#yass Jesus podcast
stephenwalkerinfo · 11 months
Unleashed LGBTQ+
Unleashed LGBTQ+, a first-of-its-kind conference and entertainment festival creating a space for brands, artists, and LGBTQ+ professionals to connect, is excited to announce the official lineup for the first-ever Unleashed LGBTQ in-person and live
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i just found your blog and am unsure all of the details about your specific experiences, but if you do know, is it possible to reconcile faith in the religion that caused you the pain? i’m really struggling to regain the strength i felt in my faith since my conversion therapy, to the point where i resent the very God i used to love.
This is a really great question! I personally have found my comfort in paganism, but I understand that’s not the path for everyone and I did spend some time as a progressive Christian.
For me it was actually not my sexuality that turned me away from the church it was reading certain parts of the Bible as an adult. But that is another story (unless you just want to hear more right now).
There are resources for Christian gay people though. I recommend God is Gray on YouTube, the yasss Jesus podcast, and Torn rescuing the gospel from the gays versus Christians debate by Justin Lee as good starts.
There are also some gay Christian singers: Jennifer Knapp and Semler. Knapp has also done a Tedtalk.
And at the end of the day if you need to take a break from the church and things to do with God, if God truly is loving, I’m sure he would understand. If you decide that Christianity is not for you then you are also valid in that. I believe there is a loving divine being, and not the angry fundamentalist God I was raised with, so like I mentioned there are other spiritualities as well.
Take time to explore and heal and think as long as you need to. And I wish you healing from your experience of conversion therapy 💛
~ Selkie 🌈
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How I became obsessed over the Fab 5
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Yass Queen I often heard that phrase on social media Particularly on twitter. I thought that this phrase is a new slang for millennial and gen-z that I just haven’t caught on yet (as most of the slang terms of early 2010s).
Jonathan Van Ness this is the guy that may or may not have started the popular phrase “yass queen” but he sure does use it a lot. When I first saw him randomly on a thumbnail of my recommended youtube video I described his appearance as “gay lord” ( I wanna use “Jesus” but in my opinion that’s disrespectful to my religion). He often is featured on hollywood celebrity channels (which I didnt clicked on that time). I thought that he may be a new emerging star or an old celebrity that I didnt know (bluntly I just didnt care). For me, most starlets that enters hollywood are shallow empty-brain fake people that does a lot of stupid stuff to be relevant. I just didnt care about this gay lord that is making the media go gaga over him.
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Big Mouth Im a huge fan of this show. I love cartoons!!! Im 25 year old btw and Idga fudge of what you think about that 🙄. The heart of a child in me just never died 🥳. When season 3 came out I was ecstatic! I finished the whole season in one day and I finished it again the next day and the next day after that. I love the humor. I love the educational information sorrounding teens undergoing puberty, sex ,relationships and gays! I mean Im 25 but Im behind all these things that I should have learned in my teenage years. You know why? Because my country put stigma around sex education thinking that it will encourage kids to have sex. well guess what? With or without sex-ed some kids will still have sex. Anyway in season 3 they included the Fab 5 and I immediately recognized gay lord. I then learned that he is part of a reality TV show and has four other gay guys with him. So after watching big mouth I went on youtube and searched “Queer Eye” and sure enough the fab 5 pop out. The first video that I watched was “Fab 5 takes a lie detector test” . I laughed at their animated quirkiness and after that I watched Queer Eye on netflix right away. Aah!
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Queer eye I fell inlove with the first episode. I love how they transformed Tom ❤️ ( I didnt really approved with the styling. Sorry Tan). I love their kind approach to Tom and how they make as simple as going mattress shopping hilarious. I love their relationship. Immediately I fell inlove right away with Jonathan Van Ness’ personality! He is full of gay antics and he exudes so much femininity. He is more of a girl than a gay man. Usually I see gays as men who are feminine (or overly feminine) like James Charles and Jeffree Star. Jonathan is more masculine looking than most gays. He sports beards and does not wear makeup. But for me, he is literally a girl in a man’s body.
Gay + Reality Show I never really thought that I will one day be a fan of gay reality show. First, I never had any gay friends in my circle of friends. Gays and I are like oil and water, we dont blend. Im introverted, Im chill and laid back, and a little tomboyish. Gays most of the time are extroverted, flamboyant, rowdy, sassy, and overly dramatic. Im not saying all gays but most of the gays that I encountered. I like them. I like their existence. Dont get me wrong Im not homophobic. It’s just I like them at a distance. Their personality overwhelms me. So it comes as a surprise to me how I came to love the fab 5. And on a reality TV show? Guuurrlll dont even get me started how much I dislike reality shows especially from hollywood. I see such shows as fake, phony, cheesy, and doesn’t really have any substance in it . I don’t waste my time watching these pretentious shows. But Queer Eye changed that.
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I love how the casting is diverse. At least, two out of five people are colored people. As an asian Im so proud of Tan, and happy that he is part of this. Im proud how they bravely shared their traumatic stories of how they we’re outed and abandoned by the people they considered family. How they courageously show their vulnerability. You go Queens!
Religion affected Bobby that he cant even go inside a church. Inspite of this, Bobby had learned slowly to let go of the baggages and make peace with his past. I pray that he will be completely free one day because I believe we can all heal. Bobby is an inspiration for the lost and abandoned. I cant imagine my family disowning me and being out their on my own at the age of 15. Look at him now a very successful interior designer. He gave me hope.
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I love how Karamo fought despite of racism and homophobia, and went for the things that people denied him of. Imagine being in a room full of people making you feel unwelcomed? Im so proud of you Karamo. Im happy of all the things you have now.
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I love how Jonathan fights the issues and rights that I also believed in. He uses his voice to put awareness over racism, sexism, homophobia, HIV, diversity and hatred (which are mostly Trump supporters. just kidding 😜).
I love how Antoni is passionate with food. I can listen to him talk about food all day. He is also sensitive to other people’s feelings. He is respectable towards other people and sympathetic. He is refined and cultured.
Obsession I became obsessed! The proof is that I started taking care of my self more. Im not lazy anymore with my beauty regimen. I updated my products. SERUM AND SUBSCREEN!!! I floss always now. They inspire me to look fabulous everyday even when Im at home.
I started following them on their individual instagram account. Search them on google, pinterest and tumblr. Dont forget twitter for daily updates. My youtube recommendations are all filled of Queer Eye’s casts. Help me! And if that’s not enough I bought their individual books (audiobooks).
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I’ll be giving my review on their individual books next time. Im also learning to use podcast since Jonathan and Karamo has their own podcast channel. Can you believe?
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