#yarn ball anon
Hey Miles for no reason at all would your hips happen to be ticklish?
- yarnprism / 🧶
Miles narrows his eyes suspiciously, despite the little grin on his face.
"No reason at all, huh?" He asked sarcastically. "Well, then, for no reason at all, I'm gonna say no."
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touchmycoat · 2 months
not an ask but i’m so happy you got into d20!!!!! it’s such a fun time. i hope you’ve been writing still! i love your writing and i’m always amazed at the depth of your work whenever i revisit it because surely it can’t be that good-and it is!
YOU'RE FAR TOO KIND MY LOVE. holy shit but is d20 a banger, consider me totally obsessed. I'd worried for a second about following a weekly release since I'd consumed most of d20 by binge, but that was a stupid worry. Fucking loved fantasy high junior year week by week, absolutely going buck wild over Never Stop Blowing Up now.
I have been writing...significantly less TT mostly 'cause I've picked up other crafts (I made a skirt the other day!!). The finiteness of time is so damn cruel!!! I need to schedule my crafts on a cycle—week-by-week devotion to one craft then the next so I always have something to look forward to.
BUT!! I've joined the Scum Villain big bang this year <3 the application required a full outline so I'm devoted hahaha. Time to start writing my lil heart out.
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sqtorux · 4 months
could u maybe do a smau with a ballerina reader? i think it could be silly :3
(also can i be 🧶 anon perhaps?)
definitely has potential!!! but im not a ballerina (although i always wanted to be when i was a wee baby </3) and i have no idea about their lifestyle so i don't think i can nail this req im sorry :(( if you want something ballet related maybe we can make it like the guys and reader watching a ballet movie together? or their kid learning ballet?
also yes you can become my ball of yarn🧶 anon that's so cute!! may i introduce u to the kitty anon :>>>
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doshi-sukiru · 2 years
At Bai He's school they will have a parent-teacher meeting, Macaque would go? Could he deal with the situation? BONUS: The teacher shows to Macaque, Bai He's drawings where they appear together like a family.
Macaque: So how is she? I know she's still new to the school and there's not much she has in her report, but I'd still like to know. Teacher: *Just staring at Macaque in awe* Macaque: Um, Miss..? Teacher: Teacher: Are you single-? Macaque: Oh my god not this again-
Teacher: I noticed in this drawing that Bai he has no mother. *Shows a scribbled drawing of Bai he in a field with Macaque and the guardians* Macaque: Oh, well that’s because- Teacher: Does that mean you’re available some time this week? Macaque: Can we PLEASE STOP GOING BACK TO ASKING ME OUT-
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
The glass purposely broke on y/n when Eclipse hit it because it remembered that y/n ate them in another life (the corpse bride au)
This joke was funnier in my head
The glass does not forgive nor forget
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dreamhot · 2 years
The patches merch so should have had AT LEAST a ball of yarn and a fucking cat on it 😭😭 laziest thing ever
my hands are so shaky rn but here's like. a super quick example
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add a patches in a simple style and you're golden!
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meiozis · 2 years
I have only really interacted with your fics, so i cannot say much about you personally.I did send an ask a good while ago, saying how your writing made me believe love is real or something along those lines. I think about your reply to my sleepy hazed and sentimentally sappy ask very frequently. I even have screenshotted it haha. I kept thinking about you saying this
“i promise love exists outside of my writing, it's in every small thing forever and always, and it accumulates under your nails like dirt did when you were 5 and playing in the sandpit with a kid you met half an hour ago who is now your best friend
and my words exist outside of me, and if you like them you can carry them with u wherever you go and make them your own”
It was like something just kind of clicked in me. I will save you from the bore that is my love life but essentially it’s almost non existent right now, and has been since a pretty bad relationship ended nearly two years ago. I had somewhat just made myself numb to the possibility or desire for love after that but when I read your writing It was a glimpse of what I had tried so desperately to shut out and I missed it so much.
I had missed pining and affection even the pain that came with it. Your response even furthered that and made me realize that I hadn’t even been looking for love in other facets of my life. I started looking for love in everything, not even romantic but just pure love. Putting love behind my own actions more and loving very liberally. Trying to view small things others do as acts of love. I was so obsessed with acts of love ai even based an assignment in a photography class (it was very well received in critique lol). Ive chilled out a bit since then but I still carry your words with me wherever i go and It has given me such a deeper appreciation for the life i’m living.
Now the fun part is a little association game i like to play! like i said i don’t know you personally but i’ve read your stuff and so here’s a few things they remind me of! i don’t have a reasoning for any of these
the colors apricot and lavender! the artist japanese breakfast, and UA. Tangled headphone wires and arm warmers. the times 7:34pm and 5:56 am. The fizzing of a dissolving tablet when dropped into water, waiting outside for your ride to arrive, oolong tea, sweet cream foam, and a pumpkin fig danish i had one time.
This one’s a little crazy person talk and I’m also not rly sure how it correlates but it does in my mind. It was a trip i went on earlier this year, to a beach. I was at, not my lowest but pretty low, one night i sat by the ocean til 5 am thinking about how i could just walk into the sea and never come out. What would happen to me? would i drown or would i just walk until i found somewhere new? maybe the fish would just carry me. no one would know where i’d gone, not even myself. At some point the sun came up and i saw a fish get washed onto shore. As it just sat there completely still I thought about how maybe it’s the universe’s trade off, the ol switcharoo. It comes out I go in, it wanted out as much as i did. It started flopping around gasping and squirming so i pushed it back into the ocean and it stopped for a second, probably to regain stability, and then darted back into the sea. I went inside, made some breakfast and thought about the countless things that have pushed me back in. your work reminds me of those things too
hope u are safe warm and having a lovely time love u xoxo
it's really nice to hear from you again <3 (the rest is under the read more because i got a little carried away)
honestly i think about that ask almost daily too, because even if technically i know that people read my writing, it's such an unbelievable thought that it makes someone feel things and evokes emotions in them and that my words stay with someone, and thank you for gifting me your words in exchange of mine
it genuinely makes me so happy that you found a way to let love back into your life and a way to be happier i wrote parallels & almosts while coming out of a bad relationship and i remember how much energy and constant conscious effort it took to turn to a blank page and let myself fill it with anything even remotely good or happy, a bad relationship can be such an immobilizing and degrading chapter in our lives, and even if you get stuck in that chapter and forget how to turn to the next page for a week, a month, a year, a decade, it's such a big thing that you didn't close the book and put it back on the shelf, and you pushed that fish back into the water and you pushed yourself back into the water
yeah, that moment of stillness sometimes lasts for longer than we want it to, and maybe we shut down a little and forget how to spot the flowers that bloom where the road meets the sidewalk and the concrete has cracked a bit, but just like that fish in the sunrise you're back in the ocean and it doesnt matter how long it took to regain your stability, all that matters in the grand scheme of things is that you did it and to go on a bit of a tangent i think theres something funny abt how i first read your ask at 5am with my head so full of thoughts i was worried it's going to explode, and it reminded me of a story i wrote up for a comic for one of my classes this semester (the comic got ditched for another project, but the story is still dear to me) and even though it's never seen the light of day, it still reminded me of your story, so i hope you dont mind if i share it with you
Rain knocks on the window politely, so you let it in. Water flows between the cracks of the floorboards, and slowly fills up the room. The sea laps at your feet, hugs your ankles first, then your knees and waist, closes in around your ribs slowly, pushes more and more until you’re neck deep. You let it push you under, gently, comfortably, closing your eyes and filling your ears with ringing.
Is this what it’s like?
The pressure gets stronger and stronger, crushes your ribs into fine powder that the water washes away immediately. It keeps growing, until eventually you can’t feel anything anymore.
You keep falling, deeper and deeper until you touch sand, soft under your feet. Your heart feels at peace, settling into a slow rhythm. Small specks of light flood your vision, bubbles in the water turning into stars in the sky.
You float among them, and pick one out. It rests in your palm, weightless yet heavy, holding the entire weight of the universe. Full of knowledge and love, warm against your skin. You kiss it goodnight, a smile on your face as it explodes in your hold.
With it you’re gone, but so is everything else.
i keep rereading your story, and man, it's a poem of some sort, the ol switcharoo and the fish carrying you away... yeah i'll think abt this for the next 10-15 business days
and the associations oh i really cried over your message at 5 in the morning and it cleansed my soul in a way a little bird takes a bath in a puddle after a spring rain... they are all such lovely things to be associated with that part of me that i share on this silly blog, im putting your message in my pocket and carrying it around with me everywhere <3
thank you for taking the time to write me all this, and thank you for carrying love with you and sharing it and letting yourself take a bite when youre craving it, i hope youre having a lovely day and taking care, stay full of love, love u <33
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ask-steven-stevenson · 2 months
*the cat boy chases down key actually playing for real, it's like a cat and mouse chase*
*Scan-lies chuckles as he spots them*
strike two for both of yoooou!!!~
(Hi scan lies ! C.. can we have the family back..)
[!!! ALSO YOU GOT THIS KEY.!!!!!!!]
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icarvsfallen · 2 months
like you said, it will all fall in to place. i hope you believe in me jace, i know what i am doing. things may seem bad now, but i mean, it is bad every time we meet. did you and cj get along super well when you two first met? - athena.
oh im not talking about their relationships i'm talking about the literal physicality of what's going on
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softspiderling · 10 months
i just don’t think it’s a good idea to romanticize such a gruesome figure. he’s not a wuw antagonist with a redemption arc. he has been inherently evil from the start. i don’t see any path where seeing him as anything else would be good for anyone. same as i will feel disgust when the trump biopic comes out and the unfortunate trump fics start being created because sebastian stan is playing him.
i mean they clearly knew what they were doing casting tom blythe let's be actually fr 😭 suzanne collins is testing us and im failing miserably, and i totally get your point.
and idak if this makes me a hypocrite lmao but the sebastian stan trump thing is actually where I draw the line
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birdstooth · 1 year
wait quick question bc my brain is small and im dumb - if you need like a reference pic for a doodle someone requests, do they put in the ask which pic they want as a reference or do they dm you? or if they don’t specify, do you pick one and roll with it?
Tbh bc I can’t draw anything without a visual aid so I can usually find ref pics for myself (eg idk how to draw a French horn but if u want Ayesha w a French horn I can just look up a French horn, u don’t have to send it to me haha)
if u don’t specify I’m going w the most basic option….like if u said “sand castle” ngl I’m just grabbing whatever looks easiest to draw from google images unless u have a pic
And if it’s rly specific… bro u can send that to someone else bc we all about the simple shapes here 😭😭😭 Lol jk
basically ref pics are v helpful esp if it’s an unusual pose (I don’t have the sophistication to know what swing dancing or ballet looks like off the top of my head) but if u want to stay on anon it’s not a requirement to send or u could drop a link
Also if I feel it’s beyond me like, no ref pic is gonna bridge that gap bc ain’t no way I can draw those MC Escher puzzle houses lmao
But ya if u take a look at my doodles u prob have a good sense of my limitations hahaha
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Miles was quickly backed into the wall, unable to hold back his giggles anymore with all the light pokes. "You guys!" He laughed softly, trying to squirm away from them and covering his sides.
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jymwahuwu · 1 year
I have an idea. A self-aware au. What if Jing yuan/Blade is aware of darling's affection for him since they would log in the game and just see him and just admire them that is until Genshin drops 4.1 trailer and saw Arlecchino and Neuvillette and now they're envious of these two taking away their darling's attention.
It's just an interesting idea tho. But in actuality I'd think neuvillette and him would be friends or somewhat
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Hello, this anon has similar thoughts!! Put them together to answer >_< I think they will be really jealous of the genshin impact characters who are stealing your attention lol. Jing Yuan's jealousy is more harmless (seemingly), while Blade's is more aggressive (?)
This is my first time writing a self-aware AU, hope you like it!!
CW: yandere, self-aware au
Jing Yuan and Blade have their own lives.
When you're not with them, when you're not in front of the screen or looking at them with a smile or wonder. They are handling the work/tasks of the Seat of Divine Foresight/Stellaron Hunters. Blade, Silver Wolf and Kafka were practicing the new "destiny" script and took away another Stellaron. Jing Yuan is managing Luofu and attending meetings. How strange. Once you click on the space screen to enter the game, they can see your face. You organize your team and do daily tasks with them.
At first, they thought it was some kind of prank or a conspiracy, but over time they got used to it. In Elio's words, "The world is like a video game. No one can prove whether the world is real or false. Feeling the current destiny is the most important thing."
For Jing Yuan, he just got familiar with your personality. He confirmed that your presence would not put Luofu in danger, and that you acted like a cute kitten playing with a ball of yarn. You can control Luofu's General and Stellaron Hunter, and all you do is wander around Xianzhou and buy snacks to feed them, break every poor object on the way, fight to get some rewards, take the books on the table, etc.
You didn't forget to "build" them either. They watch you search for "Jing Yuan", "Blade", "build", "guide" and other keywords on the Internet, and take them to fight again and again to get materials to upgrade. Although they have actually participated in some wars and have terrible strength, what you see here is "lv 1-80".
You really like them, otherwise you wouldn’t pull, right? You even take photos of them while wandering around the map. Jing Yuan snickered when you took Blade to take a selfie in front of his wanted poster. The general is not shy about giving you a smile either. They know your admiration because you always take more than one photo.
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Until… recently, they noticed that you weren't online as often. At one point, you log in again, and then, as if you thought of something important, you search "genshin impact" on Youtube (they know the name of the site) and start watching trailers and special programs.
What's this?
You stared intently at those…those people. White curly bangs, long hair like a waterfall, and his gorgeous and decent attire. The other man has short black hair. He punches enemies in live. A woman with short gray and white hair smiles confidently.
Jing Yuan opened his eyes wide, not expecting you to be so "frivolous" - did you plan to be unfaithful to him? You found Jing Yuan pouting at you in the game, but you thought you were hallucinating, so you gave him immortal's delight and puffergoat milk to comfort him. Blade clicked his tongue, crossed his arms in boredom, and stopped observing what you were doing on the other side of the screen. Silver Wolf and Kafka teased him about whether he was separated from the little player? Jealous? You're surprised to notice that his damage has been doubled. While on a mission, Blade almost lost control and killed a person on the script. His eyes as red as candlelight flashed, and he almost swung down the sword in his hand.
They are all looking for opportunities to get close to you. That part of Xianzhou's large computer installation called "loom" is running, investigating and analyzing you.
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polin-erospsyche · 4 months
This post was inspired by a comment from an anon in my ask box. They mentioned that if the Queen hadn’t interrupted Polin's wedding, they could have had a beautiful wedding night (if you’re the anon and you’re reading this, hi! And also, I know this isn't everything, but I'll touch on the rest. Small disclaimer: this got long and I’m sorry).
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I agree, that could have happened. But honestly, I'm really glad it didn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I would have loved to see it, but I don’t think it would have been good for them. The intimate scenes we did get tell an overarching story and serve a purpose in the narrative. We’ve been told that these intimate moments are a way for them to communicate, so let’s unpack that.
The first intimate scene is about them discovering each other in a new, intimate way, moving from friendship (which had already started to happen in the carriage) to a lover relationship. This moment is crucial for Penelope's story and character development. From this, she grows in confidence and self-awareness. She expresses this to Colin multiple times, such as when she says, “with the confidence you’ve helped me find this year,” and later, “You’ve taught me to hold my own. You have shown me I’m capable of pleasure beyond imagination.”
From that intimate scene onward, Penelope starts to come into her own power and that includes her sexual power. Colin shows her a level of love and care beyond what she ever thought possible, breaking down the belief system she built around herself. She was ready to sacrifice her dreams of being loved and held for financial stability, a mindset ingrained by Portia. Colin helps her see that this doesn’t have to be the case, chipping away at her long-held beliefs.
Let’s now move to the scene in the alleyway, which links back to anon’s comment. Anon suggests that this is the moment they start repairing their relationship post LW reveal. That following this scene they were in a good enough place to enjoy their wedding night if the Queen hadn’t crashed the party. Yes. And no. 
And oh my god how I’ve longed to discuss this scene but I never quite knew how to approach it. At this point in the show, the narrative is like a tightly wound ball of yarn with so many threads to pull at. So, let’s attempt to pull at them. 
First of all, they’ve entered a whole new playing field. And they’ve entered this playing field while being “the oldest of friends really” so they have ammunition against each other. Pen has hurt Colin by lying (hiding the truth from him time and time again) about her identity. She has let him go on and on about his despise of Lady Whistledown. About his dreams of being an author. These were things he told her in intimacy. Those were things he told his best friend and the person he fell in love with. Not the woman who hides behind her column and has done so much wrong to his family and loved ones. 
There is a separation between the two. For Colin, in that alleyway, there is still just Pen his best friend, Penelope the woman he loves and on the other side of that there is Lady Whistledown, the woman he vowed to destroy. He expresses that when he says “so then you do not need Lady Whistledown anymore”. What he fails to realise at this point, and he cannot be blamed for that, is that Lady Whistledown is an integral part of who Penelope Featherington is as a person. That her alter ego is not just a mask she wears but a crucial aspect of her identity, giving her a sense of power and agency in a world that often limits her as a woman. Something that Pen has slowly come to terms with when she says that she no longer needs to hide behind this alter ego but that does not mean there is no value in it, something that she also explains to him after the Queen has crashed their wedding breakfast. 
Now I say that he cannot be blamed for his refusal of recognizing that they are one and the same because he is still holding onto his misbelief, which is that to be loved and to have a value he must protect what he loves and be useful. Part of that is saving and avenging the people he loves from Whistledown. He has given his word to Eloise, to Marina indirectly, to himself and I’m thinking to Pen silently after what she’s written about herself. He finds himself, due to his misbelief, between a rock and a hard place: “the person he vowed to destroy is, in fact, the person he vowed to protect, and there is no separation between the two” (not me directly quoting myself lol). To this you add all the shame over his writing and his envy of her success and you have a recipe for disaster. 
So essentially, in that alleyway you have Pen who is already well along her character arc and Colin who is still gripping onto his original, unchanged self. This represents a power imbalance. What I love throughout this season, and I might write something about this one day, is that Pen and Colin are never quite on the same level both literally and figuratively. There is always one ahead of the other. This, in the long run, is another recipe for disaster because they are never quite equal. That is UNTIL that butterfly ball when they’ve gone through their character arc respectively. That is the moment they fully come together. They become a unit. They are no longer fighting against each other but with each other and for each other. 
But to arrive to this moment they need to do it separately. They need to be able to work on themselves before they can fully be able to work on their marriage. Genevieve says it well “there is no such thing as true love without first embracing your true self”. For Penelope that is becoming Penelope Bridgerton, an amalgam of the best parts of Whistledown and Penelope Featherington. For Colin that is deconstructing his hero complex and fully believing that he is enough just by being exactly who he is. And that has not happened in that alleyway. Truthfully the surface has barely been scraped in that scene because she essentially shuts down his demons for an instant by saying that she loves him. However, the issues remain. 
So yes, we can speculate all we want. If the Queen had not interrupted their wedding, they might have had a wedding night and they might have had a talk about everything afterward. However, the lack of acceptance of their true selves would have driven them up a wall at the next problem, which was how to handle Cressida.
And I think that is why Polin season is actually so beautiful. It is not just about Polin. It is about marriage and how hard it can get, and how you have to work on yourself to fit around the person you love without sacrificing yourself in the process. It is about choosing each other every day, through the ugly as well as the beautiful, through the hard parts as well as the easy ones. It’s choosing to have faith that you’ll work and figure it out without an assurance that it actually will, but if the love is there, then it just might. That is the story they chose to tell through Penelope and Colin.
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First gif made by my bestie @polinsated 💕
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doshi-sukiru · 2 years
ANON'S LATEST PUBLICATION. That idea is incredibly awesome! There would be so much drama and heartbreak and pain. ALL WOULD SUFFER. Although I feel like Bai would have it worse...I know it won't happen in the story, but wouldn't you like to do a one-shot of that idea?
If I convince myself to do that that'll be what your holiday special is from me, and I'm already thinking about giving you guys an image for a gift-
Depends on how many people want it. Comment the numbers below if you want a pic for the special or this fucked up idea.
1 - Holiday pic
2 - Oneshot of absolute hell
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spngirlpolls · 1 year
thank you @lateral-org for the drag episode suggestions, and to the anons for your suggestions as well!
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