#yea like i guess that’s what i’m saying the post just seemed meaner than it needed to be
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blossombloodcurse · 1 year ago
tabletops are fun :)
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chicken-noodle-slytherin · 5 years ago
Part one of two.
Draco Malfoy x Mudblood Slytherin!Reader
Tw: swearing, slight angst
A/n: I haven't posted in a while so I decided to make a two parter.
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"I hate that blonde prick." Hermione says, angrily chopping up some lavendar. Draco Malfoy just made a very loud remark about how that even Amortentia won't make anyone like her. Seeing as she seems to have more friends than Malfoy, who just has goons, I find that hard to believe.
"Really? I honestly couldn't have guessed." I say, throwing in some peppermint and stirring until the liquid inside the cauldron turns green.
"How are you even in the same house as him? You're so much better than anyone in that house. You're not even a pureblood. You're the first muggleblood admitted in deacades." Hermione says, eying the potion to make sure I'm doing it right. "Hermione you have brung this up every day since we first got sorted, what was it, 5 years ago?" I recalled.
"Yeah? It's still shocking to me. Slytherins are known as the 'pureblood house' for a reason. You should've been in Ravenclaw." She states, looking irritated.
"I'm not that smart Hermione. Speak for yourself, you're the smartest in the whole class grade." I say as she throws in the crocodile heart while I continue to stir.
"Yeah, but still you're not completely dumb unlike Crabbe or Goyle." She jokes, staring down my hand for any stirring mistakes. She was serious about getting good grades, and it honestly didn't hurt for her to help if I do make a mistake.
"Yeah. I think if I wasn't Slytherin I would be a Gryffindor though, after all they are pretty similar. Though I still don't like the whole rivalry thing. They're practically the same house, Gryffindor is just considered brave because they do things without thinking of themselves, while Slytherin puts themselves and their friends into the equation." I say, watching the liquid in the cauldron turn blue.
"That's rude," Hermione huffs.
"I'm just being honest. I mean, Harry is the most Gryffindor person that I know of, minus the founder, and he really only thinks of himself sometimes. I mean, look at how many times you have gotten in trouble or could have with him." I say, putting down the spoon on the table.
"Yes, but I did those willingly with him because he's my friend." She says, looking around to see if anyone else was done.
"And I get that, but he's also putting you in wreckless danger a lot of the time." I try to correct her, but she doesn't budge.
"You're just trying to say Slytherin is better than Gryffindor." She says, watching my eyes.
"Not exactly, I'm just saying that they're very similar with key differences." I insisted.
Hermione rolls her eyes. "Sure."
Snape comes to our table and looks down into our cauldron of what is hopefully calming draught.
"Are you two finished, Miss Granger and y/l/n?" Snape asked.
Hermione cuts me off. "We have to wait 10 more minutes until it turns lighter." She corrects me before I could even say the wrong thing. I whisper a small thank you to her in return.
"I see." Snape says, then walks away.
"How do you deal with him?" She asks.
"Same way you do, but he kind of has an obligation to be nice because I'm in Slytherin. Only sort of." I state.
"True." She says, watching over the cauldron in front of us.
After Potions I didn't have any classes with Gryffindor, meaning I was unable to see Hermione, my closest friend. Luckily, I had classes with Hufflepuff, allowing me some time with kind people. I mean, as a mudblood in Slytherin, it can be harsh. Not the worst, but still, harsh.
As I walk to my next class, I notice Draco eying me up and down. He does that a lot, mainly because to him, I'm disgusting mudblood. I've gotten used to it by now.
"Hey, y/l/n!" He calls out, his goons behind him.
"What does mr. daddy's money want?" I roll my eyes.
"For you to be out of Slytherin, for one." He says, trying to catch up to my pace of walking, so I walk faster.
"For someone that hates me so much, you seem to be obsessed with me. I mean, calling out my name in the middle of the hallway, catching up to me? What are you going to do next, propose?" I say, grabbing hold of my wand at my side. He isn't usually prone to hex, but I wouldn't put it past him.
"Why would I ever want to marry a filthy little mudblood?" He smirks.
"Why would I ever want to marry a pompous asshole with horrible morals?" I say, looking forward. I don't like looking at him. Even his face disgusts me.
"You know I'm hot." He says. I nearly stop in my tracks to laugh.
"That's hilarious. I'm not one of the little girls who follow you around and act like they're in love with you because you have money, Malfoy. I actually see past the money, and clearly see that you're just a terrible person. Your personality can't even make up for lack of looks." I state, bearly able to contain my laughter.
"Shut up you mudblood!" He shouts, grabbing his wand.
"Fuck off Malfoy. What are you gonna do? Hex me?" I say, and immediately get shot with a spell and pass out. I don't remember what he was saying, but I do remember falling down.
I wake up to see Madam Pomfrey dabbing a warm cloth on my head. She stands back, and allows me to look around.
"Someone used flipendo on you, and you got knocked down one of the stairways. You're lucky Mr. Malfoy was there to save you from terrible damage." She states, very matter of factly.
I laugh. Why would Malfoy save me? He would rather all wizards with muggle parents die.
"No way." I chuckle. Madam Pomfrey looks at me weird and walks away. I look to the end of my bed to see Hermione.
"Hermione?" I ask. Of course it is, because she's honestly the only person who would care for me enough to check on me.
"Who?" She jokes, but a little sniffle comes out too.
"Are you okay?" I ask her and sit upright in my bed.
"I should be asking you that." She holds a tissue up to her nose.
"But I asked you first. What's wrong?" I look at her and wait for her response. She looks at me dumbfounded.
"What's wrong? I witnessed you fly down the bloody stairs!" She says. "Malfoy put a cushioning charm down before you landed but you passed out anyway. I couldn't believe it." She takes a long pause. "He carried you here. He freaking carried you here. He didn't say a word until he layed you down on the bed. He explained everything to Madam Pomfrey while I just cried. I thought you died!"
"He jinxed me! But he was the one that made me fly down the stairs! Why would he help me after he was the one to hurt me? I mean, he would get into less trouble. How did he say I fell down?" I ask. My thoughts were rushing through my head. Why did he save me? He could have let me die. That would be easier to explain.
"He said someone behind him jinxxed yoh but didn't see who it was because he was trying to save you. I thought he did. I mean, you are a Slytherin, why wouldn't he save you?" She states.
"Because I'm not pureblood, Hermione. What were you doing anyway? Why were you there?" I ask.
"We switched our potions books. You write all over yours." She says.
"I take notes in the margins in case I ever need to make it again." I shrug.
"And destroy a perfectly good book in the process." She says, sadly.
"I make it easier for myself in case I need to make it again." I pause. "But why would he save me? You know he's been my tormentor for years, not to mention yours too." I clarified.
"Yeah, but he's kind of obsessed with you, you know? He's meaner to you, but he's always finding ways to find you, and kind of stalks you. I mean, he knows you live in London. He knows your parents jobs. I wouldn't say he has a crush on you... but it seems that way." Hermione says, pissed off.
"Don't murderers find out where their victims live beforehand? If you ask me, he's just plain mean. And even if he did have a crush on me, which he doesn't, I wouldn't say yes if he asked me out." I state. I would absolutely say no, under every possible circumstance.
After a night in the hospital wing, I was free to go in the morning. No one stopped by all night after Hermione left, which was expected.
Once I changed into a fresh set of robes and started my first class of the day, charms with Hufflepuffs, I was fine.
Until I surprisingly got paired up with Malfoy. Flitwick is all for school unity, and I usually got paired up with a Hufflepuff for projects, though projects were rare.
"So, now that you have your partners assigned, I should probably have to tell you what you have to do." He chuckles. "Write and essay on how the charms, learned this semester, will help you with helping others. You and your partner will also show a demonstration on one example of helping others." He finishes. Oh boy. This will be a blast.
"Shit." I mutter to myself. Quite a few others do, too. I hate doing demonstrations, let alone with someone who I hate.
"Now, I will give you some class time to discuss and write with your partners. One scroll of parchment for each partner." He finshes. Everyone starts moving, besides me. I really do not want to do this.
"Y/L/N!" I hear Malfoy yell from across the room. I just want to sink into my seat and scream, but I walk towards him despite everything in my body telling me not to. He just almost killed me, and now I get to be paired up with him for a project. I mean, at the very least he's smart. Or has money to bribe the teachers. Either way, I'm getting a good grade.
I plop my things down on the seat next to him. He leans back in his chair and looks me in my eyes. His cold blue eyes didn't make me feel any less uneasy. They were harsh.
"Hey, uhm, y/n." He takes a deep breath in. "I'm sorry I made you fall down the stairs. Please don't tell anyone I carried you to the hospital wing." He says, looking around my face.
"And here I thought you were finally being nice to me. But all you care about is your reputation for being a 'bad boy'. Whatever Malfoy, you're too cliche. I'm not going to forgive you, but I certainly won't say to anyone that you carried me there. I mean, being touched by a pureblood? Disgusting." I say.
"What?" He stares at me in shock.
"What? You seem to think that mudbloods are so disgusting. Why can't I think purebloods are?" I say, smiling.
"That doesn't make any sense." He says.
"Neither does your thoughts about bloodlines. I mean, hell, you can't even tell what type of bloodline I am without talking to me or knowing me. None of your bullying rhetoric makes any sense. I mean, I know you're a prick and all, but for merlin's sake at least be able to pick a reason to bully others that makes sense." I state, pulling out a scroll of parchment.
He lets out a bit of a laugh. "You don't make any sense." He says.
"Wow, I've heard first years make a better comeback." I say.
"Yeah? Those are the only ones you're able to make friends with." He says, pulling out a scroll of his own.
"Speak for yourself. Only first years think you're scary. Hell, even the person you pushed down a flight of stairs isn't scared." I say, biting back.
"I-" He sighs. "I really am sorry about that, you know. I didn't mean to hurt you." He says.
"Yet you did. If you actually didn't mean to, you wouldn't have jinxed me at all." I say.
"I meant to scare you a little, not kill you." He looks around his parchment in thought.
"Thanks for the sentiment. You still hurt me." I say, grabbing my quill.
"I'm sorry for even jinxxing you, y/n." He says. I look over and see that he may actually mean that.
"Thank you." I reassured him.
"Fuck." He exclaims. I look back over to him.
"What?" I ask.
"I forgot my ink." He says.
"I have a spare ink pot." I dig through my things to try and find it, and when I do, I place it in front of him.
"You really don't have to." He pushes it away.
"It's a thank you for giving me a near death experience. Take it, it's yours." I say.
"Fine." He replies, and opens it angrily. I didn't know some one could be so angry at a gift the person they almost killed yesterday gave them.
Throughout the rest of the day went as normal. I talked to Hermione, but not about me getting paired up with Malfoy. She would just get mad at me for giving him ink and tell me that he wants to date me again. I absolutely don't want to date him. Do I?
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kyloxox · 8 years ago
Loving You (Peter Parker x plus size reader)
Warnings; Some cursing, asshole boyfriend, kissing
Notes; This is probably the last part of this imagine. I know it’s kind of short but I hope you like it. 
Part 1: https://fandomimagines131.tumblr.com/post/162033798757/thinking-of-you-peter-parker-x-plus-size-reader
Part 2: https://fandomimagines131.tumblr.com/post/162190354267/dreaming-of-you-peter-parker-x-plus-size-reader
Part 3: https://fandomimagines131.tumblr.com/post/162343874582/missing-you-peter-parker-x-plus-size-reader
Tagging: @wannabe-weasley   @
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Peter’s Pov
“She literally hates me now Ned.” I complained to my best friend. He turned to me and was about to speak but then Michelle interrupted.
“Yea well, you did ditch her to have 7 minutes in heaven with Liz" I turned to Michelle raising my eyebrows.
“7 minutes in heaven with Liz? What are you talking about.” My mind began to race. That’s why y/n said that I chose Liz over her. Oh god that’s why she hates me.
“That’s what y/n told me what happened. She said Evan saw you and Liz leave.”
“Well I didn’t I had to-” Ned nudged me in my arm to warn me to not say my secret “Umm, um get some fresh-h air.” Michelle just rolled her eyes at my lame attempt.
“Whatever happened, you better go talk to her about it. She can’t be with Brian he’s an asshole, and he’s turning her against us.” I just nodded my head as she got up and left our table. Then I turned my head when I heard laughter coming from the back of the hallway and I saw y/n and Brian making out. She looked so happy when she was with him, it made me sick to my stomach. That should be me with her. Then I turned my head back towards Ned who rolled his eyes at me, realizing I was staring at Y/n and Brian too long.
“Seriously Peter, you either need man up and tell her what really happened and hope she will forgive you. Or don’t tell what happened, live with having to see her with Brian everyday and try to forget about her.”
“That’s the problem I can’t forget about her. She as beautiful plump lips and those gorgeous y/e/c eyes. Her smile is so perfect. And her-”
“Alright Peter I get it, you really like her. So I guess you have to tell her the truth.”
“Yea like she’ll believe when I tell her I’m spiderman.”
“Hey Peter.“ I turned my head to who called my name.
“Hey Liz.” I politely waved to her then turned back to Ned.
“Can I sit?”
“Ummm I’m not trying to be rude, but I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Please I need to tell you something it’s about y/n.” I nodded my head and she sat down. “Alright I just want you to know I didn’t mean for any of this to happen but Brian had this whole plan to get y/n back, which included me and all his friends. His plan was to make it look like you left her for me and I’m sorry.”
“Whatever but come with me.” I got up and Liz followed me “We need to find y/n.”
Regular Pov
You really didn’t know what to think anymore. You still liked Peter but after what he did, it felt like you shouldn’t anymore. Also you had Brian, sure you loved him, but he just wasn’t what you wanted anymore. He got really weird after you both got together again, he became more possessive and meaner towards Peter.
He probably knew that you still liked Peter and knew that his plan didn’t work completely. Sure he got you back but he didn’t completely get you back. You walked out of the library with Brian and began to walk down the hallway. Then you heard someone calling your name and you both turned around to see Peter and Liz running your way. Peter ran up to you and hugged you which was awkward but Brian pushed Peter away.
“Y/n, please listen to Liz please.” He looked at you in the eyes pleading.
“Fine.” Liz then told you about Brian whole plan about getting you back. You then turned to Brian with tears in your eyes. How could he do this to you? He knew you were happy with Peter and he ruined it. He made Peter seem like the asshole but really he was the asshole.
“Brian in are they telling the truth?” he opened his mouth to say something but then closed it, looking down at the ground “I can’t believe you did that.”
“Y/n you don’t belong with a nerd, you belong with me.” you scoffed.
“I knew you had been acting weird since we started dating again.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Come on you don’t know what you’re talking about, you’ll have a better life dating me than a dork.”
“God can’t you just let go of your ego for like one minute.” He rolled his eyes “I don’t care what you say I’m done with you.”
“What? You can’t do that.”
“Yea well I am.”
“Sure you aren’t in a week you’ll come crying back to be me and crying about how much you miss being popular. Cause y/n let’s be honest if it weren’t for me you wouldn’t be popular, you would be a no body that people make fun of.”
“I don’t care, Brian. I think I finally realized that everything that I had to go through made me realize what I actually wanted.” Before Brian could say anything else, you took Peter and pulled him into a kiss. As you smashed your lips into his, his eyes widened but then closed as you began to kiss you back. You pulled back from the kiss and smiled at Peter who was a blushing mess.
“Now you’re going to get it Parker.” Brian then swung a punch at Peter but blocked it with his hand and pushed Brian back into the locker. Brian got up and swung many punches that Peter couldn’t block leading Peter to have a bloody nose, and many bruises.
Peter then swung many more punches at Brian causing him to fall to the floor. The bell rang signaling them to go to their next class. Peter went up to you. “Hey meet me after school at my house.” He kissed your cheek. You watched Peter walk down the hallway with a blush on your plump cheeks. You then looked down at Brian who groaned as he looked up at you and held his side.
“Bye Brian.” You laughed as you walked down the hallway to your next class.
During the last couple classes of the day you were so happy realizing that you finally had what you wanted from the beginning. Peter. You didn’t see him in the hallways after school ended, so you just started walking towards Peter’s apartment. You finally reached his door and before knocking you checked your hair. You then knocked on the door and a couple seconds later Peter answered the door.
He was shirtless and had an ice pack of this shoulder. You looked at his eyes then looked at his abs and then back to his eyes you stifled out a laugh of his expression. His eyes were wide and his face was bright red.
“Umm oh-oh I-I ummm…… I didn’t realize the time.”
You laughed “It’s fine Peter.” you lifted your hand over one of his bruises on his right bicep “Are you alright” Peter laughed nervously and his face became more red.
“Yea I’m fine.”
“That was cool, I never knew you could fight.”
He scratched the back of his neck “Thanks, umm do you want to go back to my room.” You nodded your head and followed Peter into his room. When you both got in his room you told him to sit down so you could help ice his bruises. You took an ice pack and started to ice his bruises.
“You know I thought someone like you could never like someone like me. I mean you dated one of the most popular guys in the school. Who had big muscles and abs…..”
“Well you aren’t doing too bad yourself, Parker.” You laughed as he blushed.
“But still, I was just a nerd who liked Star Wars, read books and didn’t know anything about girls, but then I realized you were so much more than a pretty popular girl, we had a lot in common.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m pretty…” You blushed.
“I think you’re beautiful….and smart….and amazing.” Peter said as he pushed a piece of your hair out of your face. He then leaned in and placed a kiss on your lips. He then took his hand and caressed your cheek. He then he grabbed your hair in his hands and pulled you further into him. You lightly moaned at the sensation. You then pulled back from the kiss.
“I wouldn’t say you were that bad with girls.” You both laughed.
Then you continued to help ice his bruises. He was laying on the bed but he then sat up. “Thanks.” he smiled at you and you smiled back. “Hey could you grab me a shirt from my closet.” you nodded and got up from the bed. You went over to his closet and opened it. Something then fell out of the top and you caught it. It was raveled into a ball but it looked like a spiderman suit. So you then held it out and it unraveled into a spiderman suit.
“Hey, I didn’t know you did spiderman cosplay. This is just like his suit.”
“Oh yea-a, spiderman-n cosplay, that’s what-t that is.”
“It’s totally cool.” Then a voice came from the suit that surprised you ‘Hello Peter, you have 576 possible web combinations.’
“Something tells me this isn’t cosplay.” Peter scratched the neck of his neck and chuckled.
“Well……” he started fiddling with his fingers and then he looked up to see your smirking face.
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