#yandere henry VIII
aphroditelovesu · 8 months
Hello, can you do a headcannon Yandere (father) King Henry and Yandere (mother) Anna Boleyn with their only surviving son?
❝ 👑 — lady l: I really like the idea of ​​them being platonic yanderes for a son, so I hope you like it! Forgive me for any mistakes and good reading! ❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, overprotection, mention of miscarriages, murder and implied cheating and toxic relationships.
❝👑pairing: platonic yandere!henry viii/anne boleyn x son!reader.
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Anne was desperate to conceive a male heir, her only hope of staying alive and maintaining the interest of the King who, after some miscarriages and the birth of a daughter, has already began to wander towards one of her ladies-in-waiting.
So when she discovered a new pregnancy, she desperately prayed for a son and that she wouldn't suffer another miscarriage. She could not bear the loss and pain. Henry was pleased with the new pregnancy, but worried. Anne had already had several miscarriages and was only able to produce one healthy child, a daughter.
Anne took great care of herself during her pregnancy, taking care of what she ate and drank and trying to maintain good health. The first few months were the most tense, with fear enveloping both Anne and Henry. As the pregnancy progressed and there was no miscarriage, Anne became more confident.
When the day finally arrived to give birth, she was anxious. Henry was also anxious and he was so nervous when he heard Anne screaming outside the room, he didn't know what to think. When a baby's cries finally came after what seemed like hours, he entered the room.
Anne held her baby on her lap and cried softly and when a doctor approached Henry and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty. You have an heir", it was the first time that Henry felt complete happiness. When he picked you up, he was smiling from ear to ear. Not only were you the much-desired male heir but you also saved your mother's head.
Both of them would be extremely overprotective of their only son and those close to you will be scrutinized. Henry has become very paranoid about your safety and takes every precaution possible.
You are always by your mother or father's side, you cannot be alone at any time with a stranger. Anne, especially, would like to keep you sewn to her side all the time. She cares about you a lot and is always checking up on you. When you get sick, she becomes paranoid that you will die.
You are your parents' greatest pride and Henry doesn't try to hide it. He neglects all his other children and gives you all his love and affection. He takes you for walks, hunting and spoils you with all the perks that a future King deserves. In addition to showing you off before the Court. After all, you are the future King.
They are both very proud of anything you do. Any milestone, no matter how small, will be applauded by them. Your first words, the first time you walked and everything else will be treated with great celebration. Expensive parties are thrown in your honor all the time.
As you grow up, they become even more overprotective and controlling. Anne does not want you to leave the Court under any circumstances and Henry allows you to do so, but only with many guards. There were many threats lurking and they couldn't let anything happen to you. May God forbid anything from happening to you as the results will be disastrous.
Anne hates it when you spend time with other people, especially if they are women. The only women you need in your life are your mother and your older sister, Elizabeth. Although she understands that's a part of a man's life, she still doesn't like it and any potential mistress or love interest will be dealt with quickly. She is your mother, so no one has more right to you than her.
Henry is more than aware of his wife's actions and although he doesn't encourage them, he doesn't reprimand her. In fact, he's probably the one who encourages you to enjoy your life even if it always leads to fights with Anne. It was worth it when you looked happy. And your happiness is very important to him.
Your potential friends will be scrutinized and if your parents don't like them, they will leave. Henry and Anne won't sentence them to death at first, but if you or they are stubborn, they will be tried for treason. Don't you understand that you shouldn't trust anyone other than your own family? Your parents are the only ones who want the best for you.
Henry and Anne are smothering and protective parents but they only have your best interests at heart. They want you to live a full and happy life, but with them by your side. You were everything they both wanted and they would be damned if they let anything happen to you. England still does not know the fury of its monarchs nor the overwhelming love they feel for their only son.
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gulnarsultan · 24 days
can u write something about yan!king henry VIII being obsessed with reader and reader taking advantage of it (manipulates him and stuff and him very willing to do it)?? a longer fic pls 😫😫
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》 Scenario《
A King's obsession. If you asked others, most would find this situation scary, frightening and dangerous. In a way, they were right. After all, if you didn't play your cards right, you risked losing your beautiful head. But you were a smart, ambitious and cunning young lady. You were really talented at seizing opportunities and strategy.
King Henry had met you at a ball and fell in love. He was married to Catherine of Argaon, but his marriage was unhappy. He couldn't have the male heirs he desired. And before the ball, his wife had had another miscarriage. Your conversation with the King soon resulted in you becoming the Royal Mistress. You had your own room in the palace, a bunch of maids of honor and servants working at your service. It wouldn't be a lie to say that you had everything you wanted.
You were using the King's obsession for your own benefit. And you weren't even bothered by it. After all, why would you run away from a blessing that was given to you? You had become pregnant in a short time. The King adored you during your pregnancy. You were pampered by the King and treated like a Queen. You did not hesitate to take advantage of all the opportunities provided to you. You had caused the King to completely distance himself from his wife in grief.
The best doctors and midwives were in the room during the birth. Contrary to tradition, Henry was by your side, holding your hand and supporting you. In no time, the room was filled with the cries of a healthy baby. Henry was shedding tears of joy. He did not hesitate to give his firstborn son Henry his own name. Moreover, he gave his son the surname Fitzroy. You were very proud to be given this surname. Following the birth of your firstborn son Henry Fritzroy, you had children named Edward, Richard, Elinor, William, Cecily and Grace. Unlike the daughter born to his first wife, the King was a good father to your daughters. Your children were treated like real Princes and Princesses. After a while, Henry legitimized your children. Your firstborn son was now officially the next in line to the throne of England.
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greycloudsinwinter · 4 months
How do you think yandere romantic king Henry the 8 from the show the Spanish princess might react to reader having more or equal power as him maybe reader is the the heir to France and becomes the next ruler of France or reader is the heir of Scotland or Spain.
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👑at first he is shocked when he finds out about your statues .
👑he now knows he can’t manipulate or anger you because he fears your anger.
👑when you become queen/king he instantly glues himself to your side using the excuse of wanting to deepen the bonds of England and (chosen country).
👑will use your royalty heritage against you though. Making a brave proposal to you one that would benefit from both countries.
👑most likely you both take turns visiting each other in your countries.
👑becomes more desperate to please you .
👑wants two heirs now so that you both have some one to success the throne after you.
Thank you for the question ❤️❤️
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floatyflowers · 11 months
Dark Platonic! Father Henry VIII x Reader
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The moment you were born, Henry felt like he should be disappointed that you were born a girl like he how felt with Mary, but instead he felt nothing but love towards you.
He is fiercely protective of you, constantly keeping a watchful eye, ensuring you are surrounded by trusted companions.
Henry VIII is known for his powerful presence, but around you, he softens, displaying a more nurturing side that few get to witness.
Father-daughter bonding time is when Henry indulges you with extravagant gifts and lavish attention.
Your father felt threatened when Catherine, your mother, started to become the center of your attention.
That's where he decided to annul the marriage and get with Anne Boleyn who promised to birth him a male heir.
Your mother and older sister left the court, yet you were to stay with Henry.
Henry wants a male heir not only to rule England after his passing but to also protect you, having a brother will assure that you have a secure future in court.
Or at least that's what he believes.
Also you receive many suitors one of which, is the handsome Edward Seymour.
But your father turns them all down deeming them all unsuitable for his Tudor flower, you.
After hearing the news of your mother on her dying bed, you tried to convince your father to allow you and Mary to visit her.
But he refused.
This made you distance yourself from your father.
After, Anne Boleyn gets beheaded, Jane Seymour dies, you find yourself becoming a mother figure to your younger siblings.
Adding to that, Mary returned to court during Jane Seymour's marriage, so your bonding with her became stronger.
Things were going well, until you have been infected by sweating sickness.
It was a nightmare for Henry, seeing you weak and laying in bed, and he could not do anything to save you.
"Oh God, no, don't take away my sweet girl, not her, please"
He stayed by your bedside until you passed away at the age of barely twenty.
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salteyyy · 1 year
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Its official people write about historical figures
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Which one of you did this
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No Im done Im done with all of you
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
maegor i and rhaena…I thought I was the only one who saw something in that 👀 I can totally imagine Maegor lowkey obsessed with his niece whilst she hates his guts, peak problematic romance ❤️ I kinda wish HOTD adapted the book from the beginning or at least from Aenys and Maegor’s era as I thought their sections were very entertaining. But I guess then we would have had to sit through Jaehaerys’ storyline which is less exciting imo. Would love a flashback episode or something.
MAENA is the OG Daemyra!! He kills her husband and takes the crown from her only to crown her again as his wife! Against all reason - she hates men! Don't tell me this is not unhinged yandere behaviour. ☠ It's like nothing but the first ever Targaryen girl born after the Conquest is good enough for him, Mummy's first choice of bride for her miracle dark magic baby! 🙏
There's no reason to believe that we won't get any more shows based off different time periods in Fire & Blood, but the problem with Maegor's storyline is that it's really, really brutal. While Henry VIII and his many wives are really popular material for screen adaptations, Maegor truly surpasses him in every way in terms of abuse and cruelty and I don't really think we need to see more stories based on brutality against women. At least when it's in print, you can fast-forward through the paragraphs, but would we really need to see what happens to Alys Harroway and her family in graphic detail?
One way to avoid this would, naturally, be to sanitize Maegor and make him less awful, but, again, that's not the point of him. He's not really called "the cruel" for nothing. I suppose it could work if you don't really show Maegor all that much and he just appears every now and then, focusing the story on Aenys' brood. But then again you wouldn't really be able to expand on his character.
My grand idea to adapt Maegor's story would be use the sitcom format, complete with laugh track, even when his lines are gruesome and not funny, and kept the brutality suggested in the background. It would amplify the horror in a more psychological way, as opposed to all the gore.
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(Southwest) How are divorces handled in the socioyandereverse? I imagine it’s a very sad affair akin to a funeral, and sort of have a headcanon already. Basically, the darling is led in a procession to a cell, where they’re left to starve to death. Meanwhile, the yandere gets all the sympathy and are treated like the darling died in some tragic accident. I based this off the real life executions of Vestal Virgins who broke their chastity oath.
There's that, and there's the much faster and far more modern Divorce Duel. The surviving darlings went on to steal imprisoned darlings, carrying them across the border into the D-centric territory that would later be known as Grindt-Grashil.
- Mod Vendetta
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battlemaiden13 · 4 years
Master List 1
Here are links to most of the questions/imagines I’ve answered before. This page is updated constantly and I hope it helps you find what your interested in.
I hope this works 
Asks list 
Skeleton Nicknames If your lost 
Clarification on Syrup and Berry
Mutt Vs Syrup 
House Next door (or other fanfiction) Specific asks
Thoughts on MC? (As of Hnd Chapter 56, Falling 10, M.A.G.E 5, RTSTZA 5)
HND mc saying “I love you, would you be my boyfriend” (Chapter 55)
The skeletons are just like family to MC (Reaction at chapter 56)
Swimming pool
Pets genders
where the Pets came from 
Pet’s bathroom explained
Doomfanger liking MC more then Edge or Red
What if reader met Berry and Edge First (not Blue and Papyrus) 
Where is HND set? 
Spending time with the skeletons
HND play Among Us
HND in Hogwarts houses 
HND Biggest Fear 
HND Skeletons jobs
HND house blueprints 
HND Kings court if an order was to kiss
HND kings court ordered to twerk 
Finding out about Orange and Syrup’s writing 
God and Goddess high school dating sim in HND
Snipers gift to reader in HND chapter 54
Skeletons rooms
HND brothers interacting with each other 
What would make the HND skeletons cry or get them really angry 
Random Headcanons 
RTSTZA Syrups reaction
RTSTZA have the skeletons encountered any other humans
Royal s/o Saga
Skeletons Meet their Royal S/o 
Orange and Syrup elaboration
Syrup getting closer to S/o
Princess and the Pauper
Parent Saga
Skeletons find out they’ve got a human pregnant 
S/o goes into labor early
Child's first word is dad
Taking care of small children
Child is kidnapped
Teaching the kids to deal with bullies
Skeletons as uncles
HT and UF as husbands and dads
Shy Child Trilogy PART 1, PART 2, PART 3
Their child wants them to train them 
Headcanons for Undyne and Alphys
Would the Skeletons let a human boss them around? 
Could Humans do Magic?
Explosion scare
Who would be a Food Judge for a cooking contest
Younger brothers first words
Secretly drawing them
How do the skeletons react to you Singing for your food
What would make the boy's Soul glow?
You’re Oblivious
Sans’ personalities cooking skills
You’re ashamed of your Freckles 
Orange and honey food
What does Sniper cook?
S/o is already married PART 1, PART 2
Love Triangle PART 1, PART 2
Cracking bones PART 1, PART 2
Wrong number
Ecto-bodies PART 1, PART 2
Feelings on food trucks
Protective of skeletons brother 
S/o unaffected by the cold
Who would like entertainment venues?
Snippets of Syrup trapping Orange in his sleep
5’1” human physically picking up skeleton
Blue and Red & Berry and Orange Friendship Headcanons
Absentmindedly speak a pun
How they help you through grief
S/o acts as a parental figure towards their own siblings
Sans’ personalities worried about messes attracting bugs
Prank wars
Do the skeletons like hotels or similar things?
S/o is an introvert
Meeting S/o through Frisk/Chara
Clumsy S/o
Crush thinks they might be gay
Glued to skeletons in public 
Favourite tastes in food (Sweet, savory, ect.)
Curvy S/o wears tight clothing
Red with a super affectionate S/o 
S/o makes Red is favourite food to help him after a stressful day at work
s/o is desperate to make Syrup happy
S/o spoils the skeletons
Skeletons befriending a goofy human that tends to stare blankly in random intervals
Ghost Mc headcanons
S/o giggles at everything, even when gravely hurt
S/o dyes their hair but someone says it looks bad
S/o already has a partner but that partner is cheating on them
S/o is basically a walking pharmacy 
Timeline reset/reload before Skeleton met S/o 
Skeletons pretending to be prompts for halloween
Skeletons Feelings on halloween 
#/10 how good are the skeletons at carving pumpkins 
S/o making skeletons favourite food from scratch 
S/o has two very protective guard dogs
S/o is a secret dragon 
Walking in on brother and their s/o being cute 
 s/o having Asperger's/sensory overload?
S/o with a huge scar on their neck from trauma
Vintage Wardrobe 
Lovey dovey drunk
Where the skeletons prefer to live
City slicker S/o prefers small villages 
Overprotective brother
High fives
UF S/o is a professional chef
S/o thinks they are heavy because of something the skeletons said
Combo attacks
Trusting towards humans 
How the skeletons met their respective Undyne and Alphys
card games, computer online/mmos/ mmorpg games, and board games popularity
S/o asks do you want to have a bad time?
S/o who acts like Underfell Papyrus
Doomfanger gets attached to your cats
S/o makes their own custom prosthetics
Who likes Spongebob Squarepants 
Do compliments and praise go to the skeletons head
Who is comfortable walking around without a shirt 
Walking past a sleeping skeleton 
Positivity to cheer up depressed friend
Glomp tackle Friend 
Human bossing them around 
Can humans use magic
S/o gives amazing cuddles
NM, Ink, Dream, Error and Fresh crushing on the enemy 
Planning a Kid’s birthday party
Dream with a Goddess of Balance 
Looney tunes or Animaniacs 
S/o can’t sleep by themselves anymore 
Accidentally ripped skeletons scarf/jacket/bandana
S/o watching christmas movies early
S/o stress cleans from emotional trauma
Skeletons Swimsuits
S/o tells the skeletons they make them feel safe
Skeletons covered in marker
S/o with the same sleep schedule as Orange 
S/o sewed their skeleton a new set of clothing 
What confuse the skeletons about human anatomy 
San’s personalities met the swap version of the fallen child 
S/o acts like a motherly figure 
Orange and Syrup with a S/o with super long hair
Biggest pet peeves
Confused the skeletons when they reached the surface 
S/o never blushes 
S/o has a phobia of doctors and dentists 
Reaction to learning of mosquitos and blood drives 
Growing food 
Syrup drinking maple syrup
Cursed arm 
Bad Argument with S/o
S/o saying they like the skeletons laugh
Skeleton Birthdays 
S/o is easily sunburnt and found passed out in the yard
Classic, Geno, Error, and Fresh, how they act when they are cuddled by their s/o
Neighbour jumps out with a water gun
Which of the skeletons are overprotective 
Mettaton and Napstaton types of actors and musicians 
Do the Skeletons consider themselves professional chefs
MC is a meme lord 
S/o is cold all the time 
Complicated family Tree
Skeletons Favourite bad Movies 
Skeletons as Disney Princesses 
S/o has never been in a relationship 
S/o is suddenly fearful of skeletons 
S/o has an at home daycare
S/o cracking bones 
Grillby Headcannons 
Laughing box in the hand trick
Papyrus and Blue are challenged to a serious rumble 
Would the skeletons let a touch their Ectobody
S/o is expressive in body language 
S/o has tourettes 
Halloween costumes for 2020
Skeletons crush has a crush on their brother 
Do the skeletons need glasses 
Papyrus and Blue cursing 
S/o with an interesting pet
Would Syrup admit he’s a yandere 
The skeletons as Henry VIII wives
Friendship headcannons with a pair of brothers 
Berry and Syrup in a poly relationship 
Dating someone with ADHD
Edge with a Clingy S/o
Syrup with a insecure S/o who craves affection
S/o encounter with a were creature 
Kundere fawning over a pet 
S/o stress bakes 
S/o is very fast with tasks 
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aphroditelovesu · 8 months
Yan!Husband Henry VIII Headcanons (Romantic)
❝ 👑 — lady l: This has been in my draft for a while but I decided to finish it now lol. Hope you like it! Forgive me for any mistakes. ❤️🧡
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, toxic relationship, mention of death perhaps.
❝👑pairing: yandere!henry viii x female!reader.
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You had already dreamed of marrying a King, of becoming his Queen and giving birth to his heirs, a romantic fantasy that you and many other young women have dreamed of. They were mere fantasies of romance that you made up, but never really thought it would happen or become the obsession of one of the most infamous Kings in the history of England.
Your dreams remained as they were, dreams of a young lady. The King of the country where you lived was already married, so there wasn't much chance of you marrying him. Your family was of noble enough origin and had considerable wealth, but nothing too extravagant.
Until your older sister's marriage to a powerful man, close to the King. With that, your family immediately moved to the English Court, excited about their new status. Your father was particularly eager to marry you off to a powerful man as well.
Henry was dissatisfied with his wife, Anne, she had failed to conceive the much-desired male heir he so desperately wanted. His wandering eyes began to wander to the young women of the Court and when he laid eyes on you, he knew you would be the one to give him what he wanted.
Henry's captivating gazes seemed to follow you wherever you went and it began to unnerve you. A hint of excitement perhaps, but you knew it was a dangerous game to get involved with the King, especially when he was married.
Your parents were immensely happy with the King's interest in you. If you became his mistress, it would bring benefits and riches to your family. And when Henry got tired of you, you could perhaps marry a man with a noble title. Maybe a Duke or a Marquis.
But you didn't want to be his mistress or anyone's mistress. You wanted a husband and not a mere toy that he could always discard later. Your resistance angered your parents but attracted Henry even more. Your rejecting him has stirred him up, and bewitched him even more. Whenever you were in a room, Henry's eyes would be on you.
All of Henry’s attention was on you and you would be lying if you said you didn’t like it. He didn't even try to hide his affection for you, he sent you gifts and letters constantly. You reciprocated, sending him letters in return, but always remaining firm in your convictions.
Before long, Henry was deeply in love with you and quickly got rid off his current wife, Anne. When he asked you to marry him, shortly after his separation from Anne, you hesitated but accepted. You would finally become his and his alone.
Once you were married, Henry became more possessive than ever. He already didn't like the looks other gentlemen gave you, but now that you were officially his, it would be considered a crime of treason. And we know how he deals with betrayal.
You were his perfect Queen, so sweet and so, well, perfect. Henry makes a point of reminding you of that every day, about how perfect you were for him. He really was in love, so he kept on your side the whole time. His eyes remained only on you.
Henry truly values ​​you and your opinion. It is not a custom, but he would be willing to listen to your wishes and political opinions (if you have any) on matters of state. You are his Queen, after all. If it was your wish, if you were Catholic, Henry could even try to restore Catholicism in England.
He really loved you, maybe not in the conventional way, but he did. Henry would listen to your wishes, fulfill them and all he wants in return is his love. He will not tolerate people speaking ill of you and will condemn anyone who does so for treason.
Henry would be loyal to you, he would take care of you until your death. He wants to have children with you, a family, a male heir, but he also wants to be with you. He could be himself and not the King of England.
And when you finally gave him his long-awaited male heir, Henry knew he would never let you go or let anything happen to you. After all, you are his wife and his Queen. And Henry doesn't handle treason very well.
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aphroditelovesu · 10 months
Yandere Henry VIII/Anne Boleyn Headcanons (Poly!Romantic)
❝ 👑 — lady l: I thought about this a while ago and it was saved in my drafts, but I only decided to write it now. I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️❤️
❝tw: cheating, polyamorous relationship, obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of fights and jealousy.
❝ 👑pairing: yandere!henry viii x female!reader, yandere!anne boleyn x female!reader.
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Anne was not blind to her husband's prying eyes on you. She felt angry, jealous and wanted to get rid of you as quickly as possible. But when Henry strictly forbade (threatened) her from doing something against you, she was shocked and smart enough not to act against his orders.
That being said, she started researching more about you. She was intrigued, it wasn't uncommon for Henry to keep mistresses and although she was hurt by this, there was nothing she could do. She hated it, but she was powerless against the King's power.
However, it was only after meeting you, after talking to you, that she finally understood why Henry was so interested in you. You had a unique grace, an aura that attracted her and made her comfortable. Before she knew it, Anne found herself longing for your company more which left her confused. Who in their right mind would fall in love with their husband's mistress?
It didn't matter anymore, not when Anne found herself falling more and more in love with you and soon began to feel jealous of her husband with you. It was unfair that he could have you and not her. She deserved you more than him.
Henry, on the other hand, was over the moon. He quickly took you as his official mistress and no longer bothered trying to hide his affair with you, the love he felt for you. His desires for you were public knowledge and he was more than happy.
He knew this wouldn't please his wife, but he didn't care. Not when he had you in his arms, being loved and adored by him. You were so perfect, so sweet and so beautiful. You were made for him. Completely his.
Anne watched her husband interact with you with jealousy and longing, she wanted to hold you. She could no longer continue like this, being ignored. So she decided to act. During one night when her husband was visiting her, Anne decided to talk to him. Tell him how she feels about you. That she was attracted to you. Henry didn't know what to say.
He was stunned and silent, just watching his wife as if she were crazy. But Anne kept talking, wanting to make sure he understood. Henry remained strangely quiet and after a few minutes, a sparkle appeared in his eyes.
Henry would never accept sharing you with anyone, but he found the idea of ​​sharing you with his wife strangely exciting. It wasn't ideal, but he saw nothing more pleasurable and lovely than having his mistress and his wife together.
They are both extremely possessive of you. They are jealous of each other with you, but they are more jealous of you around other people. You are theirs and Henry will use his power as King to deal with anyone who threatens his relationship with you. Anne had also used her influences to her advantage.
You are endlessly spoiled and adored. Servants are instructed to fulfill your every whim and desire. There is no doubt about who really holds all the power over them. Your relationship with Henry is public knowledge, but with Anne is kept private.
But that doesn't mean she stays away from you because she doesn't. Anne does her best to be by your side during the day, the touches and looks are discreet and shared only between you. Henry also participates, but he has no shame and actually kisses and touches you in public. He is the King, after all.
There is still a lot of jealousy and fighting over you between these two, fights that only became bigger after Anne's pregnancy. She wanted you with her all the time and so did Henry. You are the only person who can calm them down, usually sweet words and subtle touches do the trick.
You will be dragged into this never-ending tumultuous marriage, the fights that always turned into making love on the carpet in your rooms at the end of the night would always continue. Would the gifts, power and love you received be enough for you to endure this turbulent relationship with your King and Queen?
You forgot your worries when you were together with your lovers, in the privacy and tranquility of your chambers. Clothes on the floor and heavy breathing. In the end, you would always give in to them. You were as much theirs as they were yours.
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aphroditelovesu · 10 months
Yandere Henry VIII w/Mistress!Reader Headcanons (Romantic)
❝ 👑 — lady l: okay, I literally finished this in 30 minutes because I was so excited. I've been thinking about this since I wrote this reaction and decided to do some hcs! Hope you like it!! ❤️
❝tw: mention of cheating, implied death and murder, manipulation.
❝ 👑pairing: yandere!henry viii x female!reader.
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You came from an English noble family that craved riches and power, like all nobles of that time. Your father was rich and powerful, but he wanted more, he wanted more power and he had a way of getting it.
You were his only daughter, he no longer had legitimate descendants after the death of your mother in childbirth, who was very dear to him. So it was your duty to bring fortune and power to your family.
You grew up knowing that one day you would have to marry some rich man and you were educated from an early age to learn how to be a good wife and give strong sons to your future husband. That has always been your duty and what you were taught to believe.
Until the day you went to the English Court and met the King. You and your father had been invited to celebrate the birth of his son, albeit a bastard. Henry FitzRoy, unfortunately, Catherine of Aragon had not been able to produce a male child for him, which was her main function.
Henry laid eyes on you the first moment he met you during the party. You were so young and shy, standing next to your father and looking around the corners shyly. You caught his attention and he decided he wanted you.
You decided to leave the room where the party was taking place, to get some air and be able to breathe properly. Henry went after you and cornered you against a wall, looking intensely at you.
Your heart skipped a beat when you came face to face with the King of England, but you smiled and lowered your eyes, in a submissive posture. Henry smiled in approval and touched your face affectionately, taking in your gentle, soft features. So perfect and so beautiful. He bent down to your ear and said he would like to see you more often.
Your legs had gone weak but you nodded and he smiled in approval. From that date on, you and Henry began to meet in secret and all of these meetings were platonic, nothing sexual had happened, only a few kisses. Henry found himself enjoying your company more and more and longing for you, forgetting about his other mistresses and focusing entirely on you.
Your father eventually found out about your encounters with Henry and he was ecstatic. Here was the opportunity to gain more power and status if you became Henry's mistress. He was the one who encouraged you to accept the King's advances and become his mistress.
Henry was over the moon when you became his mistress. Now he could have you whenever he wanted. He adored you, your body, your personality, everything about you. You were so sweet and naive, even when he was worshiping you in the privacy of his chambers, being ravaged by the King.
He spoiled you more than anything. Your family had received titles and powers, but the real power and wealth were yours. Henry spoiled you beyond measure, jewelry, dresses, shoes, and even properties were bestowed upon you. Everything you wanted was yours, all you had to do was let yourself be worshiped by the King.
Being his mistress had several perks, and although you had made enemies, none of them really mattered when you were with him. You ended up falling in love and Henry was increasingly consumed by his passion and obsession.
He became more possessive and jealous of you every day, no one could look at you more than once and Henry would end up becoming a tyrant for you. He has no problem eliminating anyone who might affect you. He is yours and you are his. Henry would do anything for you, from abdicating his throne to making you Queen if you asked.
You were satisfied with your status as a mistress, but the idea of ​​becoming Queen of England appealed to you, just as it did to your father. Henry encouraged you to accept this deal, encouraged you to marry him and become his Queen. You hesitated for a while, but after discovering you were pregnant, you agreed to marry Henry.
Henry would do everything to make this happen, that you would become his Queen and the son you carried would be legitimate. He would send letters to the Vatican, and make alliances and enemies, he didn't care, but he would have you as his Queen.
Whatever it takes. If he has to pay a high price for it, so be it. Henry will have you as his Queen and wife.
All the blood spilled, the wars and conflicts were worth it for Henry when he was able to marry you, crown you Queen of England and when he held his son in his arms as you slept peacefully after giving birth.
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aphroditelovesu · 4 months
How many children would Yandere historical Men wish they had? If the fem-reader wanted five or more children. What would the historical Men reaction be?
Characters- Edward Seymour, King Henry V, Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, King Henry VIII, Charles Brandon, Lorenzo De Medici and Francesco Pazzi?
Hmm... I guess it really depends but I would say they would all like to have lots of children with her but they know it's quite common for a woman to die in childbirth so they would keep that in mind.
❝divider by: @cafekitsune
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Edward Seymour ♡
Edward would like to have at least two children, both sons. He would like to have daughters with his beloved, but he would prioritize sons to keep his family in power. If his wife wants to have more than five children, he would be fine with that. The more children you have, the more tied and dependent you will be to him.
King Henry V ♡
Henry would like to have several children with his beloved, mainly because he is a Monarch and needs to keep his royal lineage continuing. If his darling wants to have more than five children, that's great! Henry would probably like to have at least ten children. Even though he is terrified at the thought of you passing away in childbirth, he still wants to have a huge family with his darling.
Napoleon Bonaparte ♡
Napoleon wants to have at least one son to also maintain his power through a male heir. He doesn't have a specific number of children he would like to have with his darling, at least one is certain. But if you want to have more than five children, Napoleon will be fine with the idea. The more the merrier, right?
King Henry VIII ♡
Henry wants a male heir above all else and when you give him that, he won't worry about the idea of ​​having more children unless you bring up the idea to him. Henry would be so caught up in the joy of finally having his dream son that he wouldn't think about his next children. However, I imagine he would like to have at least one more son, just in case. Henry would be worried about having more than five children because he fears losing you but he won't be against it if you want him to.
Charles Brandon ♡
Charles really isn't worried about the idea of ​​children at the moment, he's more focused on enjoying his wife and spending as much time as he can with her and he's well aware that he would have to share his attention with a child. However, he knows that he needs to continue his lineage and that's why I see him wanting to have only two children, three at most. He wouldn't like it more than that and mainly because he knows how dangerous childbirth is and this man can't lose you under any circumstances.
Lorenzo de' Medici ♡
Lorenzo wants to have many children with his darling and there is no discussion about that. Eight children at least, that's what he wants. Coming from a powerful family, I don't see him putting the Medici's power at risk because of the lack of descendants. Although he doesn't want to risk your life in childbirth, he will still have many children with you. Lorenzo likes to see you pregnant because it just affirms that you belong to him.
Francesco Pazzi ♡
Francesco would like to have a considerable number of children with his darling. At least four children, but he's not opposed to having more if that's what you want. He loves you and wants to make you, so if having more than five kids is what you want, who is he to judge? Francesco just needs confirmation that it won't kill you. He couldn't bear to lose the woman he loves.
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gulnarsultan · 6 months
Can you do Separately what The Yandere Tudors Men (Edward Seymour, King Henry VIII, Charles Brandon and Thomas Boleyn) would give their Wife a really, REALLY expensive necklace either as a wedding present, a just because present or something following the birth of one of their children?
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Hello. I hope you like it.
King Henry had passed many difficult trials to marry you. You will never forget the moments of lust and desire you experienced on your wedding night throughout your life. King Henry shed tears of joy when he received the news that you were pregnant. He took very close care of you throughout your pregnancy, unlike usual. Not even a minute was left outside the door of the room where you gave birth for hours. He was praying to God for you and the baby to be delivered safely. When the birth was finally over, he quickly entered the room. You were tiredly smiling at your husband with your newborn son in your arms.
"My King. We now have a male heir."
King Henry came to you and kissed your forehead. It wasn't hard to understand that he was happy and proud from the look on his face when he held your son in his arms.
"My son."
King Henry proudly kissed his newborn son's forehead.
"Our son's name will be Edward. Prince Edward."
You smiled at your husband's words. King Henry gently placed Prince Edward in his crib. He handed you the box in his hand. Surprised, you take the box and open it. Inside the box was a necklace decorated with Tudor symbol roses and made of expensive jewellery.
"My King. This is beautiful."
"Not as much as you."
King Henry took the necklace out of the box and placed it around your neck elegantly.
You were Charles' third wife. Honestly, you never thought that an arranged marriage would turn into love. Charles was a possessive and passionate husband. Even though his love was suffocating at times, you had learned to cope. Charles did not yet have a son. This meant that a big task was on your shoulders. You got pregnant shortly after the wedding. You honestly thought your husband would move away from you and take mistresses. But it didn't happen as he thought. Months later, you gave birth to healthy twin boys. You would never forget the smile on Charles' face. He held his sons in his arms and wasn't afraid to talk about how proud he was. One of your sons was named John and the other Edmund. After naming the babies, Charles gave you a very dazzling necklace as a gift. From what you heard from your bridesmaids, Charles paid a really large amount of money for this necklace.
Your wedding to Thomas Boleyn was modest. You came from a noble and powerful family. Frankly, your mother and father were not very keen on this marriage. After all, Thomas Boleyn did not promise great possibilities. After months of conversations, you had finally managed to gain your family's approval. You were getting ready in your room on the wedding night. Thomas slowly pokes his head through the door.
"I got you something, honey. Your wedding gift."
"There was no need, my dear. It is a great gift for me to know that we can spend our lives together now."
"My beautiful wife. I am truly a very lucky man."
Thomas holds out the box he keeps behind his back. You slowly take the box and open it. There is a really expensive necklace inside the box.
"Thomas. This is too expensive."
"I couldn't have a big wedding that suits you. I should have at least bought you a gift that suits you."
"Thank you, Thomas. I will keep this necklace for the rest of my life."
Your wedding to Edward Seymour was beautiful. It was literally like a fairy tale. Queen Jane had spared no expense for her brother's wedding. The wedding hall was decorated very beautifully. A luxurious wedding dress and a wonderful flower bouquet were prepared. After you put on your wedding dress, the bridesmaids did your make-up and hair. You were waiting for the ceremony to start. There is a knock on your door.
"Come in."
Edward comes in. Edward has a look of admiration on his face.
"Oh my God. You look like an angel."
"Edward, you're embarrassing me."
"I came to give you a gift. I hope you like it."
When you open the box, you are surprised to see the expensive necklace inside.
"Oh. Edward, that's beautiful."
"I'm glad you liked it, my beautiful."
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gulnarsultan · 14 days
more yan!henry VIII pls. i’m in my the tudors phase rn 🤞🏻🤞🏻 (maybe something with him being crazily in love with the reader that he's willing to do anything for her??)
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Hello dear. I hope you like it. I love this guy too.🤭🤗❤
( Please do not underestimate what obsessive Henry can do for you. Believe me, this man can go to such lengths that he can go down in history as "The Cruel".)
Yandere Henry viii and Princess reader.
~ You were the Princess of Scotland. You were the last child and only daughter of James III of Scotland and Margaret of Denmark. You were the apple of your parents', brothers' and the palace's eye. You easily managed to win everyone's love. Everyone said you were the most perfect Princess in the world.
~ When Margaret Tudor came to Scotland as a bride, you became a sister and a close friend to her. You were truly precious to Margaret. You supported her when she lost her brother Arthur, then her mother and her newborn sister. You helped her stand up against the losses.  You helped with each of her pregnancies and the care of her children.
~This also causes Margaret to write a lot of letters to her family about you. These letters especially catch the attention of her brother Prince Henry. Soon Henry starts exchanging letters with you. As they continue to write, he finds himself drawn to you. After seeing the portrait of you that Margaret sends him, he falls obsessively in love.
~ He practically begs his father and grandmother to arrange a marriage between the two of you. King Henry does not turn down his only son's request. The negotiations between the two countries soon end positively. It is arranged for you to be sent to England in a short time. It was difficult for you to say goodbye to your family on the day you were to leave. However, you held your head high like a Princess. You set off on your journey with a loaded and ostentatious robe and the group that accompanied you.
~ When you arrived in England, you were welcomed at the port and escorted to the Palace. You were excited, anxious and a little scared on the way to the Palace. What would this marriage bring you? Love? Happiness?  Power? You honestly didn't dare to think about the bad consequences. When the carriage stopped, you took a deep breath. When you got out of the carriage, the Royal Family of England stood in front of you. You respectfully bowed.
~ The wedding would be held in a week. And until the wedding, you would stay in a beautiful tower close to the Palace. As the days passed, you tried to control your excitement. However, Prince Henry's hungry and obsessive gaze at their first meeting had scared you. However, you tried not to think about it too much. Your wedding was very fancy and there were many guests. After the wedding, you moved to your bedroom, which had been prepared for the two of you in the Palace.
~ Henry was kind to you on the wedding night. It wasn't as scary as you feared. However, every second in the bedroom with Henry in the following days was full of lust, desire and desire. There were days when you even had difficulty walking in the mornings. After marrying Henry, you were locked in a golden skull. You couldn't leave your room without Henry by your side and you weren't allowed to write letters or communicate with others without him by your side.
~ Even your maids and bridesmaids were no longer close to you. They spoke to you formally. So your only friend was your husband Henry. Your husband soon ascended to the throne. Your coronation ceremony was lavish. At this time, you were almost seven months pregnant. Henry had cried tears of joy when he heard the news of your first pregnancy. Henry was paranoid about your health and safety.
~ He made sure you were eating right, drinking fluids, resting and sleeping. He had a habit of caressing your belly and feeling the baby kick. Your first baby was a healthy boy and Henry was very happy. He named your firstborn son "Henry". After the birth of Prince Henry, you gave birth to two more healthy sons, Prince Richard and Prince Edward. You gave birth to three healthy Princesses and a Prince, Princess Cecily, Princess Mary, Prince John and Princess Elinor.
~ He spoils you with the most expensive gifts.  He has jewels (crown, ring, earring, necklace, bracelet and brooch) and dresses specially prepared for you. He allows you to go out for your duties as Queen. For example, documents and letters come to your room. Those who want to see you can only see you when Henry is with you.
~ Henry was a wonderful father to your children. He never had a mistress or a lover. He remained loyal to you and your marriage until his last breath. For some, the King's obsession was the love of fairy tales. For others, this obsession was the golden skullcap of a Princess.
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gulnarsultan · 6 months
Can you do Yandere King Henry Viii and Yandere Charles brandon (they are both married) where both are in a ploy relationship with Mistress Reader?
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Hello. I hope you like it.
" Scenario"
In fact, these two men are good friends. Honestly, there are many possibilities as to how you met. There may be several reasons why you started a multiple relationship.
Maybe you were the first Charles' lover. He was either forced to share it with Henry or consented to it voluntarily.
Maybe you met both at the same time. There was competition. The advice of starting a relationship with the two was put forward.
They were both married. However, neither of them loved or cared much about their wives. Moreover, what both men wanted most, their wives could not give them. They both wanted male heirs to continue their lineage. You recently attended court. Honestly, you never expected the two most powerful men in the country to fall in love with you and develop obsessions. They both started courting you. In a short time, the courtship period ended with the two men making you their legal mistress. A very beautiful room in the palace and many servants were given to you. You had the most expensive and best of everything. They did not allow other men to approach you. They even frowned at women who approached you too friendly. No one could disrespect you. You were not allowed to leave your room without their permission. You had several sons in a short time.
With Henry viii
With Charles
Your children were legitimized by Henry and Charles from the moment they were born. They were the best fathers in the world for your children. There is no escape from these two men until your last breath.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Reaction : Yandere King henry viii finally being able to make his Mistress, his wife
❝ 📜— lady l: this isn't very long because it's a ''reaction'', I don't know if it was that good because I'm not feeling well but I wanted to write anyway, but I hope you like it and let me know what you think if you want! Good reading. :)
❝tw: mention of cheating (Reader is Henry's mistress) and very slight nsfw.
❝📜pairing: yandere!henry viii x female!reader.
❝📜word count: 400.
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Finally after all the hard work he had put in it had finally make it worth it.
The damn letters to the Vatican, the damn court that took longer than he wanted to admit and the infighting would finally stop.
Finally he could have you as his wife, his Queen.
Henry didn't think it would take this long, he loved you more than anything in life and all he wanted was to have you as his wife. And finally this would come to fruition.
He could finally share the same room with you, have you sit next to him at jousts and feasts and banquets. He could finally display you as his wife, as his Queen to everyone.
So that everyone could appreciate your beauty as much as he did.
As soon as he received the news that his marriage to Catherine of Aragon would be annulled, Henry ran to the room you occupied in his court, as soon as you opened the door, Henry had already pressed his lips to yours in a deep kiss and passionate.
Your dress had been ripped off without you noticing and Henry was devouring your breasts like a starving man. It didn't take long and you were on the floor, completely naked and you were on top of him, riding him in ecstasy and joy.
You had learned that he liked it when you were on top of him, where he could enjoy the view of your perfect body and your pretty face.
When everything calmed down, when the moans stopped and you were lying on the floor, naked and sweaty, your legs intertwined and your head on his chest.
That was when you knew that all of this would now be for real. All the pain caused to everyone involved, you, him, the others, would not be in vain.
Because you would finally be his wife. Finally Henry would have the woman he loved so much by his side forever.
Henry turned to you and there were tears in his blue eyes, he smiled and kissed your forehead, ''We will finally be together forever, my love.''
You kissed him back, hugging him tightly. Yes, it would all be worth it.
Especially when you get pregnant.
Henry kissed her lips lovingly. You would finally become his wife and he would love you until the end of time.
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