole thing."
"You need to save these little speeches for your proposal. Stop wasting them on me," Javy stated, though it made Jake smile to himself. "Alright, those ones are similar over there."
"Can I help you gentlemen with anything?" an employee asked as he walked over to them.
"He's buying an engagement ring," Javy explained, causing the employee to nod.
Jake pointed out a few that looked good to him and inspected them closely as the attendant listed off their details. Moving onto the third ring that he selected, Jake paused, admiring it.
It was a simple three stone ring on a silver band. The middle stone was fairly bigger than the surrounding stones, which gave the ring an intricate appearance. It was similar enough to your mother’s ring, but it was distinctly its own ring too.
And Jake quietly favored the three stone rings, since you were going to be a family of three shortly. It just felt symbolic.
God, he was turning into a sap.
"She'll love it, Jake," Javy replied supportively, staring down at the ring too. “And you already got her pregnant anyways, so she'll probably agree right away.”
"Thanks, Javy," Jake returned, rolling his eyes before handing the ring over to the attendant.
After some research and asking around, you decided to reach out to a local photographer to put together a gift for Jake’s promotion. You never really saw yourself as the type to get a maternity shoot done, but Jake loved the photos from your ultrasound so much that you felt like it just made sense.
Ringing the doorbell and waiting a bit nervously, you smiled when the photographer came walking over to the door. She unlocked it and let you inside, offering you a kind smile.
“Hi, I’m April. It’s so nice to finally meet you,” she greeted you, shaking your hand.
“It’s nice to meet you too.” You followed her back into her studio, your nerves building a little bit. "I've never done anything like this before."
“Not a problem at all. I'll walk you through the process."
April gave you a brief rundown of her equipment and how the photoshoot would go. You already sent her some references and April told you that you would work off of those and see what direction that the photoshoot would take.
“So, you’re doing these for your boyfriend?” April asked as she fixed the lighting.
“Yeah, he just got a big promotion at work, and this was sort of my best idea of what to get him,” you explained, setting down your bag.
"He's a pilot, right?"
"He's a naval aviator," you agreed, looking around the studio.
"I can see the appeal," April mused, hopping down from the ladder and walking over to her camera. "Alright, let's start with that long dress then."
You posed a bit awkwardly for a time but as you and April talked more about your baby and your relationship with Jake and she put on some soothing music, you grew more confident and comfortable with the photoshoot.
"Do you know if you're having a girl or boy?" April asked, straightening up.
"Not yet no. We wanted to wait. Or, I wanted to wait, I guess. I don't think he cared."
"Do you have a preference?" April questioned, lining up another shot.
"Well, I'd be happy either way. I just want the baby to be happy and healthy. But I have a suspicion that we're having a boy."
"Does he want a boy too?"
"No, he wants a girl. Of course, he'll be so happy with a little boy, but I just know he's picturing a little girl." Smiling to yourself as you looked down at your bump, you heard the sound of April's camera going off. "She would have him wrapped around her finger the second that he sees her. That's the thing about men in that kind of industry. They're all tough and macho and then they have a little girl, and then they turn into puddles like that."
April took another photo of you as you talked about your child and Jake before walking over to show you the results. As she slid through them, she smiled at your reaction.
"The best photos are usually the ones that you don't know are being taken," April replied, stepping back. "Did you want to do some more in the dress, or did you want to change?"
"I think those are perfect. Can we do those black and white photos that I showed you next?"
You pulled on Jake's white button up and a simple pair of black stretchy shorts. Buttoning up the shirt so that your breasts were covered but your bump was completely shown off, you returned to where April was waiting for you.
Repeating a lot of the same poses that you did before in your pink dress, you added some more that really focused on your bump.
"Have they kicked yet?" April asked, taking a close up of your bump.
"No, not yet. But we're counting down the days until it happens. My boyfriend always tries to get them to kick before bed, but he hasn't been successful yet."
"He sounds like he's really excited," April mused, taking another shot.
"He is," you agreed, smiling softly.
April walked over to her prop box and pulled out a toy plane. Walking back over to you, she placed the toy on your bump and with just a little sticky material, it stayed in place for a few shots.
You wrapped up the photoshoot and April uploaded the photos to a flash drive for you to take home. You picked a few photos to get printed in time for Jake's promotion ceremony as you contemplated doing a few more. Especially as you looked over the other references that April pulled out.
"Do you do a lot of these?" you asked April, pointing at one.
The woman in the photo was kneeling on the floor, her bump and a well-placed arm protecting her modesty. You had seen photos like that one before but thought it was too bold.
But now you were having second thoughts about it.
"A fair number," April assured you, causing you to bite your lip. "Did you want to try them out?"
"I'd feel weird about those getting printed," you admitted, causing April to smile.
"I print those in house, usually. Or I just do them with a Polaroid. Does that change your mind?"
You went and changed again, still a bit shy as you kneeled down on your mark. You knew that you weren't exactly anywhere near your most beautiful right now, but these photos were for Jake, and he only seemed to get more loving with you as you got larger.
Resting one arm over your breasts, you arched your back and held the pose from the reference shot. April directed you to turn your head a bit towards her.
“Now, imagine that he’s standing right behind me.”
You adjusted your head a bit more and changed your expression until April took the photo.
It was a scorching hot day in Miramar, and you were trying to focus on the ceremony and not how much you were sweating. Hoping that you didn’t already look like a mess, you started to fan yourself with the ceremony pamphlet.
“You alright?” Bradley asked quietly, leaning over.
“I’m fine,” you mumbled back, fanning yourself some more. “Just a little sweaty.”
“A little?”
You elbowed him in the side before focusing on the stage again. You knew that Jake was up next and you didn’t want to miss it. And when they called his name and he got his new pins, you clapped proudly with everyone else as he shook Cyclone’s hand.
The ceremony wrapped up shortly afterwards and everyone stood up, but you continued to sit, not wanting to have to push through everyone. Not when your baby was sitting uncomfortably and moving around at the least opportune times. So, you would just wait for him.
Jake shook hands with the high ranking naval officers, trying to politely move his way over to where you were waiting for him. Excusing himself, he weaved through a few more people before he finally spotted you sitting towards the back. You smiled and waved to him, continuing to fan yourself with the pamphlet.
Jake strode quickly down the aisle towards you. Taking your time, you slowly stood up from your seat as Jake slid into the row in front of you to get to you faster because there was no way that Bradley was going to move out of the way in time.
“Congratulations, Lieutenant Commander,” you told Jake, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“Thank you,” he mused, pulling you in for a soft kiss and resting his hand on your bump.
“There are other people around,” Rooster reminded the two of you, earning a pinch from his wife.
“Sorry we’re so far back,” you stated as Jake pulled away. “I was worried that I’d have to pee and need a quick escape route.”
“That’s fine. You’re drinking enough water, right?” Jake asked with a dash of concern.
“Yeah. And now I really need to pee,” you replied sheepishly, causing Jake to chuckle.
“I'll go with you,” Emma offered, standing up too.
“We’ll be right back,” you promised Jake, pressing another kiss to his lips.
You and Emma walked away, leaving Jake and Bradley alone with each other. Jake could have walked off, but he wanted to wait for you. So, he just stood there awkwardly with your brother.
“Congratulations,” Rooster stated calmly, standing up from his seat.
“Thank you,” Jake returned with a nod. Taking his cap off of his head, Jake tucked it under his arm. “I’m sure that the rest of the squad will get their promotions soon.”
“It doesn’t matter to me. I’m separating in six months,” Bradley replied seriously, causing Jake to blink with surprise.
“You’re not renewing?”
“No. Neither is Payback.
“Right,” Hangman spoke, rubbing the back of his neck. “Why now?”
“Emma and I agreed to start trying for a baby in a few months. I’m already working towards my masters and Mav has a friend who could get me a job in the city once I finish it.”
“Have you told everyone?”
“She already knows,” Bradley stated, causing Jake to glance in the direction that you left in. “I’ve already accomplished everything that I wanted and now I’m ready to be home with my wife and our future kids. And maybe a dog if I manage to convince her.” Bradley scratched his cheek before dropping his hand. “We’ll tell everyone else after your baby’s born and things settle down.”
“Congrats to you too then,” Jake responded quietly.
“Thanks.” Bradley shifted his weight on his feet before asking, “Did they give you your orders yet?”
“Not yet. But I’m dreading it already.”
“Nothing you can do about it,” Bradley reminded him.
“No,” Jake agreed quietly. “Doesn’t make it easier.”
“No, it doesn’t.”
They didn’t say much more than that, but there was a silent understanding that passed between them. Jake looked up as you came walking over with Emma.
“You good?” you called out to Jake, noting his smile was slow to return.
“I’m good,” he assured you, pressing a kiss to your head. “I’m very good.”
“For the love of—”
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experimentfae · 4 months
Ok so hi I just found your blog but I really like your writing and was wondering if you would write a Camilla carmine x fem reader one shot or head canon you can choose I don’t really know about what but I feel like she is really underrated and I would love to read more fanfic abt her so yeah.
Hope you’re having a good day/ night/ evening
Carmilla Carmine x Fem! Reader
Oneshot / fluff
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Carmilla was the first person you meet when you fell done to hell, thankfully she took pity on you, she offered you a job as a weapon maker who’d you gladly accepted.
You knew now she owned your soul but you were desperate and scared and besides she treated you with kindness compared to some overlords that treated their worker like crap.
As you were making a gun with melted Angel weapon parts, you heard carmine calling for you. You walked to her office to see her sitting in her chair another chair empty in front of her and her desk, “please have a seat.”
You gazed into her eyes, you always found them to be beautiful, you had butterflies every time you saw her, yes over the years of working for her you developed feeling for carmilla but you did it believe she liked women.
That’s what you assumed though. You took your seat and she smiled “I’m glad that you’re here today I needed to tell you something.” You looked at her, was she really going to say it… you hoped so “I… I’m here to tell you that you’re the employee of the month as always.” She cheered.
You smiled but inside you were disappointed, of course she wouldn’t say that she’s an overlord and you’re just an employee that’s she owns the soul “thank you miss carmine, is there anything else you wanted to tell me or need me to do?” She seem to hesitate but let you go, you want back to work with a heavy heart.
it’s been a week since that meeting with Carmilla and you were at home watching the show ‘yeah I fucked your sister so what’ that was until you heard a knock on your door.
You looked through the peephole to see your boss? What was she doing here? You immediately the door “miss carmine- “enough with the miss carmine your outside of after all, call me Carmilla.” You I nodded your head “ok Carmilla what brings you here?”
She seem nervous but she but put on a brave face “(y/n) you are a wonderful women a great ally to my work… and” she grabbed your hands you then noticed that she looked deeply in your eyes “I… I wanted to tell you that… I have feeling for you.”
This feeling of bewilderment took over you “you… you like me?” You blushed “yes I, really do and I wanted, to set you free from my contract.” Your eyes widen “I Carmilla… you have no idea how long I wanted to hear you say this.” You hugged her with a smile which made her smile in return.
“I’m so glad you feel the same way my dear.” She smiled she then took out your contract and ripped it in half “I set you free, my sweet, so you still want work with me but by this time by my side?” You smiled wider.
“Yes of course I will.” You then kissed her cheek making her blush “sorry to forward?” You chuckled out “no I quite like that.” She smiled in return, you finally felt happy to be with the woman you feel in love with and one day hoped to be officially called her girlfriend.
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ist4rgirlo · 11 months
─ 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 - 𝐜.𝐟 : 𝐈𝐈𝐈
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Summary: Now that your life has turned upside down, are you still willing to put your siblings' feelings first? Or would you rather fight for your feelings and do what makes you happy regardless of the consequences that might result in the future?
Prev ; Next || Conrad Fisher x fem!reader || My blog
Warnings: S2 SPOILERS! swearing, fluff (lmk if i missed anything!)
Steven’s Pov
“Conrad? man?” I called out for him — walking towards him, he was there standing near the shore with his phone in his hands.
“I’m okay, Steven” Conrad replied — his back still turned to me, shaking his head. “What’s happening man?” I asked, walking closer to him — genuinely concerned after seeing him stand up so abruptly earlier.
“Panic attack. I-I’m okay, i’m okay now” Conrad replied shaking his hand — like it was normal for him to have this kind of incident, like it happened to him before. “Okay, do-do you want to tell me what got you worked up or should we just pretend this didn’t happen?” I asked him — walking closer.
“I-I got into stanford” he turned around — his face filled with worry. My face started to lighten up “What? Are you serious?” I smiled.
“Yeah man, my mom has this fantasy about me finding myself in the west coast” He said, his voice filled with panic. My brows furrowed “Okay but Connie, this is a good thing. You’ve been dreaming about it, about getting into stanford”
“Well but it doesn’t make sense anymore you know. I-It… It’s just things are starting to get better with Jere and he’s going to Finch in the fall which is close to Brown so.” Conrad looked at me. I went and grabbed his shoulder gently “But.. but you don’t need to choose right this second okay? Just talk to him.”
He shook his head no “He doesn’t even know about it, he doesn’t know that I applied. Just please don’t tell him.” I just nodded then walked beside him patting his back — respecting his decision.
The things he would do for his brother, it was always him who puts his family above anything. It was his dream — to get into Stanford, it was also his mom’s dream, he wanted to go, it was a great opportunity but he can’t, he chose not to so fuck it I guess.
“Let’s go?” I asked — walking beside him. He looked at me and nodded before stopping, pulling his phone out “Oh and Steve” I turned around and stopped walking too.
“She’s coming” Conrad said — smiling gently, his eyes lighting up, handing me his phone. My brows furrowed — confused with who he was talking about. Who “she”? is, i looked at his phone then it all clicked, the only one who was missing.
“My sister?” I whispered — looking at my sister’s text that says ‘I’m coming tomorrow’. I looked at Conrad — he had a big smile on his face. He looks so happy, this means its true.
We’re finally complete. She’s finally here, my sister is finally here. God I could cry because of how happy I am. It’s been so long, i’m finally seeing her — we’re finally seeing her.
“Holy shit” I whispered under my breathe before going up to Conrad to hug him. Conrad chuckled “I’m glad she’s coming, we’re finally complete, Steve.” he pulled away and smiled.
“Omg let’s go, we need to fix her room!” I said giddily — jumping up and down before pulling Conrad with me towards the house.
Conrad’s Pov
Today was the day — Y/N was coming. She finally answered. It was just me and Steven who knows, we didn’t tell the rest because we thought that it would be a good surprise. It wasn't just me and Jeremiah who didn't see her for so long, it was also her siblings.
There was her car, she's finally here - with us. I saw her hop out of her car, with a bag in her hand. I walked towards here - smiling gently. The moment she saw me, she smiled so big and walked towards me "Hi" she said, her voice so gentle.
God how I missed her. She was still so beautiful, so stunning. The one I have been waiting for. I reached out for her hand, she held mine back.
I smiled — looking at her in the eyes. "Hey there" she looked down, giggling softly. I missed that sound. God I missed everything about her, I missed my bestfriend.
I went and grabbed the bag from her hand and guided her inside the house to surprise everyone else. As we went inside the house, we saw Belly going down the stairs — as soon as she saw Y/N, she ran to her and hugged her. Steven came in to the view yelling Y/N’s name before joining his sisters.
"Oh you guys, I missed you so much. I am so so sorry for shutting you guys out, I just needed time for myself." Y/N said to her siblings. I can see that she loves them truly, she just didn't want to hurt them, that's all.
Jeremiah walked inside the living room, Taylor behind him — smiling as they saw Belly and Y/N hugging.
Belly pulled away — tears in her eyes, she shook her head no "No, I am so so sorry for getting mad at you. You were struggling too and I was too insensitive about it. I just.. it just looked like you were so strong so I guess I kind of got jealous about that but I understand, we understand so don't say sorry" she said before pulling Y/N again for a hug.
"Oh my cinderbelly. Stop crying! it's open house, we need to stop Aunt Julia." Y/N said giggling pulling away from both of them. She walked toward Jeremiah and hugged him before going to Taylor — hugging her too.
I went and walked beside her and guided her upstairs to her room. That was much better, her being here. Her going here, us being complete. This just made me want to fight for this house more, this just made me not want to give up.
Y/n's Pov
It was definitely good to be back. As soon as I saw Conrad's text, I just had to go here and fight with them. I had to be there beside them.
There will always be a special place in my heart for this house, since it was also special to Susannah. We considered it our home and we will always consider it our home. It is our safe place, forever and always.
As I got done unpacking my stuff, I went down to the kitchen to get some food to eat — until I saw Aunt Julia with Skye. As I was about to go back upstairs, I heard Skye say "Oh, hey, Y/N. I see you're here too" they smiled at me.
I turned around and smiled back at them "Yeah, I just got here earlier" I nodded before walking towards the island “Also are those muffins?” I asked. Skye nodded offering me one but Aunt Julia cut me off.
“Oh those are for the open house” she paused “Morning” smiling gently. I nodded, I looked at the door seeing Jeremiah and Conrad walk in it. They just got done swimming.
“Hey, Jeremiah… Conrad” Skye said, both Conrad and Jeremiah just smiled. “Uhm how are you guys doing now, you know.. since your mom?” Skye asked the boys — their voice filled with worry.
Conrad looked at Jeremiah before answering “Rough” Jeremiah said then Conrad replied “Rougher now that our aunt is stealing our house” he looked — his eyes filled with no emotions.
Aunt Julia turned around — leaning on the table “I am not stealing anything, Conrad. Like it or not, I get to choose what happens and I chose to put it in the market” Aunt Julia said smiling at us sarcastically “You know, you guys should hit the road now, to avoid traffic” I looked at Conrad, waiting for his answer.
Conrad shook his head no “Sorry but we’re not leaving. We’re staying for the open house” he said before walking beside me. Aunt Julia shook her head no “Oh no no, I cant have teenagers laying around here during open house. You guys need to go somewhere else.”
“Just let us stay” I said — trying to convince Aunt Julia, she shook her head “I’m sorry, I don’t have time for this.” she said before walking away.
I just looked at Conrad — he smiled at me gently before guiding me towards the living room.
As I went down the stairs, I heard the doorbell ring. I went and walked towards the door to open it. There was a lady with folders in her hand “Hi, what can I do for you?” I asked. “Hello, I’m the realtor. I’m looking for Julia” she said — smiling.
“Oh for the open house?” she nodded — I paused trying to come up with an explanation. "So uhm, the open house has been cancelled. Our apologies, it is totally last minute." I smiled gently. She furrowed her brows, “Sorry but who are you?” she asked, genuinely confused with who I was.
Conrad went beside me — I felt him put an arm around my shoulder “She’s my girlfriend, and she’s right. The house is not for sale” In my confusion, I looked at him, unable to understand why he had called me his "girlfriend", completely forgetting that he was probably doing this just to give us some time “Conrad right? I’m so sorry about your mom” the lady said. Conrad was about to answer when we heard Aunt Julia yell
“Ignore them! the open house will still happen. There’s just a problem with the ac, but it’s not too big of a deal,” she said, walking between us.
The lady's brows furrowed “That is not a small problem Julia, it’s supposed to hit 95 today!” the lady said — Aunt Julia smiled before walking towards her and guiding her outside of the door. When Conrad closed the door, I heard him say, "Hey, I'm so sorry I called you that, I-" I went and patted him on the shoulder.
"It's fine, Connie. It's totally cool, don't worry about it." I said walking towards him — putting an arm around his waist while his arm is around my shoulder. He nodded smiling at me —smiling because it didn’t bother me, smiling because he heard that word again, the word ‘Connie’.
It felt good to call Conrad 'Connie' again. Being back like this felt so good, so unreal - normal and happy, but the word 'girlfriend' sounded much greater especially coming from him. I would say, it did give me butterflies.
taglist : @maybankslover @urmomisafinewoman @user3729107491 @melllinaa @anthgoldenhrry @arunabrak @amj2277 @whoisalexa @remuslupinwifee @gulphulp @layanderson @astrvalee @goldenmoonbeam @podiumprincess @johannelis2302nely @silcintilla @smw-96 @apollo3475 @drikawinchester @fangirl-kimora @sanjanapm @milyswrld @scysuxx @starkeylover @fallingforel @mysticalstarlightflower @ifilwtmfc @allnrsnz @yeosxxx @elvishoe69 @be4tric3s
hi everyone!! sorry if it took me so long to update — i was just to tired and i kinda didnt know what to write next but here it is !! i’m sorry if theres mistakes here and there but i hope everyone likes it !!
lmk if you guys want to get tagged :)) lots of love !!
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