lostdrarryfics · 7 months
hi!! can I get help with finding this fic as well?
I think it was a one shot, but harry and Draco were possibly in a secret relationship? I'm pretty sure it was. Harry gets injured on the job(auror) and is hit with a super dark curse that is basically slowly killing him. I think it was even going to his brain? Draco has to hear about it on the radio because I do think the relationship was secret. And once he gets to the hospital they refuse to let him see harry and somehow he proves theyre together. Ron and Hermione are there and so is Ginny. I remember Ginny being very important because the healers did not know how to heal Harry and was ready to give up on him. But Draco figured out how to fix it and Ginny was there encouraging him after everybody left. I think it was some kind of ritual or bonding that made Draco and Harry share magic so Harry can heal.
We believe you are looking for All you have to do is breathe by anxioussquirrel (12k, T)
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