#yeah I'll find angst in the kissing gifs
uuuhshiny · 2 years
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Russell Crowe in 3:10 to Yuma
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its-avalon-08 · 2 months
ok but hear me out: y/n found a lipstick in his car and thinks he’s cheating on her but it turns out it’s his sister’s or something like that…angst with fluffy ending? maybe logan or oscar? but honestly i would read it with almost any driver lol x i really like ur work btw
lippies and lies (op81)
✦ pairing - oscar piastri x female!reader
✦ genre - misunderstanding, a little angst, alot of fluff
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Oscar Piastri and his girlfriend Y/N had been dating for over a year, and their relationship was going strong. Today, they decided to spend the afternoon driving around, enjoying each other’s company. As Oscar navigated the roads, Y/N rummaged through the glove compartment, looking for a charger. Suddenly, her fingers brushed against a small tube. She pulled it out and realized it was a lipstick – a shade she never used.
A sinking feeling settled in her stomach as she examined the unfamiliar lipstick. Keeping her emotions in check, she put it back and closed the compartment. Throughout the rest of the drive, she remained quiet, her mind racing with doubts and suspicions.
Oscar noticed the change in her demeanor. "Hey, you okay?" he asked, glancing over at her with concern.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Y/N replied, forcing a smile that didn't reach her eyes.
Oscar frowned but decided not to press further, thinking she might just need some space.
When they finally arrived home, Y/N could no longer hold back her tears. She rushed inside, her eyes brimming with pain and confusion. Oscar quickly followed her, his worry intensifying.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.
She turned to face him, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I found a lipstick in your car, Oscar. It's not mine. Whose is it?"
Oscar's eyes widened in shock and realization. "Wait, what? A lipstick? Let me see."
Y/N retrieved the lipstick from her bag and handed it to him. Oscar examined it closely, furrowing his brows. "Isn't this yours?" he asked innocently.
Y/N's heart sank even further, her hands trembling. "No, Oscar, it's not mine. How could you not know that?"
Oscar's confusion deepened. "But I thought you used this shade. I've seen you with similar colors before."
Y/N shook her head, her voice breaking. "I don't wear this brand or this shade, Oscar. I can't believe you don't even know that."
Realization slowly dawned on Oscar's face, and he felt a pang of guilt. "Y/N, I'm sorry. I really thought it was yours."
Her eyes filled with even more tears, and she took a step back. "So, whose is it then? Did you have someone else in your car?"
Oscar's heart ached seeing her so upset. "No, Y/N, I swear. There's no one else. It has to be my sister's. She borrowed my car last week because hers was in the shop. She must have left it behind."
Y/N looked at him, her tears slowing as hope and relief started to creep in. "Really? You're not lying to me?"
Oscar shook his head and immediately pulled out his phone. "Here, I'll call her right now."
He dialed his sister's number, and after a few rings, she answered. "Hey, Oscar! What's up?"
"Hey, Sophie. Quick question – did you leave a lipstick in my car last week?" Oscar asked, putting the call on speaker.
"Oh my god, yes! I've been looking for it everywhere," Sophie exclaimed. "Why? Did you find it?"
"Yeah, Y/N found it and got worried," Oscar said, glancing at Y/N with a reassuring smile.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry! That’s totally mine. I didn't mean to cause any trouble," Sophie added.
Y/N sighed in relief, wiping away her remaining tears. "It's okay, Sophie. I just… I panicked. I'm sorry, Oscar."
Oscar pulled her into a tight embrace. "It's okay, love. I understand. I should have told you about Sophie borrowing the car."
Y/N clung to him, feeling the warmth and security of his arms around her. "I was so scared, Oscar. I thought I was going to lose you."
"You'll never lose me," Oscar whispered, kissing the top of her head. "I love you, and I'm always going to be here for you."
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes filled with love and gratitude. "I love you too, Oscar."
They shared a tender kiss, both feeling the weight of the misunderstanding lift off their shoulders. The rest of the evening was spent cuddling on the couch, watching their favorite movie, and reassuring each other of their love and trust. The lipstick incident became a funny story they would laugh about in the future, a testament to their strong bond and the love that kept them together.
time skip
Later that evening, Y/N and Oscar were snuggled up on the couch, a comforting movie playing in the background. Despite the reassurance and the happy resolution, Y/N still felt a tinge of guilt for doubting Oscar. She shifted closer to him, burrowing herself into his side, seeking his warmth and comfort.
Oscar noticed her subtle movements and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her even closer. He gently played with her hair, his fingers moving in soothing circles against her scalp. "You okay, love?" he asked softly.
Y/N nodded, but her voice was small and hesitant. "I still feel bad for not trusting you, Oscar. I'm really sorry. I just saw it and I guess I jumped to the worst case scenario."
Oscar kissed the top of her head. "It's alright, Y/N. I understand why you felt that way. I would feel the same if I found a random male deodorant. I'm just glad we talked it out."
She looked up at him with sheepish eyes. "Umm, also Osc do you think we can go shopping sometime? I… I really did like that shade of lipstick. Maybe I could get one for myself."
Oscar chuckled, his eyes filled with love and amusement. "Anything for you, my love," he said, giving her a playful squeeze. "We'll go tomorrow, and you can pick out as many lipsticks as you want."
Y/N giggled, her spirits lifting at his response. "Thank you, Osc. You're the best."
"No, you're the best," he replied, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. "Now, let's enjoy the rest of our evening, okay my love?"
She nodded, cuddling even closer to him, her heart feeling light and happy. They spent the rest of the night wrapped up in each other, the earlier misunderstanding forgotten as they basked in the love and trust that bound them together. The promise of a fun shopping trip tomorrow was just another reminder of how deeply they cared for each other.
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cntloup · 7 months
Fem!Reader angst, hurt/comfort, body image issues due to pregnancy
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He walks into your shared bedroom after he finds the living room empty and the lights off, “Love, you in here?” he asks, noticing you’re not asleep either as he previously thought.
He makes his way to the bathroom when his eyes land on the line of light at the foot of the door.
His eyebrows furrow in concern when he hears your hiccups and sniffles from the other side of the door, “You ok, lovie?” he asks worriedly, “Yeah! I’m fine!” you try to sound convincing but to no avail as your voice comes out weak and shaky.
“Can I open the door?” he asks and you wrestle with the thought of letting him come in or not. Do you want him to see you like this? “Yeah.” your mouth answers before your mind does.
You immediately regret it, but it’s too late now as the door opens and your husband sets his eyes on you, your body completely bare and trying to hide yourself, the parts that you hate, with your hands as best as you can.
“What’s wrong?” he asks with concern, walking up to you. You look like a deer caught in the headlights. In an instant, you hide behind the curtain.
“N-nothing’s wrong. I'll be out in a few minutes.” you try to get him to leave but he persists, “You know you can tell me anything, love. Please tell me what’s wrong. I'm worried about you.” he says from the other side of the curtain.
Within seconds, you burst into tears, not being able to control yourself anymore. “I-I fucking hate it. My body has changed so much. Nothing fits any more. I hate the way I look!” you finally blurt out to him through sobs and he can’t believe the words that reach his ears.
All this time, you were a goddess in his eyes. How could you not see it? How could you not feel beautiful? Didn't he show you enough how he felt?
But this is not your fault. Your body has gone through drastic changes due to your pregnancy. And it has taken a heavy toll on you, not only physically but mentally as well.
“Love, you’re beautiful, mesmerizing. You're a goddess. Please don't let these awful thoughts get into you.” he responds softly.
“Can I see you now please?” he questions, eager to see his beautiful wife after a long day, but more eager to get you to believe him.
“Y-yeah.” you reply weakly, hesitant. He slowly pushes the curtain away and steps in front of you. His eyes land on your naked form and he can see nothing but sheer beauty.
“Do you really mean it?” you ask shyly, still trying to hide. “ ‘course I mean it, love. You're drop-dead gorgeous.” he reassures you, “But I've changed so much!” you retort, on the verge of tears.
“Dove, you’ve been carrying our child for nine months. Of course that would cause some changes. But that doesn’t mean you’re any less beautiful now than you were before. You're so fuckin’ beautiful, love.” he responds, getting closer to you.
“How can I fight these thoughts away?” he murmurs only inches away from your face, feeling helpless, desperate to make you feel better.
Your heart swells with love as you look at your loving husband and a soft smile forms on your lips as you begin to feel secure.
You slowly remove your hands from your body, making his breath hitch in his throat, his eyes sparkling with love.
You take his hands in yours to pull him closer and he leans in to plant a loving kiss on your lips.
His hands find their way to your body, tenderly caressing the plush of your hips, slowly moving to your belly which is where you’re the most insecure about, making you gasp against his lips.
"It’s ok, love... It's just me." he reassures you in between kisses, his touch lingering, "I love you." he whispers into the kiss.
His sweet and tender touch, his loving words and his soft voice make you feel fuzzy. You feel safe in his arms.
His lips travel down to your neck and slowly lower and lower, kissing all the areas that you feel uncomfortable with. And you close your eyes, lost in a haze, savoring the feeling as he dotes on you.
He peppers soft kisses on your tummy, making you giggle. His heart flutters at the sound, happy that he managed to make you feel even a little better.
He wraps his arms around your waist, his head resting on your belly, “Better, love?” he asks, loving eyes looking up at you. “Yeah. Thanks, Si!... I love you too.” you reply with a warm smile, nuzzling his cheeks and buzzed head.
“Wanna take a shower?” you ask him, smirking. “I’d love to.” he responds, grinning widely.
comments/reblogs are greatly appreciated ♥ 
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ninii-winchester · 1 month
You’d never know (Part 1)
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Pairing : Dean Winchester X Reader
Word count : 1.3k
Warnings : angst, hurt/no comfort, spoilers s13, Dean is an asshole.
The sun dipped below the horizon, the world slowly enveloping in darkness. The same could be said for Y/n's mind. Dark clouds of hurt and loneliness lingering in the air, encasing her in an impenetrable bubble of insecurities. It was hard time, stating that is an understatement. It was a dire situation. She thought back to how she got here.
When Jack was born, his mother died giving birth to him. Lucifer arrived at cabin to take Jack away. He killed Castiel. Mary fought Lucifer pushing him inside the rift to the alternate universe, but before the rift could close Lucifer pulled her in with him.
Y/n, Sam and Dean watched in terror as Mary fell through and the rift closed. While Sam panicked, Dean was horrified. He couldn't lose his mom, not again. Y/n let out a gasp, her mouth dropped open as the dread settled in. She knew Dean would lose it, he's not gonna sit back knowing his mom is stuck in the apocalypse world with the Devil himself.
After burning Cas and Kelly's bodies, the trio took Jack back to the bunker. The air was tense, Dean wasn't happy with the decision. He didn't trust Jack, he didn't want him anywhere near him, his brother or his girlfriend. It was because of the Nephilim that he lost his mother.
Y/n was worried, Dean had closed off, he was distant. Most of all, he was angry. All the time. He constantly snapped at Sam, brushed her off any given moment. He wouldn't even look at Jack. The kid was trying to make good in Dean's eyes but he just shurgged him off.
Dean started to unwind a bit after the shifter case, and even more when Jack brought Cas back. Y/n was relieved that Dean was coming back to his normal self. After Jack accidentally killed the security guard, he decided to leave. Until he could control his powers, he wouldn't come back. Y/n was worried about the kid leaving on his own but she had faith in him.
"Hey!" Dean said bringing Y/n out of her thoughts. "You seem lost."
"Just thinking." She shrugged closing the book in front of her and putting it back in its place on the shelf. "You need something?" She asked tersely. She wasn't trying to be mean, but lately she didn't feel like he wanted her. After he brushed her off so many times, she didn't bother him.
Dean could hear the formality in her voice, and he knew he deserved it. He had been too preoccupied with his concerns to realise he'd been not only neglecting her but hurting her in the process, when all she wanted to do was help. "Just wanted to say I'm sorry." He gauged her expressions to see how bad he had fucked up.
Instead of speaking, she gave him a look. He couldn't quite read what was it supposed to mean. He chewed on his lower lip, leaning back against the table. With a loud sigh he moved towards her. Laying his hands gently on her waist.
"Dean." She reprimanded. She knew what he was apologising for, but she didn't need his apology. She wanted him to talk to her. She's told him a thousand times that she wants him to communicate. She knows it's hard for him but she needs him to express himself, she needs him to have healthy coping mechanisms. She doesn't want him to shut her out or resorting to alcohol.
"I know, I know." He rested his forehead on her shoulder. "I shouldn't have pushed you away. It wasn't fair to you. I'm sorry. I'll do better next time."
"I just need you to communicate with me, Dean. We're in this together. For better or worse. Next time, don't shut me out. We'll get through this. We always do." Dean nodded, his green eyes looking at her.
"Yeah." He placed a kiss on her head. "I promise."
When Jody called on a supposed lead on Jack, the trio went to find him. When they finally found Jack, he was with a girl, who ran away as soon as she saw the trio. Jack confessed that he was trying to help bring Mary back.
"That girl is a powerful dream-walker, her name is Kaia. She can help us." Jack said.
"You thought good kid. We'll find Kaia and bring Mary back." Y/n said patting Jack on the back.
When they finally found Kaia, she refused to help. She said that it was scary, and that she cannot get them anywhere other than The Bad Place, Dean's patience was running thin, he was growing frustrated, his mind was going off the rails knowing the key to getting his mother back is right in front of him but refusing to help. Sam tried to ask Kaia politely but then Dean pulled his gun from his jacket and undid the safety.
"Get in the car." He said calmly. He was anything but calm.
"Dean." Y/n and Sam warned. He pointed his gun at the young girl and Y/n moved in front of him. "Dean, this is not the way to convince her. You're not thinking straight."
"It's my Mom, Y/n." He growled.
"I know Dean I understand but-"
"No you don't!" He exclaimed. "You'd never know how I feel Y/n. You've never had a mom." Dean yelled and the atmosphere fell completely silent. The only sound audile was the woosh of air. Y/n let out a gasp taking a step back. "You wanted me to communicate huh? So listen to me and listen to me good. You don’t know how I feel, I need my mom back and" he pointed his gun at Kaia "she's gonna come with us either way. And you're gonna move out of the way."
"Dean." Sam exclaimed his eyes widened. He wasn't sure what possessed Dean to say all that but he went too far this time.
It was true that Y/n never knew her mom, she was barely two months old when her parents gave her up. It wasn't until she was thirteen she found out that her parents didn't want her since they were too young to be parents. She had told Dean about her longing for her parents but she never thought he'd use it against her.
Without a word she moved aside, unblocking his path to the dream walker. He motioned the girl with his gun to move and she got into the car, Jack followed. With his jaw clenched, Dean got into the drivers seat and slammed the door.
"Y/n." Sam started, "I'm so sorry. Dean he's..."
"Go Sam." Was all she said.
Sam approached her with hesitant steps, he hugged her tightly. "I'm really sorry." He whispered. Dean watched the two in the rear veiw mirror, the anger flushing away and guilt settling in. He knew he regretted those words the moment he said it but he was far too gone in the moment to realise. He turned his head to the front as he heard Sam slide into the  passenger's seat. The air was thick with tension as they drove off to South Dakota.
Y/n wouldn't lie, sometimes she thought that Dean didn't need her as much as she needed him, she often thought he might leave her but never in a million years did she think it'd be this way. She never expected him to hit where it hurts the most. In that moment, each and every feeling resurfaced. The feelings she tried so hard to suppress, the feelings of being unwanted, of not being enough.
She can't ever forgive him and won't ever forgive Dean Winchester.
@spnfamily-j2 @galway-girlatwork @deangirl96 @queensilber
@s0urw00lf @monkey-d-hoshizora98 @deans-baby-momma @fullbelieverheart
@riah1606 @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @hobby27
@starkleila @suckitands33
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fadedmunson · 9 months
rose blood | r. sanchez
pairings ; rick sanchez x gn!reader (no use of y/n)
summary ; MAJOR SPOILERS ending of 7x05 (unmortricken) when you try to be there for rick's numb state
genre ; insanely sad angst ;( bit of fluff at the end, established relationship (?) no labels on it but you're close
notes ; i've loved this show for quite so i'm quite surprised i haven't written for r&m sooner. use of curse words
wc ; 0.7k sooo pretty short
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"morty, you can’t come! evil morty, stay out of my way! gonna kill my nemesis! rick out!"
that's all you manage to hear as you get down to the basement a couple second too late.
you pause right as you opened the door to his lab.
"wait did rick say he was going after prime?" your eyes widen and you began to tense up at the thought of rick no longer thinking with his head.
you pause your thinking when you see two morty's, your morty and one with an eye-patch.
"-oh hey evil morty, didn't think i'd ever see you here." you simpered
his eyes narrowed, "trust me, theres alot i would've done to avoid being here in the first place."
"you’re an asshole." your morty grumbled
"well, yeah. I’m not “good” morty."
he opens a yellow portal to follow rick you assume.
"come or don’t. i don’t care."
you get snapped out of your haze
"actually, fuck this. if he wants to go out there and get himself killed he can be my guest." you quickly turn you head and leave the basement sublevel.
you're not his babysitter, but you're still a little worried for the old man. It's not everyday you finally find the person who killed your daughter and wife.
you quickly head up to his room and try to collect all of your thoughts
you begin pacing around the room as your heart rate picks up
rick found prime, morty and evil morty followed him, is evil morty going to kill prime or rick?, why is evil morty even there?, and is this all a trap?
to distract yourself, you take a nap on his bed cot to just put a pause on everything for now.
sure it's uncomfortable, but it'll do
your quick 30 minute napped turned into three hours and you wake up in a sweaty, thirsty daze.
you walk into the kitchen, greet beth and grab a bottle of water
you walk into the garage in time to see rick and morty just back from their battle
morty smiles and waves at you
"crazy fucking day today haha, jeez."
you gave him a light smile and ruffled his hair
once he was out of the room you got a good look at rick and your smile immediately dissipated.
he look disheveled, covered in a shit-ton of blood (a mixture of his and prime's) a broken nose, black eyes, and scratches littering his body
that didn't phase you, what did was the emotionless look on his face
he turned to you, but it didn't look like he was fully there.
"rick," your voice is tight
you don't even know how to articulate yourself, you've never seen him like this.
"that's a lot of blood." you awkwardly chuckle.
"yeah," his voice is toneless.
you quickly reach out to hold his hand, but the quick flinch withheld you.
"well, what are you gonna do now?"
he just looked up from the floor and shrugged his shoulders.
"i can stay, if you want."
he stays silent
you quickly move to sit on the floor against his counters and you pat the space next to you.
he moves to sit next to you and closes his eyes in the comfortable silence.
you move to rest your head in his chest and kiss the parts of his hand without any blood on them while intertwining them with yours.
"i'll stay right here with you, rick. you don't have to be alone."
you hear his body shake as he tries to quietly but violently cries into your hair.
you turn to hold him in your arms as you let the sobs turn into sniffles and then into stuttering breaths.
he grabs onto you like he'll lose you at any moment, and you kiss his tears away while whispering "we're okay," and "i'm not going anywhere."
"can we stay like this for a little?" he quietly rasped out
your mouth curved into a smile "of course, but after this we should get you cleaned up." you open your eyes to stroke his cheek and lock lips.
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lovelywritinglady · 9 months
This is my first request, I want to see how Tengen and his wives react to one of the wives (y/n) has been taking more naps then usual and hasn’t been walking around as much.
When they go to the hospital about it, they find out that it’s because the chronic pain (description: pain that last longer then three months no matter what medication they take) as well then having not much stamina.
Sorry if this is too complicated, I just been having a lot of trouble even getting out of bed without a walking stick. IM NOT EVEN FORTY
thank you
I shall do my best!! Thank you for requesting!
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We’ll Take Care Of You
Tengen Uzui x fem!reader x wives
Fluff, mentions of polygamy, reader has a condition, slight angst.
Tengen Pov
Coming back from a month long mission was one of the best things to me. The look on my wives' faces when they see me again reminds me of all of the love I'm given. Currently I am a few steps from reaching my home when I hear my lovely wife, Suma, call that I am home. I smile at her excitment and quicken my pace as to not keep her and the others waiting too much longer.
Stepping into my rather large estate, I'm immedietly greeted with three bone crushing hugs and whines of worry. If I wasn't already sore from my fight earlier, then I'm definately sore now. Immedietly I wrap my large arms around their figures, but just as soon as my excitment comes, it is replaced with worry.
"Where is Y/n?" I ask my beautiful wives who are still wrapped around me.
"Oh, Lord Tengen, she is in bed. She hasn't been feeling too good for a while." Suma responed with a look of worry on her face now too.
"Is she sick and have you called a doctor?" I asked breaking a hug and looking to Makio and Hina for answers as well.
"We have and she has no sickness, she's just been in some pain and that has been causing her to be in bed a lot." Makio tells me.
"I'm going to go see her alone if that's okay with you three?" I tell them making my way to go see my Y/N.
"Of course, Lord Tengen, I'll make us some food in the meantime." Hina tells me as I'm walking to Y/n's room.
Slowly I opened the sliding door of her room only to be met with a lovely sleeping figure buried underneath blankets looking very comfortable. I slightly chuckled at the sight, but remembered that she has been sleeping an abnormal amount. Crouching down I wiped some loose strands of hair that fell on her somewhat peaceful face; thanking God that I get to witness the beautiful sight before me. Y/n then opened her eyes slightly giving me a smile.
"Lord Tengen, you're back!" She said quietly but the excitment in her voice was heard.
"Yes, and I hear that you have been sleeping a lot. My love, what is going on? Are you hurt in anyway?" I asked her as I laid down on the bed facing her and wrapping my right arm around her.
"I'm not so sure, my body aches all the time and I'm so sleepy. I'm sorry to have worried you Lord Tengen." Y/n says with tears prickling her eyes. Smiling at her I gently wipe the tears from her face and then carefully placing gentle kisses on her nose, forehead, cheeks, and finally a loving kiss on her soft lips. When I pulled away from her, she looked content and relaxed.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, my love. How about I take you to the hospital tomorrow so we can see what is hurtung my baby, hmm." I tell her as she nuzzles into my chest.
"Thank you, Lord Tengen." she says in a cute whisper.
"Of course, now I think you should try to eat something. Plus Hina is cooking and we both know how healing her cooking is." I joke
"Yeah, she's been making me food recently and Makio and Suma have been making me feel comfortable and have been taking care of me too. I'm so thankful to have them here." she tells me and I can tell that she's blushing from that thought.
"We all love and what to take care of you and won't rest until you're better." I reassured her as we both got up from the bed. Her legs were wobbly so I offered her a piggy back ride which she gladly accepted. "Now come on, lets get you fed." I told her as I began walking to the kitchen.
"I love you, Lord Tengen." She hummed
"I love you too" I responed flashing her a wink.
"Hey, what about me?" Suma whines from the kitchen.
"Yeah, you love me too right, Lord Tengen?" Makio chimes in with a fierce blush across her face. "Yeah, Yeah I love you guys too." I told them
The Next Day...
Y/n and I left to the doctors as soon as the sun peaked through the clouds. She wasn't feeling her best so I decided to hold her on my back. My sweet wife was so sleepy and I could tell that her eyes were heavy as she did her best to keep her head upright.
"Y/n, if you need to sleep that's okay. We'll be at the doctors in about 20 minutes if you'd like to sleep until then." I spoke sweetly to her.
"Okay, I am pretty tired." She whispered as she placed her head back on my shoulder and closed her eyes. Soon enough she was sound asleep.
"Heh, such a cute girl." I smiled making sure I treaded lightly as to not awake my sleepy wife.
About 20 minutes later, we arrived. My sweet Y/n was still asleep on my shoulder and I reluctantly woke her up and as I did she slowly open her beautiful eyes and let out such a small yawn. I slightly blushed at her cuteness and reached to give her a small kiss on her cheek. She smiled at me and then made her way off my back and immedietly put her hand in mine. I could tell she was nervous and she took a deep breath and practically pulled me into the doctors home. She walked up and introuduced herself and stated that she had an appointmemt. I was astonished by her strength and admired her flashiness. After a few minutes, the doctor came out and called out my wife's name.
"Uzui Y/n, Uzui Y/n? A small older woman asked scanning the room.
"Yes, that's me." Y/n said as she walked over to the doctor.
"Love, do you need me to go with you?" I aksed hopeful that she'd let me.
"No honey, i think I'd like to do this alone if that's alright." She told me as she reached up and gave me a quick kiss on my left cheek before following the doctor.
"See you soon." I whispered as I made my way to the front anxious as to what was going on with my love.
A little while later...
I was impatient awaiting the news of my sweet wife and what's been going on with her. There were a few times that I almost barged in and demanded to speak with the doctor myself, but I stopped myself out of fear of disappointing Y/n and my other wives. Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself once again only to hear footsteps and the sound of a door opening. There stood my wife with a strange expression on her face and the old lady doctor holding her arm. She immediately looked at me and gave me a sweet smile. I gave her one in return and just nearly ran towards her.
"So is she alright doc?" I asked embracing my wife.
"She's not dying if that's what you're concerned with. She has chronic pain and that's the reason that your lovely wife here hasn't be herself lately." the doctor explained
"Is there anything that we can do to cure it?" I asked worried for my wife.
"Yes, whatever you've been giving her as decreased her pain a little but it won't cure it. However, I have perscribed a special herbal tea and an ointment to put on any specific areas of pain. In a few months to a year your wife should be relitivly normal." She told me and then turned her attention to Y/n and gave her a reassuring smile.
"Lord Tengen, I think I'm going to be fine so please don't worry too much." Y/n spoke almost as if she knew that I was about to complain about how long her recovery would take.
"Alright, love, I trust you." I told her as I gently caressed her lovely face.
"Thank you for everything." Y/n said as she gave the doctor a small bow of gratitude.
"Anytime dear, and if those remedies don't work please feel free to come back so we can try something else out." the doctor spoke. She then gave us the tea and ointment meant for Y/n and the two of us were on our way home.
"Want to ride on my back again or are you feeling well enough to walk?" I asked my wife
"The doctor gave me a cup of that tea and it made me feel well enough to walk myself, so I'm gonna try to do that as long as I can." She told me which made me admire her strength.
"You're so flashy you know that." I complimented her
"You tell me that all the time, but thank you Lord Tengen." she giggled
About more than halfway to our home her pain got too much for her to bear. So I quickly put her on my back as we walked the rest of the way back to our home and back to our worried wives. As soon as we walked through the door and put Y/n down, Suma, Makio, and Hina all flocked to Y/n. She explained what was wring and the remedies to cure her pain.
"Oh Y/n I'm so glad that we know what will help you now and we promise to take care of you." Hina reassured
"Of course we will!" Makio and Suma spoke simultaneously
"Yeah, don't worry Y/n we'll take good care of you." I spoke to her as she gave me that sweet smile that I just adore so much.
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Thank you so much for reading! I apologize for taking so long with the request. My writers block was crazy!
Please feel free to like, comment. reblog, and request!
click here to see what I'll write for and HERE for my master list.
•I do NOT own any characters except Y/n•
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gh0stsp1d3r · 2 months
I was wondering if you could write a request for jj? Where the reader is John bs twin sister, and for as long as anyone can remember it was always jj and yn but when they are 19 yn finds out she’s pregnant and everything is fine they are both happy ( also big John is still alive) and everyone is helping ( except kie) and just when the reader is about to give birth jj starts getting nervous, and is talking to kie and she tells jj she always liked him and they both end up kissing ( which would if lead to more if yn didn’t catch them ) just something very angsty
𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓌𝒶𝓈𝓃𝓉 𝒽ℴ𝓌 𝒾𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝓈𝓊𝓅𝓅ℴ𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝓉ℴ 𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓅ℯ𝓃
A/n- SOBBING WHAT THE anon this angst. gif not mine!!
Warnings: getting cheated on, pregnancy and descriptions of labor, jj and John b fight, angst, John b is so <333
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You panicked when you first found out, your hands tugging at your hair and your eyes watering. How were you supposed to tell anyone? You took a deep breath, sitting down on the bed, holding your head in your hands.
“Hey, babe, have you seen Jb? Because I was thinking that-“ He turns the corner and goes into the room, stopping his sentence upon seeing your face, silent tears falling from you. He furrows his eyebrows in confusion, his face falling.
“Y/n?” He asked, confused as to what was wrong. You turned to him, and he sat down next to you, rubbing your back as you told him what happened.
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The next months were slow, painful, and rough. JJ had tried his best to make them better.
Your brother and your dad were more than happy. They were practically jumping up and down in excitement. So were the pogues,, they all were helping with everything, you barely had to lift a finger.
All the pogues except Kiara. She had been "working" as she said, but when she was there with you and the others, she glanced at you and JJ each time, almost longingly, and you couldn't help but place it as some sort of jealousy.
You tried not to let it bother you since you knew that JJ and her were close friends, but there was this feeling in your gut, a feeling you should have trusted.
You woke up, exhausted and starving. You slowly padded out the room and into the kitchen, JJ sitting at the table, his thoughts being interrupted when he heard you walk in. He looked up to you, giving you a small smile.
"Morning." He spoke quietly. "How are you?"
"Like I wanna get this damn baby out." You joked, sitting across from him, a plate already on the table for you, which you gladly took and ate quickly.
It was later in the night, JJ was gone, and John B and Sarah were stopping by for a moment since they were already out. It was randomly, you had water in your hands and suddenly felt a cramp in your abdomen, feeling nauseous as you stood up. John B and Sarah stopped their conversation, turning to look at you with concerned faces.
You felt a liquid trickle down your legs, Sarah immediately stood up to support your back, John B following her.
"Shit, you're in labor." He murmured.
"No shit!" you groaned out. "This wasn't supposed to happen for a week or two!"
"C'mon, c'mon." Both of them led you out into the Twinkie, you breathing heavily and crying in pain every once in a while while your brother sped to the hospital. Both of them helped you walk into the hospital, alerting the doctors and nurses. You were then quickly led into a room and bed.
Your brother left to sign some papers, Sarah holding your hand as they talked about what would happen before the doctors finally left.
"You okay?" John B asked, finally striding into the room with a cup of water. He handed it to you, and you nodded as you drank it.
"Did you call JJ?" You asked him>
"Yeah. He ran right out of work when he heard. Probably got fired." He said with a laugh, hand on the back of his neck, leaning back in the chair.
"I'm looking for y/n l/n!" You heard a shout come from outside, John B and you sharing a knowing glance.
"I'll get him," Sarah said with a smile, shaking her head and walking out, explaining everything to JJ.
He rushed inside as soon as he knew, Sarah following behind. He sighed in relief upon seeing you, leaning down to kiss you.
"I am so sorry. Fuck." He sighed. “I love you.”
"It's okay." You spoke softly, his hand caressing your cheek before leaning in again.
"Kie, Pope, and your dad are outside by the way. They told us no more than three visitors at a time." He told you, sitting down next to you.
"I'll go get your dad." Sarah offered, You smiled at the girl, thanking her. Your dad walked in and you smiled widely, he bent down to give you a hug, looking at you with a smile.
"I can't believe it." He told you, shaking his head with tears in his eyes. You smiled, wrapping your arms around him again.
JJ glanced up upon seeing someone walk by the room, a head of hair he recognized quickly. He cleared his throat, looking at you again.
“Sorry. I’ll be back, okay?” He told you quietly. You nodded, slightly confused but ignored his sudden leave.
Your dad sat next to you now, you looked at him and John B, they talked about anything and everything to put a smile on your face.
“Hey!” A chipper voice suddenly spoke, all of your turning to the voice, a doctor walking into the room.
“Hi.” You spoke.
“Sorry to barge in, but I’m doctor Smith. How are you?”
“Nice to meet you. I’m okay… y/n.” you shrugged, the girl smiling.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you too, y/n. So, is anything bothering you? Any pain?”
“Yeah… a lot.” You said with a laugh, she laughed along and nodded.
“Well, you wanna know something that helped when I was giving birth was walking around. If you’d like, I can take you around the hospital a bit. It can lead to better outcomes, it can help with the pain, and position the baby for birth.”
You shrugged. “Yeah.. okay. Standing up sounds… nice.” You said with quiet laugh, she laughed and nodded along in agreement.
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JJ sat down next to Kiara. Sarah, Pope and Cleo chatting away at another spot, out of their sight. It was only the two of them in that room.
“So… you’re gonna be a dad.” She said, breaking the silence and looking at the boy. He nodded, chuckling nervously, his leg bouncing up and down.
“Yup.” He murmured, looking back at the girl. “I’m scared as fuck, to be honest. I feel like I’m gonna screw it up.”
“You’re not gonna screw it up, Jayj.” She said softly. His heart pounded, he wasn’t thinking straight as he looked into her eyes, seemingly seeking comfort in them.
“I hope not.”
“You’re gonna be a good dad.” She reassured him, he nodded and looked back down at the floor.
“It’s funny, though.”
He looked up again at the girls words, quirking an eyebrow.
“I don’t know… I always thought that it would be me and you.”
“No, I know, you were with her even then. But I… I’ve always liked you, Jayj. And I can’t help but think that at some point, maybe you did too.” She shrugged.
Her eyes met his, her gaze dropping to his lips and back at him. He leaned in slowly, cupping her face, her lips meeting his halfway.
You walked in right at that moment, they didn’t seem to notice you, too caught up in each other. She began to straddle him, and they didn’t notice you until you let out a quiet whisper.
“Jj?” It was pained, his eyes snapping open and looking at you. His eyes went wide, Kiara quickly getting off of him, Jj getting ready to explain.
The nurse sensed this, and opened the door for you to leave, a look of pity on her face.
“Y/n, y/n.” He chased after you, his hand meeting your shoulder.
“Get the fuck off of me.” You gritted your teeth at him, the nurse opening your room door for you, he followed you in.
“Get him out. Please.” You whispered to the nurse, both your father and brother sharing confused looks.
“y/n, I’m sorry- I’m so sorry, I swear to God, it didn’t mean a thing, I was being stupid- and- and I had a few drinks before I came and- fuck, I’m sorry-“ he rambled on, all while being pushed away by security.
You waited until he was gone and she door was closed to let out a sob, your brother furrowing his eyebrows and your dad going to hug you.
“What happened?” John B asked you.
“He- he kissed Kie!” You cried out, your heart shattering. “This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen.” You shook your head feverishly.
John B swallowed the lump in his throat, his fists clenching, eyes blinking slowly. He stood up, pushing his chair back. You watched him leave, your dad attempting to calm him, leaving you all alone in the cold room.
You sobbed even more, your tears staining the fabric of the hospital gown. A sudden burst of pain making you groan out, holding your stomach as you tried to control your breathing.
John B walked outside, JJ was pacing, tugging at his hair, muttering to himself.
“John B.” He spoke when he saw him. “You gotta to know that I didn’t wanna hurt her, fuck, I- I didn’t want to- I wasn’t thinking straight and it didn’t mean anything at all-“
“You kissed Kiara! Nothing you say or do is gonna fix this shit, JJ!”
“I know that! You think I don’t know that?!”
“Your girlfriend is pregnant, she’s been carrying your baby for nine months, and you do this shit while she’s in labor?” He scoffed.
“I- I love y/n more than anything, you know that!”
“Love?” He scoffed. “You hurt her. You broke her damn heart.”
“I love her, and I made a stupid fucking decision, I know that, I just want-“
“Stupid decision? Oh, you’re such an asshole, you know that?” John B shoved him, JJ grabbing John B’s collar.
“John B-“
JJ was cut off when John B punched him in the jaw, throwing him to the ground. The two tussles on the street before they were pulled away from each other.
John B was allowed back into the hospital, JJ was not, as he was screaming and shouting at the boy.
John B came back to your side, face bloodied and bruised. You sniffled, turning to your brother.
“What’d he say?”
John B shook his head. “Don’t worry about it right now.”
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thehusbandoden · 1 year
You Flinch During an Argument -Todoroki Shoto
Sooo I decided to change this into drabbles instead of headcannons and a drabble bc I'm a lot more comfortable writing in this format, sorry if this bothers anyone <33
Oh and this is a lot more fluffy bc I'm so soft for Sho <3
I'll make Bakugou's a lot more angsty tomorrow >:))
Angst to fluff/comfort | 1,057 words
Warnings!: Mention of arguing, flinching, fear of hurting/scaring your s/o, mention of abuse (Shoto's childhood), and spending money in copious amounts (is that a warning??). Pls let me know if I miss any <33
Dabi | Hawks | Todoroki Shoto | Bakugo Katsuki | Midoriya Izuku | Shigaraki Tomura | Aizawa Shota | Amajiki Tamaki | Kirishima Eijiro | Shinso Hitoshi
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The argument was getting nowhere, you were exhausted, angry, and hurt. You also bet that Sho felt the same.
Sighing, you stand up and walk towards where Shoto was pacing around.
"Listen Sho, let's just go to bed, we can talk about this in the morning."
"Fine then, you go to be-" Shoto froze as he saw you flinch away from him, he wasn't going to.. hurt you. He would never hurt you.
"Did.. did you think I was going to hurt you?" Shoto asked, inwardly panicking as he rushed to your side, hands hovering over your arms, shoulders, and hands, too scared of hurting or scaring you to touch you.
"No baby no. It was some kinda reaction from my body, probably because the tension was high and we're heroes." You coo, grabbing Shoto's hands comfortingly.
"A-are you sure?" Shoto asked, body shaking as he moved his hands up and down your arms, trying to comfort you as best as he could.
"Positive my dear, lets just get to bed, yeah? We can talk about our.. disagreement in the morning." You smile, causing Shoto to nod as he followed you to your shared bedroom, hovering behind you as you go through your night time routine.
"Baby.. I promise I'm not scared of you." You whisper, turning around to hug Shoto as he hovered over your shoulder, heart broken.
"I- I know.. it just reminded me of mom.. and him.."
"Oh baby, no. That is completely different."
Hugging Shoto tighter, your heart partially broke as Shoto clung to you, burying his face in your neck, seeking any kind of comfort he could.
"T-this was a one time freak accident.. right?" Shoto asked, a few tears staining your shoulder as he let you comfort him, needing some kind of stability for him to be sane.
"Yes, yes this will only happen this one time. I was not scared of you, my body moved on its own, I hold zero fear towards you, my love."
"I promise. Now, let's get to bed and cuddle, yeah?"
Shoto simply nodded, shuffling his feet in a way where he could move yet stay attached to you, and he completely climbed on top of you, burying his face into your chest as you played with his hair, kissing his forehead sweetly.
The next morning he was attached to you until you had to go to work, and even then he was very reluctant to let you go, asking for kiss after kiss as you attempted to leave.
You came home to a completely cleaned house, your favorite meal, and your favorite at home activity set up.
And the next day, after he came home from work he brought you flowers, your favorite treat, take out, a movie, and a book that's been rotting in your 'tbr' list on Amazon.
It stayed that way for at least a week and a half, Shoto doing everything he could to show you how much he truly loved you.
"Baby I'm home." Shoto calls, shutting the door with his foot as he moved to set todays findings on your kitchen island.
"Hey, you're home early!" You smile, quickly making your way to kiss Sho's lips before hugging him, smiling at the comforting warmth and smell.
"Yeah, I missed you too much and there wasn't much going on. If there's any thing they need my help with they'll simply call me in."
Pecking his chest as acknowledgment, you turn to the island, blushing in embarrassment at the multiple bags on the smooth surface.
"Sho, how many times do I need to tell you that you don't need to keep buying me things?" You sigh, smiling as the hero pecked the back of your ear to help you cool off.
"And how many times do I need to tell you that I know I don't 'need' to, but I can, and want to spoil my queen."
"Sho you're too good for this world." You huff, blushing at Shoto's bold honesty.
"I belive that is you, my love."
"Okay okay- what did you get this time?" You sigh, peering at the bags curiously.
"You have to wait for this one," Sho mused, picking out a small black bag from the bunch, maneuvering it so you wouldn't see the brand name.
"Ah c'mon Sh-"
"and this one is for dinner-" Sho continued, shushing you with a quick peck to the lips, setting the grocery bag aside.
" and the rest is for you to enjoy at your leisure." Shoto smiled, causing you to blush.
Smiling, you look through the remaining four bags, smile widening at the sentimental gifts Shoto had gotten you.
One bag was full of books and movies you were dying to read/watch, and another one was full of bags of sweets you enjoyed from the gas station near your house -which means he most likely grabbed them on a whim, barely putting a thought into spoiling you as he remembered all of your favorites and which one you liked the most.
The other two were full of some of your favorite hobbies, and things you were meaning to get. Needed a new pair of earphones for long hours of patrol? Sho got the new model, making sure to get your favorite color. Oh- did you want a pair of fuzzy socks for the upcoming winter? Shoto got you just that, spending extra money to make them just right for you. The list went on and on, causing you to both feel giddy and annoyed.
"Shoto, you can't just spoil me. You need to be spoiled too, and all of your money is going into this isn't it?" Giving Sho a look to stop him from interrupting, you continued, "but, I really do appreciate this. You're too sweet for this world, Sho."
Shoto just smiled at you, eyes holding a certain spark that made you giddy.
And that alone stopped you from telling him to stop.
Because he truly enjoyed spoiling you, and you won't be that one to dampen that light, you'll be the one to continue to let it grow.
Plus you started spoiling him too- and now it's basically part of your routine
Series' masterlist | Shoto's masterlist | Main masterlist | Navigation
Tips <3
Reblogs help spread and support my work, and therefore help me out a ton, but any support is appreciated <33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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scarletlizzard · 7 months
Hooray for 500!! 🎉 You deserve that and more!
5 or 58 for either Nat or Wanda…dealer’s choice! Thank you!!🙏
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5 & 58
104 Dialogue Prompts
Paring: natasha x reader (don't think I used pronouns)
Tags: mentions of violence/guns, blink and miss it angst, fluff
A/N: Thank you anon 🥳 You're the best, thanks for the request! I just did both and chose Nat ❤️
Okay, so you fucked up. You definitely should've waited for backup.
Your feet stumble over each other on the broken road, gunfire from behind you willing you to move faster. Around you, a marketplace crowded with people, innocent people. In your hand, a powerful agent in a small vial, strong enough to wipe out the entire city.
"On your left," you finally hear on the comms. You let out a sigh of relief as you look back to see a truck coming through.
You see Natasha leaning out the window of the backseat passenger side, arms ready. "Y/N! Take my hand," she calls to you, the truck driving next to you as you run.
You reach out to her, making eye contact with the widow. Usually, you would see a look of annoyance, you were surprised to see her green eyes filled with worry. Brows pushed together as her face wavers with fear.
"Take my hand!" She calls again, and this time you jump up, letting her grab you. Natasha pulls you into the truck as Sam cheers from the drivers seat with a "Hell yeah!" While you sit in the backseat with Natasha, bullets littering the back of the truck.
Your chest heaves as you try to catch your breath, laughing along with Sam in relief. Natasha only moves away from you, seemingly shaken up.
As the truck pulls up to the safe house, you hand the vial to Sam after the three of you get out. "I'll get this bad boy locked up," he nods and pats your shoulder to which you wince. Natasha frowns at you when he walks away.
"What the fuck was that?" She says, pushing you. Your back hits the door of the truck.
"Easy!" You wince again, groaning at the sharp pain from your shoulder blade.
"No, you could've died!" Natasha yells back in your face. "You could've died..." She says in a softer tone, tears welling in her eyes.
"Nat..." You mumble, reaching out to her. She slaps your hand away. Pushing you again. And again. She hits your chest, letting the tears fall down her cheeks.
"You don't get to just, make someone care about you, and then-then do stupid shit like that!" She cries, and you stand there shocked. You had never seen the widow this upset, let alone in an incident involving you.
"I didn't think you cared that much... you don't act like it," you say, reaching your hand across your body to hold your shoulder. Natasha sighs, looking to your face, studying your soft eyes and bruised cheek.
"Because of this exact reason. I try to stay away, and I try not to care. But you're so fucking..." She's at a loss for words, and instead of trying to find the right ones, she grabs your face in her hands and kisses you.
Her lips are soft and wet, salty from her tears. You wrap your arms around her middle and pull her closer, deepening the kiss. The kiss you had wanted since the first day you laid eyes on her. She pulls apart only a little, her forehead resting on yours as her lips hover over your lips.
"Don't do something so stupid again," Natasha sighs, and you nod in response. You press your lips to hers again, mumbling out an apology.
"You're in a lot of pain, aren't you?" She says.
"Yep," you groan and smile as she laughs and wipes her face. Her hand rests on your cheek for just a second longer before she takes your hand.
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up."
"Wait, does this mean I can kiss you again or... was that like a one-time thing or..." You trail off, raising your eyebrow.
"You're insufferable... Yes, you can kiss me again," Natasha says in a serious tone, but the smile on lips tells you all you need to know.
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bunny-1111 · 2 months
Dry your tears - TN
Theodore Nott x reader - angst, comfort, sad
Description - Theodore and reader go through a breakup
word count: 700 words
not always a happy ending teddy :(
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It was a dark and gloomy night. Winter was about to set in. Snow had not yet fallen.
As you sat on the couch of the Slytherin common room, you looked around. Your friends were chatting, and your tea on the table sat untouched, steam flowing from its heat.
You take your first slow sip of your hot drink, it was supposed to be comforting, it brought you no comfort.
Looking up you see your boyfriend, Theo, laughing at Draco as he tells a story about yelling at some first years.
You take a good look into his distracted eyes; you can't find yourself in them.
You can't find yourself in anything anymore, considering yourself lost.
Focusing again on your tea, you watch your crocked reflection,
'Oh Merlin" you muttered to yourself - the sound of your voice almost startled you, realising that you had not spoken a single word all day. Nobody noticed, you didn't even notice.
You felt an unusual anger brew in your body, you felt hotter than the mug in your hands, so you picked up and left for your dorm.
No one stopped you, no one questioned it.
You waited in your bed, wondering how long it would take him to show up, realise something was deeply wrong.
Two fucking hours.
It took Theodore two hours to knock.
"What?" You ask, peeking through the gap in the doorway,
letting himself in he says, "What, you."
"I want to be alone tonight, Theodore" You sigh
He just looked at you, face scrunched.
"I have a big day tomorrow, I need to be alone" you state
"Oh yeah? what happening on your big day tomorrow?" He says sitting on the beds' edge
"potions quiz, I told you about it" You huff
"No you didn't" he says back
"Yes! Yes, I did, I told you four days over. You just don't listen," you almost cry out
"Ok?" he almost laughs
"OK? ok, Theodore I want to break up" you blurted out
he stood up instantly
"I'm breaking up with you." You said firm
Panic washed over his face
"I don't think so" he tried to smile
"It's done Theo, you don't even like me anymore" you say taking a deep breath in
"Yes, I do, I love you" he starts
"No, you loved me, past tense, the idea of me, us, you don't put in Theodore, I can't keep fighting for something that died months ago" you explain, tears welling.
"Is this what you really want" he choked out
"Yes, it's what you want too, even if you don't realise it yet" you cried
You watched his chest rise and fall, you couldn't help yourself, pulling yourself into a hug close to his chest, but he didn't move.
He stood there, slightly nestling into your neck
"Oh" was all he manged to say, tears running down both your now wet faces "I'm gonna miss you" He added stepping back to take a clear look at you
"What are you doing?" You ask through your own tears as he placed a hand on your face
"Just trying to remember you, I don't want to forget" He frowned
"Theo," his words only adding to the string
"No you're right, I wasn't there; I'll learn to live with that, I won't make you stay, but right now just let me memorise you, please," he says studying you completely
As the seconds passed you were both understanding this would be the last few minutes of each other.
"What do we do when we miss each other?" he asked
You took his hand and placed it on your heart, you took your own hand and placed it on his.
"We'll find each other there, alright? We might be done now, but we'll always be in each other hearts ok? OK, Theo?!" You cried once more
He just pulled you close, hugged you a little tighter, kissed your forehead and softly said "I should go, you take care of yourself" wiping your tears, than his own.
He walked out.
You let him.
You let each other love and let go.
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kolyubov · 2 months
Say your French goodbye
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✧ pairing. pm!dazai x gn!reader
✧ word count. 1k
✧ contents. angst? petnames (sweets, darling), ooc pm!dazai.
✧ author's note. hai :3 this may be written kinda weird because i'm experimenting with my writing !! hopefully it's still enjoyable <3
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Dazai wishes to enjoy this moment; you lying on top of him with his arms wrapped around your form, breathing slowly against his chest, your eyelashes resting against your soft cheeks, your lips parted just slightly— he's holding back from just grabbing your face and pampering you with kisses, aching to feel that softness against his lips.
But he can't. He can't even let himself enjoy your presence, trying to warm his whole being; his soul.
It's wrong.
He knows he shouldn't be this attached to someone.
When he lets his guard down, allowing himself to enjoy the company of another human, life takes them away from his path one way or another.
It's always been like that.
Your couch feels much more comfortable than his bed, naturally, and your apartment seems too colorful for his eyes in comparison to the cold steel walls of the container where he “lives”.
He wonders what you'll think if you ever find out about his questionable lifestyle.
Dazai's attention is almost immediately back to you, watching as you snuggle and rub your cheek against his chest with your eyes still closed. The way his name sounds coming from your lips has his heart skipping a beat… He’s ashamed you’ll feel how pathetically it beats for the sound of your voice alone.
“Something's wrong?” He whispered, not wanting to break the small moment of peace for you. His fingers slowly ran through your hair, twirling it a little at the ends. “Ready to go to bed, darl’?”
His uncovered eye was hard on you, carefully analyzing your body language for any indication that you felt uncomfortable.
“You're pretty silent… Is something wrong?” You ask, and Dazai doesn't answer your question, only letting his head fall back against one of your couch's pillows; his lips part for a moment, and just as he is about to speak, he closes them again.
All of this is wrong…
He knows someday you'll be ripped off his life, he can't avoid that fate that awaits him, but Dazai is more afraid of you ending up hurt because of his fault. Considering his position as an executive of the Port Mafia, many could use you in order to threaten him.
For your own good, he should let you live a quiet life.
Dazai places his hands on your waist, firmly pushing you off him to lie on his side instead, “Sweets, it's kinda late. Why don't you go to sleep, yeah?”
When he briefly glanced at your expression, you were facing him with a pout on those lips that he couldn't take his eyes away from.
“Why don't you stay? You can sleep here, on the couch, or if you're comfortable enough, maybe in my bed!” There was no hidden meaning behind those words, you really wished for him to take a rest for once, “We can even have a slumber party!”
“Ehhh… I don't have any pajamas and sleeping in a suit is…” He trails off as your hand reaches out for his arm, but he’s already pulling away and sitting on the edge of the couch, not facing you.
“I'll lend you my clothes! I have some oversized pieces that could fit you.”
Dazai rolled his eyes, amused by your attempts to make him stay. He didn’t want to keep inventing more excuses in order to avoid staying, but knowing how stubborn you were, being honest won't work either— If anything, it'll be much harder for him to leave that way.
When he was just about to get up, ready to leave and maybe disappear forever before fucking up your life, your arms wrapped around his waist from behind, trapping him with you.
“Please, stay…” You murmur against his back. The softness of your plea has him biting his lower lip anxiously as a storm builds up inside his head. He is a heartless mafia executive, so why's it so easy for you to grip his frozen heart and melt his resistance away?
Dazai's hands rest above yours, kindly trying to push them away, but your grip was strong— He wouldn't want to use too much force accidentally. The last thing he wishes to do is hurt you.
“Darling, I'm busy. You know how the mafia works. Can you take those cute hands away and let me go?” Seeing no answer from you, he gave your hands a few pats, “C'mon, or do you want Chuuya to punch my face for being late again?”
With that, he felt your grip soften, leaving him the opportunity to stand up from your couch. When he turns around to face you, a small chuckle escapes him at the sight of your defeated pout.
“Will you come tomorrow too…?”
Dazai purses his lips and looks away. Conflicted.
Both his mind and heart were arguing whether to stay and appreciate these moments with you before everything comes to an end or be selfish, spend more time with you, and put your life in danger for being in a relationship with a mafioso.
His presence is nothing but an inconvenience.
Maybe he wasn't meant to love, maybe he was never meant to care for another human being, at least in the way you cared so sweetly for him. He doesn't get along with most people after all.
“…Sure.” He replies, his voice soft as a hand reaches for your cheek, his thumb caressing your skin for a few seconds, enjoying the lasting moments.
Before he could leave, you pull him for a hug that leaves him stunned. Everything stops; his breathing, his heart, his mind— All because of your sudden display of affection. A hug was something he wasn't used to. It took him a while until his arms wrapped around your body, letting you melt against him.
No words were coming from any of you, just calm breathing and small caresses over each other's back in your dimly lit living room. The embrace lasted for a few minutes until you pulled away. Your eyes meet his, trying to see through him, wishing you could just tell him everything your heart yearns for.
“Take care, Osamu…”
Dazai gave you one last small smile, squeezing your hand in his hand before walking away, opening the door of your apartment, not glancing back, as he disappeared in the dark.
Maybe, one day, he'll figure out how to make his life less miserable; someday, he could let himself enjoy your presence without fearing the consequences of his existence.
Maybe one day he'll change.
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© 2024 kolyubov — Do not copy, repost, or recommend my works on other platforms. reblogs are welcomed and appreciated!
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holdmytesseract · 4 months
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moodboard by the wonderful @chennqingg <3
World's End [EoH]
Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
Summary: Strange things start to happen to people; caused by a virus. Most of the humanity hides away in their houses - unlike you. Feeling the urge and duty to help people as a nurse, you keep on working - much to your boyfriend's dislike.
Warnings: angst, fluff, the outbreak - basically, protective!Daryl, dad!Daryl moments, TWD stuff - weapons, walkers
Pre-Apocalypse Era!
Word Count: 2,1k
a/n: You asked for it and I am here to deliver! 🫡 I hope y'all going to like this... 😊
EoH Masterlist °☆• Daryl Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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"I don like this, Y/N..." Daryl stated. His voice was hushed, due to a sleeping Teddy on his arms, but still firm. "Ya shouldn't go ta work. Please... Stay at home."
You sighed; knowing very well that he was most likely right - but you couldn't. "I know, sweetie, but I can't. They need me. Especially now. It's my job." Daryl inhaled deeply; almost frustrated. "I understand that, sunshine, but... We don know what this virus is. So many people already died because of that shit - and you wanna go straight into the danger zone? I don't want ya ta catch whatever it is. I can't lose ya. We can't lose ya."
You swallowed hard; feeling the weight of Daryl's words. "You're right. It's dangerous, but... it's my duty as a nurse to help people. It would be selfish and cowardly to not go to work. I can't let all these people die. I've got to save 'em." Your boyfriend chewed on his bottom lip; pacing up and down the living room of your shared apartment. Teddy was luckily still sleeping in his arms; his little head resting on his father's broad shoulder.
The brown haired man had to choose his next words wisely now. He knew that.
"What if ya can't save 'em? What if they're lost?" You shook your head. "I refuse to believe that. Doctors and scientists all around the world are already working flat out to find a cure." "Yeah, but you've seen the news, Y/N. The government told us to stay at home with a reason. You know about the rumours. Damnit, you even told me that-... I-"
Daryl took another deep breath; quickly shifting Teddy, so that he was able to run a hand over his face and pinch the bridge of his nose. "Fucks sake, I just want ya to be safe..."
You stepped up to him; taking his free hand in yours. "I know what I am doing, Daryl. Trust me, okay?" You squeezed his hand and smiled at him softly.
Your boyfriend sighed once again; tilting his head back - which gave you a delicious view of his neck.
"Ain't havin' a chance ta hold ya back, right?"
You stepped closer and brushed your lips over his; feeling his scruff scratching your skin. "I'll see you tonight," you whispered and pressed a kiss to your son's brown curls on top of his head, grabbed your things and left the apartment. Daryl was powerless.
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Your way to work was... aggravated, to say the least. Most of the public transports didn't work at the moment. Only the really necessary ones. Therefore, it was difficult for you to even catch a bus to work.
And it wasn't just that... Gainesville was like a morgue. Empty streets, restaurants and coffee shops. You only saw a few people taking their dogs out for a walk, but nothing more. Everybody was scared and followed the government's orders - but you hadn't the time to be afraid. You were needed.
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Daryl sat on the sofa; nervously chewing on the inside of hi lip. His thoughts revolved around you - and only you. He didn't give a shit about what happened to other people, but you.
The redneck was staring at the old clock which hung on the wall in the living room; watching the minutes ticking by agonisingly slow.
"Daddy, look!" Teddy's sweet, soft voice brought him back down to reality. At least for a few moments...
Daryl averted his eyes from the clock and looked down, to where his son sat on the fluffy carpet; looking through a book you had given him yesterday. A book which had been laying in an abandoned drawer, because he was too young for it. Not anymore...
Teddy pointed on a drawing of a plane and it's pilot; an airport in the background. "It's a pwane!" Shining eyes met his similar ones, as the little boy looked up at his dad; smiling. Daryl couldn't help but smile. This little human being meant the world to him. Something he never thought he'd say. But it was the truth. He'd do anything for that kid. Go to hell and back. Daryl didn't care.
He also couldn't deny that Teddy changed him for the better.
Daryl's hand vanished in the mop of chestnut brown hair on his son's head; gently ruffling it. "You're right, Ted. 'S a plane." With his other hand, he turned the page, "N what's that?" and pointed on a truck, which had a lot of logs loaded; driving down a street.
Teddy's eyes scanned the picture; concentrated. "A tuck!" Daryl couldn't suppress the small, affectionate laugh which escaped his lips. "Almost, buddy. A truck. Keep on learning, you're doin' good." He ruffled the boy's hair again and stood up to get himself dressed. He needed fresh air. And distraction.
About twenty minutes later, Daryl was walking down an empty street with Teddy's small hand neatly tucked in his; waddling beside him. Looking around, he could see people gazing judgmental at him through their windows. Some had already barricaded their doors. It was kinda nuts to see that. He noticed the clear difference between him and the rest of the world. He didn't care if the world would go to shit. After all, the world never offered or gave him much. Just you, his son and brother. He didn't need or want more.
"Daddy, can I pway?" Once more ripped him Teddy's voice out of his thoughts. The boy pointed at the little playground you and Daryl always took him to. It was, of course, completely empty. The man nodded. "Sure. Go ahead." Teddy giggled happily and ran as fast as his little legs carried him towards the small slide.
After helping Teddy to slide down the slide a few times, he stood back at the sidelines and watched his son play in the sandbox. Daryl was quite a few meters away from his toddler; smoking a cigarette, but never letting him out of his sight.
But then his gaze drifted down the street for a short moment - which left the man more than just utterly shocked and speechless...
Up ahead he could see three people walking into his direction - but something was off about them. Daryl noticed right away. Almost dripping over their own feet; rather tumbling than walking, strange noises, blood stains and- His eyes widened. One of them had a bullet in his head. Dude shouldn't be alive.
And suddenly it came crashing down on Daryl. The rumours were true. The dead weren't just dead anymore. And where were probably the most dead people besides the cemetery? Right. The hospital.
The realisation pierced marrow and bone. You were anything but safe.
A disgusting growl from distance reminded Daryl that danger was lurking ahead. Whatever these... people had become... He didn't want to cross them - or risk his son's life.
"Teddy!" Daryl called out. "C'mere!" Teddy, being the well-behaved boy he was, got immediately on his small feet and ran up to his dad. Daryl immediately lifted him up in his arms. "Daddy?" "We're goin'. Now." He turned on his heels and started to walk quickly back home. "Daddy, are they sick?" The little boy asked; now obviously facing the dead. The man swallowed hard and cupped his son's head gently. "Don look at 'em, buddy." "Kay."
Back in your shared apartment, Daryl threw several things into a bag. He had a feeling. For all this time, he had a feeling that this all wouldn't end well, and he was right. Whatever it was the virus did to people. It had started. This was just the beginning of the end.
Teddy watched his dad with wide eyes; not knowing in the slightest what was going on.
Daryl slung the bag over one shoulder, grabbed his crossbow from the locked cabinet and threw it over his other shoulder. Then he gave Teddy his stuffed dog and picked him up once more. "Daddy and Teddy going?" Daryl nodded. "We are visiting mommy." The boy's eyes lit up. "Go see mommy?" "Yes, buddy." A cheerful giggle slipped past Teddy's lips.
And when Daryl left the house for a second time, the streets were everything but empty..
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In the hospital, chaos had erupted as well. Seeing the dead suddenly roam through the streets and literally ambushing Gainesville, caused everybody to panic. Naturally. You tried to keep a cool head, even though it was difficult with the unbelievable happening right in front of your eyes. The most wanted to run. Others wanted to hide. Your instincts told you that it was probably right to run, but your wit told you it was wiser to stay inside and hide. You talked to so many people – colleagues, patients, family members of the patients; wanted to convince them to stay. Some of them were listening, but the lot of them didn't - and ran straight into their undoing. Unbeknownst to them or you.
Now, you were staring out of one of the big windows; chewing on your nails and watching the horrible scenes unfold right in front of your eyes as your heart was pumping adrenaline through your body. It felt like you had fallen straight into a nightmare. You wanted to turn your back and look away, but you couldn't. You were like frozen to the spot - until... "D-Daryl?" You breathed into the empty room; eyes widening as you saw someone who looked significantly like your boyfriend ran - with a little boy on his arms, straight towards the main entrance of the hospital; paving his way through the dead. After all, Daryl wasn't stupid. He quickly figured out what had to be done.. Unfortunately.
"Daryl!" You shouted again and quickly ran out of the room, past several panicking, crying and yelling people and down towards your family.
"Daryl!" You met him in the entry area; noticing right away that he had barricaded the doors. "Y/N!" Immediate relief washed over his face when he spotted you. You ran over to him, meeting him in the middle of the way. You literally fell into his arms; hugging him and Teddy tightly. "Ya alright?!" Daryl asked; almost panicky. You nodded against his shoulder. "Y-Yes, but... What is happening?Why does it happen so suddenly, I... I don't understand..." Your boyfriend pulled back and cupped your cheeks. "Me neither, sunshine. All I know is, we gotta go. Pick up Merle and search for a safe place somewhere outta town."
Tears started to prick your eyes. "W-What? B-But we can't just leave! What about our apartment? My job..." Your gaze fell on a clingy and scared Teddy, who was holding on to his father for dear life. "Teddy..." The boy was way too small to understand, of course. "Mommy..." He whispered; close to crying. Your heart broke, "Baby..." so you quickly took him into your arms; running a soothing hand through his hair and kissing the crown of his head repeatedly. "It's all good, sweetie, okay? Mommy and daddy are here. Nothing is going to happen to you." You tried your best to reassure the boy, while Daryl's hand rested on his small back, in order to provide comfort as well.
"We gotta go..." Daryl repeated, "We can't stay. If this is truly the world's end, I ain't risking yours or Ted's life." and adjusted his crossbow. "I have ta protect ya. No matter what."
The sound of hands against glass cut through the room, causing the both of you to realise in sheer horror that the dead were trying to get inside the hospital. You swallowed hard; breath quickening.
"Y/N..." Daryl's voice ripped you out of your state of shock. You nodded. "O-Okay..." Your boyfriend gave you a nod as well and took your hand in his; gently pulling you along... "C'mon." And you let him.
Together you took one of the emergency exits and left the town. Daryl guided you through the woods, since he spent a lot of time there; practising to hunt together with his brother - and father, back when he was younger.
Now his knowledge and survival instincts came in handy. If the apocalypse was truly happening right now in front of your eyes, you knew that you didn't want to be somewhere else than with Daryl and Teddy. Daryl may have been called a lot by lots of different peoples, but one thing was certain... He was a fighter. A survivor. There wasn't a safer place on this godforsaken earth than at Daryl Dixon's side.
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Tags: @suniloli @stitchintimefan @in-this-minute @wolfsmom1 @loz-3 @fictive-sl0th @fuseburner @mandywholock1980 @celtic-crossbow @lou12346789 @mischief-dream @km-ffluv @crimson25 @buttercupcookies-blog @salvinaa @javagirl328 @sweetz1919 @erebus-et-eigengrau
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ianales · 1 year
High Infidelity (Lo’ak x Omatikaya! Reader)
a/n: my first time writing so im sorry if this is kinda shitty.
after 5 years with the Metkayina clan the sullys finally returned to the forest bringing along tsireya and ao’nung. Reader reunites with lo’ak her promised mate, to find out he already has one.
Warnings: angst, cheater?Lo’ak (sorry yall)
disclaimer: past lo’ak is 19, (cheater! lo’ak is 23)
part 1 ——— part 2 (tbc)
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The horns were blaring indicating that there were someone coming, people rushed to the landing area to see who is was.
“TORUK MACTO AND HIS FAMILY HAS RETURNED” someone yelled. That caught my attention immediately, it’s been five years since the sullys brought the love of my life away, it's been hell but i managed.
According to your friends and family, you two were a match made in heaven, initially it was an arranged marriage, the plan was to fake it for one year. However slowly it turned real, it was the best thing that happened in my life.
When the sullys announced that they were leaving, i was devastated, i spent the last days with lo'ak, i couldn't leave his side.
"i'll come back for you, i promise, me and you against the world yea?" his hazel eyes staring deep into mine never failed to make me feel safe. "me and you against the world." i smiled.
I rushed to the landing zone, abandoning the necklace i was making, it felt like my legs were flying off, when i finally arrived i pushed my way to the front of the crowd, my heart fluttered at the sight of him, "LO'AK! i yelled on the top of my lungs, it only took him one second to look over her, i was as happy as i could get, however his expression wasn't mirrored, but replaced with a expression i can't read.
It was until then i saw someone behind him, a girl, my expression faltered, it's okay maybe she's his friend. my eyes flickered down to her arms, wrapped around his waist, she had beautiful curls, light blue skin, her eyes were these captivating baby blues, she was beautiful.
"(name)!!!" my eyes left lo'ak's and connected with Tuk's. she jumped off of Neytiri's ikran and rushed over to me, i immediately took her in my arms and gave her a big hug, "i missed you Tuk!" closing my eyes, "me too! lo'ak look it's (name)!".
"yeah i know i saw..". i was too focused on hugging Tuk to realize that he was already right in front of me, god he was so different, much more taller, muscular, he smelled different, his braids were longer, filled with new beads but he was still lo'ak, my lo'ak.
i stared into his eyes, my smile appeared again, i was just so happy to see him, i leaned forward and hugged him, my arms wrapped around his neck, he returned the favour and wrapped his around my waist. after a while i let go, staring into his eyes, i leaned in for a kiss but he dodged it, leaning his face to the right allowing my lips to land on his cheek.
i frowned, and let go of him, "whats wrong?" my eyes flickering to the girl i assumed to be his friend, "who's she?", she noticed my attention was on her, she was walking over here, why was she walking over here?, "hi! my name is tsireya! you must be one of lo'ak's friends, he talked a lot about his friends back home, i just can't wait to meet them!". "im sorry? what? friends??" i chuckled, "no, no, no im lo'ak's m-", "best friend! she's my best friend" he dryly chuckled cutting me off. "(name)! tsireya is my uhh my uh..", "lo'ak? are you okay?" tsireya questioned.
"(name) tsireya is my mate.." he finally said. i didn't know how react, i was frozen, tears filled my eyes, the surrounding omatikayans’ chatting with jake and neytiri looking around shocked, there were quiet gasps and murmurs all around. "lo'ak why are they reacting like this?...". Tsireya questioned uncomfortably. before lo'ak had the chance to come up with another lie, i gathered upp all my feelings, and couraged up to say,
"because he is, was my mate”
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cntloup · 7 months
Love Is Not Enough
18+ MDNI Fem!Reader angst, smut, sex against the wall
Part 1 | Part 2
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“Simon, dinner is ready.” you call out, voice flat and emotionless, knowing full well that the food is going to get cold and possibly thrown away. He's been in his office for hours, every day for the past few weeks. But the faltering of your relationship started long before that. He's been getting longer deployments, also more responsibilities in the office and leaving you wondering where he is, worried about his health and afraid for his life. You’ve been feeling your connection fade away, the strings which strongly bound you together, sever, wondering if this is it. You haven’t had a proper conversation for a while, let alone being intimate.  
You miss him. Truly and utterly miss him. You miss the man you married. The man who thought the world of you and would look at you as though you hung the moon and stars in the sky. The man who would touch you with feather-like brushes against your delicate skin and tenderly make love to you, worship you as a goddess. You shattered his walls brick by brick, peeled off his mask layer by layer, until you reached the man inside. He let himself be vulnerable in your presence because you made him feel safe. You kissed his scars and loved him fiercely, no matter how broken he was. He always wondered if you were real. You made him feel like he was dreaming.  
You feel a tingle behind your eyes and soon after, you’re sobbing as you hold the divorce papers in your hands, tears dampening the piece of paper. You hear footsteps approaching the bedroom and quickly hide the papers in your nightstand. “Dove, what’s wrong?” he asks with concern upon seeing you wiping your tears harshly with your sleeves. “N-nothing. Just work stuff. Dinner’s ready on the table. I'm going to bed.” you say coldly as you walk into the bathroom. “I wanted to talk to you. If- if that’s possible.” he utters as if you’re strangers and he has to ask for permission. “About what?” you ask, turning your head to see him leaning against the doorframe. “About us. I know we haven’t been at our best lately. And I-I miss you.” he mutters, walking closer to you. “I miss you too, Si.” you respond, tears welling up in your eyes. “I have a plan.” he says, a faint excitement glinting in his eyes. “What plan?” you ask, “I’m gonna take a vacation leave. We can go wherever you want.” he whispers, just a hair’s breadth away from your lips, "Really?!" you ask, excited but wondering if it would fix everything. "Yeah!" he replies with a grin.
“I love you.” he locks your lips together, igniting the fire between you once more as his hands find their way to your hips and he pulls you closer to him. Your arms wrap around his shoulders instinctively and his hands move lower to your thighs. You take the hint and jump, swaddling his waist with your legs as he presses your back against the wall, lips not breaking apart. He pushes your nightgown up and tears off your panties, “Sorry. I'll buy you a new pair.” he mumbles against your lips, “Don’t care.” you breathe out, attaching your lips together once again. Your hands trail along his neck and chest, lightly squeezing his pecs and moving lower, you paw at his belt, desperate to feel him inside you after such a long time. He unbuckles it quickly, desperate to feel you wrapped around him.
He takes his hard cock out of his boxers, already leaking with pre-cum and strokes it a few times before lining himself up. You both can’t help but moan at the slight contact. He pulls away to look you in the eye and you nod. He pushes the tip inside, making you feel a slight sting and you let out a high-pitched whine, “You ok, love?” he asks worriedly, “Yeah. You can go on.” you breathe and he obliges, pushing further and further until you’re fully stuffed with his fat cock, walls stretched out so wide, making you squeeze your eyes shut as a low moan escapes your lips and he groans in your ear, head buried in your neck. “Still fine?” he asks once again, “Yeah. Hurts a little. It's been a while.” you chuckle, “yeah...” he breathes as he lifts his head to look at you, eyes filled with love and longing, “I missed you so fuckin’ much.” he murmurs, tears starting to roll down his cheeks, “I missed you too, Si. So fucking much.” you respond, reaching out to wipe away his tears.
He pushes his lips onto yours, kissing you with such fire, pouring all his emotions into the kiss as his hands roam your body, grasping and groping forcefully, desperately, leaving a trail of flame in their wake, his touch awakening the passion that was once present but gradually died out. He starts to slowly pull out and slide in again, making you whimper at the familiar, sweet drag of his thick cock along your sensitive walls. “Fuck! You feel so good inside me, Si!” you moan. “Yeah? Feels good when I stretch your sweet little pussy on my cock?” he grunts, voice thick with lust. You hum and gasp as he thrusts into you again, this time harder.
“Tell me if I'm hurting you.” he mutters and you nod. His hands travel to the plush of your ass, grasping the soft flesh and bouncing you up and down his fat cock, your body pressed between his and the wall behind you. He continues thrusting up into your tight hole, dragging out breathy mewls and whimpers from your lips as his soft pants and quiet grunts reach your ears. The sound of slick and the squelching of your soaked pussy mixed with both your moans and grunts echo through the room.
“So... fuckin’... tight... f’me... ahhh!” he growls, his palms digging into your flesh of your thighs, needing to hold onto something to ground himself. You babble and cry, driving your fingers deeper into his shoulders from the all-consuming pleasure, mind lost in a haze as he rams his thick veiny cock into your wet needy cunt. The muscles of your warm walls start to tense up and a deep groan leaves his mouth, “Come on... cum for me, sweet girl.” he breathes as his thrusts get harsher and sloppier.
You reach your orgasm with a loud sob of his name and your head collapses on his shoulder as he fills you up with his thick warm cum, a low growl tumbling from his mouth. He rides you through your high and you whine from overstimulation, but it feels too good to stop.  
He eventually halts his movements and pulls out while placing a sweet kiss on your lips and you both whimper at the loss. Your body is shaking and your knees wobble as soon as your feet touch the ground, but he quickly catches you, lifts you up bridal style and carries you to bed. He grabs some wet wipes and cleans you up, then lies down beside you and gently takes you in his arms. You snuggle up closer to him, resting your head on his chest, “I love you.” he whispers, kissing your temple, “Love you too, Si.” you mumble sleepily, slowly drifting off. 
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A/N: i might write a part 2 for this and make it more angsty :')
comments/reblogs are greatly appreciated ♥ 
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justthatwwegirl · 5 months
"She's My Wife, You Idiot!"
(Grayson Waller x Female Reader.)
(This has been on my mind for a while now, AND I CANT GET ENOUGH OF THIS MAN!)
Summary: You and Grayson have been married for over a year now and have kept it a secret. But after taking a terrible bump in the ring, Grayson can't help but come out to check if you're okay, and after Grayson said something to the ref, people find out your relationship.
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(Warnings: Some cursing, fluff, a tiny bit of angst, secret relationship, injury, shitty summary and ending, cringe writing.)
Y/N had came to the arena with Grayson but eventually separated from him to go to one of her friends, Naomi, while Grayson went off to Theory.
"Hey boo!" Naomi said with her positive attitude, giving Y/N a hug in which Y/N returned.
Y/N gave Naomi a smile, talking about her upcoming match against Tiffany while the two walked to catering.
They grabbed their plates and sat down, talking even more.
"Yeah, I got to talk to Tiffany soon about the match, hopefully nothing goes wrong. She's a pretty good wrestler though, so I'm sure it will go as planned." Y/N said and Naomi nodded her head but it seemed like she was more focused on something else.
"Don't freak out, but it looks like Grayson is staring at you again with those stupid heart eyes." Naomi whispered and then Y/N turned around to her one and only husband staring at her.
"What a creep." Naomi said and rolled her eyes before pulling Y/N's gaze away from Grayson.
"He's probably staring at something else that happens to be in our direction." Y/N says, excusing it off.
Naomi looked at her and shook her head, taking another bite out of her food.
While the two went back to talking, Grayson had told Austin that he had to go back to his lockerroom and grab something, leaving catering.
Grayson had given Y/N a look that she immediately recognized.
After a Grayson was gone for a little bit, Y/N had made her excuse.
"Um, I'm going to go use the restroom, get my makeup and hair done, then chat with Tiffany about our match. I'll see you later Trin." Y/N said with a smile and Naomi nodded her head before hugging her goodbye.
"See you after the show boo!" Naomi said in her cheerful tone.
Y/N waved her bye before walking toward a secluded place.
She looked around and just before she turned around, someone had picked her up.
Y/N elbowed the person in their stomach but then heard a familiar groan.
"Grayson! I am so so sorry!" Y/N immediately apologized but Grayson waved it off.
"It's fine." He said clutching his stomach. "But damn can you elbow somebody." He said and Y/N cracked a smile which made Grayson smile.
Grayson gave Y/N a kiss, which then eventually turned into a makeout session.
"Grayson- Gray. I have to... go to hair and makeup, and your... lips are gonna be full of my lipgloss." Y/N had said in-between kisses.
"One more..." Grayson whined when she pulled away from the kiss.
Y/N sighed. "Your lucky I love you." She said before giving Grayson one last, long, and passionate kiss before she had to go.
"I'm very lucky, especially since your my wife." Grayson said in his Australian accent that always made Y/N weak.
They gave each other a hug, Grayson kissing Y/N on her head before she had to leave.
"I'll see you after your match." Grayson said as his match was later on than hers.
"Alright, I look forward to seeing my amazing husband." Y/N said which gave Grayson the biggest smile on his face.
"I love you." He said as she was leaving. "I love you more!" Y/N had to shout a bit but blew a kiss to Grayson, in which he caught it and put his hand over his lips.
She rolled her eyes before going to hair and makeup.
Grayson had returned to Austin and Austin just looked at Grayson weird.
"What mate?" Grayson asked Austin.
"What did you have to grab that you had to to take so long, and where is it?" Austin asked, looking Grayson up and down.
"It wasn't in my lockerroom and I had to use the restroom!" Grayson defended himself.
Austin sighed and turned away. While he did that, Grayson quickly wiped Y/N's lipgloss off of his lips.
"Alright, our match is next." Tiffany said as the two walked to gorilla.
"We got this Tiff." Y/N said, giving Tiffany a hug before their match in which Tiffany returned.
"I know girly, confidence is key." The barbie had said as my music had hit.
Y/N walked out to the ramp, the crowd cheering her on while the ring announcer introduced her.
She was a baby face, and the crowd loved her. Y/N was a like sunshine.
Grayson was a heel. The crowd always booed him and Austin.
They weren't that different, but even if people found out about their relationship, they would wonder how the hell the two even ended up together.
"And Y/N is on the ground! No! Please don't end like this!" Wade Barret screamed into his headset.
"Oh please! It's Tiffy Time!" Corey Graves said as they watched the match between the ladies.
Tiffany was positioned at the top rope, ready to give Y/N her finisher.
But just has she did, Tiffany landed a little awkwardly. But this didn't hurt Tiffany much, instead it hurt Y/N a whole lot.
Y/N had already hurt her leg during the match but it wasn't like this.
Her ribcage was throbbing in pain while Tiffany stood up and had her hand raised up high.
The ref had went over to check up on Y/N and after he realized what had happened, he called over the medics.
Grayson was backstage with Austin right by him. Austin was talking about something while Grayson was watching the match.
"Really focused on that match huh?" Austin said out of no where as he realized that Grayson was paying him 0 attention.
"Dude, it's so obvious you like her." Austin said, snapping Grayson into reality.
"Shit. It's that obvious?" Grayson asked, playing along.
"Yes!" Austin said, looking at Grayson with a shocked look.
"You always stare at her when she's in catering, you shamelessly and badly flirt with her so much that it makes my ears hurt and to the point where her friends think you're a creep." Austin says in a sorta rant.
"Her friends think I'm a creep?" Grayson asks Austin and Austin nods his head.
"Yes, Naomi always catches you staring at her, Tiffany has to endure you shamelessly flirting with her and by the looks of it, it makes her wanna throw up, and then Bayley and all of damage control look at you weird when you do all of those things." Austin says and Grayson stares at him with shock.
"And then! You are always talking about her. All I hear every day is, Y/N this, Y/N that. You are OBSESSED! Even Kevin has to hear it before we have a match." Austin said while staring at Grayson, finally finished with his rant but then looked back at the TV then at Grayson.
"I don't care, after this match you gotta tell her. I'll buy you ice cream after." Austin says.
"What-" Grayson starts before looking back up at the TV.
There was his wife, the woman he loved so dearly, lying in the ring hurt and being taken care of by medics.
He didn't give a damn in the slightest if anyone tried stopping him in what he was about to do.
"Grayson!" Austin tried calling after him but he was already gone.
"Well, it seems like Y/N has been seriously hurt..." Corey starts off before being interrupted by the random crowd pop.
"What in the hell is Grayson Waller doing running out to the ring?!" Wade Barret shouts again into his headset.
Y/N clutched her ribs as she heard the crowd and looked up to see Grayson and the ref holding him back.
"Why won't you let me help her?!" Grayson shouted at the ref while the ref held him back.
"What is going on?!" Wade Barrett and Corey said at the same time.
"Are you serious?" Grayson said as the ref wouldn't let him help Y/N.
But the words that would leave Grayson's mouth made the crowd start gasping and then cheering.
"She's my wife, you idiot!" Grayson shouted as loud as possible and the ref looked stunned as nobody knew about their relationship.
Grayson help up his hand with his ring finger, the wedding ring shining bright. He held it up to the crowd to prove that he was indeed Y/N's husband and that she was his wife.
Wade and Corey looked at each other confused.
"Marriage?!" Corey shouted.
"Y/N is married to HIM?!" Wade said.
The ref had finally let Grayson help her and as soon as he did, Grayson was already at Y/N's side.
"I'm here baby, I'm here." Grayson said in his Australian accent.
Y/N immediately reached to him and pulled him into a hug. She winced when she tried to get up, almost falling down but Grayson had caught her.
Grayson had let out a nervous laugh which made Y/N smile as she heard it.
Grayson had kissed her head while they walked down the ramp with the medical staff still checking up on her.
The both of them were hearing random shit from the crowd.
And a lot of other things. But they didn't care.
Grayson noticed Y/N struggling and swept her off her feet, carrying her bridal style.
The crowd cheered once more, a few awes here and there.
"Well, there's nothing majorly wrong with her your leg but you have sprained your ribcage." The doctor informed the couple.
"How long will I be out?" Y/N had asked, gripping onto Grayson's hand tighter that she previously was.
Grayson noticed her anxiety and slowly rubbed her hand, trying to make her feel better. In which he did.
"A good 6 weeks." Y/N had looked at the doctor dumbfounded but ultimately accepted the news.
Once the doctor left to give Y/N some space, tears were forming in her eyes.
Grayson and noticed and pulled his wife into a hug.
"6 weeks?" Y/N said softly as she held onto Grayson.
Grayson looked at her face and he could have broke down right then and there from seeing his wife like this.
"It's going to be okay." Was all he said though.
"It's 6 weeks of me not being here!" Y/N shouted with a cry.
"I don't even... and it's just my fucking fault, and I hate it so much. If I had maybe agreed to Tiffany doing her other finisher instead of her moonsault, maybe I-" Y/N's rant was interrupted by Grayson kissing her.
After a little while, Grayson pulled away, leaving her to want more.
Y/N turned away but Grayson made her look at him.
He wiped away her tears and held her face in his hands.
"It isn't your fault." He said quietly.
"Everything will be okay. You will be back in action in no time." Grayson reassured Y/N.
"I can't stand to see my beautiful wife cry." Grayson said his damn Australian accent that Y/N had always loved.
Y/N looked down as she blushed but looked back at Grayson, leaning in for another kiss.
But before they could, they were very rudely interrupted by someone barging in the room.
Or should I say people.
"Wife?!" Austin shouted. Grayson smiled at Austin's shock and confusion.
Naomi and Bayley came in, standing next to him.
"You are MARRIED, to HIM?!" Naomi said loudly and looked at Grayson and Y/N.
Bayley shook her head and whispered something.
The rest of damage control came into the room and Asuka started laughing making everyone look at her.
"Sorry-" She said in Japanese.
"I did not expect you two to be together, despite the awful flirting." Dakota says, Bayley nodding her head.
Then that's when Tiffany and Kevin came in.
"I am so so sorry!" Tiffany said running up to Y/N and giving her a big hug. It genuinely sounded like Tiffany was about to cry.
"I just came in here to check up on you but out of everybody to be dating, this guy?" Kevin said, pointing to Grayson.
Grayson scoffed and rolled his eyes at Kevin.
"I brought you your favorite snacks too." Tiffany said, giving Y/N chips.
"Tiff, I'm fine, really. But thank you for all of this." Y/N said giving Tiffany another hug.
"And you to being announced as a couple, especially a MARRIED couple, was not on my bingo card." Tiffany said pulling away from the hug.
"I mean..." Grayson said, and the couple both showed their hands with their wedding rings.
"It's really hard to miss this." Grayson said.
"Yeah, especially when you've had it for over a year." Y/N said.
"Over a year?!" Everyone in the room said in unison.
Grayson and Y/N looked at each other before laughing. Y/N then lied down on Grayson's thigh while everyone became even more confused.
"Yes, we have been together since our nxt days." Grayson explained.
"Wait..." Bayley and Austin said together.
"How long have you guys been together, not married but together?" They both asked.
Grayson and Y/N looked at eachother again.
"4 years and a few month. Our anniversary was just in December." The couple said.
"4 years?!" Kevin yelled first and then the whole room started chattering.
Grayson laughed and looked down at his wife to see her staring back up at him.
"Secret's out." She whispered and Grayson nodded.
Y/N sat up and looked at Grayson again with a smile.
"What?" He asked.
"You're perfect." She whispered and now it was time for Grayson to blush.
"I still don't know how I'm this lucky to be with you." Y/N said while going in for another kiss that Grayson gladly accepted.
"I'm even more lucky for you to be my wife." Grayson said as he continued to kiss Y/N.
"Alright lovebirds, I'm getting sick." Dakota said and Austin gagged.
The couple rolled their eyes at their actions but shooed everyone out of the room.
Y/N was actually happy that their relationship was now out. She didn't mind everyone being shocked about them being a couple, in fact it made her laugh so many times.
She could finally hang out with Grayson and everyone would stop thinking Grayson was a creep.
Overall it was amazing.
"Babe, come back to bed." Grayson said in a drowsy voice due to him being tired.
"I have to take the medicine the doctor prescribed me." Y/N explained as she took it.
Grayson groaned but eventually Y/N came back to their shared bed.
Grayson held her, peppering her should and neck with kisses while Y/N tried to sleep.
"You I love you, right?" Grayson had asked and Y/N smiled.
"And you know I love you even more, right?" Y/N had asked.
Grayson shook his head. "Not possible." He said before continuing to hold his lovely wife.
"But it is." She whispered, making Grayson look at her with literal heart eyes.
Grayson hid his face in Y/N's neck so she couldn't see him blushing but slowly after a while, the couple drifted into a deep slumber.
The End. ♡
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kechiwrites · 6 months
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toxic baby daddy!ghost x reader
part 7/8
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synopsis: two weeks into your uneasy truce, simon gets introspective.
wc: 811
cw: afab!reader, angst, banter that becomes arguing, hurt and the tiniest bit of comfort, language, trust issues, simon's pov, no gendered language. no use of y/n ever.
author’s note: well, we back at it, the second last installment of this verse. i'll still take requests/thots for it of course, but soon we'll get closure for these two. for now, simon's thoughts on their situation.
new to baby blue? start here.
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It’s disarming. 
And Simon Riley doesn’t like being disarmed. He doesn’t like being caught off guard, off kilter, unstable. 
It’s been happening more and more often though.
When you and Tommy look at him in perfect unison, he is struck stupid by your eyes, like you copy and pasted them onto your son. His son. His kid. His perfect, funny kid. Unmuddied by everything bad in the world. His life is pancakes and dinosaurs and that horrible fucking tv show that he’s sure rots his little mind. His life is you. Your smiles, your laugh, your cooking, your hugs. Things Simon cheated himself of when he walked out on you, choked with fear and bleeding misery.
Simon is disarmed, totally fucking helpless, a veritable babe in the woods when you let him hold you. When for the first time, in a long ass time, he gets to watch your lids flutter closed and slip into unconsciousness, in that quick, carefree way he’s always envied. 
He barely sleeps, even less so lately. 
After all, no sleeping meant no nightmares. No cloying, choking smoke-like fears reaching for the frayed edges of his subconscious. No sleeping meant he couldn’t play on your kindness, your goodness, and guilt you into holding him back when he woke up screaming, sweating, no matter how bad he wanted it.
It’s two weeks later. Two weeks after sleeping together but not sleeping together. After breakfast and an uneasy truce. Two weeks after kissing you and touching you and holding you like you both had all the time in the world. 
You’re not in a good mood. And he knows that. But he pushes you anyway, pokes and prods you even as you slam through your kitchen, noisily pulling out a pot and a huge bag of pasta shells.
“Let’s talk.” He approaches, arms crossed, full kit traded in for a skull emblazoned cloth mask, jeans and a threadbare black t-shirt, one he’d found in your bedroom days ago, stashed in the back your drawer, crumpled in a wrinkled ball, like you didn’t want to see it, but you didn’t want to trash it either. He’s been doing that lately, staying over for days and rifling through your shit, finding old relics and artifacts from a time neither of you can let go of. An old mask, a hat, t-shirts.
So many goddamn t-shirts.
“Talk?” you snort derisively, filling the pot with water. He watches you test the water with your fingertips and curse under your breath, mumbling something about shit pipes. When the pot is full, you turn to face him, lips curled, sneering. “I wasn’t aware you were capable of that. Thought you just communicated in grunts.”
“You’re funny. That's new.” He jabs, advancing in the conversation much faster than he should have, comforted in familiar territory, finding solace in what used to be commonplace for you, banter, barbs, teasing. The tense set of your shoulders should’ve warned him off it, should’ve told him you’d take it as well as a bullet in the back. But God help him, he’ll take whatever you give.
“Mm.” Your tone is casual but your answering nod is jerky, too fast, “Yeah, I developed a sense of humour when I realized our relationship had been a joke.” You slam the pot onto a burner, giving him your back. 
The air is suddenly devoid of mirth, utterly obliterated where it had been floating between you before. Now the living room and kitchen are a smoking crater, an oil rig on fire, a disaster site. 
He’s never been more grateful for his son’s propensity to nap like he’s dead.
Neither of you say anything. Simon is waiting for you to say something, to dress him down, but when you lower your head and sigh, heavy and deep with pain and exhaustion he planted within you, Simon withers. He slinks back to the living room and drops himself onto your couch. 
You wait, he’s not sure what for. He used to be so good at preempting your actions, your thoughts, your words, now he handles you like you’re a venomous reptile, looking for exposed, vulnerable flesh to strike, to bite.
You set down the glass you’d been drinking from hard. And he’s surprised you didn’t crack it.
“What do you want, Simon?” Question of the goddamn century, it is. And you’ve asked it of him plenty of times. But he never has an answer, can never really deduce just what the fuck he’s doing here, with you. With Tommy. Playing a game? Playing a role? Punishing you? Himself? All of it could be true, but none of it seems right. 
“I want to try.”
All he knows is that before this, four years seemed like a short time, nothing really. But now?
It’s an eternity. Reflected back to him in broken glass, in half full drawers, in his son’s eyes. 
In yours.
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oh simon...what do you want?
series masterlist here
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