dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love - Episode 8
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Something both Ten miles of Peach Blossom and The Pillow Book are just so wonderful at, is their soundtrack. I can’t get enough.  I love it so much, just hearing one of those songs makes m go squeaking and I hate so much the fact that Netflix automatically skips it when I watch episodes one after another.
Lexu has been in labour for seven days, no less and gives birth to a little prince. The Heavenly Lord and Yangcuo are pretty sure the foetus was impregnated by the golden lotus, but even if not, that baby isn’t your regular baby. The scene is exactly the same as when Mo Yuan was born.  It’s so creepy how they made Su Jin touch the baby’s face. Well it’s a little girl, it’s okay if she doesn’t know acting yet. I guess she’s supposed to look like she cares for the baby, like a big sister.
Bai Qian saved the girl that snake girl. She used thousands of years to finally take a human form. Since she has no where to go, Bai Qian sends her to Bai Zhen. I love how they joke around about the fact that whoever is looking for him goes to Zhe Yan’s peach blossom forest to find him, because they all know he will most likely be there and not at his own place. He doesn’t want to take her as his maid and takes her instead to his parents’ place to serve his mom instead. Which happens to be quite okay because they plan to move out and leave that grotto to Bai Qian, so when they’re gone Shaoxing (snake girl) can take care of her with Migu. His mom teases him a little bit about the fact that he’s the handsomest of her children, if he was born as a girl he would be more beautiful than Bai Qian. He protests a little bit and leaves for the peach blossom. She asks Zhe Yan if he’s not bothered by Bai Zhen who has been clinging to him since his first year of life, but Zhe Yan says that without Bai Zhen he would feel lonely and takes his leave too.
Die Feng goes and look for Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen: they can’t find neither Si Yin, nor Mo Yuan. That makes the both of them extremely shocked. The family rushes to find Bai Qian, extremely worried. Dramatic music. Dramatic fog. The mom is so anxious, but Zheyan says it’s okay, it’s a miracle she’s still alive, but they still can save her, but the only way is to give her half of one’s cultivation. The king says he’ll do it, but his wifey says it’s not okay since he’s king, he needs all of his power. She’s going to do it. But then Zhe Yan tries to stop her again, she’s in too much of a hurry, if she does that, there’s a chance she won’t be able to save Bai Qian and get into a demonic state. She asks Bai Zhen to take Zhe Yan out, but he scolds her again for not letting him finish what he has to say. Honestly, he’s doing it on purpose for taking such long breaks while speaking. He’s stopping her from acting too fast because they only need the shenzhi herb and it will solve the problem. Just... to get you have to beat four overly powerful beasts, but that okay, nothing to worry about. They fight a little about who’s going to get, but it’s Bai Qian father in the end that is going. He only has a few hours to go an co back, so he has to hurry.
Back at Kunlunxu, Li Jing pays a visit. He came to visit Si Yin. Zi Lan gets pretty annoyed at that, because all that happened was because of him. Die Feng calms him down and Li Jing just repeats over and over that he wants to meet with Si Yin. He brought what she wants, but Die Feng says he can ask as much as he wants, but Si Yin left. Li Jing is shocked and the disciples leaves.
Die Feng promises Mo Yuan that he will find back Si Yin and apologizes for not taking good care enough of him. No matter how far he has gone, Die Feng will bring them back together. Then he tells the other disciples to also go back to their family and leave Kunlunxu. This is so sad. He asks of them not to try to get revenge from the Yi as Mo Yuan sacrificed himself so the peace would reign. That moment is so solemn. THE SOUNDTRACK THOUGH. I love those scenes of the disciples paying respect to their master. It shows so much of Chinese culture in a beautiful way.
So mister Heavenly Lord isn’t that happy about Si Yin taking away Mo Yuan’s body and he doesn’t know how to deal with the situation, which he complains about to Donghua. Donghua says to just find a reason why there is no body and to just tell everyone that Si Yin and Mo Yuan went in hiding together. Seems that it convinces pretty well our Heavenly Lord. Siming praises Donghua for calming him down and Donghua says that since Si Yin was Mo Yuan’s favorite disciple, he’s surely most happy to be with him in his afterlife. Does Donghua also knows Si Yin is a girl? I don’t remember him seeing her, but if he did he would probably be able to see past Zhe Yan’s spell. It’s bad ass Donghua. Without the man bun. I am sorry about all those man bun comments, but I just dislike it so much on Donghua and don’t get why they aren’t more consistent with his hairstyle haha.
Bai Zhi comes back in a very very bad state. He managed to get the herb. Bai Qian is back to being a girl. They don’t have time to make the cultivation energy into a pill, so they will have to do it directly and no matter what they can’t stop in the middle of the process. And it works. First thing she worries about when she wakes up is her master, they put in a cave specially to preserve the freshness of his body. Sounds a little creepy like this, looks like Mo Yuan is their next lunch haha. It is actually normal when she says it, it’s just that this cave is optimal to preserve a body in a good state. They think that she almost died was to repay Mo Yuan for taking the lightning strokes for her, as she ascended as high immortal too easily. Bai Zhen brought Fengjiu so Bai Qian could see her and scolds her for not asking her brother’s help, he would have gave his blood to Mo Yuan for her. And thus thousands of year went by, without anyone talking about Mo Yuan or Qing Cang anymore.
Awww mature Bai Qian is just so beautiful. And she still brings flower to Mo Yuan like she used to at Kunlunxu. Seven days after, it’s the day Qing Cang could break the seal of the Donghuang bell. She’s planning on doing her best to keep him sealed him.
Bai Qian was in isolation for cultivation but something happened. Sangji came to see her, since there is a wedding promise between the two of them. But she’s not interested, she might even shatter to pieces in a few days and spending her last days alive taking care of him is a little unfair. Migu tells her that if she doesn’t want to marry him, then she can just not marry him. She tells him to take care of Sangji with Shaoxing and to go get her at the peach blossom forest when he’s gone. So Migu tells Sangji that Bai Qian went again in isolation which bothers him a lot. He’s upset that he didn’t even get to see her at all. Then Shaoxing come to give him some fruits and Migu is like great, looks like the prince likes Shaoxing, let her take care of him, less work for me, so he leaves the two of them together.  So Sangji is in love with her, but Shaoxing doesn’t want to follow him unless he breaks the engagement with Bai Qian. She owes too much to her, she saved her life. He tells her that according to Qing Qiu’s tradition, it would be up to Bai Qian to decide to whom Shaoxing would get married and he asks does she want that? She doesn’t she’d rather stay as a servant by his side. So he says let’s go back now then, why differ any longer. She doesn’t want to do something that would make her feel sorry for Bai Qian. He says that by not seeing her, that’s how they got to know each other, so it’s destiny. He’s not taking her as a made, he will marry her. And then they leave the fox cave.
When he gets to the heaven, Ye Hua notices that his uncle brought a little snake back with him. Awww, handsome Ye Hua. He calls out for Lian Song.  There have been traces of Qing Cang’s mount near Junji mountain lately. But he didn’t call him to tell him only about that. Sangji was supposed to stay at Qingqiu for at least three months to get to know Bai Qian before the wedding. Ye Hua says he doesn’t know about how it is with his relationship with Bai Qian, but he noticed he brought back a snake with him. It’s very bad and Lian Song hurries out. Ye Hua’s domestic asks him why does it matter that Sangji brought back a little snake. Ye Hua says before Bai Qian took in a snake maiden, so it means Sangji brought back Bai Qian’s servant back with him. Ye Hua called out Lian Song so he could lend a hand before things become bad.
So happy to finally see Ye Hua awwww! <3  I love this drama so much!
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love - Episode 7
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So excited for another episode of Eternal Love!! This is stupid since I know all of the story, or almost, but oh well. Whatever makes me happy just makes me happy!
Zhe Yan tells Si Yin that he won’t wake up, so she gets really desperate and begs Zhe Yan to save him as he is known as the best doctor in the Heavens. However he can’t, Zhe Yan’s soul has been given out to seal and stop the Dnoghuang bell. Sh feels bad because Mo Yuan wasn’t fully healed after receiving three lightning bolts for her, so that’s why he couldn’t escape from it. But then Bai Zhen tells her to remember what Mo Yuan said to her before sealing the bell: “Wait for me”. He says that if Mo Yuan said it, he’s going to come back for sure. She gets convinced easily. So she decides to look out for Mo Yuan’s body. Bai Zhen asks her if she’d rather not go back to Qing Qiu, but she declines the offer, she wants to stay by her master’s side. Both Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen leaves her alone. Oh, so little lotus flower isn’t dead. It flashes and flower lotus boy comes out to stay with Si Yin guard Mo Yuan’s body.
So Bai Zhen doesn’t think that Mo Yuan will really come back, he only said that to comfort Bai Qian, but Zhe Yan tells him that he really doesn’t understand what kind of person Mo Yuan is. He says that if he wouldn’t be able to come, he wouldn’t leave that hope for Si Yin.
Bai Qian is sad sad sad. Lotus flower boy hugs her, but then she runs back to Mo Yuan’s side and starts striping next to a knife. She stabs herself, but not where she took out her clothes, so why take them out? Oh well, she has a really nice shoulder, Yang Mi is just one of the most gorgeous women in the world, in my opinion. Lotus flower boy seeing her doing so tries to stop her, but of course she doesn’t hear, nor see him. The nine tail fox’s blood can help to preserve someone’s body.  So she’s feeding it to him so he won’t rot away.
Time for the Yi brother to fight. Li Yuan isn’t really happy that Li Jing questions him being so in a hurry to take over the power. And reminds him that he always promised that as soon he would become king, he’d kill him. Well he’s already trying by strangling him. He acknowledges that he killed Li Jing’s mom and Li Jing pushes him away. The soldiers are also pointing against him. Seems like he agreed to Siming’s help. They want Li Jing as king because, one he’s stronger than Li Yuan, two the army has been deflated and  Li Yuan already plans on going again to war.  They don’t want that. He accuses them of betraying the crown, but they say they aren’t, they just want to switch the crown prince to one who will really care about the Yi people. Moreover the Tians said that if Li Jing becomes King they will accept their letter of surrender. Li Jing sends Li Yuan to jail and orders that Yan Zhi never be told about that situation.
Li Jing pushes away Xuannü again, but agrees that they must have been fated to be with each other as they both are... well not nice people. I think Li Jing could have been a nice guy though. Just things went wrong at some point.
The Heavenly Lord isn’t so happy that they can’t get back Mo Yuan’s corpse because Si Yin is sending them away. He sends his elder son to take care of the matter and remember that disciple that he put at risk the truce by wanting to avenge. Then Lexu comes in with a little girl. I hate so much the man bun on Donghua. The Heavenly Lord names her Sujin, in memory of her whole who sacrificed themselves at war and takes her in as a princess in the palace. Sujin is so cute as a child. So sad that she becomes what she will become ): The Heavenly lord entrusts Su Jin to his elder son Yangcuo. Lexu promises to take care of her as if she was her own daughter. She’s worried that’s because he blames her for not having kids. Even though they have been married for 30,000 years, she doesn’t know when she will have kids. Then Donghua tells her to go to Kunlunxu, there she will find her answers. Wow. I love how he says things without explaining.
Yang Cuo asks Si Yin not to look for revenge. She doesn’t agree and still wants to take revenge. Die Feng asks for forgiveness and says that nobody from Kunlunxu will look for revenge.
Lotus Flower boy feels that somebody touched the golden lotus. When he becomes a person, he won’t be back here and won’t even remember her. Then when he slowly disappears, he calls her name and for the first time, she hears him. She mistakes his voice for Mo Yuan’s voice. I feel so bad for that poor lotus flower boy.
When Lexu sees the lotus flower, she feels attracted to it and touches it than it gets into her. Die Feng tells her that this lotus flower was only staying in Kunlunxu waiting for it’s owner, so seeing that it disappeared, she must be the one. And she’s like how come is it me? They don’t know.
Die Feng goes to check on Si Yin and talk him into not going for revenge, but actually she doesn’t intend to. After all Mo Yuan lost his life to bring back that peace. She’s indeed the disciple that understands most Mo Yuan. Die Feng is wondering how come Mo Yuan’s body still hasn’t degraded. He then tells Si Yin about a jade the Yi have which can prevent the body to never rot.
She decides to go see Li Jing and ask for it, in the name of their past friendship. At first Li Jing thought she came for revenge, but she says that on the battlefield she was unable to know what’s wrong and what’s right, now she just came for borrowing the jade. He asks her if she wants it for Mo Yuan, but she won’t say. Then he says that because of their history, he should lend it to her even though she won’t tell her reasons, but he says it was lost. She leaves, depressed. And of course she has to bump into Xuannü on her way out who offers her to stay and rest a while before leaving. Already acting like an annoying queen. She also says that Li Jing gave her the jade and  that and if she wants she could give it to her. When Si Yin tries to catch it, she moves her hand away. The Si Yin pushes Xuannü and she falls on the ground. I think she’s exaggerating, that push wasn’t strong enough to make her fall down, Si Yin isn’t fully healed from her injuries and she kept feeding her blood to Mo Yuan. Li Jing comes right in and helps Xuannü to get up while Si Yin points to the jade, saying here’s the thing you lost. She’s so hurt and before leaving she says her biggest regret in her life is meeting Li Jing. He tries to run after her, but Xuannü ties him down and he uses a lot of strength to push her away, to the point that she coughs blood. Or is it from her past injuries? Maybe, but I like it better if it’s Li Jing who hurt her. He’s really mad at her and she tells him again that Si Yin only liked Mo Yuan, never, that he didn’t want to give her the jade because he’s jealous of Mo Yuan. My heart hurts for Li Jing. I don’t believe Xuannü is in love with Li Jing.
All the disciples all eat together. And drink. That scene is beautiful, with all of them pouring the alcool and bowing in direction of their lost ones’ usual sitting place and pouring he alcool on the ground. Si Yin propose another toast. To thank them for taking caring of her, even though she wasn’t a good student. Si Yin reminds them of one time they went to the Junji mountain to look at the sunrise and Die Feng says that once the mourning is done, they should go back again.
Then they all fall asleep suddenly. Looking at Si Yin, she clearly had something to do with it. She bids her farewell to them while they can’t hear her. Since she couldn’t get the jade, the only way to preserve Mo Yuan’s body would be to go back to Qing Qiu. On her way, she meets a girl being beaten by bad guys. Did she save her? Well she’s back to Qing Qiu and feeds her blood to Mo Yuan again. Or is it just some kind of unknown grotto? We’ll see next episode! Probably tomorrow, it’s too late tonight to keep looking, plus Netflix won’t load more than 24% after midnight for some reasons hmmm.
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