#yea this is a new tag for me and iggy
verineo · 5 months
artheo/engtheo save me... save me artheo...
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criminal-calsifer · 6 years
85 Questions about Admin
I was tagged by @leonazis and by @tf2downbelow (You beautiful Bastards. How dare you guys tag me.)
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
Without further a do, I shall now answer them.
1. Drink - Huckleberry Soda
2. Phone call - My Father
3. Text message - “Yay!” - My Cousin Baylee
4. Song you Listened to - Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears
5. Time you cried - a few days ago in school due to a panic attack
6. Dated some one twice - Nope
7. Kissed someone and regretted it - Yup
8. Been cheated on - Nope
9. Lost someone special - I’ve lost a friend before so yes. That and my dogs and a cat too.
10. Been depressed - When have I NOT been?
11. Gotten Drunk and threw up - Nope
Favourite Colours
12. Black
13. Red
14. Blue
In the last year have you...
15. Made a new friend - I suppose
16. Fallen out of love - Nope
17. Laughed until you cried - Yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you - I’m such a strange person in real life, the small amount of people who know me talk about me all the time
19. Met someone who changed you - Nah
20. Found out who your friends are - Nope
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list - Hell no
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl - Almost all
23. Do you have any pets - A sassy fat ass orange tabby cat by the name of Izzy
24. Do you want to change your name - Sometimes, yes
25. What did you do for your last birthday - Nothing
26. What time did you wake up today - 10 a.m.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night - Watching Youtube
28. What is something you can’t wait for - Graduation
30. What are you listening to right now - Gasoline by Halsey
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - Tom Riddle?! Is that you?!
32. Something that gets on your nerves - My self-loathing and impolite immature people
33. Most visited website - Tumblr or Youtube
34. Hair colour - Maroon (Red)
35. Hair long or short - Mid? Shoulder length
36. Do you have a crush on someone - Nope
37. What do you like about yourself - Haha- nope
38. Want any piercings - Nope
39. Blood type - I don’t know. Never cared to remember
40. Nicknames - Italy, Iggy, and Toots
41. Relationship status - Single Pringle, Never Gonna Mingle
42. Zodiac - Sagittarius
43. Pronouns - She/Her
44. Fave TV shows - Too many
45. Tattoos - None
46. Right of left handed - Ambidexter
47. Ever had surgery - Nope
48. Piercings - None
49. Sports - Soccer
50. Vacations - Rocky Mountains of Colorado
51. Trainers - ????
More General
52. Eating - Nothing as of now
53. Drinking - Water
54. I’m about to - Go to bed
55. Waiting - for a purpose in life
56. Want - Better grades
57. Get married - Hell no as of right now
58. Career - No idea. Still searching.
Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses - Hugs but the short ones
60. Lips or eyes - Eyes
61. Shorter or taller - Either
62. Older or younger - Either but at most a year apart
63. Nice stomach or stomach - ?????
64. Hookup or relationships - Neither
65. Troublemaker or hesitant - My brain is a trouble maker but my better judgement is hesitant
Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger - Hell no
67. Drank hard liquor - Nope
68. Lost glasses - Like my glasses to see? I have lost those a few times
69. Turned someone down - Sadly, yes
70. Sex on first date - NOPE
71. Broken someones heart - Probably.....
72. Had your heart broken - Kinda? I fortified my heart so no one could.
73. Been arrested - Nope
74. Cried when someone died - Yea...
75. Fallen for a friend - Yes
Do you believe in
76. Yourself - Hell to the fuck no
77. Miracles - Nope
78. Love at first sight - I guess. I believe in annoyed at first sight so.
79. Santa Claus - at one point but not for a long time
80. Kiss on first date - Fuck no
81. Angels - I don’t mess with religion.
82. Best friend’s name - Rachel and Baylee
83. Eye colour - Golden Yellow and Green
84. Favourite Movie - WAY TOO MANY
85. Favourite Actor(s) - Tom Hiddleston, Bryan Dechart, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Holland, James McCovey, Micheal Fassbender, Martin Freeman, Robin Williams. Tons of others I can’t name off the top of my head.
Now for some people! (You do not have to if you do not want to)
@omihai @what-a-fucking-disguise-this-is @comuto-sama @miniravi @bunnygirl319
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zacklover24 · 7 years
Lights of Eos chapter 13
Summary: It had been six months since the defeat of Organization XIII. And things have been quite, Sora has taken up training with his mentor Angel, as riku trains with the king. But rumors have spread of the possible return of the organization in worlds that have been thought lost to time. Yen Sid has requested that the king, riku and sora and angel go and stop the organization.
Ratings: T
Pairings: Ignis and OC, Noctis/Prompto/Gladio, Sora and Riku down the road
Tagging: @aquacura, @nykamito, @nemo-ne-impune-lacessit, @ffxv-ocs-unite, @nykamito, @rikusqueenofhearts, @moonraccoon-exe, @insomniacapples, @dr3aming-of-stars, @bluechocobo
Angel was sitting down outside the the training area star gazing. It had been a long day of training and now it was night time. Angel was enjoying her time with Auron it just she missed her home.
“I thought I would find you here.” Auron says sitting down next to the girl.
“Hi Auron.” Angel greets not taking her eyes  off of the sky there were so many stars. “Do you think one of those stars is my homeworld?” Auron let a hump,
“Possibly each star is a world some new some old some forgotten. Some of those worlds are so far from here that we may never visit them.”  Angel blinked once then twice staring at her mentor.
“That was somber.” She whispers staring at the sky, “If you could would you go home?”
“If I could I would. My home might not be there any more. What about you?”
Angel gave him a smile, “I would. I would! I want to go and see my dad and brother again. My little brother is a chocobo. He loves them.”
“You miss them.” Auron softly tells her, he watched as angel pulled her knees up to her chest, “There's someone else isn't there?”
“Yea my best friend iggy.”
Angel woke to a slight ache in the back of her head  and to the smell of coffee. Angel took note that she was lying in a bed, and she was in a trailer of some kind. With a small hiss she sat up,
“Welcome back my dear.” Ignis calm and collected voice greets. The advisor was sitting down at the the sole table nursing a cup of coffee.
“Hi Ignis.” She greets wincing, there was a lot to be desired of Sora healing magic it seemed, “Do we have any pain killers?” Ignis nodded yes and handed her two pills and a water bottle, “So where are we?” As popped the pills and drank the water.
“Back outside the store, noctis collected the royal arm some time after you passed out. Sora was quick to use cure on you.” Ignis explains.
“That does explain the ache in the back of my head. He’s good with magic but his healing magic leaves a lot to be desired.” She mutters, “Where is the kid now?”
“Training with Gladio and the others.”
“Huh.” Angel smirks, so if the kid was fighting Gladio it would give him a chance to work on his guarding. Would be fun to watch.
“What hun?”
“Just that sora is going to beat him down hard. That boy is tougher than he looks trust me.” Angel tells him with a smile, “I’ve seen taken on gods, genies, monsters, a bag of bugs, and so much more. What has your boy done?” Ignis gave a look of disbelief.
“I do not believe you.” He states in a matter of fact voice.
“Naturally, but he has. I was there. He’s got what it takes.” Her voice soft as if thinking about something. “He’s got a good heart.”
“I know he does.” Ignis tells her, “As does his teacher. Those now I see why he didn’t want me to see the scar.” Wait what? Angel eye went wide as tried to locate a clear surface, she was missing her sunglasses and her eyepatch, her scars were on view for the whole world to see.
“The fuck.” She yells looking around for her eyepatch and sunglasses, “Why did you take them off?” She hisses spotting both items on the table.
“We needed to make sure you were alright, I’m sorry.” Angel took in a deep breath. No need to get over worked it was an accident after all. She sure he would give them back if she asked.
“It’s fine no harm meant. And no I don’t want to talk about how I got the scars.” She tells him putting on the items and leaving. Ignis grabbed her wrist,
“If your willing to share I would like to hear the full story?” He softly offers.
“Why?” She asks trying to tug her hand free.
“It pains you doesn't it? Sora said you hate those scars.”
“Sometimes.” She whispers, “It happened two years ago. I was sent off to a world called Baron, I thought it would be easy but it wasn't. I was trying to keep the queen save when a shadows came up and attacked me.
It surprised me, i didn't have much time to counter the claws. The queen was saved but yea i can't see. Happy?” She asks her voice low and hints of warning.
“Yes, thank you.”
“Welcome now don't tell anyone.” She warns leaving.
It didn’t take her long to find the others. Noctis, Cor, and Prompto were sitting off to the side, while Sora and Gladio were sparring in front of them.
Sora was on the defense keeping his keyblade the guard position, as Gladio struck blow after blow with his greatsword. The poor boy was being pushed down into the ground.
“Sora he’s big and slow!” Angel yells catching sora attention, Angel had settled herself next to cor,  “Your small and fast remember what you learned in the timeless river, and pride lands you can out dash him and quick run.”
“Oh right.” Sora smiled as he used his might to knock back gladio. The shield stumbled back for a moment as, he charged right back at sora. Sora dashed and spun of his heel out of the royal shield, he hit gladio from behind, Gladio was stunned but was quick to recover. Gladio switched from sword to shield blocking the boy’s attacks, he watched and waited. He waited for an opening and when he found one he switched weapons. The knock back from the sword sent sora flying but he was quick to recover.
“Sora dear heart use your magic!” Angel yells. Sora made an O face as he casted lighting, Glaio was stunned giving sora able time to charge in and get in a few good swings before gladio came back to his sense. Sora side stepped each one of Gladio attacks, with each swing he tried to find his opening, even using his magic to make one. After a few seconds sora found his opening and quickly landed a hit, Gladio switched once more from sword to shield again. The hit didn’t do much as sora was sent flying once more by gladio shield, sora landed on the ground with a moan.
“Nice try kid.” Gladio says, “Next time listen to your teacher.” Sora gave him a thumbs up.
“Well he lasted for awhile, he stamina.” Angel mutters. They needed to work on the boys strength it seemed.
“But not strength.” Cor comments.
“I’ve seen this kid take on things that would turn your hair gray and white.” Angel tells him, “Sora were going to have work on your healing magic again.”
“Yes, Angel.” He moans, “I think I’m going to lay here for awhile if anyone needs me.” The adults all shared a laugh.
“Hey Ang want to spar?” Noctis asks with a playful smile.
“Sure let’s see if you can keep up.”
End of line
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thesims4blogger · 7 years
The Sims 4: New Game Patch (May 25th, 2017)
Update: 05/25/2017 – PC Version / Mac Version
Hello Simmers,
Welcome to the base game release for Parenthood! Which is all about those quiet family moments. Taking time to enjoy when things settle down. When all becomes quiet, and you can just take it all in, reflecting upon life…
..er, wait sorry. That’s like 20-30 years after parenthood begins (results may vary).
I meant to say, this is a hectic time. A time of crazy, noise filled chaos, where the concept of quiet exists for only 3 hours between 2 and 5 am. And where tension is worn like a badge of honor! So wear yours with pride, and let’s start with just a little bit of what’s new in this release…
What’s New?
The Load / Save menu has been updated to be… modern.
Save slots now use household thumbnails instead of a text list
Save backups can now be restored via this UI by clicking on the Recover Save option from the Load Game dialog.
Users can now see where on disk a particular save file exists by hovering over the File icon in the Load Game dialog.
You can now rename your save from the Load Game dialog.
The auto-save feature has been removed as it was not functioning properly.
The Save As dialog has also been modified to show thumbs.
The first option in the Save As dialog is to be used to create a brand new save, but you can also choose to overwrite existing saves.
No more will you have to remember which save your Goopy-Gilscarbo household was in – it’s all visual now!
Thumbnails however will be blank until the save is opened, and re-saved post patch release.
You can also click the button to copy the path to your clipboard.
The feature as originally implemented was confusing and did not function as expected by users.
Save now occurs explicitly at the players request either by choosing to save when exiting to the Main Menu, Manage Worlds, or Quitting. Or by choosing Save or Save As from the ESC menu.
New Lights in Buy Mode.
Three new lights can be found under Ceiling Lamps in the Object by Function, Lighting sort.
Round Confection Ceiling Light
Square Confection Ceiling Light
Campanulate Ceiling Lamp
And today I learned that campanulate is a real word…
And then on to what issues did we address…
General Issues
Children can now smash a dollhouse that is currently in use by another child…
Sims will no longer get a whim to get married if they are already married.
The Successful Lineage aspiration (within the Family category) will no longer fail to recognize if a child had previously completed the skill and aspiration requirements of the 3rd and 4th step.
Babies will no longer change skin tone when they are picked up.
The Georgina Outdoor Lamppost With Double Hanging Planter can now be turned off by the player.
Silence phone once again will silence your phone…
Along those lines (the texting part)… Children should no longer receive inappropriate text messages from adults.
The Connections reward trait will no longer prevent your Sim from purchasing career rewards unlocked by career levels earlier than the boosted connections career level.
The Cu Cu Cachoo display skull now costs 175 Simoleons.
Performance improvement: Movement level 1 toddlers should no longer contemplate the use of objects on floors they can't reach.
Toddlers will now also visually drink from their sippy cup when seated on the ground.
Fixed a Sim reset issue that could occur when one Sim chose to autonomously tell a story to another Sim.
Sims are swimming laps again.
Sims with the masculine preference for clothing will no longer randomize into feminine full body swimsuits while in Create a Sim.
We fixed an issue that could cause a toddler to inherit the emotional whim of nearby adult Sims after loading into a lot, which could result with the toddler acquiring a flirty emotional whim.
Sims facial features should no longer adjust after selecting a different eye color swatch.
Young Adult and Adult lifespans have been increased by 4 days each to accommodate the addition of Toddlers.
Industrial Reinforced beams will no longer appear through the ceiling when placed on the floor below.
With cheats turned on, you should now be able to modify NPCs in Create a Sim by shift clicking on them and choosing "Modify in CAS".
Lights that have had their color and intensity modified, and then set to auto-light, will no longer revert to their default color and intensity setting.
You should no longer have to reload your lot or travel in order to get fresh cuttings to properly function from within your inventory.
We fixed an issue with how the stats panel appeared…
We have adjusted the hairstyles for our premade Sims (such as the Goths) to not change drastically during outfit changes, where it would not make sense for their hair to change.
PlantSims are now able to sleep in tents.
You should be able to once again share to Twitter from the game.
…because frustration is best served shared.
It’s simple folks, “Happy spouse, happy house.”
Getting a child to do “work” once is tough enough, getting them to do it a second time… I’d suggest hitting up the kid exchange for a trade in.
Um, you still receive the calls, you just won't hear them.
Well, you can hear the call of course, just not the ring, beeping, or musical stylings of Lorde Swift von Iggy-Flay …
Of course, I guess you don’t really hear, it’s more of a read…
Kind of a one way thing, with a yes no response mechanism.
Who invented this type of phone anyway?
We have fixed various possible ways in which children might receive inappropriate text messages… if you are still seeing this issue, please let us know.
In addition , care was leveled upon the career levels in order to carefully level the rewards in care of the connections.
The walrus is not for sale.
Highly intelligent toddlers may still contemplate their place in the universe.
Toddlers with high wisdom may still contemplate their daily movements.
High strength toddlers may move in contemplation.
Toddlers with unusually high charisma may seek contemplation of others.
And highly dexterous toddlers may contemplate how they might also be like Mike.
Previously they would only drink it through some sort of liquid teleportation behavior that defies explanation.
Blue eyes? Of course sir, let me just push your nose this way a touch. No? Then brown eyes? Yes, wonderful choice sir. Let me just pull your jaw out a bit. No? But sir, no need to raise your voice, you chose brown, not me. If you wanted your jaw to stay chiseled you should have chosen green!
Unless you have a bad contractor… then there’s really only one thing you can do, get yourself a nice MLT.
My town? Hawaiian shirts and bunny slippers!
…the stats panel.
It's a button in the upper right of the Simology panel? Shows stats? And stuff…
…about your Sim, you, things you may have done…
It's been there since the very beginning.
Ok trust me, we fixed a visual something or other there. It’s better now.
This issue was fixed for all in tents and per pose.
Vampire ears on the base form of a Sim will no longer disappear when the Sim enters live mode.
Fixed an issue that could prevent a Sim from gaining access to others' homes when they have the Eternally Welcome vampire power.
Sims that have been turned into Vampires should no longer have a non-functional age bar.
Toddlers born with vampire parents, will now maintain the eye color they were born with (or that the player had modified them to be) even after loading them into Create a Sim.
Eternally Welcome, except this time. And… that other time. Oh, and remember after the house warming party? Yea… definitely not eternally welcome.
City Living
A Love Guru from the Romance Festival that is married into a household will no longer remain immortal.
I’m reminded of the philosopher Socrates, when after an eventful night of revelry, he said “I married what?”
Vintage Glamour Stuff
Light from the Fiery Façade fireplace will no longer shine through the back of the fireplace.
Butlers will no longer appear on retail lots when they should be at home... butler’izing.
Asset Issues in Create a Sim
Hey folks, so along the lines of our Create a Stuff Pack program, I’m going to take a moment in this section of issues to provide a little insight into what the issue is, and who on the team might address them, so that you can see a little into how to evaluate an issue.
I’ll start by providing information about what the issue was and what was fixed, and then provide some insight into who would address the issue.
These two issues are considered tagging issues.
You can now wear necklaces with yfTop_SP08ShirtButtonOpen.
You can now apply a bracelet to your right and left wrist when wearing the level 5 business career outfit yfBody_EF01BusinessSuitMed!
Issues like these are fixed by the production team. In both of these cases, an asset was set to restrict the placement of another asset.
Production modified the tags, and now these assets no longer restrict placement.
These three issues are considered clipping issues. They generally appear to the player as one asset poking through another asset (and in some cases the character model itself).
Fixed a clipping issue with GP01BootFoldover and various pants.
ymHair_GP04Slashed will no longer poke through yuHat_GP04Toque.
ymShoes_AnkleSquareToe will no longer clip with ymBody_EF04ShirtSkull.
These issues are fixed by the art team. And are generally addressed by modifying one of the offending asset’s geometry (moving stuff around), or addressing something like weighting (how an asset lays against other assets).
The highlight issue fixed here, turns out is also a clipping asset issue.
Fixed a broken highlight issue that would occur when hovering over yfHair_ShortShave and yfHair_BuzzCutNatural while in Create a Sim.
It could be engineering, since highlights are handled by code, however in this case, it was a geometry issue with the hair assets that created the highlight issue.
This is a character layering issue.
Female Sims with a masculine frame should no longer have two belly buttons when in Create a Sim.
Keeping this short, but Sims have layers (like an Ogre). And if the wrong layer is added to the stack, you get issues like this. This issue is an engineering fix that required a different layer to be used in order to properly create the Sim.
This is a geometry vertex issue.
Fixed an issue that could cause some eye presets to stretch the geometry of various hair assets improperly.
This issue is addressed by an artist, and in this case was caused by a single vert (the angular point of a polygon) that was being incorrectly shared with a part of the face that caused the hair to stretch.
This is a texture issue.
We fixed an issue with a visible seam on the torso of female Sims.
This issue is addressed by an artist, and required the artist to modify the texture of the base Sim model. The texture being the paint over that makes a Sim look like a Sim, and not a wire mesh. And the base Sim model being the bare Sim without any assets.
Hope that provided just a little insight into some issues, and who fixes them. I know this focused primarily on asset issues, but I just wanted to dip our toes into the waters of development…
…wow, that sounded really cheesy.
Many apologies, and thanks again for your patience and time!
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wispyrainbow · 6 years
Can You Help Me with These Chocolates?
"Ugh, another day, another few hours being counted down until I can go home," Dylan said, sighing as he got off the bus and headed towards his workplace: Pageview. It was one of those rare days where Dylan was called into work, regardless of him being able to just work at home. Stifling a yawn, Dylan soon made his way, spotting one of his coworker, Alicja, dressed as a mascot(A strange creature with mannerisms and looks identical to a fox decorated in hearts with a large clown-like noise, x eyes and an axe;located in its head) promoting one of their new comics "Everlasting Love... Not really". As soon as Dylan passed by her, Alicja waved. "Hey, Dylan! Another day, another few hours of fun, wouldn't you say?!" "Yea, sure. Personally, I can't wait to leave...," Dylan mumbled to her. "Oh yeah, I know. I can't wait to go home so that I can go to sleep and wake up tomorrow for the Valentines Day Party!!" "Oh yeah, that event... Sounds kinda like fun. I probably won't be there long, but sounds fun." "Uh huh! Oh, and before I forget, I have a birthday gift for you on my desk! Don't open it until tomorrow though! But if you simply can't wait, you can open it today!!" "Oh ok, you didn't have to though." "Nonsense! Anything for a coworker!! Have a wonderful Dylan, and see you at the party tomorrow!!" "Yea, you too," Dylan said, before walking inside, leaving Alicja outside to keep on promoting. Once inside the small building, Dylan passed by several decorations of hearts and kisses on the windows and some more decorated on the small, sitting area, computers, and desks. Dylan couldn't help but admire the few decorations strewn about before locating Alicja's desk and picking up the medium-sized red-wrapped package with a small piece of a folded tag on top. "Hey, Iggy Akiyama!" Dylan groaned a bit as he noticed George, his other coworker(who he couldn't really tolerate with blonde, short hair), walking towards him. He was wearing a red vest with a pale pink tie, a white button-up long-sleeve shirt, a pair of black work pants and dark grey shoes. "Oh... hey George. Nice...outfit?" Dylan said, trying not to sound bored/disgusted by him. "Ah thank you. But, you have no need to tell me though. I KNOW I look good," George said, posing a bit, which caused Dylan to roll his eyes "Yea...sure." "And you have a... nice outfit as well. And by nice, I mean the same outfit you've been wearing since you started working here. Couldn't find anything with red and pink huh?" Dylan looked down at his outfit: a blue and black striped sweater over a black tie and white buttoned shirt, with black loose, ripped jeans and blue and white sneakers. He looked back up at George and gave a slight glare. "No... I didn't. But that shouldn't be a problem though...." Dylan said, obviously trying hard not to get annoyed at his co-workers' dumb comments. "Eh sure, I guess its not a problem for you. But, that's not what I came over to talk to you about." "Than what are you here to talk to me about?" "Mr. Agnew wanted me to tell you that he wants to speak to you about something important." "What's so important that he just couldn't come out to tell me?" "I don't know. But he says to just come anyway." "Ugh, fine." Dylan soon passed George and made his way towards where his boss was, a small door with a cheaply made sign that said: "Boss Agnew: Come in of your Admission... Or If You Still Want To Come In, That's Fine Too ". Dylan soon grabbed the doorknob and opened it up... Only to be met with some resistance from the other side. "What the... Agnew? Hey Agnew!" "Huh? Dylan is that you?! Uh, hold on a minute!! I just got to move some boxes!!" Dylan paused, hearing the noises of boxes being placed in different parts before the door finally opened all the way, causing Dylan to fall forward and down on the floor. "Oh shit Dylan! You ok?" "Y-yea just tripped a bi..." Dylan started saying before trailing off as he took in the sight of his boss's office. Now, even though Agnew's office had always been a less than pleasant clean, it seemed to be way more cluttered than before. There were about 40 heart-shaped boxes strewn about on the desk, floor and some of the shelves. Each of them was decorated with several different colored bows, and several tags attached to them. His boss was on one knee looking at Dylan with one hand extended, looking quite disheveled. Agnew's hair was a greying mess, hair not in its usual ponytail and hanging off his sides and back. His outfit was even more messy than usual, his red Hawaiian shirt half-tucked in and unbuttoned at the top while his pants were more dirty and raggedy, and the only thing that didn't seem off on him was his sandals. "Uh, Agnew... What's with all the boxes?" Dylan asked, taking Agnew's hand in order to be lifted back onto his feet as he kept looking around, all the while Agnew rubbed the back of his head with one hand as he looked sheepishly at Dylan. "Heh, o-oh yeah... Wellllllll, they're all from... my wife. You remember, Florence? She came here a couple of times?" "Oh, yea. I remember her. Wasn't she the one who brought in that giant, 3-foot cake celebrating the anniversary of you starting Pageview?" "Yea, such a beautiful cake," Agnew said, a loving smile on his face as he remembered his wife's proud look as she bought it in, before snapping back to reality to share the same sheepish discomfort from before. "Y-yep, the same. She's a baker, part of one of the small chain of bakeries scattered around NewDugWood and for Valentines Day, she decided that she wanted to give me more than just a card. So she decided to spice up by making me different-shaped/colored chocolates with different fillings." "Wait, that's what's in all these boxes?!" "Yea... Florence can get a little crazy when she starts baking, but she definitely means well. However, that's where the problem lies." "Problem? What problem?" "Well, you see... I have the suspicion that Florence may have filled up some of the chocolates with nougat. And if you don't know, my digestion system and nougat... Are not friends. Even the taste of it is enough to cause my taste buds to recoil. And since I don't know which box contains the confectionaries in question, and taste testing them is not an option, I'm afraid my wife's treats might have to be forced to melt in order to understand which is which." "Ah, I see... Well, if that's the case, why do you need me exactly?" Dylan asked, to which Agnew looked at Dylan with a bit of a sparkle in his eyes as he clasped his hand on Dylan's shoulders and looked at him with a smile. "Well, that is where you come in! You see Dylan, I need you to taste the chocolates in each of the boxes and tell me if any of them contains nougat!" "Oh... wait, what?! You want me to taste all the chocolates in all of these boxes?!" "Not all the boxes, just until you get to one that doesn't contain nougat! This will make it easier for me cause than that will mean I won't have to watch Florence's beautiful creations melt and I won't have to tell her I wasn't able to eat any of them, risking to see her disappointed reaction!" "Ok, that's good for you... But not for me! What's the point of eating all these anyway? Wouldn't it be easier to just save these until later on in life?" "Noooo, that is not an option here! That's essentially deeming these sweets as just leftovers, and no one wants to eat the leftovers that someone else had!" "...That makes no sense Agnew..." Dylan said, to which Agnew soon took Dylan's hands into his own and started pleading with him down on the ground on his knees. "Please, Dylan! If you help me with this, I promise I'll give you the rest of the day off!" "I-I don't know..." Dylan said, despite the promise of being able to go home seemly a wish come true. Agnew didn't say anything but simply looked with eyes glistening(looking like he'll cry) and small whimpers seemly emanating from his mouth. Dylan tried looking away but ultimately failed as his shoulders slacked and he sighed. "... 2 days..." "Huh?" "Two days off from work. You agree to that, and I'll help you with your chocolate situation." "Uh, s-sure! Ok!" Agnew said, a bright smile on his face as he got up, grabbed a box of chocolates and gave it to Dylan as if to say "Start!" Dylan gulped and opened the box up. Each of the chocolates was shaped differently, with the top row square shaped, the middle row heart-shaped, and the bottom row in oval shaped with lines of white and dark chocolate decorated on top. Dylan couldn't help but admire the carefulness and decoration that was put on, that he almost felt bad about eating it. Almost, as he picked up a piece and placed it in his mouth. His teeth soon bit on to the shell as he chewed before swallowing, noting the taste of something that was a mix of honey and sugar which Dylan recognized as... "Taste like nougat." "Ah ok... So then that means that box might have fillings of nougat in each piece, so... Can you please eat the rest of them?" Dylan rolled his eyes but complied, eating and swallowed the rest of the pieces before placing the box down. Just as quickly as he was done finishing the box, another was plopped in his hands. Dylan opened it up and admire the now just milk chocolate triangle-shaped chocolates with different messages of "I Love You", "Be My Valentine", and other cheesy, loving messages, before picking up a piece and chewed. The first piece was a little hard to tell, so Dylan popped in a couple more, which raised Agnew's hopes up that maybe this box contained non-nougat, until... "Hmmm... this one also has nougat in it," Dylan said, mouth still chewing the pieces. "Damn! Alright, you can finish the pieces..." Agnew said, disappointed. Dylan complied and went ahead, finishing the box just a bit faster before the next one was popped into his hands. The process continued with at least 4 more boxes, with the 5th one... "Oh hey, I think this one has cherry filling in it..." "Really?! Ah yes!!" Agnew said as Dylan handed him the box as he chewed on the first piece before swallowing, a small burp erupting from his mouth as a feeling of fullness started in his stomach. Unfortunately, he was far from done as Agnew soon gave him another box. "Ah, Agnew... I don't think I can eat another box, I'm already kinda full..." "Noooo! Please don't stop now Dylan! Just try a few more boxes for me please!!!" "Ummm..." "Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee?" "...'Sigh' Ok." Agnew let out a bit of a squeal before giving him another box, the process picking up again. At least 10 of the boxes contained nougat, while about 5 more contained other fillings like hot fudge, blueberry(which Dylan took two pieces from them to chew, much to Agnew's dismay), marshmallow(another two pieces eaten by Dylan), etc. During that time, about 20 boxes were inspected, and during that time Dylan was starting to go from being full to slight discomfort. His stomach was now started to try and make some form of room for the pieces, and in the end, was starting to push out more from underneath his shirt. Soon Box number 21 was finished(another nougat) and Dylan was trying hard not to let loose any more prolonged burps and ignoring his pants now starting to cut into his expanding flesh. Box 22 was placed in his hands and Dylan had to stifle a groan. "Huh? Is something wrong Dylan?" Agnew asked, a bit of concern on his face. "Ugghh... Its n-nothing Agnew... 'Burp!'" "You sure?" Dylan just nodded as he opened the box and picked up a piece, sighing as that one was proven to be nougat too. His stomach gurgled and groaned as more pieces were digested and it started pushing out again, raising the hem of his sweater up to where slivers of his white buttoned up shirt could be seen. "Ah, that was all nougat huh?" "Yep...'BRAP!' Excuse me..." Dylan felt sick. His stomach felt heavy, the button cutting into it as Dylan's hand tried unconsciously to rub it in order to make it better. It was at this point that another box was given to him and Dylan took slowly. While that box proved different flavors(one was raspberry cream), the next few were, as expected nougat. Dylan could feel his stomach painfully stretch out, the buttons now starting to strain against. By the time, the number had dwindled down to a reasonable amount, Dylan was now starting to consider unbuttoning his pants button in front of his boss, but decided not to. Soon there were only 5 boxes left. Dylan groaned, one box already in his hands as he opened it up slowly and chewed. Nougat, Nougat, Nougat, Buttercream. And all the while Dylan's stomach was at this point begging him to stop as his sweater now sat on top of his shirt. "Ok, Dylan... Just one more box, than you can go home for at least two days," Agnew said, worried about what might happen to Dylan, considering he was starting to look sick. Dylan didn't say anything but took the box, and opened it, not caring about what they look like, just that he wanted to finish. He picked up a piece and plopped it in his mouth, chewing slowly before swallowing. It took a while before he finally said... "This one is... Pistachio..." "Pis-PISTACHIO?! Oh, I LOVE pistachio!!! Alright, great job Dylan," Agnew said as he gave Dylan a nice pat on the back, all the while Dylan was busy burping and holding his stomach tightly, feeling sluggish and like a rock. Though Agnew, if he could, hardly noticed. "Alright, Dylan! Thanks for your help!" "N-No problem..." Dylan burped out before finally walking away, closing the door behind him as he leaned back against and rubbed his stomach, moaning as more burps erupted from his mouth. Examining his gut, it was struggling against the buttons on both his white shirt and the button/belt of his pants. He held his stomach close and prayed that he would get home before his stomach would immediately pop off the buttons in question. "Iggy Akiyama! What did the boss want you to do," George called out, oblivious to Dylan's discomfort. "Uggh..'BURP!' Nothing... L-listen, I'm going home right now... And don't even bother asking why cause I'm just going..." Dylan said quickly before rushing towards the door before George could say anything else, hoping to take the bus as a quicker way home in order to relax and hopefully sleep off the pieces before vomiting. At the least, he wouldn't have to worry for two more days of work to come, though it was going to be anything but relaxing. "Uggh... Note of advice, never do anything for your bo- 'BURRRP' boss... Ever again..." Dylan said to himself, hoping that in the future this would stick... But probably not...
0 notes
zacklover24 · 7 years
CrossRoads Chapter XI
Five pages, 2,057 laters this chapter is done. May God I am happy how this turned out. 
Tagging: @femmescientia, @itshaejinju, @themissimmortal, @blindbae, @stunninglyignis, @sweetchocobae, @neko-otaku13, @daemonchocobo, @mini-moogle-queen, @eternallydaydreaming2015, @dr3aming-of-stars, @misssarahdoll, @insanereddragon
Buy me a coffee?
“So, let me get this right, you followed the chancellor to the disk, found a royal arm and woke titan.” Ignis slowly asks pinching his nose.
“Yup.” Angel chirps giving him a nervous chuckle.  
“And then after your fight which was three battle between you, titan and the empire, Noctis made a pact with the God and in turn you lost the car. Is that everything?” Ignis recounts feeling his eye twitch.
“Okay to be fair we didn’t lose the car, we misplaced it.” Angel corrects with a nervous laugh. It had been a roughly a week, from fighting and gaining the trust of titan and to losing the car with no way back to the city. It was not there week. But Wiz had been kind to let them stay at the post while they sorted this mess out.
“Relax I’ve got my hunter friends and Cindy looking for the car, and were trying to find a way back to the city.” She explains watching her brother play with the chicks, while Noct and Gladio watched. Ignis let out a sigh,
“Any word?”
“None, but not for lacking trying,” Angel paused as it started to rain, “The hell?”
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s raining.” Angel tells him, as lighting streak the sky and thunder boomed, and then there was a sound of a dog barking. Noctis head snapped up and saw umbra. “Well it looks I have to go now, Ignis.”
“What Angel why?” Ignis asks her.
“Umbra is here, I have feeling were going on a hunt.” She tells him a nagging feeling one that been building in the pit of her stomach since the night at the cavern it was now or never she took in a deep breath, “Listen Ignis if you don’t hear from me any time soon, I wanted to tell you that I love you.” And she hung up.
“Did you just?” Prompto asks seeing as Angel face had turned beat red.
“Shut up Prompto.” She hisses putting her phone away. Gladio and Noctis both shared a smirk, but otherwise didn’t say anything.  The party followed the dog to the outskirts of the chocobo post where he had message from Lady Lunafreya and then Gentiana appeared, telling the group that they needed to find and complete the trials of the God of Storms. Just as a large blot of lighting hit the earth.
“God of Storms?” Prompto asks as they collected there chocobos.
“I think was she referring to Ramuh. He’s the only one of the six that controls storms if memory serves me right.” Angel tells him hopping onto the bird.
“If that blot of lighting is anything to go by then Ang is right. Gentiana said that we need to find the three rune stones of Ramuh before he’ll even think about making a pact with me.” Noctis agrees heading off to where the light hit.
“So, you and Iggy?” Prompto asks with a sly smirk.
“Shut the fuck up Prom.” Angel hisses as they neared the rune stone. Prompto and Noctis groaned.
“FIVE years Ang, we’ve waited five years for this.”
“And you’ll wait another five if you don’t shut the fuck up.” She hisses as they came to the first stone.
“So, what did Iggy say?” Gladio asks watching Noct touch the stone. Angel blushed and played with the reins.
“He didn’t get a chance as I hung up on him.” She admits playing with the bird’s soft feathers.
“Ang.” They all groans.
“Oh hush, this isn’t about me, this is about Noct.” She tells them. The boys rolled their eyes, but knew she was right.
“We will talk about this later.” Gladio tells her.
“Of, course we will.” The second rune stone wasn’t hard to find just a quick fight with some imperil troopers and they were on their way to the third stone.
“Will these storms ever stop?” Angel whines trying to stay dry.
“Doubt it.” Noctis deadpans as they came to the area of the last runestones. One fight with the troopers later and they were in a cave.
“Oh goodie.” Prompto mutters sticking close to Gladio.
“We go down?” Angel asks taking point with the prince behind her.
“Best bet.” Gladio rumbles keeping the blonde close.
“Everyone stick close.” Angel orders pulling Noctis close to her side. The cave was chalk full of daemons, there wasn’t a moment’s rest. As they were making their way down to the lowers levels when something out of the darkness grabbed Promtpo, and dragged him down to parts unknow.
“PORMPTO!” Everyone yelled trying to find the blonde. Prompto screams were cover over with hissing, snake like hissing.
“Guys!” He yells as he was dragged off.
“Fuck.” Angel yells trying to find a way down to the lower level.
“This way!” Noctis yells finding a way down. The way down was blocked by hobgoblins and imps. Nothing Gladio couldn’t handle as he cleared the way down. They found Promtpo nursing a broken ankle and pointing his gun at a,
“A naga?” Angel asks watching the snake creature hiss at them.
“Where is my baby?” She hisses swaying side to side, Angel, Noctis, Gladio and Prompto all shared a confused look, a baby?
“Is that why you kidnapped me?” Prompto cries as Gladio healed his ankle.
“Where is my baby?” She hisses again. Angel blinked once, twice and then threw a dagger at her head, which did nothing. She was just confused as fuck, but that was a running theme today it seemed.
“Noct freeze the bitch.” Angel mutters confused. Noctis just as confused did as she asked and froze her solid, and then Gladio shattered her.
“You okay?” As Noctis helped the blonde up and peppered his face with kisses.
“That was bizarre.” Prompto tells him as he kissed Noctis back.
“Let’s just get Ramuh blessing and get out of here.” Gladio mutters heading up to the last path.
“I agree.” As Angel says following, after him. With the blessing of Ramuh in hand the group left the cave to see that storms had stopped and see an empire made plane fly overhead, followed by a call from Cindy saying that their car was in an imperial base. Sadly, there was nothing she could do,
“Not that it matters but getting the car back won’t easy.” Gladio inputs as they rode to the base.
“Any ideas Ang?” Noctis asks as they found a camping spot close to the base. Angel let out a tsk
“I’m not specs, but if I were him I would say we wait for the cover of night and sneak into the base find the car and kick ass.” She says cracking her neck. Gladio grinned he liked this plan.
Night came and the group, made their move. Using the cover of darkness and sheer stupidly of the soldiers at the base they found the regalia. That and Noctis wrap strike came in handy taking out any guards who had their backs to them.
“Well, well, well.” Angel hums licking her lips, “So who wants to royally fuck with the empire?”
��Oh? How so?” Gladio smirks cracking his shoulders.  
“We take down their main generator that would cripple them in this area.”
“That does sound like a major fuck you.” Gladio grins.
“Let’s go.” They found a way to the main generator too bad it was heavy guarded with a mech and troopers.
“ANGEL!” Prompto yells,
“Never said it would be easy.” She mutters as they saw mech started to fire missiles at them. Yea this was going to hurt, it was then that Noctis did something amazing. He summoned Ramuh, the God storms used his powers not to only kill the mech and the troopers but the generator.
“Was that the power of the Gods?” Prompto question rushing to Noctis side as the prince wavered and nearly feel if not for Prompto.
“Good to know there on our side,” Angel tells him as Noctis leaned on Prompto, “Let’s head back to Ignis.”
“Prompto?” Gladio asks nodding in agreement.
“I got him big guy.” He grins as they walked back to the car, it was one hell of a night, and Angel was more than happy to see sun rising above the base.
And all Angel wanted to do was crash and crash hard. She didn’t need mirror to know that her braid was all but undone, she was thanking the six that she didn’t lose the pin. Her clothes were wrinkled and a mess and she had mud everywhere.
The walk back to the car was quiet, Angel wasn’t sure if that was good or bad. They reached the old girl right as Noct seemed ready to pass out.
“Long as it been Noctis,” Came the cold tenor like voice, that made Angel blood run cold,
“Ravus.” Noctis gasps.
“You received the Storm’s blessing.” As he approached the group, Prompto trying to back up but froze when the Ravus blade was pointed at his throat, “And yet, you nothing of the consequences.”
“Watch it.” Gladio warns, only for the blade to be pointed as his neck, Angel was ready to fight.
“Be still all of you.” He warns.
“Not good.” Prompto whispers trying to keep Noctis close.
“Heir to a crown befitting no other,” As he looked to be gathering magic it was then that angel noticed that his left arm was made out metal that was new, “Witness his splendor and glory. All hail the chosen king.”
“Awful high and might of an imperial rat, serving the enemy to hunt down Luna.” Noctis growls trying to regain some of his strenght.
“Noct.” Angel growls watching in horror as Ravus grabbed Noctis by neck and yanking up and away from Prompto,
“I do not serve. I command.” He yells. With a grin Ravus tossed Noctis back into Promtpo, the pair stumbled as Gladio stood in front of them.
“The king’s sworn shield.” Ravus grins rising his blade.
“You better believe it.”
“A weak shield serves naught.” As he raised his sword, Gladio summoned his sword blocking the attack, by sheer force Ravus brought Gladio to his knees and not even batting an eye he elbowed Gladio so hard he flew into the car.
“Gladio!” Noctis and Prompto yell rushing to the shield side, Angel glared at Ravus as she took a defense stance in front of her friends.
“Lady Leonis, I am pleased to see that you lived.” Ravus grins.
“As am I Lord Ravus, I’m not afraid.” She warns. The look Ravus gave her was one of knowing, he knew she would die for them.
“Children, children, now play nice.” Came the voice of Ardyn who lazily strolled over to the group.
“Chancellor.” Angel coldly greets not letting her guard down.  
The chancellor gave Angel a playful smile, “Lady Leonis how wonderful to see you again, now high commander I do believe your done playing.”
“What?” Ravus growls.
“You’re done, let them go.” Ardyn warns or threatens hard to tell. With a growl Ravus turned on his heel and left.
“No, need to thank me my dear.” Ardyn says with a bow. “We shall meet again across the seas. Do be good till then.”
“I wasn’t going to.” She hisses. Ardyn gave her one last smile and then left.
“Everyone in the car now.” None of the boys said anything. Prompto and Noctis piled into the back of the car on either side of Gladio. If he was in pain he didn’t say.
Back in Lestallum the group headed for the hotel. They were tired, dirty, and just need to decompress. What shocked everyone were the flags. The flag of the empire now waving in Lestallum. Angel started to get afraid, the city folks were whispers about the empire killing an old man at the hotel. Everyone shared a look, and ran for the hotel. Angel let out a gasp of air as she saw Ignis. The advisor was standing outside of the hotel trying to do something his phone, while  lavender was at his side, the dog was chewing on a bone of some kind.
“IGNIS!” Angel yells running towards the advisor.
“Angel?” He questions as he young marshal slammed into him, “What in the Eos happened to you?” He asks seeing the group coat in mud, dirt and grim, “I leave you four alone for a week…” He didn’t get a chance to finish as Angel kissed him.
End of line
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zacklover24 · 7 years
CrossRoads Chapter XII
Tagging: @femmescientia, @itshaejinju, @themissimmortal, @blindbae, @stunninglyignis, @eternallydaydreaming2015, @neko-otaku13, @sweetchocobae, @misssarahdoll, @dr3aming-of-stars, @alicemoonwonderland, @mini-moogle-queen, @insomniacapples
Warnings?: Fluff. 
Buy me a coffee? 
Angel couldn’t believe it. Jared was dead. He was killed, killed by the empire. All because he wouldn’t talk about Noctis and the others. Guilt was weight heavily on everyone. Noctis was mad as hell, but knew there wasn’t anything he could do. Prompto and Gladio guided the young prince up to their room to rest, Noctis was on the verge of passing out from earlier and as the day went on the prince body just got weaker. Angel was up in her room, letting the warm water from shower head wash over her. This day, had gone from good too bad in a matter of a few hours. If only she stayed behind, if she stayed then maybe…
“Fuck.” She cruses as rubbing her hands over face. The empire was going to pay and pay horrible.
“Angel my sweet are, you almost done?” Ignis softly asks from behind the door.
“Yea, just give me a minute.” She calls to him. With another sigh angel shut off the water and got dressed quickly. Ignis was sitting down on the bed a can of ebony in hand and he was going over something on his phone.
“This day.” Angel starts sitting down next to him, lavender let out a happy yip as she settled down next to her.
“Not what you expected?” He asks locking his phone and setting it aside.
“We got the car back, Gladio pride was ruined and we lost Jared. What do you think was going to happen?” She asks flopping backwards onto the bed. “Do we have a plan?” She whispers.
“The plan is to go to Cape Caem, Monica, Dustin and Talcott have left already.” He explains setting the ebony down, and lays down next to her, “Were to take Iris with us tomorrow.”
“How?” Angel asks quirking an eyebrow, “The car is small as is.” She groans scooting closer to him.
“Someone will have to sit on someone lap.”
“Have Iris do it. Prom and Noct can flank Gladio and I’ll sit up front.” She explains letting out a yawn as she got closer to Ignis. Ignis take the hint, pulled Angel closer to him. Ignis curled himself around her, trying to protect her. Not that she was going to complain. Ignis was warm, he was safe, he was real, he wasn’t going anywhere.
“That is doable.”
“Good.” Angel pauses, “The empire is going to pay Iggy. Come hell or high water they are going to make them pay for killing Jared and destroying our home.” Settling in against him.
“I know, we will make them pay.” He growls keeping Angel close to him.
“Good.” As she yawns, it was getting hard to stay awake. The days event finally catching up to her.  Angel didn’t know nor did she care what time it was, all she knew it was dark out meaning she was going to fall asleep.
“Get some sleep my dear.” Angel gave him a sleepy smile and curled up and feel asleep. Not before, Ignis gave her kiss to the forehead.
Not everyone had a dreamless and peaceful sleep, Prompto told Angel that Noctis woke up several times during the night from nightmares. The prince looked barely awake the next morning. Seemed like someone was going to nap in the car ride to Caem.
“So, I’m going to be on Gladdy lap?” Iris asks as everyone got into the car.
“Sadly, it’s the only way we can fit everyone.” Angel explains taking shot gun. “Prom go and grab the pillow for Noct.” She asks him.
“You got it.” As he pulled out the spare pillow from the trunk and tucked it behind the prince head. Said prince gave a very sleepy sound as he curled up against Gladio. Prompto was on the shield other side and then Iris was on her brother lap. Lavender was on the floor in front Noct taking a nap.
“Are we going right to Caem? Or are we stopping in old Lestallum?” Angel asks making sure she had her sunglasses on.
“Caem we can’t afford to make any stops.” Gladio answer adjusting Iris on his lap.
“Just thought I would ask.” Angel asks, as they left Lestallum behind them.
“Prom you remember to pack everything right?” Gladio asks as the blond played with his camera.
“Yes, big guy.” As he rolled his eyes, “Ang?”
“In the back.” She answers pulling out her phone, no new text from any of her hunter friends or from her dad.
“Found them.” Prompto cheers pulling up a bag of snacks.
“I don’t know why you spoil him.” Ignis says.
“I’m his sister.” She points out with a smile and placing her hand down on the gear shift with a smile, Ignis took the small hint and took her hand in his. Iris beamed.
“Well it’s about time.”
“Right?” Gladio asks smirking. Angel let out an annoyed snort and text Gladio the middle finger. “Mature.”
“I know. I am.” She smirks at him. The drive to Caem went on like this. Everyone trying to forget the tragedy that befell them.
“Shit.” Angel swears as she looked at her phone.
“What’s wrong?” Gladio and Ignis both ask.
“One of my hunter friends just told me that the empire is building base on the outskirts of old Lestallum. Said it would really mess with them if someone went in and destroyed it.”
“Really?” Ignis asks as a sly smile played on his lips. Ignis had a plan. But it was one that Angel did not like, Ignis had asked her to stay behind with Iris. When she tried to fight him on it, he pointed out that iris was going to need someone. With a sigh Angel let the matter go.
“Think they’ll be okay?” Iris asks as they sat in the crow’s nest.
“Should be fine. They have Ignis with them.” Angel tells her.
End of line
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zacklover24 · 7 years
CrossRoads Chapter IV
Soulmate AU where everyone has an arrow on their arm that moves like a compass to always point at their soulmate. It also changes color with distance so the universe is basically playing a game of hot/cold with your love life.
Pairings: Ignis and OC, Noctis/Prompto/Gladio
Warnings: Angst
Tagging: @femmescientia, @stunninglyignis, @itshaejinju, @themissimmortal
I have a ko fi now, http://ko-fi.com/A5101UJQ so please and thank you. 
Angel, was livid. She had spent the better part of two hours trying to get hold of Prompto, Ignis, Gladio or Noctis. The news report made her worried. She finally got a hold of them, and after a mild yelling match with Prompto, she was  told they were going to lay low for bite and then hit Wiz Chocobo post. Angel rolled her eyes, and said something she couldn’t repeat in front of iris. Which is why Angel kind of found herself at Wiz sipping an ice tea. She hate beat the boys… shocker. And would you know it, they came right up just as she was done drinking her tea.
 “You boys sure as hell know how to keep a girl waiting.” Angel says with a roll her eyes.
 “Ang how did you get here before us?” Prompto slowly asks and backing away out of fear. Angel narrowed her eyes at him
 “Do you have any idea how worried I was?” She yells getting up, “Do you know how long it took me to get a hold of you? And do not give me thee excuse that you couldn’t reach me, I know for a fact that Cindy told you I was with Iris, you could have called her. But nope you waited. If you do anything and I mean anything like that again there will be hell to pay!” She warns him and the boys.
 “And you,” As she pointed at Ignis, “Should have know better.”
 “Apologies Angel.” Ignis says with a sly smile.
 “Yes, madam.” Prompto glumps shrinking back looking for help from Gladio or Noctis, but nope not help.
 “Good.” As she hugged him, “I don’t want to see you getting hurt.”
 “I know Ang, and I’m sorry okay.” He says hugging her back. Angel let out a sigh and patted him on the back.
 “Yea, yea. Which why I regret to inform you that there are no chocobos to ride.” Angel sadly was not fast enough to escape the shriek in her ear, well she didn’t hear anyway.
 “What do you mean no chocobos?” He whines and looking like a kicked puppy.
 “I mean is that there is a  behemoth named deadeye prowling Nebulawood, and Wiz doesn’t want to risk the lives of his birds of his riders. And it just so happens that I have the hunt contract and was…”
 “Was waiting on us.” Gladio finishes with a smile. “Cute.”
 “Can’t take on behemoth by myself, it could kill me.” As she batted her eyelashes at him.
 “A few extra bodies to throw at it?”
 “Or I knew that you always wanted to kill one shall we? Plus the woods are home to voretooh, and there is a thick fog.”
 “Sounds like fun.” Noctis mutters walking off towards the woods, he was shortly followed by Gladio and Prompto, Prompto was whining about he wanted to see the chocobos not go on a hunt. Ignis and Angel lindgren, the advisor eyes warned to Angel right side.
 “Angel…”He began to say.
 “My side is fine, I saw a doctor I’m good to go.” She tells him following after the others. No she wasn’t and that was a fact.
The hunt for deadeye lead them deep in the woods and as Angel said a thick fog soon spread over the area.
 “This is going to fun.” Gladio mutters, the fog was making it hard to find the behemoth.
 “How hard can it be to find? It’s a freaking behemoth!” Prompto grumples bumping into the shields back, “Sorry big guy.”
 “Just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean we can’t hear it. Ideas Iggy?” Noctis asks the advisor.
 “We keep our mouths shut and ears open.” He instructions, “Keep close those this fog is thick.”
 “Noted.” Angel says from Ignis right. They heard the beast before they found it and soon tracked it to it’s lair.
 “Do those barrels look flammable?” Angel asks pointing to a large number of red barrels standing the lair. Ignis hummed and then snapped his fingers,
 “They be of some use, Noct when deadeye is close to one set it ablaze.” Ignis tells him.
 “Got it.” Noctis says jumping down and into the lair. The fog had blanketed the ground leaving the barrels the only thing to be seen. They could hear deadeye but not see him, that was in till they close to his ledge.
 “NOCT!” Prompto yells shooting at the beast, only to miss.
 “Crap!” Noctis yells before the thing jumped down and in front of barrel.
 “Noct the barrel!” Everyone yells, watching the prince set the barrel on fire and it exploded the beast front right leg was soon ablaze.
 “Stay on its right.” Gladio orders summoning his sword.
 “Don’t have to tells us twice.” Angel yells summoning her spear. Deadeye was not making this easy, it’s sheer size made it hard as hell dodge and harder still to attack. If it wasn’t charging them, the group had to quickly scramble to get out of the way. The beast only stopped long enough  thankfully for them to attack it, each party member trying to stay on it’s right side.
 “It’s about to charge move!” Ignis yells, who was right in the path of the beast. Angel sprinted and pushed Ignis out of the way but, right as the beast was charging the tail connected with Angel sending the marshall to be into the rock wall hard, Angel swore that she heard bones cracking as she flew into the wall.
 “ANGEL!” Ignis and Prompto yell, watching in horror as she was slammed into the wall like she was a rag doll. Angel grunted and got up but winced hard, her hand shot to her side, she felt wetness and she felt wetness in her hair.
 ‘Fuck.’ Some of her stitches popped and she might have concussion that would explain the ringing in her ears. “DON’T WORRY ABOUT ME!” She yells trying to get her feet. Deadeye soon lay dead on the ground and it was Prompto who killed it. Angel was standing if not with some issue, as Ignis face red,
 “WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!” Ignis yells grabbing Angel by her shoulders.
 “I don’t know what you're talking about.” She grunts trying to keep her hand on the wound and trying to stop the flow of blood. Ignis growled his hold on her tightened,
 “That was most reckless thing you have ever done! You could have been hurt badly, or worsen your preexisting wounds.”
 “I was being reckless? What about you? I couldn’t risk you getting hurt.” She barks.
 “I would have been fine!”
 “No! You wouldn’t have been, you could have been knocked to the side and into the wall like I was!” She hisses trying to get out of his hold.
 “Guys, it’s starting to get dark.” Prompto softly mutters edging closer to Gladio.
 “That was selfish of you to do.”
 “Selfish? I wasn’t being selfish, I was thinking just fine…..” Angel trails off suddenly feeling disorientated along with her head killing her a sudden ringing her ears maybe not sudden her ears had been ringing since she hit the wall.
 “Angel?” Ignis tone was quick to change from being made to concern and worry, “Dear how badly did you hit your head?”
 “What?” She slurs, Ignis quickly let go and Angel lost balance falling over if he didn’t grab her once more before she could. The edges of her vision were starting to go black.
 “Ignis?” Noctis asks worry seeming into his voice.
 “She might have a concussion, we need to get her back to the outpost.”
 “She can’t walk.” Crap angel could barely stand let out alone walk. Ignis picked up bridal style with her head pressed against his shoulder. That was last thing she remembered as her vision went black.
End of line
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