#yay microblogging weirdo website :3
incongruous-faggot · 5 months
Did quads yesterday (and plan to do so again today)
I was on the other side of the lake here where i live. There's a nice park/small Forrest esque area over there. I didn't do many quads, as there where many people there, but I did get to show off my trot to one of my friends :3
In the evening at home I did some more, focused on my trot, as I'm really working on loosening it up and have it not look all too stiff.
Ive started practicing my canter a little bit
Updates will follow ^^
(Also note; no video or image of me doing quads will be uploaded to the internet before I've gotten my hands on a masc. I have a fursuit making friend irl I'm considering commissioning. We'll see)
Anyways yeah, I haven't experienced any wrist pain so far, but that makes sense as I've REALLY been taking care of them (warmups, stretches, gymnastics wrist strengthening exercises, plenty of breaks), like please please please take care of your wrists fellow quadrobists!
But I've experienced some slight elbow pain in my right arm. It doesn't feel like a joint injury tho, it feels more like my muscles getting used to being used in a way they didn't expect.
Either way, I'm having a lot of fun and it's getting me outside and getting my heart rate up nearly everyday.
So no matter what it's better than nothing!!
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