#yea not the typical festive art but
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bluhtack · 2 months ago
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merry crimmus???
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genshoomf · 2 years ago
dsvg au has my hooked - i have so many questions!
how was ghost turned? what was he before? how long has he been turned for? what was his sire like (other than a cruel bastard)? idk his bg is always so interesting to me when u or augs write him cos theres so much canon info compared to the others (also what happened to tommy?) and its always so well thought out in ur fics
but yea dragons are the coolest and silver soap is so fun (love how they look like theyre smiling in all the art) what was soaps childhood like? ik silvers love humans and anything human made, but does he have a favourite art/craft? whats his fav thing to do when in human form? does he ever think abt picking up an art? how did he discover this town? do they know hes a dragon?
anyways that got long no pressure if u dont wanna answer it all!
honestly the backstory for it is pretty thin bc augs and i just. havent gotten to it other than broad strokes LMAO imo ghost has prob been a vampire for. at least a few centuries. probably just a human. his sire was ???? cruel and forceful i think. lots of making ghost feed from unwilling humanoids and outright killing them despite ghost finding it revolting. he is a True Vampire tho so ghost is inherently stronger than your typical spawn and was considered the Prince of his sires group/manor
soap probably had a very normal dragon childhood i think. silvers are the most social and communal dragons so most likely he grew up with the rest of his clutch and parents until he decided to leave on his own as a young dragon. hes always been large for his age though! he collects a lot of art and will sketch/paint in his humanoid forms bc we looove artist soap!!!! but i always picture him being really into astronomy too so having lots of cool star charts and telescopes etc. silvers love people food so that motherfucker LOOOVES feasts and festivals like no other he will eat his body weight easily. since he can Fly within the region he has plenty of towns/cities he can visit for a change of scenery but i imagine it took him a bit to find a suitable lair with enough settlements nearby. i think he keeps being a dragon secret but im sure there are a couple ppl in each place he frequents that clock him but keep it quiet bc having a dragon bud is always nice
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thecrazyanimegirl · 7 years ago
Spring anime 2018
And here is our review of the Spring season ^^ 
This is not everything we watched, but mostly things we would recommend or had something to comment. We also didn’t include some anime that had second, third etc season airing. If we missed an anime you think should be here, write it in the comments and help us complete the list ~
Remember, this is just our opinion, we never meant to offend anyone and we hope we made your decisions about what to watch next a bit easier ^^
Winter 17/18
3D Kanojo
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K: I liked it at first, the main character is sometimes really relatable, an outcast otaku who is just trying to survive. And it has some very funny moments. But somehow too much drama got involved and I stopped following it on a weekly basis, but I’ll definitely binge watch it during summer too see the end ~
Neko: I like how characters are relatable and it was nice until drama came. It is still good though.
Kitsune: Watched the first episode but didn’t get hoooked on it :/
Butlers x Battlers
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K: Yes, this has such typical and predictable plot. Like you know it right off the bat. But yes, I still love it (≧∇≦) The side characters are more capable than the main guy, but I like their interactions and it’s somehow really good.
Neko: The plot is really predictable, but that gives it charm, I guess? I don’t watch it for the plot anyway. I watch it because of the characters.
Kitsune: If you like good looking guys than this will be satisfying for you although the animation gets kinda weird at some points (mostly during the fighting scenes).
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K: This is definitely one of my favorites this season! I know it’s not for everyone, it’s confusing most of the time, but I like how every character has depth and they are all very interesting. The story is also very unique, I love it. Oh yea, the soundtrack is Amazing™️ ^^ (I guess I should mention it’s not for everyone because it has a lot of trauma, suicide mention, bullying...)
Neko: I love the plot and the thought behind this anime. It was really interesting and I got hooked really fast. It is confusing sometimes but I still love it!
Kitsune: Beautiful music and great plot! The characters are well developed and it makes you like even “bad” guys. Definitely worth the try! 
Comic girls
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Neko: I watched this anime because I totally relate with Kaos-chan. If you like slice of life with manga artists and yuri then you probably will like this. 
Crossing time
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Neko: I was actually skeptical about this one, I thought it will be bad, but in the end I quite liked it. It last only few minutes which is great for when you don’t have time and it is made up from different stories every episode so it doesn’t get boring. It’s great for short relaxing pause.
Dances with the Dragons
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K: The story is very complex, so sometimes it’s hard to follow what’s happening because a lot of politics are involved. But beside that, the interactions between characters are amazing, it has some humor and a lot of fighting scenes. Less dragons then I though it will though. Even so, I liked it ^^
Neko: I have a feeling this story is great and really detailed, but it is really hard to follow. I think that if you read novel it is better? I think it would be really good, but unfortunately I really have hard time understanding what is happening
Kitsune: God help me with all those names and titles they use xD Also I think I tried much too hard to understand the politics in this universe than in the real world lol. I hope that the novel gets and English translation so that I will get to see more of these two’s interactions ;)
Devils Line
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K: A really good romance, great fighting scenes, has some a bit more gore-y, nswf-ish scenes, but it really fit well with the theme. One of the more popular this seasons and it deserves it ^^ I love the characters. (and Miyano Mamoru’s voice in the ending song is a blessing *-*)
Neko: It has really good story and a bit of everything: romance, fighting, supernatural... It shows two people from different worlds (even different species?) overcoming all the obstacles to be together and also a lot of blood.
Kitsune: At some times I kinda felt a little bit annoyed with Tsukasa because of her actions BUT the whole anime is really good and I would recommend it to anyone who likes the combination of romance and action. The plot is deep and well explained so it’s a real treat to watch it.
Dorei-ku The Animation
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K: Not the biggest fan, but the plot is interesting enough to make me want to watch more.
Neko: It’s intersting. It shows a lot of sides one person can have and how easy it is to change when you gain some power. I only wanted for the dog to get his revenge though XD
Kitsune: The idea of this anime is really interesting but I kinda felt disappointed for not seeing the complete dark and twisted possibilities that the device they use offers. Maybe the manga goes deeper into that points as the story goes on.
Dragon pilot: Hisone to Masotan
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K: A really interesting idea, has dragons, amusing characters and a great ending song ^^
Neko: I really like this anime. Idea is great and it really surprised me because I really didn’t think it will be deep anime because it was really fun but it is and it is great. And it has dragons!
Kitsune: Really cute and different style of animations that made me fall in love with this anime from the start! I like it how the characters are developing through  the story and cope with their problems.
Golden Kamuy
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K: Even though it has a lot of killing and maybe gruesome scene, the plot is intriguing and always made me wait for the new episode with anticipation. I can’t wait for the next season ^^
Neko: I love this anime. It has a serious plot but it’s still funny. Story is really interesting and characters are really loveable! I should mention it has a lot of fighting and killing. It is one of my favorites this season.
Kitsune: Many praises to this one, it has everything that a good anime has to offer! (except for the bear in the first episode lol, poor thing looked like it came from an other dimension)
Hina festival
Neko: It’s cute and funny and sarcastic. It’s about an overpowered girl who doesn’t really know anything about life living with her adoptive father with shady business and people around them
Jikken-kin Kazoku
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K: This is amazing! It really needs more popularity. I love their soft interactions. A weird but loving family ^^
Neko: I love it! it is heartwarming and beautiful.
Kitsune: A cute story about a weird family that tries to find their place in the society :)
Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits
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K: A really good romance, food, cute and heartwarming stories, a bunch of hot guys, actually capable and most of the time useful main girl, what more can you ask for! I love it.
Neko: This is also one of my favorites. It has similar style as kamisama hajimemashita and other slow burn romances. Characters are loveable and the story is interesting!
Kitsune: Weeee more food in animes! Also, we finally get to see some other world experience other than getting sucked into video games xD
Last hope
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K: I didn’t have much of an opinion about it at first, but I got hooked with each episode even more and started liking the characters. The mecha/animal combinations are interesting and even though the villain is a bit typical so far, its a good anime. I love it more and more with each episode ^^
Neko: At the begining it was just weird, but after a while it got a bit easier to understand. I think that you need patience for this anime? I like characters so it was good enough for me
Kitsune: Have you ever wondered what would it look like if a whale merged with a bulldozer? Then this is the right place for you xD An awesome mecha anime with tons of good-looking guys is waiting just for you!
Layton’s Mystery Detective Agency
Neko: I like this anime. At forst I thought it was made for the children, but the clues are really hard to get and the cases are really original and interesting so I think it is for everyone who likes detective anime with bright character ^^  
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
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K: I heard a lot of bad things about it before I started watching it, but I really like it! The story is interesting, I love the battles, the characters are complex and the animation is amazing! So this is one of my favorites ^^
Neko: I am not really fan of it, but not because it is bad it’s just not my type. I don’t like when I have to use my brain too much so listening to their war plans is really hard for me XD I do love the characters and I think it is great anime if you are into this genre ^^
Kitsune: Although many had their doubts about this remake of the old anime version, I must say that I can’t see anything that could be considered “bad”. The new art style brings joy to the eyes and the story is marvelous!
Lost song
Neko: I love the story even though it is confusing at the end. It’s really beautiful and emotional ^^
Magical Girl Ore
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K: Ummm, is there anything to say? Boy love, girl love, straight couples and none of the above, lots of humor, sometimes makes no sense, but is always entertaining. Sometimes I found a bit too much, but in the end, it’s a great laugh and an interesting idea for a plot.
Neko: I honestly don’t know how i feel about this anime. It is funny and weird. Sometimes it feels like a parody and sometime it looks like it has an actual plot. I really don’t know.
Kitsune: Weird. At first xD but at the same time interesting and funny. Some might call it cringey but if you get over some things this anime warps, you get an interesting story that makes you smile each time you see a girl transform into a guy xD
Magical Girl Site
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K: Definitely not what I expected, but I ended up really liking the story ^^ It has a lot of blood, bullying, suicide and other thing so it’s not for everybody, but the plot is worth it all. Don’t give up after the first episode, it’s really interesting.
Neko: I like dark magical girls anime because they usually have a deeper meaning. I was really shocked at the first episode, it is really brutal, but story is really great! It has a lot of nasty stuff so I wouldn’t recommend it to everyone.
Kitsune: We all thought that there is no anime that can shock us anymore but this one definitely proved us wrong. “Cute” animations and a tad bit of yuri say that this anime isn’t your everyday shoujo story. 
My Sweet Tyrant
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K: Extremely cute, funny, lasts 3 minutes. Cuties (❀◦‿◦)
Neko: It is really cute and short ^^
Kitsune: very sweet short story :3
Persona 5 The Animation
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K: Another of the favorites! Amazing story, characters, animation and music *-* The soundtrack is constantly playing while I’m studying. Oh, yea, you can watch it regardless of the previous seasons, but it could make you want to watch everything and play all the games, so beware ;)
Neko: This anime is one of my favorites this season ^^ I like the animation and plot. I love it!
Kitsune: Still daydreaming about seeing the game to come on the PC!
Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori
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K: The best thing when you need something warm, calming and full of feelings. They are all so cute! And I really want to try their coffee... and tea and sweets *-*
Neko: I love how therapeutic their shop is! Characters are cute and they all deal with everyday struggles and eat delicious food. It is great and relaxing anime ^^
Kitsune: Food, coffee, tea and beautiful guys? I wish there would be a similar cafe in my place xD
Space Battleship Tiramisu
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K: I have no words  😂 I died laughing. The humor can get too much, but it’s still hilarious.
Neko: I guess it is funny just not my type of funny. It lasts a few minutes and is made to make you laugh. I guess people will either like it or not.
Kitsune: I don’t think there was even one episode that made sense to me but the main guy is funny xD you can literary watch each episode separately because the plot in them is not that connected
SAO Alternative: GGO
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K: You can watch it even without previously watching sao ^^ It’s filled with action, a lot of battles and strategies, the plot stays the same throughout most of the episodes, but it still keeps you interested so I liked it a lot.
Neko: I guess everyone who watches SAO will like this. It is in the same style only with a different story and characters. Plot and characters are really interesting
Tada Never Falls in Love
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K:  Amazing romance story, it has a lot of feels and interesting characters, I didn’t think I’d like a romance anime this much, but it’s really really good ^^ It also has a lot of funny and cute moments.
Neko: I think this is great romace anime. I really love characters and their interactions :)
Kitsune: A lovely and romantic story for relaxing and bring a smile upon your face. Also has a lot of cats!
The Scales of Nil Admirari
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K: Since I’m an otome lover, I’ll always watch these anime and not feel bad about it, so for me, this is good! The characters are really cute and good-looking! As the episodes go on, the plot gets more ridiculous, especially the last few, but it did make me laugh (even when it probably shouldn’t) but I liked it ~
Neko: Sometimes I feel the plot doesn’t make sense, but that actually makes me laugh so I quite like this anime. I guess that people who like anime versions of otome will like it just like me.
Kitsune: A classic otome-turned-into-anime. Lovable characters and an interesting plot.
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
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K: I love this! The interactions between the characters are cute and interesting and they can be very relatable. If you don’t mind fujoshi’s, a lot of cosplays, weird, but somehow perfect relationships, this is amazing for you ^^
Neko: I like this kind of anime so I can only praise it. If you are like anime that are everyday life romance between weird people you should watch it and if not you will not like it  ┐(︶▽︶)┌
Kitsune: I have no idea what to say anymore other than what Neko and Kurohime already said xD It is good, watch it if you like romace xD
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onestowatch · 5 years ago
From Linkin Park to ‘the beautiful struggle,’ Welcome to the Life of Naaz [Q&A]
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If you haven't met the bubbly inspiration Naaz just yet, boy do we have a surprise for you. The musical ball of light released her EP the beautiful struggle earlier this fall, and we haven't been able to stop listening to it since. Pairing enlightening songs with mind-bending visuals, the Netherlands-based singer burst onto the pop scene with an unmatched zesty ardor that is inspiring listeners and her fans alike in more ways than one.
Ones to Watch was graced with the opportunity to speak with her about the beautiful struggle, her upcoming tour with Melanie Martinez, her ideal Halloween costume, and so much more. Hello world, meet Naaz. 
OTW: When I first listened to your music I was taken off guard. Every song I played brought forth this very specific feeling, like an inexplicable desire to jump out of my chest. It was like your music was screaming out to me, "Be heard! Make sure they hear you and know who you are!" Your music truly holds this sense of awakening, and I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling that way. So I wanted to start off by asking you about your journey into awakening your own voice. How did Naaz begin?
Naaz: Honestly that is so sick, I’m happy that my music creates that kind of reaction in you, especially because everything I do is created kind of subconsciously, I don’t feel like I think a lot about what I make.. it just kind of happens and then I’m like oh that makes sense, I suppose my subconscious wants to tell me something about myself? Maybe SHE wants to be heard and now your subconscious is doing the same to you!! A chain reaction has begun...
Naaz began as a girl with a big mouth, I’ve always had a lot to say and a major big fantasy. I wrote little books as a kid and slowly they turned into songs simply because they felt like songs when I read them out loud. I’ve always just made whatever gave me butterflies. That’s really all I’m chasing in life, feeling those butterflies... music gives me the same feeling as falling in love does, and that’s the whole reason I started making it. As a kid growing up, I was bummed how I didn’t get as many crushes anymore growing up, so I looked for different ways to feel warm inside, and it was music. Love you forever music. Yes.
OTW: What are some people or instances that really inspired your desire to start making music?
Naaz: I remember watching Linkin Park perform on MTV or something when I was a kid. My brothers told me they wrote and composed their music themselves and that absolutely blew my mind ever since I found out not everybody does that (which broke my heart at the time, which I respect now because I see the difference and art between a writer and a performer). I wanted to be able to do that too, so I started writing and googling websites to “make beats for free” (laughter). Lorde and Tove Lo definitely inspired me to start producing as well, I appreciate them forever, and ever. Never forget who inspired you... they are just as much your parents as your actual parents. They deserve more credit! No, you did NOT do this all by yourself, everyone is always inspired by whatever, that’s something to respect!
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OTW: Creativity seems to flow off of you so effortlessly. How does a typical session of creating music with you go?
Naaz: I usually write down everything I think or feel, even if it’s simple thoughts like, “I need coffee.” Anything, truly anything, can be inspirational. You can literally write a song about every scenario ever and make it interesting (I believe). I just start gibberishing and sometimes I already sing lyrics that make sense. I believe that’s when my subconscious is trying to tell the world something through my little shell of a body. Writing is very natural to me because my brain goes so fast and is so full, I feel loads of butterflies when I write; it’s my favorite thing in the world. I hope I die writing something beautiful.
OTW: Do you have any specific habits or routines that you absolutely need to do before you write? 
Naaz: I have branded coffee in my mind to be a magical drink. I try to never drink coffee unless I’m in the studio, I’ve made myself believe that once coffee has been drunk, magic will be made.
OTW: What do you want your fans to get from the beautiful struggle?
Naaz: There is a lot of unintended concept art going on with this project, I didn’t really notice all this cohesiveness until recently, but that’s what I mean with trusting your subconscious. My heart wanted this all along, and then it happened as I put a piece of myself in everything I made... I want them to listen to the EP in chronological order beginning till end and realize how everything is connected. I want them to see how all the artworks are intended to look like extremely digital classical paintings. I want them to find the layers in my visuals. I want them to see how my microphone artwork is inspired by ancient Roman art but also by manga. I want them to see the reference between my microphone art and the “its not you it’s me” artwork, and why it’s important that it’s based on Botticelli’s painting of Venus. There! Now they must see it! Unless I did a bad job. But luckily, art is forever subjective so I win anyway (laughter).
OTW: While we're on deeper feelings and meanings, take any verse from any song in the upcoming album. What is the verse and what does it mean to you? 
Naaz: “everything feels new again
I know that’s quite impossible
but you make it feel possible
a feeling is just as real as reality
(proud of me)”
This one is very important to me. I always like to feel brand new. Everyday, I am new again. But you can’t be new AGAIN, but then also you can... with this new EP, I like to believe I’ve created a new sound for myself and that is what I wanted, a different bit of Naaz. Like I told everyone from the start with my name, you will always see bits of Naaz, always a different one. I wrote this song midnight after Teofrans (the producers) and I finished making “Do You?,” which is my favorite song I ever wrote. I was so proud and emotional I turned my struggle into something beautiful. That “proud of me” just flew out of us... my midnight forever song ❤️
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Photo: Peggy Kuiper
OTW: From your own personal studio to the stage, there's an amazing sense of passion that fans and listeners are instantly drawn to. What was your first live performance ever like?
Naaz: It was a festival in Rotterdam, my hometown. I wasn’t nervous because I had mentally accepted I wasn’t great, so anything would just help me become better. A strange coping mechanism that calms me down to this day. I was very chill about it. Very pragmatic, like, “Ok you will grow, step by step.” I just like to live the lyrics on stage. It can be unhealthy as I can torture myself with my own words, but it makes me feel real.
OTW: A little birdie told us that you'll be touring with Melanie Martinez this upcoming year! That's so huge and exciting! What was your initial reaction to the tour?
Naaz: Ohhhh what an informative bird!! It’s like those post birds back in the day, kudos. My reaction.... well, I didn’t think I’d get it, so I didn’t think about it at all. Until it was confirmed, I was with friends and I just shrieked. Literally. Melanie was my studio reference back when she released her first music. I used to make music quite similar to her (unreleased). She is a creative genius. I’m honored she chose me.
OTW: What are some things you miss about home while being out on tour?
Naaz: I miss my own cooking (laughter). This isn’t even cocky. If you know what you like, of course, you’ll make it for yourself (laughter). Ok yes but yea I miss my family and friends a lot, and my bedroom. I’m very sensitive about the way things look around me. I turned my room into everything I love. It looks like Mexico, because that’s a place that just looks like everything that makes me feel like life is beautiful. I hate hotel rooms but I love the people in it, so after all, I’m fine and happy on tour.
OTW: What are some things you're looking forward to about this upcoming tour?
Naaz: I can’t wait to have little eye contact romances with the crowd. There’s always some faces you come back to. Other than that, I’m happy I can be with Daan (my drummer) everyday. He is my best friend and used to be my drum teacher. We have the greatest times together. The whole crew is just the funniest bunch of people. Bless everyone!!
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OTW: If you had to describe your music in the form of food, what dish would it be?
Naaz: Biryani!! It’s a kurdish dish of rice with loads of herbs, spices, chicken, and veggies. I am just, a lot of things. I’m a lot. But also very delicious. Taste me through a listen to the beautiful struggle!!!
OTW: What was your childhood nickname?
Naaz: Nana, my mom calls me that :)
OTW: Pineapples on pizza. Greatest invention or most heinous crime?
Naaz: I respect the creativity (nice safe, huh?)
OTW:  If you had absolutely no limitations, what would your ideal Halloween costume consist of?
Naaz: I wanna be Rapunzel for a day.
OTW: Favourite lyric of all time and why?
Naaz: Lorde - liability because I feel like that song sometimes except for that I push myself away instead so I don’t have a girl to come home to and dance with
‘’So I guess I'll go home
Into the arms of the girl that I love
The only love I haven't screwed up
She's so hard to please
But she's a forest fire
I do my best to meet her demands
Play at romance, we slow dance
In the living room, but all that a stranger would see
Is one girl swaying alone
Stroking her cheek’’
OTW: Who are your Ones to Watch?
Naaz: Luwten! A dutch girl. She is one of the coolest artists we have and she deserves much more love. Check out ‘Go Honey’ and tell me it isn’t iconic!!!
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moon-boat · 8 years ago
I love your Stardew Valley art it is amazing. I especially love how you draw Shane. I would love to show you how I draw him, but that's up to you, I don't think the drawings are good enough to be posted online. But I must ask, was Harvey your first pick when you started the game? Or was it Shane? I know Shane and Isamar are BFF's but how did that work out?
hi! yea show me how you draw shane!! :D my first pick was Harvey
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launzine · 7 years ago
Hilo Miami! I have decided to reappropriate this blog by changing the "L.A." to "la" ok? This is now "La Un Zine, Miyami Style" or whatever we'll see but Miami has been pretty fresh lately. I had the wild privledge of being part of the Tatsuya Nakatani Gong Orchestra this past week with 14 of Miami's finest musicians. I recognized all of them from not only various exceptional local bands but also from some of the toughest and most necessary cultural community work. Also all but 2 were women. The only criteria should have been to be the best drummer in town you say? I overheard someone say something like this and add "like what's a popular rapper doing up there?". Well I was very inspired to answer this question by the end of the night. I saw this rapper they were referring to, Tara Long AKA Poorgrrrl (who has never referred to herself as a rapper btw) take on the biggest gong of all and go from 0 to hero with dat shit. We we're all sweating and struggling with it I'd say just about equally. Afterall, Tatsuya pretty much invented how to play gongs with bows so there is no way anyone who hadn't already learned it from him had any real clue...But damn Tara!!! Killled it with the bass gong. You can totally assume this kind of commitment to a dope and sincerely unique experience from listening to Poorgrrrl, where she destroys the structures of most rap and hip hop music ever by creating a new landscape by alternating between talking and singing and ranting into trances that keep you close and the words and intentions brutally clear the entire time. It's very bold to say the least and you know what else is? Being a woman anywhere in or around the Miami music scene today. Here are the things most local dude bands typically have to worry about: -Making a lot of money at their jobs -Finding the right marketing company to make them look hot -Not making toooo much an ass of themselves in front of club personel where they will seek shows to get on -Not making music that's too gay, but if it is you might be invited to play drag night. Here are some things women musicians in the Miami have to worry about: -Being shorted, swindled and degraded by the typical promoter or bar owner -Reinforncing gender roles with your musical style (especially for larger or family friendly audiences) -Sexual Harrasment -Never showing weakness -Having anywhere to play they haven't experienced some sort of harrasment that no one did anything about -Emphasizing your demand for respect by showing extra class and stern looks -Going out like this quite often so that you can even get the chance to talk to these bookers, promoters ect -Knowing any bookers here who won't forever think of you as a nice little opener because you are little different, no matter how many tours you go on or how much progress you make in every other city -Often, like in the case of Tara and myself, having to run your OWN space where you have to worry about paying the rent, cleaning a large space fullof rowdy individuals, and not gettign arrested (Tara does in fact do all of this on top of hosting of the best underground touring artists at her spot). -Often resulting to promoting yourself, as well as touring acts that may not mean anything to anyone down here on the isolated island of Miami (comes with an extra side of being a great flyer artist, review writer and friendly, popular community leader NBD!) -Working your ass off at your jobs (where you probably deal with more harrasment) to make sure you have plenty of money to deal with such aspects like recording and distributing your music, booking your tours and all this properly and without any funny business but of course, if you have to deal with a dude and he's attracted to you, your doomed for heavy and completely regretful experience regardless. -Looking good on camera or if not being an easy target for ridicule -Probably making evverything else on your own, merch, logos, music videos,album art, because no "favor" is ever truly free -And then after doing alll of this yourself, even the men you do work with closely who see you working so hard everyday, when seeing you finally succeed in anything ask "How'd you do it?" or "Who'd you hire?". -Overall taking annnyy opportunity ever is actually offered to you, no matter how far off from your goal, and rockin the shit out of it so maybe one of lo big bois watching won't ignore your booking request next time. So yea.. She showed them! But I wanted to write about it anyway cuz it was, as Rat Bastard (the only man trusted by Tatsuya to arrange this 15 person orchestra) would say "CLASSIC". And i'm feeling really grateful for her today.. and Rat and the other badass women ripped that gong challenge, and of course Rat for knowing what's up. CATCH POORGRRRL LIVE @ ART BASEL : TBD SPINELLO PROJECTS OPENING Dec. 9 - Rakastella Festival
Video by the wonderful Andrew Chadwick
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