#yasuo just doing his yasuo things
ohnoitstbskyen · 7 days
I get a question, and this is a bout Odyssey Two characters that I think that it could work in this universe is Heimerdinger and Kled
Heimerdinger is the engineer like ziggs
Kled and snaarl are space pirates
I mean, there's a lot of LoL champions who definitely could work in Odyssey, but I really don't think any more champions should be added to it. What Odyssey needs as a skin line isn't 100 more named characters, each of whom is The Coolest Most Important Motherfucker In The Galaxy For Various Reasons, what it needs is for the characters and storylines it's already set up to actually get explored or brought to a conclusion.
Like, failson Yasuo, romantic giga-ADHD explosion enthusiast Jinx and Hypercompetent Himbo With Anger Management Problems Malphite make a compelling trio of washouts who are now saddled with the impossible job of saving the galaxy by bringing a sheltered, unfathomably powerful magic space-nun to the special place where she can fulfil her Destiny.
And Kayn as a representative of the uptight, rules-bound conquering empire slowly being driven out of his mind by a genocidal eldritch murder monster trapped in his scythe is a near perfect villain for that crew. A group of chaotic floundering idiots versus one ultra-competent super assassin with the backing of the entire space empire at his back, that's a compelling narrative hook, that's an underdog story worth reading, I think.
Those dynamics just get undercut by piling more main characters into them. Same thing very much happened to Star Guardian, and same thing happens to every narrative-driven skinline that gets too popular. It gets bloated with main characters whose stories do not and will never actually resolve in any meaningful way, and that sucks.
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heartsteellerr · 7 months
How they spend valentines with you
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Content; 100% fluff, all characters are written romantically, OOC, some characters are written short based on me not knowing how to type/write for them Warnings; GN reader Characters; EVERYONE (Heartsteel, KDA, True Damage)
Indoor dates; Aphelios, Akali, Senna, Yasuo
They choose to spend their valentines day with you indoors; either because they simply prefer it that way, or just want to spend it alone with you ⎯ away from the eyes of onlookers who are desperate for gossip.
Aphelios and Yasuo are introverts at heart, so being away from people is like a blessing to them both. How they'd choose to spend the day with you depends on the current mood they're feeling, for example: wanting to do something that doesn't require much work like watching a movie is one of the go-to's he'd do for valentines. Or on the more rarer occasions where he's wanting to feel genuine and sincere, he'd take some time off idol work to compose a personal song for you ⎯ one that isn't technically sung by him (most likely asked one of their members to sing in his steed) but can be used for karaoke, or background music during dinner.
Akali and Senna are the same as the other two ⎯ both being introverted but also not really? In the pre-tense of it she simply has a hard time getting along with people but would put up some sort of effort when it comes to you. However on this day, she'd much prefer to spend it alone with you. The list on what you would do with her varies on the basics of what most couples do on this day: movies, snacks, dinner, etc. I feel like in a way, Akali would want to spend valentines like how regular couples would ⎯ setting aside her role as an idol.
Outdoor dates; Kayn, Sett, K'Sante, Evelynn, Kai'Sa, Ekko
Kayn and K'sante are the types who'd want to make this day as memorable as he can for you; spending however much money he can offer to spoil you for the whole day. Though I can only imagine for Kayn he'd chooses to spend his money on bringing you to a concert that both you and him have been waiting to attend, whereas for K'Sante he's the type that'll carry all the bags you've bought and take you to a fancy restaurant to dine in.
^ You can also say this would be something Evelynn would also do for you, in terms of taking you out and spoiling you, then bringing you somewhere fancy. She has the power to do so, so why not use it to her advantage, no? At the end of it all you'd both be sitting in a high view building, watching as the city lights coat the streets before calling it a night with sweet kisses and longing words to each other.
^^ Kai'sa somewhat doing the same as what Kayn did, however, instead of just attending 'a' concert ⎯ she'd be giving you tickets to hers and her group's concert instead (i'm sorry idrk how to write for her)
Sett on the other hand is taking you on a walk. Yes, a walk. Varying between places like parks or a walk down the streets ⎯ to taking you on a hiking trip to the mountains. Of course he isn't gonna force you to keep climbing when you're getting tired, but instead of taking a break by sitting down somewhere, he'd continue the walk with you on his back or shoulders. To him it's a win-win situation: You get to rest for a bit, while he continues to walk and show you the amazing view of the place AND technically speaking, this would count as a workout for him, right? I will say at the end of it all, he'd have at least one or two things prepared when the walk is over (your gift).
Ekko is a man who's lived in the street since he was a kid; dealing with hardships and whatnot through out his life already, he'd hope to at least spend one of these days, this day in particular, where he can spend money on you. That's his wish, and with the amount he earns as a Idol ⎯ well, i guess you can say a part of his wish did come true.
A mix between both; Ezreal, Yone, Ahri, Qiyana
In the case of becoming hit stars, and especially being the fans' faves; Ezreal and Yone's schedule are so packed, they have to plan their valentines day to be both indoors and outdoors. For Yone it'd be indoors > outdoors, starting his valetines indoors first because there were still some things he needed to check over before going outdoors with you to spend the rest of your valentines day with him. Ezreal's valentines, however, started off with an outdoor date in mind but then switched to indoors the moment fans caught sight of him and he had to cancel it all ⎯ making him somewhat depressed for the most part because he tried so hard to make this day perfect for you both, but seeing as it was still a day you can spend together, outdoors or not, he's happy as long as he's with you.
^ The same can be said for Ahri, she has plenty of fans who'd want to talk and take pictures of her when she's outside so the outdoor date she had in mind suddenly turned indoor the moment fans caught wind of her activities.
^ As for Qiyana, it'd be similar to Yone but not exactly ⎯ she'd want to spend the day resting a bit longer in bed with you during the start of the day and then spend the rest outdoors; via going to a club or a bar.
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writerblue275 · 3 months
PLEAAAASE! I read both heartsteel becoming dad's and my heart AUGHHHH please continue the series!!! Maybe girl-dad Yone?! Who knows. Might be a lot though considering Yone's brother's with Yasuo who's in his own music group. (True damage needs a comeback fr.) BUT AAAAAA
(Guess who’s back. Back again!) I had such a lovely time writing Sett’s and Kayn’s Headcanons for this series, I’m absolutely thrilled to continue it! I’m so glad you enjoyed them both, Anon! Also HEAVY agree on True Damage needing a comeback!!! 💙 (Ok now that I got the calm response out of the way hehehe). AHHHHHH You definitely don’t have to ask me twice!!! Again, I don’t even want kids IRL, but holy hell I’d have this man’s children SO FAST if I was his partner. He gives me dad(dy) energy and I think he’d be a phenomenal father.
Heartsteel!Yone becoming a dad (/with a pregnant!reader)
Previous Members: Sett, Kayn
Inspiration: Requested but again have we seen Yone???? Pure husband/dad material right there. When I started the series he was one of the ones who inspired me to do it (along with Sett).
Genre: Headcanons
Gender: Technically gender neutral but there is of course discussion of a pregnant reader and carrying a pregnancy.
Tw: Discussion of pregnancies and any difficulties associated with pregnancies. Slight mention of fertility issues at the beginning. Swearing.
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There’s always a risk of unexpected pregnancy if you are sexually active and the circumstances are there for pregnancy, but out of all members, Yone is definitely the one who is the most careful. Now that doesn’t mean you and him wouldn’t enjoy yourselves before getting to the point of starting a family, please don’t misunderstand. Yone is not a selfish man. 😏
But otherwise he’s extremely careful and so are you. Having a child is such an extreme life change and he’s of the mindset that being as “prepared” as possible (emotionally, financially, physically) isn’t a bad thing.
Once he’s sure that you and him are in a solid place to start a family, he’d talk to you about it. Now of course before this moment he’d know whether or not you even want to have kids. So this conversation is just more of a “I think we’re finally in a really good spot to start a family. What do you think?” sort of thing.
And once the two of you do start trying, Yone’d be the biggest supporter if things are a little rough and it’s taking longer than you hope to get pregnant. He’d never let you blame yourself or your body, just as you don’t let him blame himself or his body. Things happen and pregnant or not, he loves you so damn much.
Regardless of how long it took to get pregnant, once you are pregnant, he’d be absolutely thrilled.
You can get so creative in how you tell him your pregnant, too. And you know who’d love to help you tell him in a way he relates to? Aphelios. Phel would gladly help you make a little song for Yone to surprise him.
Yone just seems like he’d be such a phenomenal partner to you while you’re pregnant. Something about him just seems so grounded and secure, and he absolutely wants to be a rock for you to lean on. It’s probably the age/maturity (A/N: Yes I know he’s only in his early-mid thirties. He’s not much older than I am. But still. People can change significantly as they go through their twenties into their thirties. I’m a significantly different person at 27 than I was in/directly after college.)
Yone already was your rock before pregnancy but he is even more so now. He realizes while things are changing for him, it’s almost 10x crazier for you since you’re carrying the baby.
Because of that, he’s remarkably calm during your hormone swings, etc. He just calmly figures out what might help and does it (with your consent ofc).
It did take him a little bit to get used to your cravings. He’d heard pregnancy cravings could be weird, but flaming hot Cheetos dipped in vanilla ice cream??? Yeah that threw him for a bit of a loop. (He still got you the Cheetos and ice cream though because he loves you.)
When the two of you tell the rest of Heartsteel, they’re not super shocked. They’re so happy for both of you, but yeah they saw the writing on the walls. They could tell Yone was ready to settle down with you very early on in your relationship.
Now of course Yone spends a lot of time in his studio. He has to, as a producer. But during your pregnancy, he creates a great home studio so he can work from home more often and be closer to you. He really makes the effort to be available to you as much as possible. He’ll take you to all appointments, help you with any physical side-effects of pregnancy, and just be there to help you process the wild emotions you’re feeling (those damn hormones). Whatever you need, he wants to help.
You know who else is surprisingly helpful? Yasuo! The True Damage DJ/Producer is so excited to become an uncle?? Like holy shit. (Lmao Yone lowkey threatens Yasuo not to spoil any of your kids too much….[Let’s be so for real though, Yasuo definitely still would.] TD Yasuo would be such a cool uncle.)
And Yasuo serves as a valued confidant for Yone whenever he needs to vent out his nervousness at becoming a dad. (Of course he’s nervous. Becoming a parent for the first time must be a nerve-wracking experience, even if you’ve “planned” for it.)
But anytime Yone can’t be with you for something (which is exceedingly rare, he really tries to free up as much time for you as possible) Yasuo is happy to step in and serve in the chauffeur or “door-dash” driver role for you!
But again, Yone will move hell and high water to be there for your appointments. Which is great because any exciting news he can get in real time. Including….:
Yone holds your hand and squeezes it soothingly as the sonographer moves the wand over your ever-so-slightly swollen belly.
“Is it cold, my love? The gel?” He asks softly, chuckling as you scrunch your nose and make a little face up at him.
“Yes it is! But hey, it’s the first time we can really see the baby since the dating ultrasound, so it’s worth it,” you respond.
“There they are!” The sonographer says, intently watching the screen.
Both your head and Yone’s head whip towards the screen, the joy between the two of you palpable as you see the dark area filled with what looks like a large-looking head. It’s hard to tell exactly what you’re looking at though.
“So that’s them? That’s our baby?” Yone asks, his voice containing a note of excitement which is very unlike his usual calm demeanor.
The tech looks at both of you and smiles. “Babies, actually.”
Your grip on Yone’s hand gets instantly tighter and you gasp as you register what she said. “W-wait did you just say babies??? With an s?? As in multiple??” Your question is a little breathless as you look up at Yone, whose eyes are wide and jaw is dropped in shock.
The sonographer chuckles softly and nods. “Two, actually. Twins. We must have missed the second one in the initial ultrasound since they were so small. Look here, you can see the differentiation of the placentas. And here are the two heads!” She shows you and Yone what she’s referring to on the large monitor as she speaks.
You look up at Yone who still looks a little dazed and has been quietly staring at the monitor. You’re almost a little nervous he’s gone into shock. “Yone, are you alright?” You ask gently as you briefly cup his cheek and turn his chin so he’s looking at you.
That small action seems to snap him out of whatever daze he was in and he quickly gathers you into a tight hug. “Holy shit we’re having twins, my love! Oh my god.”
You nod and whisper, “It seems we are. H-how do you feel? I’m both excited and a little terrified..” your voice fades off in a chuckle.
Yone kisses your forehead before pecking your lips. “(Y/N), I’m thrilled. Shocked, for sure, but I’m absolutely over the moon,” he murmurs reassuringly, already helping to soothe the spike of emotions you’re having at the news.
Absolute pandemonium ensues when you tell the the rest of Heartsteel that you and Yone are having twins. (With particular excitement from Aphelios and Alune.)
As for gender preferences? He doesn’t really care. He just wants healthy babies and as easy of a pregnancy/delivery as possible for you.
And you know what, maybe that no gender preference is a good thing because….
(*drumroll pleeeeeease*) You’re having a boy and a girl! (Again the news inspires particular excitement for Phel and Alune [who secretly have a bet on which baby will be older]).
Something cute Yone does is create music for the babies. While you’re sitting in his home studio and relaxing with your bump, he’s just playing/mixing some gentle instrumentals, writing one-of-a-kind lullabies for the babies. He really expresses the bulk of his feelings about becoming a dad through his music. And he makes sure to save anything he writes so they can be played later once the babies are actually here.
The Lamaze king. There’s no one better to help you remember and practice your Lamaze technicques. Again he just has such an unwavering/grounding presence.
And that calm and steady presence only cracks once during your pregnancy….when the babies decide to make their entrance into the world a little early (as multiples tend to do).
You waddle your way to his home studio door, knocking softly, but urgently.
“Come in!” You hear Yone’s voice call back.
Instead you just open the door, staying off of the carpeted floor of his studio and standing in the doorway. “Honey? Sorry to disturb you but it’s a little important.”
Yone turns and immediately catches onto the alarm in your expression, his eyes widening. “What happened? Are you alright?” He immediately rushes over to you.
You look up at him. “Y-Yone, my water just broke…”
You watch as he actually goes a little pale as his brain registers what you just said. “W-what?? N-now?! But you’re only 34 weeks along!”
You grip his arm. “I-I don’t think babies really care about sticking to a schedule, Yone. They come into the world when they decide to come into the world.”
You can see Yone’s brain immediately go into overdrive, so you gently grip his hand. “Yone…it’ll be ok, but let’s just get to the hospital, yeah? We have the car packed, right?
He snaps out of his daze and takes a deep breath, his features settling back into his usual calm expression, realizing panic will not help in this situation. “We do.” He smiles gently at you as he leads you to the car. “On our way, can you time how long it is between contractions, love? I’m sure they’ll want to know once we get to the hospital.”
Just an absolute fucking god send of a birthing partner. He works you through your anxiety (even though he’s experiencing some of his own) and is just so reassuring to you while you progress through labor.
Seeing you in pain is something he hates more than anything. So he’s ready to do whatever you need him to do in order to lessen your pain. He makes sure you go through all the various Lamaze techniques you learned, distracts you with some music, and murmurs reassurances in your ear as you squeeze the fuck out of his hand.
And the second you decide you want an epidural, he makes sure that’s properly communicated to the medical team, grateful you’ll be in much less pain.
Yone is checking in with you throughout the entire process, making sure you’re alright. Because while he’s excited about welcoming the babies, your well-being is even more important to him.
And once the babies actually arrive, and you’re doing alright, well just one look over at him and you can tell he’s already so in love with being a dad and that he loves your kids so much, even after just meeting them.
Similar to Phel and Alune, the boy twin is the older one, though only by about 10 minutes. (You catch a chagrined Alune slap a 50 note into a grinning Phel’s outstretched hand after you reveal which twin is older.)
And when he gets the chance to hold the babies, you can immediately tell how fiercely protective he’s going to be (but not in a way that makes your kids sheltered if that makes sense).
He’s just got such a dad vibe already and he’d be such a good father and co-parent with you.
Other extra tidbits: (post-birth)
His sleep schedule is already so fucked up that honestly, having newborn twins doesn’t impact him that much (he’s already used to running on very little sleep and an insane amount of cold brew). It really helps you because he’s able to go check on the babies super easily, meaning you don’t have to wake up as often.
(This is for when the twins are a little older. Like 3-4.) One of your favorite photos on your phone is from when you walked into your daughter’s room to grab something and found your 6’ 2” husband squeezed onto a tiny chair at a tiny table (like his knees are against his chest), wearing a green feather boa, a sparkly pink tiara, and - wait…is that sparkly eye shadow, blush, and pink lipstick he has on??? - having a very exclusive tea party with your daughter and her favorite stuffies. You managed to keep a straight face as you apologized for intruding, but you quickly grabbed what you needed after taking the photo and rushed back to your room, going into your closet and laughing. (And laughing even harder when Yone later came into your room and asked for your help getting the makeup off. He got you back for laughing though by covering your face in messy pink kiss prints before you could take the lipstick off him.)
Another favorite photo of yours is Yone with your 1.5-year old son sitting on his lap as he works in his home studio. He even gave your son his own pair of headphones to listen through, though of course he majorly limited the volume output to protect his little ears. As he worked he kept asking your son for his opinion, interpreting his little babbles and coos as musical advice. (The photo is of a moment where Yone asked your son what he thought about a verse.)
Ex: “You’re right, bud! There is a bit too much bass here! Good ear.”
And multiple times you’ve walked into his home studio after running errands to see Yone in one chair, Yasuo and/or Aphelios in another, 2/3 of them holding one of the twins on their laps as they seriously discuss music production. And you can’t help but smile at the lovely feeling of family your kids have surrounding them.
Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed!! I apologize for the delay in posting. May was really nuts and for me and June is shaping up the same way. But things will hopefully start to calm down soon and it feels good to finally have the urge to write again!! I definitely have some other things in the works so keep your eyes out for that! 💙
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fictionfordays · 8 months
SFW Alphabet (A-Z)
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Yone (Heartsteel) x GN!Reader
CW: Fluffy stuff with Yone! He's so cute and so sweet :( Kisses are involved, pet names ("my love," "little one," you call him "love," "handsome," and "pretty boy"), early bird, big grump
WC: >2k
A/N: Collab with @kakujis ! Thanks for working on this with me. Yone is so fun to dive into<3 (and onto heheheheheh)
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Heartsteel Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Activities – What are their favorite things to do with you? How do you spend your free time?
He loves reading with you! Grab a picnic blanket, a good book, and perhaps a bottle of wine, and sit in the sun with him! He also enjoys laying his head in your lap, or your head on his chest, as you watch a movie together.
Boo! – How do they feel about surprises, giving and receiving?
he’s the type of guy to spend a lot of time thinking about others, less so himself, and so even though he loves surprises… he also isn’t quite sure how to act. if he seems ungrateful, he’s not, he’s just not used to it! as the eldest brother and resident band mom, he’s the type to forget his birthday and all. he’s eternally grateful for the love however, so make sure to surprise him when you can! ♡︎
Comfort – How do they comfort you when you’re upset? When the tables turn, do they come to you, or try to handle it themselves?
while he’s great at comforting the guys (heartsteel), with you it’s different. physical care is easy peasy, ...emotional? give him a bit, please! yone has a lot of insecurities (as in, he’s unsure how to best approach sensitive topics) and fears himself, so when he comforts you it can come across as awkward sometimes. he’s always been the stern, big-brother type, so forgive him if he’s not the best at it. let him know if you want to vent or if you want advice so he doesn’t overstep! if he’s really at a loss, he’ll just hold you in his arms. if he’s upset… good luck getting it out of him! he’ll never full-on mom-lecture you like he does with HEARTSTEEL, but he will definitely make some comments here and there. 
Dance – Do they like to dance with you? How good of a dancer are they?
I feel like he really only dances in a club setting, or in private with just you. He’s an alright dancer, not great but also not terrible, willing to acknowledge this too. I think he prefers more sensual dancing with you in private. Either swaying slowly in your living room to some soft music playing, or slowly grinding against each other in one of the bedrooms (though this usually leads to other things)
Excitement – How do they act when they’re excited? What excites them?
Tbh it depends on what has him excited??? But usually he has a big dumb grin on his face and a light blush, he might talk a bit louder than usual or act slightly more boisterous
Future – What are their plans for the future? Do they see themselves getting married, having kids?
married? yes. having kids? hmm, complicated but leaning towards yes. yone’s unlearning how to be overbearing like he was with yasuo, which made his brother turn and run away from him. he’s probably scared in that aspect, but, a mini yone running around would be so cute! 
Gifts – What do they give you as presents? How often do they get you gifts?
He loves gifting you flowers and hand written notes/letters. He’s also very thoughtful about his gifts so if you like reading, he’ll gift you a book that he’s written notes and small analyses for you to find while reading. If he’s on tour or travelling, he’ll bring back little souvenirs for you from every new place he goes.
Hold – How do they hold you? Cuddling, sleeping, holding hands…
When out in public, he’ll hold your hand, perhaps he’ll bend down to whisper in your ear if he’s feeling cheeky
In private he likes to face you when cuddling, maybe gazing into each other’s eyes as you lay together chatting quietly. He also likes when you lay your head on his chest. His heartbeat is steady and calming, and this way he can run his fingers through your hair. When alone, he also likes to hug you from behind while you’re making coffee or cooking dinner
Ideal – What’s their ideal date like?
Yone is busy with the hustle and bustle of life on the daily, from HEARTSTEEL recording sessions, setting up tour dates, collaborations, meetings on merch, etc. soo, he loves quiet dates. Simple things like a picnic in the park, reading dates, days out at a botanical garden or museum. 
Jealousy – Do they get jealous easily? How do they handle it?
I think he’s very secure in his relationship with you. He’d let you know, nicely,  if you’re spending too much time with someone else, or if he thinks something you or someone else did was crossing the line a bit.
Now if someone won’t take the hint and leave you alone, he can be quite protective and will slide in front of you. He’d rather not fight, but he’s capable of knocking out some teeth if he has to (and if he doesn’t, Sett definitely will)
Kisses – How do they like to kiss you? How frequently do you kiss?
He loves kissing you like you are the very air he breathes, the very water he drinks, the very food he eats. He kisses you like your soul is all-consuming, like his very being will dissipate if he pulls away.
He likes giving you little forehead kisses.
He likes grabbing you by the chin and giving you a teasing kiss on the corner of your lips.
Kisses to the tip of your nose during cuddle time are his favourite though.
Love – How do they show you that they love you?
He makes you playlists for every occasion! And I mean E V E R Y occasion! Need to focus on writing/drawing? Boom, playlist. Taking a bath? Playlist. Going for a long drive? Playlist. Those moments you’re alone and thinking of him? Playlist. You name it, there’s a playlist for you.
If you stay the night with him but you have somewhere to be the next day, he’ll make sure he packs you a lunch the night before to take with you when you leave in the morning. There will also be coffee, made just how you like it.
You two have a nightly routine when he’s not touring or in a show. Usually over video call, unless you’re staying the night together. You brush argan oil through your hair, wash and moisturize your face (sometimes you do face masks!), change into jammies, and lay together (virtually or irl) under the blankets just chatting quietly until one of you falls asleep. (He may have a bedtime story or two memorized just for this time with you)
Melt – What do you do that absolutely makes them melt?
He loves catching you listening to one of the playlists he made, but especially if he finds you dancing to one. He also enjoys watching you interact with the guys. It makes him really happy to see you getting along with them and that they adore you almost as much as he does. There’s also something about the way you sleep? You look so peaceful and content, the way you curl up in his arms, your soft snores, the way your fingers twitch as you dream. The way you cuddle your favourite plushie that he had gifted you when he’s not there to hold you absolutely melts his heart. You’re so cute!
Nicknames – What do they call you, and what are their favorite things to be called?
I feel like he’s very traditional? He likes the way your name sounds on his lips so he uses it the most. I think he would also call you “my love” or “little one”
He likes how you say his name. Yone sounds so sweet on your tongue. He prefers that, but he doesn’t mind the silly nicknames you come up with for him either. “Love,” “handsome,” and “pretty boy” are probably his favourites (but please don’t call him “pretty boy” in front of the others!)
Obvious – How obvious do they make it that they like you?
Ok, listen, I’m sticking to the secret admirer trope. IT JUST SUITS HIM AND HE’S SO CUTE ugh. He loves learning new things about you sm and he loves the excitement on your face when you receive a new gift from your secret admirer! The frustration on your face when you’re initially trying to figure out who it is really is golden!
Pets – Do they have pets? Do they want them?
yep! he’s definitely a pet guy. in my opinion, he’d love to have two or three, the more the merrier. and while he’s a fan of high energy pets, i think a lap dog or independent cat would also be great for him. hell, you could even tell him you want a reptile and he’d be all for it! 
Quiet – How are the calm, quiet moments with them?
Serene, he’s comforting and easy to be around. 
Romance – How romantic are they? What are their go-to ways of being romantic?
imo, yone’s a secret romantic. he dislikes the attention (and teasing!) from his fellow bandmates, so he’ll do these types of things on a date far away from them. he’s a subtle type of romantic i think as well… think flowers on the nightstand (not on the coffee table unless he wants kayn and ezreal to make fun of him), making a playlist just for the two of you, etc.
Safe – What makes them feel safe and comfortable around you?
When you listen to him! Yone doesn’t usually vent or rant, so when he does, it’s best to really listen. He has a lot on his shoulders and sometime’s the weight of it is too much. There’s other things too: he likes it when you play with his hair while he lays in your lap or when you rub reassuring circles on his lower back. 
Tend – How do they act when you’re hurt or sick, and vice versa?
BAND MOM MODE, goes a little overboard if you’re hurt. Bandages you up while giving you some stern talking to about how you need to be more careful. (Though, to be fair, it’s usually more directed at Sett and Kayn for trying to include you in their rough housing)
If you’re sick UGHHHHHH he wears a mask. And gloves. His hair is in a tight bun. Idk but he wears almost all of the PPE he can find just so he can bring you some hot soup or tea. Scolds you for wanting cuddles (relents eventually bc he loves holding you and just wants you to feel better)
If the band mom himself is sick, best believe you are taking over all of his duties. The world would crash and burn without him, he’s sure of it. Tries to pretend not to be sick, I mean, obviously he’s fine, look at him. When you finally force him to take some medicine and lay down, he’s either out cold, or is calling you every 10min to make sure everything is ok and everyone’s playing nice.
The Pro at not getting hurt (somehow? Idk how this works but he NEVER GETS HURT. Pretends to cry over a barely there papercut just so you’ll coddle him a lil)
Unique – What’s an unusual thing about them that’s oddly charming?
He’s an early riser. WHAT KIND OF MONSTER WANTS TO WAKE UP THAT EARLY. At least that means coffee will be ready when you finally get up<3
Variety – Do they prefer to keep things the same, or spice it up?
Yone likes routine, he likes stability. He probably won’t like to spice things up too often, but he’ll do it for you. 
Wash – What’s it like taking a bath with them, or helping them wash up after a fight?
He’s so sweet and adorable when it comes to taking a bath with you, he wants you to relax and be at ease. Being the not-super-secret romantic that he is, I think a shared bath or shower would be more likely at your place, or when the guys aren’t home.
For a bath: He’ll go the whole nine. Epsom salt for your sore muscles, essential oils for aromatherapy, he’ll even pull your hair into a bun for you
For a shower: He would gladly wash your hair. He’ll shampoo the roots and be sure to give you a nice scalp massage while he’s at it. He might look at you funny if you ask him to shave for you though. And also, why does your hair always look better after he washes it???
XO – How do they show you affection? How much PDA are they willing to show?
PDA… is not happening HAHA. maaaybe if you crack him after annoying him enough! hand holding is alright though. if it’s just the two of you though? cheek kisses, forehead kisses, hand kisses, anywhere he can kiss he will. loves running his hands through your hair and randomly announcing that he loves you, by the way. 
Yearn – What do they do when they miss you?
although he’s not the lyricist of the group, he’s still really musically inclined. he writes poems, small song snippets, etc. for you when he misses you. lays on your side of the bed and texts you more often than usual. he might call you at odd times of the day/night, if he’s missing you a ton. 
Zzz – How do they act when they get sleepy? How is it sleeping in the same bed?
I picture him as being a little bit of a grump when he’s sleepy. Poor lad needs his sleep and his coffee :(
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Tags: @bioticlaw @minnaci @qichun (Tagging some Heartsteel fans<3) @ioniansunsets
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I do not own these characters. All rights to the original creators. All content—created rights are reserved to Wallabypirate©2023-2024.
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collidescopeeyes · 4 months
Random Relationship Headcanons: Yone
- The man needs a hug honestly. His entire existence for the last few years has pretty much consisted of slaying demons, he could use a break.
- He's not dead. He's not undead. He's not really alive either. He doesn't really understand the nature of his continued existence, but whatever odd limbo state he’s in has some drawbacks. For one, he can't eat or sleep anymore–demons feed off of negative emotions, and while Yone draws his strength from the azakana he seals instead, human food tastes like ash to him. For another, the mask literally doesn't come off. He can still feel it when you touch it, but it's sort of like you can feel something touching your nail plate–there’s no actual nerves there but still a sense of pressure. He can change clothes, but he doesn't really bother since whenever he ‘dies’ (he can't die–like a demon, he just reforms after a time) he comes back looking the exact same.
- He's not very overt about it, but he's intensely protective of you. Like any inkling that a situation might be unsafe and he's by your side, hands on hilts, ready to throw down. Despite this, does his best to allow you independence and privacy, but he Will stress if you insist on going somewhere alone.
- Very grounded and honest, with himself and with you. He has a kind of inner clarity that makes it easy for him to know what he's thinking and feeling, and he thinks communication is important (especially after…yknow.) The mask grants him the ability to see negative emotions as an azakana would, so he's always very keyed into your mood. He won't pry if you're not ready to talk, but he hates seeing you feeling down and if there's anything he can do to cheer you up or ease your mind he'll bend over backwards to do it. That being said, he comes from a high-context culture where symbolic gestures like gifting someone a certain kind of tree seed is a form of clear admonishment, so his idea of being direct and communicative might not always line up with yours–still, he does his best and he's very level-headed, so miscommunications are usually swiftly cleared up.
- Eldest child syndrome, but like dialed up to 10 because he practically raised Yasuo and Yasuo was a little shit. If you're doing something he thinks is a bad idea you will be hearing about it, at length and in detail. Master of the ‘I’m not mad, just disappointed’ face. Constantly fusses over your well-being but won't take his own advice, like he’ll use his whole liminal mortality thing as an excuse but he sucked at it when he was alive too. Holds himself to higher standards than literally anyone else. Getting him to relax is an undertaking, but he's infinitely better at taking care of someone else than himself, so if you phrase it like he's helping you you can maneuver him into doing basically anything. In a roundabout way it is true though–it will make you feel better if he takes a nice trip to the hot springs with you instead of practicing sword forms he could do in his sleep.
- He generally is very reserved in demeanor, partially due to the whole mask thing and partially due to just being a stoic person in general. His tone gives it away though–when he's speaking to literally anyone else his voice is neutral to the point of coldness, but when he talks to or about you his tone is so warm it's obvious he adores you.
- He has little to no romantic experience, his priorities in life were always to his brother and his order; somehow manages to say the most romantic shit you've ever heard despite that, just by being very sincere about his feelings.
- The culture he was raised in was pretty reserved and since he came back he hasn't had much in the way of interactions with people who aren't shit scared of him and/or trying to kill him, which combined with the point above is all to say he's touch starved AF and has no idea how to deal with it. Like so much as holding your hand instantly captures all of his attention, he can't help it, you're just so soft and warm and he can't help but want to get closer–but he's also holding himself back, and you can practically see the internal struggle.
- Pretty reserved around other people, but really enjoys having you close in private. At the start of your relationship he wasn't really sure how to ask for physical affection so he just kind of hovered until he worked up the courage to ask. As your relationship progresses and he internalizes that yes, you do actually like him and he is in fact allowed to touch you, he gets a lot bolder. Like if you're just sitting next to each other he'll play with your hair or lean against your side or hold your hand and trace patterns on your skin, anything as long as he gets to touch you. Also loves just holding you, something about how you fit in his arms is very soothing to him. He’ll gladly have you sleep in his arms, though he can't sleep himself.
- Blushes easily, but his mask mostly covers it–the side of his face it doesn't, he'll turn away from you or cover with his hand. He makes it look very natural and he didn't have a very expressive face even before the mask so it's hard to notice at first, but once you figure out that's what he's doing it's pretty obvious. If he's very, very flustered, you can see the top of his chest and shoulders turn red. He's actually relatively easy to fluster, but it's kind of hard to tell; he just stops responding, he freezes mid-action and even when he starts moving again it's jerky and far far less graceful than he normally is. If you catch him very, very off guard, it is the one and only time you'll ever catch him stutter.
- Loves it when you play with his hair–he’s kind of not used to it being long, since when he revived he came back as the version of himself in the spirit realm (which is why he looks younger and is stuck in his funeral garb). It's very silky and pleasant to run your hands through, and if he's feeling shameless enough he will literally just put his head in your lap, pick your hand up and put it on his hair. He really shouldn't be able to give you puppy dog eyes when you can only see one of his eyes but he somehow does it.
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kokushibosbestie · 11 days
Meet タチマリ・ヤスオ, Tengen's Son ☁︎
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A/N: I LOVE YASUO SO MUCH ALREADY IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY. But seriously, this oc is everything I wish I could be. This is an oc that was solely created to be an s/o for @matthew-knyshait's oc, but I've grown so attached. `(*>﹏<*)′
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• Full name: Yasuo Tachimari / タチマリ・ヤスオ • Gender Identity: Cis male, femboy ? - Pronouns: He / Him • Romantic Preferences / Sexuality: Gay / Homosexual - Ship / Romantic Interest: Maitsu Gahamoki (@matthew-knyshait's oc) - Species: Human • Birthday: December 14 - Zodiac Sign: Capricorn -------------------- • Age: 14 y/o -------------------- • Personality Traits: Understanding // Kind // Loving // Cheerful // Lovable // Caring // Extrovert // Tanjiro Type (reference to S.4) -------------------- • Appearance: Darkly colored skin, four pupils with two in each eye, light blue hair, painted nails - Hight: 5'2" - Weight: 124 lbs. (56.2455 kgs) - Body Type: short, small -------------------- • Hair Color: Light blue || #ace4fa - Hair Length: Short, side swept - Hair Condition: Sharp looking, soft -------------------- • Ocular Color ( Eye Hue ): Light pink || #FFB6C1 || Brown || #300418 -------------------- • Usual Style / Outfit: Work - Demon Slayer Uniform // An altered white male uniform top, dark bluish-purple puffy shorts + large bow tied in back + beltish thing around hips || dark blush-purple sailor style scarf with yellow tied bow + golden purple gem earrings + bow hachimaki headpiece + tan boots with white lacing || Haori is placed over shoulders and has two layers consisting of the top layer, a large dark bluish-purple drape with golden accents that falls just to the upper calf in back but only to the upper thighs in front + the lower drape, a smaller grey drape with Japanese Text in gold accents all over it • Ranking: Kinoe - Breathing Style: Cloud Breathing -------------------- • Activity / Hobbies: Doing really anything with Maitsu involved. Hanging out with his stepmothers, Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma. Ex: Letting Suma do different hairstyles and makeup looks on him / Making food with Hina / Training with Makio. - Pet(s): Kasugai crow named "Yaoi" • Extra Information: He was adopted by Tengen before S.2.
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Official Appearance:
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Taisho Era Secret: Yasuo used to have a crush on Muichiro because Tengen introduced Yasuo to all the Hashira. Though, Muichiro never showed much interest in being Yasuo's friend, so he naturally stopped liking him.
BONUS: Yasuo is cis male, but does like girly things and is currently trying to grow out his hair. Tengen doesn't know this yet, but Makio does. (I'll explain how this happens later on!)
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@ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @stellapuffs @kitkat-moon @mitsuriswingwoman @giyuus-little-helper @giyuuswifey @larz-barz This is NOT proofread, please forgive any grammatical errors I may have. DISCLAIMER: NONE OF THE ART / PICTURES USED ARE MINE. ALL CREDITS GO TO RIGHTFUL OWNERS.
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ma1dmer · 10 months
League of Legends - Yasuo NSFW
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex): its very important for him that you spend some time simply relaxing after both of you are done, preferably with a long warm bath where he'll help you wash up and maybe even doze off while the water is still warm
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): its cheesy but he loves your eyes , he wants you staring straight at him no matter what, will stop everything if you break eye contact with him, it's one single order, you can follow that much right?
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person): loves tasting himself on your lips
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): definitely enjoys sloppy drunk sex when you are both slightly tipsy and your heads hazy , he is also definitely rougher with you in those moments, looser with his tongue as well , slurring filthy whispers in your ear and the next day pretending he forgot about them even if the mischievious glint in his eyes tells you otherwise
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?): he has a decent amount of experience but won’t really brag about it
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual): he likes having you on his lap, either facing him or with your back to his chest, leaving his hands free to roam over every inch of you
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc): wants you both to be relaxed during these sort of moments, might tease you about him not doing a good enough job distracting you if you can still laugh but from the way his eyes light up you can tell he genuinely enjoys your laughter and how comfortable you are around him
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.): might trim once in a while but is generally forgetful about such things
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…): he is very passionate, holds your hands, kisses all over your body ,calls you soft nicknames , definitely a charmer when he wants to be
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon): i can see him as being into mutual masturbation, watching each other, his eyes drinking in the sight of you as he works himself closer and closer to his orgasm, finishing right as his name tumbles from your lips along with your own orgasm, its almost romantic
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks): pretty vanilla
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do): a private room with a comfortable bed, has definitely learned to not be picky as long as you have privacy, always makes sure the door is locked though
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going): a relaxing night where you two just sit comfortably, not having to worry about the world for a few hours ,just talking and sharing a drink or two, the way banter flows between you two, how as the night progresses you both get closer and closer, he can’t help but wonder how the night will end for the both of you and when you finally make the move and kiss, your fate is sealed
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): hurt you, having sex leaves you both in a very vulnerable position so he would hate having that trust broken by hurting you even accidentally, he treats you like porcelain, like fine china
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc): i know this man likes having you ride his face, he wants you to grind against his tongue, scoffs if you try to hover over him
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.): he is all about lazier more relaxed and slow sex, he rolls his hips and grinds himself against you while sighing against your hair, might stop midway and have you simply cockwarm him
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.): not a big fan of them, is so often on the road for missions so he just wants to be able to relax around you and take his time, lazy sex is important to him
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.): he is willing to listen to you and try out things if you ask, but its mostly for your pleasure because at this point of his life he has figured out what he likes and it falls in the more vanilla side of things
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…): he knows exactly how to properly pace himself, usually goes for one long round with a lot of foreplay and switching up positions in between though
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?): a big fan of them, really big on giving you pleasure so anything that will intensify that, he is more than happy to use, would probably enjoy one of the buttplugs with tails
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): he will drag his fingers over you, feather light until you beg for him to touch you properly, he’ll chuckle about using your words to tell him exactly what you need and only then give you what you so desperately need
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make): he is surprisingly loud in the throes of pleasure when he is comfortable with someone, he also tends to chuckle as he gets close, breathlessly laughing, his lips quirking up in a smirk as he hisses through his teeth and groans
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice): i can see him as being a fan of mirror sex and body worship, having you in front of a mirror as he whispers praise in your ear having you look at yourself as he uses his fingers, describing exactly and explicitly what he is doing to you, how your body reacts, praising your beauty
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words): average in general but slightly on the longer side with a slight curve to the side
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?): very in control of his needs but he does have wandering eyes, you usually can't tell because he is quick to avert his gaze unless he wants to get caught by you
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): its very important for him that you fall asleep together, he needs to know you are safe in his arms, he holds you close until he is sure you are asleep then he tucks you in and slowly turns to sleep on his side
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deer-with-a-stick · 9 months
I've rewatched the cinematic like 6 times now in a row and here some of the things I've noticed:
Kindred (Lamb specifically for the first two) is vaguely hinted at three times before the big Tryndamere scene. Once when Tryndamere looks up and sees her silhouette before his eyes close, once when Kayle's fire flares and consumes Aatrox, and once when Yasuo looks up, sees Wolf's eyes looking at him, and Lamb's arrow flies out in front of the storm of regular arrows.
Morgana's helmet does not match her at ALL, but it mirrors Kayle. Kind of like saying Morgana's forcing herself to be a warrior like Kayle at first, with the identical helmets and sword.
She then later casts the helmet off, leaving her sword in the ground. Kayle is the one who picks it up.
Kayle looks completely at home with the whiteness of the clouds but Morgana stands out a lot with the purple. But she doesn't match Aatrox's red either.
Morgana gets up immediately. Kayle does not.
The first thing Morgana does is look back for her sister.
The difference in Kayle's eyes when she first sees Morgana stand up in front of Aatrox compared to the almost disinterest or contempt in them when Morgana is visibly straining to keep her corrupted chains intact.
Kayle's transformation/embrace of her power seems far less taxing/painful than Morgana's (eyes simply start glowing golden with no hint of pupils or the iris while Morgana still retains a distinction between the pupils, iris, and scelera. Darkness also starts creeping down out of her eyes, like cracking through her skin.)
When Morgana collapses, Kayle does not look back.
Aatrox's body burns away but the sword doesn't (I still can't get over the brief flash of kindred's silhouette in the fire. It's there for like a quick second and you get the impression of something humanoid and with a bow).
Yasuo no longer has his original sword (no sheath on him when he appears either) and wraps wind around the blade he picks up every time he attacks. Doesn't necessarily look like he's actually killing anyone (except for maybe the first two people. or maybe they do die but they don't animate the gore).
It's almost like the wrapping on his arm is keeping the wind inside of him and/or keeping him together as he uses his power. Underneath the cloth, the pattern of wind or magic seems to mirror his spirit blossom skin's arm.
And again, Wolf's eyes shining out of the darkness and using the faint shape of the trees in the distance to hint at his head. Yasuo sees it, closes his eyes and accepts his death, so Lamb's arrow soars out in front of the mortal arrows, all the while Wolf still watches.
The fade in so it looks like the bare branches of the trees against the pale sky are like tendrils of darkness encroaching on the light, converging on a snowflake that almost bursts into existence. The snowflake is also unnaturally large and when it sinks into Tryndamere's blade, it almost melts and reforms, sending a bit of ice crawling across the blade as though following grooves carved into it.
Tryndamere has visible scars across his body. He sees no enemies but Kindred in the space around him.
Wolf alternates between looking like a shadow wolf and just a bunch of shadows in a vaguely wolf-like shape, blinking out of existence as he fights, which helps emphasize the whole "Lamb is the corporeal one out of the two" aspect of Kindred's duality while also making him scarier than just a floating head in space during the fight in my opinion (since he feels heavier and that helps with the "yes he's a THREAT" feeling)
Wolf is significantly more dynamic than Lamb is, and she doesn't really seem to move unless its necessary.
Slow head tilts, once when Tryndamere swings his blade at her, and again when she backflips out of the way, but this one is more noticeable. Wolf attacks immediately, but Lamb observes. Adds to spooky factor. Despite the fact that she literally had a big sword pass under her chin, she still moves slowly and deliberately.
The light of Ashe's arrows clears up the darkness in the background when they fly past Lamb, and the light switches from cool lighting to warm lighting.
The arrows don't move like real arrows as well (no wobble while flying), so if you misses the blue glowy thing then here's more confirmation they're magic! Also makes them seem unnaturally stiff, which works with the "they're made of magic ice" thing.
Tryndamere's eyes immediately shift towards the camera (to where Ashe/Lamb is standing and away from Wolf) and his expression also immediately loses that rage that has been keeping him alive (the expressions were REALLY good holy shit).
Ashe appears and Lamb melts away, taking the unnatural darkness that covered everything beyond the immediate battlefield away.
She's not wearing a god damn bikini and instead some actual leather armor, which has nice gold designs on it. Her bow is also steaming despite the cold air, which makes sense because True Ice is like 5 degrees Kelvin or something
Tryndamere's shoulder pad still has a set of claw marks slashed through it (was originally whole), and Ashe notices, immediately turning around as if to see if she missed an enemy.
There's also another dude or two still there, and idk what happens to them.
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kynimdraws · 10 months
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Top lane diff standoff TFW my obsession with an au pairing spills over to the main Runeterra hc-verse despite these characters not having actual interaction voicelines LOL
If you actually wanna read about this hc of Yone and K'sante meeting please read the TL;DR under the cut
The defeat of the Cobra-Lion and his meetup with Tope (in "Everything We Should Have Said") closed an important chapter in K'sante's life. Despite this, he still desires to further improve himself as Nazumah's greatest warrior-hunter. After all, he always is open for learning.
His brief conversations with nomadic tribes/merchants that pass through Nazumah and tales of the wandering Icathian weaponmaster (Jax) motivates him. With the blessing of the leaders of his homeland, he sets out on his journey.
He travels past the familiar sands/oases of the desert and the fringes of the remains of Icathia. This is how he meets other champion characters like Jax, Sivir, Akshan, and specifically Taliyah.
Taliyah tells about her mentor Yasuo, who had hailed from a distant land called Ionia and had recently separated from him. K'sante had been fairly directionless with his travels, so this suggestion is taken to heart.
This journey to Ionia of course was very fruitful as he sees other lands and their cultures. He passes through the dense forests of Ixtal (Rengar), the technological marvels of Piltover/Zaun (Jayce, Camille), the wild streets of Bilgewater (Nilah)…and finally Ionia.
K'sante luckily is able to get audience with Sett by just boldly participating in his fighting pit just a few days after reaching Navori. The two strike a friendship after their fight ends in a tie (K'sante still thinks Sett is an immature boy but that's another conversation). After hearing K'sante's purpose of his trip, Sett suggests visiting the Ionian temples/monasteries, the centers of martial arts.
It is a given that through this entire trip, K'sante always stops to help anyone that is in trouble. His trek in Ionia doesn't change any of this, but he does notice that some of the things he is fighting are more…spiritual/ephemeral, a contrast to the more physical monsters/vagabonds he has known for so long. Due to the Shuriman Empire's history of rejecting spiritual beliefs, Nazumah was still slowly trying to regain that school of thought. K'sante cherishes this oppurtunity.
In one of the Ionian villages he stopped by, K'sante volunteers to help hunt down some demons. The chieftain of the village briefs him on what he can do, and remarks about how a mysterious masked man had been stalking around the area when these demons started appearing.
"We do not know much about this figure, but he has always appeared with the presence of the demons and azakana…it is possible he is the cause of it all. His masks may be summoning the malevolent spirits to make us suffer. Beware of lone man with many masks, stranger."
K'sante accepts this precaution well enough. After all, he was an experienced warrior. If needed, he will just fight and defeat this masked man. That night, he goes on patrol as he planned. Suddenly he senses another presence following him.
Turning around sharply, K'sante sees what he assumes is the supposed masked man that had control over demons. The man had a red mask with glowing eyes, and exuded a strange aura. Before K'sante can move, the mysterious figure runs his crimson sword through him. K'sante gasps and thinks he is dead, but feels no pain or sees blood....just coldness. He hears the masked man murmur something before withdrawing the sword. Soon a mask materializes from the masked man's hand.
"A small azakana, significantly weakend over time." the masked man simply speaks before he starts to walk away. Confused but wanting to know what the hell happened, K'sante grabs the masked man's arm, demanding what that was about.
"I simply am purging this land from azakana. Your spirit had actually mostly overcome the nightmare that had threatened to overwhelm you...but I thought it would be good to finish the job for you myself."
Hearing this, K'sante demands the masked man to teach his technique of hunting down this...supposed "azakana." The masked man tries to pull away saying this is a task only he can do, but K'sante is more stubborn and refuses to let go. Yone could have disassociated from the situation by having his spirit be unbound, but a part of him is intrigued by this stranger's strong will...a will that could weaken azakana without his help.
"I suppose I can teach you a few things. What is your name?"
"K'sante, a warrior-hunter of Nazumah."
"...Yone. Just Yone."
To be contd... here
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zileans-big-cl0ck · 1 year
Hii, if ya feel up to it could you write some comforting headcanons for Yasuo and Talon? They need some good hugs but honestly what league champion doesn't
(if you feel like writing for others too go for it, I like to read anything you make)
✦–Comforting them headcanons.✦ (SFW)
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✦Hurt/comfort, because they also deserve a hug. A lot of hugs. Every single one of them.
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✧ prompt: ✧ hurt/comfort.
✧ champions: ✧ Talon, the Blade’s Shadow; Yasuo, the Unforgiven; Cassiopeia, the Serpent’s Embrace.
✧ reader: ✧ gender neutral.
✧ author’s note: ✧ oh, dear readers and anons, you don’t even know how appreciated I feel whenever you send me some positive energy or compliments, haha! Every time it’s so adorable, I couldn’t feel any better. Thank you for everythig, especially since english is not my first language, so. I basically have no idea what I am doing. Ah, but apart of this anecdote, the reader is really into self care, but I think it shouldn’t be a problem since we are doing a comforting post.
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✦Talon, the Blade’s Shadow.
He left his blade by the door, because he would never want you to see it in the comforting space of your home, begrimed with blood and disgustingly obscure.
He has lost his prey. His target fleed - he failed; he didn’t manage to complete the only merit of his life that he truly named his own, his passion and devotion, the thing he has been created to do.
If he fails in something so elementary, a thing fankled into his soul and his whole being, an aspect pierced into his heart, then what is his worth?
You spotted his inconvenient posture imidiately, sensing an unnatural twist in his mood, so used to his everyday harshness, enriched by a little bit of sweetness towards only your person. But this time he was different - apathetic with stilted aura of dullness around. Talon let himself tiredly slide on your shared bed, ignoring you just because of the guilt that has been oppressing his heart.
And you, instead of letting him perish alone, you offered him your silent comfort - just yourself by his side. You sat there, your head on his shoulder, gentle touch of your hand on his back, maybe even the tip of your fingers making little circles, massaging.
You asked him what happened, though for the most of the following time you remain quiet, relishing the moment, only you two as the centre of the universe.
But he still felt the enveloping sensation of the failed mission, a feeling he had never experienced before; he has dishonoured his sacred mission. Should he be allowed to feel comforted after a mistake so unforgivable? If he could, he would wear the disgrace as a punishment, visible and vociferous, so everyone would see his shamefull attempts to find comfort in someone else, unworthy of it and pathetic.
Talon was always a mysterious person, but you were like a stronghold for him - it wasn’t a long time until you heard these thoughts of his vocalized out loud, honest and brutal. He murmured them into your ear, while you listened silently, cherishing this sacred moment of his true, intimate self, the person behind the blade.
His thoughts seemed like a form of self-flagellation, noxious and malign. Something pitiful that made your eyes wet, little droplets settling on your eyelashes.
You couldn’t listen to him anymore, saying those denigrating and disgusting statements about himself. All it was untrue, made from the years of abandonment and loneliness, and you were positive to cure it.
But how many times more will you hear him saying that his name doesn’t matter? That as an assasin he is not a human being - he is just a blade that cuts efficiently, deeply and terminally.
“I couldn’t wish for a better person in my life than you, love.” You beggined with you voice brittle, like you were telling him a unconfronted secret. “There is nothing that could make me feel even slightly different. I love you the same amount, as you should love yourself.”
Your words were prosaic, menial. But these were honest promises of adoring him countlessly times, endlessly and for eons, until he comprehends the feelings you wanted him to nurse not only for you, but also himself.
And at some point Talon chuckled, though it wasn’t a sign of joy - it was depressing, unnatural. He tried assuring you that it wasn’t a problem big enough to enwrap you, his beloved one, in - but you could sense his poignant sadness running through his body, just like you could feel his pulsing heart or heavy breath.
You promised him to dedicate to him all of your time, just to assure Talon in his human ability to make mistakes, even so meaningful; to help with his low esteem, even if he firmly disagreed to have anything to do with the mythical term of the mentioned ’low esteem’.
You wrapped your hands around him, tigh and lovely, planning on imprisoning him in a cage made of adoration from someone, who could gave him the comfort he deserved.
Talon left his blade by the door as a symbol of rejection - he rejected the person beyond this place, the one who covered his face with a hood, exchanging him for a more relaxed one, the one made from flesh and honest feelings, the real ones, the right ones, and the absolutely normal ones.
✦Yasuo, the Unforgiven.
As we know, Yasuo escaped Ionia after the unfortunate tragedy that led him despair.
He was lost and longing for a company, though he stated out loud that he didn’t want anyone nerby - he was still too fragile, still in shock of the brutal act he allowed himself to do, bewildered, horrified by himself.
He didn’t want to hurt another human being again. He didn’t want to accompany yet another person, only to betray them nor to give up on them. Another loose would be too painful, too demolishing.
For them, of course. He thought he could handle all of this crushing on his mind.
But Yasuo wouldn’t survive seeing his acquaintance being betrayed by him, once again.
He wasn’t eager to befriend new people here, in Bilgewater; he didn’t seek anyone particular. You found him by yourself, and soon became his only comfort in those times, only way to drift his depressing thoughts away.
And even though it was admirable, your acts of desperate tries, as he considered you as the most valued person in his life, you knew he shouldn’t be feeling so much pain. It could broke even the toughest weilder. His nailed heart pulsing right in his chest was aching and trying to free itself every time Yasuo bestowed you with his deep, sad eyes.
He suffered in silence, though he claimed that you were the only cure for this desease that was gutting his body.
You could name this curse - it was guilt in its purest form. And you were determined to free Yasuo from it.
At some point, he must have opened himself before you, render a vivisection of himself, show you his insides and the putridity that has enveloped his heart and soul. Something you should despise, scream and shout at the sight of, bewildered and cheesed.
But instead of pushing him away as he expected, almost desired, instead of feeling overwhelmed by the emotions he had dropped on your shoulders, you hugged him tightly, the words of comfort pouring from your mouth.
”That wasn’t your fault.” ”You regret this, and you are not the same person you were back then.” ”That was an accident.” ”You are always there for me - let me be here for you now.”
So he declaimed the weight of the world like a poem. About his past and his brother, who has lose to his blade in the accident. You cried with him, mixing your own tears with his own, brushing his problems and concerns off.
You couldn’t even imagine how deeply was he hurt. But humans tend to crawl for the concept of empathetic co-suffering; it makes them feel understood and is crutial when it comes to comforting, therefore it was enough for him: getting the heavy burden off his own mind, sharing it to the world, admitting that he had commited something unforgivable.
You forgave him, though he has never hurted you. But any mercy given from a human being was a relief for Yasuo.
✦Cassiopeia, the Serpent’s Embrace.
Cassiopeia didn’t need your comfort. She despised it. It made her look pathetic and weak, even if she already looked miserable as half a serpent.
But she was a proud woman, a lover of many in her halcyon days of glory. Everyone longed for her and everyone needed her like an antidote for a deadly poison. It was a desire not in a lovely, romantic way, but in a frantic, melodramatic and amusing form of begging for sparing a life.
She manipulated the whole nation of pathetic Noxians into her hands, toyed with them on one of her palms, treating those little figures like ants, just simple pawns on the board that she created from her life. She would be considered infantile if anyone knew what a little mouse wanted to adhere to her, hug her scaled waist and tell her that… she deserved love.
Of course she did! You should have seen her when she was still human, not an abomination, just a twisted figure of her past self.
”No, I am not thinking like this of myself, little mouse. Do not approach me, we can bargain from a distance-”
She would admire your confidency with honesty, if only you weren’t so… clingy. Your hugged her in a devoted way that spoke without words - that you will always follow her as her dearest worshipper, even if she turned into something more fearsome than a half-snake. Even if she turned into a sculpture, you would attend her every day.
Cassiopeia indeed had to admit to herself, in her own convoluted way of a serpent, that your confession made her feel better. Like she had one person that was truly her admirer, not just another human she led on and wrapped around her claw, ready to allure and use. And that her little mouse was kind of adorable; more like a pet, but at least a faithful one.
It was a change of perspectives for her, a phenomenon that made her smile softly, her hand slidding from the top of your head to your back, where she pushed you closer, admiring and loving.
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noroi1000 · 2 years
could a request of the i don't love him but i want him be accepted ? where reader is basically kidnapped by a powerful ( yet weaker ) rival of the gojo family,so we get to see overprotective gojo(he's always protective of her not in that insecure guy way though lol) for that while where he does anything to rescue n protect his wife ? ( badass n feral doing anything for love gojo ? hell yea )
I don't love him but I want to be with him 5
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warnings: guns wounds, death
words: 2.1k
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"Er… What's your name?"
"…I'm your cousin, Satoru!"
"Yeah… But… Again, how have you been?"
You felt the gun at your temple pressed tighter against your skull.
You didn't mind that you might die soon.
You only feel sorry for your children who are sitting at home with Toge, Yuji and Nobara unaware of anything. To protect them.
You want to see them, so you'll never forgive Satoru if you die now.
You'll never forgive him after you die.
You will not leave your children voluntarily.
They are the most important thing to you. Your family is the most important thing to you.
"I can't remember your name… Is your surname Gojo?" Satoru asked, looking at him.
"I am your father's sister's son!" He shouted, gripping your body in anger.
"Have we ever met?"
"We are Family!"
Satoru was stalling…
Your husband always has a plan for everything…
"Here. Way to go! You won!" Satoru said as he played Monopoly with his sons.
Who would have thought that a mafia boss who sees such sums of money on a daily basis as in this game loses to small children.
He was the first to go bankrupt.
You guessed it was because every time one of your sons stopped in a field he bought, he didn't even tell them to pay him.
Plus, when they wanted to buy something, he paid for it.
You wondered if he even knew the rules of this game well…
But well, he often spoiled his children with gifts. So he also spent in-game money for them.
It was nice for you to watch them play.
The laughter of your children and your husband.
Their smiles.
You were sitting next to him on the couch, staring at the board. And how Satoru had less and less money until he finally lost.
"So what do you want to play now?" he asked as he picked up pieces from the board.
"Hide and Seek!" one of your sons said.
"Sorry, Yuko, but let's pick something from board games, shall we?" said the white-haired one.
He was good with children…
Which of course surprised you a bit because he is young. He's not even 30 years old. But he does a good job as a father.
Even though at the very beginning, when Yuko and Yasuo were babies, he was very insecure and afraid to take them in his arms.
They were so tiny, and he felt insecure about picking them up.
His hands had never held a tiny baby.
He held the gun, he held the bloody blade, he held the collar of a beaten man. He even held a corpse.
But he never held a new life.
There had never been anything so delicate and tiny in his hands before.
He's never seen something he created with someone else.
He had never seen the little baby he had created with another person.
It was the first time he had touched a baby.
And that first time made him able to hold small children.
He helped you feed them, change their diapers, even bathe them.
You can't say otherwise because he also helped you hold them while you were still breastfeeding them.
So what if that pervert's plan was to stare at your tits with impunity.
He could hold the baby and watch…
But you didn't blame him.
He always helped you.
So now when you look at him spending time with his kids, you don't regret anything.
You know that the ruthless mafia boss, who had blood on his hands more than once, found happiness in his family.
You know he hasn't changed as a mob boss. But others may think otherwise.
He just changed as an individual.
Even though he was always good and kind.
Probably he found his inner happiness and love.
He loved his family.
All this made others think that he had become weak…
That he has weaknesses he shouldn't have.
That he is no longer ruthless. That he can't do what he used to do.
That's not true.
He's the same boss he's always been. However, he is husband for you.
You knew something would happen someday.
That someday your happiness will suffer.
And your happiness is your family.
Sitting on the floor with your hands tied behind your back, you just wondered why the man standing in front of you had white hair and was tall.
However, his eyes were a different color. They weren't as beautiful as your husband's eyes.
And his hair was different too. They weren't snow white. His hair was a very light brown tint. It made his hair a cream color.
And his eyes were brown. Completely different from your Satoru…
"Who are you?" You grunted looking at him.
Even though your head hurt, you could still glare at him with fury.
"Come on. We're family." He said and turned to you. "It's good you're awake. I didn't want you to faint for long. But you know, it's dangerous to walk around the city alone knowing you're married to the head of the most powerful mafia in Japan."
He crouched next to you.
"I don't know you…" you growled.
"Satoru probably didn't tell you about having another cousin, did he?"
"Don't talk much. It has that thing that makes you weak when you wake up." He laughed.
"What do you want?"
"Just take it all for good. My cousin has become weak. All because he has a family now… You weaken him, his children protect him. Don't you think he's not the same boss he was before? His power has diminished. All because he wanted to be a good husband and father…"
"Fuck off…"
"Same as Satoru… I just want to make sure that my family's mafia doesn't fall down in rank because of this asshole. So either he gives me the boss or you and his kids die."
Suddenly you saw him pull out your phone and dial your husband's number.
"(y/n)? Where are you, the boys started to cry that you're not home for a long time."
You heard his voice coming from the phone.
"Satoru…" You grunted but were silenced.
"Let's start politely, and I'll tell you everything right away. Give me the leadership of the entire family mafia and nothing will happen to your family."
"Who are you?"
"Don't you recognize my voice, Satoru?"
"Not very."
"You little…"
"Let's talk differently. Let my wife out and your ass won't hurt that much."
"Oh? Can you threaten? And could you say the same to your family?" he laughed. "Come on. Just admit that you couldn't hurt or sacrifice anyone in your family… Admit that you've gone soft. That you have become weak."
Suddenly he disconnected.
"If I find you, you'll regret it. If I find my wife, you will feel the pain."
You heard screams, noises and bangs all over the building while you were sitting on the floor that same day and your hands were tied.
This position has already started to tire you because your wrists are already sore from the rope.
"Oh? Something wrong? Did I tie it too tight?"
You looked over at the man. You wanted so badly to spit in his face. Let him know his place.
As a trash…
"Hang on a little longer. I think he'll be here soon-"
Suddenly the door burst open with a bang.
You saw the smile of the man as he reached for the collar of your clothes and pulled you closer to him.
"Shut up bitch." he said as he pulled a gun from his waistband.
You saw people come in and you recognized them all immediately.
Your friends.
Each of them had a gun ready to fire.
He, your husband, came out between them.
In a white shirt. The gun visible in the waistband of his pants.
The thin black glasses on his nose were lowered as he studied you and the guy behind you.
You felt no fear from him. He wasn't afraid of anything.
"(y/n)?" He grunted at you.
It was a question of are you okay.
"Satoru–" you groaned, but you were interrupted by the gun that was pressed against your head.
"We finally see each other. After all these years… I knew you were doing well. However…"
Satoru interrupted him.
"However, have I become weak and soft? Don't make me laugh." He snorted with obvious dignity and superiority.
"Just give me control of our family mafia. You can no longer rule. Your father made a mistake giving it to you instead of me. And as his nephew, I always had the right to…" he snapped. "Give it to me and I'll let your wife go. Resist, and she, like you and your children, will die."
"Do you have any other people? As far as I know, we've already killed everyone who was in the building."
"I will always be in a winning position. You would never hurt someone you love…"
"Er…what's your name?" he asked suddenly.
"…I'm your cousin, Satoru!"
"Yeah… But… Again, how have you been?"
You felt the gun at your temple pressed tighter against your skull.
You didn't mind that you might die soon.
You only feel sorry for your children who are sitting at home with Toge, Yuji and Nobara unaware of anything. To protect them.
You want to see them, so you'll never forgive Satoru if you die now.
You'll never forgive him after you die.
You will not leave your children voluntarily.
They are the most important thing to you. Your family is the most important thing to you.
"I can't remember your name… Is your surname Gojo?" Satoru asked, looking at him.
"I am your father's sister's son!" He shouted, gripping your body in anger.
"Have we ever met?"
"We are Family!"
Satoru was stalling…
Your husband always has a plan for everything…
"We may be family, but I don't remember you…"
During their conversation, you saw Megumi's lips move.
And suddenly you heard a loud shot behind you.
This caused the gun to fall out of your kidnapper's hand.
"Just shoot, Dad…" Megumi murmured softly into the small earpiece in his ear.
"I'm not supposed to kill, am I?" Toji replied.
"Don't do it yet."
"Megumi, but you know I would love to kill someone from the Gojo family. If that white-haired jerk didn't pay me to murder, I'd gladly kill him too."
"Don't wait and don't talk. Do it now…"
Drops of blood fell to the floor from the wound in his arm.
You pulled away quickly and ran over to Satoru, standing up.
His hands were placed on your cheeks as he looked all over you. Defining your condition.
"Are you okay?" he asked as he took the knife from Geto and cut the rope around your wrists.
You nodded your head and hugged him quickly.
"I told you…" said his relative weaker. He had his hand on the bullet-pierced shoulder. "You are weak and soft. You only care about your family… And you should care about your power and image… You've become–."
You heard it very loud next to your head.
As you turned around, you saw the man's eyes widened as the bullet pierced his thigh.
Then another shot. Second leg pierced.
You looked at your husband's hand holding the gun.
He gently pushed you away, standing in front of you.
When he saw him trying to grab his gun, Gojo fired another bullet. Fitting perfectly in the middle of his hand. Making him cry out in pain.
Satoru was known for that when he was holding a gun, he never missed. He always hit the target. His perfect eyesight made it possible.
He did everything as fast as few people. He noticed everything even faster. Hence his nickname as a member of the Mafia. "six eyes".
"Say something else…" he said stepping closer.
He pulled the trigger again. Shooting the other arm of the man.
He kicked his chest, and placed his boot on his sternum, pressing down.
"Say something else. So that I can put a few more bullets into you with even more pleasure."
"You fucking bastard…"
"I'm only nice to my family. If I don't consider you a member of this, you're just shit getting in my way. If it was me, you'd get one bullet in the head. But you took her. You wanted to take my children from me. Hols in the body for my one son. Second ones for second. And a bullet in your head, for my wife. I guess that's fair, isn't it?"
"You –"
"Oh yeah…" he smiled suddenly. "I am a ruthless madman. I don't care about your life."
The gun was aimed at his head.
The mad smile widened.
"And whoever threatens my family that I love will never see anything but darkness again."
"My family is what I care most about… I would never forgive myself if I lost them. I will not lose my closest and dearest people. I won't let anyone take that happiness away from us."
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naisilla · 6 months
The Emperor's New Muse Part .10
Odyssey Kayn x Reader
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content: it only gets worse.
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The Morningstar was quiet. The crew was exhausted and stressed about barely escaping the palace only minutes before. Only Jinx seemed to be doing well, humming a pop tune and bouncing along to the beat in her pilot's chair. But that was Jinx, never fazed by the violence around her but rather attracted to it. At least someone was coping well.
Malphite was a tough guy who wasn't affected by the battle. He tended to each member, using his medical knowledge to patch up and deal with the injuries.
You clutched your torso. Your wounds had reopened when you fled. Malphite's working his hardest to close up the gaping lacerations. Yasuo had gone quiet, staring out of the ship's window, looking ahead into the expanse of space.
Sona too was quiet, but that was normal for the Templar. However, you couldn't deny there was a defeated look in her eye. Things were not looking good for the Morningstar, and they were about to get worse.
"Holy shitballs! Guys you need to take a look at this!"
Everyone looks up, pausing their moping to focus on Jinx. She looks at her screen with her mouth agape. You and the others gathered around, peeking over her shoulder to glimpse at what she was so shocked over.
Headlining news: King Jarvan IV Found Dead. Space Pirate Culprits At Large.
A confused sound involuntarily left everyone's mouths. Jinx continued to scroll through the Demaxian digital newspaper. A photo of the Morningstar along with pictures of everyone included.
"That bastard!" Yasuo growls. His lips curled in a vicious sneer, but his eyes were wide and dilated.
"We didn't kill the king?..." Malphite says clearly confused about the situation. Jinx whispered something into his ear, probably explaining what was going on. A moment later Malphites giant fists slammed down onto the ship's floor panels. "That Bastard!"
Sona merely looked ahead, her golden eyes were dull and empty looking. Out of everyone who was furious she was contrastingly sullen.
A little blinker on the ship's dashboard made Jinx pipe up. "Shit! The tank is leaking fuel!"
Panic began to wash over the initial fury. We had barely escaped Demaxia_Alpha with thousands of palace guards and locus armada on our tails, The Morningstar was slowly traveling across deep space at an agonizing pace. Like a wounded dog dragging its dying body, it was only a matter of time before we got caught.
Out of instinct, you go to check the windows, peering out into the inky blackness of space for any movement or sign of a Demacian ship closing in on you. The abyss remained seemingly empty for now.
"Where do we go now?" you ask "All of Demaxia is after us now..."
"We are trapped on a failing ship, we are rapidly running out of fuel and eventually our rations and supplies will deplete."
"There is no planet that we can make it to that wouldn't sound the alarm on us."
You were right, there was nowhere to seek shelter and hide, with Demaxia ruling every nearby system there wasn't a single place safe from Kayn.
A sinking feeling began to take over as you took another peak out of the windows. You were all stranded in the middle of deep space, a dark empty expanse where you knew knew there was nothing outside yet you felt so exposed.
Like a moment from a shark movie, you were on a deflating lifeboat knowing that somewhere in the ocean was a giant megalodon stalking you, it could strike any moment and there was nothing you could do about it.
You were destined to be snatched up.
Just how long would it be until Kayn sunk his jaws into you?
A blaring siren snaps you from your thoughts, a red light flashes throughout the ship.
"Jinx what's happening now!?" You ask, yelling over the blaring alarm.
Jinx whips her head to look at you, her pigtails harshly swinging behind her. "It's an intruder alert!"
Your eyes are suddenly drawn to behind her, staring at the wall that began to emit a strange light, the wall is glitching like a TV screen. Before you can process how that is even possible a figure emerges, passing through the wall ignoring the physical law that it's a solid object.
It's Kayn.
You freeze in your tracks as your stomach drops and you feel a wave of fear and dread wash over you. Rhaast is in Kayn's grip, drawn back, ready to swing. The entire crew freezes up and stares up at Kayn, the intruder alert still blasting in the background.
Jinx is the first one to overcome her shock and tries to fire a pistol at the demaxian, but her bullets simply pass through him as if he's a hologram. Ignoring her attempts, Kayn swings Rhaast, the neon blade slicing the air in a sweeping motion.
Malphite acts instantly, grabbing Jinx by the back of her top and yanking her out of range. If this moment was in any different context you would've joked that she looked like a chihuahua being handled in a dog vest.
Yasuo unsheaths his sword and sends a gust of wind spiraling towards Kayn but the Ordinal merely cuts through it and with another slash of his scythe, cuts Yasuo's blade in half.
Caught off guard Yasuo gasps nearly getting sliced as Kayn strikes again, there was no time to react. Kayn moves with lightning speed and precision, his actions sharp and decisive. He outmaneuvers all of the crew members. Each one of their attacks hits the air, barely missing Kayn as he moves effortlessly, like a ghost. He sends more strikes toward the crew, slicing through their weapons and armor with ease. The air is quickly filling with flashing sparks and the crew is beginning to panic.
Even with all five of you against him Kayn was still gaining the upper hand, continously poking each of you with attacks that left you weakened and exposed. You were barely managing to keep up with the fight as everyone is forced back and on the defensive.
Sometimes you wish you had a specialty like the others, Yasuo was good with swords, Jinx was good with guns and firepower, Malphite was good with brute force and Sona was a good mage. As you fought Kayn you were forced to be resourceful, during you evasive moves you managed to grasp at was was once a metal pipe fixtured to the ceiling that got knocked down in the fight, steam pouring out of the hole. With the sturdy metal bar in your grip you used it to block each swing Kayn took at you, always aiming for it to collide with the handle of Rhaast so that his blade couldn't cut through.
You feel the pressure of his attacks growing as you realize the others aren't faring any better against the demacian. You try to maneuver around Kayn, to position yourself behind him to launch an attack he can't parry while battling the others. Yet somehow Kayn managed to keep you within his line of sight.
Nobody is able to stand up to Kayn, his sheer force of will alone makes every single one of you cower and flinch. He radiates a menacing and lethal aura that feels like death itself, like a predator playing with its prey.
"So much flesh to rend! carve me into them all Kayn!!"
Malphite was the first, his tough armor skin spit and gave way to Rhaasts blade. Kayn managed to skewer his entire torso and for the first time you heard him wail in agony. Malphite backs off with a limp cowering while Sona steps in using her ora to heal him while making a protective barrier between herself and Kayn.
It isn't effective as with a single hit Kayn breaks through and prepares to strike down, Jinx cuts in spraying a barrage of bullets between Kayn and Sona forcing the ordinal back and riddling the wall to their side with holes. Yasuo slides behind Sona to pull her further back away from Kayn while you jump in to block another swing of Rhaast aimed at Jinx.
The demaxian lets out a hiss of frustration. "Sona! you will open the gate!" With a powerful kick he sends you to the floor. "Don't think you're going to make it alive after this! All of you! Will be dead by the end of this!" Kayn swings down his scythe, you try to scramble out of the way but Kayn has gotten faster. You are saved by Yasuo dashing in to whisk you out of range at the last second.
He is out of breath, without his sword he can only use his swiftness and wind abilities. But he was burning out, soon he wouldn't be able to keep up with the fight. A bead of sweat accumulates with the sheen on his forehead, he glances at you for a moment and you are able to see the fear in his eyes.
"Face me, Captain! Face me and die!" Kayn yells launching himself into the air ready to come down on the both of you with another attack. Kayn was relentless he wasn't tiring out, even against five other people he wasn't breaking a sweat.
Yasuo grabs you ready to dash again, but as Yasuo springs off the floor Kayn is quick to use one leg to trip him up. Yasuo slips, the stumble causing both him and you to fall back in line with the trajectory of Kayn and Rhaast. You try to push Yasuo out of the way despite it being destined for the both of you to be impaled.
Letting out a shrieking war cry Jinx comes in throwing her empty machine gun at Kayns head, instantly he straightens up and slices through the gun like soft butter. With the split second of attention taken off of you and Yasuo. "Come and play jinx" Kayn yells, a thrilled grin appearing on his face.
Jinx follows up with throwing out her grenades, each one gets dodged smoothly by Kayn, only blowing up the ships interior. The intruder alert alarm continues to blare, now joined by more and more alerts as the ship continues to gain internal damage.
Sona watches on in silence while she tends to Malphite, Jinx was relentless, just as determined and arranged as the Ordinal. Yasuo while out of breath continued to use his abilities in short bursts to narrowly evade and poke at Kayn. You also struggled, without a reliable weapon or magic at hand you were at a disatvantage, but you continued to fight.
"I'm hanging here!" Jinx yells, you can hear the fear and desperation seeping through Jinx's words, but she continues to launch her attacks and grenades at Kayn, despite her attempts doing very little. Malphite was still hurt badly, the demaxian had carved through the golem's armored skin and his wounds were severe. He could barely fight now, despite his best efforts.
Yet he still tried, every time Jinx got too close to getting struck by Kayn Malphite would grab at the ship to launch pieces of its interior at the Ordinal or smash shock waves into the floor. His yells were desperate for his friend. "Jinx!" "Look out Jinx!"
With the help of Sona's abilities, both you and Yasuo were able to continue. "What's the plan?" You yell out to the captain.
"Don't die" Yasuo grunts matter of factly.
"Die!" Kayn yells in sync with Yasuo.
"Blow shit up!" Jinx cheers, her range of weapons destroying the entire interior of the Morningstar, creating another problem that you'd have to face in the future...if you could live till then.
You were ripped from your thoughts as Kayns hand gripped your throat, hoisting you up in the air.
"Don't get distracted y/n, that's how you get caught dear."
Instinctively you try to kick Kayn in the head, he blocks it with his arm. You swiftly attack with your other leg but he is faster and blocks again, using both legs you try to lock them together to deliver a more powerful kick centered to his face. Blocked again.
"You need to be less predictable" Kayn chuckles darkly, his fingers coiling tighter around your neck. You could feel your head building up in the head, there was no doubt it was turning red. The erratic pulse of your heart thrummed in your ears making all other noises sound distant and reverberating.
Jinx lets out a war shriek and rams into Kayn, hitting him with the side of her gun like a baton. "Unhand her you hot freak!" Even in your weakened state, you sent her a "wtf" look. Kayn simply ignores the pilot, blocking each of her attacks with one arm without even looking at her. His stare locked onto yours.
"I'm going to make you suffer, once I'm done strangling you I will skin you alive and force you to watch your insides fall out as you die!" Kayn's voice began to overlap with his sentient alien scythes.
By this point pain was shooting up your body in sync with your pulse and your lungs were searing in hot pain. The edges of your vision were fading into a dark vignette and the rest of your body was growing limp and heavy.
With a powerful kick, Kayn sends Jinx sliding across the floor. Yasuo tries to rush in but is sent back when Kayn drops you to launch a sweeping slash. The blade catches on the front of Yasuos torso and rips a gash across. Yasuo stumbles back and Kayn goes in for another attack but Jinx jumps back in still screaming, with one strike Kayn hoists Rhaast with his blade facing upwards to slice at Jinx from below.
Jinx jumps back but her pant leg gets snagged by Rhaasts curved blade and Kayn uses it to hook and drag her in one swift move toward himself. She gets flipped onto her back and Rhaast buries himself into the flesh of her shoulder blade, Jinx howls in pain but manages to shoot her pistol from behind her back, looking over her shoulder. Kayn dislodges the scythe to block the bullet, it ricochets off of Rhaast and hits Yasuo, grazing the side of his neck.
Weakly you try to trip Kayn with your leg but unsurprisingly he doesn't even spare you any attention, merely stepping over you and walking slowly towards Sona. The templar had been working so hard, multitasking between healing Malphite and boosting the others.
"I've had enough of these games, it's time to go." He sneers, grabbing her by the arm. Sona was never a physically strong human so she easily gave way to Kayns force, he hoists her to her feet and drags her across the room. Malphite who had mostly recovered rushes Kayn from behind only to have the Ordinal whip around to hack into the Golem again. "YESSS RIP AND TEAR INTO HIM KAYN!"
Malphite is brought to his knees, clutching the gaping wounds that riddle his body. "Malphite!" Jinx wails, crawling over to her best friend desperately, Kayn is quick to kick Jinx across the face while she's on the floor, she spits out a tooth, her eye begins to swell. Malphite reaches out to her making a sad whimpering sound before glaring at Kayn "You hurt Jinx...You must DIE-" His roar is cut off as Rhaast is suddenly buried to the hilt in the Golem's throat, Malphite lets out a surprised gurgle a dying breath escaping the space in his throat before eventually slumping over with glassy eyes.
"NOOOOOOOO!" Jinx's cries were shrill and primal. She scrambles across the floor toward her best friend tears leaking from her swollen face. Her head whips towards Kayn and another rattling growl comes out, she's suddenly back onto her feet in a fit of hysteria and rushes Kayn. Yasuo tackles her as Kayn retaliates, taking the blow of his scythe. They both fall to the ground Yasuo's arms hugging Jinx close, as they bounce off the floor Jinx coughs and sputters looking at Yasuo and the giant gash across his abdomen and back, blood seeping out in copious amounts.
"No no nonononono". Jinx rambles her words slurred, she grasps at Yasuo and shakes him worriedly. You struggle to recover yourself, your old wounds had definitely reopened yet again. Kayn looks down at the four of you with contempt. "Look at this, the famous Morningstar finally on their knees." He walks back over to stand directly in front of you all his golden eye now gleaming with ora.
With the tip of Rhaasts blade, Kayn tilts Yasuo's head to look up at him. "First I kill your brother, and now you. How poetic." Yasuo can only bare his teeth in a pained growl, his blood continuing to pool onto the surrounding floor. Jinx has been reduced to a sobbing mess as she clings on helplessly to Malphite's body, with no more bullets, clips, or magazines left to let out her fury. "What's wrong Jinx? Are you tired of playing already? I'm only starting."
Kayn turns back to Sona. "This could've gone so much differently, as a Templar I expected better from you. If only you gave yourself up earlier, you wouldn't have to watch your friends die." Sona's eyes widen as Kayn turns back towards the Morningstar crew. Jinx, Yasuo, and you were all at his mercy now.
Rhaast's blade glints with every flash of the red siren light. "FINALLY! CULL THEIR NUMBERS! DISMEMBER THEM ALL!" Kayn grins, each approaching step making your heart tremble with fear.
His boots stop right before you, you strain your eyes to stare up at him as he imposingly stares down at you. The red light behind him casts an imposing shadow upon you. There were no final words, no more smart quips. Kayn swings.
And Sona intercepts.
Kayns eyes are blown wide as he watches Rhaasts blade pierce himself into the chest of the Templar. "WHAT? NO!"
Everyone stares in shock as everything slows down. Sona's chest glows in a golden light where Rhaast's blade penetrates. Panicked, Kayn pulls Rhaast out hastily and gold flows out. Sona who was once floating, now falls to the ground. The Morningstar crew cries out for Sona. You too scream out, hand outstretched towards the Templar, she locks her eyes onto you, those beautiful golden eyes like pools of swirling gold glitter, and between your minds, she speaks something when finally the golden light from her chest fades.
"YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO KILL THE TEMPLAR! WE NEED HER ALIVE" Rhaast roars at Kayn, the Scythe's ora roiling.
"SHUT UP RHAAST WE CAN HEAL HER!" Kayn kneels before Sona, lifting her up as he looks over her wounds. It was ugly, a giant tear where Rhaasts blade had perfectly slotted between her rips slicing her heart, there was no faint pulse Sona was truly gone. Not like Kayn ever learned to use his ora abilities for healing, and the only medic here on the Morningstar was also dead.
Kayn lets Sona's body drop to the floor and he gets up, a dark grimace cast on his face. With an outstretched hand, golden ora snakes out of Sona's chest and into the air seeking refuge into Kayn's palm. Copious amounts of Ora feeds into Kayn sending a shiver down his spine.
"What do you think you're doing?" You gasp out weakly.
"Harvesting her ora of course" Kayn replies coldly. "The Templar had an affinity for aura and I wish to have it for myself." As the ora enters Kayn's body his eye begins to glow brighter and brighter until his entire eye is glowing. He gasps. "Forget the Templar Rhaast I alone can open the Ora gate."
And just like that Kayn turned his back to you and walked away, phasing through the wall like when he first entered the Morningstar. From the view of the window, you could see the locus armada mother ship. No, it was much larger. It had to be the late King's personal warship.
It loomed over the Morningstar like a creature of the deep, something much bigger and more ferocious than a shark. It along with its fleet, swarmed around like a hungry pack of animals. You were expecting to be fired upon, to be finished, but to your surprise, the Demaxian ships turned and after engaging hyperspace drive disappeared into the abyss of deep space.
Stunned you glance around, Yasuo is still bleeding out and Jinx for the first time ever is silent. Forcing yourself to your feet you start by dragging your remaining friends into Malphites medbay. You struggle to drag Yasuo onto the bed, then Jinx, propping them up against each other to stay upright.
You didn't know the first thing about first aid but God were you going to figure it out right now, you were not going to lose one more friend today. First, you needed to stop the bleeding, Yasuo had it the worst, human vital organs are located in the front so that's where you should start a simple dressing wasn't going to be enough and a tunicate only works on a limb, not the torso.
Taking off his shirt you use it to apply pressure, Yasuo hisses in pain, and you grab his hand and apply it to his wound. "Hold it there as tight as you can". Yasuo shakily nods and grunts as he holds it in place. You go to look over Jinx, just a swollen face and a tooth missing, you gently brush her hair away and tuck it behind her hair before grabbing an icepack and holding it to her swelling. At least you were certain Jinx was going to make it.
Now to figure out how to close Yasuo's wounds, he had already bled through his tshirt. Stitches are what is normally done right? You just need a needle and thread. You search through the drawers to find anything you can use. Drawer after drawer is ripped open and rummaged through, the items insides carelessly swiped aside in desperation. Panic begins to seep in as you fail to find any thread or needles.
Your hearbeat becomes erratic again, no no no where is it? Your searching around the medbay becomes more frantic the longer time passes. Each second that goes by is a second more that Yasuo bleeds out. A firm large hand grasps your arm, you pause and turn to look at Yasuo whos looks at you with a calm gaze.
"We need to stop Kayn."
You shake your head. " There's no need, Kayn can't do anything now...now that Sona's gone."
Yasuo's eyes darken and his facial features feel a little heavier. "Something tells me that Kayn has found another way, we can't risk that chance. Jinx can't pilot the ship in this state. It's up to you to get us there."
You try to refuse you open your mouth to retort against him but he interrupts you. "Don't worry about me, I'll figure out how to close this up, just get us to the ora gate."
You nod and run off toward the cock pit, it had been completely obliterated. The walls have been ripped off and the floor has been torn up, steam gushes from exposed pipes and wires crackle with sparks of electricity. You pick your way over to the pilots bay, the seat is destroyed so instead you stand in front of the dashboard. So many error icons flash on the screen like a faulty car. Looks like you have to manually override and drive the ship yourself.
But where do you go? The Morningstar was already dying before Kayn came and further destroyed the Morningstar, the situation you were in earlier still stands. You are desperately close to running out of fuel so you simply can't chase after Kayn to the Ora Gates. You need to find somewhere to restock and get medical attention for Yasuo and Jinx but every planet in the galaxy is warranted to arrest you under Kayn's new law.
Drastic times require drastic measures, it was risky but you needed to take every risk in order to prevent Kayn from opening the Ora gates, so you steer course the Morningstar and fully turn it around. You were going back to Demaxia_alpha.
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Part 11: Here
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thatgaiagirl · 2 months
A Mini Rant about Yasuo’s Lore and what could be done with it
There were so many missed opportunities here and examples Riot could have drawn from, and I’m gonna lay it out.
The main problem is that Yasuo’s story premise was based on him being ‘The Unforgiven’, and through progressing his story via Confessions of a Broken Blade and Yone’s return, in order to have that same conceit he can never fully forgive himself, and therefore literally every story arc he has gotten since Spirit Blossom had been him learning to forgive himself again and again and again. Ruined King did it, the Yasuold skin is implying it, Riot won’t let him do anything else.
And I just. Ok there are ways to do this and I think the premium example to point to is Graves.
Graves was also released with a specific concept; he was hunting Twisted Fate for revenge. That was his whole thing. And in Burning Tides, he actually confronts Twisted Fate and moves his story forward. Riot would’ve been arguably more justified in keeping Grave’s lore state the same than in Yasuo’s case, but no; he and Twisted Fate legitimately start working together again and their story permanently moves forwards after that. And just - Yone’s release and the whole Spirit Blossom event was PERFECT to do that for Yasuo.
Imagine if Yasuo decided to hunt the Azakana with his brother - maybe in an effort to redeem himself in his own eyes even if Yone doesn’t want him dead, maybe to help his brother learn what he’s become, there’s many reasons why he would do this. Imagine a Demon Hunter Yasuo lore skin that shows him in a better mental place, travelling alongside Yone killing Azakana. Honestly you could make that happen in current lore - it would not be hard to have the brothers meet each other again. But just - do ANYTHING with him, have Yone’s return MEAN something. Yasuo is a popular champion and a lore update like that could be a great marketing ploy as well, if we’re also thinking from the business side of things.
Another option would’ve EASILY been giving him a Sentinel skin. The event kind of sucked, yes, but there was legitimate set-up for him to be there. As it is, he returns Braum to the Freljord and then goes to free Riven… only for the Sentinels to get there first. The Sentinels could’ve burst in mid-jailbreak with both Yasuo and Riven there, and there’s no reason for Yasuo NOT to join them if that happens. Again, missed lore skin potential for a popular champion (I do not count Sea Dog Yasuo, that’s just… ok why? Sentinel would’ve been a better fit), he would’ve been an interesting personality to add to the mix, and if he returns with Riven to their village at the end of it, it could’ve been an ACTUAL book-end to his character arc with him CHOOSING to return to his hometown instead of staying the wanderer.
Either of these could’ve actually done shit with him but. Eh. Anyways I have brainrot so I may actually end up drawing either a Sentinel or Demon Hunter Yasuo for the fun of it. Probably Demon Hunter, I have a way you could theoretically get him to that point from his current place in the story so. Anyway.
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arcane-ish · 2 years
Reading the old creator interview for League!Ekko again made me think.
I totally get Ekkomains who say that if they ever progress Ekko's storyline in a meaningful way, him finding love with a new person and finally getting over his childhood crush would be a very sensible place to take it. I could picture it feeling very meaningful for him to open up to somebody new, heal some of those trauma scars and be healthier etc (and unlike Riven and Yasuo for whom the angst status is deeply tied to their identity as a character, I think it would actually feel very in character for Ekko to be like that).
There is an argument that Ekko being stuck on Powder is representative of him being stuck in the past which is of course extremely thematic and on point for his character (Warwick to Ekko in game: "The one person in Zaun who runs to the past."), but not exactly the healthiest thing.
But reading the statements again:
[Ekko] thinks [Janna] gave up on Zaun, which is something Ekko will never do.
Let me also state that Ekko does not think Zaun is perfect. He knows very well how is city is perceived and why it has the reputation. But he hopes that things will get better one day.
made me think that Ekko's attachment to Jinx makes a lot more sense if you consider that in a way Jinx is the perfect distillation and representation of Zaun (ie wild, brutal, creative, hurt).
Ekko stays in Zaun because he knows that it's not all bad. People like Ajuna (the friend he lost in the comic) live there. He believes in Zaun, and in it's future (although currently in a somewhat childlike and less forward thinking way, he's still a kid, still learning). 
Ekko isn't dumb, he knows Zaun is a rough place, but he owns that. Zaun made him strong, taught him to be resourceful and make big things out little. He's starting to envision a different Zaun, a better Zaun, but he doesn't have the complete picture yet as he is a teenager and still has some growing up to do.
Basically, if you think of Jinx as Zaun and how his entire goal and motivation is tied up in Zaun, then the idea that he both fights her darkest impulses but also won't and can't give up on her makes a lot more sense and is something different than "loser pining after girl who has no interest in him because he thought she was nice to him in childhood and needs help now".
The idea of "he knows that Zaun has bad sides but still believes in its potential" is a lot more appealing than "it's just childish nostalgia".
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notariahere · 11 months
should i tell you, that i love you? (yasuo x reader)
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a/n: im back after two months hi! im lost because mortal kombat took me away and im currently obsessed with the game and especially with kuai liang and bi-han (please i need help immediately) but enjoy this little, cute fiction of my favorite character ever. (i love him sm☹️) [and this is fiction is friends to lovers awww]
he has a crush on you, he really liked you but he was so shy to confess to you. he was afraid if you rejected him because he was ugly, he thought that he was not enough.
on the other hand, you liked him, you thought that he was attractive, cute and hot. a man that he can protect you from all the bad things and take your pain away. you want to confess to him but you are so shy, like him too. until one day you guys meet up again.
“hey” you turn back to see him “oh hi! didn’t see you” he placed his large hand in your shoulder. this is where you start feel butterflies in your stomach “what are you doing here alone? it’s dangerous to be alone especially when you are in this place” he says. oh, he was worried about you. “just walkin’ alone, havin’ thoughts, deep thoughts” you said “what thoughts? tell me, im here to listen.” this is where you feel tears come out. you wanna tell him that you love him and he is the only person that he helped you and was there for you. “im in love with a man, but i don’t know how to tell him. im afraid if he rejects me… if you wanna know how he looks like, well he’s almost like you. he’s kind, sweet and he’s hot like pretty hot. i can’t stop thinking about him, having also sexual attraction to him too… im so annoyed by this right now…” he laughed “go ahead and tell him that you love him. you only live once you know? what’s wrong from stopping you?” “i don’t know…” “then you have to say it..” and this is the time… you took the risk and you said it to his face “i love you.” “wait.. the confession you did… uh… it was me all the time?” you nodded. he came closer to you, the temperature was rising and you felt hot. “well, i have to confess to you too. i like a girl. she’s so cute and pretty. i love the way she dresses too. i love when she talks to me sweetly and her voice soothes me. every time i see her, i really wanna hug her and put my hand to her pretty face and kiss her deeply.” when he hugged you, you know that the confession he did was about you. he said that he liked you and he wants to be with you. you cried. you couldn’t hold the tears for longer. he pulled the hug, he put his hands in your face and without hesitation, he kissed you, deeply, you returned the kiss and you can tell he is an expert in this. he was holding you tightly, you hold him more tightly, tongues dancing through the kiss, smiles appearing through the kiss. you pull him away to take a breath
“that was the best thing ever.” you said “you’re cute. and i love you. i wanna protect you until the end” he says
“you are gonna be the death of me.”
a/n: AHH THE CUTEST THING EVER!!! my mind was like let’s make this as sex scene but damn i feel like this is more cute and romantic. maybe part two soon?
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sholmeser · 1 year
yasuo and ahri are not ship bait they are not fanservice they are LITERALLY!!!!! FUCKING MEANT FOR EACH OTHER. they are the only people who can understand each other’s pain. who can help the other get better. the only sides of this argument ive seen are “they’re only in ruined king and together because they’re popular, conventionally attractive characters” and “they like each other because they’re nice to each other” and, while both of these statements are fact, they do not in any way fully encompass their relationship.
first, we have to understand that yasuo and ahri’s relationship is about recovery. even putting the fact that ahri’s character serves as an allegory for addiction aside, we know that they are both deeply, deeply traumatized and mentally ill people. first of all, at several different points across league canons we can see that they suffer from severe post-traumatic nightmares.
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second, they share very negative, unhealthy mentalities: they’re plagued by guilt, loneliness, utter hopelessness about their future, and self-deprecation because they believe their pasts to be entirely their fault, despite them being, largely, simply accidents or bad luck.
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so they are both suffering people. this on its own is not really significant: virtually every league champion is traumatized in some way or another. but the thing that really drives the importance of their relationship home is the fact that their stories are just…fundamentally so similar.
yasuo and ahri are both people who have been ostracized from society their entire lives. yasuo was always seen as fundamentally “different” from other children, never fit in right, and was too wild for the people of his temple (which has a lot of implications. but that’s an entire other can of worms)—and when he was older, he was shunned as a criminal, and then, even after his name was cleared, as untrustworthy. and though she belonged at the beginning of her life, leaving her tribe meant leaving the safety and stability of vastayan civilization for the oppression and ridicule of the human one.
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but even despite all this, the two of them always had someone who would be there for them: yone and ahri’s lover, of course. these were the only two people who understood them. who reassured when it came to their faults, who were always there for them. their family. and, of course, the two of them died by yasuo and ahri’s own respective hands. and so ahri and yasuo are all alone in a world that wants them dead, where they belong nowhere and have no one, where they blame themselves so deeply for everything that has happened to them that they cannot live with themselves. yasuo turns to alcoholism for comfort. ahri isolates herself so she will never harm anybody again. at least yasuo has taliyah for a short while, but it is inevitable when she leaves, too, reminding him that she will always have a family to protect, to come home to, and he never will again. they are so lonely and, in their minds, so deeply irredeemable, that they cannot form real connections with anyone.
and so their chance meeting is so fucking incredible for the two of them because they KNOW the feelings that the other is going through. they understand. and the thing is that their initial opinions of each other are not built off of the reductionist boxes that society has built both of them into: ahri does not know that yasuo is the unforgiven murderer because she does not spend time with humans. yasuo does not know that ahri is a vastaya because she is deliberately concealing her appearance. these are the two things that have MADE them so alone all of these years, and yet they get to know each other and learn to care for each other without these barriers in the way. and when they DO find out it means nothing, because they know what it’s like to be so isolated, and they will not martyr the other—even if they do it to themselves.
ahri goes to bilgewater to find out more about her family. yasuo leaves ionia because he is no longer shackled by his brother’s ghost now that he knows yone has returned to the living realm, NOT because he no longer feels guilt. ahri hires a bodyguard to keep her in check so she will not hurt humans upon her reintroduction to society. their meeting is purely coincidental.
and. of course. at the heart of the matter. they do “like each other because they are nice to each other.” because they have not felt kindness like that in so, so fucking long. they are the only people who show each other that gentleness. yasuo had taliyah but she was just a kid, a girl who was lost and lonely who he had to take care of. yasuo and ahri can take care of each OTHER. when ahri gets overwhelmed he is not afraid to touch her, ground her, ask her what’s wrong. when she brings up her loneliness he is the first to say you are not alone because we are here with you—i am here with you. when he fights his brothers ghost she knows what is happening right away. she knows he will be fine. she trusts him to make it out.
and i think that ahri saying that he reminds her of her dead lover is not superficial or clichéd—it shows how deeply they understand each other. yasuo is bitter and sad and lonely, sarcastic and oftentimes sardonic, but we know he wasn’t always like this. as a child he was overexcited, confident, young and free and loved his brother. he still is that person, in a way: deep down he is gentle. he treats his elders with respect and care. he finds a lost taliyah and his first instinct is to take care of her, to make up for failing his brother by saving her. he does not hate riven even after he finds out the truth, because he, too, knows the power misfortune can have. and ahri REALIZES all of this. BECAUSE THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. HE REMINDS HER OF HER DEAD LOVER, WHO WAS OUTWARDLY KIND AND GENTLE, BECAUSE SHE KNOWS WHO HE IS ON THE INSIDE. THE PERSON HE HAD TO BOTTLE UP TO COUNTERACT A DECADE’S WORTH OF LONELINESS. AND HE FINDS OUT WHAT SHE’S DONE AND HE ISNT AFRAID. BECAUSE HE KNOWS WHO SHE REALLY IS, TOO. HE KNOWS WHAT HER HEART IS MADE OF. HOW LOVING IT REALLY IS.
and, yes, it IS a little bit stupid that they’re in ruined king. i don’t necessarily think that their character growths relied on traveling to bilgewater; they easily could’ve been handled differently. and, yes, maybe they were initially paired up because they’re popular, attractive characters. but this is so small. so insignificant. when you consider what makes their relationship special. they are just what the other needed. they are what they need to heal. to look to the future with hope. and that means so much
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