#yandere fukorodani
noirscript · 1 month
EYES HERE. Read the instructions below before sending a request!
I'll be accepting requests for these fandoms from today (while I'm working on more projects (with my ocs)):
Genshin Impact (any interested dragon-fucker here?)
My Hero Academia
TBA (I'd rather not butcher any other characters atm)
My OCs and my current ongoing series Yandere Hotline.
Commissions are also open for those interested. 👀
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yanderecrazysie · 6 months
Hiii!!! I haven’t really requested anything before so I hope I’m doing this right, but could I please request the training camp with manger reader, character of your choice bc I really couldn’t decide lmao😭😭😭
I really wasn’t sure what to do for this, so I just chose Bokuto because… well, because. XD
Title: Enamor
Pairings: Bokuto Koutarou x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, manager! reader
Summary: Bokuto develops a crush on the Shinzen High manager.
be filled with a feeling of love for
Bokuto’s attention was easily won, but just as easily lost.
His attention was fleeting, bouncing from one person to another like a volleyball. Until it stopped.
On you.
Bokuto had already met Kyoko, but he had no real interest in her. She looked beautiful, sure, but she didn’t have much in the way of personality to hold his attention. You, on the other hand, were beautiful and energetic.
You were the manager of the Shinzen High Volleyball Club. You stood on the sidelines of every match and cheered your heart out for the team. Where other managers clapped or just watched silently, you jumped up and down and hollered out praise.
When each match was finished, you would fling yourself onto the group of boys- high fives if they won, hugs if they lost. Shinzen High wasn’t exactly the best team there (though they were no Karasuno), so there were quite a few losses and quite a few hugs.
Bokuto pouted every time you gave a round of hugs to them, eyes narrowing whenever you lingered a little too long. He found himself wishing he could be on the Shinzen High team, just to get a hug or high five from you.
Akaashi noticed something was wrong when Bokuto went into “emo mode” before the next match even started. His eyes surveyed the gym, surprised to notice where Bokuto’s attention was.
The broccoli-headed guy had an arm around your waist as the team talked. You didn’t seem bothered by it, merely talking casually as though it weren’t there. 
“Bokuto,” Akaashi warned, “We have to start the next match.”
“Just play without me, Akaashi,” Bokuto said dramatically, “I have a broken heart, I can’t play.”
Akaashi closed his eyes and tried to think what would cheer him up, “But, Bokuto, don’t you want to impress her with your volleyball skills?” Bokuto perked up, but only a little.
The next few matches were torture for Fukorodani. They were good at playing without Bokuto, but they needed him to get over his emo mode at least at some point in the match. Instead, he spent the entire time moping around- not trying to spike or receive and serving half-heartedly.
The coach was furious and, in the next match, he didn’t even put Bokuto in. “Deal with it or don’t play,” he had said.
Bokuto found himself walking up to you in a daze. You turned to him and gave him a polite smile, “Yes? Can I help you?”
“What’s your name?” Bokuto asked.
“Oh, it’s (Y/n),” you said, looking a little confused, “And you’re Bokuto, right?”
Bokuto’s emo mode disappeared instantly, “That’s me!” He puffed his chest out in pride.
“Why aren’t you playing?” you asked, confusedly looking over at his team.
“I wanted to talk to you!” Bokuto said, “I love you!”
You stared blankly at him, “You just learned my name, how do you love me? Or is that, like, an over exaggeration?”
Bokuto gave you a look like a kicked puppy. Didn’t you understand that he had fallen in love at first sight? That he was enamored with your very being?
Apparently you didn’t understand, because you turned back to your team, cheering as they made a point. You turned back, looking surprised that Bokuto was still there.
That was okay, he’d find a way to show you how much he loved you before training camp was over. Whether it was through bubbly praise or confronting you in the locker room, alone… he would have you.
He’d never been this enamored with anyone else before. 
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sugamamacustard · 4 years
Sweet little chick
 Pairing: Mafia boss! Alpha! Sugawara Koushi! X Omega! Reader
Genre: Fluff, Yandere
Request: N/A
Summary: The Karasuno Crows fell to the will of one person and one person alone. You were expected to do the same to the mama crow.
Warnings:  Slight/Yandere! Themes. Stockholm Syndrome, Collars, dresses, blood/core/ mafia compliant violence. 
Author’s Note:  An anon on my main blog (Shameless plug, it’s @angstyclowns​) sent me an amazing message and I took care of myself for once and now I’m super motivated! Also, I’m tried keeping this gender neutral, but reader does end up in a dress and thigh highs, so I’m sorry for that!
Requests: Open!
Disclaimer: I do not condone the acts below, please do not kidnap people you fancy and force them to stay against their will until they pull a beauty and the beast. Thanks for reading!
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Sugawara Koushi
➵ You weren’t sure how long you had been there. 
➵ In fact, at this point you weren’t sure you cared. 
➵ You were respected here. People groveled on their knees at your feet for your favor, just to make you smile.
➵ Because if you liked them, your alpha was less likely to slit their throats. You were a direct link to getting in the alpha’s good graces.
➵ At first, you hated it. Hated the feeling of people begging you for their lives.
➵ And sometimes, sometimes late at night, you hated it now too. Hated how their screams still rung in your ears, begging and pleading for you to help.
➵ Most times, your alpha tried to keep you out of the bloody weeds of his business, but some times, when Noya or Hinata weren’t quick enough to stop a new guy who royally messed up from begging you to call off the hit.
➵  At that point, you had to hide in your nest, close your eyes and cover your ears until Suga came to comfort you.
➵ In the beginning you would smack him away, but now you craved his touch. His hugs, his purrs, his words of reassurance, anything he would give to you to settle your fears. 
➵ You weren’t sure why you pushed him away in the first place, as you were much better now. You were getting help after the untimely death of your parents (Car accident), you had friends (Suga allowed you to keep company with some of the other crows’ omegas), and everything you wanted at the snap of your fingers.
➵ You were perfectly content with life as it was. 
➵ But that didn’t mean you didn’t have your own rules to follow. 
➵ Your alpha had several rules to follow, especially because of the role he played. 
➵ When he had meetings with Fukorodani or Nekoma, you were to sit on his lap, in whatever tight little number you were gifted that day, and stay quiet. Occasionally, Daichi (Who ran Karasuno along side Suga) would bring his own omega and you two would be allowed to talk quietly among yourselves or play Animal crossing together. 
➵ If you had a concern or comment, you would whisper it to Koushi, who would either allow you to share or re-word it himself.
➵ The other leaders thought you were the second cutest thing in their worlds (Their own omegas holding first. But you were reminded them of their own omegas they left at home) and always listened when you spoke, treating you like a valid member of the Karasuno crew.
➵ Which you were. 
➵ But not in the same sense as everyone else. You were more-or-less an innocent bystander that held the title. 
➵ Under no circumstances however, were you allowed to talk to someone that wasn’t approved by Koushi. Kuroo, Bokuto, Oikawa (Read, Iwaizumi), even Ushijima were all approved, their omegas too, but no one else. 
➵ They understood this, growling at their guards and anyone else they brought for a meeting to stay away. 
➵ But unfortunately, not all people took the gracious warnings they provided. 
➵ The day started off like it normally did, with Suga waking up far earlier than you cared to know. 
➵ He pecked your lips while you groggily watched him get ready, button his shirt while you sat up to run your hands through his hair.
➵ “Do you have to leave so early, Koushi?” You whined, pulling him down once more to hug him tightly. He chuckled in your ear, pecking your cheek before prying you off. 
➵ “Unfortunately I do, sweet thing. But I promise, I’ll back to pick you up for the meeting later.”  A final kiss was pressed to your lips before your alpha was off, tightening his tie on the way out and slinging on his suit jacket.
➵ Predictably so, you went back to bed, sleeping until a knock on the door woke you up. 
➵ Hinata walked in slowly, beaming down at you brightly before setting down a silver and gold box and walking back out, closing the door behind him. You liked Hinata. He seemed to have a second sense to when you wanted to talk or when you just wanted your alpha.
➵ His omega was lucky. 
➵ But you were more lucky. You got to see your alpha soon, since he always had your dresses delivered in the time frame that allowed you to get ready right before Suga would show up to pick you up
➵ So you shakily got up, stretching and yawning before picking  up the box and sliding off the top. The dress inside was a velvet black up until the bodess, which was a sweetheart neckline. From there, a mesh overcoat covering your shoulders and arms hooked around your neck. It was beautiful. 
➵ So you slipped it on quickly, styling your hair with dry shampoo and whatever else you deemed appropriate and slipping some black thigh highs to match  before clipping on the final accessory
➵ It was a pristine white collar that buckled around your neck, with a small white bell and a hanging heart charm that simply said your name. It wasn’t as extravagant as the other omegas’ collars, but it suited Suga-- who, in a way, owned you. 
➵ Like clockwork. the moment you finished tightening the collar your alpha was knocking on the door, opening it soon after and smiling at you. 
➵ He was in a different suit then what he left in and his knuckles were wrapped, but you didn’t want to question it. 
➵ “Ready to go?” 
➵ You nodded excitedly, hooking your arm with his and making your way out of the room. He grabbed your switch (Which he had gifted you, custom with your favorite colored joycons) on the way out, soon leading you to the ‘meeting room’. 
➵ Daichi and Kuroo both smiled from their conversation when you two finally made your entrance, nodding in your direction. 
➵ Suga sat in his chair, allowing you to sit in his lap right after before passing you the gaming console and starting the meeting. (Kuroo and Daichi said something about how lucky Suga was that you were ‘ready’ whatever that meant)
➵ You didn’t care to listen, probably for the better, only playing animal crossing with small hums leaving you. 
➵ Twenty minutes in and all was fine with minimal disagreement on whatever was going on. At least, minimal trouble for the alphas.
➵ You felt a sense of unease set over you while you were playing a while ago but hoped it would just disappear. 
➵ But it never did. 
➵ You looked up to see Suga completely enveloped in the conversation with Kuroo and Daichi, so it wasn’t him, nor the other two alphas. 
➵ Looking around, you noted it wasn’t any of the Karasuno crows that were in there. 
➵ All the usual people Kuroo brought with him were focusing on the void. 
➵ All but one. You had never seen him before but he looked slimy from here. Even Lev (One of Kuroo’s bodyguards that got along with literally everyone, including you) was standing far away from him.
➵ His hair was greasy and blue. A gross as blue that looked like he tried to go for silver but failed. 
➵ It was disgusting to you and he was staring directly at you. Who tf was this guy???
➵  You mindlessly nuzzled back into Suga’s arms, which made him falter and look down at you before going back to the conversation (A land deal?) 
➵ But the feeling never faltered. 
➵ You had tried getting up to go the bathroom once during the meeting but the feeling at you sitting right back down, trying so hard to focus on your game. Your scent was burnt slightly, which set Suga on edge, but what made it even worse was when the boy- smelled like beta- offered to take you off of Suga’s hands for the meeting. 
➵ “A frail thing like her shouldn’t be in the company of such vile conversation topics, yeah?” 
➵ “We’re talking about land, what about that is vile?” Suga sneered, switching from looking at you to the man. He could tell you were off the moment you burrowed into him.
➵ There weren’t any excited giggles coming from you if you discovered something new. No squeals of joy when you finally, finally caught that fish you had been trying to catch for however long. Nothing. Silence and tense muscles.
➵ He had been trying to figure out what was wrong with you the entire time until it suddenly clicked. 
➵ The male spoke and you were grabbing his shirt like a lifeline.
➵ It was him. 
➵ This beta was making his omega uncomfortable. 
➵  Kuroo and Daichi picked up on this fairly quickly, Kuroo already apologizing to Daichi before looking to the Beta. 
➵ Suga didn’t hear what they said, but he felt Daichi pushing you and him out of the room. A silent promise in his eyes.
➵ He picked you up effortlessly, taking you to your room and setting you in your nest and scenting you excessively
➵ You whimpered and allowed him to do so, the switch being discarded somewhere. 
➵ Suga held you to his chest for hours after that, silently planning  ever terrible thing he would unleash unto the unsuspecting beta. 
➵ there was nothing in the world Suga wouldn’t do for you. 
➵ He killed for you once and he’d do it again over and over again.
➵ Whether it be faking a car accident or disposing of trash, keeping eyes on you with specially planted agents, Suga was willing to do everything for you. 
➵ And he certainly had the means to do so.
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mortedeveles · 3 years
Copyright © 2021 by Veles.
The fanfiction content here and some other elements belong to me, but all the Haikyuu characters belong to Haruichi Furudate. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE (COPY AND CLAIM AS YOURS) OR MONETIZE OR USE MY CONTENT FOR AUDIOFICS!!
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Fluff:  🌞
Angst:  🕸
Suggestive:  🍓
Yandere:  🔪
Misc: +
9:19 PM. (gn!reader) 🌞+
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seeuonadarknite · 4 years
i rlly can't believe they had oikawa say his favorite saying is "if you're going to hit it, hit it until it breaks" 👁 bold move there, haikyuu. list your favorite from each team in haikyuu or just rank your favs so i can rlly thirst with you 💞 have you watched all the jojo parts? who is your favorite jojos/jobros/jofoes from that too?
brief mentions of nsfw, me talkin about my favs
bRUH I KNOW!! hq you ain’t slick .. we all know oikawa is into some nasty stuff 👁👁
ok but for my favorites from each team-
karasuno — either hinata or yama
nekoma — kenma (to the person who requested him, thank you sm ily. i will have a lot of fun writing for him because he’s an underrated character in da yandere community)
aoba johsai — oikawa
fukorodani— akaashi
shiratorizawa — ushijima
inarizaki — atsumu
date tech — koganekawa
johzenji — terushima
and yes i have watched all of the animated parts n read up to part 7! it’s been a while since i’ve thought about it but my favorite jojo is def joseph and my favorite jobro is bruno. i love that man sm. unpopular opinion but my favorite villian is funny valentine .. like he’s a horrible person but i love his character design and stupid attitude LMAO. but if i had to pick another villain i’d prob chose diavolo/doppio. love the character dynamic on those boys
also i may or may not have a dio fic that i plan on posting today 👀
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