#yea sry this log is really really shitty
finely-tuned-line · 2 years
Log 224
FTL: I am officially declaring the eradication of FTLR-3 a success. In reality, it should never have even taken this long. It wouldn't have, if FTLR-3 were a normal Rot. But my incredibly cobbled-together and extremely risky plan worked. I've also gotten confirmation about Songs of the Negative Sunlight's state as of now. It all worked out, I should be some form of relieved right now.
FTL: Yet for some reason, I am not. I suspect that Songs of the Negative Sunlight's logs had a more... jarring effect on me than I'd thought. I will not dwell upon it, it is in the past now.
FTL: To describe how the success of the plan went is simple. The Locator pushed FTLR-3's container into the Void, made sure my Overseer was looking, and then waited until the start of the next cycle to confirm that it didn't come back. It, in fact, did not.
FTL: The sense of urgency is gone, and now that I've learned to live with it, it is rather strange. I suppose that could be the feeling that is often described as the aforementioned relief. It could also be said this this was all somewhat of an underwhelming conclusion.
FTL: The question is, what do I do now? I've got my list of potential experiments, yes, but. In all honesty, I think I might just take a break for a cycle. Reply to all the messages I've missed while all this was happening, talk with my Local Group about Songs of the Negative Sunlight.
FTL: It is rather pathetic of me to allow myself to even consider pausing like this, nevermind actually doing it. Though I am pathetic in the first place for messing up so badly.
FTL: To conclude, it's... strange. I feel as though I should have learned something from all this, and maybe I did. I do not truly know. Nor do I particularly care, it doesn't matter at all.
FTL: I will be getting back to my experiments the cycle after this one.
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