ttimekeepsrollingby · 2 years
Los que luchan y los otros
Los que luchan y los otros
Dos actos contrapuestos por el 17 de octubre muestran el debate al interior del movimiento obrero, por un lado el emblema de la lucha, por otro, de las prebendas burocráticas. De espaldas a los trabajadores Una plaza leal a los trabajadores Imagen: composición.
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diarioelcentinela · 2 years
'Hay que seguir recuperando el salario mínimo vital y móvil', aseguró Yasky
‘Hay que seguir recuperando el salario mínimo vital y móvil’, aseguró Yasky
“Hay que seguir recuperando el salario mínimo vital y móvil” VER VIDEO El secretario general de la Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina (CTA), Hugo Yasky, llamó a seguir recuperando el salario mínimo vital y móvil luego de la reunión de este martes del Consejo del Salario e insistió con la importancia de que baje la inflación, al considerar que de otra forma “no hay acuerdo que alcance”. “A…
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jujuygrafico · 2 years
Hamud se impuso en la CTA de los Trabajadores de Jujuy
#Gremiales #Política | #SantiagoHamud se impuso en la #CTAdelosTrabajadores de #Jujuy
Este miércoles 9 de noviembre se llevaron a cabo las elecciones de la CTA de los Trabajadores en todo el ámbito nacional, reeligiendo por una clara mayoría la conducción del eternizado Hugo Yasky.En Jujuy, se impuso “con una amplia participación” la lista 19 encabezada por Santiago Hamud, Eliana Salguero y Simón Méndez. “El triunfo de la nueva conducción provincial se gestó a través de una…
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feraltwinkseb · 7 months
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Fernando Alonso at X Renault Traffic Education Program for Children May 10, 2006 - Madrid, Spain Source: Lalo Yasky/WireImage
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c1a1r3r3df1e1d · 1 year
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I just have to bring something up about this scene. How these two already acted like a married couple during this scene and this is our first time seeing them together. Just the way they are communicating here like how Chris was worried because Leon was in the city and Leon knew there was something wrong just by the way Chris's voice sounded. And even how Chris just went right ahead and asked where Leon was instead of just coming right out and telling him the missile was hitting, almost like he didnt care that it was hitting if Leon wasnt near it, this proved he was really worried for Leon. Chris just seems to have this protectiveness to him when it comes to Leon, not to mention that he couldn't remember anyone but he recognized Leon right away. I just wish that Capcom will finally man the hell up and do something with these two in the future because it just really seems that Chris and Leon have something between them that Capcom is too afraid to go canon with and its driving me absolutely nuts!
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I actually want to add on to this post and just say how Chris checked back in with Leon to see if he was okay. And Leon answered with a "yeah" like it was the most casual thing in the world. I'm still convinced Capcom is hiding something from us
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mersei47 · 2 years
when me and my friends see creepypasta! masky and hoody, we call them yasky and hottie. i thought you'd appreciate that.
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How did you even come up with these names LMAOOOOOOOO
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kraltenyo · 6 months
Dost yeski
Dost yaski
Dost yavski
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charcuteriecrab · 1 year
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@yaskie have I said that before? I'm so forgetful it's not even funny 😂😂😂 (actually it's hilarious)
BUT if you look at my ao3 you will quickly find that all my fics have the angst and hurt/comfort tag, so I must be somewhat good at it right? Enough for me to say it twice apparently
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vossibop · 2 years
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norteenlinea · 6 days
Godoy y Yasky confirmaron plenario de las dos conducciones de las CTA para avanzar en un proceso de unidad
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ttimekeepsrollingby · 2 years
Una plaza leal a los trabajadores
Una plaza leal a los trabajadores
La Plaza de Mayo bulló con la histórica mística del 17 de octubre. Se planteó un proyecto de salida nacional de la mano de los que crean riqueza, los trabajadores. Una multitud en Plaza de Mayo por el 17 de octubre y con el 2023 como objetivo El Día de La Lealtad: Unidad, movilización y mejor poder adquisitivo El sector de la CGT que responde a Pablo Moyano, las dos CTA, agrupaciones políticas y…
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diarioelcentinela · 2 years
Gremios de la CGT y las dos CTA ratificaron su participación en el acto de Cristina
Gremios de la CGT y las dos CTA ratificaron su participación en el acto de Cristina
La vicepresidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner será la única oradora en el acto del Estadio Ùnico de La Plata. / Foto Alejandro Santa Cruz. Sindicatos de la CGT, la CTA de los Trabajadores, la CTA Autónoma y el foro de empresarios del sector pyme “Producción y Trabajo” anunciaron que participarán del acto por el Día de la Militancia, el jueves próximo en el estadio único Diego Maradona de La…
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planetasurdigital · 4 months
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🟡 Héctor Daer, secretario general de la CGT, y Hugo Yasky, líder de una de las CTA, rechazaron participar en el Pacto de Mayo impulsado por el Gobierno. “No coincidimos con los puntos propuestos”, plantearon.
🗣️ “Los diez puntos que proponen en Córdoba no coinciden con un proyecto de desarrollo, producción, y trabajo, eje fundamental que tiene el movimiento obrero organizado, para convocarnos tenemos que tener una agenda común”, dijo el líder del gremio de Sanidad.
👉 En ese sentido, Daer se permitió una chicana para con el Gobierno. “El 25 de mayo tenemos un locro en mi gremio, están todos invitados”, dijo sobre la fecha en la que se supone que debe firmarse el acuerdo.
💬 Por su parte, Yasky criticó al Gobierno por no convocar a las CTA. “Uno no puede ir el 25 a Córdoba cuando tenemos miles de despedidos en el Estado, gente que vive una angustia, y que no entendería qué va a hacer la representación sindical a Córdoba cuando ellos son despedidos como si fueran parias sociales”, dijo.
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feraltwinkseb · 9 months
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Fernando Alonso Launches "Sector 97" for PlayStation Portable December 15, 2005 - Madrid, Spain Source: Lalo Yasky/WireImage
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c1a1r3r3df1e1d · 1 year
Okay everybody, I have really been on the kick of Chris sitting down with Leon to talk about his trauma so I decided to write about it. I feel we all need this because I have a feeling Capcom may never give it to us. I just started the intro and I want everyone to please let me know what you think about it. It's going to take place right after Vendetta! I hope you all enjoy it 😊
"I want you"
The sweat from his palms were bleeding into the mattress of the cot. Voice laced with lust, pink swollen lips quivering slightly at his own words. Eyes squinting slightly in pure love, watching the other man stand at the end of the cot. "Leon, are you sure you're ready for that?" There were no amount of words to even describe how ready he was. He couldn't get his emotions under control, he wanted the man so bad. 
Wanted to be wrapped up in Chris's strong arms, have all his worries be taken away. He wanted to know what being loved felt like, even though the man only just started to get him to talk about his trauma, he felt like he was in love just by the way Chris was looking and acting with him. He couldn't control himself. "Chris, I haven't been so certain about something in my whole life. I can't describe these feelings I have for you but, you just get me." 
He fidgeted with his fingers, eyes trailing down to watch, he couldn't look the man in the eyes at the moment. "No one has ever wanted to sit down with me and talk to me… let alone even understanding what i'm going through. We have so much in common, been through the same shit. No one understands me like you do. There are so many feelings and emotions running through me that I don't even know what to do with myself. You make me feel this special kind of way, like no one has ever made me feel before. I want you, want you to hold me close, want to feel you against me… as you make love to me." He stopped for a moment, taking a deep breath in before locking his eyes with Chris's. His lips twisting into a small smile as he poured his heart out.  "I-I think I'm in love with you Chris." 
His fingers were twitching in his lap by the time he was done. Watching Chris with an intense look, eyes tearing slightly when the man's brows furrowed but didn't say a word. Chris was staring at him with this look, a look he couldn't seem to read but made his heart clench in his chest. Why aren't you saying anything Chris? No… no. I just poured my heart out to you and you don't even have anything to say. Did that kiss before mean nothing to you?
I never opened up myself to anyone before but you made me feel safe and now look at me. I promised myself I will never let my guard down again. This is all my fault! Why am I so stupid? How could I be so naive?.. no one will ever love me. Trying to keep his tears from falling he pushed himself to get off the cot, he had to get out of here. Just as he was about to plant his feet on the floor a hand on his shoulder stopped him. Chris was sitting next to him now, the look on the man's face was the last straw, the tears started pouring down. Chris was looking at him with glassy eyes, a fond look on the man's face. Only making his heart speed up at the loving smile that was accompanied. 
He couldn't help but to lean into the soft touch of fingertips wiping his tears away. He was so touch starved, never being touched so delicate before that even a little contact from Chris got his skin tingling. No one has ever wanted to touch him before, let alone be gentle about it. "I think I'm in love with you too." A small whimper started to escape his lips before it was being swallowed. Chris's warm soft lips were on his again but this time so much softer and caring. There were many more things he wanted to talk about, so many emotions running through him but they all slipped his mind when he was being pushed back onto the mattress. 
Thank you for reading! Please let me know if this sounds good so far and if it would be something you would definitely come back and read! 😊
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plethoraworldatlas · 4 months
Argentina's primary trade union federation on Thursday held another nationwide general strike, the second called since President Javier Milei, a far-right economist, took office in December and began pursuing sweeping austerity and deregulation.
The South American nation's unions organized the strike "in defense of democracy, labor rights, and the living wage," according to a statement from the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), the Argentine Workers' Central Union (CTA), and the Autonomous CTA.
"It is a day of resistance and demand," the groups said, blasting the Milei government's "brutal" attacks on labor rights, social security, public health, education, science, and "our cultural identity." The policies of austerity, say opponents, have disproportionately impacted working people and retirees.
The labor groups called out the government for promoting "dangerous policies for the privatization of public enterprises" and pushing for "a phenomenal transfer of resources to the most concentrated and privileged sectors of the economy."
CGT celebrated the 24-hour strike's success on Friday, declaring that "Argentina stopped," and sharing photos of sparsely populated roads, transit hubs, and other public spaces.
As the Buenos Aires Timesreported:
In the nation's capital, streets were mostly empty, with very little public transport. Many schools and banks closed their doors while most shops were shuttered. Garbage was left uncollected. Rail and port terminals were closed, while the industrial action forced the cancellation of hundreds of flights, leaving airports semi-deserted. Some buses—from firms that did not take part in the strike—were running in the morning, although with few passengers. Cars were circulating, but traffic levels were similar to that seen on weekends. The port of Rosario, which exports 80% of the nation's agro-industrial production, was all but paralysed in the midst of its busiest season.
A spokesperson for Milei, Manuel Adorni, claimed the nationwide action was "an attack on the pocket and against the will of the people" by those "who have curtailed the progress of Argentines over the last 25 years," the newspaper noted.
Meanwhile, union leaders stressed that the strike was the result of "a government that only benefits the rich at the expense of the people, gives away natural resources, and seeks to eliminate workers' rights," as CTA secretary general Hugo Yasky put it.
Argentina's Senate is now debating an "omnibus" bill that contains some of Milei's neoliberal economic policies—including making privatization easier—after the package was approved last week by the Chamber of Deputies, the lower congressional body.
Rubén Sobrero, general secretary of the Railway Union, signaled that more strikes could come if lawmakers continue to advance the president's policies, tellingThe Associated Press that "if there is no response within these 24 hours, we'll do another 36.
From Europe to North America, trade groups around the world expressed solidarity with Thursday's strike.
"Milei's policies have not tackled the decadence of the elites that he decries, instead he has delivered daily misery for millions of working people. Plummeting living standards, contracting production, and the collapse of purchasing power means some people cannot even afford to eat," said International Trade Union Confederation general secretary Luc Triangle in a statement.
Triangle noted that "the government is targeting the rights of the most vulnerable sectors of the population and key trade union rights, such as collective bargaining, that support greater fairness and equality in society, while threatening those who protest with police repression and criminalization."
"In this context, the work of the trade unions in Argentina is extraordinary. They have emerged as the main opposition to the government's dystopian agenda, uniting resistance and building a coalition in defense of workers' rights and broader democratic principles," he added. "The demands of the trade unions in Argentina for social justice, democracy, and equality are the demands of working people across the world. Their fight is our fight and that is why the global trade union movement stands with them."
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