#yandere charmingman
Please some Charmingman content 🙏 i'm starving tho we meet'd him just a lil ago
My first thought on reading the new chapter yesterday was how soon I was going to get a Charmingman request. 3….2…1…and here’s an anon asking. Not trying to offend! I like him already, I just find it amusing
So this is a bit of speculation on my part, I can see him being overprotective/ a bit obsessive. But I’m leaving it at a couple things for now.
There’s quite a few options you can go about with Charmingman. Since his brother ends up going missing I feel like that could contribute to his Yandere behavior. Of course he may come to you and mention something’s wrong, the police aren’t any help so at least you could lend him an ear?
It soothes him just a little to have some support and have someone believe that his brother was gone just like that. No accusatory behavior of foul play, you nodding along and agreeing that something “took” his bro. Depending where you were, whether you were part of Jodio’s gang trying to steal that diamond from Rohan’s place or just a friend in the area his reaction is pretty similar.
Likely he’s going to protect you no matter the cost (whether you ask him too or not doesn’t matter). He might not help himself in consistently trying to keep tabs on where you are, or hey why not just hang out with him all day? If you just met, he takes a liking to you wondering about you potentially dropping out from this mess. You probably should it’s for your own good, he’d be right by you eventually.
Also if you were friends beforehand Charmingman is likely not going to let you go to where his brother disappeared. He’ll definitely drill it into you it wasn’t a normal way to just “vanish”. He’d hate to have to tie you up or something to keep you still, but I’m certain he wouldn’t hesitate if he really felt the need.
All that he went through probably brings a potential distrust towards anyone that might want to hang out/date. He manages to stick himself into most situations, distract that other person and force them home. (There could be something physical involved but he wouldn’t tell you this of course).
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