#yeah i nickname her mysty
lukochi · 19 days
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She gettin’ that soul jam
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WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tag @for-a-longlongtime. 💜😘
Since I'm taking for fucking ever to get the next chapter of Closed Position finished, I'll give y'all another little teaser for WIP Wednesday.
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Dieter's POV As soon as Kat walked into the bedroom, she paused. Her eyes caught sight of the purple happy stick in my hand almost immediately. My brows arched up at her as I fought a smile. 
“Where did you find that?” she asked nervously.
I tried not to laugh, “Under your pillow.” 
She looked horrified, “And you just picked it up without knowing whose it is or if it’s clean?” 
I shrugged, “I mean, it looks clean. I just assumed it was yours.” 
She shook her head as her cheeks tinged red, “Nope. Don’t know where that came from.” 
I clicked my tongue, “So, you’re telling me you’ve been sleeping with someone else's vibrator under your pillow all week and didn’t notice?” 
She stared at me with wide eyes, seeming unable to respond. 
“It’s OK, I know you were not doing yoga yesterday…If it makes you feel better, I beat off in the shower before I went and got us breakfast.” 
I tried my best to maintain a serious face as her lips twitched upward. I knew that would get her. 
“It doesn’t bother you…that I have one of those?” she asked quietly. 
My brows furrowed, “Of course not…why would it? Hell, I have a few myself.” 
I could see the tension leave her body, now realizing for the first time that she thought I would be upset over it. That fucking asshole.
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I'm sure you can guess where this scene is going. 👀😂
Yeah...so...this chapter is going to be complete filth. However, we do learn some new things and get lots of bonding between these two. Kat gets a new nickname. You know how much she loves those. Anyone want to take a guess at what it will be? We also get the SNL monologue! That'll be fun because you know Dieter is not sticking to the script. He's a fucking menace.
I know you want to yell at me for the edging. It's ok, I understand. Yell away. 🤣
No ETA on the chapter yet, but I'm still slowly plugging away during my down time. I'll probably end up surprise dropping it on y'all without warning. 😏
Until then, 💜 Mysty
CP Taglist:
@titlee78 @legendary-pink-dot  @survivingandenduring @wannab-urs  @harriedandharassed
@hisandsnakes  @misstokyo7love @readingiskeepingmegoing  @runningmom94  @sin-djarin
@cakipy-blog  @missladym1981  @guelyury  @weho2kcmo  @alokaerza  
@girlofchaos  @trulybetty  @rhoorl  @bitchwitch1981  @madnessofadaydreamer
@darkheartgatita  @jazzloveslatte  @timpletance  @musings-of-a-rose  @samiamproductions
@myloveistoolittle  @for-a-longlongtime   @copperhalfcent  @auteurdelabre @drewharrisonwriter
@burntheedges  @stevie75  @bunniboo0015  @quicax3  @jackie923
@sherala007  @pastelnap  @angelofsmalldeath-codeine  @jessthebaker  @rebel-held
@gwendibleywrites  @senorabond  @annalovesflorida  @sandaltoesocks  @katw474
@txlady37 @inkmonster21 @sunnytuliptime @jeewrites @fifitheragertot
@pasc4lfuzz @toomanystoriessolittletime @tintinn16 @lizzie-cakes
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elsewhereuniversity · 4 years
When I first started here, I called myself Ada, because my wordpress as a teen was adamantiumhalfdragonx523 and it was the first thing I thought of when they said I should pick a nickname.
...I know, it’s kinda ridiculous, and I was hoping to present a somewhat more mature persona at college. But at least Ada is an actual name, and I could claim it was after Ada Lovelace instead of my RP blog.
Anyway, I dove into class quickly. Engineering, with an accidental minor in physics: I liked the required courses so I took a few electives, then realized I was only like nine credits away from qualifying for a minor so I went for it. Got immediately bogged down by homework as usual, barely scraping C minuses through humanities requirements and getting extensions wherever I could. I’ve never been good with time management? It’s the adhd.
There were always rumours of strange things happening on campus, but I mean, it’s college. You get drunk larpers and people hallucinating moving shadows from lack of sleep and old buildings with confusing layouts and it’s enough for weird rumours to be spread for months.
There was this weird girl who moved in a couple doors down from me: she turned up around March, I think she was a transfer? Her roommate literally burst into tears and ran away down the hall when I mentioned her, so I didn’t push it. It was a bit weird but I guess they were close with their previous roommate? Don’t know why they left, maybe they dropped out. Anyway, near the end of the semester the girl — she went by hazelnut, I think — invited me to this pre-finals rager out in the woods. I think it was late April, maybe the first of May? Mysty (my roomie) said not to go but I was feeling pretty prepared for my exam so I figured I’d go check it out. She kept, like, tutting at me, and made a big show of pouring salt lines at the window and door and around her bed? I don’t know how you can pour salt sarcastically, but she managed.
It was a pretty decent party, honestly, all through the woods. There was obviously much wilder stuff happening deeper, bright lights and screams and music and stuff, but I met up with a group I vaguely recognized from some class or other, spent a good couple hours playing, like, a music-based chase game around this awesome spiderweb of a slackline rope course someone had set up in the trees, falling off laughingly as we got progressively drunker. Also Cuttlefish (trans dude, marine bio major) with the Bluetooth speaker started skipping erratically between songs with dramatically different genres and beat structures until we all ended up tackling him to make him stop. I was just thinking of heading back to dorm when this girl with really cool dark-fantasy makeup stumbled out of the trees, obviously in distress.
She was dressed in this kinda ragged-but-flowing translucent robe thing over incongruous muddy cargo shorts, barefoot, exhausted-looking, and screaming about being chased. Lark (short girl, I think geology major?) immediately grabbed some big hoola hoops I’d been ignoring (I mean, when there’s a huge multi-tiered rope course with ladders and slack lines and trapezes, hoola hoops don’t stand out) and threw one over Spider-makeup-girl immediately, who kinda collapsed to the ground sobbing in apparent relief, and Lark yelled for everyone else to sit in one as well. Something something salt circles? So we did, kinda bemusedly, two to a hoop.
Spider-girl’s chasers burst out of the trees a moment later, and, like, I had figured Elsewhere must have a pretty substantial cosplay community, considering the larping I’d heard people talking about, but damn these guys’ costumes were good. One had to have been like six and a half feet tall, but they were on tall digitigrade stilts that raised them closer to eight, if you included the mask, and the other had this really clean 4-arm rig and I swear the arms were moving separately. Like, I’m an engineer and I couldn’t figure out how either had put the costumes together, the movements were so smooth they looked practically natural. I hope they get into whatever film studio or props company they want, the prosthetics were definitely movie quality.
Anyway, they came bursting out of the woods, making growling sounds, but they both stopped abruptly when they saw the probably-ridiculous sight of nine twenty-somethings sitting in plastic circles on the grass. I expected them to start laughing, but they were really deep in character.
They kinda circled around us for a moment, sniffing the air. I wanted to comment on their costumes, but everything seemed super serious all of a sudden. Then one of them spoke.
“Have they trapped you, weaver? Do you take salt chains over calm oblivion? Do you think they can hold you against the hunt?”
Their voice was kinda deep and raspy, oddly resonant in the chill night air, like I was only hearing part of it. This was obviously part of some scene, but I dunno. Spider-girl was curled into a ball, shaking, and I felt these guys were taking it too far.
There were a couple moments of tense silence, then Lark spoke up.
“Our bargain is with her, not with you. Leave, or wait out the dark. We aren’t moving.”
The four-armed one literally hissed at that, raising up this ragged crest along their back and flexing all four of their clawed hands.
“If you take her, human, then you take her debts. How certain are you, that you believe yourself capable of filling them? Do you think her gifts worth the cost of her entrapment?”
I still couldn’t tell how the rig was working, there wasn’t much space in their costume for complex pneumatics or anything, which was kinda annoyingly obscure. Was it just puppetry? How the fuck did they get the arms to DO that? And the tall one’s mask, were those articulated eyelids AND ears?
“She is ours, human, hunted and caught. You mettle in affairs of what you know not.”
The big one was circling faster now, striding long-limbed on those stilts. They sounded ominous, but I saw a loophole there, so I spoke up.
“You obviously didn’t catch her? She escaped long enough to find us, and if I understand the setting of your game well enough, we count as scenery or props, not players on the same level as you. So it sounds like she got away on her own and found a hiding place she can wait out the sun, which means you lost and she’s free. Go bug someone else.”
They both roared at that, making charging motions towards us, but thy kept pulling up short about two feet away from the hoola hoops. I’m not gonna lie, it was super intimidating, but they didn’t seem like they were going to get any closer? After like five minutes of this, the tall one broke and ran into the trees and the four-armed one followed, both shrieking.
We stayed in the hoola hoops after that. I would have liked to go back to the dorms, but any time any of us moved Lark started shrieking at us to stay still because it was “dangerous” or whatever. Cuttlefish turned the music back on and we ended up playing a trivia game someone had on their phone. It was super uncomfortable but it could have been worse, especially since I was still pretty drunk, so it was all a kinda pleasant foggyness. I must have dozed off at some point because next thing I knew it was a bit brighter and spider-girl was standing over me.
Her makeup was even better in the twilight, extra eyes and weirdly-textured skin and everything.
“If you are, as you said, merely scenery in which I have found my own escape, then I owe you nothing.”
She looked around at all of us, then at Lark, who was getting up with a murderous expression, then back to me. Up close, I could see my reflection in her eyes, including the six fake ones. They looked intimately real.
“Your words unwind me altogether, even from your would-be friend,” she whispered, just to me, “and I owe you, gift for gift.”
Then, suddenly, she was gone. I saw her bolt to the rope course and up one of the support ropes, much further up than I’d noticed it went, until she disappeared into the treetops. It was impressive.
Lark yelled at me a bit, something something she could have made us all rich? I don’t know, I don’t understand the larp setting well enough to understand the context. And then I went back to my dorm and collapsed into bed. I only got three hours of sleep before I had to get up and take my exam, but I did pretty well on it anyway, got a solid 83%.
Couple days later I heard a sound at the window, and when I went to investigate I found a bundle of fabric on the sill. Unwrapping it, i found a hooded knee-length asymmetrical vest thingy with this really cool greyscale-geometric pattern on it, made from the same flowing material as spider-girl’s robe. It fits perfectly. Mysty made a bit of a fuss when she saw it, but calmed down a bit when I told her the context. I’ve been wearing it ever since, it looks really good over jeans.
Anyway, yeah. Probably the weirdest story I have, though there are some solid contenders, actually....College, you know. Stuff happens.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21751201 (wrote this back in December, forgot to submit it)
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