#yay for giliys projecting a little bit less than usual!!!!
offsidekineticist · 10 months
if you're still taking them then 💎 for layla with whoever you'd like to answer with? if you're not taking any more, no stress!
I'm always taking these - they're a great way of getting into my characters' heads, and they force me to read up on yall's OCs without getting overwhelmed with feeling like I need to read up on everyone's OCs all at once.
As usual, Giliys had the most interesting take, so he got to talk, even if he didn't actually want to.
"Snowflake? Eh, she's a good kid. Got a good head on her shoulders. Friendly. Hell of a musician. Overall a decent fucking person, which is impressive, given everything." He shrugs. "Yeah, that's it."
He sighs when you don't move. "Not enough? Fine. OK, so she started out in a rough place, right? Little dhampir girl in an orphanage, the kind of kid me and Theo take in cuz none of the other prejudiced fucks will adopt her. And then her grandfather shows up and says 'actually, you're special! You're nobility! You're worth so much more than these other parentless fucks, I'm taking you back to my mansion!'
"And the thing is, I've seen kids raised in mansions. It doesn't take long for them to be twisted into arrogant little shits who feel like the world owes them everything, like the rest of us are beneath them and should wait on their every want and be fucking happy about it. But Snowflake isn't like that. She never forgot where she came from, and when it could've been her turn to be Lady of the House, when she could've fucking demolished that spoiled shithead of a cousin of hers, she said 'fuck you all,' torched the place, and fucking bounced.
"I don't think the bastard realizes how fucking lucky he is. Cuz Snowflake's strength isn't from anywhere except herself. If she's strong enough to close the worldwound, you bet your ass she was strong enough to end him and his whole fucking family, and she didn't.
"I honestly don't agree with that choice. I think that douchebag and his family are a cancer and need to be removed. But Snowflake isn't like me. She's like Thay - she's good - so she let him live. Don't worry, though - I'm keeping an eye on him. I'm technically retired, but...Brevoy is a long way from Kintargo, and I don't think Thay would mind if it's for Snowflake."
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