#yea i make the same joke over and over again but anyone that got a problem with that can be goblin
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Jiji's revenge
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noisilyscreechingsong · 11 months ago
“The what?”
Danny and Duke had been having a pretty okay day. Duke got a ridiculous packet to complete from his professor, and Danny tripped down the stairs in the library, causing a ruckus that got everyone’s attention.
So yea, everything was going well until they decided to push their luck and go to a new coffee shop a bit further away. It wasn’t the coffee shop itself, but the goons that came out of nowhere to kidnap Tim Drake-Wayne who was getting an order to go, which turned into a gang fight in the middle of the street.
Danny and Duke, along with Tim, ended up sheltered behind a car and missed the opportunity to bunker down inside the shop.
“Well, this isn’t what I planned today,” Tim comments.
“Same,” Danny agrees.
“Maybe we can wait it out?” Duke suggests.
The other two give a look that says that it was not going to happen.
“Rock, Paper, Scissors for peeking,” Danny says, already holding out his fist.
They look at Duke.
Peer Pressure works and he groans with clear discomfort at the situation.
Duke loses. A bullet whizzes past his head.
“Nope! Nope. Not doing that again.”
Tim rolls his eyes at the dramatics, but with Danny still there he bit his tongue.
“What’d you see?”
Duke looks at Tim like he’s crazy.
“Lots of people with guns,” he answers hysterically.
“Need a hand?”
Red Hood had swung down from the nearest rooftop, hand gun in both hands. He pops off three shots before having to duck behind the car with them.
“Hood, what are you doing here? This isn’t Crime Alley,” Tim asks like they bumped into each other at the supermarket.
Hood shrugs, “Close enough.”
“Oh sweet, can I borrow that?” Danny randomly asks.
Before anyone can question what he was talking about he was already reaching out to take the handgun off of Hood’s thigh.
Danny turns to look over the car’s hood and pulls the trigger. Nothing happens.
The others pull him back quickly. He winces at the hard fall to his tailbone.
“Holy crap! Danny!”
“Dude, are you trying to get yourself killed?”
“What is wrong with you?”
“Hey!” Danny interrupts their freak out. “It’s not my fault his gun is broke.”
“The safety is still on, idiot,” Hood tilts his head.
“The what?” Danny asks in genuine confusion.
The three brothers all pause and look at him.
“The safety? On the gun? So there isn’t a misfire?” Tim explains. He was stuck between shocked and judgmental.
“This is why people who don’t know how to shoot shouldn’t touch guns,” Hood says in frustration while reaching to take it away.
Danny pulls it back out of reach.
“I know how to shoot, thanks. My parent’s weapons just don’t have safety things. I’m not used to it,” he grumbles.
“What do you-“
But Danny was already finding the safety and flicking it off before trying again. This time he hits two goons, one in the shoulder and another in the leg.
The batboys glance at each other.
“So,” Hood tries to be casual, “what do your parents do?”
“They’re scientists,” Danny answers, mainly focused on shooting another person dressed in a mask, “but they make their own weapons.”
“Are they by any chance mad scientists? Or borderline rogues?” Duke asks as half a joke.
“Of course not,” Danny answers. Then he pauses to actually think about it. “I don’t think so.”
“Cool. That’s fine.”
After that Danny had a few more ‘meet and greet’s with the local vigilantes and saw some lingering shadows around their apartment. They had the weirdest questions about his family.
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jnnul · 1 year ago
dating karina (aespa)
word count: 870 words a/n: uhh i've been in a karina state of mind lately i could've made this at least 8k words but i didn't... genres: fluff and nsfw content
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gif creds: @sunghanbin
the one that you need to know about jimin is that she is a selfish lover
and i mean that in every sense of the word
she is SO incredibly possessive
will absolutely get upset if she feels like she's sharing your love with literally anyone or anything
in fact, she probably asked you out because she got jealous af
aka she was trying to court you and you kept friend-zoning her
"omg you got me flowers and perfume? you're such an amazing friend, jimin!"
one day, she catches you with a box of chocolates that she definitely did not get you
and she loses it
"y/n, who got you this? they probably poisoned it. idk. you should throw it out. i think it went bad. oh wait it's ugly. throw it away."
will buy you a box of chocolate double the size
and seeing her jealous is what finally makes things click in your head
but you like seeing her so possessive over you so you pretend that you don't know what she's saying
until she finally summons all of her courage and asks you out formally
and oh, if you thought that her crushing on you was intense, it TRIPLES when you start dating
openly flirts with you everywhere. in front of everyone.
will call you beautiful/handsome/gorgeous and will glare at anyone who doesn't agree with her (platonically, ofc)
will scream from the rooftops that she's head over heels for you
but beyond all of that, she loves so hard
jimin genuinely believes that you were the one to hang the stars in the sky
she really asks for nothing in your relationship except for never giving her a reason to think that you don't like her
highkey, she's a loser
i mean that
like you could just sit in her lap when she games and she would think that you're the sexiest person she's ever laid eyes on
it could be overbearing just HOW into you she is if she wasn't so loser??
like yea, she's super possessive and will stink eye anyone looking at you weird when you're dressed up all sexy
but then she'll look at you with those big boba eyes because she forgets the entire world when you look at her
highkey thinks that you're out of her league??
like in her head, she games 29/8, wears glasses, wears the same wrinkled shirt for days on end, is super shy when you first meet her, etc.
not to mention the fact that she's aware that she's so incredibly in love with you
so it can hurt her in the beginning when you don't know how to show her just how much you love her
like you're just AWKWARD but she doesn't get that
but literally just tell her and she will fall like a lovesick puppy all over again
is such a gentlewoman omg
doesn't let you pay for anything, spoils you rotten, and loves nothing more than to tell you how much she loves you
will not break up with you. like once you're with her, you're with her for lyfe.
[nsfw content below.]
she likes dressing you up in the prettiest sets, watching you model them for her bc she likes seeing how shy you get
is it controversial if i said she would make you wear a collar?
doesn't matter how big or small you are, you will always find yourself on her lap
she likes making you ride her thigh??
like she likes watching you try to get yourself her without even lifting a finger
again with the whole i want you to love me as much as i love you thing
especially if you're wearing her clothes??
will get clothes 9x too big just bc she likes seeing you swaddled in her clothes, using her to get yourself off
but you can't. ofc you can't.
she honestly would make you feel so good that you physically wouldn't be able to get off w/o her helping you
will mark you everywhere
i'm not joking
you'll wake up looking like you got mauled by bear from the hickeys on your neck
she likes spanking you for the same reason
her handprint on your ass is pretty much permanent atp
is dominant the whole time (and it's very very rare that she gives up control) and loves making you melt in her arms
her goal is always to make you feel so good that you can't speak, just clawing at her for more
more what? who knows. but she'll give it to you, that's for sure.
is very kinky and probably enjoys fantasies of a lot of darker kinks but is very scared of pushing you past your limits
just the sheer volume of dark dark fantasies that she finds herself getting off to the idea of subjecting you to scares her
aftercare is superb
never fails to clean you up, wait for you to come back to her, and always snuggles the absolute best fr fr
she's a sweetie who fucks real good (a keeper fr)
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chrissy-kaos · 6 months ago
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**Health update**
So I never wanted to make another post like this but here I am.. I was hoping to just get better and never bring it up again.
To get those of you up to speed. I was diagnosed with CKD back in late 2021. I’ve been battling that for a while now. I’m actually doing really well in that regard. During a routine MRI in Nov 2023 for my kidneys we found what looked to be a hepatic steatosis and splenomegaly. It was later determined and I was diagnosed with hepatic tumors and splenomegaly. I also had a fairly large gallstone and what appeared to be a tumor/cyst on my gallbladder. We decided it was just better to remove my GB and the tumors all at the same time. So in January of this year I had laparoscopic cholecystectomy/tumor removal. That’s what the scars on my stomach are from. The tumors were tested and were benign. That was a huge relief. But it left my liver fairly damaged. I wasn’t to concerned about because your liver can and will heal itself. I recovered well and felt great.
Fast forward 9 months. I wasn’t feeling very well. So I made an appointment with my PCP and she wanted me to do a bloodwork panel. This is normal. We actually do blood once a month but really only check kidneys, thyroid, and hormones. So I did the panel and when the test results came in my Dr called me immediately. She ordered another AST/hepatic function panel for my liver, kidneys and pancreas.
After those test results came in she had me come to her office. I was met with her and a Hepatologist. They broke the news to me that unfortunately my liver not doing well according to the bloodwork. My pancreas/kidneys are actually pretty ok rn which is cool. But my total bilirubin is 1.4 mg/dl. At 1.5 mg/dl total bilirubin is where we really start looking at the possibility of Cirrhosis. If you don’t know what that is. Google it. Now I’m not saying I have this rn but it seems to be looking that way 🫤
They were telling me they could see my bilirubin trending up over the course of the past few months of bloodwork. Also previously being diagnosed with Splenomegaly which is a tell tale sign of Cirrhosis apparently. They’re pretty sure I have it or will have it. They want to run more tests and see how bad or good it is and we’ll go from there. It seems like they have a pretty good plan. Also for those of you that are going to say get a second opinion.. I got a second and a third. They said the same thing go figure..
So again I find myself going in and out of the hospital again. I don’t wish this life upon anyone. It’s not fun. Being chronically/terminally ill is no fucking joke. If it’s not one thing it’s another. It’s tiring and I’m soo tired. Honestly I can’t wait until it’s all over.. forever.
Anyway I figured I’d give you a bit of an update on my health and such. A lot of you ask in my DMs. It’s hard to answer everyone so a post like this gets it out there. But yea if you made it this far thank you and I love you 🫶🏻
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vandal-flower · 1 month ago
Take Me For Granted
Aiku Oliver x Reader.
Bring Your Plus One Event
Invitation Details: You get cheated on by your so-called boyfriend while attending the Valentines party. With nothing to do, you decide to leave, only to be stopped by Aiku Oliver, the infamous bachelor of the soccer world. Does he intend to make you his side-piece, or is there something more to this?
Warnings: Both reader and Aiku get cheated on, Aiku's age gets joked on, kissing (not Reader or Aiku.)
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You wanted to feel hurt. You really did.
To see your boyfriend,- now ex-boyfriend, kissing another girl right in front of you. It's clear that he didn't care about you, but to see it right before your eyes...It left a taste in your mouth. Very bitter.
He was clearly enjoying himself seeing how he looked at you, and looked right back at her, continuing the kiss. You could only shiver in disgust. Who the hell does that?
You retreat to your one of your sources of comfort and happiness.
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A smile grows on your face. Without them you really wouldn't have known what to do, in the past and now. You tuck your phone back into your pocket and prepare to leave. There's no purpose of you being here anymore.
As you get up from your seat, an arm wraps around your shoulder. Before you let your flight-or-fight instincts kick in, you look to see who it is.
The shaggy purple hair with lime tips, along with the facial hair, and heterochromatic eyes. It looked as if they were glowing. Aiku Oliver.
"What's a fine like you doing all by yourself. You do know it's a Valentine's party?", despite his friendly tone, his eyes looked akin to a predator about to catch its prey. You don't have time for this.
"Yea, my boyfriend cheated on me, and I was about to leave until you stopped me. Can I go now? I have somewhere to be.", taking off the arm around you and taking your bag with you.
"You got cheated on too? Just my luck."
You let out a laugh, trying to fake it as a cough, only to fail. "What? You think it's unnatural for a guy like me to get cheated on?", as serious as the question sounded, the smile on his face proved otherwise.
"Yes, it is.", you placed a hand over your mouth, covering your smile. "You do know the reputation you have? You're infamous of your 'one-night stand relationships', Mr. Unobtainable."
"'One-night stand relationships?' The media exaggerates everything, whether it be if the sky is blue, or if the latest phone is the real deal or not.", he smirks, "my dating life is no different."
You sit back down on your chair. "This is coming from the same guy who was caught with two older women near the karaoke room when he was 19.", you recall how Mana was in your ears about Aiku Oliver and the '2-timing karaoke incident'.
How she ever got such information was none of your business.
His eyebrows twitched, "It happened years ago, I was young and bold. Can't a man have a little fun?", a deep chuckle left his mouth.
"If I didn't know any better, I would have thought you were divorced and had kids."
He turned to you, a look of nothing but, shock and horror. You couldn't help but laugh again, not bothering to hide it. "With the face you're making right now, you look as old as my friend's dad, you're just missing a few grey streaks."
You laugh harder as his frown deepens, "I'm aware of how much older I look, but to say I look like someone's father is really something else.", he collects himself, brushing a hand through his hair.
"Has anyone ever told you how mean you are?", he points at you with his index finger. "I only spoke my opinions, not my fault you took them to heart.", you joked.
It didn't take long for the two of you to descend in a friendly banter regarding his age, how he looks like someone's father and how he someone's mortgage to pay.
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"So, wanna go out sometime?", he leaned back in his chair, his manspread just as wide as his smirk. "You're the first person I've met so far who has been so...relaxed when talking to me."
"We've only been talking for about for over 30 minutes, and you're ready to jump into a relationship.", staring at his face and his ever-widening smirk. "You really are unhinged."
He gave a hearty laugh, "What? Can't a man have a little fun?", his voice more serious. "Besides, wouldn't it be fun if both our exes saw that we moved on, mainly your ex-boyfriend.", he pointed towards your ex on the couch, still making with the girl from earlier.
Ah, so she's Aiku's ex. How bold of her to cheat on a guy like him.
On any other day, you would have rejected the other, seeing it as child's play, 'you have to be the bigger person' kinda thing. But you feel tempted by his offer.
"Why don't I show you how that jerk took you for granted. I'll show you a good time.", he stood up and brought his hand out, as if wanting you to take it and run away together. "If you're lucky, I might even stay with you for a long time."
With no reasonable options on your mind other than 'yes', you grab his hand and sprint out the doors. Being the bigger person be screwed, you're going to have fun.
"I didn't take you for someone to be so eager, if I'd knew better I would have asked you out earlier.", he quickly reached out for his keys to open the car.
"You know what might happen if the media finds this out right?", he unlocks the door before pausing, giving you the chance to leave before it's too late.
"Who cares?", you walk yourself the other side of the car, "I'm making the most of the situation. Someone's father is offering to spoil me, who would I be if I did not take that chance?"
He chuckles before entering the car, you follow suit. As he starts the engine, he looks back at you, "There is no guarantee I'll treat you better than him, still interested?". He hand tightens on the wheel, after rotating his car to get out of the parking lot.
"There's no chance, but I know you won't take me for granted.", you make yourself comfortable in the seat. "Now show me the good time you promised me, my friends think I'm at home."
He smiles at your answer and begins to drive.
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I thought it would be sweet of me to write something for the Oliver Aiku lovers.
My inbox is open. Check out my Rules.
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bomber-grl · 1 year ago
Nico Di Angelo fluff alphabet
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₊˚⊹ Pairing(s): Nico Di Angelo x Reader (no pronouns/no specific godly parent)
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₊˚⊹ Warning(s): cuss words, could be ooc, T*ktok/gen z humor/language
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
He adores everything about you
No,it isn’t some cringe ass thing I’m saying to say
I honestly do believe he likes everything about you
Sure he’s bias on what things
But he loves the way you laugh, smile and even those cringe ass jokes you make.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Honestly I definitely see nicos favorite part of your body being your hands.
He loves his hair being played with and he’s always moving your hand to his head or his head to your lap.
Your lap being his second favorite place because he can rest there whenever.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Nico definitely hates physical touch of any kind
I think we all know that, however you’re the exception.
So going on, he sleeps all over the place
But, he likes when you hold him. Poor boy had been traumatized enough so having his trust and comfort and enough for you to cuddle him is 💯
So it’s pretty comforting to be able to hold him and cuddle whenever.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Honestly broski is glad ur even dating him
He’s an obvious introvert and prefers you and him alone somewhere like in your room or outside having a picnic.
Definitely prefers just the two of you but if you decide to go out he doesn’t say anything in the moment but suggests u don’t ever do that again later on.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Def emotionally stiff and outwardly constipated
Inwardly his emotions are out of control
Ofc that changed eventually but still
He learns to be more expressive and it gets to the point where you’re the only one who understands what he’s feeling/thinking
F= Future (What are their plans for the future? Do they see themselves getting married, having kids?)
He doesn’t rlly have plans of a family or kids or anything
He’d only ever thought of surviving and recently, you
He doesn’t really need anything besides his friends and you, especially you
So don’t expect him to ever bring up kids or anything because u and Hazel are his family so 🤷‍♀️
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
He likes giving you stuff but not rlly
He likes pampering you and stuff but rlly he just shoved it in your hands and if u mention it, well just don’t.
Same vice versa except he down rlly know how to react so he’ll look like he’s trying to shit but can’t
Be gentle cuz broski might like ur gifts but can’t express it
It’s ok tho 👍
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Def not into pda
However, he will still hold your hand and partially because he wants to be close and protect you and cuz you’ve been arguing that he’s too cold and needs to warm up
Most likely to hold your hand while you two walk alone or if he holds your hand while he has it in his hoodie pocket
The second one happens mostly during winter
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Yea he knows you’re strong and capable but he’s horribly protective
Anyone who hurts you will know his wrath and he’s not afraid to make sure it’s known
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Def becomes a bit of a jokester after you get past his cold demeanor
His humor is so broken and mostly consists of online bs
Definitely includes some dark humor too
I can def see him joking around w u or even playing pranks on each other.
It seems like he’s a completely different person when he’s joking around
Def scares the campers
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Mostly in short but sweet pecks on the lips or cheek
Mostly on the cheek
Doesn’t rlly kiss that often but he likes being kissed
Mostly around his face and stuff but it don’t matter
Kisses change depending on the mood too so sometimes it’s desperate and even a bit heated
Nothing ever rlly comes of it tho
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
He’s always showing you his love and care
Even the most obvious ways, in which he’s hugging you and wanting to be close
And even if it’s most dreadfully annoying, his love language is to scold or even tell u off for scaring the shit out of him when it comes to monsters and stuff.
So yes Nico Di Angelo loves you even tho at times it seems like he doesn’t,if you ever doubt he doesn’t love you he’ll be seriously hurt
M = Melt (What do you do that absolutely makes them melt?)
All the stupid shit you do
Especially for him
Like going out of your way to buy him a bouquet and accompany it with a cringe love letter.
Or even singing him a romance song to “proclaim” your love despite the fact you’ve been together for a good while now
He honestly finds it endearing so don’t ever stop
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
His worst nightmare is losing you
He lost basically everyone in his life and you’re one of the good things left of it
So when he wakes up from a bad nightmare he appreciates you being there and rubbing his back or just hugging him
O = Obvious (How obvious do they make it that they like you?)
Not obvious whatsoever
To you (if you’re really oblivious or the average person)
Let me elaborate
Nico is very obvious if you know the difference between his normal and unnormal behavior/ if you can read him.
Otherwise you don’t got a clue
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Cringe ass ugly ass nicknames
Based off your godly parent and powers and stuff
Def goes along when u call him pookie wookie or anything of the sort
Would be disgusted if u actually meant it
As if he wasn’t calling you his sugar booger just a sec ago
Q= Quiet (How are the calm, quiet moments with them?)
It’s nice to just lay back and admire the stars or even each other in silence
No matter how cringe he insists it is, it’s still obvious how much he loves it especially when you get to see him smile.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
R= Romance (How romantic are they? What are their go to ways of being romantic?
Kinda see him as a romantic
But like doesn’t know how to be romantic
He definitely reads romance books, listens to romance songs but never saw himself being in a romantic relationship
So he’s rough around the edges but once y’all become comfortable he goes out of his way to show u affection
Kissing your cheek, laying on you, buying you food, etc.
S = safe (What makes them feel safe and comfortable around you?)
Cuz you’re u
You’re his boyfriend/partner and you’d have to be super close to even have this level of relationship
You guys can joke around without it being awkward or forced and that’s what he loves
He feels especially safe when he’s tucked warmly in your arms
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
It took awhile
He was pretty closed off and traumatized so it makes sense
But once y’all got closer you were inseparable so it was worth it
T= Tend ( How do they act when you’re hurt or sick, and vice versa?)
He’s not exactly a healer but he uses his scariness to give u the best treatment
He’s very cold to others during this time and on edge with anything involving you.
Very protective as well
If he’s ever sick or injured the he’d appreciate if you didn’t speak too much or loudly
Don’t coddle him, he hates it
Acting as if he doesn’t smile when u do)
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
He’s pretty much like
“Cowabummer” if it’s sum not that major
Like he’ll sympathize but move on
If it’s major he def gives u space and doesn’t say sum bs like “I understand u” or whatever
He listens and asks if u want some feedback, if not then he ain’t saying anything
Eventually gives unsolicited feed cuz he always gotta give offhand comments)
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He’s proud of you and your guy’s relationship
He won’t exactly show it off per say but he won’t hesitate to be proud of you
He doesn’t rlly show u off but mostly just says stuff like “yea (your name) can do that but like 100x better”
But what he really thought was “(your name) would beat that guy in a sec”
Rlly admires you
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Fighting is kinda sorta and essential to survive as a demigod soooo…
But when it comes to fights he’s obviously protective
Just not too much where it’s annoying
Only if u got hurt or weren’t able to protect yourself
He def fights for you and besides you
If anyone insults him, ok he’s mad
But if anyone insults you, he’s fucking pissed
U better do the same broski)
W = Wash ( What’s it like taking a bath with them, or helping them wash up after a fight?)
Nicos pretty quiet and doesn’t talk after a fight
He’s exhausted and he’s too tired to, he might try to reject your help but with much perseverance you pushed through and finally was able to clean and wash him up
You bandaged him up and fed him some nectar
He was pretty obedient, not putting up a fight for the most part.
Quiet too
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
He can read you pretty well
Atleast what you’re thinking overall
Sometimes he overthinks and begins wondering what if…?
Can understand you a decent amount
X = XO ( How do they show you affection? How much PDA are they willing to show?)
Pretty affectionate when he wants to be
Mostly when he’s sleepy and off guard
He’s warmed up to you so that includes occasional physical touch
Mostly with your hands, now he hardly fidgets with his skull ring, mostly fidgeting with your hands or something on you
These little displays of affection go unnoticed by others but not you
In terms of PDA, he hates it
Please don’t ever kiss him in front of anyone, especially Hazel
He doesn’t mind hand holding, and if you were in a life or death situation PDA is off his mind and he’d rather cry and hug and sob w u then not have you near him just cuz he’s unaffectionate in public.
Y = Yearn (What do they do when they miss you?)
When he misses you he becomes grumpy and cranky to everyone
He’d probably lay in your bed for comfort or get one of your hoodies and put it on.
Falls asleep and hopes when he wakes up you’ll be there
Even if you’re not ,he hopes he’ll dream of you
Regrets it cuz then he misses you more even in his dreams)
Z=Zzz ( How do they act when they get sleepy? How is it sleeping in the same bed?)
He’s dizzy and a bit delirious
And you both end up cuddling after laughing and talking about random shit at 2 am
He’s kind of a crazy sleeper and has notoriously bad bed head
Cute, but rlly bad
Same when he’s sleepy
He’s so cute and most times he says what’s on his mind instead of filtering it out.
Makes you pay for it when he’s in a clearer state of mind 😔
A/N: added two prompts for a couple of letters just cuz I felt like it and don’t hesitate to let me know if there are any spelling mistakes! :)
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lizstory · 2 years ago
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"I've never felt so loved"
Ethan x fem reader
word count; 1.2k
summary; You and Ethan were madly in love with each other but never confessed. It all changed.
Ethan sat in class though he wasn't paying attention. He stared at You and Anika. Both girls were seemingly writing down the notes that the professor was going over. Chad noticed his academic-hungry friend drift off, he followed his gaze, and of course, it was directly at the girl he was madly in love with. Chad tapped Ethan on the shoulder.
"Dude, just ask her out already" Chad leaned into him, whispering.
Ethan snapped out of his dream; he jolted at his friend's words, "She doesn't like me."
Chad sighed; it was so evident that You and Ethan were in love with each other but couldn't confess. "Trust me, she does. Ask her to go get coffee or something after class."
Ethan shook his head, focusing on the professor again and writing down the notes. Chad rubbed his eyes, annoyed that he was making it complicated. Eventually, the class ended. Chad and Ethan stayed outside to wait for their other two classmates.
Once they came into sight, Chad grinned, yelling, "Hey Y/n! Ethan wants to ask you something."
Before anyone could protest, Chad quickly grabbed Anika and walked over, leaving his two friends alone. Oblivious, you smiled brightly at Ethan, slightly tilting your head. You waited for him to talk, but he seemed frozen; he wasn't breathing.
"E?" You whispered
Ethan gulped at the nickname leaving your lips and took a deep breath. "I was wondering if I could borrow your notes."
You bit your lip, surpassing a sigh. It was foolish to think that he would ask you out. He didn't feel the same way you did. "Uh yea sure."
"You asked to borrow her notes," Chad groaned.
Ethan whined, "I know i know" He ran his hands through his hair. "I had the opportunity to ask her out and I blew it."
Chad slumped onto the couch. "I literally gave you the perfect chance and you asked her for your notes" He made a sour face, disgusted his roommate wasted the perfect shot.
Ethan stormed to his room. He was mad at no one but himself. He has been crushing on you since the day you two met. He thought you were the most gorgeous to graze the earth. He wanted nothing but to shower you in love and treat you like the princess you deserve to be. He would worship you in every way, but he was too shy even to utter the words, "Will you go out with me."
The following day came, and Ethan was determined to ask you out. How nervous he got didn't matter; he finally wanted you to know his true feelings. He got up early and texted you to meet for coffee. Instead of meeting at the building, he decided that it'd be better if he went to your dorm and walked with you. Now, he stood outside, the notes he had borrowed in his hands.
You walked out of the dorm building, seeing Ethan there standing. You rushed towards him quickly. "What are you doing? I thought we were meeting at the cafe?"
Ethan handed you the notes. "I know but I thought it'd be better if we walked together."
You giggled; he was always so sweet with his gestures. He did everything so that you could be as comfortable as possible. He always insisted on paying for food, made time to help you study even if he needed to, and was there whenever you needed someone to talk to; he was always down to the plans the rest of the group wasn't really into. He was the perfect guy. How could anyone not fall in love with him?
Both friends walked alongside each other, laughing and making jokes about recent events in their life. They hadn't hung out one-on-one in a long time, so the catching-up time they were given was the best gift possible. Ethan listened to the rants she always rambled about, and she listened to whatever he was greeking on for the month. He always appreciated that about you; you never judged him for the things he was interested in. You were curious about it and often asked him questions. You were perfect, and he'd be damn if he let another opportunity pass by him.
"Y/n," Ethan stopped in his tracks. "I like you."
You froze for a bit, slightly ahead of him. Had he just confessed? It had to be a joke. You looked into his eyes, and no, there was no sign of a prank being pulled. His breathing was heavy, and his hands trembled. You wanted to laugh for a moment. Before your mind could process it, your legs dashed to him, holding his shoulders, pulling in for a kiss.
Ethan didn't care if he couldn't make the first move or if your first kiss wasn't, per se, "romantic" he was just happy it was happening. He cupped your face, deepening the kiss. He pulled away slightly. "You are gorgeous" he then kissed you again. Not allowing you to respond.
Butterflies filled your stomach; his words hit you hard. His touch was fire against your skin; your legs grew wobbly. He smiled against your lips. Holding your waist, He held you close.
"Y/n, will you go out with me" He stared into your eyes.
Finally, after months of knowing each other, becoming the best of friends, and growing a bond you'd die for. Ethan Landry was finally yours. "Yes," you whispered.
Ethan chuckled, smiling through the moment. "I've been waiting so long to ask you that," he admitted. "You don't even know."
You wrapped your arms around his neck. "Took you long enough."
The happy couple was now official. Chad smiled at every moment he saw them together. He was not only proud of his roommate, but he was pleased for you. He'd seen the way you looked at him. He knew you guys were meant to be together. There couldn't have been a better match.
Chad grabbed his keys. "Good luck on the date," He waved.
Ethan nodded "thanks for leaving the dorm for this."
Once Chad was gone, Ethan texted you that you were fine to come over now. He had everything set up for the perfect movie date. He knew you enough to know exactly which snacks to buy; he made the pizza and laid out all the drinks. He cracked his feelings nervously; he flinched at the bell being rung. He smiled, knowing it was you.
You walked into the dorm, Ethan grabbing your coat and setting it off to the side. You were utterly taken aback at what he had set up for you. "E," you breathed. "You didn't need to do all of this."
Ethan kisses your temple, his hand resting at your hip. "Anything for you."
You leaned into his touch, but before getting too comfortable, he dragged you over to the couch, quickly turning off the lights and turning on the TV. He put the remote down, draping his arm over your shoulder and pulling you close.
He turned his head, looking at you, smiling brightly. "You are beautiful."
He always seemed to know exactly what to say at the moment. You quickly pecked his lips and grabbed the bag of chips he bought. Leaning into his chest as the movie started, you never felt this affection. It all seemed too good to be true.
A/n- duh theres going to be a part 2
474 notes · View notes
mercury2venus · 2 months ago
MDNI. hehe they getting freaky again.
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I readjusted the dark shades on my face. Currently Kyle had me front row at a fashion show. I’ve never been to one out of the country let alone PARIS! I searched the crowd for him and began to get nervous. He didn’t leave me here, right ? Of course not he wouldn’t do that. I wasn’t too good with French and didn’t want to look like an idiot in front of anyone here. But a woman next to me sensed my anxiety and turned to me with a smile
“ First show ? “ she asked. She had an American accent, thank God.
“ Yeah, it is.” I laughed
Her eyes searched my face and suddenly a wave of recognition rolled in
“ You're here with Kyle right ?
My eyes widened for a split second, before returning to its neutral state
How the fuck did she know that and how close are they for them to be on a first name basis
“ I mean this is his show after all, everyone is here for him “ she went on
She continued to ramble as I started thinking.
I never even thought of the women Kyle has been with or if I am his only woman. We never discussed exclusivity. Suddenly I felt a bit nauseous. Was he playing in my face ? Am I in a crowd full of his lovers ?
And what the hell does she mean by his show? He seemed to have left that part out.
Before I could ask any questions, the lights dimmed and the show started. The fashion lover in me was on full display. I was fully engrossed in everything. I pushed my shades back up and fixed posture while the models walked out. I couldn’t get caught looking crazy.
Each design was more fabulous than the last, I was reminded at that moment again who this man was. Kyle Alexander literally called the Michelangelo of Fashion.
His mentors were Giorgio Armani and Dapper Dan himself. Kyle was still an enigma to me, I still didn’t know that much about him.
As the girls were walking the runway the same woman next to me turned my way again
“ It's funny you’re literally the archetype in his mind.”
“ How exactly do you know all of this ? “ I asked with an attitude. This lady was working my last nerve
“ Girl Kyle tells me everything ! “
Oh absolutely the fuck not.
I furrowed my brows and asked what she meant by that. The woman simply shook her head and giggled. She then got up and left to go wherever.
By the time the show was over I was amazed inspired and instilled with a new sense of anxiety. I used my pass to get to the back where I found Kyle looking beyond stressed.
Okay so I’ll wait on knocking this green eyed nigga’s spleen loose. I thought
Kyle noticed me and gave his usual charming smile but, quickly stopped once he took in my face and stance
“ Are you okay Mecca ?”
“ Yea just a little taken back, why didn’t you tell me this was your show “ I asked
“I wanted it to be a surprise, he laughed “ so did you like the show “
“ I loved it but you could’ve told me it was yours, what if they see us together. “ I questioned
“ guess they’ll finally catch a picture of me then. “
He looked at my concerned face “ Relax Mecca we’re fine “
I let out a breath and mumbled an okay.
“ Am I the only woman you’re sleeping with Kyle” I asked. The lady from earlier was still bugging me.
“Yes you are and you’re the only woman I’m interested in. Trust me I don’t want anyone else.” He stared at me with a look I couldn’t place.
I guess that’s the best answer I was going to get for right now.
Kyle showed me around Paris as if it was his second home.
Now we sat in this back of this 5 star restaurant making casual convo. I was retelling a story of when I met the members of Jodeci during my time at Vibe magazine
“ They were loud as hell except DeVantè. He was more reserved but it was after his accident, I’m glad I left an impression because years later I was able to interview him and that’s what really got me my start. “
Kyle soaked in every word I said, laughing at my corny jokes and rubbing my knee when I got emotional
“I’m sure your mother is proud of you, Mecca.” He smiled
“ how are you so sure” I whispered
“That’s how mothers are. My mother has always told me she was proud of me even before I was born, I’ve taken that with me throughout life since.” He spoke to me. He was right, my mother definitely would be proud. For the the first time in years I felt like I was enough.
I’ve been chasing after my mother’s approval since her death. It’s like I forgot how she was during her life. She was proud of me no matter what, so why wouldn’t it live on after she’s left this earth?
“This has been the best time of my life “i said. “Thank you for bringing me with you you really didn’t have to.”
“I wanted you to come”, he said to me
“I know but you still didn’t have to. For the first time in a very long time I’m happy. So thank you Kyle. Thank you for helping me find a part of myself again”
I didn’t realize I was crying till Kyle was wiping my tears.
“You’re welcome my love, thank you for allowing me to help you. “
I leaned in and gave him a kiss.
He grabbed my face and deepened it, after a few beats I was left breathless
With our foreheads touching he spoke lowly
Let’s go back. Hm ?
The ride was full of thick tension. I sat across from Kyle , his gaze traveled up my legs to my face. I swear the look in his eyes was going to melt my panties clean off. The partition was up and our driver, whose name I found out was Anthony, was solely focused on getting us back to the hotel.
“ I think we should take advantage of the traffic. I spoke softly
Kyle gestured for me to come here. I moved towards his lap and giggled. He pulled me towards his lips as his fingers found their way up my dress and into my panties
“ Please, Ky.” I whispered.
He began to kiss on my neck, his slender fingers slipped into my wetness.
I let out a moan asking him to go faster. I felt him speed up while my eyes crossed
My orgasm was getting closer and closer till he pulled his fingers out. I brought them to my mouth and licked them clean. Kyle let out a groan.
“ you’re different today” he chuckled
“ I guess I just wanna show you how much I appreciate you” I bit my lip. “Let me ride it, please daddy
“ We'll be back at the hotel soon Mecca, can you wait for me darling ?” He asked me.
“No. I can’t “ I whined. Kyle shook his head and smiled “ you can be such a brat at times.” I rubbed my hands against his bulge and began to do his pants.
“ I’ll be quick baby” I promised. Kyle smirked and told me to go ahead. I pulled his dick out and raised my body a little then eased down on it. Kyle hissed as I hung my mouth open. “ Mmm I missed this dick baby oh fuck” I kept an up and down motion as I balanced on my feet. Kyle gripped my ass guiding me along his length. “ keep riding me just like that. He threw his head back. I noticed his eyes fluttering shut so I took the opportunity to get close to his ear “ you love this pussy don’t you baby “ I moaned.
“ talk to me daddy, I need to hear you.” I put one of my hands around his throat
That got his attention
“ fuck yes, shit. Chill out Mecca before I cum too quick. “ he grunted. I licked my hand and began to pump him as I rode him slow. I’d switch from my pussy back to my hand and sometimes both, begging for Kyle to cum for me if he was serious about me.
“ if this really your pussy you’d do what I say and cum for me” I pumped faster then quickly removed it dropping my ass down. Shit I was going to make myself cum any minute now.
“ stop playing with me Mecca” Kyle's voice faltered and I knew he was getting close.
“ we’re almost at the hotel Kyle, you gonna listen to Mama ?” I asked sweetly
Kyle’ s resolve snapped. At that moment he grabbed my hands and locked them behind my back. He pushed himself all the way inside and dug me out with no hesitation.
“ what’s all that shit you were saying now, you know this is mine. Now take this dick like a good fuckin girl and I might let you cum tonight. “ he spoke harshly
I moaned for him to slow down but Kyle’s pace was relentless. He smacked my ass “ where you want this nut ? “
“Inside! inside! oh my god baby please nut in me—“
“ Mm fuck I love you so much Mecca”
record scratch.
Love ?
I felt Kyle fill me up with his warm cum, he took a finger and plugged back in the overflow. We sat back there catching our breaths.
Then we heard a light tap and a very chipper voice
“ Mr. Alexander, Miss Ali, we’ve arrived!”
Damn I forgot Anthony was there.
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Taglist : @kaylalb @rawflwrs @rose-bliss @blyffe 
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seros-girl · 6 months ago
lacrosse and cheer- hanta sero x f!reader
summary: in a quirkless AU, hanta sero and our dear reader find themselves in a fake relationship to ward off exes (toru hagakure & juzo honenuki). maybe they’ll fall in love?
authors note: okay this has been BREWING for the past couple of weeks and i’ve finalized the plot and everything. weekly updates, our lovely class 1A will be aged up to 3rd years, class 1B appreciation alright, reader is part of the dekusquad.
chapter 8: christmas & many seasons
warning: smut at the end of this chapter!!!!
you sat down in the 1b common room with juzo. your feet were tucked under you as you took a sip from your mug. “im sorry for finally being able to get to this conversation juz” you smile sadly and he waves you off. “its fine i love seeing you happy again” he smiles at you and you give him one back.
“so the day of the break up” you start and let out a huff setting your mug down on the table. juzo leans his head on his hand and stares at you intently. “i was a bitch” you said letting out a small chuckle. “i’ve apologized many times now and im sorry i humiliated you in front of both A and B classes” you said with your head hung low.
“i did love you juz, i still do feel that love for you” you said smiling sadly at him and he returned it to you. “i loved hanta at the time too, i’ve had this massive crush on him since our first year i swear” you said letting out a small laugh.
“know that i’ll always still have that love for you too” he said softly and you smiled at him. “first loves come on now” he said nudging your shoulder and you laughed. “youre my best friend and im sorry for how i treated you in the past” you said leaning your head on his shoulder.
“its okay” he said fiddling with his fingers and resting his head on yours too. “i dont think i can be with anyone for awhile though” he admits and you furrow your eyebrows. “whys that?” you hummed looking at his fingers as he played with them. “just a lot on my plate, having a girlfriend seems like a recipe for disaster right now if i cant give her the time she deserves” he explained and you nodded.
“well when that day comes where you decide to give it a shot i better be the first to know not tetsutetsu” you giggle as you glanced over at tetsutetsu. he was bothering itsuka and neito with something. classic tetsu. “so plans for the holidays?” he asked and you shrugged.
“hanta and i are planning a joint christmas party with our families and be back here for new years with everyone” you nodded your head and he does the same. “sounds nice” he says and you look up at him. “and you? what are your plans?” you asked and he shrugs.
“still debating on it” is all he answers and you dont push it. “now missy there is one thing we havent gone over” juzo said shifting his body to turn to yours. “which is?” you said confused. “how good was shoto?” he whispered to you and your eyes widened.
you smacked his arm. “juzo how could you bring it up” you said playfully. “hmm” you said leaning back thinking about it. “i give it 8/10” you said giving juzo a smirk. “it was pretty good” you said throwing your hands in the air defensively.
“it was very soft, slow, but also passionate if that makes sense?” you said and juzo nodded. “yea could tell it was so good by the hickies he had left, wondered how the poor boy’s back looked like” he said indicating your nails.
“oh it was bad, his neck, chest, and back” you shrugged and smirked. “poor hanta too he has to go through that” he said leaning back. “bro likes it cmon now” you joked and he laughs. “the marks just show how much i love him” you wink and he pushed your head lightly while laughing.
“you nasty” he said shoving you lightly. “are we shoving y/n now?! i wanna do it too!” you heard tetsutetsu yell out and he came over shoving you lightly and jumping down to sit on the other side of you.
“you got a little something right there” tetsutetsu says smirking and doing a little circle motion to a spot on your neck. “conversations done im heading back to my room” you said pushing him off of you and pulling juzo with you.
“walk me back loser” you smiled and juzo followed you out as you waved bye to the others. he gives you a hug as he drops you off at the door of the dormitory complex. “bye juz” you squeezed him lightly as you both pull away. “i’ll see you later y/n” he said and turned around to start walking back to his dormitory complex.
you walked in to find denki, hanta, eijiro, and katsuki surrounding eri, showing her something. you sigh as you watch and decide to help the poor girl out. “alright thats enough what are you losers showing her?” you said placing your hands gently on eri’s shoulders.
“how to play on the nintendo switch” eri answered for them and you squinted your eyes at the screen. your eyes widened and you immediately took the controller away from eri and scooped her up. you covered her eyes and ears. “guys she’s 7 years old” you hissed at them and denki shrugged.
“whats the big deal its just a bunch of zombies anyway” he defended and you stopped walking. “imagine how mr. aizawa would feel if he caught your dumbasses” you hissed some more and walked away with eri. “means im in trouble guys” you heard hanta say and he followed you into the elevator.
you smacked his arm as the boys let out “oooh’ss”. you looked up at hanta as eri wrapped her small arms around your neck. “what were you thinking??!??” you scolded him and he shrugged. “it was denki’s idea” he shrugged and you squinted your eyes at him.
“what are your plans for christmas?” eri asked which made the two of you turn to her. “were going home and having a small christmas party with our families” you smiled at her and she gave you one back. “how about you? what are you and mr. aizawa doing?” hanta asked her.
“were doing something with uncle hizashi, uncle oboro, and auntie nemuri” she said nodding her head confirming it. “aww how nice” you smiled and she nodded. “we’ll be back for new years, will you guys be too?” she asked and you nodded. “planning a class 3A & 3B new year party, mina and eijiro are planning it” hanta said as the elevator dinged and it opened.
hanta led you to his dorm and you put eri down as she walked in. she immediately runs to the hammock and lays down closing her eyes. “now eri” you start and she looks st you, eyes widened. “do not tell your dad what these idiots showed you okay?” you told her and she nodded her head in understanding. you high-fived her. “atta girl” you said laughing.
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
you walked around your living room as your brought more wine for hanta’s parents. they thanked you as you poured it into their wine glasses, giving you a big smile. “you chose right son” his dad said and you blush as you motion for hanta to follow you into the kitchen.
the kitchen was lonely and you placed the wine onto the counter and turned to him. you smiled up at him as you reached up to plant a kiss onto his lips. his hands immediately wrapped around your waist. “mhm i love you” you mumbled against his lips as you smiled.
you felt him smile too as he cupped your face in his hands and kissed you more passionately. “i love you more” he mumbled against your mouth. “hey quit locking lips over there!” your mom yelled out and you pulled away laughing.
"come over here it's time for gift exchanges!" hanta's mom said excitedly as she moved towards the tree with her husband in tow. "cmon" you said dragging hanta with you. you sat next to each other as you grabbed your gifts for each person.
"can i go first please?" you asked and looked around and everyone nodded their heads. you passed out your gifts to hanta's parents, his twin sisters, hanta, and your mom. you sat nervously as they opened them.
they all loved their gifts and exchanged thank you's and hugs with you. after gift exchanging, hanta pulled you aside to give you one more gift secretly. "for you my princess" he smiled as he extended the gift to you. he sat on one of the stools in the kitchen as you stood between his legs.
you opened the mini box and gasped. his name on a necklace. you pulled it out and examined it. "it's so beautiful" you gasped as you held it with shaky hands. "here" he says grabbing it and motioned for you to turn around. he clasps it onto your neck and you turn around smiling.
"you so deserve head after this" you giggled and pulled him in for a kiss. "mhm you think i do?" he says against your lips. "duh" you said with a smirk as you walked upstairs after seeing no one was paying attention. "wait seriously now?" he questions as he gets up adjusting his crotch area and hurriedly walks up the steps.
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
you walked in to the dorm complex hand in hand with hanta. "hey theyre back!" eijiro exclaimed coming over to hug you and fist bunp hanta. "how was the drive man?" he asks hanta and he only sighs. "tiring" he sighs as he moves to fist bump katsuki and denki.
eri came into view and ran to hug your legs. "yay youre back!" she exclaims and you scoop her up. "how was christmas?" you ask her as eyes light up. "can i show you what dad, uncle hizashi, uncle oboro, and auntie nemi got me?!" she asked excitedly as she jumped out of your arms.
she ran towards her room and you laughed watching the energetic little girl. mina came out with decorations as she asked eijiro and the boys to help out. "rikido is baking sweets for the party!" mina called out and it's then you can smell bread and it smells wonderful.
eri came back and led you to sit on the sofa and she gave you a presentation of all the toys and clothes she received. she excitedly ran to hanta and dragged him over to sit down on the couch as she started once more. you went to go help the others as eri ran off with all her gifts back to her room.
within an hour and a half the common room was set up and ready for guests to start coming in. juzo, tetsutetsu, itsuka, neito, and yosetsu came in with the rest of class B trailing behind them. "thank you for inviting us" juzo said as he pulled you into a hug and moved on to fist bump hanta and the others. "OUR GIRL!" tetsutetsu yelled out and you laughed. "yup she's here" you said opening your arms for a hug.
he crashes into your arms, lifting you up slightly. he places you down and grasps onto your shoulders. “you know i love you right?” he says tilting his hesd as he bent down slightly to meet your eyes. “aww you love me?” you said childishly as you give him a cheesy smile.
“duh like my little sister” he says flicking your forehead. he kisses your forehead and stands up to his full height. “HEY EIJIRO” he yells out which causes you to flinch at the sudden raising of his voice. “MY MAN” they both say as they fist bump each other and give a brotherly hug.
more of class B piles in and its a full common room. eri runs around greeting everyone and you cant help but smile. kyoka’s playlist plays in the common room and some people are dancing. hizashi and nemuri are dancing and having fun.
“KEIGO TAKAMI IS AT MY PARTY” mina exclaims as she sees keigo and you laugh. “keep it together mina” you said bumping your hip into hers. keigo turns around and sends a wink to you and mina. you sigh adoringly as you watch him walk away and towards mr. aizawa.
“boo!” you heard and jumped up when someone planted their hands on both yours and mina’s shoulders. you turned to see yuga there as he throws his arms around the both of you. “a new year” he says somewhat sadly. you turned to him confused.
“why the sad tone yuga?” you asked kindly as you ran your fingers through his blond hair. “it means we graduate soon, off to different paths” he says and you smile at him. “we’ll make the most of it okay?” you said and he smiles and nods.
mina pulls him out to dance and you laugh watching them walk away. someone covers your eyes as two others grab onto your shoulders. “aw you caught me” you said sarcastically with a giggle. “guess who?” one said and you smile upon hearing his voice. “tenya i know its you” you said as momo giggled off to the side.
“shoto and izuku” you said and they pulled away and tackled you in a hug. “my favorite boys” you smiled so widely as you tried to hold them all in your arms. you failed considering they towered over you. you looked at everyone and your friends smiled at you. “we’ve missed you” tenya said nudging your shoulder and you look up at him.
“im sorry” you said with a sad smile. “its not my intention, you guys are my bestest friends ever” you said and they all stared at you with a smile. “dont apologize its okay, just you know you can bring hanta along right? we dont hate him” momo said pulling you into a hug.
“i know” you said accepting her embrace. “lets go dance!” ochaco exclaimed pulling you and momo along with her. the three of you danced, stumbling and giggling. tenya came and wrapped his arms around momo’s waist and she melted in his embrace. “awww” you gushed as izuku came up and did the same with ochaco.
strong arms wrapped around your waist as you turn to see hanta. you smiled and got on your tip toes to place a kiss on his lips. “countdown is starting” he mumbles against your lips as you moved to the couch. you watched the screen as everyone in the common room started the countdown.
“happy new year!!” everyone exclaimed and you giggled. hanta pulled you in gently and crashed his lips onto yours. you grab his arm and kiss back with so much force and passion. you both pulled away and he pulled you into him kissing your cheek as you let a series of giggles.
“i love you” he said as he stares in your eyes. “i love you more” you said smiling at him. mina and eijiro stood behind you two, snapping pictures of the moment for the two of you. “this is so cute!” mina gushed as eijiro pulled her in for a kiss.
eri ran around giving hugs to everyone and wishing them a happy new year. juzo walked up to you and smiled at you. “happy new year juz” you said pulling him into a side hug. “watch out” he warned as tetsutetsu came crashing into your arms crying out a “happy new year”, he was clearly drunk.
“aww tetsu” you joked patting his head as he clinged to your side. itsuka, yosetsy, and neito came in to join the group hug. “aw i love you guys” you gushed hugging them tighter if it was even possible. an hour or two later, the party was over and everyone went off to their respective dorms.
you grabbed onto the end of hanta’s shirt, smirking. “up to mine?” you said in a teasing tone. “how bout mine?” he offers and your eyes light up. “mhm yes” you sighed and he took your hand in his, leading you to his dorm. “can we use the hammock?” you said smiling and he stops to look at you. “youre on to something” he said picking you up and enetering his dorm and locking it.
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
you set everything up in his dorm room, with the help of ochaco and momo. hanta, izuku, and tenya took him out for a run to be able to pull this mission off. “okay it looks great” you smiled as you took a step back to admire the work you, ochaco, and momo did.
“aww for our sho” momo said taking a picture of the setup. the three of you walked out of shoto’s dorm room and walked down to the common room to wait for the boys. 20 minutes later they came running in, shoto coming in first.
“hi sho” you moved to get up and greet him as hanta, izuku, and tenya followed in after. “happy birthday!” you said pulling him into a hug. “im sweaty” he says and you shrugged waving it off and hug him.
“alright im up to my room” he said and you all watched him go up the steps, you all followed after a minute. you made it to the fifth floor and stop to see he opened his door already. he’s stood there looking at it in awe. “do you like it sho?” ochaco said as she walked up to him and placing a hand on his shoulder.
he walks in further and you all follow to get his reaction. 6 gift bags lay neatly on his bed, the number 18 floats above his bed as multiple red and white balloons scatter around his room and bed. he picks up the card that comes from all of you, but written in your handwriting.
he turns around to face all of you. “you guys did this?” he says as his eyes gloss over. he looks down at the card with shaky hands. worry flashes over your face and you move to place a hand on his shoulder. “im sorry s-“ you got cut off by shoto scooping you up in his arms.
you feel tears coming from him and you stroke his hair, calming him down. “thank you” he chokes out as his grip on you goes tighter. you shush him softly as he pulls away to look at you. “aww” you say softly as you wipes his tears away.
his grip on you softens as he moves towards the others, embracing them and thanking them. “you guys didnt have to” he said wiping his tears away and calming down. “we wanted to sho” ochaco said with a soft smile. “you mean the world to us man” tenya said throwing an arm around his shoulder.
“you wanna light up the candle?” you asked as you moved to grab the small cake, rikido had baked, and held it in front of shoto. “i want to with everyone, cmon lets go” he said as he walked out of his dorm room.
the boys called everyone out and once everyone was settled in the common room, you lit the candles. you sang happy birthday to shoto and he blew them out. “thank you guys this means so much to me” he smiles at everyone and you all go in for a group hug.
you woke up next to hanta and looked up smiling. what ended up a tickle fight, turned into the both of you knocking out. you sit up and admire his face. “‘m youre staring babe” he mutters as he smiles. he pulls you down and hovers over you. “happy valentines day” you said leaning up to kiss him.
he kisses back and parts your legs to settle between them. you moan softly and he smirks against your mouth. he moves to kiss your neck and you tilt your head up to give him acess. his hands roam your body as yours do the same with him. “do you want to?” he asks when he lifts his head up. “duh” you said with a playful tone.
he leans over to grab a condom from his bedside table. he leaves it unopened as he continues to kiss your neck. you were already only wearing panties so you feel him growing hard and you smirked. hanta moves his knee gently to rub against your clit and you gasp at the sudden action.
“keep doing that” you sigh in pleasure as he continues his actions. he goes to remove your panties and easily slides in 2 fingers to stretch you out. he kisses you as he works on stretching you out. you turn your head to look at the condom. “hey” you get his attention as he stops and looks at you.
“yea” he says confused as he moves a strand behind your ear. “can we go at it raw? just this one time i promise” you asked cautiously and he hovers there thinking it. “i pull out right?” he says still trying to wrap his head around the question. “yea silly” you giggle and he looks down at you. “fuck yea” he says kissing you.
he continues his movements as a series of moans left your mouth. “that feel good?” he asks cockily and you moan in response. “fuck” you whine as his fingers on your clit sped up. youre about to cum when he pulls his fingers away. “hey” you whine out as he spreads your legs and aligns himself with your entrance.
“you sure about this?” he asks before he enters. “yes 1000 times yes hanta” you said and thats all he needs to hear before entering you. it feels different, a good different. you both moan together as he enters all the way. “holy shit that feels so good, you feel so good” he praises as he starts moving slowly.
you dont have the words, moans slip out of your mouth as you babble incoherently. you wrap your arms around his neck as his finger goes down to play with your clit. you arch into him and he lifts your leg holding it in place for you. this new angle hits your g-spot perfectly.
you both whine and moan together as this feels so different, but oh so good. after this you probably will never go back to condoms. he wraps his arms around you pulling you close to him. “i love you so much” he says as he kisses you ultimately failing as a moan slipped out from his lips.
“i love you more” you whine out as you feel your orgasm coming. “right there hanta dont stop” you moan out as you arch into him, playing with his hair. “im gonna cum hanta” you pant as the familiar feeling creeps up, ready to snap. “cum on my dick baby” he moans out as he speeds up his finger on your clit.
you cum just from those words alone and he helps you ride it out. his thrusts get sloppier and its then he pulls out and jerks off the rest. he cums on your stomach as he rides out his orgasm. you’re both panting as you savor each other’s presence.
“lets never use condoms again” you manage out as you look hanta in the eyes. he moves to grab his shirt off the floor and wipes your stomach off along with your cum dripping from your thighs.
“lets shower and then i got a surprise for you” he says as he gets up and picks you up, carrying you to the bathroom. “hanta!” you giggle all the way there.
@wheezdostuff @ita606 @0bubbles0
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soxcietyy · 11 months ago
Chapter 7
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Your dad is tired of you bringing home these unworthy men. None of them being fit to take care of you or to be given the family business since you are the only daughter. He decides to find you someone fit to be your husband and receive help from the father of the church. That’s when you meet Yuta, though just because he goes to church doesn’t mean he’s much of a saint
Mafia, murder, violence, mentions of religion, (will contain other things in the next chapters)
The rest of the week he spent as far away from you as he could. He would come home late, sleep in a spare room or sometimes he wouldn't come home at all. Ever since that day he couldn't help but maintain his distance. He was scared, he didn't want to frighten you like that again. Not only did that cause him fear but also the fact that he cared about that.
He was Yuta Okkotsu, one of Gojos most important business partners that worked under him. Everyone was supposed to be terrified of him. But just the single though oh you being scared of him gave him an itch.
He tried to convince himself multiple times that maybe it was because this was all new to him. The concept of marriage and now having to care for Someone else other than him. Yea that sounds about right. This will soon pass and he'll be back to his normal self.
He's been away from you for a good length of time that he kinda felt prepared to face you again. Putting his foot down and putting you in your place. A women shouldn't be walking over a men. Maybe his actions were justifiable last week. He told you to stay put and you did not listen which created consequences.
Yea that's it, you deserved what you got and he will not let it slide.
"Yu?" He hears a soft feminine voice speak. He snaps his head from the paper he held to the door way where you stood in a sun dress.
"Darling you know well you're not allowed in my offic..." as he spoke to you he noticed the bruises on your neck that he left last week. That delicate skin of yours being harmed by his own hands. He couldnt bare to see the injury's he caused so he looked back down at his paper.
"Yes I know but I'm worried. We haven't been able to sit down and relax. You're always busy or coming home late. We haven't even slept in the same bed. Im worried about us." you say
About us? what a joke, with the way he's been treating you he was surprised you thought that way. A normal girl would of already attempted to run away.
"I don't think what I’m doing should concern you. Go back to bed and get some rest." Yuta says as he scans the paper he's been rereading over and over again. To him it seemed like a never ending paper, every time he read it he would get lost in the words making him have to reread it over and over again.
“Can I least go out for some fresh air?” you ask him “Of course.” He says as he begins sign the paper he held.
“Without someone following me.” You cross your arms. The number of times they had stopped you this week from walking out was outrageous. Every time you confronted Yuta about it he would ignore you and keep on with his business.
“you’re not allowed to go out without anyone accompanying you.”
Your angry thoughts influenced your actions immediately. Storming out of his office you quickly made your way upstairs snatching up his wallet that rested on the nightstand. You couldn’t believe that he had just spoke to you that way. This wasn’t what you imaged being married to him was. You felt like an idiot for actually agreeing to something so dumb like this. Anyone would have seen something like this coming a mile away. You were just so stupid, so gullible to believe every word that fell out of his mouth. After putting your heels on you walk downstairs. You knew well that Yuta had guards stationed right out the doors.
You were so sick of being stuck here with an arrogant man. All you did was try and be the best wife but clearly, he could care less about you and your efforts. Opening the door, you see a tall buff man standing with is back facing you. You let out a small huff as you quietly closed the door behind you. Taking a few small steps forward you see him turn around at the slightest sound of your heels hitting the floor. “Go back inside before I throw you like last time." That did happen didn’t it. “Yuta said he’ll meet me outside the gates. He seemed to have lost his wallet.” You say trying to get pass him.
He lets out a laugh as he blocks you from going further. “do you think I’m stupid little girl? He would never let you go even a few feet from him.” The guard laughs even harder as he shoves you back making you stumble a bit.
You give the man an innocent smile. “Clearly you don’t know him enough to know that he would let me do that. Let me through before I tell him that you put your hands on me.” You talk back.
“What would people say if Yuta’s wife was being man handled? Clearly you would be fired right away.” You stare into his shocked eyes. He mumbled a few words before letting you get pass him. If you knew it was this easy you would if been escaped this place.
Immediately you started walking to the open gates. Walking with the fear of him possible looking outside his window to see you walking off the property. Once you made it out the gates you turn around and shut them. The guard looked at you confused for a second before booking it towards you. That’s when you quickly lock it with the key Yuta always carried in his wallet. You gave him another innocent smile before you ran down the road. Luckily those gates where as tall as pine trees, that means he had no choice but to get another key from Yuta who should be at a meeting about now. That’s if he had the guts to interrupt a meeting.
Running as fast as you could in heels, you cut through people’s property’s so you wouldn’t be found so easily. Eventually after so long of running you made it to the city of New York. Yuta did not live far from the city at all making everything supper close to you guys. Stopping at a coffee shop you rest by the wall and catch your breath. You haven’t ever ran this much in your life before. The adrenalin in your body was still pumping as you held your chest.
“Oh, darling are you alright?”
Alarm bells ran in your head once you heard them say darling. When you look up your met with blue eyes but not the dark ones you know. They were infused with a light green color making them look really friendly. Moving from his eyes to his face you realize this was a total stranger. This man had blonde short hair, chiseled jaw, he wore such a nice navy-blue suit that complimented him. Your mouth seemed to have dropped, mesmerized by his beauty. “y-yes! I’m fine I just got done with my morning run.” You say
“A run? In heels?” he raises his brow.
“Your quite an interesting girl, how about I invite you to grab a drink with me?” he says holding his hand out. You looked at him not being able to believe him but take his hand either way. He grabbed it firmly and walked out with you in his arm.
“ I know this coffee shop with better drinks up the street. I had came to the one we had just left to grab a quick drink to go. Then I ran into you, and I just love having drinks with people.” He says as he walks with a fast pace. This man was really tall, to the point where it kind of hurt your neck to look up at him.
When you guys got to the place you couldn’t believe how beautify it looked. Plants where planted in so many spots and it smelled like roses from the pots that surrounded you. This was something you’ve never seen before. As you approached a table, he pulled your seat out and letting you sit before taking his own. A waiter soon came up to you guys and asked if you guys needed time to order.
“No need, I would like Americano and for the lovely lady hmm, what do you want tea or coffee?” he tilts his head making his golden locks fall to the side.
“I uh, I like tea.” You say
“ Hōjicha please! Oh and maybe a set of your delicious biscuits.”
As the waiter left, he put his attention back towards you. “so do you usually take strangers on-“
“Coffee dates? No, no I am quite a busy man, I was actually free this morning and well I couldn’t just ignore you.” He smiles.
“Oh well thank you for taking me out uhh.” You say ignoring the fact that he called this a date.
“How rude of me! I haven’t introduced myself, haven’t I? The name is Angelo.” He says.
“Oh, I’m y/k Okkotsu.”
His eyes seemed to have lighten up once you told him your name.
“Do you work Angelo?” You ask him curious to know his profession if he could afford to go to such a coffee shop.
“I own many restaurants and coffee shops around here, including the one were at. Its quite new actually.” He says as he looks around admiring his work.
“Really? Wow I really love what you did with the place. It’s so stunning and it feels like I’m in the middle of a flower field.” You say surprised.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it darling. What do you do for work?"
“um currently nothing, I’m just home all the time but I want to get into my husbands business. I want to feel useful you know? But how can I do that when I’m not even allowed to know anything about it.” You look down at the wooden table “oh sorry I started venting without realizing it.” You say embarrassed.
“No need to feel bad I enjoy giving advice to people.” He says as he receives the drink from the waiter that you didn’t even notice. He set your drink in front of you as he took a sip of his. He let out a satisfied sound come out as he tasted the drink.
“What does your husband work in” he asks as he licks his lips.
“Trading under a company.” You say as you also took a sip out of your drink. Your eyes brightened the second your tastebuds made contact with the liquid. This was really good, this man kept on surprising you by the second.
“What is this? It’s so good, I’ve never had such a flavorful tea.” You bring the cup up to your lips once again.
“Ha, I knew it would be to your taste. It’s a Japanese’s tea that has roasted green tea leaves. Its naturally sweet yet has a hint of a smokey flavor in it.” He lifts his hand up in the air to get a waiter’s attention.
The man quickly runs to him and ask him if everything is okay. Angelo reassures him everything is good and that he just wanted to know if he had a bag of the tea you were currently drinking.
“oh you don’t have to do that! I can always come on my own, I want to support the business.” You say.
“oh sweety but what if you can’t go out when you crave it? You already know how husband can be, ugh so bitter for no reason, Speaking of.” He brings his drink to his mouth. “Y- your husband how is he like?”
For a second you thought he was going to say your husband’s name. Then again, he shouldn’t even know him.
“Well, he’s…nothing like I expected him to be like.” You say with a sense of sadness. You had no idea why you held such high expectations for him in the first place. You didn’t even know him for that long and here you thought he was going to be the best husband ever. “I just wish he was more caring, kind, and well just loving in general.”
You had no idea what had happened, when you first met him, he was the most kindest person ever now he was someone else.
“Sorry to hear that,” Angelo crosses his legs as he stretches them out. “Something like that must not be easy to go through, I trust your strong enough to pull through, right?” Angelo looks down at his watch and raises his brows. “it’s near noon, do you need a ride?”
Ride, but to where? You couldn’t possibly go back to Yuta’s. He was going furious when he finds out you escaped. If you ran back home, you feared your dad would call Yuta since apparently, they were buddy’s now. You could get a hotel room, but they would be able to track you right? At this point he must have already called everyone he knew to look for you. At your wedding the kinds of people that came up to him were unexpected, bank tellers, police, business people, doctors, and more. He probably had all eyes and ears out for you. You couldn’t held but fiddle with your wedding ring to ease your thoughts.
“Or you could come to work for me, you can be my secretary for the day.” He offers with a genuine smile.
“Really?! But I’m a women, wouldn’t people look down on you?” You say feeling a bit excited for the opportunity.
“You think I care about other opinion? Is that the way your husband thinks? Such a childish mindset. Common let’s go to my company building.” He says as he helps you get up.
AN: Guys I wrote this on my laptop on word during my finals. I typed 5 pages of fanfic and thought I out did myself and once I posted it onto here I screamed. YOUR TELLING ME THIS IS HOW 5 PAGES LOOK LIKE.
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r0s3s26 · 8 months ago
Match up for @cryingwhilereading your match is…Mirio Togata
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<3 I think you and Mirio would be like the funniest couple ever
<3 Always bouncing off of each others energies and have the same joke going on for ever
<3 Water+Fire duo goes crazy (he’s a cancer)
<3 I don’t think he knows much about music and kinda would just listen to whatever is popular at the moment or on the radio
<3 When you introduce him to more artist he gets hooked
<3 I think he would like calming RnB/Hip-hop
<3 Like Igor and Blonde
<3 Long night drives listening to music>>>
<3 Will give you all the attention ever
<3 When he loses his quirk and is on leave from school he would have a lot more time for you and would spend all his recovery time with you, making up for all the time he has lost
<3 I don’t think he gets super jealous but when he does it's always like “Like Hello I don’t think we have met im Josi’s BOYFRIEND” or passive aggressive remarks with a big’ol smile on his face
<3 But I do think he is just generally protective of you
<3 Like at first its small things like opening car doors for you, moving so your on the inside of the side walk, etc
<3 THEENNNN it got to be more
<3 Like not letting you do things by yourself sometimes cause he is afraid of you getting hurt
<3 Cause after night eye died he was scared he was going to lose you too and you are the best thing in his life
<3 So you did have to ease him out of that and show him that you are strong and can also take care of yourself
<3 I saw that you have curly hair(twin) so obviously he has to do you hair
<3 Has the step by step down to a t
<3 Learns how to do certain braids and up-dos for dates
<3 Sometimes won’t even let you do his hair
You were waiting at the Zoo entrance for Mirio, looking at the time on your phone seeing how late he is, 10 minutes. He isn’t usually this late for dates so you start to get worried and send him a quick text
Jozi: Hey Mimi(funny nickname I thought of) I jus wnted to know ur eta to the zoo
Mimi<33: Hi sweetheart sorry for the hold up I had to get my surprise for you
Jozi: A surprise??
You turned your phone off again and started pondering what the surprise could be. You didn’t ask for anything recently? So you’re left curious what Mirios gift could actually be. About 5 minutes go by and you see Mirios' car pull up and park near the entrance you were standing at. As you look over there you see a flash white get out the backseat, then you see Mirio get out of the driver's side and lift this blob of white up into his arms. He is walking closer and you see that it's actually Eri! You look at Mirio confused for a second before he pulls you in with his free arm and kisses the top of your head “Hi my sweets” he says into your hair “I'm sorry for taking so long, Eri’s babysitter canceled on her so she is our plus one today” he looked down at her and smiled, and then looked back at you “If that’s ok with you?”. You looked at both of them and then started to smile softly at them “Yea, it's ok”. Mirio turns to Eri and motions her to you, “Hey Eri this is my girlfriend Jozi, she's super nice and so much fun to hang out with, and I think you two are going to be the bestest of friends” He said with smile that could save anyone just from looking at it. Eri looks at you and then with her other hand takes yours and starts to hold it “Do you like pandas?”.
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(Authors Note: Im so sorry this out so late, my life has been uber busy right now:(! But I hope you enjoy it<3)
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pumpkinsy0 · 6 months ago
outsiders characters as events from my silly ahh summer camp. i don't know how i survived for a month at a time there tbh
ponyboy: me going gollum mode over the hunger games book. it wasnt even a joke at that point i was struggling. also the pivotal turn my life took when i read hatchet. like i was reflecting and allat
darry: the DELECTABLE ahh lunches. idk what they did but they were so tasty. like i would have the best nap of my life after muching down on that
johnny: me crying myself to sleep that one time, some girl was like "erm miss counselor!!! i think insert name here is crying under her sleeping bag!!" and my bitch ass counselor who i HATED like she was my arch nemesis started trying to calm me down which made me even more upset. and earlier that day i was trying to feel included in a conversation w a semi friend and some cunt went like "no ones talking to u" when i was Literally just sitting there.
dally: that horse they assigned me that would not do anything asked of him. also one time he like broke out of his stall and was just walking around?? he was an interesting fellow. he was silly tho
soda: me getting sick from eating 2 much cereal. i was writhing around bc tummy ache 2 much later in the day. to be fair i did eat more than 10 servings of cereal.
steve: us having no air conditioning in the cabins. we had to bring our own fans. i had to shower multiple times a day bc I was sweating so much.
twobit: some girl mixing chicken and jello together. also me falling out of a bunk.
cherry: that time during horse and tack when we watched a movie bc it was too hot outside so we went in. but the movie was rlly sad and I cried
that was then… this now… ones
bryon: me almost drowning during one of the swimming performances. like I was lowk choking on water while under the sea was playing in the background.
mark: again that one damn counselor i hated so so much. like i was planning her downfall. why on God's green earth was she singing riptide while we were trying to sleep stfu
m&m: i would start randomly crying so often. i would miss lots of classes bc i would just be in the bathroom bawling for various reasons
angela: girls being so so mean to me. like it was a problem.
curly: me throwing hiking boots at a girl I didn't like
tim: them having to ban making slip n slides in the bathrooms. i didn't ask and i didn't want to know
most of these things aren't too relevant anymor but they kinda funny so here. i mean expand on these if u want. i can't put them on my blog bc it's not a TO blog but they need to be put somewhere
u made me remember this time where i just woke up weak as hell and my aunt had to literally spoonfeed me multiple bowls of cereal, to this day idk exactly HOW i got that weak, that has never happened to me before and it hasnt happened since
BUT ALSO i remember going to this summer camp and somehow someway we got into this gender prank war and im just pushing that onto all of em
and THEN there was this other time i was in this summer?????christian????school camp thing????? and look im an atheist idk what i was doing there i showed zero interest but my cousins and sister was also there, and for lunch we were going out which i dont think anyone else was doing bc my teacher asked “r u SURE u wanna go???” and i rhink she was pushing me to stay but i said yea and left immediately and i giggle at that and i think pony wluldve done the same, i wanted OUT🗣️
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the-record · 2 years ago
when emma falls in love
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synopsis: ellie might be in love with you, and you might just be in love with her too… if only you could admit it
pairing: college!ellie x fem!reader
warnings: too many tlou references, food, not proofread!!!!! also using angel in place of y/n bc it makes me cringe a little!
a/n: lets play a game called “how many references can kate make in her fics?”
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when emma falls in love, she paces the floor closes the blinds and locks the door when emma falls in love, she calls up her mom jokes about the ways that this one could go wrong
ellie couldn’t keep up.
she felt like every time dina came over, there was someone new in your life, and she couldn’t understand how. you were perfectly nice and even prettier.
but here she was, yet again in her dorm, listening to dina rant about the latest endeavor.
“and he was just a total dick! like, how are you going to say you’re busy tonight with family and then go to a party? like are you stupid?” dina sighed. “i love her, but god does she picks some idiotic ones. you remember the beach girl?”
oh she remembered the beach girl.
on an annual beach trip over spring break, some blonde had caught your eye, and you caught hers. you had invited her to join them for dinner, and how could anyone say no to you?
you hit it off with the blonde, abby, and she spent the next couple days with the group, constantly flirting with you. ellie had felt a sort of dread fill her stomach. why her? she was obviously playing in to what you wanted and she knew you were smart enough to see that.
the trip wrapped up and you made plans with abby, excited she only live a town over. but when the time came, you spent 3 hours at the park waiting for her, only to receive a text saying she wouldn’t be able to make it.
you were upset and crashed at dina’s, and ellie had heard about it all the night.
“yes, god, i remember her. what a douche.” she rolled her eyes, standing up to grab her bag for class. “i’ve gotta go, but are we all still going out tonight?” dina nodded with a smile. “cool. don’t do anything stupid. and lock my door before you leave, please.”
“says you. and i’ll think about it!”
shes walking out the door when she hits something, or someone.
“fuck, sorry my bad.”
when she focuses back, she sees you. “hey, what are you doing here?”
“oh, dina told me to come over. are you going?” you leaned in the doorway. “dina, come on, stop invading people’s space. lets go!”
she groaned, “but ellie said we could smoke here!” she got up nonetheless, heading to join you. “thanks anyways els, have fun in class!”
“bye ellie!”
she sighs as she watches you two walk away. why does air fill her head whenever shes around you?
she waits and takes her time ‘cause little miss sunshine always thinks its gonna rain when emma falls in love, i know that boy will never be the same
“so, angel, how’s it going with you and that girl?” jesse felt a kick at his leg and turned to dina. “what? am i not allowed to ask questions?”
“no, no, it’s fine. we didnt work out, but thats okay!” you smiled brightly at the table. “i think im gonna take a break anyways. im kinda sick of it.”
they all shared a knowing look. “hey, no! i promise, this is for real.”
“hun, its not that we don’t believe you.” ellie started. “iits just that… we dont believe you!” you groaned and stole a fry from her plate. “look, we’ve just heard that a lot, and we dont wanna see you get hurt.”
“but im not going to! because im taking a break.” you kicked ellie. “you dont have to believe me, but can you at least pretend to?” they gave in and cheered for you. “thanks, now who wants to share a brownie?”
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“okay, so its c minor sharp, f sharp, b, e, repeat?” you and ellie sat on the dorm room floor, her guitars in both of your laps.
“yea exactly, just on the third repeat, its a g sharp minor instead of a b.” you nodded at her and plucked the chord. “exactly. and i pluck for it so just… just watch?”
she played the song slowly, speaking her pattern as she went along. you nodded at her when she finished, figuring you knew it well enough. “okay, play it together?”
she counted down before starting, making you smile.
“talking away, i dont know what im to say. ill say it anyway, todays another day to find you shying away. ill be coming for your love, okay.” you hummed a harmony as ellie sang the words.
“are you sure you don’t usually play? youre a total natural at this.” ellie marveled as you let the last chord hum out.
“i guess im just pretty good with my fingers.” you felt your cheeks blaze as you heard back what you said.
dina chuckled, “damn right!” she stood up, going for the door. “gonna grab a bottle of water. play more for us beautiful ladies!”
ellie taught you the rest of the song, both of you more awkward than usual. you really came along it so fast, ellie was amazed.
“okay, seriously, you have to be messing with me because you are way to good at this.”
“i promise! i only took piano lessons.”
‘cause shes the kind of book that you cant put down like if cleopatra grew up in a small town and all the bad boys would be good boys if they only had the chance to love her and to tell you the truth sometimes i wish i was her
ellie had a thought that she might be, maybe, just could be a little in love with you.
she couldnt be though. right?
sure, she knew all of your favorite foods, and knew the words to your favorite song, knew your favorite books like the back of her hand, could tell anyone how you took your coffee.
but that was friendly. you guys were friendly. friends.
she guessed you guys hung out a lot, but thats because they always hung out as a group. she might’ve gotten excited when you joined, but that doesnt mean anything.
and of course she had noticed you were pretty. gorgeous, even. but so had everyone else. its not like she had purposefully memorized your features. every line and mark.
she could draw jesse from memory perfectly, its not like she liked him.
it was normal.
totally normal.
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“where’s angel?” ellie asked, looking to dina.
“not coming.” she sighed, digging around her purse for a pack of gum. “said she was busy, but she wouldn’t say why.”
“i think we all know why,” jesse teased. they all gave him a look, but he leveled them with one of his own. “im not insulting her. its just that, this isn’t exactly out of her nature. i mean seriously, who actually took her promise seriously?”
ellie excused herself to the bathroom, dialing you before she even reached the door.
“hey, where are you?” she picked at the already chipping nail polish she had on.
“uhm, im out.” you sighed. “look, im kind of busy. did you need somet-“
she had to cut to the chase. “are you on a date?”
“excuse me?”
“are you on a date?”
“thats none of your business.”
“oh fuck off, you know it very much is. so. are you?”
“fine, yea i am. now can i get back to it?”
“we are talking later.”
she joined the group back at their table, but couldnt focus back in on the conversation.
“you okay, ellie?” she looked up at dina, nodding with a hum.
“yea, sorry, got lost for a second.”
when emma falls apart, its when shes alone she takes on the pain and bears it on her own ‘cause when emma falls in love, she’s in it for keeps she wont walk away unless she knows she absolutely has to leave
she didnt even bother to knock, just walked straight through your dorm room door.
“ellie, what the hell?” you were in bed, a book in hand and music playing from a speaker. “what happened to knocking?”
ellie b-lined for your bed, taking a seat at the foot of it. “why were you on a date?”
“dude, seriously, what if i was naked? so not okay!” you placed a bookmark on your page and set the book to the side.
“okay, fine im sorry!” she groaned and found your eyes. “now why were you on a date? what happened to taking a break?”
“what do you want me to say, els?” you exhaled and looked down at your hands. “that i cant keep anything? that i cant keep promises or partners?” ellie felt bad as she saw your eyes were glossy and the frown on your face. “im sorry im such a screwup and that i cant do anything right. anything else?”
ellie ran her fingers through her hair. “im sorry.” she crossed her legs on your bed and looked at you. “really im sorry, this was so uncalled for. youre right, its not my business. im really sorry. i just wan-“
she froze.
surely you couldnt be kissing her right now.
before she could even think to reciprocate, you pulled away, a deer in headlights look on your face.
“im so sorry.” you whispered moving away from her. “god, im so so sorry. you should go. im sorry.” she opened her mouth to try and say anything, but you beat her to it. “ellie, please, just go.”
she saw the tears well and felt compelled to stay. but her body went against her, forcing her feet to walk out the door to her own room.
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e: you cant ignore me forever. read
e: please angel, just talk to me. read
e: you kissed me, not the other way around. stop making this my fault. read
e: millers, noon? just coffee, i promise. read
a: im sorry.
ellie tossed her phone at her bed.
“whats up with you?” dina probed. “youve been… peeved this week. whats up?”
“who the hell says peeved?” she tried to joke but was met with dinas serious face. “im fine! seriously!” god that face made her break. “okay fine, just… dont tell anyone.”
dina nodded excitedly and sat down infront of her.
“angel kissed me, and then she freaked out and made me leave, and now she wont even talk to me!” ellie fell back onto her bed.
“did you hear nothing else that i said?”
and shes the kind of book that you cant put down like if cleopatra grew up in a small town and all the bad boys would be good boys if they only had the chance to love her and to tell you the truth sometimes i wish i was her
e: please, im begging you, just talk to me. read
a: what do you want me to say ellie?
e: literally anything. read
a: i messed up els, okay?
a: i shouldn’t have kissed you. im sorry.
e: but you should have. and you did. read
a: what?
e: meet me at millers? read
a: ellie…
e: please. read
a: omw.
e: thank you omg. read
a coffee was waiting on the table for you when you arrived. you sat across from ellie, hesitantly taking the drink. “you wanted to talk.” you talk a sip, finding it tasted like your usual order. “so talk.”
“okay look… i’m just as confused and nervous as you are.” she laughed nervously and fiddled with her own cup. “but, im glad you kissed me.”
“yea i know.” she took a deep breath before continuing. “i only recently, like very recently, realized my feelings were misplaced. i really dont wanna be friends.”
you groaned, “and you couldnt have just texted me that?”
“fucks sake, just let me finish!” she pleaded, picking back up when you sat back into your chair. “i like you. like, a crazy lot, and it freaks me out. so please, let me at least take you on one date. if not, its fine, we just cant be friends. i wouldnt be able to stand it.”
you chewed at a nail as you took in what she had said.
“say something.”
a beat of silence before.
“okay?” she whispered.
“yea, okay. you can take me on a date.”
well, shes so new york when shes in l.a. she wont lose herself in love the way that i did ‘cause she’ll call you out she’ll put you in your place when emma falls in love, im learning
“hey, hurry up, im waiting downstairs for you.”
ellies voice rang through your room as you placed her on speaker.
“nuh uh, im not done. you asked me out, now deal with the consequences. ill be down when im ready.” you pulled out your outfit, throwing it on as you spoke. “just scroll on insta or something if you’re that bored.”
she hung up and you couldn’t help but laugh. you had been so nervous in the days leading up to this, but suddenly felt much better as she yelled at you like normal.
you finally met her at her car, hopping in the passenger seat and connecting your phone.
“the hell are you doing?” ellie squealed.
you scoffed and rolled your eyes. “passengers princess gets aux. suck it up loser.” you queued up songs as she pulled out and onto the main road. “where are we going anyways?”
“you’ll see.”
“god you are so annoying.”
and yet you smiled at her.
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“an arcade? really?” you looked at her with eyebrows raised.
she shrugged and unbuckled, opening her door to get out. you shook your head, shocked still you were on a date with ellie williams. at the arcade.
she pulled you through the maze of a place to some own machine. “mortal kombat? what even is this?”
she smiled so bright, you couldnt help but smile back. “just wait, its so fun.”
emma met a boy with eyes like a man turns out her heart fits in the palm of his hand now he’ll be her shelter when it rains little does he know, his whole world’s about to change
“it was totally fun right? c’mon, you can admit it!” she pushed your shoulder, seeing your smiling face.
“okay yes, fine it was fun, i had fun!” you laughed, staring at her face. “i never really noticed you had this many freckles.”
you traced a finger across her cheeks. down the slope of her nose. across her eyebrow, stopping to poke the scar running through the left one.
“you’re pretty.” you whispered.
she blushed. “i think you’re gorgeous.” she whispered back.
her eyes were so pretty.
“can i kiss you?”
‘cause shes the kind of book that you cant put down like if cleopatra grew up in a small town and all the bad boys would be good boys if they only had the chance to love her and to tell you the truth sometimes i wish i was her
yeah, between me and you sometimes i wish i was her
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freshloveforthefit · 1 year ago
Cheer you up - Sturniolo Triplets
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y/n is going through a depressive episode & hasn't talked to anyone so the triplets come over and help her get back to doing daily tasks
Y/n's POV
I was woken up from my phone going off again from my nightstand beside my bed. I hadn't talked to anyone in a couple days, just ignoring my phone hoping my problems would just disappear if I didn't acknowledge them.
My room was a mess and I hadn't left my bed in almost 3 days. Only leaving to grab food but then never eating it. I get like this sometimes but it hasn't been this bad in a while. Ever since I moved from Boston to LA with the triplets it's been contained pretty well, until this week.
The triplets and I have been friends for as long as I can remember, our parents were best friends so when they found out they were having kids at the same time we were instantly going to be friends in our parents heads.
I figured I should at least look at my phone to let them know I was okay, seeing as I haven't replied in a couple days and they were probably getting more worried.
The most recent being a missed call from Nick and a missed text from Matt.
"Please at least reply or answer one of us Y/n. Are you okay?"
I set my phone back down telling myself I'd reply in a little bit and went back to sleep.
When I woke back up again there was knocking on my door. I thought if I just let whoever it was knock they leave eventually. Boy was I wrong, the knocking just kept getting louder and more frequent.
My phone started going off again and I saw it was Nick. Remembering I was going to reply soon, I picked up the call.
"Let us in. We're at your door." Nick said, then hanging up.
I really didn't want to see anybody in the state of myself and my room, but I still got up to go to the door and let them in.
They stood there all looking concerned for me when I opened the door.
"Hi? What are you doing here?" You asked very confused.
"You haven't answered in days and expected us to just let that slide? We know you haven't been doing the greatest so we're here to cheer you up." Chris said, walking past you into your apartment.
"Sure invite yourself right in..." You mumble as they all walk through following Chris.
They set 2 bags down on your kitchen table and start unpacking them. They were full of all your favorite foods, drinks, games, and a new blanket. They also brought the ingredients for one of your favorite meals that they always made you make since they loved it too.
"Now, we are going to help you clean up some and you can go shower then we can cook. How does that sound?" Nick said.
"Yea sure, so demanding." You joke back. " But seriously thank you guys so much."
"Of course. We noticed something was wrong so we wanted to try to help some." Matt said coming to hug you.
"Okay everyone get to your jobs!" Nick said pushing you towards you bathroom so you could shower and get ready.
After you were done you walked back out seeing everything looked much more clean and the triplets were getting everything out to cook.
You all cooked and listened to music before you sat down to watch a movie while you ate. Eventually one movie turned into three and you fell asleep with your head on Nicks lap and your legs on Matts lap.
Being around friends really did help, and you felt better the next day surrounded by your three favorite people.
Omgggg first fic I've posted 🤯 I hope yall enjoy!!
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destinyc1020 · 6 months ago
I feel like we all feel the same but I got the vibe when z and JE were together that they were kinda bored like there was no playfulness. All speculation guys but From Z’s side I think she thought he was hot but he didn’t understand her humor so she scaled back. Idk if he understood the people around her either like Darnell etc like i doubt he listens or cares for Beyoncé for example lol Hence why she was lurking on Tom shit on twitter because she was able to do those things with Tom. From JEs perspective I think he thought z was cute and she was fun to hang out with at first but he probably found her childish and couldn’t understand the deal with memes ( makes me sad because she didn’t go to a real school so she probably is online a lot lol) or maybe understand the people around her or her taste in music and humor and found her boring and even worse like too childish. He also probably hated her clean public persona and couldn’t deal. I think JEs true love was Kaia. The way his relationship with her was the most authentic to him. They were the most similar in personality and humor. They probably liked the same things. But back to z, the playfulness she has with Tom their entire relationship with lipsync battle them jumping up and down in the Beyoncé concert laughing and giggling in interviews that could never happen with JE. Tom understands her humor and even adds to it. I think you can only do so much with looks. And to the girls, guys will never give you the affection you need unless they really really like you. I think z wanted affection from JE and he was blah because he wasn’t into her like that. He just didn’t like her and that is fine lol the part that bothers me is I know z felt insecure because he was hanging out with Kaia while he was with her and she knew. Z was liking Kaia’s pics too imagine the questioning and insecurity the wondering too. And then to be proven right on your birthday with pics with the same girl you are keeping an eye on. And for all this to be public lol lawd
Yea girl, I def think TZ have always had something special, that they just didn't have with their other significant others and flings/rebounds. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I never felt that Z and JE's energy matched. For example, Z is way more light-hearted, fun, and loves to laugh and smile. Whereas JE always seemed sooo serious and seemed to take himself a bit too seriously?
Even the way he handled the paprazzi on their pap stroll in NYC was totally different (him flipping them bird vs her trying to put his hand down). 🥴
They just seemed to have some very different values.
I won't say that JE didn't get along with Darnell. Darnell seems pretty easy-going. 🤷🏾‍♀️ If JE clashed with anyone in Z's circle, it was probably Claire and Law lol 🤭
Law took that one trip with them to Greece, and you never saw Law with them ever again. And Law seems like he speaks his mind, and is pretty as fvk lol 😆
Claire seemed meh about him, and always preferred Tom over JE (that was pretty obvious 🤭).
The only thing I will add though is about the music thing.... You and your partner do NOT have to like the same type of music, movies, or even food. These little things are not what keep a relationship together. Yea, while it's nice if you and your bf both love the same type of music, I know of friends who are married and they always joke to me about how they and their husbands do not like the same joke at all lol. 😅
Those are very small things Anon lol.
Also, how do we know that JE doesn't like Beyoncé? We really don't know that lol.
But anyway, that's the only thing I would add to this.
To me, TZ are the definition of a couple that are soul mates. Meaning, they're not just dating each other, but they also genuinely LOVE each other as FRIENDS. THAT type of love with your partner is very hard to find. That's the type that only comes once or twice in a lifetime imo.
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ghostsandmirrors · 1 month ago
DO ME my url lol
Send me your URL and I'll tell you...
(under read more for length)
...My Opinion on; Character in general: I love Wanda, man. she got fucked up by the MCU writers and didn't deserve it at all but she's still like... one of the best and yours is one of my fave versions though I've only rped with like 3 Wandas but still. I usually put that in the next section but that bitch is already going to be too damn long.
How they play them: for people to fully understand the scope of how long we've been following each other in one form or another; I remade Bucky's solo blog in like what? 2018? and we were mutuals over there, then I made this blog in 2019 and we became mutuals again, and then you made your blog again and we became mutuals again. I would not have stayed mutuals with you across both my blogs and yours for this long if I didn't like your version of Wanda or how you write her.
I think you're one of the like three people since I started this blog whose threads I've read because I love your Wanda, man. I love her. she's hilarious in any thread (the little 'oh fuck' in the one with agentsterling tickled me) and she's so cute in every single thread we've had, and ofc it's because of how you write her. the word choices in her dialogue, the actions, even just the way your posts flow. it creates her in such a way that she feels so Wanda but also so your version of her, if that makes like any sense at all.
I wish I read more of your threads. but also I want to say that my favourite part I've read of anyones' threads is probably Wanda calling Ghostface 'Daddy' because that shit's hilarious. I read it at the time and then I went back to read more shit so I could ramble about how goddamn good your writing it and it's somehow funnier the second time round, I think because I forgot. I forgot she did that. it's so good.
we don't even thread that much, I just like watching her occasionally pop up on my dash and going 'hell yea'.
it's 5:32am at time of writing this bit here. Idk what the fuck you expected when you sent this.
The Mun: ok firstly, ilu but also for anyone else seeing this, I gotta tell them.
so, 'hoy lads, listen; this cursed motherfucker sent me some fuckin tiktok and I don't even remember what the fuck it was but it made me reconsider having a tumblr blog for a good minute or two.
but also I said 'goose mommy' and didn't get blocked so I love this mun. 10/10.
nevermind. I remember what it was. 0/10. I'm blocking you. /big jk I would never.
Do I: RP with them: I don't think so. unless you count the measuring as a thread which would be very funny. 'yeah we rp but our only thread rn is bucky measuring his dick and wanda trying to guess the length in inches.'
... we 100% have a thread rn and it's that one.
Want to RP with them: always. I don't have a single specific idea, I just want to write with you.
What is my; Overall Opinion: the mun is a babe and the muse is incredible and one time you helped with the Spanish on Duo's DBD verse so I'm forever in your debt. also you and Wanda gives me the vibes of like, 'canon couldn't give you what you deserve so I'm gonna do it' and as someone who did the same damn thing with Bucky, who watched l-ethiferous do the same with Danny, hell yeah. give her everything she deserves.
gonna go piss on the lawn outside the mouse's house, too. (for legal reasons, this is a joke; idk where the mouse lives.)
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