#yeah guys the way to make lesbians feel safe in fandom is to yell at everyone to stop with their lesbian headcanons. clownery
popstart · 18 days
only lesbians are allowed to be offended by lesbian jo and eva headcanons. if youre not a lesbian and offended by jo and eva being hced as lesbians by a majority of the fandom, stop. irl lesbians fall into stereotypes all the time so limiting what characters people are "allowed" to headcanon as lesbians according to what isnt stereotypical not only strips any butch lesbians or mean lesbians or whatever of any fandom representation they may see, but also boxes in lesbians to being only nice feminine and dainty people which, is another stereotype. saying lesbians are only allowed to be one thing is really embarrassing and shows you only give a shit about lesbians if they fit your idea of them.
if youre nonlesbian and get offended at fictional masc woman being headcanoned as lesbian go outside and get some (lesbian) friends
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queerfables · 4 years
Supernatural Liveblog (Episodes 1x06 - 1x08)
These notes were made while we were watching and they’re much funnier than the ones we made afterwards bc we’re real bad at remembering stuff. 
We’re all still on the incest train and I’m starting to worry that by the time Cas shows up, I’m going to be actually invested and end up shipping wincestiel. Am i allowed to make “this fandom is a curse” jokes yet or am I still too new?
Supernatural 1x06 - Skin
We open on a lady tied to a chair, a guy with a knife, and SWAT descending on the house while sexy rock music plays. N: This is.... an elaborate BDSM scene Me: I WAS JUST THINKING. N: This show walked so Hannibal could run.
Lmfao @ Dean's face when Sam says he's a cop. He lies about this all the time but when Sam does it he's suddenly all pissy? "You're a real straight shooter with your friends" Well Dean maybe if you had any friends to lie to you wouldn't be so judgey.
The camera focuses on a suspicious man, whose eyes flash white. We all ooh. P: okay, but he's not a demon, because his eyes didn't go black. Me: must be the opposite of a demon! P: An angel? N: A horse. Me, laughing: I actually know what it is from tumblr. N: Is it a horse?
Dean, after getting an I told you so moment about Sam's lying, "This whole gig isn't without it's perks," he says, and hands Dean a gun. Me: this is America, you don't need to hunt monsters and demons to get a gun P, the only American in the room: You get one at birth.
The scene where Sam figures out Dean is being impersonated by the shapeshifter is really good. But also after it finished I looked at P and N and said, "would you guys be mad at me if I said that was really gay?" N: Not even a little P: Same, babe
And then we get Sam tied up and a Dean lookalike (Deanleganger!) leaning in all close saying "He's got issues with you" like WOW.
I really enjoy seeing more of Dean's issues through the shapeshifter's eyes, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't also enjoy how sexual this tension is.
Dean waking up tied up in the same room as Sam later P: Was he just... Like... Hiding under a sheet of canvas? N: I think he was supposed to be unconscious, but like who knows Me: I think he was hiding. "Jesus Christ, guy, please don't tell my brother I'm into him."
Then P said xe were kind of into Dean in this episode and N&I agreed that both Sam and Dean were looking good this episode. P laughed at us for having the same taste, and I pointed out that it's not that surprising because we're both into xem.
Supernatural 1x07 - Hook Man
Dean doesn't want to paint the guy purple, but he'll watch over a magazine.
P: maybe he's not repressed, maybe he's just a voyeur
P thinks that being attracted to reverends' daughters is The Lesbian Experience
Dean talks about losing his mum N: "Hey, I have trauma too" Me: That's like, his one move. N: To be fair, in real life, it WORKS P, looking at me: It's how we got together. P, looking at N: Actually, it's how we got together too.
Dean looks longingly at the party and then says he's going to go dig up unmarked graves. P: That's a bisexual mood. Sorry, Dean. N: Making out with cute people and hanging out at a cemetery aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.
N argues that cemeteries are queer safe spaces because: no one else around, film nights, church-adjacent and therefore just the right level of sacrilegious
Dean is being extra bisexual in this episode, which is fun for an episode about religion and emotional repression.
Me: Hey what was this episode called? N: Man door hand hook car gun? P, looking at phone: Hook Man. Me: Seriously? P: I found it by googling "Hand hook car door supernatural"
Supernatural 1x08 - Bugs
Me: Oh I think this is the episode with the bees that didn't show up on camera and had to be CGI'd in later.
Lmfao @ Sam and Dean being mistaken for a couple. N: Oh yeah, they know what they're doing. Me: It's too early for them to be seeing what fandom is picking up and reacting to it. P: They're definitely doing this on purpose
Getting strong homophobic dad/queer son vibes from the insect kid and his dad. Sam is very soft with the kid (to the point of picking up his spider?? UGH but also aw) which I like
N finds the spiders very cute and cuddly. P and I are not so convinced.
Dean is fully in the wrong with his whole "Don't tell the kid to leave his dysfunctional family! Why are you acting like Dad did anything wrong? You yelled at him too!" schtick, and I make no excuses for it. My heart does hurt for him as well as for Sam, though. I'm pretty sure the reason he's so hurt by Sam identifying with this kid is that he did everything he could to shield Sam from their dad's abuse, and if Sam still feels this way then what was it all for? Also, their dad wasn't the only one Sam left. Like, I wanna forcibly cuddle Dean and yell "Sam was right to go! You can leave your dad too!!" but I understand why he feels this way.
I tuned out while they were explaining the reason the bugs are all attacking but I think the gist was something something ancient burial grounds? P and N were like "Seriously??"
On the bright side, at least they did not actually break the curse. N says "Hiding in an attic for five minutes with an improvised flame thrower until the sun comes up is pretty anticlimactic, but it could have been worse!"
Final comments:
The funniest thing is how there’s an episode where Sam and Dean are mistaken for a couple and it’s still not as incesty as the one where Dean gets replaced by a shapeshifter who can access his innermost thoughts.
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hollymartinswrites · 5 years
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: IT - Stephen King, IT (Movies - Muschietti) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh Characters: Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Ben Hanscom, Beverly Marsh, Bill Denbrough, Mike Hanlon, Original Child Character(s) Additional Tags: Fix-It, Post-Canon Fix-It, Post-IT Chapter Two (2019), Domestic, Light Angst, Family Feels, Childhood Trauma, Adoption, Kid Fic, Adopted Children, Richie Tozier Loves Eddie Kaspbrak, Eddie Kaspbrak Loves Richie Tozier, Marriage, Eddie Kaspbrak & Richie Tozier Are Parents, Angst, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Minor Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh, Beverly Marsh & Richie Tozier Are Best Friends Summary:
Eddie and Richie embark on the most terrifying experience of all—parenthood.
Or, the author desperately needed a domestic, family fix-it for Richie and Eddie.
Chapter II: A look into Richie and Beverly's friendship as parenthood is thrown into the mix.
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“How many godfathers can one kid have?”
“Richie, we’re agnostic.”
“Hey, I believe in God, I just don’t trust organized religion,” Richie replied, hanging the framed Princess Leia poster before stepping back to observe it. “Or any organizations, now that I think about it.”
“It’s crooked. Move it to the right like an inch,” Eddie said. “And she doesn’t need godparents.”
“Course she does,” Richie said, maneuvering the frame slowly as if it were a tempermental bomb. “I mean, obviously Bev will be godmother and I guess that means Ben should be godfather but we can’t play favorites with the guys like that.”
“Did you have godparents? And it’s straight now, quit messing with it.”
“Yeah,” Richie said. “My great uncle Jim and my mom’s cousin Valerie. I’ve told you about her before. She took me to my first Pride when I was twenty because surprise, she was a lesbian and no one knew. Even though she and her roommate Laura shared a one bedroom apartment in New York.”
Eddie laughed and shook his head.
“I’d pay money to see you at Pride as some lanky, awkward kid,” he said.
“Oh man,” Richie said, grinning, “I was such a twink back then.”
“And what the hell are you now?”
Richie shrugged.
“I don’t know. Sloppy otter? Is that still a thing?”
“You’re asking the wrong guy,” Eddie said. He gazed around the room and his smile widened. “I gotta say, this is a pretty awesome kid’s room.”
“Hell yeah it is,” Richie replied, stepping beside his husband and putting his arm around his shoulders. “She’s gonna love it.”
They were both silent for several long moments, content to simply be in one another’s presence in their child’s room when Richie squeezed Eddie’s shoulder.
“I can’t believe it’s finally happening,” he admitted softly.
“I know,” Eddie agreed. “You’re gonna be a good dad.”
Richie colored briefly before gently hip-checking Eddie.
“So are you,” he said.
Eddie merely smiled.
Richie picked up the phone on the second ring.
“Bev!” he shouted.
“Richie!” she shouted back, laughing. “How are you?”
“Oh, you know, exhausted, covered in glitter, and haven’t showered in days,” he replied. Lydia lifted up her latest drawing and he gave her a thumbs up. She grinned and grabbed another piece of construction paper. “So just like college all over again.”
Bev laughed.
“I wish we went to college together,” she said wistfully.
“Oh, we’d be expelled instantly if some university was stupid enough to accept both of us,” he said. “So what’s going on?”
“Well, I finally had time to sit and watch all the videos you sent yesterday,” she answered. “And I have to say, Lydia is the sweetest, smartest, cutest kid I’ve ever seen.”
“Aw,” Richie said. He moved the phone away from his mouth and loudly whispered, “Lyds, my friend Bev thinks you’re cute and smart and sweet.”
“Who’s Bev?” Lydia asked.
“My friend, you’ll meet her soon.” Richie returned the phone to his ear. “When are you and Ben coming by?”
“Soon, I hope,” she said. “Ben’s finishing up a big project but this summer should be free and clear. What about the other Losers?”
“I don’t know, I want to do a BBQ with all of you so you can meet Lydia at the same time,” he said.
“I don’t like BBQ,” Lydia pointed out. “I like macaroni and cheese.”
“I’ll make macaroni and cheese, I promise,” Richie said.
“You cook now?” Bev asked.
“Don’t sound so surprised,” he shot back. “I had been surviving on my own for twenty years, thank you.”
“I just can’t believe you’re a dad now,” Bev sighed wistfully.
“Well, you better believe it because I lost the receipt so this kid is nonrefundable,” he said, reaching out and tussling her hair, causing her to playfully bat away his hand.
Bev laughed.
“You sound happy, you know that?” she said.
Richie blinked. He hadn’t really thought about it but he supposed he was. A warm wave filled his chest.
“Yeah, I guess I am,” he said, clearing his throat.
“Am I making Trashmouth emotional?”
“No way,” he insisted. “I never get emotional and I definitely did not cry when we watched Moana the other night.”
“Yes, you did, Papa!”
Bev laughed again and Richie grinned.
“Don’t worry, Ben cries at everything so your secret is safe with me,” she said. “I’m going to talk to him tonight about vacation days. You have to let us know when you’re free, though.”
“We’ll make it work, don’t worry.”
“Yeah, but I know Eddie’s always busy at work and you two are the ones with a kid.”
“We’ll make it work,” Richie repeated.
“I feel kinda bad though,” Bev admitted. “Won’t Lydia be overwhelmed by a welcome party filled with grown-ups?”
Richie blinked again. He hadn’t thought about that. He glanced at his daughter, happily tracing her hand on a piece of pink paper and swallowed.
“She has some friends from her school,” he said slowly. “I can invite them for her.”
“I just don’t want her bored or frightened,” Bev continued. “I remember the few times my dad took me to see family, I was the only kid. I hated it. Everyone talking over you and then yelling if you dared to look bored.”
Richie swallowed again and looked down at the table. He had always hated it when Bev spoke of her father but he was smart enough to know to shut up and listen.
“Anyway,” she said brightly, “I just want her to have fun.”
“She will. We’ll make it fun.”
“And Ben and I already got her a bunch of presents.”
“Oh no,” he groaned. “We specifically said no presents.” Lydia’s head immediately shot up, eyes wide and bright. “She’s spoiled enough as it is.” Lydia shook her head fervently.
“And send us her size, I saw some super cute clothes the other day,” Bev continued.
“Bev, no—”
“Yes, Richie,” she insisted. “I love you but I’m ignoring you.”
“Bev, I swear—”
“I gotta go,” she said quickly. “I love you, Trashmouth.”
Richie sighed but smiled warmly.
“I love you, too,” he replied gently.
“And I love Lydia even without meeting her yet.”
Richie’s heart did something intense, and it knocked the breath out of him.
“Yeah, no, thanks, Bev,” he said quickly.
“Alright,” she said, laughter in her voice. “I’ll talk to you soon, okay?”
Richie placed his phone on the table and tried to gather his thoughts. It was harder than usual.
“Look at this one, Papa,” Lydia announced, lifting another colorful and glittery drawing. A large percentage of said glitter slipped off and fell onto the table. “Oops.”
“That’s a beaut,” he said and sniffed. “My friend Bev said she loves you.”
“That’s nice,” Lydia replied. “And she bought me presents?”
“Yeah, but you don’t need anything.”
“But maybe she got me something I don’t have,” Lydia pointed out.
“Airtight logic, as usual, kiddo,” Richie admitted.
Lydia smiled and clapped her hands together in an attempt to clear them of glitter, frowning when it did nothing.
“I think we gotta hose you down,” Richie observed. He glanced at the clock. “And soon, before your dad walks in and has a conniption.”
“What’s a conniption?”
“It’s what happens when your dad comes home and sees what a mess your papa has made,” Richie answered, standing. “Come on, let’s get you and all of this cleaned up.”
Richie finished loading the dishwasher, closed it, set it, and immediately sat down in the closest chair, suddenly exhausted. He barely flinched when he felt arms curl around his shoulders and a chin rest on the top of his head.
“You okay, buddy?” Bev asked gently.
“Yeah, just tired,” he replied. “Too much excitement for one day.”
Bev nodded and leaned down to place a kiss on his head.
“You sure you’re good?” she asked again.
“Yeah, but just...can you do me a favor?”
“Can you tell me if my hair is thinning up there?”
Bev laughed and flicked his ear.
“No, it’s as thick and messy as ever,” she replied. “But you do still have a fivehead.”
“Shut up.”
Bev squeezed his shoulders and then sat in the empty chair closest to him. A golden glow from the setting sun streamed through the open windows, and they could hear the rest of the party—Losers catching up and laughing and children shrieking with delight at whatever delighted five-year-olds—but it was mercifully quiet in the kitchen.
“I’m glad you invited her friends,” Bev said. “She needed some people her age to counterbalance all of us boring grown-ups.”
Richie nodded.
“Yeah, but she had fun with you and Ben earlier,” he said. “I guess she’s used to being the only kid around with just me and Eddie.”
“Do you think you guys will adopt again?”
Richie swallowed and shrugged.
“I don’t know, I mean, we’re still getting the hang of having just one kid,” he sighed. “But I wouldn’t want her to be an only child. They’re kinda weird, no offense.”
Bev laughed.
“They’re also lonely,” she pointed out, “so I wouldn’t recommend it for her, either.”
Richie felt compelled to hug her but settled for taking one of her hands in both of his, resting them on the table. They were both silent for a long moment, and he tried to ignore the fact that Bev was gazing at him expectantly before he cleared his throat.
“Bev, I…I’m scared.”
She quirked her head to the side and gazed at Richie with mild confusion on her face.
“Scared of what, Rich?”
“Fucking everything,” he admitted, not meeting her eyes. “What if I’m in over my head?”
Bev squeezed his hands.
“I’m not a parent,” she offered gently, “but I think that’s a common side effect.”
Richie sighed and shook his head.
“And you’re not doing this alone,” Bev continued, reaching out with her free hand to brush a strand of hair behind his ear. “You’ve got Eddie. The two of you are doing a great job. You can tell just by looking at Lydia.”
Richie’s chest tightened.
“Lydia’s amazing,” he admitted. “But she was amazing when we adopted her.”
“And Eddie...” he swallowed and looked up at Bev, “I’m scared I forced him into something he didn’t want.”
Bev appeared genuinely shocked.
“Richie, that’s impossible,” she insisted.
“I don’t know.”
“Do you think for even one second Eddie would move across the country and endure years of all that bureaucratic bullshit and constant, needling, in-depth assessments from social workers for something he didn’t want?”
Richie swallowed and looked down again.
“He loves you,” Bev said gently, leaning in closer to her friend, “but he doesn’t love you that much.”
That startled a laugh out of Richie. He wiped at his nose and sniffed. Bev used her free hand to wipe at his face.
“You’re just tired,” she observed. “Tired and overwhelmed at having all of us here and showing off Lydia.”
“Hey, do you guys have any...what’s going on?”
They both looked up. Ben was standing in the doorway looking not unlike a deer caught in the headlights.
“Nothing, nothing,” Bev said quickly.
“Yeah, nothing, just your girlfriend bullying me about my forehead, that’s all,” Richie replied. Ben smiled but he still looked unconvinced. Richie continued, “You need something, dude?”
“Oh, yeah, just wanted to grab a drink,” Ben said.
Richie motioned towards the fridge and Ben opened it, reached in, and pulled out a juicebox. He glanced down at it in his hand and then smirked at Richie, his eyebrows raised.
“Hey, don’t knock it, mix that with a little vodka, fucking delicious,” Richie insisted. “That’s how I get through Lydia’s gymnastics classes.”
Bev smirked and slapped him lightly on the knee, earning a yelp from Richie. Ben shook his head, still smiling, closed the fridge door, and immediately pushed the straw through the top of the juicebox and sipped.
“Hmm,” he said after a few moments’ consideration, “not bad, actually.”
“See?” Richie replied. “There are some benefits to having a kid.” Ben sat at the table beside him and affectionately patted him on the shoulder. Richie glanced at him and bit the bullet. “So, not to sound totally straight, but are you guys thinking about having kids?”
Ben’s eyes widened and his lips tightened around the straw. Bev rolled her eyes.
“We don’t know, Rich,” she said gently. “Though we are running out of time.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m well over forty.”
“We’re all well over forty.”
Bev gave him a pointed look and realization washed over Richie’s face.
“Oh, yeah,” Richie muttered. “Who gives a shit? I read about a woman in India who had a baby at seventy.”
“I don’t plan on going for that,” Bev laughed.
“Besides, you and Eddie have inspired us to at least look into adoption,” Ben replied.
“Oh yeah?” Richie said. “Nice. Well, if you need advice, talk to Eddie. I’m a mess.”
“I’m serious,” he insisted. “I know we only got approval because of him.”
“Come on, that’s not—”
“It is true. I mean, who would you let raise a kid? A shitty and foul-mouthed comic with crazy hours and a drinking problem he only just got under control or the responsible, completely organized nerd in polo shirts?”
Ben and Bev were both silent and Richie realized he had, once again, gone too far. He racked his mind to rectify the situation—a joke, an impression, a scream, anything—when he was saved by the backdoor opening and Eddie appearing in the doorway.
“Hey, Lydia’s friends are getting picked up,” he said. “You wanna come say goodbye with me?”
Richie stood.
“Sorry, folks, parenting duty calls,” he said casually and offered a lop-sided grin before leaving Ben and Bev in the kitchen.
He’s late.
What time is it by you?
Well, didn’t he say he had a dinner meeting?
Yeah, at 5. wtf
I’m sure he’s just sitting in traffic. He’ll be home soon. Don’t worry.
I’m not worried. I’m fucking pissed.
He can’t help it if work is crazy, sweetheart.
He could’ve called out. I’m by myself over here, neck deep in snotty tissues and crying kids.
Richie glanced up from his phone at the sound of keys in the front door. Fucking finally, he thought. The door opened and closed and it seemed to Richie that Eddie purposely took a long time to get from the foyer to the living room, where he was sitting on the couch with Lydia’s feet in his lap and their youngest curled up against his side, drooling onto his shirt. They were still passed out, mercifully.
Eddie walked into the living room and quietly stepped up to the couch.
“Hey,” he whispered. “How are the girls?”
“Lydia’s fever broke,” Richie sighed, “but I think it’s going into her chest. She keeps coughing. And Tess is just congested and keeps puking up the medicine so that’s been fun.”
“She hasn’t kept any of the medicine down?”
Richie shook his head and shoved his fingers beneath his glasses, rubbing his eyes tiredly.
“Fuck, we gotta get her to take it,” Eddie said.
“No shit,” Richie snapped. He tensed when Lydia stretched in her sleep but she remained asleep.
“I read about another brand online today,” Eddie said, leaning down to run his fingers through Tess’s dark hair. “Supposedly it doesn’t have any of that artificial flavoring shit. That’s probably what’s making her sick.”
Richie shrugged, too exhausted to even comment. Eddie glanced at him, raising an eyebrow before continuing, “I’ll pick some up on the way home tomorrow.”
Richie’s head shot up and he stared at Eddie, stunned.
“You’re going into work tomorrow?” he asked dumbly.
“I gotta, but just for half a day. I’ll be home early.”
“Like you were today?”
Eddie straightened and shook his head.
“I’m too tired for this right now,” he sighed.
Richie’s eyes widened. For a moment, he couldn’t see straight.
“You’re too tired?” he repeated, his voice strained.
Lydia moved again, sighing in her sleep before being rattled awake by a violent cough. Richie and Eddie both reached for the glass of water on the coffee table, but Lydia got to it first before immediately gulping down half of it.
“Easy, kiddo,” Eddie murmured, taking the glass from her when was done. “How are you feeling?”
Lydia answered by coughing again, covering her mouth with her arm like her dad had showed her. Tears sprang to her eyes and her nose began running. Richie handed her the tissue box and ran his fingers through her unruly curls.
“My throat won’t stop tickling,” she finally gasped out.
“Your sinuses are draining, that’s probably it,” Eddie said before reaching towards his briefcase he had left on the floor. He opened it and brought out a bag of cough drops. “I made sure to get the lemon ones.” He unwrapped and handed her one, and she immediately popped it in her mouth before settling back down on the couch.
Richie glanced over at Tess. She hadn’t even stirred from the commotion. He was also quite sure some of the drool on his shirt was snot, but he couldn’t bring himself to care.
“Look, you’re home now, I’m gonna go take a shower, okay?” he said, gently moving Lydia’s feet off his lap and placing a pillow beside Tess. Without waiting for an answer, he hurried to the bedroom, leaving Eddie staring after his retreating back.
Richie, admittedly, took a particularly long shower but he felt he deserved it. A full day and a half of battling germs, miserable kids, and the occasional pukefest could wear a man out. Eddie’s extra-early alarm this morning certainly didn’t help, nor did his apparent reluctance to pick up the phone. Richie allowed himself one bang against the shower wall with his fist before concentrating on his breathing and allowing the warm water to undo the tension in his body. Fuck, he was tired.
Turning off the shower, he gingerly stepped out and wrapped a towel around his waist before heading into the bedroom, where Eddie was waiting for him.
“You talk to Bev about what a shitty husband I am?” he said in an oddly calm voice.
Richie blinked. Then he noticed his cell phone in Eddie’s hand. Shit. Deflect, Tozier.
“You went through my phone?” he shot back. “And you left the girls alone?”
“Tess is still asleep and Lydia is watching TV,” Eddie answered and took a step towards Richie. “And your phone went off with a text from Bev that had my name in it. Of course I fucking looked, you’d do the same.”
Richie frowned. Eddie, was usual, was right.
“Bev and I talk all the time,” he said, brushing past him to their bureau and began searching for pajamas. “You know that.”
“Yeah, but—”
“And you talk to her and the guys,” Richie continued. “What’s the fucking difference?”
“I don’t bitch and moan about you to them.”
“I don’t share private things with them.”
Richie whirled around, which was a bit difficult considering he was still stepping into his pajama pants. “Private things?” he repeated. “You being late on a day where I really fucking needed you isn’t exactly intimate information. What’s the big deal?”
Eddie swallowed and shook his head.
“Well, I don’t like it,” he admitted.
Richie huffed a laugh.
“I don’t like that you care more about work than your family but we all got our crosses to bear, right?” he snapped. “So forgive me for letting off a little steam to someone who actually cares.”
Eddie stared at him, his eyes wide and impossibly bright. Richie looked away, grabbed the first t-shirt he could find in the bureau and put it on.
“I’m gonna go sit with the kids,” he muttered. “Text Bev back for me and tell her everything’s fucking fine.”
He felt Eddie’s eyes on him as he stalked out of the bedroom and tried his best to school his face when he approached the couch but by the sidelong glance his daughter gave him, he knew he had done a poor job of it.
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quiznakwaffles · 6 years
About Voltron’s S7 and its flawed writing
Have you ever thought « Wow, this is so amazing. The person who did that is incredible, I would have never thought of that. This is so clever ! » ? I've had. When I read FMA. When I read books written by Marguerite Yourcenar or poetry by a lot of talented people. When I read amazing fanfictions this fandom come up with.
You know when I've thought the opposite of that ? When I watched Voltron's season 7. I've rarely felt so disrespected as a viewer. I've rarely thought my intelligence had been so insulted, and I've watched Besson's Lucy. A lot of people have correctly wrote about the queerbaiting the show pulled at us. What was the point of introducing Adam and building up the hype around his relationship his Shiro it was to kill him for absolutely no acceptable reason ?
What I'm going to address isn't only the queerbaiting of the show, that a lot of people simply reduced as « being angry because ships weren't made canon ». If you really think that, maybe you should educate yourself on the matter of representation for the LGBT+ community. Who is a lot, lot larger than you think, but isn't in your mind because we're not represented anywhere. And when we're barely represented, it's for us to appear evil and/or die (or suffer endlessly). But yeah, continue thinking it's because ships weren't made canon.
What I'm going to address is the lazy and flawed writing in this season.
I've caught up with Voltron in July, and was pleasantly surprised about it. A lot of unresolved plot lines came to term in season 6, and the way it ended. It was so promising ! Paladins journeying through space, having so much time in their hands that they actually could deepen their bonds... It had so many opportunities for good content. So. Many. They were actual good moments, particularly with Hunk. And yet, I can think of a hundred ideas to give a much better content with these characters than it actually did.
What with bored and angsty Paladins in space when they could've been finding ways to keep themselves entertained and get to know each other better ? What about Romelle written as annoying when she hit it off so good with Hunk in the first episode and had a lot of potential as a comic character and strong ally to Allura (or potential love interest but that’s just me fantasying) ? Hunk had good character development about him, but even that could have been even better paced with little effort.
I see a lot of people saying “ It's a kid show, stop making it about yourself “ or "We were hyped by what we expected of it”. And of course we did, that’s what all fanbases around the world do because we’re smart being who like thinking about the plot and hoping for good content. And do you think kids are stupid ? Do you think kids don't care about relationships, friendships, conversations about feelings ? Hunk and Keith's discussion was so important, and I wish it was given more time, more consistency, and was done with other characters.
  Of course giant robots and beautifully animated intense fights in space are cool. But you know what else is ? Emotion awareness. Kids need it so bad. As we grow up, because of our misogynist society, we often see being vulnerable and talking about feelings as something feminine and shameful. Because it would be considered weak. Voltron may be a kid show, and it's for this exact reason it needs to show them how talking about your feelings and your identity, struggling about it but coming to terms with it by actually sharing about it with people around you is crucial.
But what is Voltron doing ? It's queerbaiting its fandom, killing LGBT+ characters for no purpose and making them at best invisible and at worst evil. It's portraying its own characters as unimportant, inconsistent and dumb.
  Keith and Lance have made steady progress in their relationship since season 3. But then suddenly, Keith is doubting Lance abilities when he was giving him leadership on the team before ? Keith is insulting Lance, saying he wouldn't want to be stuck up with Lance forever when they've been sharing their insecurities and trusting each other over leadership ? Have we seen the same show ?
What would it had cost them to make Keith say something like “ Lance has a family on Earth he wants to go back to so bad. And I've just reunited with mine so I guess I would want him to experiment this as well. “ Keith has grown for two years apart from them. He was supposed to be more matured, more in control about his feelings. What about those awful inconsistencies in his writing ? Making him say that wouldn't even had been a ship thing, it would just had been true and nice from him ! It would have created emotional value in the show ! What kept them to do that ?!
And Allura, oh my god ! She's such a strong and great woman, trusted with an infinite Altean's knowledge about alchemy but in season 7, she's reduced to being Lance's love interest ?! I wouldn't have minded their relationship, because it could be very sweet. But she's shown no romantic interest in the boy for the past six seasons. In season 7, they barely even talked, apart from the « Would you just shut up Lance ? ». Barely interacted on their own. And now, suddenly, they just say at each other to stay safe while blushing and really ?
Veronica, while she never saw Lance and Allura interact at all, said « I think the princess likes you back ». Like really ? You're pulling this hetero-normative trope of a third party watching a man and a woman they'd never seen interact before and judging they're in love ? This is so boring and forced. I've felt I was being talked to as if I was a kid when I watched this scene, like the show was screaming at me “ Look !! Allura never reciprocated Lance's feelings for six seasons and now, for absolutely no reason the show even bothered to tell you, she's suddenly returning them ! “ I felt like the sandwich guy from the meme. I am. I am the idiot sandwich who wouldn't understand hints about a developing relationship. I felt so embarrassed watching that whole season, wondering if the show was actually doubting my own thinking ability.
And now, my personal pet peeve. A strong woman being pictured as evil for no reason and then dying so she can atone for her sin. I couldn't even remember her name. She was the head of the Garrison. Adam was a sacrificial paw to show just how threatening Galra were (yeah, I couldn't deduce that by myself, not like they've been conquering the whole universe for ten thousand years. Silly me !) and how this woman was evil, having no second thoughts sacrificing people for absolutely. No. Purpose. We don't get a backstory or a single flashback. Once more, what would it had cost them to add something so we could have understood her reasons ? Or, more, what would it had cost them to not make her evil because she was a strong and smart woman ?
Am I the only one, as a 23 lesbian, feeling insulted by Voltron's trying to making me believe this experimented woman, head of the Garrison, just went on the enemy's territory and thought they would respect the bargain, not listening to experienced people ?! Why would this lady do such bad choices ? Am I supposed to believe she couldn't think of anything else ?! And of course, who's the nice ones trying to fix this lady's issues ? Nice guys obviously ! This mean lady made Sam Holt and that guy who spent years yelling at children and deprecating them as the nice ones !
And what about Shiro not getting closure? Neither on his relationship with Adam, neither by taking down Sendak himself, letting Keith get the spotlight (once again) and robbing him of this moment? What were the writers thinking?
And I’m not even talking about Zethrid and Ezor who were coded as romantic, unsure and supportive lesbians for a minute before swiping to evil and masochist lesbians. And I think I've already made a point about Romelle. I'm not mentioning Acxa because I didn't really thought when I watched her scenes with Keith that they were romantically coded. I think she's fond of him in a sibling way, and for once in this post, I'm not sure Voltron tried to made us think other way. But, hey, it's heterosexual so after all, no reasons for it not happening since, you know, it’s not LGBT+.
They had so much opportunities to make this show mark history. To make it meaningful, touching, ground breaking with amazing characters and sweet LGBT+ relationships developing with time. They had gold in their hands and just wasted it. That’s why I’m so sad and hurt. It could have been so great.
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