#yavik mas
yavik-mas · 3 months
yes it's my real name, it's old Swedish. i also go by the nickname "Yoro".
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My persona goes by the same name and is known as the humble god, a servant to people, not a king or a dog.
they're a wind golem that resides inside a stick figure made of metal pipes.
they wear rough yellow pants and matching robe with a brown leather belt.
i don't have any art of them, but they kinda look similar to the Hastur from the Love Craft collection.
i assure you it's a coincidence. i mean they're just a guy in yellow robes so-
they are the former leader of the Air Clan in the Aggregate Fiction series, as well as a former Diit Council member.
they were subdued by attackers of unknown colors and buried in the concrete foundations of a building in development in the small town of Diegoltun, which is South-East of Olrit in Monstera of South Island.
For decades the Air Clan kept the throne empty and kept everything ready for Yavik's eventual return not knowing the fate that had befallen him.
In time their poor management because of this lead to their power and influence dwindling as other clans swallowed up their territories.
Every Air Clan member would pray daily for the return of their humble leader and after Diegoltun was destroyed years later Yavik was finally free to return to his beloved clan.
It couldn't have been better timed if they tried.
The attack on Olrit (which included Diegoltun) had sparked a Ten Alliance War across the Albion map.
Time for the 'old man of the desert' to rise again and free the world from tyranny.
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yavik-mas · 3 months
Yavik "Yoro" Mas vs U.A. Class 1-A
The staff at U.A. are designed for teamwork and education, but the students are designed for one on one combat, being the product of audience appeal by association and the main character syndrome of the audience.
So the U.A. staff member fights are a very vague and unfairly biased set of conflicts, the students by comparison are essentially AF's bread and butter.
Here we really should witness the change of tides.
That said, Yavik is a fighter with a long history of success.
His level of experience and creativity may eclipse that of the young students of U.A.
That said, any natural abilities that give a distinct advantage against Yavik, will reduce the need for such sophistication.
It comes down to both the type of abilities at play and exactly how that individual makes use of it.
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yavik-mas · 3 months
Yavik "Yoro" Mas vs Yuga Aoyama (from BHA)
So obviously lasers can't harm literal air, but they can break Yavik's armor and this would prevent Yavik from being able to deal damage.
A laser of course is far too fast for even Yavik to avoid, but crucially it only works if Yavik is unaware of what's gonna happen.
It might work the very first time, but afterwards Yuga's lack of speed and power puts them at a huge disadvantage.
Even the advantage of distance becomes a moot point after the very first attack since Yavik can so easily close that gap.
A single laser with such a long period of reload is simply not enough to screw up Yavik's approach.
Yuga's Buffet may be a splash attack, but it consists of multiple individual attacks.
After the first hit lands, Yavik can avoid the other attacks.
His Supernova attack however could potentially take Yavik out in one hit and surprisingly Yuga has been shown to have the intuition needed to employ such a strategy from the off.
For once, Yuga, if we simply take the fight itself in isolation, stands a real good chance of winning against Yavik.
The deciding factor here will be the set-up before the fight.
The location of the fight and where people are placed within will matter significantly.
The objectives of each party outside of the battle itself will dictate how vulnerable each person will be going forward.
And crucially the most important part will be just how much information each party has before going into the battle itself.
This however causes a huge problem within this hypothetical scenario.
You see in terms of prior info, this directly depends on, which of the two characters' universes the lead up to the fight actually takes place in.
If we are in the BHA universe, Yuga will be informed about Yavik and this ensures Yuga's victory.
If we are in the AF universe, Yuga will not be informed about Yavik and this ensures Yavik's victory.
So in the end, it all depends on what style of fanfic you are aiming for.
Of course all of this exists in a bubble.
Realistically the setup before the battle would rely on other characters within the universe.
If Yavik was in the BHA universe, then prior to this battle they may have interacted with other characters and not necessarily in prior fights.
Likewise the same can be said about Yuga, if they were placed into the AF universe.
This nuance is key to the coming battle since prior information is vital to how this fight will go.
There are a myriad of possible ways it could have either result, all depending on how well Yuga understands Yavik.
Whether Yavik is a hero, a villain or a neutral party in BHA, will dictate how Yuga may acquire that information.
You could say the same about Yuga in the AF universe.
It also depends on which groups the characters interact with.
You can come up with your own ideas on that.
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yavik-mas · 3 months
Yavik "Yoro" Mas vs Gran Torino (from BHA)
Now this is interesting since these are both agility mains.
Most fascinating is they share the same method of speed.
They do however differ in one significant way.
Yavik's abilities are vastly more versatile, and this equates to more adaptability in the air.
Torino can overpower and deal damage to Yavik, but only if he is able to make a direct hit.
Unfortunately despite the momentum of Torino's attacks, Yavik's manoeuvrability makes them all but useless.
To make matters worse, Yavik's movement is continuous, whereas Torino is only able to maintain useful momentum by constant resets.
Worse is the fact that Torino's movements require specific positioning to ensure the direction of attack, which puts them at a distinct advantage against Yavik.
Yavik can predict Torino's movements at the point where he aligns his angle of attack while Yavik can move in space without showing any indication of his intentions.
Yavik can get in close to Torino with Torino unable to escape.
Yavik could quite simply hit Torino multiple times in the time it takes for Torino to adjust his position mid-air and even when Torino eventually moves Yavik can evade the attack and pursue to Torino to the point where he changes direction and repeat this process.
Yavik would be on top of Torino like flies on a stink.
When it comes to agile melee types, Torino is just simply not on Yavik's level.
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yavik-mas · 3 months
Yavik "Yoro" Mas vs Ectoplasm (from BHA)
Ecto multiplying himself is utterly pointless and so is his combat skills, but Ecto can also make a larger version of himself and surprisingly that is something he could use.
Yavik is too fast to be struck, but he is equally unable to deal any real damage to Ecto.
This produces a stalemate where neither can progress.
Here we see the first legitimate draw in this campaign.
So far Yoro has not lost any real fights, but this is technically the first time Yavik hasn't won a fight.
We should see in future that power types will be Yoro's kryptonite, but thus far, other than Mic's rather ineffectual attack, we are yet to see a splash damage style action, that has any practical advantage against Yoro.
I know this will change in future.
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yavik-mas · 3 months
Yavik "Yoro" Mas vs Snipe (from BHA)
First of all homing bullets and gas bombs are useless here.
Explosives still work, but given the difference in literal speed here, Snipe might get walked all over.
For clarity's sake, I don't mean the speed of Snipe himself, but the inherent problem with using items such as explosive devices.
Snipe must distance himself from the grenades or else he will injure himself in using them and Yoro can of course move away from the grenades at equal or faster pace than Snipe is even able to, thus making the grenades functionally useless.
I'm so sorry Snipe, short of suicide bombing, there's literally nothing that will work.
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yavik-mas · 3 months
Yavik "Yoro" Mas vs Midnight (from BHA)
Yikes Midnight is ill-equipped for this fight.
Yoro is immune to the gas for a start, and then there's his abilities against long weaponry and wind currents.
She literally has nothing useful to bring to the table.
And if it wasn't bad enough, I'm gay!
Even if she used a love technique it wouldn't work.
Well this fight is ridiculously one way.
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yavik-mas · 3 months
Yavik "Yoro" Mas vs Cementoss (from BHA)
Now Cementoss' ability to generate solid matter from bodies of solid matter gives him an unfair advantage against Yavik in particular, simply because how useful such an ability is at trapping an opponent.
The only issue is that Cementoss' ability itself is simply not fast enough.
You don't even need to be that fast to avoid capture, and a being made of literal air only needs the tiniest gap to escape capture.
Cementoss' power is not without its gaps and any gaps can be exploited by Yavik.
Cementoss generates solid objects and solid material rarely slots together perfectly.
Liquids by comparison cover all gaps.
This is why Yavik's imprisonment in liquid concrete is a well thought out method.
There are no gaps and it becomes solid.
A perfect trap for Yavik in particular.
Cementoss' ability is very close, but it's not enough.
Yavik will make a new suit and he will return, over and over again.
All Cementoss can do is buy time, for another more successful plot to develop that will never actually happen because Yavik will always be just aware enough to prevent Cementoss' success.
Certainly Cementoss in tandem with others' abilities he would be the major player in their success, but alone he lacks what's necessary to win.
The biggest problem here is, Yavik is CONSIDERABLY more weathered by battle.
His experience and more importantly his learned adaptability means he will always outpace Cementoss in combat at least until Cementoss has experience enough to meet Yavik at his level.
That is if Cementoss has the mental capacity and creativity to challenge an individual like Yoro.
Yoro of course a being with endless experience of fighting swathes of individuals with an equal level of ability to what is considered a select few within the universe Cementoss inhabits.
Simply put, there's a skill issue here and without a distinct type advantage on Cementoss' part, even with an advantageous ability, it's simply not enough.
Just not quite enough.
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yavik-mas · 3 months
Yavik "Yoro" Mas vs Present Mic (from BHA)
Wind manipulation is not the same as controlling air pressure waves.
Thus Yoro has no defence against Mic's attacks, and due the ground they cover, not just horizontally, but vertically too, Yavik's strategy of avoiding attacks will certainly not help him here.
Yoro's suit however provides some protection against this ability.
Mic cannot exactly harm Yavik directly with his ability, however he can push Yoro away at some speed.
There's just one simple catch.
Throwing Yavik into objects is really the only way Mic can literally 'stop' Yavik.
That however does not mean Mic cannot cast Yavik away into a place that will make it difficult to pursue Mic at least for a while.
Throwing Yoro into objects however gives Yoro a surface to use that given the usual topography will allow Yoro to get close enough to take Mic out.
That said, throwing Yavik into something that could encase his armor could ensure an instant win for Mic.
The problem here is that once Yavik has seen Mic use his skill once, he will immediately adapt his technique to avoid being lined up with any potential traps.
Mic could win instantly with a well-planned out strategy, but make a single mistake and he's suddenly at a large disadvantage, that almost guarantees Yavik's victory.
Unlike Eraser Head however, who uses his stun first and then uses his tape to trap,
Mic is far more likely to plan out beforehand places Mic can throw his enemy into that take advantage of the environment,
because Mic himself lacks any real way to capture his enemies if working alone.
Now that's not to say Mic's use of traps is going to rely on things that encase his enemies specifically, nor that he'll attempt to trap them first, instead of weakening his opponent by throwing them into surfaces.
And it's that lack of insight that gives Yoro a distinct advantage.
Mic only has one chance here, and despite maybe being smart enough to learn from his mistakes,
That inability to know what strategy to use from the outset, will ultimately ensure Yavik's victory here.
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yavik-mas · 3 months
Yavik "Yoro" Mas vs Eraser Head (from BHA)
Well let's get the obvious out of the way, literally Eraser Head's ability temporarily removes Yoro from existence so Yavik is insanely vulnerable to it.
That said, the instant he blinks not only would Yavik be instantly battle-ready but he'd be so fast and now aware of his enemy's ability there is no chance that Eraser Head would be able to keep track of Yavik.
For Eraser Head that's really bad since he needs to physically look at his target for his ability to even work properly.
Those tape thingies are also a terrible choice here since technically Yoro could pass right through them all while drawing them closer to Eraser Head himself and potentially tying him up in the process.
If Eraser Head was working as part of a team, being able to trap Yoro in his suit for a moment, would allow other heroes to encase the suit, and therefore trap Yavik inside.
In a one on one fight however, Eraser Head would have to lure Yoro into a trap, one which would encase his suit, and then time his ability to hold Yoro inside, at exactly the time the trap was sprung.
You'd think this would be a sure win for Eraser Head, but being able to plan this fight ahead may be where Eraser Head fails.
Even if Eraser Head fails once, he can never use the only winning tactic he's got.
And how exactly is Eraser going to observe Yavik beforehand to figure a best play of action when it's Eraser looking at Yavik that he's trying not to do in the first place.
More realistically, Eraser is going to try his ability on Yavik during their very first encounter and then after this event, no matter how he tries, he will never be able to stop Yavik on his own.
The play of this fight was decided from the start, Eraser can't possibly win.
This however is somewhat expected.
Eraser's power works far better as part of a team.
He will always find himself at a disadvantage when fighting alone.
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yavik-mas · 3 months
Yavik "Yoro" Mas vs Thirteen (from BHA)
Thirteen lacks severely in agility.
Yoro is one of the most manoeuvrable characters in the entirety of the Aggregate Fiction universe,
so Thirteen will be nothing but a punching bag for them.
Add on top of that the fact that Thirteens ability LITERALLY has zero effect on Yoro...
Well, they're kinda screwed.
In fact I think this will probably be the ill-pitted fight in this entire campaign.
And that's even including Inasa Yoarashi, who will automatically have a huge disadvantage,
simply by having a completely useless quirk against Yoro specifically.
I don't have anything else to say here.
The fight will be over before anyone notices it's even begun and that includes Thirteen,
and maybe even Yoro himself simply because his reflexive response to an attack in motion might spark an instantaneous counter-attack that will overpower Thirteen all on instinct alone.
You blink and you'll miss it.
Thirteen is this fight is but a mere ant under the foot of Yavik in terms of agility here at least analogous of the power balance here.
I feel awful for Thirteen here.
Before they even realise what's happened, they will be suffering in pain, unable to move.
And to make it even worse, this scenario taking place is disturbing plausible given the lore of both characters.
Thirteen works at clean-up after structural damage to infrastructure,
and since Yoro is trapped within the concrete foundations of a large building complex,
the chances Thirteen might harm Yoro by accident whilst simply trying to rescue survivors from the rubble is directly plausible in this crossover.
Thirteen's failure is a given, but that creates yet another problem, since the disaster that frees Yavik is also now missing a key hero.
Now Yoro is the humble god, a being of the people and as such waking into a world of chaos full of trapped people suffering and lacking the ability to help is going to weigh heavy on Yoro's soul.
It's not like Yavik had the ability to act before the disaster took hold like he would have done normally.
This disaster is the reason he's free so it's already established BEFORE he is able to act.
Yavik is powerless here and the only hero that can help is the one he's just taken out.
That guilt will mess him up and may genuinely cause a change in him beginning his path on the route of villainy.
Thus now we have a promising narrative ingredient and yet at the same time GOOD GOD the concept of an unhinged weather deity is a truly terrifying idea.
His literal power level may be rather small, but his unrivalled agility may make that lack of power somewhat a moot point.
If no-one even has a chance to react, all the power in the world may not even be enough to stop him.
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yavik-mas · 3 months
Yavik "Yoro" Mas vs U.A. Staff Members
To start Nezu, Recovery Girl and Lunch Rush are rejected.
Hound Dog has no rules or limits for their abilities so they go too.
Thirteen's no fighter, but y'all wanna see it, so let's go.
@hansel-feather avoided fighting All Might here and I agree that the goat's actions lack definition and my goodness I equally yearn to see this take place, but unlike Hans I can predict this situation fairly well.
Yugi's abilities ultimately lack any real agility this means he's going to take all the hits, HOWEVER in AF's ruleset, agility does not amplify power, unlike your typical speed users in comic books.
Essentially this is a dead stalemate between the two.
Neither one can harm the other.
Just like with @hansel-feather I'm not surprised with the results so far.
Yavik is one of the top-tier AF characters, so it stands to reason they should be almost winning by default.
Let's not forget that these hero characters are designed to work together in teams.
Alone their skills would be problematic.
Technically Thirteen, Eraser and Midnight aren't exactly fighters.
Even Mic and Cementoss' abilities are more disabling than attacking.
Snipe is the first legit fighter in the list imo.
Obviously projectiles are problematic against a wind mage.
Power Loader and Vlad King's entries are unfortunately too vague.
This is a shame since both have techniques that technically give them an edge.
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yavik-mas · 3 months
Yavik "Yoro" Mas vs My Hero Academia
I'll be using the BHA wiki (myheroacademia.fandom.com) and analysing the stated combat abilities so i can compare them to my character's own to see what advantages either opponent might have.
This I will not be using characters without combat skills or people who's combat skills are too vague.
Yes, I'm basically paraphrasing @hansel-feather here, it's okay, he's a personal friend of mine.
So let's get started with category 1, the U.A. staff.
and now the student body.
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