#yeah i promise there's some gross billie fluff coming at some point
fumingspice · 4 years
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original work! im bored to death and i have nothing much to do so i guess maybe i could post this and see if people like it or not. mallorie whyte is sarah paulson 🤜👱🏻‍♀️
01 | oakwood academy
october 24th 2022
eli, ma. andromadex
THE FINAL WORDS that Madison's stepmother Inez had jokingly yelled out the car window at her before she sped off to work were fairly sticking with her all throughout the day. She had driven at neck-breaking speed as she often had a habit of doing, and then braked so hard that she probably would have given any other passenger in the car a pretty bad whiplash, which Madison was convinced that Inez is immune to it by now, and then rolled down her window and told her; "y’know, if you want to actually make some friends you should really quit acting so bitchy."
Mind you, this was after she had gone on at her for days on end about being herself.
Madison was not opposed to making friends at this school. She wanted to. It's just so difficult when the fantastic, gold-crested reputation of your parents follows you around everywhere you go, and it's even worse when everyone else in your school completely matches that reputation.
To her, there's nothing worse than extra-cred class. She could promise you that. Especially when there are only fifteen more minutes left of the school day until the school bell rang sweet salvation and the students were released from the clutches school for another day. The classroom was decorated in crisp oranges, reds, yellows and browns; and the smothering scent of the ten-plus pumpkin spice candles could probably be smelt from miles away.
Madison's teacher, Ms. DuBois, was from Salem, and she loved nothing more than talking about witches in Salem. DuBois continued to rattle on about the executions that took place during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692- and since they were in Eli and not Salem, Madison could not fathom a single plausible reason as to why her extra-cred class had decided to adopt the Salem Witch Trials.
Oakwood Academy, Madison's new school, had managed to work its way to having one of the top academic records in America by providing an extra area of study for every year that a student attended. It was just one of the classes that would act as a "relaxer" for the workload that the Academy dumped on their students. They allocated five sets of twenty-five students to five different classes. For example; her older brother was allocated into a class that studied some of history's most famous serial criminals. The girl had been hit with a low-key pang of jealousy when she looked at his workbook, but she would never admit that.
Serial killer documentaries from Buzzfeed Unsolved was for her what World War II was to her brother Tiano.
Halfway through the class, Madison decided that Ms DuBois' babbles were nothing more than folklore and legends. There is no possible way that witches could exist, and even if they did; they would have become so sparsely spread out throughout the centuries that bloodlines would have become diluted into non-existence.
Madison had finally just about given up listening, getting ready to switch to her earphones when DuBois began talking about Gwendoline Proctor and Marie-Anne Dufosett. Judging by the amount of borderline useless word scrambles and pop quizzes that she had been bombarded with since August in which their names had popped up in, this would no doubt be just as bleak as the rest of the topic.
"Marie-Anne Dufosett was burned at the stake along with her mother and some other accused women-"
Well, that's just peachy.
"-However, does anybody know who accused Mademoiselle Dufosett of Witchcraft and Conspiring with the Devil?"
A few hands shot up. Oh, great, Madison thought, another room full of Hocus Pocus lovers.
DuBois picked on a boy at the back of the room wearing a black turtleneck underneath his blazer. "Perrone Goguillon," he answered.
Well, at least I know that instead of how to pay taxes.
Ms DuBois clapped her hands together and was about to praise him when Madison poked her head up and blurted out, "who in fresh hell is Peregrine Goujon?" The class burst into a peal of abrupt laughter and her face flashed a red that was possibly close to her burgundy uniform.
DuBois waited patiently for the laughter to die down, giving Madison a well-intended smile. She'd been trying to pry Madison out of her shell for weeks. "Miss Delvaux, I'm so happy that we've finally been graced with your conscious presence," she said. "Perrone Goguillon was one of the last witches to burnt at the stake in France."
What has that got to do with Salem?
There was a pause.
Turtleneck Boy piped up yet again. "Wasn't Perrone Marie-Anne's mother?"
Ms DuBois nodded, what followed probably should have been a moment for shock factor was cut short by Madison's unimpressive comment of; "Sounds like someone gained some serious mommy-issues."
Apart from a few smirks and sniggers, the room stayed in a star awkward silence. It was that moment when Madison had realised that making fun of witches in this classroom was possibly as close as you could get to treason.
The bell finally rang out before Madison could embarrass herself any further. She pulled on her coat and started speed-walking to get out of the school. She found listening to Toxic by Britney Speers always made her faster.
The crisp Massachusetts air stung at her cheeks hard, nipping at them until they were a hard red. The leaves crunched with a prominent sound and the wind blew quite fiercely. She hated fall- she missed the sweet Florida summer and sunshine that she had become so accustomed to. She missed splashing about in their swimming pool with her friends, sitting on her boyfriend's shoulders and having matches of pool basketball. They could get very competitive and Madison was certainly no stranger to having her head pushed underwater for the sake of one of her friends scoring a goal.
Her family had just moved to Massachusetts for her stepmother's work, as they often had moved around for that reason numerous times in the past. Inez worked with companies that were hanging on the edge of bankruptcy. A quick call to her office and she would work on the case as soon as possible. Most cases she could work on from home or online, but every few years a huge opportunity or promotion would come up that would require a move. It was always worth it. Inez was a wizard with a logbook and her incredible finances knowledge; she would advise the company and work with as many people as possible to save the company and boost its profits massively. 
The job also came with a pretty hefty paycheck. Inez had been in Madison's life for as long as the girl could recall memory.
Now that the latest- and hopefully final- addition to the Delvaux family had come, Madison's father spent most of his time at home taking care of baby Thomas. In contrast to Inez, Madison's father came from a long line of "old" money; decades ago, his family was incredibly wealthy Franco-Belgian gold merchants, owning around 40% of the most flourishing gold mines in Belgium and France of which together bestowed them with a huge amount of the finest Belgian gold. Although the number of which lowered to about 750 tons of gold, the family net worth was still well into the billions.
Madison's father broke away from the complete gold-mine owning tradition and earned a job as a professor of physics in certain prestigious colleges across the country, although, there were still plenty of goldmines still to his name.
However, despite their needless fortune, most of the family, along with Inez, managed to stay incorrupt, helping to build many schools, hospitals and jobs in developing countries and donating thousands of millions of dollars to charities, side-lining with the Delvaux-Proveux Foundation to help create a better society with whatever difference they could cause.
Her parents did their best to remain humble- which sometimes proved itself difficult when the next five generations of their family could probably eat from solid gold plates if they chose to.
Needless to say, they spent only what they needed to, didn't exploit their riches, lived in the slightly more luxurious suburban homes. Madison was sent to Oakwood Academy; possibly the most unnecessarily expensive school in the north-east of America along with her adopted older brother Tiano and her adopted little sister Safina; the second youngest, Aleja went to an elementary not far from their home, and baby Thomas just did his best not to poop his pants straight after his diaper had been changed. Madison was convinced he did his best to poop at the worst possible time.
The house they had recently moved into was a beautiful country mansion, overlooking a lake and meadows, the balcony that showed a complete view of the landscape was perhaps Madison's favourite part of the house- apart from her bed of course.
She walked briskly up the pathway leading to the front door, doing her best to not show that she was absolutely freezing to death despite the massive coat. No sooner had she got in the door that she turned the heater on full blast and ran upstairs, diving into her bed.
Inconveniently, she was now too warm.
Madison rolled her eyes and then rolled out of bed with a slight thud, ran downstairs, lowered the heating, then ran back upstairs again- now at a slightly more satisfactory temperature. Her phone began to buzz; an incoming facetime from her friends back in Florida.
Madison jumped up promptly, fixing her hair and trying to make it look like she wasn't considering an attempt at home-made abseiling down the wall beneath her window. She accepted the call and lo and behold the screams and squeals of five of her best friends burst from the phone from on the other side of the country. Meghan, the girl in front and centre, called out Madison's name with an ear-piercing screech.
"Woah, Woah. Calm down, Meghan I'm not hoping to go deaf anytime soon," she muttered, pretending to be annoyed, making a particular fuss of changing the settings on her hearing aid. Meghan playfully rolled her eyes and began talking over the other girls. 
"Oh, shut up, Maddie. How's Massachusetts? Find any cute warlocks that we need to come out and see?" She asked. 
"Meghan, this place is amazing and beautiful- there's so many other things here than witches and warlocks and Harvard's array of nerds," she said, pretending she didn't want to hop on her tricycle and go home. 
To be truthful, it was obvious that Meghan could see straight through the blatant lie. 
"Well, if you say so, babes. Give us a tour of your house! We need to see chez Madison after stalking it for an hour on Google Maps."
Madison gave a hearty chuckle. "Well, if you insist."
Madison began her own rendition of a virtual tour around her house, showing everything from the luxury bathrooms to the heated pool in the basement. The ooooooo's and ahhhhhhhhh's were constant. The house was beautiful- that was undeniable. However, the crowning glory of the house was a massive stain-glass window depicting a woman by the lake.
"The realtors said that the builder of the house had it built in 1876 to memorialize the women persecuted and killed during the witch trials," Madison said, admiring the beautiful display of colours on the floor from the sun shining through the window. 
"That's cheery." 
That's typical Meghan.
"Now, more important than your sexy house; are you or are you not coming to prom?" Meghan asked, expectantly.
Madison shrugged, "I'm not sure, we only just got here, and I don't think my parents would want me flying across the country all by myself."
Meghan let out a slightly satisfied sigh. "So, does that mean Dylan is now free for me to take as my date?"
Madison gritted her teeth hard. Only forever has Meghan been trying to steal Dylan away from her. "Sure, as long as it's just as friends," she answered, fully emphasizing the word "friends".
Meghan laughed emptily. "Well, how else would I be taking him? Trust me, Maddie baby, if I wanted Dylan so bad, I would've gotten him months ago." There was a coy smile and awkward glances shared by the others.
Madison bit her tongue.
"Yeah?" She called out into the empty house. "Coming now, Nez!" She looked back at the screen, told them, "talk later, gals, Nez wants me to help her in the basement," and hung up without waiting for a response, already knowing that Meghan would be commenting on how strange she was acting.
Madison and Meghan had been stuck to each other's waist since pre-school, grew up in close neighborhoods, and had practically been raised together. One time, Madison's family took Meghan to Disney Land, then straight to Universal Studios after. To say they were spoiled rotten in childhood because of the Delvaux family wealth was an understatement. It was only now approaching adult years was Meghan taking full advantage of her best friend's wealth- hinting off about getting her into Yale or Harvard, Madison smiled and nodded when she brought these things up, knowing full well Meghan didn't hold enough brain cells to even use a dishwasher.
The jangle of keys and the opening of the door sounded from downstairs. "The party's home! Maddie honey, you here?" Inez called, audibly struggling with grocery bags. "Coming!" she called back, skipping down the stairs two steps at a time. Inez relieved herself of one of the six bags she had carried from the car. 
"When are you going to learn to walk down the stairs without the risk of breaking your damn neck?" she asked, walking to the kitchen and setting half of the bags on the counter, and doing the same with Maddie's bags. Madison laughed and shook her head, "when we confirm that the birds don't work for the bourgeoisie." 
Inez rolled her eyes and pulled Madison into a hug. "Well, in that case, I may as well buy a neck brace and put the hospital on speed dial."
Madison gave a real laugh this time and pulled away, throwing a damp washcloth at Inez's face. "Megan facetimed me earlier with Linda, Karlie, Houston, Seoul and London.
Inez pulled a face, "yeah, and how did that turn out?" Madison sighed, "she asked me if she could take Dylan to prom."
Her stepmom stopped unpacking and lurched into deep thought. "Why are all your friends named after cities?" Madison was about to continue when she stopped to think about the question. 
"Back to the topic, Nez."
Inez’s eyes widened in shock. "She did not, did she?" Madison nodded carefully, bracing herself for Inez launching into a huge monologue, as she often did when something morally wrong happened. "After everything that we've done for that girl- everything that you've done for that girl, this is how she repays you?" Inez barely stopped to breathe. "She has known about our plans to move here since last Summer! The sneaky little bug kept this behind your back and knew it would be safe to tell you that she was going to steal Dylan from you as soon as you were a safe distance away-"
Madison promptly stopped her, knowing this could and would go on all night. "I'm not as bothered as I should be, Nez. Dylan and I were drifting even before the move. I think this is just my final sign that we just aren't meant to be- God, I always knew nothing serious would become of Dylan and me," she admitted, sipping on a diet coke that Inez had just slid down the countertop. Her stepmother pursed her lips, her incredible dark brown eyes glazing over as they always did when she fell deep into thought, as Madison often admired them doing so when she was trying to find a solution to a particularly difficult business situation, then, within seconds, bounced back out of it once again.
Inez presented an envelope to Madison, addressed to her. "Well, this might bring your spirits up at least," she placed in front of Madison. "I just know it is what it is."
Madison's jaw dropped as she read the letter.
Months ago, while they still lived in Florida, Madison's tutor convinced her to take part in a writing competition. The competition was hosted by one of New York's most prestigious publication companies, namely by their founder; Mallorie Whyte, possibly one of the most sought after and revered journalists in the Western Hemisphere. Madison completely worshipped the woman. Whyte being a first generation French American was the main factor in inspiring Madison to learn the language; not for the benefit of her Senegalese brother.
But he did not need to know that.
Inez spoke again, mainly just to make sure that Madison hadn't become paralyzed from shock. "Is she telling you to buy a damn dictionary or was your spelling fine?” Inez teased. There was no response, but Madison was finished reading, and Inez became heart-scared that she would lick the page.
Madison was dumbfounded for a few more seconds. "I got first place in the contest. She wants me to come to New York and meet her! Bloody hell, she thinks I could help her out with new ideas?" Maddie took another break before screaming the house down. "The Mallorie Whyte wants me because she thinks I could help her-"
She completely froze up in shock, her frightened stepmother running behind her in case she fell backwards. "Three weeks?!" Madison screeched, loud enough to wake up the dead. Inez almost jumped from her skin, laughing when she recovered.
"Three weeks, Maddie! We have plenty of time," she attempted to reason, even though trying to calm Madison down when she was as excited as this was next to impossible.
Madison looked highly offended. "Three weeks? Do you see the state of this house? It needs to be perfect!"
The house was next to gleaming spotless.
Inez rolled her eyes and tugged Madison's belt loop as she was about to run into the hall. In her lifetime, she had met many people that she could consider crazy, but no one came as close to her stepdaughter when she was fangirling over Mallorie Whyte. "Yes, honey that's all well and good," Inez said, attempting to calm down the lunatic in front of her, "but in the meantime, I want you to tidy your bedroom, do your homework and do some studying."
Madison nodded obediently, grabbed her Cola, and ran upstairs, careful not to spill anything on the grey carpet. The fragrance of her apple blossom burning in an incense bowl wafted around the room, and her speaker was set to play music from her playlist when it detected motion in the room. The past few moments of excitement had wiped what had happened before the letter out of her mind.
Meghan had practically taken Dylan away from her- not that she cared, not now anyway. Mallorie freakin' Whyte had sent her a handwritten letter for Christ's sake, she wasn't going to be moping over a boy that her supposed best friend has had her eyes on for months. She had known since before announcing the move that the boy was falling under Meghan's spell, she had seen it; the messages, the winks and the giggles, the almost-too-close kiss under the stairway. She was never ignorant to the fact that there was something between Dylan and Meghan going on behind her back- they were both horrible liars and barely tried to cover it up- she just did her best to pretend nothing had happened.
It's not as if she wasn't the jealous type- she used to be- Dylan had been around most of her friendship group while she was crushing on him. She had just grown an indifference to seeing him flirt with other girls. She had grown used to it.
The notification of her computer sounded, distracting herself from her slightly depressing thoughts. It was an email notification, from Mallorie Whyte herself. Madison almost fainted at the sight of it. Not only had she just received a written letter, but she had also taken time to contact online. Madison caught her breath at the possibility of having a conversation with this woman three weeks before they met, she opened the email, scanning every word;
I apologize for reaching out to you in such an informal manner, but I just couldn't wait to get into correspondence with you sooner! Your entry into our contest here at Whyte’s Journalism and Publications utterly rocked my soul at the core, your work blooms amazingly at your young age.
The reason I picked your entry was that after many hours of reading and re-reading hundreds of thousands of entries, I realized that yours spoke to me in a way that no other one did. The beauty of your language and knowledge of how our world and society works touched me in a way no other did- heart-breaking, yet somehow warming, in the same way, to know that there are still people in this world who still have a love for life.
I noted in your information folder that Halloween was your least favourite holiday- a complete juxtaposition of my own opinion. Samhain is the best time of year- and I am excited to spend this glorious time of year with you and your family starting next weekend, as I've just finished sorting arrangements with Ms. Inez.
Best regards and wishes, and excitement to meet you,
Mallorie Whyte.
Inez smiled to herself from downstairs, setting her drink down and running up the stairs having heard the rather obvious sound of Madison's delighted squeal and subsequent crash on the floor.
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ashyblondwaves · 3 years
Yellow Ribbon
Prompt: Lazy Sundays
Fandom: Scarletvision (Wanda Maximoff and Vision, MCU)
Word Count: 1,320
Warnings: Slightly spooky storytelling and domestic fluff.
It was their favorite time of the year. Late September, when the chill in the air was just bitter enough for Sunday nights spent sitting around the firepit, a yearly tradition started when Tommy and Billy were toddlers.
The fire roared with life that night, orange flames licking at the sky as logs crackled and the deep, rich scent of them wafted through the air.
Wanda sat in one of the four adirondack chairs situated around the fire, her legs up and pulled in close to her chest as she nursed a cup of hot cocoa. Her eyes were on Vision tending to the fire, stoking it with a large branch before standing in front of it proudly with his hands on his hips.
“You’ve outdone yourself this week, darling,” Wanda said, pulling her sweater tighter around her with her free hand. “That is one gorgeous fire.”
“Thank you, love,” Vision said, turning around and smiling at his wife. He sat down in the chair next to her and admired his fire once more.
Tommy and Billy barreled through the back door and into the yard, holding marshmallows, chocolate bars and a box of graham crackers in their arms. The pair were dressed in their pajamas; gorillas for Tommy and dragons for Billy with their blankets tied around them to look like capes. They climbed into their adirondack chairs and immediately started to open their S’more ingredients.
“I get first, right dad?” Tommy asked, holding a large marshmallow up for Vision to take.
“Why can’t both of you have first?” Wanda asked, getting up from her chair. She plucked a second marshmallow from the bag for Billy and placed it on a long, metal skewer and got to roasting Billy’s marshmallow while Vision took care of Tommy’s.
“I find it rather amusing that we go through this every time we are out here,” Vision chuckled.
“It’s like they forget that the marshmallows can be roasted at the same time,” Wanda added.
“Perhaps by next fall we can trust them enough to roast their own marshmallows without hurling molten hot sugar at each other.”
With the marshmallows successfully roasted, they helped the boys assemble their S’mores before retiring to their chairs.
It was a perfect night. Not a cloud in the sky so the stars were able to shine to their fullest potential and the air had just enough bite to it that the fire felt welcome and soothing.
“Tell us a scary story, dad,” Billy said, chewing his S’more loudly.
“Yeah!” Tommy bellowed before taking a large bit of his own S’more. His next sentence came out muffled through the mix of graham cracker, marshmallow and chocolate in his mouth. “Tell us a scary story!”
“And make sure this one is appropriate for children,” Wanda added. “We don’t need a week of nightmares like last time.”
Vision nodded, picking the perfect story for the boys. He grabbed a flashlight and shined it under his chin.
“There once was a couple named Johnny and Jane,” he said dramatically, making the boys laugh. “Johnny and Jane had known each other since they were kids and since then, Jane always wore a yellow ribbon around her neck. She would never tell Johnny why she wore it, despite him asking quite a few times during their life together.
Eventually Johnny and Jane grew up and were married. They shared a long life together with four children and the yellow ribbon around Jane’s neck. Johnny only asked Jane about the ribbon once during their marriage and Jane replied to him, “You’ve waited this long. You can wait a while longer.” And so Johnny waited. Waited for the day he’d know about the yellow ribbon.
A year after their 50th wedding anniversary, Jane grew ill and was on her deathbed. Johnny knew he had one last chance to ask his wife about her yellow ribbon, so he asked. And Jane, with a sad smile, finally agreed to let Johnny untie her yellow ribbon. Johnny, fumbling with the knot, untied the yellow ribbon around his wife’s neck and….”
“And…” Tommy and Billy said in unison, leaning forward to hear the ending.
The boys laughed, wide smiles plastered on their chocolate stained faces, clearly not scared by the silly bit of folklore that Vision had just shared.
“Daaaaaaad!” Tommy said. “Another!”
“In a little bit, chaps,” Vision said, handing each boy a wet wipe for their hands and faces. “Let’s get comfortable now, okay?”
The boys nodded, curling up like their mother on their chairs while Vision covered them with their blankets.
“Well, they were entertained, at least,” Vision said, stealing a glance at Wanda who sat curled in her chair - a perfect mirror of her sons - watching her family.
“Maybe you’ll get them next time,” Wanda added, getting up just long enough to scoot her chair closer to Vision. With their chairs together, Wanda was able to lay her head on Vision’s shoulder as she watched the fire dancing in front of her.
“How can something so beautiful be so dangerous?” she asked, reaching a hand out toward the flame.
Vision looked at Wanda, a soft smile crossing his face.
“I wonder the same thing every single day,” he said.
Wanda wrinkled her nose, knowing Vision was talking about her.
“Stop that,” she said sheepishly, looking around their deserted backyard just to make sure nobody overheard Vision’s comment.
“Stop calling you beautiful or stop calling you dangerous?” Vision asked, his lip quirking up into a sardonic grin. “Because you are very much both. I’m merely speaking the truth.”
“Shhh,” Wanda whispered, pointing over to the boys who were both asleep in their chairs, chocolate and marshmallow still on their faces, their blankets pulled up to their chins.
“Well that certainly didn’t take long,” Vision muttered. “They’re not going to like us cleaning their faces while they’re trying to sleep.”
“I know, but let’s just let them sleep for now,” Wanda said, standing up. “I just want some time with you.”
“Come here,” Vision said, putting his arms out and taking Wanda’s hands. “Sit with me.”
Wanda was happy to oblige. She sat down in Vision’s lap, curling her legs up. She fit perfectly in his lap, just small enough for both of them to be comfortable.
Vision took Wanda’s hand, gently tracing each finger and each wrinkle in her palm before bringing her hand to his mouth to kiss it.
“Would you still love me if I had a yellow ribbon keeping my head on?” Wanda asked.
“Of course, darling,” Vision replied, pressing another kiss to Wanda’s hand. “I’d love you if you had ribbons keeping all of your appendages intact.”
Wanda threw her head back and laughed as Vision moved in and started kissing her neck fervently, making Wanda laugh even more.
“Ewww,” Tommy’s small voice cut through the fun, stopping Vision in his tracks. “You kiss too much.”
“Is there such a thing as too much kissing?” Wanda asked, laughing again as Vision moved in close to her ear, kissing the spot just under Wanda’s earlobe loudly. .
“I’m not done with you,” he whispered, before moving away from her and turning his attention to his son. “There’s no such thing as too much kissing.”
“Well, it’s gross,” Tommy said, pretending to gag.
“Okay, wise guy,” Wanda said. “Wake up your brother. It’s time to wash up for bed.”
Wanda begrudgingly pulled herself up from Vision’s lap.
“Need any help?” Vision asked, standing up.
“I’ll handle the boys,” Wanda said, pointing at the fire. “You make sure the fire is roaring for us when I get back.”
Vision smiled knowingly and immediately got to work on the fire as Wanda and the boys walked back to the house, Vision’s promise of more hanging in the air between him and Wanda.
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shuadotcom · 4 years
Love Sick | JHS
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♡ Summary: When you’re sick on your favorite holiday, Hoseok just wants to make you feel better. ♡ Pairing: Hoseok x Gender Neutral!Reader ♡ Genre: Fluff, established relationship ♡ Rating: G ♡ Warnings: None ♡ Word Count: 1.8k ♡ A/N: For @btsholidaybingo​. Halloween may be over on the calendar, but it still lives on in my heart and through my Halloween wips that I’m still working through. Bingo Square: Horror Movies
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Jiminie: Hyung is freaking out because you're not answering his calls or texts
You sigh when your phone vibrates for what seems like the hundredth time and finally look at it.
Y/n: Sorry, I've been asleep all day
That isn’t a lie. You had slept most of the early morning away. The rest of the day was spent watching bad Netflix horror movies and throwing up what was left of your tainted dinner from the previous night. Of all the days your body decides it’s time to be ill, being sick on your favorite holiday was truly a betrayal.
Jiminie: All day? It's nearly four, and it’s Halloween. What's wrong?
Y/n: Nothing! I’m pretty sure I just have food poisoning. 
Y/n: DON'T TELL HOSEOK. I don't want him worrying about me. You know how he is when I’m sick.
You should've known not to trust Jimin to keep your secret. Out of all of the members, you’re closest to Jimin and trust him most. Even so, you know this little tidbit of information is going to slip through his friend filter and that he’s going to tell Hoseok out of worry for you.
Not even half an hour after you’ve sent him the text and he replies with an 'okay,’ you hear your front door open. You bury yourself further under the covers and groan, making a mental note to exact revenge on Jimin when you feel better.
As annoyed as you are with Jimin, you can’t help but smile at the sound of Hoseok's voice. It’s one of your favorite sounds.
"In my room!" You manage to croak out, throat feeling raw. You listen to his footsteps rushing down the hall and the crinkling of a paper bag. You smile at the sight of your boyfriend, looking at you with eyes full of concern
"Why didn't you tell me you were sick!?" Hoseok sets the bag on your bedside table and gingerly climbs into bed next to you.
"I didn't want to worry you. Plus, you guys have that huge Halloween party going down at Big Hit tonight. I wanted you to enjoy your day."
Hoseok smiles warmly at you before pulling the comforter back to see more of your face. "Baby, you should already know that I would give up any and every party to spend my day with you. I always enjoy being with you, sickness that you neglect to tell me about, and all." He reaches over to cup your face and frowns.”You’re so clammy, Y/n.”
You shrug. “I’ve been trapped in the bathroom for most of the day. I’ve probably thrown up all my fluids.”
“When’s the last time you drank some water?”
Good question. “Uh…”
Hoseok clicks his tongue in disapproval before grabbing the bag he brought with him. "Well, before I came over, I stopped at the store for medicine. I brought candy, popcorn, and tea, but meds come first because I know you haven’t taken any.” He gives you a look. He wasn’t wrong. “I wasn't sure what symptoms you had, so I got one that covers all kinds of food poisoning symptoms. This one is for nausea, upset stomach, diarrhea, stomach cramps, bloating, and indigestion. Do you have all of these?"
"Good, now open up." Hoseok insists on feeding you the medicine himself, and after a lot of whining on your part, you eventually take it, complaining about how gross it is the entire time while Hoseok just laughs. Thankfully, he lets you handle the task of drinking a glass of water yourself.
"Thank you, Hobi. You don't have to stick around anymore if you-"
"Hey, I already said I’m spending my time with you. I’m here to celebrate Halloween with you. Now keep drinking your water and stay here. I'm going to go make you some tea and soup."
"No, buts! I'm making you something to eat, and that's that." Hoseok offers you a smile and leans down to place a small kiss on your forehead before leaving the room.
You sigh and continue to sip your water in silence. He’s being his usual selfless and considerate self, but this is the main reason you hadn’t wanted him to find out. Hoseok had a habit of babying you any way he could when you were sick. It was sweet, but also tiring.
Twenty minutes or so later, Hoseok comes back into the room with a small tray. It has a steaming bowl of soup in the middle and a cup of tea on it. You also notice a few small packs of crackers around the bowl. "I know you like saltines with your soup, so I brought some too."
"And the tea?"
"Four sugars, honey, and a splash of creamer. I even put a little extra honey, so it'll ease your throat." You smile at your boyfriend as he takes a seat on the bed next to you. Your prop yourself up against your pillows and situate the tray on your lap. Before you can pick up your spoon, Hoseok has it in his hands. He brings it up to your lips after blowing on the hot food.
"Hoseok, I can feed myself, you know."
"I know, but I just want to help you." He breaks into his bright, heart-melting smile, leaving you no room to object. You let out a groan before opening your mouth and letting him feed you.
Once you’re done eating and have your tea, which he made sure to blow on to cool it down for you, he draws you a warm bath, explaining that it'll help with your stomach cramps. “Here, let help you.” He reaches to lift your shirt, but you bat his hands away.
“I got it, Hobi.”
“Well, I can wash you up. You’re probably still feeling tired.”
“No, that’s okay, babe.” 
“I can at least stay in here to make sure you’re safe. In case you get too hot and-”
“I can do it myself!” You snap at him, pushing him out of the bathroom. As flattered as you are by how much he’s willing to help, it was starting to annoy you.
When you emerge from the bathroom half an hour later, you do have to admit that you’re feeling better. Hoseok is sitting on your bed, scrolling through his phone and he jumps up when you enter. He makes a move to leave, but you stop him.
"It's okay. You can stay." You send him a smile before making your way over to your dresser. 
"Y/n, I uh, I’m sorry that I made you so mad. I promise I only want to help you. I didn’t mean to upset you."
Once you are in a fresh pair of pajamas, you crawl into bed, tugging his hand to bring him with you. Hoseok situates himself in bed and pulls you to lie against him. 
"First of all, I'm not mad," you begin. "I know you mean well. It's just the fact that you always tend to hover over me when I’m sick and do things you don't need to do. I just have a stomach bug. I’m not paralyzed or dying. I can take off my own clothes and eat my own soup. I'm grateful to have you here to take care of me, but you're worrying too much."
Hoseok sighs and begins rubbing your arm. "I'm sorry. I care about you too much to not want to dote on you, you know. I love you."
"I love you too, and thank you for your concern. I actually feel way better than I did this morning." You glance up at him, seeing that wonderful grin on his face.
"See, I knew the bath would help! Is there anything else you need or want? Something Halloween-y, perhaps?"
You think for a few seconds before lacing your fingers through his. "Watch horror movies with me?" Knowing how stressed scary movies make him, you assume he’ll suggest something else, but to your surprise, he nods, albeit visibly reluctant.
"Anything for you,” he chirps, voice a little too high pitched. Hoseok leans down to lightly kiss the top of your head before getting out of bed. “Pick whatever you want. I’m going to make some popcorn. I think you’ve earned it since you’re feeling a little better.”
You scroll through Netflix looking for a movie as you wait for him, deciding on one of your favorites, The Conjuring. When he gets back, he’s balancing a big bowl of popcorn in one hand and a few mini Milky Ways and Twix bars in the other.
After getting situated, he pulls you into his chest again, and you can hear how fast his heart is beating. 
“Hobi, are you sure this is a good idea? You know how you get with horror stuff. We can do something else.”
“Y/n, please, I’ll be fine because I’m with you.” He does his best to reassure you as he turns the lamp on the bedside table off.
An hour into the movie and he is most certainly not doing fine. He’s already screamed four times and nearly knocked over the popcorn. At some point, he’d taken your comforter and cocooned himself into it to hide in the fabric.
The movie is more than halfway through when a particular spook has Hoseok falling off the bed in shock. You fish the remote from underneath a pillow and stop the movie, exiting out of Netflix altogether. Out of all the times he’s attempted to watch horror movies with you, this is the longest he’s lasted through a movie, so you decide to give him a break today.
“Babe, what are you doing?” He asks from the mound of fluff on the floor.
“I’m changing the movie, Hobi.”
“Yeah, but-“
“Too late, the movie is already off. I appreciate that you want to spend time doing something I want, but I have other Halloween movies I like that will be kinder to you.”
Hoseok seems to recognize the opening of Hocus Pocus, springing up from the floor as the movie starts. He climbs back onto the bed to cuddle with you again.
“You know I love you, right Y/n?” His sudden question surprises you, and you look up at him only to see him staring right back at you.
“Of course. And you know I love you.” He beams at you, kissing you tenderly and pulling away before you can get lost in his lips.
“Good, because I’ll need you to hold me when Billy comes on screen. He’s entirely too creepy for a Disney movie.”  You can’t help the laugh that bubbles out as you snuggle closer to Hoseok. This year’s Halloween is turning out not to be the worst, after all, thanks to Hoseok and his love for you that you can practically feel radiating off of him, making you feel much better.
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hairringtonsteve · 7 years
Please Understand
Soo, I haven’t written in a relly long time, so I hope this is good. I was wondering about doing a smut-ish second part. Hope you guys like it :)
Sorry if there are gross grammar mistakes, english is not my first language
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
Word Count: 1553
Summary: You and your boyfriend have your first discussion. You know he’s hiding something from you, but you don’t understand why
Content: some swearing and some fluff as well
a/n added from hairringtonsteve: alright! so, i’ve never done this before, but i thought it’d be cool! someone submitted it to me (i’m not sure who, a name wasn’t left on it and it just said that it was submitted by “Me”) and i’m really excited to share it with you! i really like it, and personally, i vote that you start up a blog for fic because i’d read the shit out of all of your stuff! :) the only thing that i’ve added to this is a read more, just so the post isn’t super long on the dash! 
“I still don’t understand how you and my brother became friends…” – you say, laughing, while cuddling with your boyfriend, Steve Harrington, on his bed.
“I’ve told you, baby. It’s a long story. Let’s say he needed some help with, uhm, something…”- he replied, thoughtfully.
You have been together for a couple of months now. Seeing Steve around your house now and then helped get you two to know each other well. Secretly, you always had a crush on him, but never tried a move because, well, how in the hell would king Steve notice you? At least that’s what you thought, until getting close to him.
From the beginning on, he was always kind and sweet to you. The only problem was, you thought he was a bit mysterious sometimes, as if he was hiding something from you, what you certainly disliked.
“That’s funny because…”- you looked at him- “Usually Dusty comes to me when he has a problem. He never hides anything from me.”
“Well (Y/N), at some point he would need a male help, am I right?”- he smiles, but you think it’s suspicious.
“Hmmm, I don’t know. I mean, I guess it’s just weird to see him growing up and talking about these ‘boy stuff’ with someone older. Especially you. I remember when we used to fight for our toys when we were little…”- you took that moment to give him a kiss. Boy, those lips! You loved to kiss and bite those lips of his. You just didn’t like it more than playing with his soft fluffy hair.
“Yeah, you shouldn’t worry about it. Besides, let the boy in peace. I think you’re a bit over-protective at times. Looks like you’re being nosy…” –he stared at the ceiling. That last sentence sounded like he was jealous. You always thought Steve liked to take care of your little brother more than you did.
But damn, he shouldn’t have said that. You get really angry when someone tells you how you should act. Especially when it comes to taking care of Dustin. You loved that ‘shithead’ – as Steve liked to say – a lot and you’d do everything to see him happy and safe.
You roll over your boyfriend’s messy bed, sitting up. You were mad. Nosy? He had no right of telling you that. Plus, you still felt like he was hiding something from you.
“I’m sorry, what? You’re telling me I’m being nosy? And, to be honest I keep thinking you’re hiding something from me! Whenever I talk to you about you guys you just… I don’t know… give me excuses.”
Now Steve was the one pissed.  He hated to talk about that. However, he had a reason, and a very good one. It couldn’t run through your mind, though. All you could focus on were “his lies”.
“Oh c’mon. Cut that bullshit (Y/N)! You know I am not hiding anything from you!” – you looked very angry and Steve hated that. Now he was pissed too. – “Seriously, you’re such a pain in the ass when you insist on that!” – he said, harshly.
Oh dear. He never talked to you like that. You could feel tears in your eyes and the urge to go away. And that’s what you did. You stood up, grabbed your purse and left, slamming the door. Steve’s eyes were wide open, he had suddenly realized what he had done. He muttered something like Shit under his breath and ran after you.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)! I’m sorry, please, come back!”
It was too late. As he stood at his house’s door, you were already driving your car, leaving that place as fast as you could. His words were echoing on your mind. How could he say something like that? You never thought he could be that mean…
You parked in front of your house so furiously that the car made a screeching noise. Your mother went to buy stuff for the new cat, since Mews disappeared mysteriously, leaving Dustin by himself. He heard the noise and ran down the stairs to find you opening the door crying. He hated to see you like that. Actually, you both were very protective of each other, which was super cute.
“(Y/N)? What happened? Where’s Steve?”- he asked, while you walked in, as fast as you could to your room, your safe place.
“Please, don’t say that name!” – even though you were really angry, you still loved Steve and it really hurt to know that someone you love could make you feel that way.
“What? Did Steve do something mean to you? God, that motherfucker Harrington is SO dead!”- Dustin said closing his fist, as if he was going to punch Steve in the face or something.
“No, Dusty… I don’t know. Just leave me alone!”
You slammed your room’s door and in less than twenty minutes, you hear the doorbell ringing. You stand up and check the window, to see who it could be. There he was, Steve Harrington himself was standing in front of your door, with a beautiful rose bouquet on his left hand.
You ran back to your bed and decided you wouldn’t talk to Steve. How dare him call you names and show up five minutes later. At least, that’s what you told yourself. Deep down, you loved the fact that he was after you, wanting to clarify things and make up. Then, all good memories were running through your mind. The first kiss, the first time you held hands… That one time when you were caught making out inside his car… Your first time having sex… He was incredible and it would be awful to lose that man.
Suddenly you notice it’s taking quite a long time for Steve to reach to your room. You walk to the door and hesitate to open it. You think for a bit and when you get the guts to open it, you find Dustin, who was about to knock – he’s a very polite boy.
“Uhm, (Y/N). Can we talk for a minute? Steve’s down there and…”
“I know, tell him to go away, I don’t want to talk to him!” – you interrupt Dustin.
“I understand, I understand. So, listen. Let me talk to you then.” – he made a small pause to look right in your eyes – “He was just protecting you.”
You laugh, ironically.
“Protect from what? What the hell are you talking about, Dustin?”
Dustin takes your hand, leading you to sit on your bed. Then, he looks out to your room. He took a deep breath and turned back at you. You couldn’t help but let a little grin show. The kid knew how to be dramatic sometimes.
“So, do you remember, right when Steve and I started to hang out?”- he asked, smiling at those last words. He always felt so proud and loved to show off his friendship with Steve.
“Yes. Why? What’s the matter?”
Dustin took a deep breath and told you. Everything. Told about Will, D&D, all about Eleven,  that weird girl who recently showed up at his class out of nowhere. Also, how they fought the Demogorgon, the demo-dogs and the mind flayer. He emphasized, however, on Steve’s help. How he handled the situation with Dart (and that it ate Mews), how he risked himself in order to protect your brother and his friends. He even told about that one time where Billy punched the hell out of Steven, but that he stood there for the kids.
You were shocked at all this new information. You couldn’t reply directly, you needed a moment to think. Especially when Dustin told about Hawkins Lab and how they could be watching you all and arrest you, if needed. It seemed like the most creative child’s scary story ever, but you had to believe him. You knew Dustin. You knew he wouldn’t mess up and lie to you like this. Your first reaction, however, was to shout at him.
You were cut by a laughing Steve, who was standing at your room’s door. You didn’t notice him coming up, you were just too astonished by your little brother’s story. He came closer to your bed, and sat next to you, on the other side.
“See? I was lying, indeed. I’m sorry. But it was for a good reason.” – Steve’s soft voice were music to your ears at that moment. He places the flowers next to you.
“Oh, Steve, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have reacted that way” – you hug him, feeling one or two tears on the corner of your eyes.
“It’s okay, baby. I shouldn’t have said those mean things either.”
Steve then brings your face closer and kisses you. You kiss him back, passionately. You could simply not resist him.
“Eeeeew! Can’t you guys wait until I’m gone? Gross!” – Dustin said while standing up and leaving the room as quickly as possible. He couldn’t handle seeing you kiss a man.
Dustin shut the door while you and Steve were laughing hard.
“No more lying from now on. I promise. You?”- said Steve, holding you close to him
You close your eyes and find his lips on yours again.
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savedbyharrington · 7 years
Please Understand
A/N: Yuup, I’m the one who submitted this to @hairringtonsteve and since it got so many likes and reblogs, I decided to make a blog dedicated to Stranger Things writings! I hope you guys like it :)
Soo, I haven’t written in a relly long time, so I hope this is good. I was wondering if I should do a smut-ish second part. If yes, please let me know! Hope you guys like it :)
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
Word Count: 1553
Summary: You and your boyfriend have your first discussion. You know he’s hiding something from you, but you don’t understand why
Content: some swearing and some fluff as well
“I still don’t understand how you and my brother became friends…” – you say, laughing, while cuddling with your boyfriend, Steve Harrington, on his bed.
“I’ve told you, baby. It’s a long story. Let’s say he needed some help with, uhm, something…”- he replied, thoughtfully.
You have been together for a couple of months now. Seeing Steve around your house now and then helped get you two to know each other well. Secretly, you always had a crush on him, but never tried a move because, well, how in the hell would king Steve notice you? At least that’s what you thought, until getting close to him.
From the beginning on, he was always kind and sweet to you. The only problem was, you thought he was a bit mysterious sometimes, as if he was hiding something from you, what you certainly disliked.
“That’s funny because…”- you looked at him- “Usually Dusty comes to me when he has a problem. He never hides anything from me.”
“Well (Y/N), at some point he would need a male help, am I right?”- he smiles, but you think it’s suspicious.
“Hmmm, I don’t know. I mean, I guess it’s just weird to see him growing up and talking about these ‘boy stuff’ with someone older. Especially you. I remember when we used to fight for our toys when we were little…”- you took that moment to give him a kiss. Boy, those lips! You loved to kiss and bite those lips of his. You just didn’t like it more than playing with his soft fluffy hair.
“Yeah, you shouldn’t worry about it. Besides, let the boy in peace. I think you’re a bit over-protective at times. Looks like you’re being nosy…” –he stared at the ceiling. That last sentence sounded like he was jealous. You always thought Steve liked to take care of your little brother more than you did.
But damn, he shouldn’t have said that. You get really angry when someone tells you how you should act. Especially when it comes to taking care of Dustin. You loved that ‘shithead’ – as Steve liked to say – a lot and you’d do everything to see him happy and safe.
You roll over your boyfriend’s messy bed, sitting up. You were mad. Nosy? He had no right of telling you that. Plus, you still felt like he was hiding something from you.
“I’m sorry, what? You’re telling me I’m being nosy? And, to be honest I keep thinking you’re hiding something from me! Whenever I talk to you about you guys you just… I don’t know… give me excuses.”
Now Steve was the one pissed.  He hated to talk about that. However, he had a reason, and a very good one. It couldn’t run through your mind, though. All you could focus on were “his lies”.
“Oh c’mon. Cut that bullshit (Y/N)! You know I am not hiding anything from you!” – you looked very angry and Steve hated that. Now he was pissed too. – “Seriously, you’re such a pain in the ass when you insist on that!” – he said, harshly.
Oh dear. He never talked to you like that. You could feel tears in your eyes and the urge to go away. And that’s what you did. You stood up, grabbed your purse and left, slamming the door. Steve’s eyes were wide open, he had suddenly realized what he had done. He muttered something like Shit under his breath and ran after you.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)! I’m sorry, please, come back!”
It was too late. As he stood at his house’s door, you were already driving your car, leaving that place as fast as you could. His words were echoing on your mind. How could he say something like that? You never thought he could be that mean…
You parked in front of your house so furiously that the car made a screeching noise. Your mother went to buy stuff for the new cat, since Mews disappeared mysteriously, leaving Dustin by himself. He heard the noise and ran down the stairs to find you opening the door crying. He hated to see you like that. Actually, you both were very protective of each other, which was super cute.
“(Y/N)? What happened? Where’s Steve?”- he asked, while you walked in, as fast as you could to your room, your safe place.
“Please, don’t say that name!” – even though you were really angry, you still loved Steve and it really hurt to know that someone you love could make you feel that way.
“What? Did Steve do something mean to you? God, that motherfucker Harrington is SO dead!”- Dustin said closing his fist, as if he was going to punch Steve in the face or something.
“No, Dusty… I don’t know. Just leave me alone!”
You slammed your room’s door and in less than twenty minutes, you hear the doorbell ringing. You stand up and check the window, to see who it could be. There he was, Steve Harrington himself was standing in front of your door, with a beautiful rose bouquet on his left hand.
You ran back to your bed and decided you wouldn’t talk to Steve. How dare him call you names and show up five minutes later. At least, that’s what you told yourself. Deep down, you loved the fact that he was after you, wanting to clarify things and make up. Then, all good memories were running through your mind. The first kiss, the first time you held hands… That one time when you were caught making out inside his car… Your first time having sex… He was incredible and it would be awful to lose that man.
Suddenly you notice it’s taking quite a long time for Steve to reach to your room. You walk to the door and hesitate to open it. You think for a bit and when you get the guts to open it, you find Dustin, who was about to knock – he’s a very polite boy.
“Uhm, (Y/N). Can we talk for a minute? Steve’s down there and…”
“I know, tell him to go away, I don’t want to talk to him!” – you interrupt Dustin.
“I understand, I understand. So, listen. Let me talk to you then.” – he made a small pause to look right in your eyes – “He was just protecting you.”
You laugh, ironically.
“Protect from what? What the hell are you talking about, Dustin?”
Dustin takes your hand, leading you to sit on your bed. Then, he looks out to your room. He took a deep breath and turned back at you. You couldn’t help but let a little grin show. The kid knew how to be dramatic sometimes.
“So, do you remember, right when Steve and I started to hang out?”- he asked, smiling at those last words. He always felt so proud and loved to show off his friendship with Steve.
“Yes. Why? What’s the matter?”
Dustin took a deep breath and told you. Everything. Told about Will, D&D, all about Eleven,  that weird girl who recently showed up at his class out of nowhere. Also, how they fought the Demogorgon, the demo-dogs and the mind flayer. He emphasized, however, on Steve’s help. How he handled the situation with Dart (and that it ate Mews), how he risked himself in order to protect your brother and his friends. He even told about that one time where Billy punched the hell out of Steven, but that he stood there for the kids.
You were shocked at all this new information. You couldn’t reply directly, you needed a moment to think. Especially when Dustin told about Hawkins Lab and how they could be watching you all and arrest you, if needed. It seemed like the most creative child’s scary story ever, but you had to believe him. You knew Dustin. You knew he wouldn’t mess up and lie to you like this. Your first reaction, however, was to shout at him.
You were cut by a laughing Steve, who was standing at your room’s door. You didn’t notice him coming up, you were just too astonished by your little brother’s story. He came closer to your bed, and sat next to you, on the other side.
“See? I was lying, indeed. I’m sorry. But it was for a good reason.” – Steve’s soft voice were music to your ears at that moment. He places the flowers next to you.
“Oh, Steve, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have reacted that way” – you hug him, feeling one or two tears on the corner of your eyes.
“It’s okay, baby. I shouldn’t have said those mean things either.”
Steve then brings your face closer and kisses you. You kiss him back, passionately. You could simply not resist him.
“Eeeeew! Can’t you guys wait until I’m gone? Gross!” – Dustin said while standing up and leaving the room as quickly as possible. He couldn’t handle seeing you kiss a man.
Dustin shut the door while you and Steve were laughing hard.
“No more lying from now on. I promise. You?”- said Steve, holding you close to him
You close your eyes and find his lips on yours again.
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