#yandere triumphant wilson
Please pleaaaaase some yandere!triumphant wilson and a vv shy reader aaaa
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Worriedly gazing at the lingering shadows, you sigh and glance at your book. The journal was one of the few things you had from your former home. You were at least grateful you had your bag with you before...
"Miss (Y/N)?"
Immediately tensing up, you let out a small squeak as you turn around in your spot. Before letting go of the breath you didn't even know you were holding.
"A-ah.. Um.. Hi.." You croak out softly, smiling awkwardly at him. "I... I just wanted to get s-some notes down before turning in.. I guess.." You explained loosely, turning away as you grab your bag.
"S-so.. What brings you.. Here?" You blink, glancing at where he once stood. "Where-?"
"Ah, I'm glad you found more items for the camp-" Wilson states as he leans down to your side. Reading over your notes unabashedly as you yelp in surprise.
"Ack-!" Twisting around once again, you fall off your spot on the log...
A quiet whimper escaped your throat as Wilson quickly rushed to your aid. Helping you regain your bearings as you dizzily thank him. Shaking it off once he cleared his throat.
"Miss (Y/N), I assume you've be curious of where I've been the last few nights." He stated politely, standing tall as you readjusted yourself in your seat.
"Y-yeah.. I've been a bit worried. I thought you got hurt." You said softly, frown at the idea.
Wilson eyes widen as he meets your timid irises.
A slow... Almost a snarl of a smile overcomes his face. He clears his throat once more as he smiled more kindly. "That's rather thoughtful of you, but as I told you. I am incapable of being hurt, Her Majesty made it so. So don't worry pretty little head over it."
Wilson said a bit more smugly than intended, drinking in your doubtful expressions. While it was un-gentlemanly to make a young lady be distressed, he couldn't help adoring the exquisite feeling in his chest when you inspect him.
"R-right.. Sorry."
"No need, but as I was saying. I've returned, along with good news. No monsters lurking tonight near your base." Wilson grabs your journal, dusting it off carefully as he hands it to you.
Your smile shyly, "oh, thanks and.. For letting me know.." You reply, taking the small item, placing it back within your bag.
"My pleasure."
You were one of the newest survivors on the island.
A shy, sweet thing...
You were alone for the most apart, hunting and surviving best you could. Until.. It wasn't just you.
You eye the stranger as you kept your distance. Afraid as he smiled at you with intrigue.
"Hello, Madame."
He spoke soothingly, seeing the way you tried to make yourself smaller. His sharp teeth form into a grin. "The Queen has taken notice of you and asked me personally to keep a watchful eye on you for the time being."
Just like that, you weren't alone anymore.
The two of you became a pair of sorts, where you'd go, he'd follow. Oftentimes, he'd shape-shift into an animal or monster to aid you.
Which you didn't mind too much.
You hold out your pointer finger for the bird to land on. Gigging as the crow caws in amusement. "Sometimes I forget that this place is..."
Your words dift off a bit, "I-I mean... It's like a fairytale! But.. Less romance and more twisted fantasy." You try to joke as Wilson tilts his head, a soft caw leaving him as you try another topic to discuss.
You.. Opened up to him, more content with him.
He did as well, feeling somewhat softer within your presence.
Until it wasn't just the two of you anymore..
"Why must you put up with that horrid man?" Your companion asks, seething bitterly at the sleeping Maxwell.
"He.. Needed help.. I guess?" You blink innocently, not sure why Wilson hated the man. Your friend merely sighs, shifting into a Vargling as he curled up beside you to the fire.
He never felt such feelings as this..
A slimey... Softening feeling in his chest.
"Touch her.. Or hurt her. I'll make sure either I or the Queen will see to it you'll never have rest." Wilson growls at the older man, Maxwell rolls his eyes. Keeping his head in his book, while you slept peacefully as one could in the Constant.
[Sorry! Ran out of steam, but loved the concept!!!! So, I was inspired by @/itstheblob comic for wilson! Theyre art is amazing! I would tottally check it out! Thanks for reading! Reblogs and likes, comments are appricated!]
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glimpsesofeuterpe · 7 months
felt obligated to list muses and their (known so far) alternates out now, oh no
The Cornelius(es)
Protagonist Cornelius, Classic Cornelius, Happy Cornelius, Space Pirate Cornelius (Neil), Composer Cornelius, Inspector Cornelius, Vampire Cornelius, Angel Cornelius (Corabael), Demon Cornelius (Corey), Inspector Cornelius, Archivist Cornelius, Winter Prince Cornelius, Librarian Cornelius, Lonely Cornelia, Alpha Cornelia (Emily), Beta Cornelius, Gamma Cornelius, Vampire Cornelia (Nelle), Russian Cornelius (Корнелий/Kornelij), British Victorian Cornelius (Dr Gratton), Gem Cornelius (Tiger Eye), Wizard Cornelius, Enthusiast Cornelius, Robot Cornelius, Skeleton Cornelius
The Deimos(es)
Antagonist Deimos, Narrator Deimos, Shadowy Deimos (Phos), Human Deimos (Damien), Demon Deimos (Demien), Mermaid Deimos, Captain Deimos (Captain Deimey Moss), Gem Deimos (Green Jadeite or Emerald), Cat Deimos (Demyaw), Princess Deimos, Farmer Deimos (Dahlia), Redhead Deimos, Wizard Deimos, Alternian Deimos, Mettaton Deimos extra: Arianna and Artemius, Deim's younger siblings extra extra: XJ10 aka Jade (Neil's assistant) extra extra extra: Deinelius (confusion au)
The Frankys
Grumpy: Strayed Franky, Dad Franky, Wizard Franky, Werewolf Franky, Gem Franky (Enstatite), Angel Franky (Frankiel), Female Franky (Franziska) Dorky: The Dork Maddison, Warlock Maddison (Adam), Captain Maddison, Cyborg Maddison, Pilot Maddison, Mechanic Maddison, Magic Maddison, Rick Maddison (Frederick) extra: Marcus Mayfair (employee 517) aka a beta-something-past version of Maddison extra extra: Ludolf Meier (Franky's Uncle) extra extra extra: Adam Smithson, which is clerly related to Franky(s), nuff said
Classic Amelie, Cyberpunk Amelie, Angel Amelie (Amaliel), Parable Amelie (Amber), Male Amelie (Albus), Possessed Amelie (Ambrose), Sinner/Demon Amelie
Fairy Sophie, Employee Sophie (006)
+ Cornelius' ex co-workers: Maria Mironova and Jack Waller
Bionic Narrator (Magnus), Bossy/Demon Narrator (Bernael), Narrator.exe, Beta Narrator (Norbert), Caelumirian Narrator (Augustin), Snapey Narrator, Gem Narrator (Brown Diamond?), Narrator Royce, MONIKA
The Observer, Beta Curator (Norene), Angel Curator (Barrattiel), Human Curator (Beatrice), Curator.exe, Curator GLaDOS
Stanley Freeman, Stanley von Sales, Thomas Stanley Porter, Severine Stanley, Stella Fiedler, Pastel Stanley, Stanley.exe, Gem Stanley (Gray Pearl) Not Stanleys:
Protagonist Chell, Ashley Davies (The Player)
Classic Mariella, Dream Mariella (aka Doll aka Princess aka Melissa Noxire), Pastel Mariella, Not Mariella (Simona Petrikov), Mariella.exe, Gem Mariella (Peanut Pearl)
Employee 432 aka Settings Person aka Timekeeper aka Ceaseless Watcher:
Eric Nowak
Adventure Line (humanized-ish):
Ghost Adventure Line (Flavian), Gem Adventure Line (Yellow Spinel)
The Employee Lounge (humanized):
Lacey Fidelis, Lesley Fidelis
Narrator Rick, Dandere Rick, Detective Rick, Ava Rickinsocks, Bossy Rick, Hacker Rick
Protagonist Morty, Yandere Morticia, Nerdy Morticia, Captain Morty, Cursed Morty, Shadow Morty, Wizard Morty
OTHERS: Homestuck linked: Kostya Trollen, Nick Surname Presentable Liberty linked: Paul Viaton, Lenore (Eleanor) Farrell, Benjamin Smiley, Charlotte Addams, Barret Videll, Salvadore Marchetti, Morayne Johnson DST linked: Triumphant Wilson and a Willow (iguess?)
Wannabe big guys aka friends from the other side aka yet another aliens (divinedamnedgambles):
Endymion, Nelumbo, Nebula (aka Red and Blue), Mother Nature, Goodness (Agnes), Darkness (The Temptress), Inquisitiveness (aka Yellow aka Employee333), Lorelei, Oneiros, Helianthus (aka Deim's Grandpa), The Troubadour, Aurora
Men In White:
Elyon and Karael, Vega, Gadreel, Raziel, Seraphim
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ofallthingsnasty · 8 months
I saw that Don’t Starve is one of your fandoms and it reminded me that I used to play that game! I redownloaded it on my phone and was inspired to play it again (albeit with very limited content as it’s just the mobile version)
Funnily enough, I first played Don’t Starve a few years back because a yandere writing blog I liked wrote something about Wilson and Charlie. I had not context for that blog’s imagines on the game but seeing a character named “Charlie the Night Monster” really intrigued me
That is such a fun story haha!! And yeah, Charlie is really special 🤭 One of my favorite facts about her is that her presence smells like roses... Sooo many cool fic possibilities hehe
If you like Don't Starve you should give Don't Starve Together a try!!! It's on sale on Steam sometimes and I love the hell out of it... 😭💕 I got into DST in 2020 after some basic DS experiences and it consumed me for three months straight. It's the only online game I am actually good at. I still play it and I usually go solo - it's all doable, even if it's supposed to be a multiplayer and soloing bosses can be really fun if you pick the right character for your run (don't play Wendy if you aren't cave basing bc she's weak and you'll spend HOURS soloing bosses lol). Playing with friends or just random people is fun too, but tbh voice chat is best for quick and easy communication - trust me you don't wanna stop and type while you fight Deerclops lmao.
But: there is a massive learning curve. DST is very different from DS and you'll definitely have to invest some hours on YouTube watching either experienced players game or looking at guides/advice videos. I usually did the dishes while I watched guides and watched challenge vids before bed haha. One of my favorites is Joeshmocoolstuff, they don't talk during videos but I could watch them play all day. And I learned so so much. Really cool.
Also, consider getting Don't Starve and all the DLCs either via gog (more sales, really cheap, drm free) or Steam!! Especially the DS Hamlet DLC is incredibly fun, if a little short-winded, but it's so different from the base game, it's like starting all over. Especially the normal DS runs on pretty much any PC - and I think I've seen it without any DLCs (although I'd tell you to get Reign of the Giants at the very least, it adds a lot to the base game) for like 2.30€?? That's cheaper than the mobile version in my country haha
Also, the lore drops over the years (via DST and YouTube) have been sooo good. I have multiple wips in my docs that I'll probably never finish but I am down BAD for triumphant!Willow and have had so much fun playing around with Wigfrid's back story. The cast is amazing and fun and the lore gets deeper and deeper as you get better at the game... It just sucks you in 💕
Haha this reads like a total sales pitch but I'm just so excited to talk about DS lol thanks for giving me the opportunity!! (And I hope you get to try out DST one day, it really is so fun)
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Regular Wilson and Triumphant! Wilson are both yanderes!
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(The flag was made by @urfaveisayandere )
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Yandere triumphant Wilson (don’t starve) scenario
I'll see what I can do! Sorry for the wait.
Twisted Game
Yandere! Triumphant! Wilson Scenario
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Yandere-like behavior, Sadism, Manipulation (?), Stalking, Mentions of death, Implied kidnapping, Obsession, Forced relationship, Possessive behavior, Jealousy.
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Wilson had seen it all. He entered this realm as a pitiful survivor and soon worked his way up. After following Maxwell's instructions...
He had everything he could ever want.
At first it was painful, terrifying to be sat on that throne. Then as time passed on... the young scientist felt different. His body coursed with something so foreign.
Yet he also felt so powerful.
The darkness no longer scared him. Nothing did, actually. For the first time in what felt like forever, he wasn't scared of anything in the Constant.
With a grin on his face, the renewed scientist felt fantastic. Gone was the old, pathetic, Wilson. Now?
Now he was a lord of shadow, a being with god-like prowess.
He ruled this land with his own two hands now that Maxwell was gone. Who cares if he went insane in the process? Everything here was his now.
Including you, a naive survivor who managed to find yourself here in the Constant. Oh, poor baby. You'll die here over and over like he did before.
He'd watch it all, too. Watch and watch until you get it right. You were the best thing to play with in this realm.
What else was he to do? There was nothing much else to do in this realm other than watch others try to figure life out here. That on its own was entertaining.
In fact, watching you go through this seemingly neverending loop made the new lord of shadows fall for you. It was small at first, but he could sense it.
It started as sympathy. You poor thing have to go through so much hardship alone.... How upsetting, yet familiar.
Then it grew into a yearning. A need to keep his dark eyes on you from within the darkness. Pining, if you will.
Wilson thought he could ignore such feelings. Until you finally started finding other survivors. It angered him that they get to spend so much time with you.
If he was still like... them, he'd be there alongside you. Was he jealous? He's never experienced such an emotion to this degree before.
It didn't help that he noticed Maxwell had taken his place amongst the crowd.
Maxwell, the one that tricked Wilson into the throne, was now beside you.
While Wilson was originally enjoying this game you two played (not like you knew about it), he was tiring of it. This had gone on far enough.
It was time for the new lord of shadows to pillage his treasure. The base you had worked so tirelessly to build with the others would now be tarnished. Your new 'friends' would perish with it....
But no need to worry. He'll not hurt a hair on your head. You'll be in perfect condition once he takes you in!
In fact, you won't have to struggle in the Constant ever again.
Just step with him into the shadows...
You'll take on a new role within this game with him by your side.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
How would a rivalry between Maxwell and Triumphant Wilson go? Do you think Wilson would more "helpful" with your survival since he went through it too? (Hcs!)
Huh, well, it depends-
Yandere! Maxwell vs Triumphant! Wilson
Pairing: Rivalry - Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Yandere-like behavior, Possessive behavior, Manipulation, Rivalry, Implied violence.
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- They're both a wielder of the Constant's shadows.
- Maxwell came before Wilson, but Wilson took his place after he freed the previous lord of shadows.
- It's hard to do a rivalry as they take place in different times but I can think of one.
- You and Wilson are survivors until you manage to get to the end of Maxwell's little survival game.
- Then Wilson swaps places with Maxwell, leaving Maxwell less powerful than before.
- While you were surviving with Wilson, both men grow to enjoy you.
- Wilson's bonding with you through surviving countless trials and enemies alongside you.
- Which makes him want to protect you in this troubling world.
- While Maxwell watches you from the shadows.
- Noting how well you adapt and how caring you are.
- Maxwell visits occasionally but it's always when Wilson isn't there.
- This is where the rivalry begins until they eventually swap places.
- Wilson becomes Triumphant! Wilson after being corrupted by shadow.
- Maxwell retains some of his power, but most of it was given to Wilson.
- Now you and Maxwell supposedly must survive together.
- Although, Wilson doesn't want you to leave him.
- Maxwell also isn't wanting to give you up after finally getting close to you.
- At this point you're caught between them.
- Wilson is still gentle towards you like he was as a survivor, at least until he can lure you away from Maxwell.
- Maxwell knows Wilson is in the shadows watching you now like he once did before... so he acts as your new protector.
- Their rivalry can be quite troublesome.
- Especially with the shadow magic being thrown around.
- A rivalry between these two would be interesting.
- They both want you to themselves...
- Yet it appears it won't happen until one gets rid of the other.
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yandere triumphant wilson headcannons?
Sure thing :) The Triumphant skin is one of my favourite skin for one of my favourite characters so this'll be fun!
Yandere! The Triumphant Wilson
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You knew going through that weird door that looked like a head was a bad idea but Wilson didn't want to listen to you
"Don't worry Darling, I'll be safe I promise." Wilson said clutching your hands and deeply gazing into your face, you knew that he only wanted to bring you and him back to the world you had left all those seasons ago but you were still worried
"But you don't even know what lies beyond that door, Wils it's not very rational." You argued back at him and he sighed before nodding and started to make his way to camp you following in tow
Yet little did you know what he would be doing after you had gone to bed in your sleep role
"Well that should be the last of them, hopefully this will have actually helped us." He panted, just having defeated all of the shadow Maxwells before making his way to the main man himself 
"Ah, we meet again." Wilson said to the chained Maxwell having no care or sympathy in his eyes, and why should he? Maxwell was the one who trapped her here, without him she would be running free and actually happy
Halfway through Maxwell's spiel Wilson had had enough and interrupted him freeing him 
"If I free you will you shut up?!" He shouted before Maxwell faded away into dust, "I suppose so…" Wilson smiled as he thought that now all of his troubles would be over and he and his beloved could go back home and resume their daily lives, oh how wrong just one man can be
As Wilson was snatched by the nightmare throne he could feel himself begin to change, he tried to fight back! He really did, but sometimes there are forces two strong that really there wasn't any use for trying in the first place
Meanwhile, for you it had been seasons since you last saw your darling husband although it felt more like aeons
"Damn, dirty, old man! Don't you think you've had your fun by now? Just give him back!" You cried to the heavens not hearing the sound of footsteps making their way towards you
"I'm back Darling Dear." A voice said one you recognized but at the same time didn't entirely, like a song that had been corrupted and now only barely resemble something you once knew
And so you lifted your axe ready to strike the intruder but then you got a good look at who it was and could just stand in shock
"Is that really how you great your husband now, Darling?" Sure it was Wilson, but not as you knew him, now wearing a garment you had never seen before and radiating an aura that screamed danger to you
"What… happened to you?" You asked half dreading the answer he would give but you needed to know
"Oh don't worry about me, it's nothing compared to what's gonna happen to you." He said before snapping his fingers and your whole world turned to black
When you woke back up a raven haired man came to greet you at… wherever the heck you are
"I look forward to watching you, so please try not to disappoint." Was the last thing he said to you before vanishing into a cloud of black smoke
After a while of being in the constant you had gotten used to how this world worked and made great progress, creating a camp and eventually a meat effigy
It reminded you of someone, you can't remember who they are now but you suppose they must have meant a lot to you if they're still loitering around in your subconscious
And after a season another survivor had come, then another… and another, after awhile it was like you were the leader of your own little tribe
And then eventually you found a door
It looked eerily like a face and at first you were scared of entering it but decided that if it could get you back home then any risk is worth that
And so after six gruelling… well what you can only describe as levels you had reached a long path paved with flooring that looked an awful lot like a chess board
When you finally reached the end you saw the man from earlier sat in a chair, you then felt a big hand grab you before placing you to lie down in the mans lap
Now that you got a better look at him all your memories came rushing back and you recognized that he was "Wilson?"
"Great performance Love, I would demand an encore… but I refuse to give you up." He smiled down at you in a way that told you something was deeply wrong
"But Wilson… what about the others?" He sneered before smirking callously
"They could die for all I care… the only one I cared about was you." He smiled but hearing his words deeply upset you… although you can't remember much of how he used to be, you're certain he wasn't like this
He wrapped you into a heated kiss that was pure bliss for him but nothing but painful for you as you could feel yourself begin to change
He pulled away and you and he smiled at each other now just as corrupt as the other "But hasn't that always been the case my queen of darkness."
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yanderes-galore · 3 years
Yandere Wilson HCs but with his triumphant skin?
Wilson but make him Maxwell~
Yandere! Triumphant! Wilson HCs
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Yandere behavior, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Twisted thoughts.
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- Wilson's Triumphant costume reminds me a ton of Maxwell.
- I also remember that Wilson takes Maxwell's place in the original Don't Starve.
- Using this information I think this Wilson would act a ton like Maxwell.
- He's the new ruler of the constant, now developing the dark thoughts its old ruler had due to the shadows tormenting his mind.
- So you'll meet him by becoming yet another victim of the Constant.
- You look so terrified, normally he'd express sympathy but he lost that after being corrupted.
- In fact, your fear is intriguing, almost euphoric.
- Watching you survive in the Constant is something he does almost religiously.
- How you slowly build yourself up in this world, similar to how he did.
- A camp forms, then more of his little 'experiments' appear. You let them join you to help grow.
- He actually envies them somewhat....
- You've only seen him once, that was in the beginning.
- When you first came here he appeared to give you some advice.
- Advice to make you survive just long enough for his enjoyment.
- Now he'll say that you've grown on him...
- Isolating you away from your camp would be difficult, however.
- You're the founder, the other people there would notice if he just up and took you.
- So if he's grown attached to you enough he'll plan.
- Like planning your fake death. A twisted idea for a twisted man.
- The shadows will take you.
- Then your camp will declare you dead. Then you're his to enjoy.
- "You've survived so well here..."
- The shadow 'master' would praise.
- "...Too bad I had to take you away. You're quite the enjoyment."
- After that Wilson will give you special treatment.
- You're given the best food you can get. You have a luxurious place to rest...
-...and you have him.
- Isn't this much better than what you had?
- A life of dark luxury and pleasures?
- You don't seem to agree, which makes him disappointed.
- Oh well, you'll have to adapt once again.
- You've adapted once, you can do it again to survive, no?
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yanderes-galore · 3 years
Don't Starve Masterlist
Edited: 4/11/23
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General/Multiple Characters
- Yandere! Maxwell vs Triumphant! Wilson (Rivalry - Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Maxwell vs Yandere! Charlie Concept (Rivalry - Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Wilson Yandere Alphabet I + L (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Wilson Yandere Alphabet C, D, and Y (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Triumphant! Wilson HCs (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Wilson with Survivalist! Darling HCs (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Wilson with Darling dragged into The Constant (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Insanity - Yandere! Wilson Short (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Accidents Happen - Yandere! Wilson Scenario (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Twisted Game - Yandere! Triumphant! Wilson Scenario (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Wes General HCs (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Wormwood HCs (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Maxwell Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Wortox Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Winona Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! WX-78 Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
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Yandere! Woodie headcanons
Yandere! The Triumphant Wilson
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