#yea i just went the easy way and made up some bs about my orientation
rapidhighway · 2 years
So let's hope that my prof won't make me come out in front of a group of strangers because of my project idea huh :>
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liamoftheirish · 4 years
Task 24 - OOC About Your Character
1.     What do you want to get out of playing this character(s)?
To see him and his story develop, especially with relationships. 
2.     Describe your character(s) with three words.
Strong, fierce, caring.
3.     What made you decide to write this muse?
Liam was my first muse in this game, and I always wanted to play someone that went against typical fantasies of wealth and power, instead someone simple-life oriented, quiet, reserved, cold who could develop into something more if unlocked.
4.     If you could change one event in your muse’s life (in their main or canon verse), what would you change?
Nothing really, everything is carefully crafted to put Liam in the mindset he needs to be in; I already re-wrote his history when I left the game and came back, to flesh him out better. 
5.     If you could tell your muse one thing, what would you tell them?
Don’t be afraid to open up and love again.
6.     If you could give your muse one gift, what would you give them?
He’s not very sentimental or materialistic, but if possible, maybe one more day with his wife that would let him get closure. 
7.     If you had to take one positive thing away from your muse, what would you take away?
His unwavering conviction: He has his beliefs, he has his loyalties, and those don’t stray, and it’s an admirable trait to have a strong conviction that you don’t let falter. 
8.     If you could “borrow” one aspect of your muse and apply it to yourself or your own life, what would you borrow?  
His confidence in himself and his beliefs, to not care so much what others think.
9.     Do you genuinely want your muse to be happy? What do you think would make them most happy in life?
I would love Liam to be happy, I thought there was a chance at first, but that fell off; since then, it seems the options are there, but it’s on him to be more open to allow for it. Clearly the man has lived a violent, angry, and lonely life, one that he created himself because of his nature. He hasn’t allowed himself to love since his wife passed (by his hands in a blood rage), and he hasn’t allowed himself to love again. There’s been a few that have nearly unlocked that, but it’s not until he allows himself to admit it and forgive himself, that he’ll ever be truly happy.
10. Do you enjoy putting your muse through angst? What do you think would break their heart the most?
I do, even if he doesn’t seem ‘angsty’, fact is stuff bothers him inwardly and he worries. He just doesn’t like to show weakness or too many sides to himself. He has been more open, and recently been questioning some of his actions. Hurting him the most would be him harming someone he cares deeply about.
11. What do you love about your muse?
His confidence, and again, his unwavering conviction. His simple-life mindset is also something I greatly appreciate.
12. What do you hate about your muse?
His coldness and closed off mindset.
13. What about your muse amuses you?
The fact that pop-culture references just go flying over his head, because he just does not care a thing about film or TV.
14. What about your muse makes you sad?
The fact that he feels so lonely despite his friends. 
15. How would you describe your muse to someone about to meet them, in person, for the first time?
He’ll be cold, distant, a bit stand offish. May be a bit intimidating, and maybe a bit too matter-of-fact in speaking, seems to lack any real filter. If you can accept that and work past it, he’s a good friend to have though.
16. Would you like your muse as a person if you met them in real life?
Probably, but it’d be hard for me to feel comfortable to call him a friend; I’d be pretty intimidated around him until I got to know him.
17. In what ways are you better than your muse? In what ways are they better than you?
I’m more open, empathetic, able to befriend people easier, but Liam has a confidence and conviction that I lack and wish I had. I wish I could care less about what people think of me, and be more confident in who and what I am.
18. Why do you think you connect to your muse?
We both care deeply about people we love, we’re both a bit quieter, and both of us aren’t the most social of butterflies; while Liam would prefer to sit at home wood working and working on cars, I’d more than happily sit at home and write or watch movies.
19. What aspect of your muse’s personality is most important to you? What aspect of your muse’s personality do you think is most important to them? Is it the same? Why or why not?
Again, it’s his pure and unwavering confidence and conviction. I think that probably is the same with Liam as well, holding onto his identity is so invaluable to him, because if he loses that he’ll lose control and that’s when he’ll slip back into what he used to be. He struggles with the fact that he’s a violent, insatiable killer, but at the same time has compassion for life and doesn’t WANT to just attack and kill. And he has to make sure he accepts that aspect of him, of what he WANTS to be, so he can balance that against what he can be. His confidence and conviction helps maintain that balance.
20. Has your character(s) changed over the time that you have been playing them? How have they changed?
While Liam’s fundamentals, his rules to live by and moral convictions have mostly stayed the same. He has slowly opened up more, been more open to listen and talk with people; though, he doesn’t often talk about himself, he can let a bit of his past slip in here or there. He’s learned to not look at others as potential enemies or victims, but instead daring to call some of them friends. He’s able to laugh more, joke more, hopefully someone’s willing to push that to the next level someday.
About You!
1.     What is your name?
2.     What is your profession?
Beer and Wine Steward
3.     What do you do to relax?
Listen to music, write, watch films, play video games.
4.     What is your favorite treat (desert)?
Ice Cream on fresh-baked brownie/cookie with fudge dripped over it all.
5.     Favorite movie -
I’m a massive film buff, so almost every movie is a favorite to me in some fashion. I adore Star Wars for several reasons, not all of them good. Maybe my favorite movie is probably a toss up between The Big Lebowski or No Country for Old Men, any film with incredible dialogue really. But then I also absolutely love beautiful BS like the MCU films and got shivers during the Portals scene in Endgame, so yea... no idea really.
6.     Favorite book -
Currently: The Immortal Irishman - Timothy Egan (This needs to be made into a movie)
7.     Favorite vacation spot -
My favorite vacation I ever went on is a toss up between trip with friends to Portland for a wedding, and Chicago for Star Wars Celebration, but I’ve always wanted to visit Ireland. I intend to try next year.
8.     Favorite Disney movie -
The Lion King (I’m basic bitch like that, don’t at me.)
9.     How did you first get into role playing?
I started playing back when I was around 13 or 14, back on AOL, playing a Jedi in a D&D like setting... because that’s what I knew. People were accepting of it, and it was some of the greatest experience. I love story telling. 
10. What was your first platform? If it was something other than Tumblr, what made you get into Tumblr?
AOL. And why Tumblr? AOL moved to Greatest Journal, which died, and moved to Insane Journal, and I met a girl there who told me about Tumblr RP, which I said ‘that sounds stupid’... and now I’m here. So there’s that. I still really don’t know what I’m doing half the time on Tumblr, no idea how to discover games on this platform, lol.
11. What’s a grammar rule you find yourself breaking or ignoring a lot?
100% it’s tenses. Past/present, I just write how I talk and it’s bad writing, I know. I will also simultaneously explain way too much in depth, and other times get ridiculously lazy writing in-depth.
12. Are there any languages besides English in which you think you could comfortably roleplay?
Just English. I’ve tried to learn other languages, but for whatever reason it’s very hard for me to wrap my mind around sentence structure and grammar rules in other languages.
13. Do you listen to music while your write?
Depends. If it’s just basic writing, an easy-going scene, probably not? I can get distracted from time to time; however, if I’m trying to get into a specific mood most definitely. Or if I feel a scene is heading somewhere that needs a good soundtrack? I’m a sucker for soundtracks in film, and music can really drive my mood (which is why it can be a distraction). And sometimes I write a scene specifically because I was hearing music that put me in that mood.
14. Are you a morning, day, evening, or night writer?
Evening. Which is why changing positions at work will help me, when I start working more during the day. When I work at night it’s hard for me to get up and get going enough in the morning to write. 
15. How does tiredness affect your writing?
Do you know how many times I write something exhausted, and when I come back to read it I absolutely hate it? It affecs me greatly...
16. What is your biggest obstacle to writing every day, if time doesn’t count?
Motivation, mood. I’m up and down in my moods, and sometimes I’m feeling down, exhausted, both, or sometimes I just feel inadequate in my writing and hate writing because I judge my abilities and suddenly don’t want to write. 
17. How many drafts is a paralyzing amount?
None? It’s more my mood and how far I get behind that’s paralyzing, but when I’m not feeling down or depressed, I’m in a normal mood or a great mood, I can write 30 threads in a single sitting and not miss a beat. I’m sure others can attest to how far I can turn around a reply when I’m on my game. (probably annoyingly).
18. Is there anything character-wise or writing style-wise that you can’t stand?
It’s probably Godmodding, it takes away from the fun of writing WITH people if you’re trying to control their actions.
19. What kind of anonymous questions are your favorite?
Things that make me think about my character, or have my character think. Things that make me really develop my character’s mind.
20. What is your weakest point in writing? Angst, fluff, dialogue, etc.?
I love dialogue in film, so maybe it’s a bit ironic that writing dialogue can easily be an achilles heel for me. It’s hard for me to write fluff or small talk, because I’ve personally never been very good at small talk, and focusing that in my writing is difficult. Fluff is kind of the same way, because it’s all romantic and cheesy and really? I feel a bit embarrassed when writing it. Though that’s more or less for some characters more than others. Murad I can get a bit more fluffy and small talky because I can be outwardly weird with him, where as Liam... his quiet reserve and demeanor make those difficult.
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madlost1 · 7 years
I was bored and did all the questions on one of those ask me things.
Get to know me a little bit after the break if your interested:
The meaning behind my url: No meaning at all just a user name that I mad up a while back when I needed one.
A picture of me: posted one last night.
How many tattoos i have and what they are: 6 Godzilla text in Japanese, Charisma.com logo, Sucy Manbavaran portrait, Doctor Who quote, Sailor Moon symbols, Ruby Rose (RWBY) picture.
Last time i cried and why: Last night thinking about someone.
Piercings i have: 4 (2 in each ear)
Favorite band: Babymetal followed very very closely by AC/DC
Biggest turn offs: Dishonestly is probably the biggest one, smoking, manipulation, uh some other stuff that is slipping my mind right now. Physically nothing though the mind is more important to me then looks.
Top 5 (insert subject): I’ll go movies 1)Sucker Punch (2011) 2) The Blues Brothers 3) Casablanca 4) Inglourious Basterds 5) Army of Darkness 
Tattoos i want: Too many but the next will probably be either a Sailor Saturn or the Straw Hat Pirates Logo.
Biggest turn ons: Honestly (obviously), Being nice. Physically Short Hair and Glasses fuck me right up.
Age: 27 (28 next month)
Ideas of a perfect date: Dinner, Mini golf, and a movie to cap the night off
Life goal: Just to live a happy life with a significant other.
Piercings i want: no more I’m done
Relationship status: Single (feels like it will be that way forever)
Favorite movie: Easy already did this one but Sucker Punch (2011) most would probably say it was because of the skimpily dressed girls or the action scenes but if you look past all of the there is a really deep and intricate story being told behind it all with multiple interpretations of what is actually going on.
A fact about my life: I shouldn’t really be here typing this today since I should have died when I was a baby.
Phobia:  Autophobia (more specifically a fear of dying alone)
Middle name: John
Height: 5′9″ or 5′10″ don’t know anymore
Are you a virgin? yeah
What’s your shoe size? depends on brand 11 in Converse up to 12.5 in Nike
What’s your sexual orientation? Straight
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs? None of the above
Someone you miss: Honestly I miss texting my crush.
What’s one thing you regret? I regret a lot of things biggest one probably being not giving the one girl that was willing to me a chance a chance myself.
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: Oh boy celebrity crush I’m going to have to say Mami Sasazaki from the Japanese band Scandal.
Favorite ice cream? Strawberry
One insecurity: My looks
What my last text message says: That wasn’t work or family related it was kind of a long one to that girl that I told I didn’t think I should ask her out. ( which I later found out she had a boyfriend already any way so there was no point to it to begin with).
Have you ever taken a picture naked? No
Have you ever painted your room? Yes
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? No
Have you ever slept naked? No
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror? No
Have you ever had a crush? Oh god yes I’m pretty sure everyone has. I still do.
Have you ever been dumped? You kind of have to be in a relationship for that to happen in the first place so no.
Have you ever stole money from a friend? Who the hell does that? No. Even if I borrow a couple bucks I always pay them back.
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met? No
Have you ever been in a fist fight? I’ve never thrown a punch because I will never hit a woman which leads me to the fact that my cousin was kind of an idiot and punched me a couple of times, and I also got punched in the face by some girl on the bus ride on the way home from school one day in Middle School because she said me and one of my other cousins were being too loud. (More literally a case of us talking about music I think it was, her and her friend sitting in the seat in front of us and her turning around and saying shut the fuck up and when I said no she punched me in the mouth.)
Have you ever snuck out of your house? No
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? I mean I do right now.
Have you ever been arrested? No
Have you ever made out with a stranger? Np
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? Whats met up with? Gone somewhere with then yes.
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents? Of course
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor? No
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun? No
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? Assuming my dad doesn’t count (listen 6 people on vacation in a 2 bed hotel room is not ideal) then no.
Have you ever seen someone die? No
Have you ever been on a plane? Yeas
Have you ever kissed a picture? No
Have you ever slept in until 3? I can’t sleep that late. I can lay in bed all damn day though.
Have you ever love someone or miss someone right now? Love is a strong word. I don’t want to use it but I guess it is kind of what it is. 
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Yes
Have you ever made a snow angel? Yes
Have you ever played dress up? Yes
Have you ever cheated while playing a game? Yes
Have you ever been lonely? All the damn time
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school? Yes
Have you ever been to a club? No
Have you ever felt an earthquake? No
Have you ever touched a snake? Yes
Have you ever ran a red light? Accidentally when I was first learning to drive.
Have you ever been suspended from school? No
Have you ever had detention? Yes 3 times all BS if you ask me. Me and my cousin got into a argument in like 5th grade that led to us both getting it. I think it was 7th grade computer class when a couple of us were fucking around and I hit a couple keys on a keyboard by accident and the piece of crap computer froze so I got hit with that one. And a lunch detention for a week because I accidentally spit mashed potatoes over a couple of people at lunch at while I admit it looked bad because I was trying to eat mashed potatoes with a straw the teachers way over reacted. 
Have you ever been in a car accident? A little bump on a rain slick road when every one slammed on their brakes. Unfortunately I was on the down slope of a hill and slid down it into the back of the car in front of me. No damage all was good.
Have you ever hated the way you look? Always
Have you ever witnessed a crime? Shoplifting I guess but that’s what happens when you work in retail.
Have you ever pole danced? No
Have you ever been lost? No
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country? Yes
Have you ever felt like dying? Nah as much as I say I want to there is no point to it. Just live your life. You never know how important your life may be to someone else and how your absence in life may affect them.
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Yeah last night
Have you ever sang karaoke? Alone in my room and in my car I sing along to songs all the time but that doesn’t really count.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? Tried drinking a few times. Taste of alcohol is horrible to me anymore though.
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Uhm the aforementioned mashed potato incident with is kind of why the mashed potatoes went everywhere
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger? I never slept with anyone
Have you ever kissed in the rain? Never kissed anyone
Have you ever sang in the shower? Yes
Have you ever made out in a park? Never kissed anyone
Have you ever dream that you married someone? Yes
Have you ever glued your hand to something? Yes model kits all the time
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? no
Have you ever ever gone to school partially naked? no
Have you ever been a cheerleader? no
Have you ever sat on a roof top? Yes but thats because I used to help my dad re-do roofs  all the time when I was younger.
Have you ever brush your teeth? I brush my teeth every day
Have you ever ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? I used to not be able to watch them before bed because I would get nighmares but it hasn’t happened for awhile
Have you ever played chicken? No
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Yes
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger? No
Have you ever broken a bone? No (actually probably my toe at one point but I never went to the doctor for it.)
Have you ever been easily amused? I am very easily amused
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? Yes 
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone? No
Have you ever cheated on a test? No
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name? It happens sometimes
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real? Yes
Have you ever give us one thing about you that no one knows. Not yet
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