#yandere kazuma asogi
yyxandere · 2 years
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✧.* gender/pronouns ─ “You” pronouns
✩.* note ─ I'm writing shorts drabbles as of rn bc I literally forgot how to write/ the persona of characters, so these kinda drabble are like a work out, so I'm really sorry if this is bad/off characters and sorry of a lot of these were super rushed I just couldn't think of an ending(〃>_<;〃) also I'm trying a lot of aesthetic as of right now
✩.* TRIGGER WARNINGS ─ Unhealty Obsession, Unhealthy Thinking, and OOC
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[♡]ー ꒱・!the uptight young lawyer - RYUNOSUKE NARUHODO.
A stuttering, blushing mess was the boy; Ryunosuke Naruhodo when you accepted his love confession. He was not intense unlike a certain best friend of his when showing his affections towards you, he's sweet and charming in his own ways making sure that he's doing everything in his power to be the best lover to his beloved.
He's quite suffocating with his affections but you can live with that you think. He was--in your opinion the best lover you ever had until you started noticing that a lot of your friends were drifting away from you ever since you started dating Ryunosuke, you tried your best not to think deeply about it but then you noticed the guy who used to flirt with you at campus started avoiding you like a plague, and then like a courtroom evidence started stacking off. Remember that one friend who warned you about Ryunosuke? Ryunosuke somehow made you avoid that friend.
But you dare want to question your lover, who has done everything for you?
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[♡]ー ꒱・!the sharp tongue samurai - KAZUMA ASOUGI.
My, it seems like you caught the eye of the composed, yet hot-blooded Kazuma Asougi. Him being determined to claim your heart by courting you, you felt super flattered. It's not like everyday you'll see anyone declare their intention of courting someone in front of a whole crowd and better yet someone as handsome and diligent as Kazuma. 
Everyday he'll pick you up at your estate, maybe even trying to woo your parents into thinking he's a perfect partner for their child. Maybe it's his passionate words about how he's ready to climb mountains after mountains just for your soft everlasting touch. Let's say after his whole speech his name will be brought up more every time you visit or eat together with your family. 
At first you thought that this was too good to be true, Kazuma is always the first person you'll see in the morning, he'd carry all your stuff for you and even bring you gorgeous accessories, until he became quite overbearing... 
He'd act so possessive over you, making sure that every free moment of your time should be with him. He'd act so jealous whenever you're getting too close to your male or female friends. There isn't a single moment where you can't hear his name on someone's mouth and your parents didn't help either, they were always gushing about him like how he helped your mother pick up some groceries or how your father talks about how he's easy to bond with, maybe if you have siblings; younger siblings to be exact rants of how big brother Kazuma help them with their homework and after that played with them. It was too much, you want time for yourself. But you can't do that now, rejecting a man like Kazuma would not only make your parents see you with dejected eyes but also Kazuma is a stubborn man, no matter what you say or do he'll always be coming back to you. No matter what he won't back down.
Sometimes being passionate and determined can lead you to being stubborn.
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[♡]ー ꒱・!the strong yet warm-hearted assistant - SUSATO MIKOTOBA.
How charming and unique she is; Judicial assistant Susato Mikotoba was always there for you, she was a woman who you can truly depend on, she'll always there's help you giving you new knowledge she's a determined and fierce woman if she ever hears someone talks bad about you she would be giving them a great scolding.
How charming and unique she is; Judicial assistant Susato Mikotoba was always there for you, she was a woman who you can truly depend on, she'll always be there to help you and give you new knowledge she's a determined and fierce woman if she ever hears someone talks bad about you she would be giving them a great scolding.
She's your right hand and she’s one of your most loyal and reliable friends, a young woman who you could always count on, may it be legal advice or your feelings. She's the person you can rely on, she's an example of what kind of woman you'd want in a partner or as a friend, no matter how much she has her faults sometimes she always tries her best to make you happy with anything she can offer.
So with that, her love for you is composed yet stern, so would be with you every day, it could be overbearing to time but how can you decline or push away someone you completely trust with your life?
It was not hard for you to admire such a woman. While you were admiring her she's lovestruck by you whenever she's around you she tries her best not to act like a schoolgirl, Susato knows those dark lingering thoughts are not normal and she's strong enough to stop them from spreading because...
..as long as you're happy she's happy.
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[♡]ー ꒱・!the dunce but cunning British detective - HERLOCK SHOLMES.
You were used to the smell of tobacco and sweet pastries ever since you became close to the infamous detective: Herlock Sholmes and his assistant slash adopted kid slash border Iris Wilson. He may have a reputation and name for being called a great detective but if you spend even a second with him you might even find yourself wondering if the man in front of you even called a detective after all his deductions that do not even come close to being correct it's quite concerning time to time but that's the reason what led you to be close to him. You were helping him in every job he decided to accept you helped him fill in some missing logic, little but still crucial things, that's the reason why he kept on dragging you to new cases you basically didn't even have time to do your own detective work.
While your relationship with Iris was wholesome, she'd make some of the most delicious sweets you have ever tasted, and whenever both of you have remaining time you help her bake or cook dinner It truly a heartwarming bonding with her. Or maybe there are days when you and Iris are playing with each other she might be a genius but she is still a little girl. You really tried to avoid the feeling but both of them were overbearing in their ways, you one day decided to talk to them about their behavior and how much they were taking so much of your time but whenever you looked at their eyes especially Iris's the words would just die on your mouth and eat dinner with them with a sad smile on your face, Herlock would try his best to be more comfortable around with him and Iris the sweetheart she is would try to pry those thoughts off you.
Herlock knew exactly what he was doing with the help of Iris the both of them would be like one happy family, you wouldn't leave them, right?
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[♡]ー ꒱・!the boot-rising, lip service deadly prosecutor - BAROK VAN ZIEKS.
Barok Van Zieks hates you. He hated how determined you were when helping the defense clear out the defendant's name and how your eyes spark with hope when doing so. 
You made his almost dead heart slowly beat for the first time in many years, he kept on investigating you, digging information after information on you, every time you were on a new case he would also be there, and he would throw some snarky remarks towards the attorney you were working with but never towards you. Whenever he's stressed or had a bad day he'd always look at a picture of you and his heart would beat faster, he just couldn't get enough of you. 
Barok knew what he was feeling wasn't normal and he was guilty for it. But he just couldn't resist you. The last straw was when he got injured when protecting you from a gunshot, probably the person was tied to the case and didn't want anyone finding out, besides the point. He woke up with you beside him with eyes with care and concern only for him. He hates you for him making feel greedy. He hates how much he yearns for you. He also hates himself that his heart is so weak for a person that everyone and anyone could love. You're so nice, kind, caring, understanding, selfless and so strong, that he can barely stand seeing you with another man when you've just started going out with even if it's just your legal companion.
... you made the Barok van Zieks weak.
And yet he loves you for it.
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[♡]ー ꒱・!the rather easily flustered young girl - REI MEMBAMI.
Gallant! Dashing! Such compliments could be said by Rei to you, she would praise everything you do. Gushing, Fussing at everything you do it's too much to bear, but you don't want to break the girl's heart. Why should you that girl is head over heels for you, and ready to put anything including her below you, your needs will always be first! 
She's always with you making sure that you won't get hurt but if you do get hurt then get ready for an incredibly adrenaline-rushed lady, she would fuss over it even if it's a paper cut, but don't worry she didn't learn medicine for nothing so let her take care of you! 
She would be bandaging your wound while trying to keep her cool but how can she? She's touching the skin of her beloved so how can she contain her lovestruck smile. Oh, how she dreamt about this! Like one of those fairytales when the princess heals the Knight. Now, would you love her and protect Rei like a princess while you act as her courageous Knight? You do love her, right?
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[♡]ー ꒱・!the honest and hard-working sick detective - SATORU HOSONAGA.
He's an honest and hardworking man and you love him for that. Your fiance Satoru Hosonaga; a detective is such a lovely man. He's devoted to you making sure that you eat and sleep well, he's even the one making your bentos, better yet even if he's a detective he always has the time to make dinner for you. Day and night he's always on your side, ready to protect and smother you with his love. 
He would praise the floor which you've walked upon, how could he not? You were sweet and caring no wonder why he was attracted towards you, but like candy unwrapped and left unsupervised it will attract some flies, just like how your sweet honey personality attracted many suitors. Hosonaga knows his limits as a detective and the power he yields as one, he tried to be logical about it first but whenever one of your suitors were making moves on you all he sees is read and all logic are thrown out of the window, the longer he stays away from you the more he yearns of you. 
He'll keep you safe, and you'll always be loved by him, his love for you is expected of your soon-to-be husband.
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turnaboutyandere · 3 years
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♡ Yandere Kazuma Asogi Moodboard ♡
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
any headcanons for yandere!Asogi?
Anon yes I do have headcanons, I have so many headcanons :)
These actually got quite long, I do apologise for that.
TW: Yandere Behaviours, Possessive and Obsessive behaviours, toxic behaviours, kidnapping, stalking
Spoilers: Dai Gyakuten Saiban, Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Kakugo
⚔Kazuma Asogi⚔
⚔The epitome of dedication himself, Kazuma Asogi is a man who, as a yandere, would be way up there on the danger scale.
⚔This man is both mentally and physically strong, plus he is very well respected by other members of the Academy so chances are, S/O is also going to have a high opinion of him at first.
⚔He’d spend a lot of time with S/O both during and after their classes, in fact he’d very rarely leave their side unless it was an absolute necessity. Because of this, he might not necessarily have any romantic competition to face up against at first.
⚔Everything he does for S/O would be overthought to the max, he’d spend hours researching flower meanings in order to present S/O with the perfect bouquet of flowers.
⚔He may find himself getting into a few fights during his time at the Academy. Some people might make snide comments about S/O or how Kazuma spends too much time with them which would just trigger an anger inside of him.
⚔No one ever wins a fight against Kazuma.
⚔He would also keep his eye on S/O when they weren’t together. He’s persistent and dedicated so sometimes he might stand watch over their dorm and do some studying.
⚔When he is given his duty to travel over to London, he will push for S/O to accompany him. Ryunosuke would still be given the opportunity to come of course, but S/O isn’t delegated to the role of suitcase stowaway.
⚔Upon Kazuma’s death, both S/O and Ryunosuke are grief-stricken. This may bring the two of them closer together because they could bond over their memories of Kazuma.
⚔Cue the sequel!
⚔By this point, Ryunosuke and S/O are probably just as close to each other as Kazuma was to S/O, but something about this relationship seems a bit more liberating to S/O.
⚔Not that they would ever speak ill of the dead, but while those months without Kazuma had been the hardest point of their life, they felt a lot more free to go about their day without a shadow over their shoulder.
⚔So when Barok van Zieks shows up to court with ‘The Masked Apprentice’ in tow and it is revealed that he is actually Kazuma, S/O is understandably torn.
⚔On the one hand, they are just so overjoyed that Kazuma is alive and they want to be there for him while he recovers.
⚔On the other hand, Kazuma seems to be a lot more clingy and controlling than S/O is used to, he absolutely refuses to leave them alone which drives a bit of a wedge between him and S/O.
⚔He has a lot of repressed anger towards a lot of people and he’s going to want to protect S/O from everybody after everything that has happened behind the scenes.
⚔He’ll take matters into his own hands to ensure that S/O knows that he is the only one that they can rely on, he refuses to speak to Ryunosuke and he’s hellbent on securing his vengeance over everyone involved in the Professor killings.
⚔He’ll kidnap S/O from Baker street in the middle of the night to take them somewhere safe while he deals with everything.
⚔Kazuma is going to be a lot more closed off, almost similar to Simon Blackquill as a yandere, he’d see himself as the only person who has S/O’s best interests in mind and he wouldn’t really listen to any reason from S/O either.
⚔Either way, whichever Kazuma (DGS1 or DGS2) you want to think about, they both definitely crave affection from S/O. While he seems very independent and dutiful, nothing would warm his heart more than being able to hug S/O or just make them happy.
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van-zieksy · 2 years
My wish:
Dai Gyakuten Saiban - The Great Ace Attorney Otome Game
Get ready to travel back to late Victorian Great Britain to meet a colourful cast of handsome attorneys and one lonely detective. As you spend time with and befriend these intriguing professionals, you realise that there's more to them than meets the eyes. Enjoy a multi-layered story full of twists and turns, but most importantly, say "Yes, I do" to the man of your dreams. Allow me to present to you your possible love interests.
Ryunosuke, the dandere:
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Ryunosuke Naruhodo (23) is a timid, kind young man who prefers to live in his own world, yet he is eager to learn all there is to learn about new things. He's usually quiet but does speak up when necessary. However, he tends to speak before he thinks. Despite being on the more reserved side, he does unintentionally carry his thoughts and emotions on a tray, which makes him easy to read for other people. His unconventional interests and lack of social understanding can bring his friends to their limits. One might say he's too good for this world, but as you will quickly discover, even he has his own human flaws he needs to overcome, as he, too, is capable of hurting others. Can you help him grow and bring out his bold side?
Kazuma, the yandere:
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Kazuma Asogi (24) is a spirited young man with good looks who can easily enamour people with his wittiness, charm and outgoing nature. His single-minded approach to life can be a curse and a blessing to both him and the people around him. He often fails to see the big picture and refuses to have introspection. At the same time, he is highly protective of the ones he loves. As you will learn soon, there is another, troubled side to him hidden from everyone's view, and if you're not careful, you may get entangled in his cobweb. Do you have the courage to get to the bottom of it all?
Barok, the tsundere or kuudere:
(Pre-Professor he was more easygoing and carefree, but for the sake of this game, let's just go with kuudere because every otome game needs to have one.)
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Lord Barok van Zieks (33) is a sophisticated, intelligent and handsome man with aristocratic origins shrouded in mystery. You have heard the stories surrounding him, but something tells you there is more to discover behind that seemingly cold, untouchable facade. While he rarely smiles, he exudes an intriguing calmness and can absorb the whole room with his unique presence. His dedication, dry humour, integrity and compassion fascinate you, and you can't wait to learn who he really is...that is, if you can manage to get close to him.
Sholmes, the bakadere:
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Herlock Sholmes (34) is a curious, reckless and positive man who is trying to lead a carefree lifestyle without any social obligations. His age can be misleading, as his friends always have to look out for him. His intelligence is almost exclusively seen in his job as a detective where he exceeds everyone's expectations, but he's also known to be clumsy, forgetful and can come off as abrasive due to his lack of social intelligence. While he does care deeply about the people around him, he challenges everyone's patience because he often disrespects others' boundaries and unknowingly hurts them. Most people have a love-hate relationship with him. Can you build a relationship with him that is heavily weighed on the side of love?
After successfully unlocking and achieving a happy ending for the above-mentioned routes, there is a secret route waiting for you. But more on that in a different post.
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Rules and Introduction
Hello, this is an Ace Attorney Yandere imagines blog
Request examples
I write for
Phoenix Wright
Mile Edgeworth
Ema Skye
Klavier Gavin
Apollo Justice
Franziska von Karma
Lana Skye
Wocky Kitaki
Kazuma Asogi
Ryunosuke Naruhodo
Luke Atmey
Tyrell Badd
Aura Blackquil
Ashely Graydon
Maya Fey
Just Ask lol for real, theres so many people i could write for
reminder! this is a yandere blog! dark content will be the main focus here! expect toxic relationsips that are entirely fictional, do not act this way irl
i will not write r//pe, in//est, p//edo stuff
Please not request bombing. If you send one in, wait until I’ve completed it before sending in another. This doesn’t apply to comments or questions
I don’t write oc x character or character x character. Only reader inserts.
Headcannons are bullet points, scenarios are blurbs, and a fic is, well, a fic. Plz be sure to specify what you want in your requests
feel free to ask whatever, this blog is in its beta stage
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yyxandere · 2 years
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「𝙄𝙩'𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙. 𝙈𝙖𝙮 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩!」
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☆ - Art Credits: @/Akashi_chis
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𝙆𝙖𝙯𝙪𝙢𝙖 𝘼𝙨𝙤𝙜𝙞 𝙖𝙨 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙮𝙚𝙩 𝙝𝙤𝙩-𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙙𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙝 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙖 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙚.
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Wicked Game - Chris Isaak
Beautiful Day to Die - Vision Video
I Know those Eyes/This Man is Dead - Thomas Borchert
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- Yandere Kazuma Asogi A to Z.
- Yandere Ace Attorney Drabbles.
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turnaboutyandere · 3 years
Yandere Ace Attorney Playlist
A/N: Alright, as promised, here’s the playlist I mentioned. More requests are coming soon, and I’ll get back to answering asks once things have settled down for me. In the meantime, y’all can listen to these if you want.
If you wanna tell me what you think about my choices or share some of your own, feel free to do so!
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Phoenix Wright - No Reply (The Beatles)
♫ If I were you I'd realize that I Love you more Than any other guy And I'll forgive The lies that I Heard before When you gave me no reply ♫
Miles Edgeworth - After Midnight (Yuna)
♫ After midnight, I shall take you to a place Where no one else should know of Hush now my love and hold my hand You are exactly where you supposed to be And if they come for you They would have to find me ♫
Damon Gant - The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get (Morrissey)
♫ Beware I bear more grudges Than lonely high court judges When you sleep I will creep Into your thoughts Like a bad debt That you can't pay Take the easy way And give in Yeah, and let me in ♫
Franziska von Karma - Surrender (Evanescence)
♫ Breathe in and take my life in you No longer myself only you There's no escaping me, my love Surrender Darling, there's no sense in running You know I will find you Everything is perfect now We can live forever ♫
Dahlia Hawthorne - Sirens (Shuba)
♫ Lock-in Now she’s got you where she wanted You’ll be crawling through her prison Better hope she’ll be forgiving She’s incredibly smart Remarkably tart Fashioned to kill in a costume With those delicate hands Accessory France Perfectly framed to caress you ♫
Godot - Stalker’s Tango (Autoheart)
♫ I know, I know, I know, I'm always in your place But don't you see, my dear? I am your doppelganger I have your face so Love me, love me, love me, love me Love me, love me, love me, love me Love me, love me, love me, love me more Than you possibly can  ♫
Kristoph Gavin - Teddy Bear (Melanie Martinez)
♫ Teddy bear, you were my teddy bear You were comforting and quiet How did love become so violent? Oh, teddy bear, you were my teddy bear Everything was so sweet until you tried to kill me ♫
Klavier Gavin - One Way Or Another (Blondie)
♫ One way, or another, I'm gonna find ya I'm gonna meet ya, meet ya, meet ya, meet ya One way, or another, I'm gonna win ya, I'll get ya, I'll get ya One way, or another, I'm gonna see ya I'm gonna meet ya, meet ya, meet ya, meet ya One day, maybe next week, I'm gonna meet ya I'll meet ya, ah ♫
Raymond Shields - I Will Possess Your Heart (Death Cab for Cutie)
♫ There are days when, outside your window I see my reflection as I slowly pass And I long for this mirrored perspective When we'll be lovers, lovers at last You gotta spend some time, love You gotta spend some time with me And I know that you'll find, love I will possess your heart ♫
Sebastian Debeste - If I Killed Someone For You (Alec Benjamin)
♫ You have to understand that The one I killed is me Changing what I was For what you wanted me to be I followed your direction Did everything you asked I hope it makes you happy 'Cause there's just no turning back ♫
Simon Keyes - Better Than Revenge (Taylor Swift)
♫ Soon she's gonna find stealing other people's toys On the playground won't make you many friends She should keep in mind, she should keep in mind There is nothing I do better than revenge, ha ♫
Katherine Hall - Crazy Love (Mindy Gledhill)
♫ Oh, I wanna know All about your mom And your favorite song And why you hypnotize me Well, I'll tell you why I'm the definition of Obsessive compulsive crazy love ♫
Bobby Fulbright - Every Breath You Take (The Police)
♫ Since you've gone I've been lost without a trace I dream at night I can only see your face I look around, but it's you I can't replace I feel so cold, and I long for your embrace I keep crying baby, baby, please ♫
Simon Blackquill - This Maniac’s In Love With You (Alice Cooper)
♫ Now I don't know where to begin Just look at the state that I'm in My mind is in total decay I'm coming to take you away There's nothing more that I can do This maniac's in love with you Your biggest fear has just come true This maniac's in love with you ♫
Kazuma Asogi - Until Eternity (Blackbriar)
♫ I loved you once, I loved you twice I loved you in my previous lives I know your voice, I know your eyes You haunt me through my dreams at night Oh my love we'll meet again We always do in the end Our two souls destined to be You and I until eternity ♫
Satoru Hosonaga - Follow You (Bring Me The Horizon)
♫ So you can drag me through hell If it meant I could hold your hand I will follow you 'cause I'm under your spell And you can throw me to the flames I will follow you, I will follow you ♫
Sherlock Holmes - Layla (Acoustic version from MTV Unplugged, Eric Clapton)
♫ Make the best of the situation Before I finally go insane Please don't say we'll never find a way And tell me all my love's in vain Layla, you've got me on my knees Layla, I'm begging, darling please Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind ♫
Barok van Zieks - An Unhealthy Obsession (The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra)
♫ You just don't know it yet but you love me and I love you the same One day we'll have a pretty wedding and I'll be your everything We'll be together, yes forever, we will never ever part Oh you don't know it yet but baby I've already got your heart ♫
Enoch Drebber - Run For Your Life (The Beatles)
♫ Well you know that I'm a wicked guy And I was born with a jealous mind And I can't spend my whole life Trying just to make you toe the line So you better run for your life if you can, little girl Hide your head in the sand, little girl Catch you with another man That's the end ♫
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- Mod Dollie
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
I'm really surprised that you liked it mod miles so as you request is my command
Klaveir, Matt, Sebastian and kazuma...
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(Feat bald kazuma and klavier)
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Mod Miles finds everything funny :) Send me all the bonk memes you want they are hilarious I've actually saved them all.
This is no exception, I especially like the shine you've added to Bald Klavier's and Bald Kazuma's forehead, it really just adds that extra touch of cursed.
Image 2 of Engarde being bonked is just me @ him to be honest, that man has issues on the day to day basis I couldn't even comprehend him as a yandere I think it would scar me.
Klavier is definitely being bonked for exposing his (maybe non-existent but we'll never know) relationship with S/O all over the tabloids, he really just takes oversharing to a new level but what can I say, he's a Zoomer ✊😔
Poor Sebastian needs therapy more than anything else, that boy would just start bawling after being bonked, which is probably why he got bonked in the first place
Someone should tell that boy that emotional manipulation isn't very cash money.
Last but not least, Kazuma. I just wanna propose a further bonk possibility for him, that is via a bed post 😳😳😳😳😳😳.
He's definitely getting bonked for stalking S/O, I won't hear an argument against it. I'm right.
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
Okay related to the yandere kazuma request, imagine if he found out that his darling is actually dating naruhodo
The ironyy🚶‍♀️
-🐸 anon
There would be a brutal revelation. Poor Kazuma!!!!!
There would definitely be some best friends to bitter enemies trope to be written about in that scenario >:)
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
I just read your yandere Kazuma headcanon again and I can't help but think that he'd hug the eff out of s/o upon their fateful reunion instead of still appearing distant like in 2-3. Despite the yandere element, I believe it'd still be a sweet and wholesome scene between him and s/o ^_^ (Suzume anon).
!!! I love your thoughts Suzume anon!!
Please don't feel as though you have to take anything I say as absolute fact /gen
How I see and process things can be a bit out there sometimes so what you might see happen might be different to me. This goes for everyone.
A lot of why I'm insecure about my work is sometimes I feel like I don't get things right in the same way as other people can tend to come to the same conclusions and I don't always do that.
I do live for that fluff though, its really freaking cute, there's nothing like fluff to make your day better 😤🙏🙏🙏🙏
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yyxandere · 2 years
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☆ - Art Credits: 亜双義一真 | シニエ
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✧.* gender/pronouns ─ Female and 'she' 'her' pronouns
✧.* prompt ─ Kazuma Asougi Yandere Alphabet
✩.* note ─ I edited this and I had really hard time tbh to get his character right for some reason, maybe it is because I haven't written in a while or Kazuma's character is really hard to write ( ̄  ̄|||)
✩.* TRIGGER WARNINGS ─ TGAA 1-2 SPOILERS, Obsession, Unhealthy Thinking, Unhealthy Action, Delusional, Bl**d, G*re Mentions, Abusement of Power and Slicing of a person's body part mentioned.
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'*•.¸♡ Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get? 
• Kazuma may not look like it but he's extremely touch starved, all those years without his parent's warmth and growing up because for revenge made him make no time for others. Yes he have his adoptive family and Ryunosuke but that's not enough he needs more than them. 
• Kazuma will show his love at first by gifts and word of affirmation but in a really obsessive way. He'd give you about small things may it be a hairclip you saw at the market or a pin that fits your eyes he will buy it just for you, and little by little he will open up to you and with that will get touchy with you only in private obliviously. 
'*•.¸♡ Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling? 
• Kazuma knows that it's extremely wrong for him to do this, but he has to. At first he won't be messy, he'll try to take them to court and get them framed for a crime they have never done but if that doesn't work out Kazuma is already grabbing his sword or katana ready to slice a person's throat.
• This man can go from being soft but strict with you to slicing a man's body part just for you. If you ask him you're worth every drop of blood splattered at his clothes every time he does it.
'*•.¸♡ Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them? 
• He will treat you with absolute care, but at the same time slowing down and trying to sculpt you to be a perfect housewife. He's always saying that this is for your own good, and he's trying to loosen up the tension at your relationship. 
• Kazuma would never ever mock you after being kidnapped, it's actually the opposite, he's trying to calm you down, even though you're pushing him and crying for help.
'*•.¸♡ Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will? 
• Let's get one thing straight, he will never take advantage of you in ways that make you extremely uncomfortable or resent him, like he'll never ever touch you without your consent. 
'*•.¸♡ Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling? 
• Extremely vulnerable, he depends on you very much. If you weren't then, he should never even open his heart in the first place, so whenever you try to even escape he feels like his heart is shattering, because you clearly aren't vulnerable to him rather he is to you.
'*•.¸♡ Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back? 
• He's not surprised, he expected you to fight back someday may it be today or tomorrow but he feels betrayed. No matter how hard you hit and scream at him he will never raise a finger at you, he knows his own strength and he knows yours too, so he knows he can easily knock you out cold in just a flick of a wrist
'*•.¸♡ Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape? 
• Kazuma's love for you is no joke, he's deeply obsessed with you, he just wants for both of you to be like normal couples, so whenever you try to escape you'll always be pulled back by him, and with a deep shaky sigh from him, will he puts you back to both of your bed and chained up and left there for hours giving you a very stern talking while like a mother talking to their child. 
'*•.¸♡ Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them? 
• Him slicing a man up with his katana and letting the man's blood spray over your face and clothes, it was very much a gorey sight, you fell to your knees and started trembling, until he walked up to you, kneeled down to your level and wipe the tears -that you didn't even noticed- out your face and started kissing you all over you blood stained face, whispered how the man got what he deserves.
• That was the time you fully realized the power scaling between you and him.
'*•.¸♡ Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling? 
• All he wants is for you to be happy enough, and have kids of his own. From time to time he dreams of coming back from another day from court to see you cooking dinner and your children greeting him on the doorstep. 
'*•.¸♡ Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope? 
• Absolutely, everytime you even look away from his gaze for a millisecond, he's quick to grab his sword or katana and start slitting them.
• He tries not to let his emotions get the better of him, but if he does manage to get so angry or jealous he'd abuse his power.
'*•.¸♡ Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
• If he hasn't kidnapped you yet, he'll act determined and charismatic, that's enough to make anyone move their head and eyes to see him, and make you go awe. 
• After you were kidnapped, he'll actually be the same but less with the booming voice, stern but gentle with you, he doesn't want to scare you. 
'*•.¸♡ Love Letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling? 
• Kazuma is absolutely clueless about courting you, yes he read a few books about courting but him doing it makes him lose his calm persona, but he will and does always try to keep himself composes everytime you're near him, he does want you to look at him like he was some kind of prince charming. 
• He's also very nervous because he never felt this way, and so with that he ask Professor Mikotoba to make him a script so he won't mess up, so every time he's waking up he's going to rehearse what is written in the script, but when he sees you, he immediately forget everything what was in the script and suddenly speak really off handed compliments. (It makes him scream at his pillow at night.)
'*•.¸♡ Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else? 
• Not really, he wants you to love him and his true personality, so he won't really find a reason why he should have a different personality. 
• But when he still didn't kidnapped you, he did keep up a really great persona so you can ve withdraw to him.
'*•.¸♡ Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
• Like I said before, he tried his best to not let his emotions get over him, especially anger but he's only a human and he just can't keep his emotions on a leash forever.
• So his punishment is trapping you to a dark room, probably his basement where no one can hear your cry for help, he will keep you there until you slowly re-think all your decisions and try to agree to his little fantasy of his. 
'*•.¸♡ Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling? 
• Before it was only little things like, which friends you should only be seeing or which day you should be going outside. But after he kidnaps you, a lot of your rights will be discarded.
'*•.¸♡ Patience: How patient are they with their darling? 
• Extremely patient, he knows what he did -happening is a lot to take in at once, so he'll try his best to give you a lot of space and time to think and from time to time he'll push you to a mindset that this is normal or that he's actually a good guy and what you guys are experiencing is actually just rocky relationship. 
'*•.¸♡ Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on? 
• If you die in his watch, he's not afraid to put who ever killed you to be brutally killed, or if you killed yourself he will be stoic man and he'll never forgive himself after what happend and commit suicide he's may not show it but he's entire emotional dependency pillar is entirely in your hands and with your passing he just couldn't see a life without you.
• If you leave he will find you on his own with a little help from the authorities, he's a prosecutor, he can make any excuse and they would believe him in a heartbeat. Even if you "escape successfully" you'll never get rid of him, he will find you one way or another. 
'*•.¸♡ Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go? 
• Well at first he is, he just feels like everyday his ideal morality is fighting, but everytime he sees you, especially when your in such vulnerable state like sleeping or being sick he's obsessed side and his guilt slowly fades aways. Yes he's still sick but he think that he's doing this for you sake, (even though he knows that he's doing this just for himself for the sake of his sanity) so no he'll never let go of you no matter what. 
'*•.¸♡ Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)? 
• His childhood was filled with misery and suffering, each day after his father's death he was fueled by rage each morning, it was like a leech sucking his energy and optimism he has and its super tiring for him, so when he met someone who made those misery disappear from him even for a second, he'll never let go, and unfortunately you were the one who can only do that. 
'*•.¸♡ Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves? 
• Extremely guilty, he'll try whatever he can do to cheer you up, even though he knows that he's the one that because of your tears.
• When you try to isolate yourself he understands very much, and he'll give you all the time you need, so you can finally face him. 
'*•.¸♡ Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere? 
• • Well, he'll always try to change his obsessive mindset because he knows through experience what an obsessive mindset and lead and do to a man.
'*•.¸♡ Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape? 
• Pretend like you love him, be obedient to him, cook for him every time he comes back to him, and maybe he lets you outside with little worries because he thinks that you finally trust him, in other words, trick him with fake advances.
• Overall he is a very touch-starved man, give him the comfort he needs, ease up any problems and he will be under your hands.
'*•.¸♡ Wit’s End: Would they ever hurt their darling? 
• Physical? No but yes only when it's in the heat of the moment, but he will try his best to make it up for you. 
• Mentally? Yes, he'd downgrade your friends and make you lose contact with them he'd do it over and over again until their's no one his your life but him him only.
'*•.¸♡ Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over? 
• He would do anything, may it be forging evidence in court just for you, or getting a man slaughtered, he'll do absolutely anything for you.
'*•.¸♡ Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap? 
• He has long patience but he's human after all sooo..
• He does snaps at you, but not as bad as the time he snapped so hard that he was in a killing spree so hard that you actually had to use forceful means to do so, I don't know how you did it but you did it.
'*•.¸♡ Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
• He will try to do anything, for you to go voidless, but he knows that one day you'll go to a blank slate, so each day he'll do absolutely anything to keep you sane and happy.
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writemyaceattorneys · 2 years
Hi! Can I get some headcanons for yandere Van Zieks and Kazuma dealing with a darling who's ignoring them or being as apathetic towards them as possible
Sure thing anon!! I'll tell you I was a little stumped with this one for a while, its definitely hard to write about such an uncooperative S/O, but I really enjoyed the challenge and while I definitely didn't lose my wick as much as Van Zieks and Kazuma would have, I was getting there 😂😂
Also I didn't know if you wanted me to write for DGS 1 Kazuma or DGS 2 Kazuma because I feel like he has a lot of character development, so I'll write for DGS 1 Kazuma
Potential Spoilers: Dai Gyakuten Saiban (The Great Ace Attorney)
TW: Yandere behaviours, Outdated attitudes, Attempts of manipulation, Emotionally abusive behaviours
🍷 Barok van Zieks 🍷
🍷The idea of S/O ignoring him is a sure-fire way to test his patience and if S/O thinks that complete apathy would somehow make him change his mind and let them go, they are sorely mistaken.
🍷He understands that there has to be some kind of “settling in” period, but no matter how hard he tries, he cannot understand why S/O has resorted to such immature behaviour.
🍷At first, he might just think that S/O is just a little quiet. He’s sympathetic to the fact that it’ll take a little time for them to get situated.
🍷He would try to converse with them, to make them feel more comfortable around him. He’d discuss the estate, his childhood, his feelings, and of course he would be quick to bounce questions in relation to S/O too.
🍷But when S/O blatantly ignores his attempts at conversation, that’s when he starts to feel a little frustrated.
🍷It seems that no matter how hard he tries to play nice, S/O isn’t going along with it so he eventually resorts to scare tactics in order to create any kind of response.
🍷Barok truly loses all dignity during these attempts. He’d burst into S/O’s room in the foulest of moods, ranting and raving directly at them as he searches for any kind of reaction, in these moments of desperation he would rather invoke fear within S/O, just so he can get any sort of ledge in.
🍷Much to his disappointment, S/O would just continue to give him the same blank stare and neutral expression and it would only feed his fury further.
🍷He’d give up eventually, trying to scrape together any remainder of his dignity and self-respect, only to then (in his eyes), completely emasculate himself before S/O.
🍷He begs S/O to talk to him, to give him any sign that they are even listening to what he’s saying.
“My lamb…Please, I beg you. Could you not give me any kind of recognition? I am truly trying my hardest to maintain your favour.”
⚔Kazuma Asogi⚔
⚔While Kazuma isn’t too happy with this outcome, he definitely handles it a little better than Van Zieks would. 
⚔He feels a strong sense of duty to protect S/O, whether or not S/O wants to talk to him or acknowledge his existence won’t change this fact.
⚔Of course, he would far prefer to have S/O’s favour, especially if they are also a member of the Imperial Yumei University. 
⚔He would ask S/O why they ignore him, if he has done something to offend them then he would do his utmost best to earn their forgiveness. However, when S/O’s response to his line of questioning is to pick up the pace and leave him in the dust, he’s going to panic.
⚔Chances are, S/O is trying to ignore him because of the rumours they’ve heard about the fights that he has with other people to defend their dignity.
⚔If things don’t get any better, Kazuma might enlist the help of his dear friend, Ryunosuke to find out why they aren’t too keen on him. 
⚔After learning about S/O’s reasoning, he would be far more careful and calculated in his attempts of “protection”. 
⚔The rumours of his fighting would be quickly overshadowed by his accomplishments, he is still an exemplary student afterall.
⚔Only time will tell as to when S/O will eventually forget about the rumours they’ve heard and begin to speak to him once more, and if all else fails he would definitely not be above pulling some strings to have S/O be invited to travel to London with him.
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
Imagine yandere barok, ryunosuke and kazuma with a s/o that always gives him bento box it will be so cutee aaa❤❤
🐸 anon who's having a barok,kazuma ryunosuke and sherlock brainrot
🐸Anon that is the best idea ever 😩💓👍
Catch these looking like actual requests, I promise they aren't they're just what come to mind first!
Honestly this/these poor S/O('s), they've gotta deal with a yandere when they are just too good for this world
Honestly, both Kazuma and Ryunosuke would obviously just see the bento box being held out to them and be so shocked. Obviously, they'd know the intention behind it and they'd be so touched.
Ryunosuke would be very flustered, especially if this is based at the start of our journey with him in DGS 1, he's pretty uptight at first but he'd take that bento and just melt. Also he'd rush to show Kazuma because he's a nerd and he'd take his sweet time to eat the bento when it comes to having lunch.
He'd also absolutely try his darned hardest to make a bento for S/O but probably fail miserably. S/O would still eat it though and that would just make his life.
Kazuma will take the bento with just as much awe as Ryu, although he's a lot more composed. He'd thank S/O for making such a lovely bento for him before going to work or to the University, but we all know that he'll be anticipating his lunch break all day.
Barok 😀
Barok what to say about this one huh. So first up when S/O approaches him as he's getting ready to leave for work with a box he's gonna ask them what they're doing. S/O would explain and he'd take it with some reluctance.
I think he'd be more concerned about the fact that S/O made this food themselves, he's got staff to make his food so he'd be of the belief that worrying about such matters is below him, and by extension, below S/O.
I mean don't get me wrong, he'd eat the food and hell he'd enjoy anything his darling made for him because I'm pretty sure that every Ace Attorney x reader blog I've seen is in mutual agreement that he's a simp
but the meaning behind making and gifting bentos to people that you care about is going to fly straight over his head.
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
Imagine if Japanese darling saying something in Japanese to ryunosuke and yan barok is just seeing it happend and is jealous that he doesn't know what they're talking about
and kazuma is kind enough to translate it
Kazuma translating:"Mr van zieks, is a very handsome man he truly caught my personal interest, you could say that I fell for him, but he is very vile and mean to the same nationality as us, I don't really think it will work if he keeps being vile"
-🐸 anon who's very sorry if she keeps your inbox full
🐸anon, don't worry about filling my inbox :) I know how to manage myself so fill away. My inbox will always be open for people sharing their own ideas and if that ever changes I'll be sure to make sure everybody knows.
Honestly though, S/O would probably find a lot of solidarity within Ryunosuke and Kazuma. Especially if it means that they can complain about Barok's attitudes with people who are also on the receiving end of such discrimination.
I am really not fluent in Japanese in the slightest and I'm too shy to ask someone I know who is so I'm not going to write any Romaji Japanese here, do forgive me for that.
Barok would be taken aback by Kazuma's translation and S/O might be a bit embarrassed if they found out that Kazuma told Barok what they said, but as a yandere he'd definitely be more fixated on the fact that they said that they've fallen for him over anything else.
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
I just got another idea so I'd like to tell you before it slips my mind! It's related to the sentience AU and here it's gonna go: s/o the player really loved Kazuma but they were aware of him being shipped with Ryuunosuke and Barok and the shippers made it look like he was genuinely happy with them. S/o was lowkey hurt but they loved Kazuma so they still wanted him to be happy with whomever he was shipped with :"D (Suzume Anon)
Aaaaaah S/O is so selfless 😭😭😭😭😭
This is the pain of all self shippers so I completely understand, I platonically love all of you guys you can ship with whoever you want (as long as its appropriate to do so 👀👀👀👀)
Kazuma would be devastated that S/O is taking a step back and would absolutely force glitches and text changes to try and stop them, he'd act coldly to his insentient friends just so they could see that he only had eyes for them.
If he can somehow find his way out of the console, then he'd absolutely do so, just to tell S/O how he feels about them in "person".
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turnaboutyandere · 3 years
This isn’t a request (yet) but how da HALE have you gotten next to none for Kazuma?!?! The yandere potential for him is sky high
You are absolutely right and you should say it, Anon.
I think the reason I haven’t gotten more than one request for Kazuma is because DGS isn’t that popular in the AA fandom, and most people only care about the original trilogy/Phoenix and Miles. It’s incredibly disappointing but hey, what can ya do?
I’ve at least got a song for him in the yandere AA playlist, though, so you can check that out if you haven’t already. And ofc, I look forward to getting your request! Just make sure to read the rules and all that jazz and you’ll be good to go 👍
- Mod Dollie
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