#yandere stannis baratheon headcanons
Hello. I see the requests are open, can you write to yandere for big Stannis Baratheon?
oooOoo okay :) i've gotta be honest i don't think there are many writings for him which i think is interesting so it was fun to write this but maybe i just haven't seen them, either way i hope you like this!
Stannis Baratheon is a man who commands respect and by nature appears very powerful
he is harsh but seems to put duty above desire not that he has many
lets say that he has married before you meet, he is not particularly fond of his wife and is uncomfortable around women in general so no one is especially surprised if they know him personally
if you are a woman then it will be considerably harder to catch his affections but not impossible, he might prefer watching you from afar at first when you begin to interest him but rest assured that alone could lead him to you
in the books he is perceived as the most frightening of the Baratheon brothers so he will definitely scare away any suitors wishing to court you, his brother Robert is almost able to charm anyone and so Stannis will use this to his advantage
while he hates having to ask his brother for help he will if it means getting information on you, who you are, where you're from, who else has become bewitched with your company?
he will not allow anyone except his brother know of his affection for you and even then he will imply vagueness
he doesn't want anyone knowing of his weakness for you–his only weakness
so he will stalk you from afar and reject any conversation while in even the corner of your eye, he refuses to allow any misunderstandings. he will grow delusional with his rampant thoughts of you as his lover, wife and Lady of Dragonstone
approaching his brother will be uncomfortable for him but he cannot allow a single hint of disagreement when he requests for your hand, he needs as much sway as he can garner from your guardian/s. who could ask for a better husband than the brother of the King?
but he will ask for your hand himself in a letter outlining the benefits to your union
If you expect a kind display of courting then you are sorely mistaken, he finds himself blushing whenever he so much as looks at you and he cannot allow you to dislike him
he will take a stroll with you once a week but mostly only hum in response rather than speak of his own accord
so you've barely heard your husband's voice before you get married but don't worry, if you're planning to panic and escape he already has strict orders for guards in front of your chamber doors
it doesn't matter if you're crying or beaming down the aisle, he'll still feel as though the Gods are finally giving him light
he makes it very clear that there will be no bedding ceremony and while he will share your first night in shared chambers, he will ask whether you would prefer separated
if you're happy enough to share then he will have so much relief and his love for you will only multiply with every night you spend together which he will spend actually trying to open up a bit more with his spouse
however if you would rather sleep in separate chambers it will cut deep, he won't hold it against him but it will lessen his comfortability to open up to you
regardless however, he will spoil you rotten even if his presence isn't always common with you, he will make up for it with anything your heart desires; flowers, new exotic foods, clothes, pets
he just wants to make you happy
he will spend meals with you and attempt to pretend to get to know you, feigning surprise at the knowledge he already knows
but sometimes he lets things slip by accident
how almost all the clothes he bought you are your favourite colour, every flower is reminiscent of your home, suddenly the same breed of animal you had in your childhood years appeared in your chambers; all things he really shouldn't know
but so long as you remain his perfect little spouse you don't need to worry about a thing
he will hope for one babe of you but he won't push the subject afterward or demand, he's not fond of people so neither is he particularly fond of children
you have most of the same liberties as when he first began his obsession but now have to accept his overbearing concerns of your company and pretend to ignore how many guards have started watching over you
however he is also serious, stubborn, rarely-forgiving so i'd suggest you make few mistakes around him because he will not tolerate infidelity or snubbing him, your chamber key can be just as easily taken away from you as it was given
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greycloudsinwinter · 5 months
Yandere Stannis Baratheon headcanon.
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🦌 Stannis is and always has been known as the younger brother of Robert Baratheon. The heir encase Robert failed to farther children. However Robert did which made Stannis a bit bitter . You see Stannis wanted that throne more then anyone of those other lords and seeing his brother turn into a pig only made him angry more.
🦌when he meets you a young lady of a powerful house he is intrigued. His wife failing to give him a son was making him desperate and you were just so perfect.
🦌starts to court you in a way no one knows however in private you know what he is truly like.
🦌kills his own wife once she insults you . Now he needed a new wife to look after his daughter and to beat him sons.
🦌forcing you to marry him even as you begged him to let you go he just shook his head and told the septa to carry on. To which the septa did afraid for there life.
🦌once you are married you won’t escape . Anyone and I mean anyone that makes him jealous is killed. And your usually at his side so he doesn’t loose you.
🦌he will have the throne no matter the cost but he won’t take the throne if that means losing you.
🦌wants many children and by many I mean LOADS . Will be disappointed if it’s a girl but he still will love the child after all with you being so young he can try as many times as he needs to . To have a male heir.
🦌unhinged and devoted yandere .
Thank you for the request ❤️❤️
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gulnarsultan · 2 years
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》 Stag and rose 《
It would be fair to say that you and Stannis' marriage was arranged.  But what you didn't know was that Stannis wanted this marriage.  In fact, in a way, Stannis was the most plausible to you of the other candidates.  You were so grateful that your marriage was blessed with five healthy children.  Your first son Lyonel was born, followed by your twin sons Ormund and Stefon.  Later, your two beautiful daughters, Shireen and Cassana, were born.  Stannis could have sworn he'd write a long list if they had asked you why you fell in love.  She might not be affectionate around others, but she wasn't afraid to show her love when the two of you were alone.  Even if you noticed his obsessive behavior every now and then, you chose to ignore it.  After all, having a happy family was an important reason for you to be exposed to your husband's behavior.  It wasn't easy to be angry with a man who was so committed to his duties to you and your children.
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