#yandere hotd headcanons
aphroditelovesu · 9 months
Yan!Parents Daemon/Rhaenyra Targaryen Headcanons (Platonic)
❝ 🐉 — lady l: Are these headcanons good? I don't know, but I hope you like it!! Forgive me for any mistakes ;) 🩵🤍
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, overprotection, mention of death and murder, unhealthy platonic relationships and messy writing.
❝🐉pairing: platonic yandere!daemyra x gender neutral!reader.
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Rhaenyra and Daemon were looking forward to the arrival of their first child. Daemon already had two daughters and Rhaenyra her three precious boys, but they were very eager for the first fruit of their marriage to be born.
The day Rhaenyra gave birth to you was one of the happiest memories of her life. The pain of childbirth was excruciating, but when she could hold you in her arms, it was all worth it.
Daemon actually sobbed when he held you for the first time. You were so small, so innocent and so perfect. He swore to himself that he would do anything to be good to you. You would be loved and adored forever.
They are both extremely overprotective and possessive over you. You are their child, you belong to them, so you should not associate with anyone they do not approve of.
Any friends you may have will be investigated by Daemon and if he finds anything that displeases him, that friend will disappear from your life. He is not objective, if that person's great-grandfather was an bastard, for example, that means they will never be good to you. And you deserve only the best.
Rhaenyra not only agrees with this, but encourages her uncle-husband's actions. You are her baby, the most precious person in her life and she only wants the best for you. She will give you the best, she knows what is good for you. After all, mom always knows best, right?
Your older siblings would also have developed their own obsession with you, encouraged by their parents. It didn't take long for the Velaryon brothers and Daemon's daughters to become completely attached to you.
You were not only your parents' obsession, but also your siblings, meaning you can bet no harm would be done to you. You were spoiled and protected, the apple of everyone's eye in Dragonstone.
Whatever you want, you will have. Rhaenyra and Daemon are completely soft when it comes to disciplining you, just one puppy look and they will forget everything. You are their child, you could do no wrong in their eyes.
Everyone is instructed to spoil and protect you, the servants, the guards and your brothers will do so willingly too.
Daemon is very possessive, he feels entitled to you because you are his child. He will kill anyone who looks, says, or even breathes wrong at you. There's no way he's going to let anything happen to you.
Rhaenyra is more controlled, but she is still a dragon and you should never mess with a dragon's offspring. She loses all her senses, her reason when something happens to you. Even if it's a paper cut, she will go into a frenzy of rage.
Any love interests or suitors will also be dealt with quickly. They won't allow you to get married, no one will ever be good enough for you.
If something were to happen to you, gods be good, for the true fury of the Targaryens would be revealed. They will burn, kill and destroy everything in their path for you. All that matters is you, the war will be forgotten by you.
And when it was just ashes and the smell of blood and death was in the air, they would be satisfied. Daemon and Rhaenyra will go to extremes for you. You are their baby and no one, absolutely no one, can change that.
Daemon and Rhaenyra will not lose anyone else, not their child. And when the war for the Iron Throne begins, you would be locked in and protected the entire time. Your parents love you and would do anything, but they don't know boundaries or privacy. It doesn't matter, after all, they are your parents.
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yandereunsolved · 5 months
Thicker than Dragons Blood - ,, yandere Daemon Targaryen pining over Rhaenyra's friend
tw(s): yandere themes, suggestive themes (slight nsfw), grooming, dubcon, purity culture, misogny, stalkholm syndrome
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✧ It all began the day that both you and Rhaenyra met in the nursery. Without the ability to speak, only to wail and babble, the two of you were instantly the closest of friends. There was no place where she went that you weren't either. You balanced out her reckless and bratty behavior. She wasn't the best friend to you, but you were stuck to her hip. You always took the fall for her so that she could keep her reputation untarnished. In those moments, you forgot your standing as a child of a noble—a Lord or Lady of a house standing strong. You always gifted her little things that you found as reminders of your bond. She paid you back through adventure and gossip. Occasionally, she would gaslight you if you heard something bad about her, but who wouldn't? She couldn't lose her best friend.
✧ In the back of those red-tinted memories was Daemon. Whenever he happened to be at the Red Keep, he always kept a close eye on what transpired between the both of you. At first, he saw an opportunity to stake his future claim as king by marrying Rhaenyra. Although his eyes always wandered to you. There was something about you that was just so innocent and corruptible. As you grew, so did Daemons intrigue with you. It soon ignited into a fiery infatuation, burning brighter than any flame in Old Valyria ever could.  
✧ His interest, a word far too shallow to explain his attraction, was not unnoticed by your father, the head of your house. Daemon had many talks with your father. Your father did your best to sweet talk Daemon, but obviously he was able to see through it. He didn't need any convincing. That's how he became your tutor. He would spend all his free time dragging you away from Rhaenyra, forcing you to learn whatever he felt like teaching you that day. He wanted to cause a rift in your relationship with her. He was also beginning to feel possessive over you. Why has his neice caught your favor and not him? He could not allow this seemingly 'platonic' relationship with Rhaenyra to further escalate.
✧ The content of his teachings would seem less than savory to most. You had just barely risen past the age of a blooming maiden; that makes you fair game, correct? When you were in your younger years, he never taught you anything that could cause rumors to spread. After all, rumors in the Red Keep spread faster than a dragon's fire. He needed to make sure that you were old enough to keep your mouth shut. He needed to make sure that your age wouldn't be a problem. An age gap wouldn't cause rumors, but a child noble engaging in intimate acts like an adult prince? Unthinkable. He wouldn't ruin his reputation because of that.
✧ However, no gap in age or experience could stop him once you were old enough to be considered of age. He began teaching you the finer things in life, like how to please a man and how to please yourself. You were naive. You didn't know more than how a babe was made. You didn't realize everything was so complicated and embarrassing. He always stifles your moans during your private 'tutoring' sessions. He encourages you and tells you how good you are being. He speaks dirty words in your ears in High Valyrian. He gives you an extra reward if he can see you recognize some of the words in his teachings. It's an addiction for him. He can't get enough of your body and your figure. You had grown into yourself. It was a sight no other whore's body could even begin to match. The gods must have gifted you to him after everything he has done for the kingdoms.
✧ He gives you 'homework' and does more than just scold you if you don't complete it to his liking. Most of the time, he just enjoys watching you. Even after all his teachings, you are still so inexperienced. He hasn't taken the final step with you. He wouldn't take your full maidenhood yet, no. He simply couldn't. Not for any moral reasons. He just wanted you to keep your virtue a bit longer. That's one of the things that attracted him to you in the first place. He would have immediately taken any other slut, but you weren't that. You are a god(dess) among men. You deserve a romantic night filled with passion. A night where he can put a babe in you, fertile or not.
✧ As you began drifting away from Rhaenyra due to your tutoring sessions with Daemon, you were confronted. She clung onto you with tears in her eyes and asked why you didn't care about her anymore. She silently begged and pleaded for a good reason. Then she became enraged. She slapped you and demanded to know once again why you were drifting from her. 
"Is it because of my uncle? Is your knowledge truly worth more than our lifelong partnership?"
You couldn't tell her the truth. You knew what you were engaging in with Daemon was scandalous. If you told Rhaenyra she may hate you, or even worse, use it to blackmail you so you are always by her side. You made up some flimsy excuse. You just said that you were insecure about always being near her, and Daemon said that she didn't like you anymore. That part about Daemon was partly true. He has been whispering lies to you about your relationship with Rhaenyra for years now. For better or for worse, you both are still as close as you were during your younger years, if not even closer now.
She finally calmed after you made your excuse. She didn't question its validity. She was just happy to finally have you back. She made you promise to stay away from Daemon as much as you possibly could. So, you did. Who were you to disobey the command of a princess, your closest companion?
✧ A sense of shame and dread fills you. You don't need a tutor anymore. After an hour-long argument with your father, he finally relents. He threatens that if their house falls out of the Targaryens good graces because you refused to be tutored by Daemon, he'll sell you out to a pleasure house. He didn't know how hard that hit you. You felt impure. You enjoyed what you did with Daemon. Why is that wrong? You were taught only to find pleasure in your future spouse. You found pleasure in him, and look where it got you. A strained relationship with your best friend that you had to fix, and your father threatening to sell you out to a whore house.
You feel like you are being attacked from all angles. Daemon begins to stalk you to get your attention. That's what you can call it, right? Stalking? You swear he's following you, even when he isn't. You thought you heard the guards speaking about reporting back to him. Something just feels more off about him whenever you get near him. Your mind began to repress all the memories of your intimate moments together. You just felt so confused, so lost, and so paranoid. Nothing felt right. You could barely remember your own name. At least you'll be able to find a suitor soon. You'll be able to put this all behind you. Not if Daemon has anything to do with it.
✧ After a few months, everything seems to be back to normal. There are no more of those weird tutoring sessions; you have rebuilt your relationship with Rhaenyra, and you even have some decent choices for a future spouse. You did have to carry on the bloodline as the eldest, after all. 
Daemon, however, was far from 'normal'. Not that he ever was. Over those few months, people could notice the changes in him. He became more unhinged, erratic, and easily angered at the tiniest of mistakes. Behind closed doors, he was drinking all of the spirits he could get his hands on. He was spending triple the amount of time at brothels that he usually did. He forgot about everything else, except for the problem of the bronze bitch in the back of his mind. You were nothing like her. You were like a precious piece of jewelry made out of the finest gold and precious metals that were melted down by a dragon's breath. All he knew was that he needed to court you. 
Not even commanding the Nights Watch could tame the beast within him. He flew Caraxes to contemplate. He would eye over where, somewhere off in the distance, you were in the castle. You were probably spending time with his neice, or gods forbid, another man, one of his men that he commands. 
He's just never wanted anything more than you. He knows you aren't his kin or his blood. He knows that marrying you would be an impossible task. It would mean decreasing his chances of taking the throne. You had something, though; you had the Targaryen spirit in you. He could feel it every time he touched you. He could feel the heat simmering just beneath the skin. You were worthy of his seed and worthy of carrying his kin. He could always bribe one of his family members to use as a surrogate in case you have male genitalia or are infertile. Your babies would still be pure Targaryens that way. It just disgusts him to have to think of impregnating anyone but you.
✧ You had a tournament in honor of Rhaenyra finally being old enough to be courted. It was one that would end on a much lighter note, as opposed to the last one, which ended in her mother's death. It was partly your tournament as well. Well, that is what Daemon thought of it as. He would fight for you, and you alone. He understands that voicing this would be improper. You do see it in the way he glances at you while fighting in the rounds he is participating in. When he is not, he's staring into your soul. His eyes never leave your figure. You feel queasy; something is even more off about him now. Your ex-tutor didn't have any feelings past merely using you as another one of his flings; you tried to assure yourself. Only when the last round of the tournament was to commence did he ask for your favor instead of Rhaenyra's.
The crowd was shocked; some gasped, while others questioned the meaning of this. Was Daemon choosing you over Rhaenyra due to the infighting over who was to be the true heir of the Iron Throne? Was he simply being contrary, as always? Or did he want your favor because he harbored more than platonic feelings toward you?
It was unheard of, as it was customary for Targaryens to only ask for the favors of their family members.
He did the tournament. His actions made clear the message he intended to send; he did it for you. 
Rhaenyra wasn't pleased. She threatened her uncle behind closed doors to stop hitting on her best friend. He laughed it off. He taunted her.
"As if there is anything you can do about it. They want me. They crave my touch."
✧ You only tried harder from then on to separate yourself from him. You purposefully avoided him, and it only became harder to do so. It was as if he had memorized your schedule by heart. Little notes and gifts began to be left on your bedding. They weren't signed, but you had a suspicion that it was Daemon's doing. You tried to express your concerns to your mother and father, only to be given a dismissive response. You tried to confide in your siblings, but your female one(s) only giggled and swooned over him. Your male one(s) simply huffed and waved you off, half-heartedly saying that they'd offer you some protection against the prince if the time came. 
✧ You try to confront him. He admits that the gifts were from him. He doesn't admit the extent of his infatuation for you yet. You already seemed adamant on avoiding him. Scaring you off wouldn't do him any good because he still doesn't have a strong hold over the council or his brother. He promises to stop gifting you things and back off if you just do one thing with him. You reluctantly agreed without knowing what he was planning. If you knew it was to ride on Caraxes with him, then you would have simply walked off and not given his compromise another thought. 
✧ You were intimidated by dragons; dare you say fearful of them. They always seemed to be able to pierce one's soul with their eyes. You refused to be near Rhaenyra's dragon, Syrax, for that exact reason. Now you were within ten feet of one, and you were practically trembling. Daemon was positively ecstatic underneath his facade of poised indifference. He would be able to exert control over you because of his title of dragon rider, if nothing else. 
Syrax seemed like an innocent hare in comparison to Caraxes.
However, you surprisingly felt safe as Daemon placed your hand on Caraxes's scales. There was a certain vulnerability in Daemon's eyes that you had not seen before. He seemed to treasure these moments. Caraxes almost seemed to... like you? The dragon could sense his riders affection toward you. In turn, Caraxes felt the same need to protect you and be gentle. The beast even allowed you to scratch under his chin, a purr-like reaction emanating from his long throat. It was like nothing you had ever experienced before. 
☾ The ride was breath-taking, both figuratively and literally. That's the only way you can describe it. It was the first time you felt safe around Daemon. He was in charge of making sure you felt comfortable in the air, his arms possessively at your sides as he controlled the reigns. He could feel your relaxed muscles against his toned chest. His heart swelled even further with an all-encompassing ecstasy that he had never had the pleasure of feeling before. Caraxes responded to both of you with a comforting roar, somewhere in between intimidating and reassuring. You had never felt true freedom in your life. For once, you felt it, even in the arms of someone you could consider an oppressor. 
☾ You were aware of his wife. You knew that these strange feelings Daemon harbored for you had to be temporary. You at least admitted to yourself that he did hold some sort of romantic attraction to you. He admitted the least of it. Still, you fooled yourself into thinking they were temporary. Not just a fling, something more intimate but less binding than a marriage. Even with this knowledge, even after being introduced to Caraxes and riding him with Daemon, your hesitance was still fully rooted within your heart and mind—your soul. He took advantage of you before. You shudder at the thought. You enjoyed learning those things, but were you truly able to consent to them? You were of age. You push it away within your mind. It is the deepest reason for your hesitance, but you didn't want to think on it. Thinking of your tutoring sessions with Daemon only proved to fill you with heat and shame simultaneously.
☾ You chose to do your best to shake all of the invasive thoughts from your mind. You spent as much time as you could with Rhaenyra. She looked at you with such love and cowered behind you whenever things got too tough. From the shadows of the small council, one man in particular envied your relationship: Otto Hightower. He has taken to calling you 'Daemon's whore'. He has been the one since the beginning to spread whispers amongst those in the court about your loyalty to the crown.
Would you choose Daemon over Viserys?
That was a question many asked with their eyes and not their tongues. It was humiliating. You don't even want to associate with Daemon, and yet your time as his student has left your reputation forever scarred. Not to mention how many times you have chosen to state that Rhaenyra's mistakes were your own, for the sake of your friendship. Even with the whispers, it was not enough for Otto. He needed them to be screams. He needed everyone to see you as the whore you were! He has never grown soft towards you because of one simple fact: you threaten his entire plan for his family's ascension to the throne. Alicent has never been able to catch a Targaryen's attention, yet you are the best friend to one and the whore of another.
☾ It was a mistake for you to align yourself so closely with Rhaenyra. She ranted to you about what her fears were and how terrified she was at the possibility of not being the sole heir. You had to listen while Daemon plotted at Dragonstone. You hadn't seen him since the day you rode Caraxes with him. That was well over half a moon ago by now. You were relieved to finally be rid of his presence. Only you thought so. When the gods rose the moon high into the sky and nestled the sun beneath the cusp of the earth, he returned to you. That very night, after Rhaenyra had left your chambers, Daemon had snuck in. He surprised you and urged you to hush yourself.
You had no choice. He led you to the empty cradle, where the last heir passed after living for less than a day. There was a dragon egg in it. He whispered to you about all the things he wanted to do to you. He made a promise that one day your babe would be in the cradle, with his features and your personality.
It felt like a dream you would have after a fever. You still can't be sure it happened. After he left, the realm of dreams tugged you in once again. You woke up, and no trace of him was there. Daemon was getting bolder in his advances toward you. He still feared scaring you off completely, but he has to take what is rightfully his. He is the heir to the Iron Throne, after all.
☾ Years passed, and you grew older. Daemon was off fighting a war in the Stepstones; Alicent gave the king a male heir with another babe on the way; and Rhaenyra stuck closer to you than any tree sap could. Otto was less of a thorn in your side these days. As this time passed, you were plagued with tragedies every time you tried to take a lover. You were the eldest, and yet you were failing your house dearly. They tried their best to get you courted as well. Your entire family was just perplexed. Every suitor you were supposed to marry showed up dead before your wedding day. Were you cursed by the gods? It couldn't be Daemon, could it? It was so far away. He couldn't simply be orchestrating this while so far away.
It simply left you in tears every single time. Rhaenyra was your only solace. She grew more bratty and defiant of her father. She refused to marry that Lannister fellow. She rejoiced when your newest one came up dead. She couldn't help but smile. She didn't want you to get married and leave her. You both were meant to be companions. You are companions, the closest of them. 
Still, your soul was aching, and your body was deprived of something it yearned for. 
Were you really missing Daemon's odd behavior?
No, never.
Well, maybe.
☾ You didn't realize that perhaps you were even worried about him until he returned to the castle. It felt like a piece that had gone missing had finally returned. The king, his brother, was thankful for his submission and offered him one thing behind closed doors. What was that one thing you ask? Your hand in marriage. When Daemon strolled over to you and told you this, you were flabbergasted, even bamboozled. You couldn't just marry your best friend's uncle. 
☾ You tried every excuse under the sun. You tried to say that you weren't up to the Targaryen standards of beauty; he said that you were created by the gods, so graceful and divine. You brought up the fact that you had no blood tied to Old Valyria; he stated that your soul was that of a dragon, more than worthy of his hand. You tried to reason with him by saying that he had another wife who he already struggled to take care of. That angered him. 
"Don't ever speak about the bitch again, dear. Understand me?"
She died as you would learn later. Some sort of riding incident that led to her demise. You offered your condolences to Daemon. He laughed and said that he'd happily spit upon her rotting corpse. He didn't need to lie to you. He also wasn't compelled to tell the truth when you didn't ask for it. He'll make sure the whispers of him murdering his wife never reach your ears.
☾ Rhaenyra simply shrugged and thought that you marrying her uncle was at least a close match for her. She would still be able to speak with you. You would now be closer to her! She wasn't ecstatic, but pleased—maybe even smug. Whatever negative feelings she had toward her uncle being around you were clearly resolved. It only struck terror in your heart. 
☾ Your family would help, right? No. Such a laughable thing. They were overjoyed. They also told you not to screw it up. Talks of the heirs you two would produce, the tie to the Targaryens bolstering your house's status, and many other reasons you didn't care to listen to.
☾ You were—are trapped. You were to marry a man that you couldn't make up your mind about. It could be worse. Every strange thing must have been because of the gods, right? If only you knew the lengths Daemon went to marry you. The people he threatened, the people he beheaded, the poisons traded in markets that aren't pure of heart but dark and foreboding. He finally felt at peace. So did Caraxes. Your family would be so perfect. He could already see you holding a babe in your arms that he had bred into you. Is this what you truly want? Or is that hesitancy in your soul still strong enough to pull you out of his hold and help you escape him?
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greycloudsinwinter · 5 months
Hello. The headcanon you shared for Maegor was great. Can you write more yandere Maegor? The reader got married Maegor and the reader is the only wife who gives birth to healthy children.
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🔪he married you because of his deep infatuation with you . To be honest he just wanted to be with you .
🔪he wanted a child so desperately and if the gods gave him one he would treat the child with such care and dedication no one could say he was a bad father.
🔪when he hears that you are pregnant it’s a mixture of pure love and worry.
🔪because of the worry he hides you away from everyone ESPECIALLY his wife’s in fear they will kill the child inside you .
🔪out of love he gives you anything you want a beautiful cradle with hand crafted dragon on it a symbol of the babes inheritance when it’s born.
🔪when you are in labour he becomes distraught unsure what to do he barks orders at the maesters to make you better. When you scream in agony he tries his best to soothe you by whispering words of inspiration and encouragement.
🔪when the babe is born and starts to cry he CRIES . He never thought he would feel so content before he loves you more then ever and the little of bundle of joy you have is now his most prized possession.
🔪after the first babe he waits before he tries for another not wanting to seem greedy or anger the gods .
🔪but after you give birth to another child that’s it . All the other wives are executed and you are his only wife …
🔪you will probably have 10 to 13 children so be prepared because now you have gifted him with this bundle of joy . You are going to give him many MANY more .. just a warning
Thank you for this request ❤️❤️
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br0kenangel · 2 months
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ㅤㅤ ˑ𝅼۫ ⃝𔒱 ㅤ𓈒ㅤ🧸 ۟ 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝓻֗𝓴𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝒾𝓈ㅤ⟅ ㅤ𑁍ㅤ ͟
ㅤ ㅤ ꪆ۟ᰍㅤ𝅼ㅤ𝒶𝓯𝓻𝓪۫𝓲𝓭 𝓸𝓯 𝒶 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓶𝓮ㅤꕮ
𝔂𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓶𝓪𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓱𝔂 𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓻 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ⪩⪨
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𝘛𝘸: 𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘣𝘪𝘢𝘯/𝘣𝘪 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳, 𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘯, 𝘥𝘳𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨
MINORS DNI. If you guys didn't watched The Jetty, then please go watch it because it's so good. Anyway English is not my first language but I hope you enjoy.
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You were Amy's friend.
You were beautiful and so, so naive.
You think you’re subtle, but he can see it.
He can see how your doe eyes light up when you gaze at Amy, how you fidget when she inches closer, how you struggle to smile every time she kisses him.
He thinks you’re adorable—like a fragile flower, blooming in a field, waiting to be plucked.
He knows that you don’t like him, maybe even hate him. But that’s okay; he can always find a way to get what he wants.
It started slowly—a question here, a compliment there.
Then he became bolder. He started touching you, came to meet you when you were alone, showering you with gifts that feel more like shackles than tokens of affection.
It's too easy to get closer to a lonely, sweet thing like you. He’s sure you don’t have any friends other than Amy.
And you’re confused. Why is he paying attention to you? Why is he being so sweet?
You don’t like him. You don’t like the way he treats Amy. You don’t like his voice. You don’t like his face. You don’t like how Amy chose him over you.
But... for the first time, it feels good. It feels good that someone is noticing you, going out of his way to see you, trying to understand you. It feels good when he listens to you.
It feels even better when he smiles at you, like he’s genuinely happy to be with you. It’s as if he sees you—not the freak you believe yourself to be, but something more.
Maybe that’s why you trust him so easily. Maybe that’s why you let him in. Maybe that’s why you start to call him your friend. Maybe that’s why you told him your biggest secret.
But you’re scared of his silence. Is he going to be mad? Is he going to hate you? Oh God, what were you thinking? Of course, he hates you now.
The thought of him leaving you makes you tear up. But then he smiles just like he always does, and you break down.
He tries to shush you as he cups your face. He wipes your tears away and tells you everything is fine. That he’s here and not going anywhere. That he doesn’t hate you.
He kisses your forehead and lets you cry in his chest because that’s what a good friend does.
He tells you he knows a way to help you forget about everything. And you trust him—like the sweet, naive thing that you are.
But you should know better. You shouldn’t trust the wolf in sheep’s clothing. It’s your own fault for being so naive. Naive enough to take the pill that he gave you.
That’s what he tells himself as he strips you of your innocence. You don’t truly understand; all you know is that everything feels dizzyingly hot.
Your body is so soft. You taste so sweet. Your moans are music to his ears. You’re so perfect. So, so perfect. Better than Amy. Better than any girl he have ever fucked.
You look so pretty—almost angelic. And you will be his angel, the naive girl who stumbled into his carefully laid trap.
The next thing you know, you awaken in his house, naked, blood smeared between your legs, cradled in his arms.
Tears brim in your eyes. How stupid could you be? Trusting a man like him.
Before you can fully comprehend, he gently caresses your face, assuring you that everything will be alright.
You don’t want Amy to find out how her friend seduced her boyfriend, do you? You wouldn’t want her to hate you, right? Oh, you think she’ll believe you? Ah, you naive little girl, you truly believe Amy would choose you over him? The man she loves?
See? Everything is fine now; you just need to keep quiet and do what he wants. You wouldn’t want anything to happen to your sweet Amy, would you? Yeah? That’s a good girl.
And then you close your eyes when his lips touch yours.
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@br0kenangel 2024. Don't copy, repost or translate any of my works here or any other websites
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 2 years
Dark!Aemond Targaryen: Size Difference
Pairing: Dark Aemond Targaryen x (female) Reader
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
WARNINGS: Short reader; Non-con; Forced Breeding; Forced Pregnancy.
AN: I got inspired to write this out of nowhere. Please, reblog and give me feedback.
Aemond is absolutely infatuated with the way he towers over you. How the top of your head is barely able to reach his shoulder. How small and powerless you appear next to him. 
It fills him with flaming desire and possessiveness to see your small delicate figure next to his robust one. The things he could do to you, if only you were married already. 
He never skips the chance to ask your hand for one (or too many) dances, admiring the way his large hand envelopes your smaller one entirely and he can’t stop imagining how one single hand of his could cover your entire breast. The way you have to tilt your head upwards to be able to face him. 
The fact that he’s enamored by you isn’t missed by the court. Rumors and gossip of the young and fierce prince having fallen for you. Your parent’s are overjoyed when a marriage proposal comes for you and even though you're not certain about Aemond, you bow your head and accept your duty. 
Once you’re officially betrothed, Aemon will be much less careful when it comes to letting you know about his obsession for you. He’s always around you, continuously requesting your presence in the library to spend time together or summoning you for some supper together. 
His hand will linger around the small of your back for more time than appropriate as he guides you through the extensive gardens for a morning walk. His hands enveloping your neck as he presents you with a diamond necklace. 
If it’s a social event, Aemond will remain fixed by your side, a cold expression on his face as people approach you to speak. He doesn’t allow any man to ask your hand to dance, his eye squinting with annoyance if they dare to talk to you. 
Aemond swears that the day of your wedding is the most marvelous day he’s lived. Even though you hold a solemn expression, Aemond still adoringly gazes at you, your delicate figure on the gorgeous white dress making his cock painfully ache for you. 
That night, he’ll let out all of the filthy fantasies he’s been dreaming about. 
As soon as you get to your private chambers, Aemond is quick to rip you out of the dress, shocking you to say the least. He swallows all of your protests with an intense kiss, easily holding you down on the bed with his hands intertwining your own on each side of your head. 
It’s a struggle to fit his wide cock inside your tiny pussy and your wails of pain are more than enough to prove that, but he doesn’t stop. He can’t stop. 
You’re so tight around his cock that Aemond can’t pull away from you. He fucks you with rough thrusts that make the bed quiver, his hips continuously hitting you with immense force, causing shaken wails from you. 
He forgets about your pain, focusing on his own pleasure as he keeps thrusting you with long, deep strokes. His face close to your tear stained one, features contorted by pain as your new husband doesn’t seem to stop any time soon. 
Aemond is restless, fucking you several times over the course of the night, even though you’re sore and tired. You’re not strong enough to stop him and he won’t cave in. He fills you over and over again until he’s sure you’ve taken his seed, his babe growing inside you. 
In the morning, the maids are surprised to find you in a miserable state, dark bags and red eyes with the bed in a complete mess. But the way your inner thighs are covered in Aemond’s cum is more than enough to say everything. 
Needless to say that your wedding night won’t be the last, Aemond’s insatiable when it comes to having you. He can easily bend you down, forcing you into any position he wants as you’re no match for him. He peppers you in kisses, muttering sweet words as he fucks you desperately. 
Soon, you’re with child and Aemond is more in love with you than ever. It’s a dream for him, seeing you getting so big and fragile with his child growing inside you. That’s something he intends to keep doing for as long as you can give him babes. 
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pumpkinfyre · 22 days
The Realms Pearl
note: just a ramble on how I think the yandere! hotd cast would be with a darling who is daeron's twin sister ♡
warnings: yandere content, platonic and romantic relationships, darling is religious like her mommy, incest mentioned, aegon and helaena have the hots for their sister, lol, this is based on my oc daenys but is a reader insert for inclusiveness, spoilers for s2
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Viserys and Alicent are very similar in the way they treat her. In the books, we know that Viserys was very close with both of his daughters. He was a girl dad! He adores his youngest daughter, and she often reminds him of how Rhaenyra was when she was a child. He spends long hours in (Name)'s company, letting her read to him as he fiddles with his duplicate of Old Valyria. Once he gets much sicker, close to his death, she'll remain by her father's bedside, speaking of old stories.
Alicent, on the other hand, is fiercely protective of her youngest daughter. She adores both Helaena and (Name), so she keeps them both close to her. Daeron is sent away to Oldtown at a very young age, but Alicent chooses to keep her daughter in Kings Landing. Having her sweet girl sent away would destroy Alicent. As the youngest of her children, (Name) is kept safely away and rarely makes public appearances in court. It's her parents' way of making sure that she isn't corrupted by the politics of Kings Landing.
Her two older brothers, Aegon and Aemond, are tasked with keeping an eye on her when Alicent has things to attend to. Aegon is the more fun brother, always helping his little sister to sneak in the kitchens to steal a piece of cake. He's especially funny, never failing to make (Name) laugh. As they all grow older and mature, Aegon becomes very dependent on his sister. His relationship with their mother is strained, and after being married to Helaena, he feels isolated and odd. Aegon turns to his youngest sister for comfort and companionship. His feelings for her perhaps go deeper than a sibling bond, but it never goes farther than that. Aemond is similar, but he's more of a stick-in-the-mud. He's less inclined to give in to games, like his elder brother. He absolutely adores his baby sister, of course, but he focuses more on her protection than her happiness. Once the Dance begins, she's locked in the Keep and not allowed to mount her dragon, Grey Ghost. Aemond takes on the role as her protector, and in doing so, he is less kind.
Helaena is the closest with her sister. Helaena is the second oldest of Alicent’s children, and as such, (Name) often goes to her older sister for advice. Once the twins are born, (Name) spends even more time with Helaena, as she absolutely adores her niece and nephew. Jaehaerys and Jaehaera are always with her if they're not with their mother. Helaena loves her sister. I think her feelings would be similar to those of Daemon and how he felt about Viserys. Helaena sometimes wishes that she were born a man, so their mother would allow she and (Name) to marry each other. Helaena daydreams about living a quiet and peaceful life with (Name), and even after the death of Jaehaerys, she keeps her sister very close, fearing that someone will kill her darling.
(Name)'s twin brother, Daeron, sends her letters from Oldtown on a constant basis. While they were separated when they were very young, she sometimes travels to Oldtown on Grey Ghost to visit her brother and uncle Gwayne. The letters often consist of how Tessarion is growing and how he wishes they could be together. Gwayne tries to convince Alicent to let his niece stay in Oldtown for the benefit of Daeron. Gwayne and Daeron plan to move (Name) to their home once the war is over.
Kings Landing obviously isn't safe!
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this is such a ramble, but my mind is reeling from s2
( :゚皿゚)
who else is super excited for daeron and tessarion ♡♡♡
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missglaskin · 2 years
Meant to be mine 
Excuse me for the horrible smut 
Tags: Soft dark!Jace OC, mentions & descriptions of parent abuse, character death (poison), childhood to lovers. EXPLICIT: Titty sucking, breeding kink (if you squint), creampie, tummy bulge (mention) Jace really taking after his parents 
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The dragon runs in his blood. Jace won't give you up for anything, even if your hands belong to another. 
To marry well. A constant reminder of your obligations as a lady. Prepare to be disappointed. It's rare for love to blossom in such unions. Marriage is a trade more than anything-whether it's for a shipping fleet or an ally. How foolish of you to think your fate would differ from any lady.
How you've dreamed of having your 'protected' cloak placed around your shoulder to be the sigil of a three-headed dragon. Anticipating facing the man you've known for years. Instead, your 'protected' cloak's sigil is one of a golden lion and your wedding vows are exchanged with another. 
Before the feast could begin, the doors opened, and everyone turned. Seeing the royal family ascend made your breath catch in your throat. They weren't invited. You were certain otherwise their upcoming presence would have been the talk around. Casting a quick glance over your shoulder, seeing your father's enraged face. Jakob Lannister, your newly husband, looked stunned.
Arriving with her husband Daemon by her side, Rhaenyra appears to be as gorgeous as ever. The rest of her children follow after. Your gaze is drawn to Prince Jacaerys. 
Rhaenyra greets your father first, complimenting him on how lovely the wedding seems. She raises the corner of her mouth to smile, but her eyes remain cold. Her eyes warm when she turns to face you. “My dear Y/N.”
Her hand reaches for your necklace-an embroidered lion. "You look as beautiful as ever-we were so excited to have you in the family," she says as her eyes catch your father's. "But alas, I am sure Jakob Lannister is one lucky man to have such a lovely bride."
You mutter your thanks to her as she gives you a gentle kiss on the cheek. Leaving your side, her family follows her. Jace follows. His hand brushed against yours. Your eyes never leave him until your father grabs hold of your shoulder. Your father's hold grows tighter, reminding you of your position. Your duty. 
The family had no seat as no one anticipated their arrival, still the servants rushed to grab seats for them. The other lords and ladies glare at the family when they choose the table closest to yours. 
You and your husband are sitting next to one another. And you repress the urge to look over at the table. The ominous presence of your father serves as a reminder of the consequences if you dared to look. 
When the two approach your table, you try to conceal your surprise. It's Daemon and Jace. For some time, Jace and you just stare at each other in silence. Daemon nudges him to reality. "I'm happy for the two of you," Jace finally speaks with a smile that stops short of reaching his eye. 
“May your marriage be long and fruitful,” he says with almost clenched teeth. Your husband thanks him, oblivious to the tone of voice. With his hands behind his back, Daemon amusedly watches everything that was happening.
Jace looks in your direction and says, "I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to take your 'newdly' wife for a dance." Jakob nods. You wonder how gullible a man can be. Standing up and crossing over the table to accept Jace's hand. 
You hiss at him, "What are you going?" as the two of you descend the hall's steps, but he feigns innocence, "I have no clue on what you're speaking of." You join the other dancing lord and ladies. "Don't play me the fool, Jace," but when you feel your hand on his waist, your words are caught in your throat. The jerk knows what his touch does to you. 
"I'm a married woman now," you continue in a firm tone. Try to have him take this matter seriously. Yet Jace keeps looking at you with the same burning gaze. Stop looking at me like that. You wanted to tell him. Or else you'll crumble. 
His face is much closer to yours than it should be, and his hands are placed much more intimately than they should be. Your gaze turns to your father, who appears indignant over what he is witnessing. It shifts to your newly husband, who is speaking with Daemon, who has now moved to his side where your seat once was. Daemon seems to congratulate him? Is this the same man you've met before.
'Focus on me, not them,' a hand reaches for your cheek, nudging you to look at him. With his breath nearing your lips, you try to warn him, "Jace.". Eyes widening. He wouldn't do it, would he? Certainly not in front of all those people. 
He whispers, "You were meant to be mine, my wife, my sweet wife," one inch closer and his lips will touch yours. Everyone is too absorbed in their dancing, in their drinks, in their conversations to notice the intimate moment between the two of you. He was going to do it. In front of all those people. And the worst thing of it all. You won't try to stop him.
Then your father's voice booms across the court, signaling the start of the play. It was far too early; you frown. But you understood why your father had done it. The crowd starts to scatter, and it took some resistance to escape Jace's tight grip before anyone had the chance to focus on the two of you.
Upon seeing your father's rage, you hurriedly got back with your husband after tremblingly climbing the few steps. The play opens with a man who can allegedly spit fire and swallow a sword. The stunned crowd gasps, but your expression remains the same; unable to concentrate.
As per usual, your husband continues to be unaware of everything, too occupied with drinking his wine. Then it happens. Your husband starts to choke, but everyone is too preoccupied with watching the play to notice. Patting his back and trying to give him more wine, assuming he must have choked on his food.
The coughing, however, only gets worse, and soon he is spitting out the wine. Few around him begin to turn. Your husband is bending over, grasping the table. His cough grew louder and more started to notice.
He stands shakily, revealing his face. You couldn't help but shriek at the sight and now everyone's attention is on you both. His face is fully red now, and some sounds are heard, but he's unable to speak. Unable to breathe. He stumbles, knocking a few things off the table. Then he drops to the ground.
You hear Daemon shout, "Someone help him, you fools," and when guards and members of his family run to help him, you are shoved aside. Covering your mouth at the graphic and horrifying sight of Jakob trembling on the floor, grabbing at his throat, gagging, all the while trying to gasp for air. 
An arm reaches out to you, leaning you on their chest to avoid looking at the scene. Having been in his arms so often, you recognize it to be Jace. Looking up at him-you see his gaze at the sight. A blank expression on his face. No shock. No worries.
Then you hear the cries of grief—Jakob is dead. All claim to be poisoned. Many cooks and servants have been interrogated, and some hanged. Jakob Lannister had few enemies, leaving the one who caused this to remain a mystery. 
What a cruel joke the gods played on you—to marry and be a widow on the same day. You can see the pitiful looks of everyone in attendance at his funeral. And hear the murmurs when you turn away from them. The word "curse" said more than once.
The royal family was present at the funeral, as they were at the wedding. Jace is leaning against the wall with his eyes on you. He is near his great-uncle, or should you say, stepfather. Prior to your arrival, the two appeared to be speaking. Rhaenyra steps toward you, hugging and telling you what a tragedy it is, that if you need any help, Dragonstone will welcome you at any time. 
As time passed, you grew tired of having everyone's sight on you. So you leave, descending the stairs. No one stops you. No one questions where you’re going. As you make your way outside a little further, you are now walking alongside the beach, feet near the water. Holding onto your shawl as the wind blows. 
A touch is felt on your shoulder causing you to jump only to relax when turning to see seeing its Jace. There is a brief silence as the two of you stare; the longing in his eyes is still there. "You grieve for him?" he asks. In regards to the black cloth covering your shoulders. You shake your head. 
"It's custom, Jace," you say, as if it were the most obvious thing. "There's no need for that with me," tugging on your shawl, letting the wind carry it. It falls into the water and is soon lost in the depths as the waves move it back and forth.
"Jace!" You reprimand him, already annoyed at him for that show he put on at your wedding. In the early morning, before the funeral, your father screamed at you for it. Many assumed your teary eyes were you mourning. 
He grabs you as you try to move away. "You're terrified of him." He knows it's your father who opposed the marriage. Your father was a good friend of Lord Hightower, and you often heard his disdain for Rhaenyra. In some instances, you heard him even refer to Jace as "prince strong."
Despite knowing in your heart that you would have married Jace the moment he got down on one knee, you argue that it’s not just about father." Then what is it, he asks. "Jace, marrying you means one day becoming the queen," you tell him, hoping he understands. But the only response you got was an “And?” 
Your father's words are now echoing in your head and you utter them word by word to Jace. How he deserved someone far more worthy, more strong-willed, more powerful. You were neither of those. 
But Jace only shushes your words, holding your face in his hands. He speaks praises of you. How he believes you’ll make a good queen. You find it hard to believe. Then he says, "You're perfect," and it's difficult to accuse him of lying given the way he's looking at you.
He gazes at you with so much love, and before you know it. He kisses you. Oh, how you missed his lips, reaching your hands to the nape of his neck, returning his kiss with eagerness. This was wrong. But could you bring yourself to care when feeling his hands roam your body. 
His lips leave yours soft and swollen. Grabbing your hands, kissing both of your knuckles. Then placing them on his chest, "It's beating for you," he says, "Only you." You found yourself inching near him, closing your eyes when your head lay against his chest. 
You love Jace, truly love him. You love the smile he gives you when you enter the room. The way he surprises you with your favorite flowers. The way he pulls the seat out for you. The way he listens to all your rambles. The way he dries your tears. Would you have ever gotten that from Jakob or any other lord your father tries to marry you off.
On the other hand, you truly despise your father. Never understood and made an effort to learn the language of girls. So badly he wanted a son. Still, you thought you'd make him proud, being the ideal daughter, always obedient and polite. 
So when you ask your father one thing-just one thing. To marry the prince and your father threw the offer in your face. Now you can rest easy, not caring about his disappointment any longer.
"Marry me." You finally utter the words. Whispered so low, but you could tell he heard them from his hands slightly tightening their grip on your sides. Opening your eyes to face him, "Take me to Dragonstone, make me your wife, Jacaerys." And now it’s you who leans in, grazing your lips over his while gently yet firmly holding his cheeks.
Jace returns your kiss intensely, desperately moving his mouth into yours; pouring his entire soul into it. His hands are back to exploring your body, holding you to him as humanly possible. A desire runs from your heart to your inner thighs.
He pulls away and you try to reach for his lips again, but he steps back. You're slightly perplexed when he starts to remove his cloak. Moving further away from the waves, he lays the cloak on the sand. 
And the realization suddenly dawns on you. Here? Now? Even with the possibility of someone finding you. You cast your eyes over the distance where the funeral is still taking place. Still, you take Jace’s hand. Fuck it, you thought. 
Laying your back on the cloak as he climbs on top of you. Feeling his nose nudging yours, you couldn’t help but smile and he returns it, kissing your nose. You tilt your head to allow your lips to meet again. 
Then you sensed his hand reaching for the back of your dress as his fingers roughly pulled the strings holding it together. Your dress descends, revealing your shoulders to the prince. He presses a soft kiss to the skin exposed as he pulls the dress down further, barring your chest.
Your nipples harden when exposed to the cold air. Biting your lower lip at the way his eyes leer over them. No matter how many times he has seen them, he’s always entranced. With eyes closed, he takes one of your nipples in his mouth, tongue darting out to wet the bud before sucking lightly. Gods, sometimes Jace Imagines what your breasts would look like if your belly was round with his child.
You ponder what the people of the realm would think if their future king was ever found sleeping with a widow whose husband's funeral was only a short distance away. Discovered on top of her, his mouth on her chest. 
He closes his lips around your nipple as you exhale a low moan and tilt your head back. You’ve always been so sensitive to his touch as he was to yours. Low moans also slip out of his mouth, seeming to enjoy the act. Possibly even more than you did. Jace would be content to die buried between your legs or with his face between your cleavage. Either way, it’s heaven to him. 
Pulling away, his lips graze yours, clumsily reaching his hands down to untie his trousers. Hearing him curse while struggling to loosen the tight laces makes you chuckle. Reaching to help him, an embarrassed thank you is said under his breath.
Briefly sitting on his knees to pull the trousers to his knees; cock already hard. He pulls your dress up all the way to your hip, exposing your cunt to him. As he reaches down to take hold of the top of his head, slowly pushing it inward an inch at a time, his body rests on yours once more.
Synced moans escape the two of you as his cock slides fully into you. All while, Jace presses tender kisses all over your face. His thrusts are slow, trying to get you to adjust his size. Jace grunts aloud as your walls tighten around him.
You give thanks to the gods that the two of you are far away. You see him biting his lip to contain his loud moans. Still, they can be heard throughout the chilly air. His mind goes numb the moment his cock is buried deep inside of you. 
There are all sorts of words said by him; declarations of love, but all come out slurred as if he's in a drunken haze. His face is buried in the crook of your neck. Thrusting his body, his heavy moans are heard feeling his cock surge through your hole.
His thrusts are becoming sloppy. He's close. His finger moves down,  circling your clit, wanting you to feel the same euphoria alongside him. His cock is deep enough, you can feel the head touching your cervix. 
His lip begins to bleed between his teeth. He’s close. Yet he’s holding himself back, twitching inside of you. He wants you to reach your high first. Then when he feels your walls squirming. How fucking tight you’re. Louder whimpers coming from you. He knows you’re close, too. His fingers fasten in their movements against your clit.
An almost scream erupts from you as you reach your orgasm, eyes rolling back. Removing his wet fingers, leaving your cunt to your hips. Not even moments later, Jace came. Harshly digging his fingers into your hips, you were certain any harder and it would start to bruise.
His lips parted in almost broken sobs, chanting your name as though it were a martyr. He releases a spurt of cum, stuffing your cunt to the brim. A few more thrusts and Jace's body collapses on top of yours. Both bodies drenched in sweat even in the chilly air. 
The only sounds that can be heard are Jace's chest heaving and distant wave sounds. The side of his head is resting against your chest as you run a hand through his hair. I love you. He kept saying it almost as if it were a mantra until he became too exhausted to speak. For some time, the two of you remain in this position, soaking up the silence.
When it's time for you to leave, your thighs are trembling, sticky with dried cum. The two of you try your best to present yourselves as neatly and cleanly as you can. Your hands are intertwined with Jace's as the two of you approach Daemon and Rhaenyra.
The two knew everything they needed to know from both of your swollen lips, Jace's messy hair, and the sand stuck to some of the clothes and skin. As Rhaenyra beams a friendly smile your way, Daemon muses, "I can assume she accepted the proposal." Jace catches your confused look. Were they all on this. 
When it's time for the family to depart, you climb up atop Vermax while Jace holds you fast as the dragon soars overhead. You can just imagine your father's fury, his screams of rage, and the furniture he'll probably destroy in his way. You pity the messenger who has to inform your father about the wedding.
As you soar through the air, you ignore all of your thoughts when you feel the prince's chin rest on your shoulder. With the sun behind you, the wind blowing in your faces. Jace presses his lips to yours as you turn to face him and you part ways while smiling. 
After this, Jace is truly in debt to his stepfather.
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 2 months
Serial killer!Maegor Targaryen x Reader
A/N: Just rewriting and posting some old work
You always knew Maegor was different. From the moment he started stalking you in high school, something inside you stirred, something dark and twisted. He was older, much older, but it didn’t matter to you. You were drawn to him, captivated by his dangerous aura, by the way he seemed to know everything about you, the way he watched you.
He killed your ex-boyfriend who was trying to win you back. You remember the way Maegor looked at you when he told you, his eyes dark and intense. “He wasn’t good for you,” he said, his voice low and possessive. “No one will ever take you from me.”
He killed your teacher too, the one you had a crush on. “He looked at you like you were his,” Maegor whispered in your ear as he fucked you that night, his hand gripping your throat. “But you’re mine. Only mine.”
You never tried to leave. Even as you grew older, went to college, started a new life, Maegor was always there. It was never a typical relationship, but there was an unspoken bond, an understanding between you two. He didn’t need to live with you; he had cameras installed in every room of your house. He needed to know you were safe, needed to ensure your loyalty.
One night, you were taking a shower when he joined you. Blood smeared across his hands and body. He hugged you from behind, his arms wrapping around your waist as the water washed the blood away. “I took care of another one,” he whispered, his lips brushing against your ear. “He was no good for you.”
You turned to face him, the water cascading over both of you. “Thank you,” you said softly, your hands sliding up his chest. “Thank you for protecting me.”
His eyes softened for a moment, a rare tenderness showing through. “You’re mine,” he said, his voice husky. “I’ll always protect you.”
Sometimes, he would be gentle, the two of you lying together and talking about the future. “We’ll have a house in the country,” he would say, his hand tracing patterns on your skin. “Somewhere quiet and safe. Just you and me.”
But more often than not, your nights were filled with a dark passion. He loved fucking you with the murder weapon close by, the cold steel pressing against your skin. “This is what happens to those who try to take you from me,” he’d whisper, his breath hot against your neck.
You trusted Maegor’s judgment, loved him in a way that felt almost sacred. You pitied those who didn’t have a love like yours, those who couldn’t understand the depth of your bond.
When Maegor was arrested, it felt like a part of you had been ripped away. You tried to move on, even got engaged to someone else, but you always thought of him. Then the murders started again. At first, you thought it was someone else, but when your fiancé’s sister was found dead, tied up in the exact way Maegor used to tie you, you knew he was back.
You felt his presence everywhere, felt his eyes on you. You missed that feeling, the thrill of being watched, the excitement of knowing he was near. You craved him, but he was teasing you, taking his time.
On your wedding day, as you were on your way to the venue, you thought about Maegor. The car stopped, and before you could react, you were drugged and everything went black. When you woke up, you were still in your wedding dress, but the location was far from where you used to live.
Maegor stepped into view, a dark smile on his face. You ran to him, throwing your arms around his neck and kissing him passionately. “I knew you’d come for me,” you whispered against his lips.
“I faked your murder,” he told you, his eyes gleaming with a twisted delight. “Framed it on your fiancé. He’ll never bother you again.”
You couldn’t care less about your ex-fiancé. You were finally back in the arms of your true love. “Take me away, Maegor,” you said, your voice breathless. “I want to be with you, always.”
He smiled, a dark and dangerous smile. “You’re mine, and I’m never letting you go,” he whispered, pulling you into a deep, possessive kiss.
You felt safe in his arms, felt the dark thrill of his love envelop you. Together, you would forge a future, a life built on the twisted and unholy bond that bound you together.
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witchthewriter · 4 months
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝
Aemond would end up knowing more about you than you do. He's spent time watching you from afar for years. Learning about you from others; eavesdropping mostly.
His research started off as an interest... which grew into an obsession. There was something different about you. Different from court, from those that he encounters every day.
Aemond cannot stand it when another man is speaking with you. Oh he cannot stand it when you talk with women, with children, with guards or servants. He wants your attention on him. Always.
Roughened hands ring together as he stalks down a lit hallway. Footsteps echoing off the cold ground. His patch laying on his bedside table in his chambers.
Aemond had enough of watching you converse with others. He needed to get away. Far away.
Vhagar wouldn't be in the dragonpit; no one had even suggested it. She was much too large to even land on the sandy surface outside. But there was one place she did favour.
And within the hour, Aemond was on dragonback, his clenched jaw softening with every minute.
What was he going to do with you? He couldn't live without you. And he wouldn't.
Aemond was going to do everything in his power to make you his, and his alone.
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tamayakii · 1 year
Their Angel. Yan!HOTD x Reader
I've been having so many thoughts about yandere house of the dragon x reader, how the 3 big houses (Targaryen, Velaryon & Hightower) would fight for the darlings' affection. Platonic, Familial or romantic. I feel like they would, of course, all fight over what colours you would wear, what house you represent until a very annoyed and exhausted council member suggested white.
"like an angel," Viserys adds, it was said that the gods had sent you down to bless them so dressing you in white seemed the best option... but that didn't stop them from gifting you jewellery that had the colours of their house.
The Hightower jewellery had the most expensive Jade and Emerald on top of gold, these pieces can range from delicate rings to big statement necklaces that encompass your neck. Alicent prefers to give you these gifts in person, alone, perhaps in her or your chambers. Presenting you with the beautifully engraved box as she opens it, showing you a new necklace with a beautiful dark green emerald. Otto's gifts never cease to awe you in how quiet that man is in his actions, a small indiscreet box upon your pillow when you ready for bed. Inside lays a note, upon which Otto describes the moment he found this beautiful ring and knew he must get it for you, the handwriting almost as beautiful as the peridot ring you now proudly wear on your pinkie.
The Targaryen jewellery is almost always extravagant, having connections to get you the best out of everything. Viserys gifts you capes, crowns and veils but unlike the others, he almost always keeps them in white, unless they have jewels. His favourite thing to see you in is crown veils, the jewellery hanging down and framing your face makes you seem like you stepped down from heaven's gate. When Aemma was still around, she gifted you rings and earrings, she wasn't able to give you much before she passed in childbirth. So you hold these gifts quite dearly to your heart, always sporting the dark ruby red ring on your thumb, twisting it when you get nervous. Rhaenrya, oh dear Rhaenrya, she wanted everyone to know that you belong to the Targaryens. To the Blood of The Dragons, her first gift to you was a cloak clasp that show two dragons on each side, her second gift was a crystal bracelet that had a chain connecting to a ring, it was a simple design but by the gods it made you feel exquisite. There was one gift that set the nail in the coffin, it was a gift from Rhaenrya and Aemma, a dragon that wrapped around your neck. Signifying the hold that House Targaryen has on you.
The Velaryon jewellery is often pearls or other sea gemstones as they sit on driftmark and have a hand over the trading routes, Rhaenys upon her second meeting of you, gifting you a pearl ring slipping upon your finger herself. Corlys gifted you a relic that was been with the Veleryons for ages on your first birthday with them, the beautiful necklace made with blue topaz, moonstones and blue chalcedony, wrapped beautifully with Valeryon silver. Vaemond... never was quite as fond as you as his brother and sister-in-law were, you were no Targaryen or Velaryon but for small moments he forgot that and adored your sweet smile.
I would love to draw male and female outfits of what this au's darling would look like, i can also do a part two of the other things the other characters would give you as i excluded a lot as to not make this any longer than it is. Should i make a fic with this idea? pls send me an ask if you're interested in this au
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Being Alicent’s Hand-Maid, Who Captures Aemond's Attention
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She may become obsessed with you her handmaid and view you (in an unhealthy sense) as someone that belongs solely to her. Her affection would lead her to act in a clingy and possessive manner towards you in order to make sure you only focus on her. She could become jealous if you spend time with others, as this takes away from the time she wants you to spend with her. She may even go to extreme lengths to ensure you are not affected by any outside forces, such as hiding you from the public eye especially when fighting with the Blacks becomes too much
Alicent would be quite obsessive and overly protective of you. She would be constantly checking up on you and making sure that you are safe and taking care of yourself and she would be very possessive of you. Whenever you do something that she deems inappropriate or wrong, she would resort to extreme measures to try and punish you, regardless of the consequences of others thinking she's easier on you.
In terms of how she treats you like a daughter, she would be very caring and protective of you, treating you as if you were her own flesh and blood. She would be very concerned for your well-being and would do everything in her power to keep you safe and taken care of. She would also trust you with her deepest secrets and be open with you about her thoughts and feelings. In short, she just wants to treat you as if you were her own daughter and give you the same love and care that a good mother would.
If you wanted to leave and marry someone, she would be very devastated and jealous. She would try to convince you not to do it and explain to you why she thinks it is a bad idea. If you still insisted on going through with it, she would use whatever means necessary to destroy the rival and try to bring you back to her. She would also be very manipulative and try to make you feel guilty and responsible for hurting her. Ultimately, she would not let you go easily and would likely resort to extreme measures to keep you close to her.
Yes, if Aemond was interested in marrying her, I would definitely try to persuade her to do so. Aemond is a powerful and influential man, and marrying him would benefit her and our house greatly. Plus, having her married to Aemond would ensure that she stays within my sphere of influence. If she were to refuse, I would resort to any means necessary, including manipulation and emotional blackmail, to convince you to change your mind.
If Aemond was a yandere for you, then things would definitely get complicated. As a yandere herself, she will not give up on you easily, and neither would he. This could lead to a violent and dangerous competition, with the two yandere's going to any length to take you away from the other. She would definitely use her influence and power as Queen to gain the upper hand and get you back. But if Aemond is truly determined to have you, it would be very difficult to fight him.
If both she and Aemond were Yandere's for you, it would definitely be an intense and chaotic situation. They would be competing with each other for your attention, love, and affection, which could lead to violent and destructive confrontations. It would be a constant power struggle, with the two of them trying to one-up the other and gain the upper hand. It would not be a healthy situation for anyone involved, and it could eventually threaten the safety and well-being of the entire realm.
If Aemond were to become obsessed with his mother's handmaiden, I suppose he would start by watching your every move. He would memorize the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you carry yourself. He would take note of the small things, the little glances, the way you touch your hair. He would become fixated on understanding every facet of your being. He would also try to find ways to justify his behavior, to convince himself and others that the object of my affections was in fact meant to be his.
If you had wished to wed another, it would be a great injustice. He feels that you belong to him. You and he are bound by a deep and unbreakable connection. You are his muse, his inspiration. He will never find joy with anyone else. He will refuse all other mates until you come to your senses and understand that you are meant to be.
He would try to build a strong relationship with you. If there was a way to befriend you and earn your trust in a genuine manner, then he would try to find that way. He’d try to treat you well, make you feel special, and demonstrate his affection in any way he could. He would try to win your heart instead of forcing you into something you may not want. He would try to make it your decision to be with him.
He would attempt to win your heart. He would show you how much he cares for you. He would shower you with affection, gifts, and compliments. He would want you to see him as your knight, protector, and confidant. He would want you to know you are safe and loved as you could possibly be. And he would not want to let you go. He would not want any other to have you. He would want you to be his alone.
He would want you to be with him all the time especially after you are married to him. He would want you to be his shadow. He would want you by his side. He would want to hear your voice and see your face, see your eyes, and look at your lips. He would want to kiss you so sweetly. He would want to feel your breath upon his neck. He would want you to feel safe in his arms.
Once he has captured your affection, he imagines things could get interesting. There is the possibility that things could be a bit extreme. If you were not quite so keen on becoming his, he may have to take matters into his own hands. There is the potential you could get into some naughty behavior. If you were to resist… then he feels you might just need a little help submitting to the role he has chosen for you.
The next step in his mind would be to eliminate any possible competition. Anyone who may challenge his obsession for the handmaiden's affections except his mother. There would be no room in your life for anyone else. No one but him. It would be a rather difficult thing to justify, certainly. But he would find a way. He would make it his life's mission to possess the handmaiden, to make you his and his alone. To become the object of your affection and no one else. He would go to great lengths to achieve this goal. Nothing would stand in his way.
He would seek to find every possible way to spend time with you, perhaps by taking up some hobby or pastime that you enjoy and finding ways to participate in it alongside you. He would also begin to become increasingly jealous and possessive when you interacted with other people, especially other men. He would begin to worry that you may have feelings for someone else much like the person you were wanting to marry before him and does everything in his power to sabotage those relationships and claim you as his own. As time went on, his obsession would begin to consume his life and become his sole focus. He would become delusional, seeing himself as your one true love, the only one worthy of your affection.
Marriage with him as a yandere is rather intense. In some ways, it is rather romantic and passionate, as he would have an obsessive love for you. However, his possessiveness and clinginess could be smothering, and his moods might swing violently between love and hate. You would need to have a lot of patience and understanding to be able to cope. It could be a tumultuous relationship, but it could also be a deeply loving and fulfilling one.
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aphroditelovesu · 8 months
Hello. Yandere husband Aegon the Conqueror ?
❝ 🔥 — lady l: I love Aegon and I feel that lacks content for him, so I'm doing my part. I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of death and toxic relationships.
❝🔥pairing: yandere!aegon the conqueror x female!reader.
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Even though Aegon already had two wives, he still chose to marry you. People often say he married Visenya out of duty, Rhaenys out of desire, and you out of love. But what few knew was how much in love he was with you.
Aegon the Conqueror dedicated his love to you intensely and silently. Amid the challenges of the newly unified kingdom, your presence was his strength. There was no doubt who his favorite wife was.
Some said you were chosen as his third wife as a way to stake a greater claim on Westeros, still fragile after the Conquest. You were a good choice, you came from a good family and you had honor, which was enough for others, but Aegon was in love, he was obsessed.
He fell in love with you quickly, being enchanted by your manner, your personality and your beauty. There was something about you that attracted him and he knew he couldn't let you go. He wanted you to become his wife and so it was done.
Some expected reservations from his sister-wives, but there were none. Visenya and Rhaenys liked you and supported Aegon's choice. The preparations were made and you quickly married him, becoming his third wife, Queen and the one he loved most.
Life with Aegon brought joys and challenges. His obsession flourished even in difficult times, consolidating a unique partnership between you. The court commented on the happiness that emanated from the king when he was at your side, and the union between you strengthened the bonds of the kingdom.
He was a loving and dutiful husband, Aegon would always make sure that you were happy and satisfied and if there was something that bothered you, you should talk to him without hesitation. Your happiness was the priority for him.
Aegon pampers you without limits, bathing you in gold, jewels and silks, everything worthy of a Queen. Your whims and desires were met immediately. If you just wanted to eat cake for breakfast, for example, you would have cake every day.
Your husband always sought your advice, confident in the wisdom and vision you brought, your opinion was always considered the most important. The complicity between you was evident, and although it aroused envy in some, Aegon would not let them harm you.
You played a vital role as the king's advisor and confidant, contributing to the stability of the kingdom. Aegon, in turn, never failed to express his gratitude and admiration for the woman he chose as his Queen. He adored you completely, from head to toe and would make sure you knew that every night.
Most nights, Aegon spent by your side. He shared a room with you, unusual for Kings, but he wasn't just any King. He loved you more than anything and wanted you to know that. He loved sleeping cuddled with you, your legs tangled together and arms wrapped around you. Aegon feels at peace by your side.
The harmony between you, Visenya, and Rhaenys solidifies the strength of the Triple Crown. The three of you, the Three Queens, work together to overcome political and social challenges, uniting the kingdom under the symbol of the dragon. Your presence, as the beloved Queen, triggers a period of stability and prosperity.
Aegon is extremely overprotective and possessive over you and this only got worse after Rhaenys' death. He knows he would go crazy if something happened to you and he can't allow anything to happen. He's suffocating and will be breathing down your neck for as long as he can and will kill anyone if they cross you, if they cross him.
You are the only person who can truly control him and Aegon will be happy to let you do so. There is no doubt about who holds all the power over him. Aegon would do anything for you, he would kill everyone for you, slaughter anyone for you. Yours and yours alone.
Once Rhaenys died, Aegon's obsession only grew stronger, Visenya's as well. They lost someone important and not all the destruction caused is enough to make up for it, they couldn't lose you too. Aegon cannot lose you. May the gods forbid, but if something were to happen to you... The world will know the true fury of the dragon.
Your love with Aegon not only stood the tests of time but blossomed into a deep connection that inspired songs and legends. In the halls of the Red Keep, where the flames danced, it was clear that your union was more than political; it was a bond intertwined by the most darkest feelings. It was a shame the bards didn't know about his obsession.
Aegon loves you, he truly does, and although he may be consumed by jealousy and anger, he would never lay a finger on you. He respects you too much to humiliate you in such a way. After all, you are his wife and his Queen and his favorite.
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yandereunsolved · 3 months
Blood & Cheese Reborn - ,, yandere Aegon w/ an assassin reader
cw(s): yandere themes, child murder, mentions of sa, mention of miscarriage, descriptive gore, sadistic aegon & reader, degredation, suggestive themes (mild nsfw)
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𓍢ִ໋🀦 An assassin, the assassin as some would call you. No one was truly aware of your backstory. Some said you were a disgraced general turned mercenary. Others whispered that you used to be an executioner for the kingdom and went mad, turning you into a lunatic who maims and dismembers for money. There was debate on whether you were a man or a woman—perhaps a third gender. Were you tall or short, common or noble, handsome or pretty? You were a tale that was told to children at night to scare them into behaving.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 That is exactly why Daemon Targaryen hired you. He needed you to kill Aemond Targaryen, the one-eyed prince and kinslayer. It was simply a son for a son. You were paid handsomely for this killing—over six thousand gold padded your pockets. 
You knew a thing or two about these sorts of tiffs between nobles. You had to carve some nobles' wannabe rapists eyes out the other night. You weren't being paid for it; you simply felt the need to. A rumor turned into you avenging a young, sweet noblewoman.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 The night of your perfected plans was foiled by a rival of yours. 'King' Aegon was warned about Daemon hiring you, and dozens of guards were posted at each possible entrance and exit. There was only one way to get in, and that happened to be the room in which Helaena and her children occupied. You didn't regret what you did; you relished it. You giggled as the so-called 'queen' cried out for you not to slay her son. 
You didn't just kill him; you cut off all his fingers and toes and neatly lined them up next to his favorite stuffed dragon toy. You cut off Helaena's ring finger and did the same to her daughter. You kept them and later gifted them to Daemon and Rhaenyra. It was safe to say that you soon became Team Black's most sought-after asset. 
You never agreed to work with them, never pledged your loyalty; you simply were willing to work for whoever paid you the most.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 To say Aegon was angry was an understatement. Furious? Livid? Enraged? Irate? No, there was no culmination of words that could express how much Aegon wished to have you tortured, stripped naked, and displayed on a spike at the entrance of the castle for all to see. His fantasies ranged from sadistic to depraved. They were limitless. They took up all the space in his mind that was supposed to be delegated towards comforting his grieving wife and winning the war against the Blacks.
The only thought was to have you pay. It would be you first and then the rest. It had to be you. You committed the sin, so you must pay tenfold.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 He lay awake at night with his anguish and enmity the only ones keeping him company. He refused to look at his wife's face, so he moved himself to a spare bed chamber. He spent his nights downing bottle after bottle of wine. His eyes were teary and red, and the violet within them seemingly paled to a grey. His eyebags rivaled those of any grandfather, and his thirst for revenge was much higher than that of Maegor the Cruel.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 You visited every other night. You'd taunt him gleefully and always escape before any guards arrived. You always had a cloak engulfing your figure and a hood casting shadows over your features. You always sat on the edge of the window with both legs firmly planted on the ledge. Whenever he tried to reach out to touch you, you seemed to vanish. You never even entered the chambers. He could no longer distinguish whether you were a reality or just a visage of all his guilt and wrongdoings coming to seek retribution. 
𓍢ִ໋🀦 As the moons passed, the pressure on Aegon and Helaena to copulate increased. The man who was known to fuck multiple whores a night couldn't stand to touch his wife. It wasn't just the fear of losing another kin of his; it was also a certain repulsion. Her body no longer seemed like a viable option. Her curves and supple skin seemed so unappetizing. There was no urge to lick and bite to claim; he simply wanted her to stay as she was.
Helaena acted as if she were distressed at her husband's lack of motivation, but she was internally relieved. She doesn't know if she'll ever be able to carry a child again. She is already so much more protective over Jaehaera after Jaehaerys's brutal assassination.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 His cock ached, and the fog within his mind only thickened after each drop of alcohol he consumed. He had piles of parchment ranging from displeased smallfolk to plans of war. You hadn't visited him that night, and his entire thought process was only about you. He aimlessly palmed himself through his trousers and slipped into a dreamless sleep after. 
𓍢ִ໋🀦 His revenge was only able to fuel him for so long, and now his body is spent. He hadn't seen you in his window for almost a full moon, and he had begun to think that you had moved on. His heart broke more at the thought. He would never be able to avenge the death of his beloved son. He would never be able to carry the crown on his head without it weighing his head down to the ground. The war would be won by The Blacks, and Rhaenyra would sit on the throne. His family would die, and it would all be because he was too weak.
Like a dragon, he needed warmth, and it seemed as if he had been deprived of it for far too long.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 After two moons, you finally returned with that dreadfully melodic voice of yours. One leg was thrown over the side into his bedroom, and the other perched upon the ledge. His lifeless eyes barely opened until you ignited the flame within his belly once again.
"Did the little King miss me?"
No, he did not. He was simply worried that he had missed the chance for revenge. 
"I heard you can't get your dick up for your wife. You're even more pathetic than I thought you were. You'll never have another son to replace the one I killed at this rate. Such a shame. I was looking forward to murdering that one to!"
He shot out of bed and tried to grab a hold of your cloak. He merely stumbled and fell flat on his face.
"Stupid boy, you never learn."
Like the winds you moved. One moment within his reach, and the next, halfway down the castle wall, to only the gods know where.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 He's slightly ashamed to say that's the first time he's been able to relieve himself since his son's death. He imagined how you appeared and how you would look standing over him. That smug smirk on your features, the one so evident in your voice. Cock or breasts—both, neither, either—he didn't care. He was simply too willing to be looked down upon—just so he could titter and then slaughter you.
Filled with such conflicting emotions, two beasts fought over what course of action was needed. He would have to keep you for questioning, surely. If he killed you outright, then he wouldn't have a chance to know about his opposition.
He couldn't stop biting down on his lips to suppress his noises. He couldn't help the few tears that escaped the eyes that were temporarily a vibrant violet. He whined in a manner undignified and unbecoming of a king. Your title simply falls past his swollen lips with heavy breaths. 
"Stupid fucking assassin."
"Just an insignificant assassin."
𓍢ִ໋🀦 He felt invigorated for the first time since your appearance. His thoughts became more violent, twice as lewd. No one knew what happened with him that night. No one could know. His mother interrogated him, and he simply said that he made a change. Alicent did not buy that excuse for one moment but didn't press further. As long as he got his act together and ruled like a king, she was satisfied.
She did send Ser Criston to investigate, and he came back with a gash in his chest and a wound right above his navel, courtesy of you.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 She couldn't help but rush him to the maester. She doted on him after behind closed doors. He deserved it after everything he had been through. Alicent couldn't help but feel as if it were some slight towards her. As if this assassin knew her secret, her love.
"Ser Criston, it was that damned assassin that harmed you, wasn't it?"
"Yes, my queen."
She wished to blame Aegon. The assassin never seemed to take notice of anyone else in the family after the horrific tragedy of Jaehaerys's untimely death. You only seemed to harass her eldest son. She suspected it to be Aemond, who was your original target. Why not kill him now? 
She should chastise her son for not being more vigilant. He was the second most grief striken; he pledged revenge over and over, yet the one who committed the action always escaped him without so much as a scratch. She only lectured Aegon further and spoke about how he should rekindle his relationship with Helaena.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 Aegon could barely find it in himself to bed his wife. He was nearly being forced to do so by his court and mother, but he could only look at Helaena and see your hooded figure. He had never felt more fulfilled than imagining your body was the one beneath him instead of hers.
Helaena was absent as always, her mind drifting off into thoughts of the future. She did not mind Aegon's method, but she wasn't entirely enthusiastic about being put through it.
Something felt off to her—a foreboding sensation that crept from her stomach into her soul. It made her spine tingle. Her chest would tighten to the point where she was barely able to take a breath.
It was because of a dream she recently had—a reoccurring one. Someone else was cradling the dragon egg she promised for her next child, as it seemed that she would have to perform her duty and bear another. She could tell by their hands that it was not her holding the egg. The hands had many more callouses and a multitude of scars.
She only verbalized it to a single person.
They were a kind traveler simply passing through. She knows she shouldn't have burdened a stranger; they could have been a spy, but it just felt right to do so.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 It was the first time he had slept in the same bed as his wife since the incident. So, like a predator, you struck when he was vulnerable and spent once again. He can't lie; his heart palpitated and his violet pupils dilated due to more than just the darkness. He could feel his body flushing once again after being graced with the outline of your figure standing at the edge of his room. He dared not to speak first. For a moment, he wanted to drag you into this bed instead of tying you down and beating the answers out of you.
You could see the need in his violet irises. The draconic king was ravenous and wanted to devour you. It was so endearing. You were only here for answers, as always. Daemon eagerly shoved gold into your hands so he could receive the information you collected. It was a win-win. You got to play with the king and then go undercover for answers. You even caught a kingsguard the other day, the queens plaything. Now you get to see a mama's boy with a confused libido, all because of little old you.
"Is your precious wifey full of another of your kin yet? Did you enjoy it? Did you think of me? Oh, mommy~. You're just a love-starved boy, aren't you?"
How did you know that one word escaped his lips over seven nights ago? God's damn it. He meant nothing by it. It wasn't even directed toward the assassin. It wasn't directed toward anyone! He was so drunk out of his mind that he could have said something asinine, and you would have taken it as purely sexual.
He was stunned for a moment and then refused to speak. He wouldn't give you the pleasure.
"Baby boy is mad at his mommy, or would you prefer to call me daddy? You can call me that since you don't have one of those either."
You were gone, hurriedly this time. He just barely got a glimpse of your features being shone in the moonlight. He now had another problem to take care of, all thanks to you—stupid... person.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 It had been over eleven moons since your first appearance. Many people had fallen in war and illness; there were talks of King's Landing being taken over. Helaena was with child and then miscarried due to the stress she was under. His wife is now in a deep depression, and Aegon himself is struggling to keep the crumbling greens together. 
He could no longer say that he despised you, for he found solace in your mocking words. He needed to keep you in his presence. He needed to cage you. He needed to show you who you belonged to.
What if you left him? What if you decided that he had become too much of a bore? What if you chose to—what is he thinking?
This is all part of your plan.
You won't win.
You'll end up bent over the war room table, begging to be forgiven by him.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 That's what he thinks. It's what words he may dare to spill from his lips. He had to move to a separate chamber if he was to get back at you. It was the only thing that kept him sane. The thought of finally kneading your flesh and claiming it as his. To think of whispering tantalizing words into your ear, for you to whine and come undone as he has because of you.
His goblet is almost empty as the hour of ghosts arrives. You always appear at this time, until you don't. You turn up during the hour of the wolf, weakened. You have a hand clutching your side, and your breathing is ragged. There's a trail of blood marking the edge of the window. Your gloved hand was a deep crimson, leaving the prints of your agony behind on whatever you clung to.
He's half-clothed. He feels the urge to shed the rest of the layers as soon as he lays his eyes on you. His eyes were semi-lidded, and now they are greedily taking in such a precious sight. A gift from the gods.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 You collapsed on the stone floor before him. Your features are easily accessible for his consumption. His nimble fingers slipped the hood of the cloak off your face, and he felt as if he had won the war right then and there. 
"The blacks most valuable asset laying right beneath me. Do you regret your words now, ñuha sentys₍₁₎?"
Even your voice was hoarse, so soft and unconfident, unlike the tone you used to spit vitriolic words at him for so many moons. 
His hands were vigorously shaking. His mind began outpacing his ability to comprehend.
He had you within his grasp. What was he now going to do?
Lua ao, zȳhon byka ruarilaksa.₍₂₎
𓍢ִ໋🀦 He would later learn that there were rumors of you getting ambushed. You had come back to kill off his younger brother, and you were jumped by a group of mercenaries. He was unable to scavenge any further details of the fight, except for the fact that you became injured and still tried to follow through with your plan. Aemond stated that he saw your figure briefly. Aemond was speaking with another kingsguard at that time. Then you must have retreated to his room for some unknown reason. 
The story is strange, but considering the scarcity of true tales about you and your elusiveness, it isn't unbelievable.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 You would later be forced into some hastily thrown-together room in a secluded part of the dungeons. You awoke to the long gash in your side cleaned and bandaged, your limbs shackled, and your fine fabrics used to conceal yourself replaced with some useless, dainty nightgown. 
The dungeon room was mostly bare. There wasn't a guard to be seen, but you could hear the faint voices of at least two down the corridor. It had a cot with a blanket and a feather-filled pillow. An old rug was placed on the grimey stones. It left you with a bit of padding. The entire cell stinks of rotten flesh and broken spirits. 
You loved it.
It was the perfect place to escape from.
You just needed to heal and find some way to slip out of these chains. You could then steal a guard's uniform and get out of this horrid sleepwear.
It's so thin you can nearly your skin through the translucent cloth.
Damn king.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 You would not see him until the morrow. You broke your fast with a bowl of porridge and two slices of bread. You were given a glass of dry Arbor red wine. All the while, Aegon was staring at you with an expression you couldn't quite decipher. You weren't shy about scarfing down the food. You were irritated that he now knows of your features and perhaps others, but it wasn't the end of your career.
You have been known by many names in your years of assassinry. You have had to erase your past on numerous occasions.
It wouldn't be the first time you had to kill a king. It certainly won't be the last.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 This became a monotonous routine. Aegon would bring you your meals and you would eat them in silence. He never said a word to you. He simply stared at you, seemingly appraising you. You were still unable to tell his thoughts. You knew that he was wrapped around your finger. That much was made clear to you.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 Aegon kept every guard's mouth shut and didn't allow any of his family members to know you were down in the dungeons. They may try to kill you! Only he is allowed to decide your fate. After all, he is the true ruler of the Iron Throne.
He does suspect that Daemon and Rhaenyra will eventually notice your absence. He doesn't know the inner workings of your relationship with the Blacks, but you must be close enough to where they would become concerned.
He'd lie awake at night and think about it once again. There were so many things he could do to you that he became paralyzed by the opportunity before him.
He simply kissed his wife's head and made his way down to the dungeons once again.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 Aegon decided to do what you had been depriving him of for so long. He gives into that need for you, and you so willingly reciprocate. He gets lost in it. He almost loses his mind entirely. He can't decide whether he enjoys degrading you or being degraded by you more. 
It becomes a daily thing for him. An addiction that he doesn't wish to acknowledge or stop.
He never takes off your chains or gives you moon tea. If you miraculously bore his child, then perhaps he would let you.
Oh, it becomes a regularly occurring fantasy for him.
You bearing a male heir for him. The male heir that would replace the son you took. He would never allow you to have your child. He would raise it as if it was Helaena's. The look of anguish and the hurt in your voice to be denied the thing you created. It fills him with a crazed glee.
Perhaps you can't have kids at all, but it doesn't stop his dream of giving himself pleasure and making you suffer to the cruelest extent.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 He dresses you up in the skimpiest and frilliest things he can find. It's partially for his viewing pleasure and partially so you won't have anything to escape in. It's safe to say that it never stays on you for very long. 
Anything to remind you that you're beneath him.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 He uses you as a release for all his pent up emotions. He shares random things about himself and his day. He asks you questions about yourself and hangs onto every word you say. He no longer sees your jabs at him as hate filled; no, they've been playful and loving all along. You just wanted his attention. That's why you've done all these unforgivable things.
You're insecure.
He understands that. He needs to pay more attention to you.
So he carves his name into you with his precious dagger. He marks you in any way that pleases him; he loves to keep them fresh. He just needs to make sure that you know who you belong to. 
He doesn't want to see you getting into a tizzy and attacking him again, even if it excites him.
𓍢ִ໋🀦 Since capturing you, the progress of the opposition has slowed. He has been winning numerous battles. The Greens have gained significant ground.
Who are you, truly?
How big of a part have you really played in this civil war?
He has to know. So he goes back down to the dungeon with an even more urgent need for information. 
You're gone.
"Mittys, mittys, mittys! Eminna zirȳ arlī. Nyke'll emagon se guard's bartos bona ivestragī zirȳ henujagon!"₍₃₎
You only left a hastily scribbled note with a few barely legible words on it.
"𝘜𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨."
— 𝘈ō𝘩𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺𝘴₍₄₎
ᝰ translation(s) ᝰ.ᐟ
1. ñuha sentys = my killer
2. Lua ao, zȳhon byka ruarilaksa. = Keep you, his little secret.
3. Mittys, mittys, mittys! Eminna zirȳ arlī. Nyke'll emagon se guard's bartos bona ivestragī zirȳ henujagon! = Idiot, idiot, idiot! I will have them back. I'll have the guard's head that let them leave/escape.
4. Aōha sentys = Your killer
𖹭 tag: ( @eexphoria ) 𖹭
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greycloudsinwinter · 2 months
Hii, could you write a Yandere Jacaerys Velaryon with a Targaryen reader? (the reader is Viserys and Alicent's daughter)
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🌊 you were the second daughter to alicent Hightower born after aemond . Alicent often spoiled you since unlike your other siblings you were close to normal. Normal in being that you didn’t cause trouble or rumours.
🌊your half sister rhaenyra had brought up the discussion of your betrothal to the small council. Alicent desperately tried to keep you away from your half sister and her plain featured sons however failed to do so and as a way to repair the family you and your nephew jacaerys would wed on your sixteenth name day.
🌊jacaerys wanted a marriage full of love and trust so he tried to find out everything about you. however he didn’t know was doing this would cause him to fall into a pit of infatuation.
🌊his obsession grew quickly and just as quickly as it came the stronger it grew. He began to become possessive demanding that as his future bride you should only be around him and no others since they could taint you. He even brought it up to the council staring alicent in the eyes as he said “I would not want my future bride to be tainted by I’ll willed men and bastards” leaving alicent in a fit of rage . As she knew and everyone knew who the true bastards where in king’s landing.he was left successful so you are no longer around any others other then him and your mother…
🌊he forces you to wear red all green is burned in your wardrobe.
🌊anyone dares look at you will be fed to vermax under suspicious circumstances that they had somehow made there way to the dragon pit and went to see a dragon.( they didn’t jacaerys forced them to go down there and vermax feeling his riders feelings did as he was told ).
🌊as soon as you are married he takes you to dragon stone there you can only have his company he doesn’t allow you to have maids he says “I can’t trust them with you you far to important to me “.
🌊he wants an heir really bad so he gets to work if you can’t have a child for some reason he blames it on your mother and the greens .
🌊he does spoil you loads by giving you jewels and trin keys that you may not need but looks gorgeous.
🌊if you have a dragon he will not allow you to ride it he will only allow you to ride with him on his dragon.
🌊if for whatever reason you have to go in public he showers you in pda and I mean SHOWERS you.
🌊when the dance of dragons begins he is frustrated and the news of his brothers death just adds to it . He will be furious and throw tantrums and will say things like “your lucky little star I got you out of there when I did !” And “now can you see why I must keep you here in this room those ignorant usurpers are traitors and would’ve tainted you without a single thought… I saved you “
🌊he will guilt trip you and manipulate you with every trick in the book until your truly obedient for him don’t get me wrong though he will 100% be loyal to you and anything you wish is yours there are only two rules :
1. Stay with him
2. Don’t ever try and leave him.
🌊he is 7/10 not the worse yandere to have but definitely not the best . Overall good luck …
Thank you for the request ❤️❤️
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br0kenangel · 2 months
┊ㅤㅤㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤㅤㅤ┊ㅤ┊ㅤㅤㅤㅤ┊ㅤㅤㅤ ♡ㅤㅤㅤ ┊ㅤㅤㅤㅤ┊ㅤ┊ㅤㅤㅤㅤ♡ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ♡ㅤㅤㅤ ┊ㅤ♡ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ♡ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
*ㅤ ── ୨ 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐒 ୧ ──ㅤ *
⌗ 𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓱𝓬 ⁝ 𝓦𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓱𝓾𝓻𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾? ( ♱ )
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ㅤ ㅤㅤּ ᵎ ˳ ⊹ 𝓪𝓮𝓰𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓰𝓪𝓻𝔂𝓮𝓷 ۫ 𔓗 ۫ ﹫
He does, but he can’t understand that he’s hurting you.
He may threaten you, but he would never do anything that actually hurts you.
The problem is that he doesn’t know the difference between good and bad.
He can’t understand that his actions can be harmful.
He doesn’t see any problem with forcing himself on you.
He’s delusional.
He doesn’t see it as punishment but as a reminder that you love him.
He’s not rough; he’s very gentle with you.
He thinks you’re crying because of pleasure.
He kisses your tears away and tells you how much he loves you.
ㅤ ㅤּ ᵎ ˳ ⊹ 𝓶𝓪𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓱𝔂 𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓻 ۫ 𔓗 ۫ ﹫
He does, and he means it.
If you try to run away from him, he's going to punish you.
Other than that, he's always gentle with you.
He doesn’t feel guilty.
He thinks you deserve it, and it’s your own fault.
He’s the type to leave you alone in a dark room without food.
He would never physically hurt you, except when he’s punishing you.
When your punishment is done, he’s going to be his loving self again.
He bathes with you and then gets you your favorite food and drink.
He feeds you while you’re sitting on his lap.
You always cry when he does that because you’re hurt and confused.
He always puts everything down when you cry and lets you rest your head on his chest.
He lets you cry while he whispers sweet nothings in your ear.
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@br0kenangel 2024. Don't copy, repost or translate any of my works here or any other websites
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missglaskin · 2 years
Yan!HOTD Men (Jacaerys, Aemond, Daemon, Aegon II) with a perv!reader 
Note: I will gladly love to take concepts regarding Perv!reader/Perv!hotd men-also sorry if this is terrible 
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It is a dragon that fuels your desires. 
Tags: EXPLICIT/DARK, Perv!reader, this is reader’s viewpoint mentions of masturbation, corruption kink, creepy behavior, stalking, reader has hair (Daemon’s part), pillow humping, caught in the act, secondhand embarrassment, questionable behavior, Reader is disturbing in Aegon’s part, noncon, voyeurism 
Jacaerys Velaryon 
Throughout the entire feast, your eyes remain fixed on the prince. Who could ever blame you for desiring him? Jace was straight out of a fairy tale book: handsome, strong, brave, and, above all, a true gentleman. 
When the prince approaches, asking for a dance, how could you refuse him. For so long, you craved his touch. With his hand placed on your waist and his face inches away from yours. That same night, you lay on your back, hand between your legs; imagining his hands firmly grasping your waist and his eyes on yours. 
You felt a pang of guilt, sneaking into his chambers without his knowledge. Yet you never made an effort to stop your shameful habits. Sneaking into his chambers was done during sword training or lessons with the septa. He left a lot of his clothes on the bed and chairs, perhaps expecting a servant to come to pick them up. Instead, it was you.
There was a time when you thought he was having his lessons with the septa. While reaching for one of his shirts, you heard a faint splash. On the other side of the chamber, a slightly ajar door reveals Jace in the bathtub; eyes closed with his head turned back. 
You continued to watch even when he got out of the bath and when he revealed his body; you held your breath. It's not until he reached for a towel did you realize you must leave. Unbeknownst to you, he heard the chamber doors opening and closing. 
Over time, your actions have grown more audacious, bordering on daring. During a gathering seated next to Jace; he cracks a light joke and you chuckle, putting your hand on his thigh. Seeing his eyes narrow at where your hand is placed; you question if you crossed the line. Only to be relieved when the prince smiles, covering your hand with his. 
Knowing your feelings weren’t one-sided, nothing prevented you from tainting him. Looking down at Jace, who whines, a mantra of pleads slipping from his lips. His eyes stare at you with utter lust and need, allowing you to use him as a toy until you’re fully satisfied. 
The day after, Jace stops you as you try to leave his chambers. You hesitate when he hands you his shirt. More so when he says you should have joined him in the bath rather than just watching him. The prince then bids you farewell with a kiss on the cheek, all while you’re trying to take everything in.
Aemond Targaryen 
Around the court, he is referred to as the one-eyed prince. He is the man whom most fathers, including your own, warn their daughters off. It only feeds your curiosity to unravel who he truly is, and soon enough, it turns into a desire.
Your attention was drawn to the movements of his fingers, clenching your lights tightly as you picture the prince’s fingers deep inside of you. Because of this, you failed to notice the prince staring at you from across the table, and by the time you did; it was too late. Your face becomes warm as you sink further into the seat.
During tournaments, you just happen to find a seat next to him. Doing your best to delicately touch his knees with your own. And act as if you accidentally grabbed his arm out of shock whenever there was any bloodshed during the tourney. Naturally, you apologized, and the prince assured you it was fine. When his attention returns to the tourney; you smirk to yourself, feeling triumphant.
When Aemond is said to have taken Vhagar on a flight, you’d run to his chambers. To you, it has almost become a ritual. You would take hold of one of his pillows and start humping it. Your face pressed to the pillow, taking in his scent as you picture yourself on top of Aemond; riding him until he is a begging mess.
The guilt overtakes you once you've reached your high. The stained pillow turned over. Every time, you gave yourself the reassurance that the servants would clean up the mess. Unaware, occasionally they don't, and the prince is left to discover the mess you left behind.
Aemond once appeared to arrive a little earlier during your ‘ritual’. By the time you’ve orgasmed, you are finally made aware that someone else is in the room. You feel nothing more than embarrassment, frozen in disbelief as Aemond stands there, appearing to have been in the room for a while. You try to explain yourself or perhaps plead for mercy, but find yourself unable to speak. 
That doesn’t seem to be necessary when you finally see the bulge in his pants. A smirk is clearly visible on his face as he pushes you away from the pillow and presses you against him instead. He asks if you thought he wouldn't put two and two together. He even admits he had hoped to have caught you in the act.
Soon, you find yourself laying there with a pair of hands are roaming your body. As you close your eyes, a hand reaches for your jaw, forcing you to meet his gaze. Aemond grunts under his breath about how challenging it was for him to resist fucking you right there and then whenever you acted so fucking innocent, all while his hips move at an unforgiving pace. 
Daemon Targaryen
Men like Daemon are to be avoided. Dangerous, arrogant, violent, impulsive; the list of all his terrible attributes can go and on. Yet his confidence and prowess leaves one wanting. Everyone veers off of his path as he moves through the halls, yet you stand still, hoping to catch his eye.
When you could, you stole whatever was still in his chambers. He spent little time there due to his frequent trips to flea bottom. Making sure to be careful with the particular trinkets you took. Still, the prince noticed, and it was said he had a servant whipped for allegedly stealing from him.
Most will find your eagerness to impress Daemon to be pathetic. Many of your dresses, are colored in red and black, all the while displaying your cleavage. But it all comes to a frustrating end when you catch the eyes of another; failing to notice a pair of envious eyes watching.
 Pursuing the rogue prince through the street of flea-bottom, someone bumped into you and when you looked up, Daemon was nowhere to be found. You gasp as you’re dragged into an alley and pushed against the wall. Instantly, you recognize the hooded figure as Daemon. With his hand on your throat, he asks why you had been following him. 
You simply stare up at him. There was a look of fear, but Daemon saw light of lust flare in your gaze. The prince eyes you with a smirk-his hand on your throat moving down, lightly touching your chest to your stomach, and then reaching under your dress to grab hold of your inner thigh. His lips briefly touch yours before he pulls away, leaving you alone and aroused in the alleyway.
You are forever ruined by that moment. You did everything to please yourself; using your fingers, humping yourself against the pillow. But nothing works, leaving you to scream in frustration. Reaching for his robes; they no longer smell like him. Desperate, you went to his chambers in the dead of the night; he must be out as always. As soon as you enter the room, you grab a soiled shirt, sniffing it. A chuckle is then heard.
Feeling lightheaded, your shaking hands let go of the shirt; trembling as you turn to the source. Daemon is there, sitting in the corner, legs crossed, appearing as if he's been waiting for you. Immediately you fall to your knees, head pressed against the ground as you cry for mercy. You can feel his steps approaching you and you let out a shriek when your hair is pulled back, forcing you to look at him. 
You continue to plead, promising to do anything and reaching for his thigh to prove your point. Daemon laughs, asking if you are that desperate of a whore. Yet he allows you to unfasten his trouser and pull it down.  His eyes are on yours as you eagerly take his cock in your mouth.
Aegon II Targaryen 
Aegon had a reputation for pinching or fondling any serving girl who strayed within his reach. Despite knowing all about the prince's perversions, you still wanted him. Sometimes you wished to be a servant just to catch his eye.
Whenever Aegon was around, your dresses were revealing, displaying your curves. You would deliberately drop something all while crouching in front of the prince, drawing his attention to your chest- you’d stand up, pretending not to see. As you turn away; you’re disappointed-hoping he’d grope or reach under your dress. 
Frequently, you sneaked into the prince's quarters. Times you laid on his bed, breathing in his scent when he wasn't there. Much to your surprise, this time the prince wasn’t by himself. There was a hole in the other room that allowed you to see the prince's room, and there you saw Aegon fucking a servant, no doubt. The first time this devastated you.
But a man with Aegon's appetite, you've grown accustomed to peering through the hole and seeing a servant underneath him. Knowing it wasn't the same girl gives you some peace of mind; most of them, after Aegon was done, were sent away by the queen. Over time, as you watch the prince and the servants, your hand gradually moves down between your legs. 
Once, you went into his chambers and discovered Aegon there. You grew frantic. It made no difference how much contribution your father gave to the "greens." The penalty for being caught sneaking into the prince's quarters is death. But it seems the gods are merciful, as Aegon was drunk to the point of being unconscious. You had hoped that this would force you to break your disgusting habit, but it seems you enjoy the thrill. 
You first tried it out by touching his hand and kissing his forehead, observing no response. Finally, you mustered the courage to slip under the covers. Possibly due to his intoxicated state, Aegon reaches for you, holding you close. Before dawn, you always slip out of the bed. Eventually, your touches have become more intimate, and the prince wakes up with cum stains on his sheets. For a time, you were able to get away without getting caught until now.
You assume his intoxication will cloud his mind as it always had. Pressing kisses to the prince’s face while holding his cock upright, only to halt your movement when the prince asks what you are doing. For a time, you stare at him before smiling, telling him to relax. With your hand still on his cock, you press his tip into your hole. Aegon tries to sit up, but you push him down. Holding his arms down, he tries to resist but his drunken state has rendered him helpless. And when you start moving your hips, Aegon slowly gives into the pleasure. 
When the two of you have reached your high, you collapse on his chest. The euphoria is finally wearing off, and the consequences are beginning to take hold. When you nervously look up at the prince, you see his love-struck gaze and shaky hand reaching for your face. It wasn’t that he didn’t want this. He only wanted control, but after all of this; Aegon vows to never let you go. 
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