#yandere hawkman
anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Introducing two characters we haven’t talked about yet: yan!dad Hawkman and yan!mom Hawkgirl. Especially with a darling who is the reoccurring incarnation of their lost child.
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marveloustimestwo · 2 years
Hello, can you please do a Yan! Legends of Tomorrow (basically all of them) with their darling who is their soulmate whom they stole from another timeline or universe and they wouldn't let her go
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Doing the original team since I'm not trying to write for more than that. Also, I think you meant this to be poly? So that's what I'm going with.
Warnings: Yandere themes, Reader is kidnapped, talk of punishments, but not in depth.
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It was a very complicated situation when they all found out they shared the same soulmate.
Before they found you, it kind of just simmered under the surface waiting to explode.
None of them really wanted to discuss it before they actually met you and found out what you were like.
But it all came to a head when they met you on one of their missions through time.
It was Mick who kidnapped you. He was very much irritated when Rip wanted them to leave you behind, and if or when you rejected them.
And when the rest of them found out, Rip was somewhat overruled. None of them were all that willing to take you back to where you came from.
While deep down they knew it was right to do so, they excused it by saying it was too late to go back now (despite very well knowing they could wipe your memories of this.)
Each one of them had a slightly different way they would want to "take care" of you and try to wrestle you into your new life with them.
A couple of them like Ray and Jax were very soft and lenient with your "bad behavior" while Mick and Snart were much more aggressive while being less forgiving.
Meaning Mick and Snart were the ones to dole out punishments when needed.
Though they ran into a problem with that because Ray and Jax believed that you needed a softer, less aggressive approach if you were ever going to come around, which often lead to explosive arguments.
Sarah, Kendra, and Carter, who would have been the middle ground in this group, are bolstered by the others' arguing.
Sarah tries to be a mediator, but it doesn't exactly work when she has no one other than Rip to help, and he's honestly just tired and terrified of the group he's assembled.
Carter wants to be more lenient. He doesn't like seeing you terrified of them or hurt from one of Snart and Mick's punishments, which leads to him helping Ray and Jax in their attempts to comfort you and argue with the others.
And Kendra, while she personally doesn't like giving out punishments for you lashing out, still backs up Snart and Mick. Her patience tends to wear thin easily, and she believes that a more aggressive approach will make things progress faster with you.
But while they all may argue, none of them are about to let you go. They'll fight to the death before letting Rip or any of the other heroes take their soulmate away from them.
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