#yea; it's a spinoff
soundcrusher · 2 years
Sometimes, trips aren’t over
Oh boy, it's so me to write a Spinoff before I even write an Epilog for the main story, but I got inspired when visiting a Christmas Market today.
So, yea, Spinoff before Epilog.
Either way, this takes place in both the sentient sg/Lost Light au and the normal sentient Lost Light au from @cuppajj
Or better said, it starts in the sg au, but then Rodimus and Phoenix get transported to the normal au.
“Phoenix, your holo-avatar is wearing the wrong clothes.” Said Rodimus, as he looked down at the small human looking up at him. “I know that you like ‘Back to the Future’, but you can’t wear a simple shirt and a vest at this time of the year. It will make people suspicious if you run around like that, and I doubt you want to be questioned about your choice of clothes whenever you’re trying to enjoy yourself.” 
“I… Do I really have to change though? You didn’t change either.” Said the sixteen year old boy while crossing his arms over his chest. And for a moment, Rodimus found himself wishing that he had someone else with him. But he didn’t. He told Softstreet and Fungus that he would be able to do this on his own, and Dominus wasn’t all that available either. Maybe he should have considered that Phoenix has changed quite a bit. He grew a lot bolder, that’s for sure. Or, at least, Phoenix wasn’t afraid to speak his mind now. Something Rodimus liked to see, because it meant that his brother was healing. 
“Yea, I know, but I changed it now.” Said the prime with a smirk. “So, your argument isn’t really an argument. Also, Phoenix, if you want to experience earth’s costumes, you also have to dress accordingly. Otherwise you aren’t fully participating in everything the planet and its people have to offer.” There was still a small pout on the boy's lips and a look of disagreement in his eyes. So, Rodimus chose a different approach. “But, when you look at me like that, it makes me think that you don’t actually know how to change your holo-avatar’s looks. Maybe you’re still too inexperienced to give your avatar a suited jacket, scarf, hat and maybe some gloves.” That seemed to get Phoenix’s attention, because the kid was quick to stomp with his foot and tell Rodimus that he could do it, before his holo-avatar disappeared. Only to then reappear with a smug looking kid, who was now wearing a white and blue winter jacket, a black and purple wool scarf with a matching wool hat and some fingerless gloves. 
“Tadaaa! See, I can do it!” Cheered Phoenix, as he pointed at Rodimus with a finger. “I bet you didn’t think that I could do this so fast, but I can and I did!” He said, but Rodimus only shook his head, before pointing at Phoenix’s shoes. “Nice jacket, but those shoes aren’t suited for the weather. You need a warmer pair.” And with a defeated huff, Phoenix went back to working on a winter outfit for his holo-avatar, while Rodimus gave some snarky remarks then and there. 
Overall, it took Phoenix the whole trip to earth for him to get the outfit right. And as they made their way close to earth, Rodimus could see the excitement in his brother’s optics. Something that made the prime let out a soft chuckle, before he activated the freshly installed cloaking mode of their ship and let them hover over earth. With Rodimus telling Phoenix the exact coordinates where they needed to make their holo-avatars appear. And as the youngling opened his eyes, he was greeted with beautiful warm shining lights, a crowd of people walking in between wooden stalls or hanging out at tents with weird machines and items that looked similar to things his mother made at her shop. But before Phoenix could take one step into the strange scene, he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. 
“Easy there. We have enough time to explore, we don’t need to rush.” Said Rodimus, who was wearing a simple black and purple winter coat, some black leather gloves, a blue and white scarf and no hat. And as he let go of Phoenix’s shoulder, he grabbed his brother's hand and led him through the Christmas Market. Explaining certain items the youngling didn’t understand or simply watching Phoenix interact with stall owners and asking them about the things they sold. They knew more about the things they sold than Rodimus after all, and it gave his brother an opportunity to interact with humans too. 
Phoenix even got to eat some of the treats the Christmas Market had to offer. He especially liked something called pyramid cake, and Rodimus didn’t even get to taste it himself. Because, once he gave it to Phoenix and turned back from paying for the treat, his brother had already finished it. Well, at least he liked it. That’s all that matters.
After a while of walking around the Christmas Market, Rodimus decided to sit down on a bark bench and watch Phoenix play with some of the mini humans called children. It was fun to watch Phoenix chase around the children in a game of tag, or get chased by them himself. And as he watched them run around and laugh, Rodimus thought about the change his brother went through after being released from Delphi. A change that didn’t come easy for him, but still happened, and the prime was happy for it. Living with Softstreet and Fungus surely helped too. Those two have welcomed Phoenix with open arms after all, and made sure the kid would have a good life with them. 
“Is one of them yours?” Asked a weird looking guy with white hair, a light blue, maybe turkouse, winter coat and a yellow surgeon's mask, who just sat down next to Rodimus without even asking if it was okay. Granted, they are in a public space, but still. It wasn’t as if there weren’t enough park benches, why did that strangely familiar guy have to sit down next to him? 
“None of your business.” Said Rodimus, as he sat up straighter. Pushing his chest out and taking on a far more hostile body language than before. He didn’t need that guy to feel welcomed, nor did he need him to keep on looking at him with that calculating glint in his eyes. “Why don’t you go somewhere else? I bet any other place would be more interesting than here.”
“Ah, on the contrary. Right now, sitting here is the most interesting thing since coming here.” Said the stranger, as the prime felt his irritation grow even more. But before he could do something he might have regretted later, Phoenix decided to walk over and sit down right in between the two. Catching both, Rodimus and the strangers, attention as he smiled at the other guy. “Hello. I hope my brother isn’t mean to you, Rodimus has a record of starting fights, if he feels bothered by someone.” 
“Rodimus, huh?” The glint in the strangers eyes only grew brighter, as he looked from the teenager smiling at him, to the scowling man glaring at him. “No, no, we were just having a nice talk…”
“As I said, Phoenix, we were just having a talk. Nothing else, although, does your brother really fight anyone who irritates him?” Phoenix let out a chuckle at the question, before telling the stranger of that one time he and Rodimus were out in their new home town and just minding their business, when a mech walked up and started to bother them. “And then, Roddy asked him to leave, but he didn’t. So, Roddy just punched him in the face, like, BAM! And he never bothered us again.” Said the kid, before fixing Rodimus with a stern look. “And after that, I told Roddy that hitting people isn’t right. Even if they bother you.” 
“Sounds like your brother doesn’t like new people.”
“Yea… we both don’t like new people, but I try to, at least, get to know them. Froid said that it would help me get over my fear of strangers, if I try to approach them when I feel ready to do so and on my own terms.” Said Phoenix with a smile. But before he could continue talking, Rodimus silenced him by placing a hand on his shoulder. “I doubt he wants to know about that kind of stuff Phoenix.” Muttered the prime, as he fixated the stranger with a look that said ‘leave, before I strangle you’. 
But the stranger either was stupid, or didn’t care about the glare. Maye both, but the stranger would never call himself stupid. He was, after all, the greatest genius there ever was. Only rivaled by his partner. “Oh, to be honest, I would love to hear about anything you have to say. Talking to the two of you is very interesting and beneficial to my work.” 
“I don’t know how talking to us is helping with your work, but okay.” Phoenix might have sounded a little bit confused, but he was still smiling at the stranger, before continuing talking to him. And Rodimus? Well, he just sat there and kept an eye on the two, while trying to figure out why the guy wearing a yellow surgeon’s mask was so familiar to him. Maybe if the colors were different? But what kind of colors should the guy have, to make the picture right? Rodimus didn’t know, and honestly, maybe that’s for the better.
The prime didn’t seem to have to worry all too much about the question though, because someone dressed in a red and white duffle coat came over to them. And Rodimus felt himself grow only more agitated, as the newcomer looked from their unwanted ‘friend’ to Phoenix and then to him. “Ah, Percy! Finally decided to join me?” Asked the stranger, as he got up to throw an arm around this ‘Percy’. 
“Not exactly. I only came to collect you. We are needed somewhere else and shouldn’t spend our time somewhere, where we don’t belong.” Said ‘Percy’ and Rodimus couldn’t help but narrow his eyes at the black haired professor looking guy with his stupid futuristic looking monocle. These two were rubbing him the wrong way, especially after what ‘Percy’ said. Weren’t they human? Shouldn’t they belong here? These two were weird and probably dangerous. A thought that caused Rodimus’ muscles to tense, as he prepared himself for an attack.
Although, he found himself soon enough relaxing as both of the strangers said their goodbyes and left them alone. Disappearing in the crowd of people, and Rodimus took this as his cue to do the same, in case those two decided to come back. So, the prime grabbed Phoenix’s hand and did just that. 
They spend some more time at the Christmas Market. Looking at different stalls and just walking among the humans, before it was time for them to return back. And return they did after finding a place where no-one would notice two people disappearing as if they never existed. 
And as both of them were back on their small ship, Phoenix went straight to bed. Climbing the ladder to their berth, before crawling underneath his blankets and falling asleep right away, while Rodimus stayed up and made sure the right coordinates were inserted into the autopilot. However, before Rodimus could follow his brother, a sudden shake of the ship, that caused him to trip and fall down, and a bright light stopped him. And as he got up and looked out of the ship’s window, they suddenly weren’t in space anymore. 
No, they were in some kind of hangar. A hangar, Rodimus knew all too well, although this one was a lot lighter. It wasn’t as dark as the one he knew, and as he grabbed his rifle before opening the ship’s doors, he could hear yelling from outside. Loud yelling that reminded him of Brainstrom. Something that should be impossible, because Brainstorm has been dead for a very long time. Primus, he once called Brainstorm’s right shoulder his own!
So, with that in mind, Rodimus opened the ship’s doors and was not greeted with his Brainstorm, but a different one. One who had the same yellow mask and bluish colouration as the guy he and Phoenix met on earth. Although, that wasn’t the weirdest thing. 
No. The weirdest thing was the red and yellow mech looking exactly like him. And seeing him caused his body to react on its own, as he quickly rushed forward. Tackling his doppelgänger to the ground and using his rifle to keep him pinned there. Although, the ‘other Rodimus’ didn’t seem to like that, and soon enough he started to struggle against Rodimus. Which ended with the black and purple one losing his gun, and them to roll around the ground. Throwing punches and kicks in every direction, while the two tried to gain the upper hand respectively. Only stopping when a familiar voice called out for them to stop. A voice Rodimus still heard in his nightmare.
And as the prime looked up and into the optics of a different looking Lightlost, he couldn’t help but say one word. 
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ghafahey · 2 years
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zowa. it simply meant "blessed". that was the word jesper's mother used instead of grisha. “we're zowa”, she would say to him. “you and me.” || CROOKED KINGDOM 
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superbellsubways · 9 months
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i spent an hour filling out this chart because im extremely autistic about these guys. this isnt even all the faves i cant fit everyone here please
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raiiny-bay · 8 months
dressing up the boys again pt. 2
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beardedhandstoadshark · 3 months
In other news, F’s in the chat to the few people who‘re gonna play Four Swords because of the manga/fanon/comics only to find out it was a basically-plotless side mode party game all along. Your bbgirl‘s from FSAdventures and it‘s its own thing as well, I’m sorry you had to find out that way
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spitblaze · 11 months
brain: you're heavily invested in an rpg that doesnt engage with moral nuance?? thats pretty cringe bro
me: hey just checking we're still heavily invested in pokemon right. the pokemon series that is made primarily for children and whose deepest moral diving is 'peta sucks'. that pokemon series
brain: yeah why
me: cool just checking
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Remember this panel?
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Well, I redrew it and put a tiny personal spin
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cyber-phobia · 1 year
I forgot how much. Stuff™ showman has.
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darkspiket · 2 years
i miss making avatars in fe. i hate that fe fans hate them but like its fun. i love self insert characters
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juulz · 8 months
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城崎温泉 | Kinosaki Onsen 🇯🇵
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spacenintendogs · 2 years
Have you heard the news about the live action httyd? Thoughts?
it's hard to not hear the news about it tbh. honestly i rolled my eyes when i read abt it. the only thing i'm surprised by is that they're saying it'll be out by 2025. i'm guessing they're gonna announce a push back to 2026 or 2027 lmao.
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blueiight · 2 years
cuz omar little the wire is the only relevant gay black male chara i can think of in an episodic series & even then he was a butch queen top who took on (relatively) typical roles expected of him within the pigmentocracy. dark skinned r.n. beatin da block v. lighter skinned frail relatively irrelevant lovers had v few scenes of intimacy w em (RIP MKW everyday) n omar’s role was largely the vigilante the terror of the streets the reckless unreliable informant omar comin go n run n hide from him yall his sexuality is secondary to the moves he makes u can honestly ‘forget hes gay’ until stringer or prop. joe or a straight guy call him out his name (& its always a black guy being homophobic for some reason?? never da good ol boys in blue. v funny choice) ldpdl amc is in a gothic horror series & the pigmentocracy is argurably subverted whe
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emdotcom · 1 year
Man, if the illusion discs in the game bullshit was real, FNAF SB COULDA done something REAL funny w/ DJ Music Man.
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kangseluigi · 1 year
In a shocking turn of events, Elon Musk has decided to limit twitter accounts to viewing 600 tweets a day (300 for new accounts, 6000 for verified accounts).
The site that runs on endless scrolling and engagement, and made this model mainstream, is now forcing users to stop scrolling and engaging.
Because, yes, this also means your bookmarks are unviewable and the comments under any given tweet are blocked from your view unless you refresh a couple times, thus limiting hatengagement.
Elon Musk, accidental anti-capitalist king, freeing us from our chronically online selves, back to the days when you could view 5 tweets at a time only, and also imploding twitter so bad, nobody is going to want to invest in that ever again. In a way, I love it.
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reitziluz · 2 years
"oh huh, usually getting my official business and chores done for the day energizes me to work on my projects. i wonder why my brain is all scrambled up and i feel both unmotivated and anxious like should be doing something?"
turns out migraine prevention meds have been working so well that i managed to forget how auras for big nasty ones feel lol
wanted to transfer the stuff i worked on during my trip from docs to the working file and start neatening things up but oop
fingers crossed it'll fully clear out before bedtime so i can at least start looking into how i want my tenses to work in the flashback
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i still have not finished aa6 and never will lmao
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