#yandere jega rdomnai
yanderes-galore · 2 years
Romantic/Platonic Jega 'Rdomnai (Halo) with Prompts 23, 46, and 51 from https://www.tumblr.com/yanderes-galore/692127983521169408/panthers-yandere-prompts (the prompts you made and linked in your pinned post, I didn't know if they still needed to be linked); maybe a darling who was at the wrong place at the wrong time if you still need more to go off of?
You see, I've been obsessive about Halo lore lately because I'm reading the books so I'd love to do a Halo request ^^ My prompts were used for this if people wanted to know! Darling is human as I crave Alien/Human content. Not a spartan, however, sadly for you.
Yandere! Jega 'Rdomnai Prompts 23, 46, 51
"You're crying... come a little closer, I'll make it all go away."
"Even monsters can love, can't they...?"
"I'll chase you down like an animal if I have to."
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Stalking, Murder, Manipulation, Threats, Human/Sangheili pairing, Blood, Mass death, Sadism, Implied forced relationship, Abduction.
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His own species and clan cast him out long ago. He had used cybernetics and tossed away his honor for the thrill of the hunt. Now he feels at home with the Banished.
'Rdomnai lives for the hunt. He loves the kills and he adores the chase. He's known as a 'Spartan Killer' for a reason, after all. Those humans are the best to hunt.
The humans would fall on this Ring. They don't have much of a fighting chance. Which is why they made decent prey for the blademaster.
He loves the fear that radiates from prey. Normally he picked the strongest, Spartans. However, if none were around... he picked at random.
He likes to see them struggle.
That was when 'Rdomnai first met you. A seemingly weak human he loves to stalk. You never saw him due to his superior cloaking technology, but he was there.
He saw how your muscles tensed when he was nearby.
Are you eager for the hunt too, human?
'Rdomani's favorite part of you is how you cling to survival. It's intoxicating to watch you, even more so when you fight against the Banished for your life. He should be helping them...
Yet maybe he's testing you.
'Rdomani had to learn to be patient with you. With his cloaking on he wished to observe you and your potential. His mandibles tremble at the idea of getting close to you.
You sparked something within the Sangheili. A strange feeling that he should not have towards human prey. He's surprised he still had it in him.
He felt a craving for companionship when watching you.
You must be good prey if you make him feel like this. Perhaps he didn't feel anticipation at killing you. He was excited to feel your skin in his claws once he catches you.
Was this love? In his twisted mind it might be. He doesn't care too much for the reasoning of his hunt.
He cares only about securing his prey.
The Sangheili waits until you leave your group to strike. You were tasked to find supplies and oversee a marine group. Such a mission was a death sentence all because you were sent on it.
How's it feel deep within you to know that?
Do you feel guilt when he reveals his blades? Do you feel helpless when he ruthlessly kills your people by sinking the plasma blade into their searing skin. Maybe you feel nothing but shock...
All due to the gnawing fear that eats at you as he steps closer, cloaking tech off with his skin covered in blood.
The blood of your people whom you were supposed to help serves as a reminder for your failure.
"I've been waiting for our game, human."
"Spartan killer..."
"That is one of my well earned titles, I'm happy you know that. You should know you're lucky."
"Lucky to die by you?"
"Perhaps... unless you know how to keep a hunter entertained."
The hunt begins once he cloaks away.
Watching you stumble as you run makes him laugh. He'll exhaust you like a predator. All the while he taunts you.
"Slow down and I'll catch up."
He drags a claw on a tree to startle you.
"I'm going to catch you..."
The sound of a plasma sword strikes fear in you, your adrenaline at an all time high.
"I'll chase you down like an animal if I have to!"
His little game ends once you're lost and tired. Despite imminent defeat... you crawl to hide. You still cling onto the idea of survival like he thought you would.
You're completely unaware he's standing over you.
Watching the color drain from your skin brings him joy. If they still made spartans he's sure you'd be molded into a great warrior. However, fate is not so fair...
He can see the desperate tears in your eyes.
"You're crying... come a little closer, I'll make it all go away."
You expect the sword to come out and flay your flesh. You back up, shaking your head. He only follows closely.
"No... please...!"
"Your pleas are pitiful, human. Stop your tears."
He steps on your pelvis, clawed foot keeping you still.
"I said you're lucky. I'm not going to kill you like the rest."
He sees your eyes glimmer with hope before being shot down when he grins.
"I'm going to keep you."
You struggle under his foot, trying to pull off his leg from you. His strength was crushing.
"I don't only like the kill of my hunts. Trophies are nice too. You'll be my newest toy."
He leans down, arms on his supposed knee.
He eases his leg off before grabbing your arm and pulling you up. You swear it nearly popped out of its socket.
"Maybe you'll break... maybe you won't... that doesn't change a thing. This will be my mercy to you."
"Even monsters can love, can't they...?"
"Love...?" You spat. You glare at the Sangheili with eyes still glistening with tears. "You don't know love."
"I suppose I don't."
'Rdomnai hums before pulling you closer.
"I do hope you intend to teach me then, human. It'll keep you alive longer than the rest."
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