#yano kirihiko
brunahubert-blog · 7 years
Nil Admirari no Tenbin - Translation
  “Nil Admirari no Tenbin – Kuroyuri Enyoutan” Countdown Voice
  Voices of the Day: September 14th 2017
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More 7 Days Until Release
 Tsubameno Tarou *
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           Long time no see, guys! Here is Tsubameno Tarou *! Today, in the countdown a week before the release, we are grateful to receive the opinion of our antecessors! T-There's only one thing I’d like to say... Button! Only that! This is it!
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Yo! Have you been good? It can’t possibly be hot enough that you forgot about me, right? Lately, several dangerous incidents have been happening in the Empire, but I've decided to watch it from afar, without interfering. It's better to flirt with a woman in love than to risk yourself in a dangerous bridge, isn't it? Summing it up: my prime state hasn't change. Come meet us soon!
 Rei Sekka *
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           Good afternoon, I'm Rei Sekka *! I came to the Empire to make friends, but nobody accepts to have a meal with me. Don't you think it's a cold attitude? Hey, would you want to have a meal with me? Uwaaa! I’m so happy! Then, let's clean ourselves! Ah! It’s okay not to worry about your return, because... It's useless anyway.
 Kuze Hitaki *
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           Long time no see. It's Kuze Hitaki *. I was discharged from the hospital, and now I'm going to school regularly. I also started to study English, but the truth is that now I'm really scared. Something really troublesome have been happening, and even though I want to talk to my older sister at all cost... You don't come back to the mansion. What should I do? This way, I...
 Yano Kirihiko *
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           Ah! Pleasure to meet you! My name is Yano Kirihiko *... Eh... Is it ok for my store to be at that place? Because, if it's not, I'm a poor employed storekeeper. Ah! But I hate books bound in Japanese style! So, I can't know if it's a Maremono¹... Haha... I think it's better to not get involved with this thing! Huh? Oh, no. I wonder if your little brother is coming back.  You should go get him, after all, he is you precious, precious only little brother.
 * Names in Japanese Order: Surname Name
 ¹ Maremono (稀モノ): “book wich detained things like feelings and memories from its writer. Depending on the content, can exert great influence in those who read it. Seems to be a condition to create it exist as a manuscript bound in Japanese style.” Literal translation – Rare Thing.
 Audio and Image Source: Nil Admirari no Tenbin – Kuroyuri Enyoutan
Item ¹ Explanation Source: Nil Admirari no Tenbin – Teito Genwakukitan – Glossary
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kyuwook09 · 7 years
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.....me silently crying for my love for side characters... (_ _)
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cannonette · 7 years
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Nil Admirari no Tenbin Kuroyuri Enyoutan Popularity Poll Result!!
Okazaki Hayato 
Kougami Akira
Sagisawa Rui
Hoshikawa Hisui
Ukai Shougo
Rei Sekka
Migiwa Shizuru
Kuze Tsugumi
Yano Kirihiko
Tsubameno Taro
Kijitani Arata
Shiginuma Shoko
Nabari Yutaka
Masaki Koruri
Kuze Hitaki
Mashiko Motofumi
Shiginuma Takashi
Kazami Hitori
Sasabe Tadakiyo
Kiriai Ren
Tokimiya Shiori
Yoshikiri Takuma
Ohara Aisa
Ouchi Keizaburou
Kugei Sakae
Ukai Shouzou
Hans Hamel
Owase Hideki
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cannonette · 8 years
Nil Admirari no Tenbin - Kuroyuri Enyoutan [ Characters ]
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小原 秋沙 / オハラ アイサ / Ohara Aisa CV: Yamamura Hibiku
“Sorry I’ve surprised you, it’s been a long time and I was happy... I just had to.”
A popular stage actress who places an active part in the new type of drama.
She possesses a captivating beauty and has numerous rumors with men. Also is an acquaintance of Hayato.
Due to her participating in Nachtigal’s Parties and Auctions before, she knows about Mare monos.
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黎 雪加 / レイ セッカ / Rei Sekka CV: Hatanaka Tasuku
“I just came to this town and don’t have any friends around my age. If it’s alright I’d like to be friends with everyone.”
A multi-millionaire of Shanghai.
He is a handsome biracial young man, with violet eyes and jet black hair.
He met Shiginuma Takashi through work, and holds strong interests in Mare monos and Fukurou.
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錐合 蓮 / キリアイ レン / Kiriai Ren CV: Koshimizu Ami
“I understand well that you’re kind, but even God cannot heal my despair.”
Japan’s First Stage Actress whose active as a [ Beautiful Woman dressed in Men’s clothing ].
She received passionate support from young women of the Imperial city, and her private life is wrapped up in mystery, but due to certain circumstances she turns to hiding at the Fukurou’s apartment.
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風見 千鳥 カザミ チトリ / Kazami Chitori CV: Senbongi Sayaka 
“Are you making fun of me thinking I’m a country folk?”
A girl who came from the Country to obtain a job.
In the unfamiliar City she has become to distrust other humans.
While she was looking for a handwritten book she meets the Heroine and the others.
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鵠居 栄 / クゲイ サカエ / Kugei Sakae CV: Ishii Makoto
“This as well is all for the Imperial Capital, for Japan’s New Future.”
The Anti-Government advocate who plans to disintegrate the Government Ministry.
After being imprisoned in France for the Anarchism Movement, he returned to the Imperial Capital.
He’s also an Author, and an old friend of Shizuru.
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雀 部忠清 / ササベ タダキヨ / Sasabe Tadakiyo CV: Yashiro Taku
“At Teito University, there’s a lot of pompous people. So I don’t know if they’ve come to study, or look down on others.”
A Law Student at Teito University Law Department.
He has a timid personality so he doesn’t have friends. He’s born in a rich family, but he holds a sense of inferiority as he doesn’t have a title. 
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鵺野 桐彦 / ヤノキリ ヒコ / Yano Kirihiko CV: Matsuoka Yoshitsugu
“Aah, the Imperial City’s peace has been lost after all. Is it best, that I go back to my home town...?”
The person who became the new owner of the antiquarian bookshop replacing Sasagoi Touichirou
Usually he’s calm but he fears Mare mono and shows strong tremors even when it comes up in conversations.
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鵜飼 昌造 / ウカイショウゾウ / Ukai Shouzou CV: Ogino Seirou
“Youth is Bravery, and at the same time it can also be Immaturity.”
Shougo’s Father, and Japan’s current Prime Minister.
There is the case with his Son; but he holds very high concerns towards Mare monos, and has an affirmative view with Fukurou’s existence.
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ハンス・ハメル / Hans Hamel  CV: Tone Kentarou
“Does Miss Kuze also have interests for English! That is wonderful!”
Hitaki’s English Tutor.
He wandered around all the countries of the World as an employee of the Yatsuhiro Steam Ship, but in preparation for his new business he had settled in Japan.
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