#yay its done the worlds shorted fight sequence is done congrats top blogger
ask-eden · 2 years
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The jolteon stops biting down on the mews throat as Eden continues to weakly try to claw at her muzzle, his feet slowly lifting off the ground in a pitiful attempt to kick her off. Giratina: GODDESS. FINISH THE JOB. Eden’s eyes meet the jolteons, the only thing escaping his mouth was a pitiful wheeze and a small mewl of pain. Continuing to try and claw her off, his paws pushing up on her lips and gums Goddess bites down a tiny bit more in a testing manner, observing Eden mewling and trying to kick harder, but to no avail. He could barely lift his legs off the ground to reach her head for a decent kick. Causing a small puff of dust at his feet as his feet continuously rise and drop suddenly onto the dirt below. Giratina: GODDESS. The jotleon suddenly opens her jaws, dropping Eden onto the ground below. The mew slaps down with a hard thud, leaving him breathless. Goddess gently presses against Eden’s throat with her paw, feeling to see if his pulse is still there. After a few moments of proof that the pulse was still there, the jolteon backs away from the mew, giving him proper space to gasp for air.
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Goddess’ extra golden eyes suddenly are devoid of pupils, leaving a pure gold orb in their place. Dysnomia quickly jerks his legs as the chains around his body slowly fade. The sylveon quickly rushes to Eden’s side, helping them sit up and catch their breath. His head snaps towards the jolteon, poison practically burning on the tip of his tongue. Thinking of the cruelest thing he could say to her. But upon seeing the Jolteon’s somber expression, Dysnomia turns away, gently patting Eden’s back as they attempt to catch their breath. Goddess merely maintains her distance from the two, sitting down and observing the sylveon try to care for the mew. The sky slowly clears and the sun begins to slowly set - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ The battle is over. ] [ Eden is severely injured. Dysnomia is attempting to take care of him and Goddess observes from a distance ]
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