#yeah i care more about how this will affect my au than the remake itself sorryđŸš¶
princekirijo · 1 year
Actually one last remake post I promise but I was reading the persona 5 royal cut dialog content last night specifically the comments characters make about the outfits they wear in the metaverse and I thought of something. In the dialogue they say that Gekkoukan High is in Odaiba in Tokyo but in P3 itself it's not mentioned where it is and it's sorta implied to be in a different city entirely. I wonder if in the remake they'll end up saying its in Tokyo after all?
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prettyboy-jimin · 7 years
Cherry Red; i
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Pairing: Min Yoongi x Park Jimin
Genre: Fluff, mild smut implication
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: Based on this prompt I got somewhere, I don’t remember but I’m pretty sure it’s from otpprompts
Imagine Person A saying to Person B, “If real life was a fandom, people would ship us.” Bonus: Person A, never one to quit while they’re ahead, continues to say “There would be porn of us.”
Weeehh, I’ve been into a lot of angst lately and frankly #JUSTICEFORANGST because the beautiful thing is so underappreciated y’all like how dare, but my friend’s been hurting a lot with me and she deserves some Yoonmin fluff heh + Also, I only realised after I finished everything that the prompt would be best portrayed if it were a Non-Idol AU but.. you know
 I finished it and

Hawaii was beautiful, Jimin had absolutely no words for it. Only yesterday had he and the others boarded a boat to sail around for the day, his hyungs fishing like the old men he knew them to be, Jungkook and Taehyung pushing each other off the boat, into the saltwater. The day before that, he and Namjoon went hiking up the mountains in the early morning, early enough to catch the warm sun freeing itself from the night’s cold embrace. They took a few pictures for the fans, knowing their girls from all over the globe would be curious of what they were up to. Jimin especially liked the photo Namjoon took of him wherein the sun’s glare competed against the camera, resulting in a large halo of sorts around Jimin’s body. This morning, Jimin had gone down to the beach with Jin, Namjoon tagging along as the adventurer he was. They walked with their heads down, careful not to let a stray fan catch them and scream. They found a sea turtle making its way onto the shore, Jin immediately hopping about telling his friends to take a picture. Jimin snapped a photo of his hyung, Jin thereafter forcing him and Namjoon to do the same. They sat on the sand with curious smiling faces directed to the reptile, Jin especially pleased with himself once he had tweeted their photos, along with the sea turtle’s solo shot, with a caption that said they tried turtle watching. Jimin laughed, scoffed more so, since all they really did was sit and smile rather than actually watch the aged animal crawl further onto land.
And though Hawaii was beautiful and Jimin couldn’t get enough of the beautiful beaches, he found himself here, in their hotel suite lounging around; exhausted. Jungkook was napping on the bed across from him, Taehyung tucking the maknae securely under his arm as he scrolled through his phone. Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok were out for the afternoon for more adventure, using the most of their time exploring than actually resting, wherein the three youngest as well as Yoongi were just too tired to move.
Jimin was lying on his back, arms splayed out on his shared bed with Hoseok, feet on the ground and eyes on the ceiling. The suite was quiet save for Yoongi’s constant typing on his laptop and the music that Jimin could faintly hear blasting from the elder’s headphones. It surprised Jimin how Yoongi wasn’t deaf yet, or relatively close to it.
Jimin was just about to drift off to sleep when Yoongi’s voice broke through his daze.
“Yes, hyung?” he answered groggily.
“Let’s go out”
Jimin laughed, a witty remark on the tip of his tongue. Is this how you ask me on a date? But he knew that his hyung would have something better up his sleeve so it was best to behave.
“And where would we go?” Jimin asked, eyes still closed, half hoping Yoongi would change his mind.
“The hotel has a pool on the roof, a cafĂ© and whatever.” Yoongi said “We could look over the city if you don’t wanna go for a swim.”
Jimin pulled himself up, resting his elbows on his knees as he tried to recover from the sudden movement. He muttered something Yoongi thought was I’m in board shorts anyway so we’ll see, and they both made their way out the door without much conversation; leaving Taehyung and Jungkook to sleep the afternoon away.
Jimin and Yoongi stepped into the elevator in silence, allowing the horrible music to envelope the small space they created between them. There were other people already aboard, either also on their way to the roof deck or up a floor higher than Jimin and Yoongi’s.
The dancer cast a glance to his hyung, usually they’d engage in some sort of conversation, the elder always having something interesting to share but at the moment he seemed to be in deep thought. Was something bothering him? Jimin would ask but now wasn’t the time and place so he figured to save it for later.
They stepped out of the lift after everyone else on board, basking in the warmth the afternoon sun down casted on them. The view was amazing, Jimin’s eyes immediately finding the edge of the building. He ran across the deck, passing the rooftop cafĂ© and restaurant as well as the pool, leaving behind an amused Yoongi to chuckle and follow after him.
Jimin’s hands gripped the cold metal railing, his eyes wide and smile huge. The wind brushed his hair back, saltwater fusing with the air he enjoyably inhaled for the past few days as Yoongi stood by his side, enjoying the ocean breeze.
“This is amazing” Jimin said, breathless and in awe.
“Right?” Yoongi stole a glance at the dancer before turning his gaze back to the view. “A fan tweeted about how she was in the same hotel as us a few months back”
Yoongi nodded his head with a pursed smile, Jimin only just noticing the slight tinge of pink on his hyung’s cheeks. When Yoongi shifted to look at him, Jimin ducked is head as if his distorted reflection in the metallic railing had suddenly become too interesting to ignore. A small smirk was displayed on Yoongi’s face that Jimin hadn’t noticed. He decided he liked making Jimin adorably uncomfortable.
“Do you ever wonder what our girls are up to on a daily basis?” Yoongi rolled around to set the undersides of his elbows on the railing that separated them from the edge, eyeing the other hotel guests as they enjoyed their vacation. “What they do with their normal lives?”
Jimin’s eyes were wide, observing Yoongi as if he had just sprouted a pair of goat horns, but Jimin knew that Yoongi just liked to think a lot. He gave a soft smile as he realised that Yoongi referred to the fans as ‘their girls’ just like how Bangtan were their boys. It made Jimin’s heart warm. It had been years since they first debuted, gradually building a fanbase in and out of Korea, but only in the recent years had Jimin seen their group of friends really skyrocket off the charts. It had been an amazing series of events, but it had also been really restless for the seven of them. Though the endless support they got from their ARMYs was more than enough motivation.
Jimin mirrored Yoongi’s position, observing the strangers of different backgrounds as well, a sense of fondness catching in his voice as he said, “Apart from loving us unconditionally, constantly making sure we’re happy and healthy, making fanfiction and screaming when we post new photos
 I have to say Yoongi-hyung, I have no idea.”
Yoongi was eyeing a little girl no more than three years old on the pool’s edge, it was the kiddie pool with a built in ramp of sorts, made to look like the sand as the clear water kept lapping at it. She had floaters on her little arms, and her black curls were glistening with water droplets Yoongi saw an older boy playfully splash her with. He smiled as she let out a little giggle and attacked what Yoongi assumed to be her brother.
“Do you ever think of how amazing it is that people are all divided into different fandoms?” Yoongi wondered aloud, still watching the wonderful display of family affection before him. “They’re like organisations that you can just come in and leave and while you’re there you have a family.”
Jimin raised a curious eyebrow at Yoongi. That was one way to put it, a really complicated way at that.
“Hyung, you think too much.” He says playfully, chuckling as he admires the scenery Hawaii had to offer.
But the idea continues to amaze the rapper, how people who had never even met each other in person or even know each other’s name can become the best of friends over their mutual interest in Bangtan, how a single night spanning from two to four hours could bring total strangers together and form friendships, relationships that normally take days, weeks to build. It amazes Yoongi. He thinks of their fans’ creativity, how artists can remake their photos using various types of paint, pencils, how they use their talents and incorporate their support for Bangtan and as he looks over at Jimin who was still admiring the view, he thinks of how their fans can see Yoongi’s feelings for him as if he was an open book. Damn were they dedicated.
He looks at Jimin, unafraid despite their public location; no one knew who they were here. He notices how Jimin had developed a nice tan over the last few days, hinting his skin just the slightest. Jimin’s cheeks were painted a light pink from hours under the sun and in the seawater, Yoongi thought if this was what it looked like to be sunkissed.
Jimin looks over at him, his weight still leaning on his elbows on the railing as he smiles at Yoongi.
“If real life was a fandom people would ship us.” Yoongi says coolly, almost indifferent towards Jimin’s widened eyes and shocked expression. It’s evidently clear to Yoongi that Jimin wasn’t expecting that. “People do ship us.”
Jimin straightens, his pink cheeks darkening to a pale red as his smile forms a straight line. He shifts on one foot to the other as he then finds himself struggling to find a decent position to stay in, settling on just standing straight with his hands clasped together in front of him as Yoongi chuckles.
“Yoongi hyung that’s pretty—“
“There would probably be porn of us.” Yoongi says, not bothering to lower his volume as passers-by shoot him looks ranging from confused to downright disgusted, yet Yoongi only shrugs and laughs as Jimin is the one who bows apologetically out of habit.
Yoongi tilts his head at Jimin, the younger’s cheeks now aflame and his eyes darting everywhere except Yoongi. Yoongi enjoys seeing Jimin flustered like this, gulping down air, fiddling with his shirt, rubbing his forearms in attempts at calming himself down; it’s entertaining as it is absolutely adorable. The world knows Jimin to be shy with these types of things, but the world doesn’t get to witness it up close and personal like Yoongi does and he decides that it sort of labels him as one of the lucky ones.
Jimin chokes and coughs on the air he sharply inhales as he says, “Hyung, that’s pretty intense” Yoongi smiling as he looks down at his feet. Jimin takes the opportunity to stare for as long as he could before he says something more.
“You’d like that though, wouldn’t you?” he muses, trying to supress a smile as Yoongi’s head jolts upwards, his smile wavering. When the older boy doesn’t seem to understand where Jimin is coming from, Jimin speaks again. “You’d like that—porn of us?”
Yoongi knows Jimin is joking, that he’s just trying to get at Yoongi by his own game but it doesn’t stop his eyebrows from shooting upwards in surprise as Jimin steps closer, hands still laced together in front of him and a smug smile plastered on his face.
“You’d look really pretty writhing under me, hyung” Jimin whispers, fingers playing at the collar of Yoongi’s black shirt. Yoongi is more relaxed now, he’s played this game a thousand times before and is well aware of Jimin’s feigning confidence, the dancer trying to make him as flustered as he was mere minutes ago as a sort of revenge. But Jimin doesn’t know that Yoongi’s won this game just as many times as he’s played it.
“I don’t know about writhing, but I’d definitely be under you.” Yoongi mutters, looking into Jimin’s eyes with a dark playfulness staining his irises. “I could see you falling apart over me, Jiminie. Bouncing desperately and screaming my name as I make you feel good.”
Jimin gulps, body gone stiff and his board shorts unbelievably uncomfortable as his eyes flicker between Yoongi’s eyes lips. Yoongi’s tongue makes an appearance and wets his lips as he grits back a chuckle when he sees Jimin’s eyes follow. Oh how he loved seeing Jimin lose.
“I’m right, aren’t I?” he asks, his voice dangerously low as he leans towards the younger boy uncaring to whoever was with them and wherever they were. Yoongi leaned in, closer and closer until their noses were touching and Jimin’s lips were only a breath away, until a fabricated, unrealistic cough makes Jimin dance backwards; creating a large space between him and Yoongi.
Yoongi doesn’t move, shutting his eyes tightly to hold down his frustrations and biting down on his lip to muffle the protests. He exhales before turning forward, Jimin now a foot away from him nibbling on his lip as he toed the cement at his feet. Yoongi spares a glare at Jin, clearly the one who faked the cough and verbally drew Jimin away from him, who was standing between Namjoon and Hoseok, all three looking smug and proud of themselves when Yoongi just really wanted to hurt them.
“Jungkook told us where to find you.” Jin disclosed, a playful glint in his eye as a haughty smile played at his lips. “We’re here to call you so you can get ready for dinner.”
With that Jin turned away, Namjoon following suit like a little puppy. Hoseok winked at Jimin, making him redden even more than Yoongi thought possible, his blush reaching the tips of his ears and a part of his neck.
Jimin spared Yoongi a glance, burning a cherry when Yoongi winks at him, trailing behind beside Hoseok as Jimin speed walks to catch up to his other hyungs.
“What was that about?” Hoseok asks as soon as Jimin was out of earshot.
“That was
” Yoongi didn’t know what that was, he didn’t want to assume that Jimin like him too even if it was pretty clear; it was best if Jimin said it aloud and Yoongi could rest properly. He also didn’t want to give Hoseok a witty remark, he knew the younger was genuinely curious despite his playful demeanour but truth be told Yoongi was curious as well. “That was
 something else.”
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