#yandere halo rvb felix
yanderes-galore · 1 year
Just occurred to me I requested every villain in Halo RVB 1-15 except for Felix, poor bastard. How about a romantic/platonic concept with a medic darling? They work for the rebellion and end up scolding Felix when he has to visit them, telling him that he needs to be more careful because the army needs him (which he finds hilarious but won’t elaborate on why). He shows up in the medical bay to bother them constantly, then when his cover’s blown, he decides the pirates could use a fully trained combat medic and takes them with him, much to Locus’ annoyance.
Man... Felix was such a good character. Sure! I'll do sonmething for him :) Been a bit since I saw the Chorus trilogy so I apologize if something's off.
I feel like I could've done more with this but I was not sure what-
Spoilers for Halo RvB Chorus Trilogy
Yandere! Felix with Medic! Darling
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsessive behavior, Manipulation, Self-harm mention, Swearing, Threats, Overprotective/Possessive behavior, Kidnapping, Vague relationship implied, Violence, Murder, Jealousy.
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You are a medic for the New Republic by the time you meet Felix.
Kimball trusts you to treat her soldiers.
You've seen countless patients in your small makeshift medical office.
However, the one you've seen the most is Felix.
Felix is a mercenary but he has a reckless and eager personality.
Which means he often finds himself injured due to such reckless behavior.
Before the Reds and Blues blew his cover, Felix played his facade around you.
To you, Felix was playful, friendly, sarcastic, but stern at times.
Whenever you saw him he acted like a close friend.
You were sure you were the only one who saw him out of his armor for healing.
Felix when he's still acting like he's on your side is Overprotective, Obsessive, and Caring.
This is not his true yandere persona.
He says you're so important to this war because you're a medic.
He says it all with a sweet smile.
Felix also enjoys teasing you around the base, often saying he'll "see you later in the medical bay."
You often scold the mercenary on him being so reckless.
It's dangerous out there!
You catch Felix snickering at your concern but you don't quite understand why.
You just think he's playing with you and punch his shoulder lightly.
Which he then becomes overdramatic about.
Felix is dramatic.
In more ways than you know.
When he comes into your office he overplays his actual injury.
You also begin to wonder how he's getting injured so often?
He's a skilled mercenary...
You have no idea that he's injuring himself to have the excuse to see you. Locus can be such a pain in the ass.
Felix doesn't just see you in the office.
He often looks for you when you're not in the office.
You'll be on break and Felix will find you again.
He's extremely chatty.
It's like he wants to hear himself talk when he's with you.
Felix likes to compliment you, too.
You feel like Felix is trying to be overly flattering towards you.
It's... strange.
Felix can be hypocritical, talking about your own safety while supposedly neglecting his own.
When he visits the base he comes to you to see if you're okay.
If you were injured... then Felix expresses uncharacteristic (to you) dark behavior.
He wants to know who did it....
So he can end them in the most painful way possible.
Felix shows to be caring of you even if he's overprotective.
Felix always liked how smart you are.
As Felix's friend, you start to think he's lying to you as the rebellion goes on.
Something's not quite right with his behavior...
The moment the big plan about Chorus is revealed... you lose respect for Felix.
He always felt like he was lying to you.
After that you try to avoid him, trying to pretend you didn't hear any rumors.
But Felix knows better.
In fact, he already has plans for you.
Felix's true yandere persona is not that of an overprotective partner.
Felix is actually Manipulative, Self-absorbed, Selfish, Merciless, Possessive, and Exploitive.
Felix has low empathy and doesn't sympathize with anyone.
He kills people and disrespects the dead.
When Felix decides to take you away from the rebellion once the plan is revealed he doesn't care what he does to take you.
The mercenary doesn't mind killing your friends, calling them pathetic and all sorts of other names while stalking towards you.
"It's funny that you thought you were saving them! They were going to die for nothing anyway...."
He's a monster who would harm anyone to get what he wants.
Felix is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
This whole thing was an act to him.
Every talk, every action, everything.
Felix can act like an entirely different person to get others to trust him.
Like a role in a play.
Including those on his side.
Felix offers you the offer to join the Space Pirates, giving one last chance to be nice with you.
If you refuse then he doesn't mind threatening you into following him.
Felix expects Locus to give him shit for taking you in but he doesn't care.
Felix also wants to keep you with him... as he feels you're his.
You're a skilled combat medic... you'll be useful.
He promises.
Locus complains to Felix at times but the orange mercenary tells him to mind his own business.
When you're forced into the Space Pirates you see Felix's true colors.
Anyone under him is disrespected and threatened into compliance.
You've also seen how jealous Felix gets when you're forced to heal others.
He'll be flipping his combat knife only to think about throwing it at one of your patients if they compliment you.
A threat that silently says "hands off."
Felix often manipulates those around him and is cruel.
If you think of the people he's killed for you then he brushes it off, telling you they didn't matter.
Felix cares little for the deaths of others.
Felix also expects you to pay attention to him.
Ignoring him will make him force it out of you.
He wants to talk to you, maybe even get a bit handsy if he feels that way.
Things like an arm around the shoulder and possessive hug solidifies how he feels for you.
He feels like he deserves you.
He feels he's entitled to you and your care.
Felix would even kill in front of you if he felt it was necessary.
The only person that matters to him is you.
Even then he's twisted about the way he feels about you.
Felix wants to be the only one to see you out of your armor, often locking the door to your office when he visits you.
Felix knows you hate him for betraying you and kidnapping you.
He claims it's so your conversation with each other "feels casual."
He has ulterior motives.
But he also knows you'll have to push aside such feelings at some point.
He's a dangerous man who'd kill everyone around you to keep you to himself.
If you refuse him... he may even threaten you.
You can't tell if Felix loves you or genuinely cares for you at all anymore
All you know is his hold is too tight on you and his jealousy is volatile...
You have no idea if you could ever trust him again after all he's done to you.
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toaarcan · 7 years
My theory on the “return” of “Alpha-Church.”
So, there’s been a split in the RvB fandom as to whether the message from Church at the end of S15E5 is the return of Alpha, the return of Epsilon, or just a trap set by the Mysterious Cobalt Guy or whoever he’s working for. Generally it’s come down to between the former and the latter... but is there any reason it can’t be both?
Below the cut is my theory on what’s going on, and who this is.
We’ll start with the end of Season 6, where Alpha supposedly died in the emp.
In the Halo universe, AI are not contained in computer chips, but rather in memory crystals, which renders them impervious to the effects of an electromagnetic pulse. And even if they were, as Simmons told us in the Blood Gulch Chronicles, “Computers haven’t been affected by magnets since the 21st century.”
So, if the emp wouldn’t kill the Meta’s AI, why did Wash want to use one on them? He could’ve been mistaken, and even then, the emp would short out the Meta’s armour and equipment, allowing him to be captured, while Wash and Alpha, with his emp-proof suit, would be fine. Of course, Wash got injured and Alpha had to run into the Meta to save him, so that didn’t go so well.
When the Meta hits the ground, unconscious because all the tech that allows him to hear the voices of his AI is gone, the Director quickly has Beta-Tex’s crystal removed before making his escape and going into hiding.
Meanwhile, the Recovery Unit is reassigned to work under the UNSC during the investigation of Project Freelancer, as we see at the end of Season 8. The Meta is recovered, and Hargrove, in charge of the operation, has his armour repaired. He initially intends it to go into his Leonard Sucks Museum, but upon learning about Epsilon and the Reds and Blues from Wash, decides to send the Meta with him as an enforcer. He’s planning on killing Maine and taking the suit and equipment for himself later anyway, but he might as well get some use out of him first. 
However, while Maine’s suit is repaired, the systems that allow the AI to work are not. Alpha and the rest of the fragments are trapped in Maine’s head, unable to do anything. 
The Meta is dragged around by Wash for a while, until the battle against Epsilon-Tex at the MoI crash site. The Meta’s actions here are interesting. He wants an AI to run his suit, but instead of leaving Wash and Tex to fight while he goes for the softer target that is Epsilon, he focuses on Tex. Why? Because he knows he lost Beta. A piece of him has been taken and he wants it back.
(Why Beta, a technically separate AI who wasn’t part of Alpha in the first place, and also has a major flaw in her code that stops her from ever achieving her goals... somehow... was a part of the Meta, I don’t know, but that’s something to worry about later.)
Of course, we all know how that song and dance goes. THe Meta manages to capture Epsilon-Tex, but is defeated by the Reds and Blues and sent plummeting off the cliff. With two massive impalement wounds in his chest, his overshield nonfunctioning, and being at the bottom of the sea, he drowns.
But where did the original Beta-Tex go? The Director takes her and, in a last-ditch attempt to remove her fatal flaw, begins fragmenting her, hoping to break off the failure aspect of her, so he can recombine the others and finally have his perfect, invincible Allison. Because the Director’s kind of a shit like that. of course, Carolina, Epsilon, and the Reds and Blues put a stop to that, and Beta is deactivated permanently because Epsilon is yandere who can’t get over her and let her live her own life like he and Alpha did. What actually happened to her after that point is... never explained. Maybe Joe might pick up on that in future? He’s already doing a great job of moving Carolina out of her Season 12-13 rut of “Diet Tex”, so maybe there’ll be room for both! Unlikely with the Kathleen situation, but I can dream, damnit!
Hargrove later has the Meta’s armour recovered, and added to the Leonard Sucks Museum, albeit upgrade into M374 Hephaestus suit seen in Season 13, which conveniently happens to look just like Maine’s suit in Season 9-10! 
This time, however, he has the AI extracted. Alpha is useless for combat, and the fragments by this point are either slipping into rampancy, dying, or have reintegrated into Alpha, so none of them can be used to run the upgraded suit, leading to his issues with getting a new AI for it.
Come the end of Season 13, Hargrove’s concerns about an old AI fragment running the Meta suit aren’t unfounded, as Epsilon is forced to shatter himself just to give it the juice to beat Hargrove’s goons. However, Tucker does just that, and the Reds and Blues are able to capture Hargrove. Thanks to Epsilon’s earlier broadcasts, it is now known that Hargrove is the bad guy, so he is soon taken into UNSC custody and locked up.
But just because he’s beaten, doesn’t mean ol’ Malcolm is going to lie down and die. No, even if he doesn’t get his job back, he certainly has a corporation to run, and it’s in his best interests to get his name cleared. And what better way to do that than discredit Epsilon and his friends, the people that captured him? If he can make it seem like the Reds and Blues are actually deceptive terrorist, and Chorus is backing them, then his accusers aren’t reliable, and his attack on Chorus is totally justified. Why, Locus and Felix weren’t evil killers, they were agents sent to observe the situation, and we killed by the natives and their colourful hired psychopaths.
Criminal masterminds running their operations from inside a cell isn’t an unlikely thing, and through his connections, Hargrove is able to hire Temple, Surge, and their comrades. And hey, if he can start the “Reds and Blues’” killing spree by offing a bunch of old loose ends from Freelancer, well, that’s two birds with one stone.
Thanks to the convenient timing of the real heroes’ retiring to Chorus’ moon, the operation is going well, until Temple’s crew discover Dylan and Jax at Sidewinder. Realising that Dylan is searching for the truth, and probably making the connection that she is the reporter who interviewed him and the BGC before, and thus knows them, he decides that it would be prudent to dispose of her and the real Reds and Blues. He just needs to draw his nemeses out of hiding so they can all be eliminated, leaving Temple’s crew free to ravage the galaxy. Maybe he can make it look like the Reds and Blues killed Dylan when she found them, and spin her tragic story of a woman looking for the heroes she once knew, only to find them now psychotic killers, into part of his scheme.
Either way, he can use it to make sure he’s let out.
But how to get them to leave. Sure, just the presence of Temple’s crew and the way the scheme threatens their friends on Chorus might work, but they might also be clever enough to plan and not get killed off easily. No, it has to be something that they’ll drop everything for and charge off to investigate, and not just the BGC themselves, but it has to work on their leader; Carolina. 
And what better way to lure them out than that otherwise useless Alpha AI?
So Hargrove has his men activate Alpha and start torturing him. After all, the Director proved that it wasn’t too hard to do so. But he makes sure to give Alpha the means to send out his distress signal. And soon enough, Alpha does just that, baiting the trap.
And sure enough, it works. Tucker and Caboose spring into action to save Church. Sarge jumps in for another adventure. Simmons, Donut, and Lopez follow Sarge. Dylan and Jax continue following to get the whole story. And even better, they go without Carolina and Wash!
Now everyone is playing into Hargrove’s trap.
Everyone except for a certain Captain Dexter Grif.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
I know you haven’t done individual concepts for them yet (at the time of this request, at least), but is there any chance you’d do a concept for a Halo RVB romantic rivalry between Locus and Agent Washington? The tension is palpable and I want it injected into my veins.
Ikr! You could choke on the tension- I really hope to do them justice.
Yandere! Locus vs Agent Washington
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Swearing, Manipulation, Dubious affection, Jealousy, Violence, Murder mention, Kidnapping, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Stalking.
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In their seasons the two certainly have a very palpable tension between them.
They're both soldiers who have been hardened by their field.
In fact both of them used to be really empathetic and compassionate.
Then Wash went insane due to Epsilon.
While Locus was molded into a weapon after his time in the UNSC.
While Wash has recovered due to finding a new family among the Reds and Blues, Locus has not.
Essentially... Locus is what Wash could've been.
A weapon.
The rivalry over you probably started during the whole Chorus season.
Wash has already grown attached to you, be you a sim trooper or freelancer.
He considers you family like Carolina.
Speaking of which, Carolina knows Wash likes you more than just family before he does.
He gets relentlessly teased by her during your time on Chorus.
The first yandere you gain is indeed Agent Washington.
His feelings don't fully form into obsession until Locus is in the picture.
They just seem like genuine feelings of affection.
He cares for you but jealousy hasn't kicked in.
Then Locus finds you.
At first he sticks to the plan of splitting up the Reds and Blues, worrying about you later.
Locus has no idea how important you'll be to him until later.
That's how the rivalry sparks.
Locus stalks you from the shadows while Wash sticks by you.
Things would be horrible if you were seperated from Wash by Felix and Locus.
Locus does find it worth it to see Wash panic at you being on the other side.
Let's talk yandere behavior.
Locus is Obsessive, Cold, Cruel, Possessive, Threatening, yet loyal to those he deems his comrades.
Washington is Obsessive, Manipulative, Compassionate, Protective, and Ruthless at times.
What's interesting is how similar these two characters are.
Locus would be the same as Wash if Wash never met Red and Blue team.
But because he did? A totally different yandere.
Just think about it... I'm pretty sure that was the point of Locus, actually.
They'd be the same without one change.
Wash probably slowly learns this the more he encounters Locus.
I'll also say Locus is fully aware he's a monster.
He's killed many and has a possessive feeling of wanting to keep you.
He is aware if he doesn't change you'll never be happy.
Yet change is slow and all he wants is you right now.
In terms of stalking, Locus is the better one.
Terms of kidnapping? They both fair pretty well at it, but the point may go to Locus again.
Murder? They're both capable.
They want to kill each other anyway.
Locus slowly wants to transition to just injury, yet Wash can go.
Throughout the rivalry Wash grows increasingly worried for your safety.
Locus can be anywhere with his armor enhancements.
Wash is obsessed with you but he cares a lot more about you.
He's more capable of care than Locus, who lost that long ago.
Wash sort of wants to solidify his feelings towards you due to being so stressed.
In a moment of weakness Wash may let it slip he loves you...
Like... really loves you.
He sits you down and hugs you through your armor.
He may want to kiss you then and there... maybe he's watching.
He bets that'll piss him off.
Wash is right, the fact Wash has established your relationship after this does piss Locus off.
The warrior feels a deep burning in his stomach.
He wants nothing more than to shoot Wash in the head.
It's after Wash makes his move that Locus abandons the plan and kidnaps you.
In a similar way to Carolina and Wash, Felix will give him shit when he carries you to the base.
"Too jealous, huh? So unlike you." Felix chides.
"Say anymore and I'll bash your skull in, Felix."
This is where you're subjected to Locus.
While Wash was affectionate, soft hugs and kisses to assure you you're his...
Locus is stiff with affection.
He wants you around but isn't sure how to express it.
Felix tempts fate by speaking with you.
Locus looks so tense at this.
He'd deck him if he didn't have to tolerate him.
Locus occasionally indulges in affection at times.
Usually small things like an arm around you or a soft spoken voice.
He's much less affectionate than Wash.
Kissing you would take forever with him.
Once he does though? He can't get enough.
The rivalry comes to a close when Wash rallies people to get you back.
The Reds and Blues find it annoying but feel Wash and you are family.
Tucker's the most sympathetic towards his goals.
Soon in their rivalry they'll have to fight each other, one on one.
They both want you... they also have a mission to do.
Once lucky move and one of them could win and keep you...
Who it'll be will depend purely on who has the best strategy... and who wants you the most.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Praise the lord, the time’s finally come /lh. For Halo RVB, could you please write a Sharkface concept with a Freelancer darling? Like they were one of the Freelancers he fought back when the project was still going, and when he started working with the Mercs he found them serving Kimball on Chorus? I just binged the series for the 7th time and I forgot how bad that man rots my brain.
Okay but like... Sharkface without the armor? 😳 HELP-
Damn- I'd love to!
Yandere! Sharkface with Freelancer! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Kidnapping implied, Violence, Angst (?), Mind break, Unhealthy coping, Obsession, Forced affection, Fighting, Branding, Psychotic themes, Forced relationship, love/hate relationship, Murder, Honestly what were you expecting? You're enemies. Have caution when reading, meant to be horrific to fit character.
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Similar to Mark Temple, Sharkface despises freelancers.
He can never forgive them for killing his fellow men.
His family.
He can't forgive you, either.
He remembers a freelancer who worked with Carolina and Washington....
Through the entirety of the time he was in jail, he kept thinking back to his mission.
The raid...
Those damn freelancers.
He was expecting to meet Carolina and Wash, sure, but you?
Once he was hired by Locus and Felix and out of jail he made vengeance his goal.
He had no idea you were still active.
Perfectly fine with him, you have a debt to pay.
You had been working for Kimball after the Reds and Blues crashed their ship.
Sharkface feels they won't miss you....
You quickly become a target for Sharkface.
He's brutal, threatening, reckless, unforgiving and seemingly immune to pain....
Sharkface struggles connecting with others due to his ideals, often because of his motives.
There's no hope for you if you're a freelancer...
It's either death or something worse-
Sharkface primarily wants to kill Carolina and Wash.
This is because of their confrontation in the past.
His original goal was to kill you.
But for some unforseen reason, he enjoys torturing you mentally and physically.
There's times he'll seek you out to vent all of his freelancer rage onto.
Sharkface may even hate you more than other freelancers.
This is because he simultaneously hates you and loves you.
He loves to break you... he wants to make you a toy.
Yet he can't kill you like he should be doing.
Unlike Mark Temple, Sharkface is not delusional enough to just love you.
He doesn't bother trying to pretend you've done nothing wrong.
No, he'd like to make a freelancer darling suffer, alone.
With only him there to greet your vision.
If he can't kill you then he'll just break you.
As you can tell, Sharkface and a freelancer darling is a troublesome pair.
This is because you'll primarily face his wrath as his form of love.
He hates that he loves you...
So he'll make you pay for everything.
He'd use his obsession towards you to break you.
There's times where you and him will straight up fight.
Usually when you attempt escape/his death.
Sharkface doesn't mind burning you, either.
Any pain you inflict he either doesn't register or he laughs it off.
Then there's uncharacteristic times he'll be affectionate to lure you in.
He'll take off his helm and kiss you, wanting to keep you on your toes.
He loves your struggle.
You yourself aren't even sure if he hates or loves you.
Perhaps he doesn't know either.
Sharkface is much more violent with his darling as a freelancer.
He'll lock you up, he'll injure you, he'll brand you, he'll show you who you submit to.
Sharkface is obsessed with you and the idea of breaking you.
Oh the smug look on his face when he shows Carolina and Wash what he's done to you.
He's stripped you of your armor, broken you mentally, now all you know is him.
If anything to him it will be the ultimate revenge to reveal you before killing them.
Then he'll get to keep you as his own personal toy...
He'll never forgive you for what you've done to him.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
*bursts thru door like cool-aid man* did someone say rvb???? yo who's your favorite character(s)? mine is caboose 😭 i love that idiot sm😭💞💞 as well as simmons and locus.
okay okau as for like,, thoughts: i personally feel like if Locus had a darling, platonic or romantic, i dont think he'd be that much of a threat to them. to everyone else he's a grade AA threat, but to them i dont think he needs to. like, by the powers of bullshit alone was the Blood Gulch group + Wash & Carolina able to defeat Felix.
my thought process here is that Bullshit Power aside, i highly doubt the darling/person of interest would be able to escape locus. if they were able to it either be a stroke of luck or them faking stupidity to not wind up on the front lines, yk? hence why they're w/ the main group at all.
I may have not met Locus yet but I'll take your word for it ^^;
My favorite are probably Donut, Caboose, Tucker, and Grif.
Although Doc/ O'Malley is good too!
I know, classic Blood Gulch characters-
Sorry I will try to catch up to Season 11 soon ^^ After I'm done binging other things.
Yandere RvB can be serious, but also comedic (true to the show)
Happy to have another RvB fan on here 😌
Or just Halo in general, really-
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