#yayyy finally done..
brooklynisher · 23 days
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We love gay steambots around these parts chat
Sketches and references and stuff under cut
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ssseriema · 11 months
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releasing the docmaid from the @mcyt-trios propaganda now that lifesteal finale is REAL!!!! YAY
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lotuslate · 1 year
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a little comic about post canon wangxian and coming to terms with some things!
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avidaxe · 3 months
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you feel your pulse
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beebfreeb · 1 month
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I am just hanging out and being regular.
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childofsardior · 1 month
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What if we were Merkoopas holding hands under the sea...?
Part 2 and direct sequel of my Under the Sea drawing, for Ludwig's Day!
I admit it: this one is very self indulgent and more an excuse to introduce my beloved OC than a focus on Luddy himself, buuut
I'll add this to my Koopa Week: Summertime Edition Series anyway :3
Btw her name is Estrela Koopz and I have A LOT to say about her! Can't wait :333
Plus this is the first time in YEARS that I feel confident/safe enough to show an actual OC of mine online?? Sooo... happy! :D
Now some fun facts:
1. The idea of Ludwig conducting under the sea as a parody of Little's Mermaid Under the Sea song was given to me by a friend! At first it had to be normal Lud with diving tanks and everything, but then I remembered of my HC of him being scared of deep water - at least, when he's not inside a submarine or something. Soooo... Yeah! Funny dream with funny merfolk-shaped Royal Koopas u.u
2. Yes, I headcanon Ludwig to have long and natural curly hair (like his mother, in my personal HC/AU); he spends more than an hour everyday in the morning fixing it with hairspry and combs and hair straightener when needed to mimic the famous haircut of Madame Flurrie - maybe I'll tell you the whole story one day u.u
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loccorocco · 1 year
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Assistant (part 2 of 2) - Souvenir
stalker ocs Dima + Sanya
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sylvrndoodles · 1 month
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sealrock · 1 month
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Heaven holds a sense of wonder, and I wanted to believe That I'd get caught up when the rage in me subsides
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karmikiart · 2 months
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the halfaxa painting
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venaue · 14 days
" Woah... I've never been to a forest before... Arf! "
[ SR ] Anchor Wilthorne - Golden Frost Festival
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( event made and hosted by @the-rini-rush !! )
Voicelines + Extra Images (hoodless version + both w/ out card overlay) under the cut! <3
" Huh? Fairies that can change the weather..? I thought they could only do that in storybooks... "
"It's kinda sad this event only happens every ten years... Though between you and me, pretty sure it's even sadder that Night Raven hasn't gotten invited for almost a whole century. Heh... "
" They're changin' it from summer to winter, right? Arf! That sucks real bad. I bet it's gonna be so much harder to find places to nap in the cold... Wait- Did I even bring any cold winter clothes to Night Raven?! "
" Forests look so peaceful... I've always wanted to visit one, actually. It's... such a vast difference from what I'm used too... At least- that's what I've gathered from movies and such anyway- arf! "
" Hey, what do you even do at a festival? It's not like I've ever been to one before... "
" ...Even though Aros did up my outfit himself, I seriously can't tell whether it's actually appropriate, or whether he just wanted to play dress up on me... Hmph... "
" Did- arf! Did Aros really have to tie the front of my hood into a little bow... Arf! Well- I guess I can't complain too much, he did make the entire thing from scratch for me... And scritched my ears as an apology for the trouble... A-ack! You- arf! You didn't hear that! "
" I wish Mace would stop making that stupid pun out of my name... saying 'Anchor will thorn' and then snickering immedietaly after got old after the first time... when we were like- five... arf! "
" Oh, Jack's coming? Neat. At least I might have someone to talk to during the event... Lookin' at scenery can only last you so long before it gets boring... Trust me, I'd know. "
" I bet I could bring Xen along and no one'd bat an eye. Grk- not that I'd ever be friendly enough with that thing to pull that off-... Arf! 'Sides- I'm pretty sure it'd peck my eyes out if I even thought about seperatin' it from Yuuto... "
"...There was a pocket in this vest, so I just stuck my phone in it. Pretty smart, right? ...Eh? It doesn't match the outfit at all..? Well- Arf! It's too late to do anythin' about it now! I really thought I was onto something... "
(mb i had so many voiceline ideas this is such a huge block of writing for voice lines of all things omg ...)
Extra Images:
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nico-the-overlord · 4 months
So, Logan is based off the teacher character yeah? What if I just
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+alt version and sketch I’m not gonna finish
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For context if anyone is confused: Carson Dellosa Education is a company that makes worksheets/posters for elementary school students.
Tried to replicate their art style (what the internet has dubbed the ‘Carson-Dellosa’ art style’). Idk if first ones are also called that, I know the sketch is most like their style, but I’ve also seen first type alot in classrooms so yeah.
[Image ID start. Four separate drawings of Logan Sanders from Sanders Sides, drawn in a cartoonish art style. Most notable of the style is a wide, simplistic smile. First drawing is a drawing of Logan standing, looking forward.
Second drawing is a poster that reads “KNOWLEDGE IS POWER” in round white block letters outlined in black. In the middle is a drawing of Logan reading an untitled blue book, his head and hands only visible peaking out the sides of the book. The background has purple swirls, and many little purple and white stars.
Third drawing is the same as the first drawing, but without Logan’s brain emblem on his shirt.
Fourth drawing is an uncolored pencil sketch of Logan standing, looking off to the side. He is holding a spiral notebook to his chest with both hands. Image ID end.]
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angelpuns · 1 month
I was gonna draw a Leo comic about my arm hurting but it hurts more to draw so ig I will just not do anything ;-;
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chaosduckies · 2 months
Tiny vampire
But they aren't the helpless one, the human is. The human carries this vampire around like a secret weapon. The vampire could turn into a bat and hang from an ear like an earring at night even...and then there were bullies!!!
You should have both be your usual he/him
Tiny vampire. Yes. I’m not going to lie, I have zero idea how to feel about this since I like it, but not at the same time, so I’m very sorry if this didn’t come out like you had expected. (And if it didn’t, I’ll rewrite it!) I hope you enjoy either way though! (I’m sorry this took so long to post and thank you for the title idea!)
Word Count: 3.2k
CW: slight mentions of death (Doesn’t actually happen), slight bullying
Pocket Assassin
In all my years, I have never seen one single human as gentle and caring as the one I, for some reason, was glued to. 
Hayven was a nice kid. In the turmoil of all the trouble life forces him to endure, he just brushes the dirt off his clothes and keeps on going. Part of the reason I had gratefully accepted his offer to stay with him. It pains me to see such a young being having to suffer through all of life’s troubles alone. His parents were no help in the matter, and I probably would have already murdered them if Hayven had pleaded me not to. Claiming that they really were nice people. Pfft. I doubt it. 
It wasn’t exactly hard to stay out of vision from the humans when you were three inches tall. That wasn’t the part I was worried about. The part that worries me is that every time one of his parents walk into Hayven’s room I can barely hold in the need to strangle them. And I could do it. The amount of times I came close to cracking- Just the thought alone made me want to march over to the living room where his parents were currently residing in and just- agh. But I would listen to Hayven, because he was right. 
So far as I know, humans still haven’t found out my kind’s existence. Not a borrower, but a vampire. Just on a much, much smaller scale, and I guess that was for the best since humans can just be so- irritating sometimes. Like I said, if it wasn’t for Hayven, I probably would have strangled hundreds of people after we had met. I still don’t understand why he won’t just let me… teach them a lesson. By that I mean to seriously injure them. Best part is that they’ll never even know who it was. Or they will and everyone would think they were crazy if they were trying to tell someone. I mean, who would believe that a 3 inch tall person just absolutely made a fool out of someone twenty times their size? I only know two people in the entire world who would actually know. Myself and Hayven. 
Today was no different. His parents stayed in the living room, and at some point I could smell his mom cooking lunch. Hayven was at school, about to come back home in about thirty minutes if the clock on his nightstand was right. There really wasn’t anything to do while Hayven was gone. Usually he would close his door and we would talk until one of his parents walked in claiming that he was talking with someone. Luckily I was always fast enough to hide away behind something. 
The tv was loud in the other room, and surprisingly I don’t think I know this movie. Might be one that recently came out? I remember when I would sneak into movie theaters and get one of the best seats right by the projector. Good times. Now it’s degrading to hearing hallmark movies through a thin wall. I groaned as loud as I could into the pillow, trying to drown out the tv as much as I could. Of course it never works. 
The door opened and closed almost immediately, but I already knew who it was. I dug my head out of the pillows, professionally keeping my composure on the soft fabric below that threatened to falter my legs throw me back down. Hayven didn’t acknowledge me at first, but waved and headed off to the bathroom. I eyed the door suspiciously. Obviously something had happened. 
Why was I sticking around for this human you may ask? Well, for one thing, I was living in the woods for years without any sort of contact with anyone until Hayven came walking along, and for some reason didn’t want to trap or experiment on me like I had always thought humans would. Well, that was if they would catch me. In all honesty, Hayven has helped me a lot more than I’ve helped him which only made me even more shocked. I would’ve figured humans would want to experiment on a three-inch tall vampire that has been here for nearly a hundred years and still looks like they were 18. 
I stealthily made my way to the bathroom, slipping underneath the small crack under the door and watching silently from below as Hayven carefully placed a small bandage above his eye that had almost looked swollen. That was most likely because it was. His skin was a light purple tint from a bruise, and I could smell the faint smell of blood. I sighed, expertly climbing up the cabinet and nearly scaring the life out of Hayven when I stood, arms crossed, on top of the marble countertop. 
We held a silent staring contest for what seemed like forever before Hayven sighed, “I just fell off my bike-“ 
“No point in hiding the truth if I already know what happened.” I glared at him, angry for being lied to. His eyes widened, avoiding eye contact. It still amazes me to this day how he could feel so helpless around me even though I was… vertically challenged compared to him. 
“It looks worse than it is.” He shrugged, carefully placing another small bandaid underneath his eye to try and cover up the dark purple bruises. My heart fell, but only for a split second. 
I would have used this time to scold Hayven for the next ten minutes, but I had a much much better idea. One that had a big smirk on my face and would have me cackling if it wouldn’t have made me sound like a maniac. 
“Take me to your school tomorrow.” I had asked him, not caring if he had said no. What could he do if I just snuck into his bag at the last second? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. But I had an amazing plan, and no it doesn’t involve killing anyone. Though that does sound pretty nice right about now… but I’ll just be gravely injuring someone if things all go according to plan tomorrow. Which they will because no one can do anything to stop me as I’ve said before. 
“Wh-what? That’s dangerous for you, Atlas! What would happen if-“ Hayven stopped talking as soon as he saw my expression. Did he really think I was afraid if some sixteen year old saw me? No one would believe them if they had said they saw me. Now if there was a group of people maybe, but I think it’d be hilarious to embarrass someone in the middle of the hall where everyone would be watching. 
“Just… don’t do anything. Please.” He had told me, sighing, already knowing what was going through my twisted mind. 
This wasn’t the first time I’ve gone places with Hayven. Most of the time I get sick and tired of doing nothing but wander around his room or sneaking my way outside to enjoy some fresh air, so he goes out sometimes afterschool for my sake. At first I thought there was a catch, since I was new to this whole, “help from humans” thing even though I was the one to help him in the woods all those months ago. I didn’t plan on sticking around with him, but what can I say? He just grows on people. 
“I make no such promises.” I climbed onto his hand, expertly making my way to his shoulder. The view was better up here. Makes me feel like I was taller and not just the 3-inch vampire that sleeps in a drawer in a nightstand drawer.
The next morning, I was woken up by the soft and subtle sound of fabric rustling and the smell of pancakes. I groaned. I never liked pancakes, and I don’t know whether that was because my preferences were… quite literally coming from the heart, or because I just absolutely hated the aftertaste that lingered in my mouth. 
I waited for Hayven to get ready and finish eating his breakfast, already thinking of idea of how to do this. A funny quip to whisper in their ear? Stay hidden while attacking and make them look like they were all just going crazy? Or just lure one them out and  walk off without caring that I would have absolutely traumatized this kid? I laughed to myself at the seemingly endless possibilities before Hayven walked back in, still looking nervous about today. 
“Oh please. It’s not like you haven’t done this before.” I stood up, waiting. 
“Would you prefer the pocket or in my bag?” He had asked before letting his hand down for me. I climbed on, trying to make it look like I wasn’t having a hard time trying to keep my balance. I at least have to show some kind of dignity in front of Hayven. 
“Pocket. It’s better than being thrashed around all day.” I grumbled, remembering when I did choose to stay in his bag one time and regretting everything. I only wanted to see what the inside of a mall looked like without being seen. There was always too many people for me to be blindly running on the ground so of course I had to take any chance I could get. 
Hayven laughed nervously, letting me into his hoodie pocket and very slowly making his way to school. He had told me it wasn’t very far from where he lived, so I guess walking shouldn’t take too long. 
When we arrived, I wasn’t expecting so many loud voices to cloud up my mind. I had to cover up my ears just to muffle some out. How does he even make it through the day here? Something had touched my back, which I had almost bit it away if I hadn’t realized it was just Hayven checking up on me. I would have complained for him to give me a warning next time, but I don’t think he could since well, we were surrounded by other humans. So let’s just try not to make things worse for him in this child prison. 
It had been a couple hours now, it was boring to just stay in the hoodie pocket all the time, but Hayven tried his hardest to keep me entertained. Whether it was grabbing me in a tight fist so I could try and escape, which I always managed to his amazement, or just taking me out secretly when no one was looking so I could get some fresh air. Of course we were in the halls but it still beat having to breathe in the clouded air around me. Not that I needed to breath anyways, but it’s nice to if I don’t want to feel like I constantly have a lack of oxygen going through my lungs. 
From a hidden view in the pocket, I could see a clock hanging above a huge door that showed that there was still an hour until Hayven would take us back, and so far I haven’t found the person responsible of hurting the human that’s helped me more times than I hated to admit. I think he still had one class though… the first seven were utterly boring in my opinion, and I couldn’t stand to listen to his history teacher ramble on about what year Columbus had found new land, then somehow spiral into how his daughter had recently went on a sailing trip. It took everything in me not to scream “Shut the hell up!” In the silent classroom. 
It was amazing how Hayven could even manage a single day in the hell-hole, let alone months on end with barely any breaks. I sighed, feeling the fabric surrounding me move as Hayven prepared to leave. Just another couple minutes, and I didn’t even get to humiliate anyone. I admit, it was a little saddening, but there was always tomorrow. 
The fabric around me stopped moving as Hayven took his seat. He carefully moved his hand into his pocket, checking on me as usual. I leaned against one of his fingers as he stopped moving, but for some reason I could tell that something was wrong. Kind of like an instinct an animal gets when they feel like something around them wasn’t right. 
Hayven’s hand was a little shaky, but I didn’t think too much on that. I peeked out of the little hole of the hoodie were I was sure no one would see me as I spotted a kid that sat right in front of him. I studied the kid for a while, careful not to let anyone see me. He was tall, muscular build, wore one of those jackets that students wear when they think they’re “Cool,” and “Popular,” but really their just people desperate for attention. Well, at least I know who my target is. And I’ll give them the attention that they want… 
I stayed hidden for a while before they were getting ready to leave again. I took this time to peak out, seeing that as soon as Hayven left the room, that guy followed blood behind, a menacing glare that must’ve stung the back of Hayven’s head. I quietly hissed to myself, preparing myself for what I was about to do. Might be crazy for a person of my size, but it would be oh so worth it later what I get the sweet, sweet taste of revenge. Probably almost literally. 
Hayven sighed as he turned the corner where no one was at, the other guy following close behind. Hayven stopped and quickly turned around, already accepting his fate. I started quietly cackling to myself, getting ready to jump out of his pocket and make this jock run all the way home crying. 
“Listen, I did your essay already, can I be left alone?” Hayven pleaded while I waited for this other guy made the first move like I knew he would. Then my world was spinning in just one second. I grabbed on tightly to the fabric surrounding me as Hayven was harshly shoved up against a locker. 
“Yeah, and I failed it anyways. Know anything about that?” I hissed as the human much, much taller than Hayven continued to whisper empty threats. Just before I could lunge at the big oaf, a tight hand gripped around me, and I admit I was only scared for a second, but quickly tried to gain my freedom. Hayven knew what I was about to do, and as soon as I was free, I hurried up to the other guys shoulder and quickly started clawing at it, running away the second his hand came slapping down. I snickered, grabbing a tuff of their hair and pulling as hard as I could, causing his head to fall backward along with the rest of his body and in front of everyone in the hall. I fixed my position to remain hidden, pulling a little harder until his back hit one of the lockers. 
He looked around, eyes wide and locked on Hayven, who stood there in shock. I snickered, moving and started to bite at his neck and shoulders that made him move around like he was losing his absolute mind just as I had hoped. I started hearing earfuls of laughs, but kept on making him move his limbs wildly before his hand had almost managed to grab me. I noticed a few kids with their phones out, taking a video of what was happening and only prayed that I wasn’t caught at any point. 
Sadly, I didn’t have any of the hand-made weapons I had stashed away underneath Hayven’s desk (I promise I only had them there just in case he had tried anything.) But they were also for instances when I used to live alone. They would have been so useful right now. It’s not like I wanted to kill this random kid who’s been most likely terrorizing most people, just… teach him a very valuable lesson. Also, it is pretty fun to just attack people when they don’t know what’s happening. Seriously. It’s incredibly hard to hold in my laugh right now. 
I giggled as I jumped down onto the ground, failing at making a perfect landing, but only Hayven had seen it. I still grumbled to myself about it before quickly making my way towards Hayven, who shoved me back into his hoodie pocket to keep me hidden. The jock guy stared wide-eyed at him, most likely seeing me run off the floor. I watched carefully as he then looked around aimlessly, trying to put the very obvious pieces together. I grinned, happy with myself. Could’ve done a lot more, but alas, I have to play along with the rules when I’m around humans. 
Hayven stayed a while longer, watching as the guy struggled to stand up and started yelling at the other students who were filming the entire thing. “There was a-a tiny thing- uh- person! Yeah!” Everyone started laughing while I made my way to Hayven’s shoulder, we looked at each other with smiles on our faces. 
“You’re going crazy man!”
“Delusional I swear!” 
The jock turned back to us, glaring, then his eyes set on me. I whispered, knowing he wouldn’t hear me but just so I can be funny, “No one will believe you.” Hayven clasped his hands over his mouth, struggling to muffle his own laughter as he rushed down the hall and through the doors, carefully keeping me out of sight in his pocket from the other humans that walked along the street.
“Okay we’re good.” He giggled, as he helped me out of his pocket. He had walked back to a bus stop that he always waited at to get home. Surprisingly enough there wasn’t anyone here, but that was besides the point. I could finally let out the unruly amount of laughs I was holding in. Suddenly we were both in sync, our eyes tearing up and abdomens wheezing in pain from the lack of oxygen, but that didn’t matter as much to me as it did to Hayven. 
“Dude, you’re like a pocket assassin!” We both stopped laughing for a while before I wheezed, throwing my head back and falling backwards out onto Hayven’s open palm. 
Our laughs died down after a while, earning a few distant stares from other people, but they didn’t notice me. I stood up, smirking with my arms crossed, “And I’d gladly do it again.” 
Again, I still don’t know how to feel about this little one-shot but I hope you liked it! (I’ll re-write it if you didn’t :3) Thank you for requesting this prompt as well! I had fun writing it!
I am still taking writing prompts/commissions for the next couple of days (For free!!), so if anyone wants a certain writing piece, I’ll gladly write it for you! (There are certain things I will NOT write, and I will let you know if I’m comfortable with it or not) Please keep the prompts strictly sfw if you would like a certain prompt! :3
Thank you all for reading and for 100 followers! :D
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the-art-of-sanshoku · 11 days
Saw another Shingo Katsurayama photoshoot and... my pen slipped...
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Song: The House in Fata Morgana OST - Cicio
Ah, to draw suggestive Goichi art and then set the timelapse to sentimental FataMoru music, life's simple pleasures~
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phobzz · 1 year
Chip and spruce being bros
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they hangin out! what are they talkin abt
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