#yandere akainu
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everlasting-rainfall · 2 years ago
Ok so we seen Shanks vs Akainu in pages au but what if it was pirates vs pirates or marines vs marines;)
shanks vs Buggy maybe even Shanks vs Kaido
Akainu vs Garp maybe even Akainu vs Koby since we all know how that went when Koby yelled at him that one time 😈
but if you want another pirate vs Marine pairing who has potential working well together then I would suggest Garp and Roger or Luffy and Koby 👀
Those are some pretty interesting match ups that you have there, dearie! I’m kind of imagining like an old Mortal Kombat styled scene with like pixelated graphics and health bars with you being tied to a post in the background as the prize for the winner
It’s honestly kind of a funny thought to me in all honesty but enough wasting time, let’s get into it! I’m sorry if some of these aren’t that good by the way, I kinda struggled with this a bit
Yandere, Violence, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Stalking, Blood Mention, Fighting, Getting Locked Up
So Shanks vs Buggy, I can’t see Shanks actively hurting Buggy even in a Yandere situation so I feel like how a fight between them would go down is probably like Buggy trying to fight Shanks and his crew
Maybe doing a bit well but it’s Shanks so without a doubt, he isn’t going to be able to do anything in the end so I feel like once Buggy has tired himself out that’s probably when Shanks offers him a proposition
He doesn’t want to hurt Buggy and Buggy wants you just like he does so why don’t they just share you?
I can only imagine Buggy’s reaction like this man shouts up a storm about how “No way, no deal! They’re mine! Not yours, keep your hands off of them!”
So Shanks just lets Buggy keep trying to steal you from them like no matter how complex the plan, Shanks just basically snags you back nearly every single time and probably leaves behind a note like “Offer is still in the air! 😁 -Shanks”
Eventually chances are that no matter how many times Buggy thinks that he has you, he keeps telling himself that he won’t give in and that you’ll be his and only his someday
However everyone has to break eventually so after Buggy puts his biggest plan to steal you and keep you with him forever in place only for Shanks to take you back a day later with the same note left behind, that’s when he’s probably surrender
He’d probably go walking off to Shanks and just be like “I’ll take you up on your offer now but only because I want to!! And I get her all to myself for an entire week!!” which Shanks agrees to
So all in all being fought over by Shanks and Buggy is basically just Buggy taking you then Shanks taking you until they agree to kind of share you
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Shanks vs Kaido? Oh dear fucking lord… That can only go so horribly if they’re both chasing after the same person as if I remember then Kaido was actually on his way to Marineford when Shanks showed up during that arc
If they both have a crush on the same person then I pray for your well-being as I can imagine that Kaido probably had you first like he probably decided to make your island specifically part of his territory like man picked up your island and brought it closer to where his base is
Oh so graciously allowed the people of the island to live in exchange for you which caused you to become his tiny S/O who could fit in the palm of his hand and still have room to stretch themselves out and then some
Once Shanks found out about you though like let’s say that someone let information about Kaido’s S/O slip and that information spread until it reached Shanks, he was pretty interested and when he saw a picture of you that’s when he decided that he wanted you
And like what I’ve said before if one member of a crew is Yandere then expect all of them to be like Shanks’s crew were more than happy to go along with this idea of heading to Wano and snagging Kaido’s S/O as clearly you rightfully belong to Shanks as he loves you far more than Kaido does and more than the giant blue lizard (his words, not mine) ever could
And this is going to be one hell of a fight, Kaido is going to keep you with him or die horribly trying to like there has been quite a few attempts at taking you but they get you as far as almost on the ship before you’re stolen back
It’s terrifying, it’s loud, it’s bloody, and neither side is willing to give up until they have you
They’ll take breaks of course to rest and recover as they can’t fight forever and during that time, you better hope that you’re a master negotiator as otherwise this fight will either last forever or until one/both of them dies
This is kinda starting to sound like Broggy and Dorry to be honest but hey, whatever
In conclusion, Kaido and Shanks fighting over you kinda feels like a tower defense game as people are constantly coming from Shanks side to try and capture you while Kaido and the Beast Pirates defend you
The only problem comes from the fact that Kaido is more than likely at a disadvantage when it comes to fighting Shanks as I feel like Shanks is stronger
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So Garp vs. Akainu as well? I’m sorry to say it but prepare to be married to Garp, Akainu doesn’t stand a chance against Garp as if Sengoku didn’t hold Garp down at Marineford then he would have killed Akainu plus we all see the feats that this man has accomplished
Let’s say that you were already Akainu’s Darling like he was a fairly alright Yandere to you if not terrifying as all hell like this man probably kidnapped you to keep you safe from the Pirate scum like “You’re pure and I won’t let a pirate taint you, you’re coming with me”
He doesn’t let you out of the house unless he’s with you as he knows he can protect you and that’s how you meet Garp, Garp is irritating to Akainu but he is a marine so he allows Garp to get close and look but not touch as if Garp tries to offer you a rice cracker or shake your hand then he’s smacking it away
Garp leaves you two alone with one thought in his head and it’s “How did a person as sweet as that wind up with Akainu of all people?” but regardless he continues on with his life with his mind very often drifting to you
Like he keeps imagining things with you and spacing out to random thoughts like he imagines going on dates with you and treating you far better than he thinks Akainu is doing as he envisions Akainu as this big scary lava monster that will burn you alive
At first, he doesn’t want to be a home wrecker by getting you to cheat with him but over time he starts to care less and less as he really wants you but alas he’s a marine and he can’t just go wrecking households for no reason other than “I love her” so he holds himself back reluctantly although he is very nice to you whenever he sees you with Akainu
Cut to Marineford and Marineford things happen, Garp is held down by Sengoku and Akainu lives albeit having been beaten down pretty bad
Garp is devastated by what happened and he tries to deal with things but as he’s dealing with things, his mind goes to you at one point albeit briefly and he realizes that you’re still married to Akainu and after what happened at Marineford. There’s no telling what could happen now
He’s going to save you so while Akainu is at Punk Hazard battling Aokiji, Garp breaks into your home and spirits you away with him to where he knows that he can keep you safe
Akainu will be pissed when he gets home and finds you gone especially with the clear signs that you were kidnapped, one of his first orders of business as Fleet Admiral will be tracking you down and getting you back
Your new husband isn’t worried at all though as if Akainu gets anywhere near you now then he’ll take care of it, Akainu can think all that he wants that he’ll have you back someday but while Garp is alive then nothing of the sort is happening
You’ll be staying right there with him and he’ll hear nothing about returning to Akainu like man’s expression visibly darkens if you bring up Akainu so it’s best to keep conversation topics about other things
At least you have more freedom with Garp, I guess? He’s definitely more protective and will join you if you go anywhere but he says you shouldn’t talk to anyone and let him do all the talking
It’s safe to just accept that Garp is your husband now, not Akainu and if Akainu ever tries to come for you then well it’s time to make the worlds hottest donut if you get what I mean
In conclusion, Garp vs. Akainu when it comes to you is just him stealing you and killing Akainu if he ever gets too close
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Ok so Akainu vs. Koby, huh? Yeah, we all did see what happened when Koby shouted at Akainu that one time and if I was writing this before the latest chapter then I would honestly say that Koby is someone who needs to back down and adore from afar while hoping that Akainu maybe dies an awful death
But after the latest chapter and also remembering that he was trained by Garp, I’d say that Koby would be able to give Akainu one hell of a fight if they were to fight over you and the odds would be against Koby
I feel like Koby’s best bet at keeping you with him would probably be to do what Garp did like grab you and run as I can’t see him willing to take Akainu on head on if Akainu wanted you as well like don’t get me wrong as if push came to shove then he’s going in
Luckily Akainu and Koby are somewhat reasonable people with Koby being way more reasonable than Akainu so you might be able to negotiate with them briefly to not get them to fight each other but that’s a small briefly because of Akainu as Koby will listen but Akainu will let you say like two words before it’s back to firing lava at Koby
Honestly I can’t see Koby being a Yandere that would actively kidnap you like he’d be the kind of Yandere where once you’re in a relationship with him, he’s clingy as fuck and barely leaves you alone especially if you live together but beyond putting you under prolonged house arrest for trying to leave, I can’t see it
So chances are that Akainu might actually kidnap you first over Koby and put you under permanent house arrest but maybe not so much house arrest as it is bedroom arrest until he can trust you to not run away from him
I can imagine though that Koby takes immediate notice of your disappearance and gets worried about you so he’ll probably go seeking you out and trying to figure out where you went
And if he finds out that Akainu has you then he’s not above putting a plan into motion that he calls Plan *Insert First Initial of Your Name*RFA which stands for *Your Name* Rescue From Akainu, it’s some pretty complex stuff too as he doesn’t want to just smash a window with a brick
When Koby has you though, he’s getting out of there and taking you with him so he can keep you safe and love you but eventually Akainu will probably find you and Koby. He’s not mad at you, well he sort of is but that’s besides the point
Koby probably will get a few new scars as Akainu steals you back and brings you home where you’re under serious lockdown like we’re talking ankle monitor more than likely and probably not being allowed to leave the bed except for basic necessities
Don’t expect to be there long though as Koby does intend to have you back eventually, it’s just that now he needs to a second edition of the plan with a better place to hide you and he’s not going to stop like even if you tell him to
He all but sees you as the princess in a tower with Akainu as a fire breathing dragon and him as the brave knight whose coming to save you
Chances are that he doesn’t even give a shit if he gets a few burn scars on the way out as it’ll be worth it when the drago- I mean, Akainu stops stealing you back
In conclusion, Akainu vs. Koby would probably boil down to a game of hide and seek until either Koby gets himself killed or Koby manages to either kill Akainu or hide you somewhere where Akainu legitimately can’t find you
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Garp and Roger fighting over you? I can personally see that fight lasting forever or at least until Roger dies, I think it would be pretty funny though if you just had no clue what was going the whole time so let’s go with that for this one
So imagine that you’re basically some kind of traveler and every island that you wind up going to if you stay there long enough then you will run into Gol D. Roger himself or Monkey D. Garp like you’ve been keeping record of how long it takes for one of them to show up on every island, it happens so much
Roger typically just throws his arm around your shoulders and greets you as if you were an old friend, he offers you to join his crew for a party and asks about any new adventures that you may have had recently while Garp just finds you and starts up a conversation with you like he’s pretty loud about it and maybe even offers you a rice cracker or two as he offers you to come with him to visit a marine base
Both situations would cause you to never be separated from them again if you agreed by the way but anyways, I can imagine that they always just have this serious look of disappointing on their faces whenever you decline
I can’t imagine the two of them immediately just jumping into a fight over you like it wouldn’t take long but it wouldn’t be just like greet each other then fight
Both of them are incredibly tough so I can imagine that any fight between them goes on without a winner like Yandere or not, Roger is going to put the needs of his crew first a lot of the time which I can see Garp accepting and saying he’ll let Roger go for the time being but maybe also throwing a few canon balls his way when Roger is leaving
Meanwhile as these fights are happening, you’re just like listening to music in the background being completely oblivious like it’s that one Spider-Man meme of like Spider-Man and the enemy fighting in the background while Stan Lee listens to music
Anyways enough jokes, my apologies…
Eventually one of them is likely going to capture you and bring you with them, I can imagine that because of how their fights for you are at a stalemate constantly then chances are that you’re never going to be leaving that person
The only reason why I can see Garp finally getting you is when Roger is executed and you’re in tears because Stockholm syndrome or maybe you actually fell in love with him then Garp will be there as a shoulder for you to cry on
He’ll comfort you through your grief and make you smile again eventually managing to get you to enter a relationship with him and boom, you’re stuck with another Yandere
The only way that I could see that scenario not being the case is if Roger asked one of his trusted crew members to keep an eye on you like Rayleigh or Gaban, hell I can even see you being entrusted to Shanks or Buggy when they get old enough like “Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of Mom/Dad! No one will lay a hand on them!” because without a doubt they do see you as one
It doesn’t mean that Garp is going to stop trying though as he’ll always be there just watching and waiting for the perfect chance for him to get close and take you away
As for if Garp is the winner who eventually got you then you’re definitely saddened by Roger’s death as you were close but I can’t see any of Roger’s old crew trying to come after you, he definitely spoke about you but I can’t see him asking them to steal you from Garp as there’s no real point now that he’s dead
As for if you were present during Ace’s birth or his childhood? I feel like you weren’t there for Ace’s birth but you may have been occasionally with Garp when he went to visit Ace, Luffy, and Sabo but I don’t think enough to where they would actively remember you
In conclusion, Garp vs Roger feels like it boils down to a game of capture the flag but both parties are too busy fighting to actually capture the flag
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Now then Luffy vs Koby? I can personally see the two of them honestly deciding to ultimately share you at first to some extent as the two of them appear to be on somewhat good terms despite the fact that Luffy is a Pirate and Koby is a Marine
You know if you don’t count anything that involves the two of them fighting or Koby trying to catch Luffy as he’s a pirate and all but regardless, Koby is a good Marine and Luffy is a good Pirate so to an extent, I feel like they might decide to share you
This extent being that although they share you, sometimes Luffy won’t hand you off to Koby for his time with you and will try to make you stay with him while Koby does the same as he attempts to subtly convince you to stay with him
I’d recommend for either of their sake but mostly Koby’s sake to not pick either of them and just continue this life of being periodically passed between them and if you don’t want to see bloodshed or fighting then I’d recommend doing your best to convince Luffy and Koby to stick to the rules that were put in place
Koby would be easy to convince but Luffy, not so much as that man is as stubborn as a mule so you will have to make him one hell of a deal so you prevent a fight breaking out but then again even that might not work so a fight may be inevitable
And when they do fight against each other over you then I would say that Koby could put up a good fight against Luffy but I think that we all know who is winning this and walking away with you in the end and it isn’t Koby
I couldn’t see Luffy ever killing Koby but beating him so bad that he’s black and blue? Especially considering that Luffy is Yandere for you then he’ll gladly do it as many times as he needs to until Koby gets the message to stay away
But seeing as Koby is a Yandere for you as well then I don’t think that’s going to be any time soon, you can try to ask him to just stay away for his own sake if you run into him while alone but he won’t listen and will simply take you and get moving
Don’t expect to get too far though as soon enough, you’ll see an angry rubber man chasing the two of you or if you made off of the island then the Thousand Sunny chasing after the ship that Koby has you on
Either way, Luffy isn’t going to pull an Akainu and potentially kill Koby but he will get more and more irritated each time that Koby does show up to try and steal you away from him
Sometimes you probably do miss the days where Koby and Luffy would sort of share you between one another
In conclusion, Luffy vs. Koby probably feels like a game of keep away in all honesty where Luffy is keeping you away from Koby
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mamamittens · 2 years ago
Oh, Sweet Child of Mine (Pt. 13)
Platonic Yandere Whitebeard Crew (Ft. Others) & Reader Insert
Warnings: Yandere behavior and a wide variety of burn related injuries, as well as drowning. If yandere content makes you uncomfortable, please do block the tag 'oh sweet child of mine' as well as any variation of 'one piece yandere' that you feel is necessary.
This is the end of things. All that's left is the epilogue. Your choices have consequences, I've only seen them through.
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Word Count: 2,325
Marco chatted with an older gentleman about the local weather, meandering his way to any strange arrivals at the island. While he didn’t see Teach, it was possible he was hiding out at an inn until Marco left.
He found himself constantly pissed and surprised at how damn clever Teach was.
Several times they managed to just barely miss him out at sea. If Marco didn’t know any better, he’d assume that someone was telling Teach exactly when it was time to leave. But that window of time had been shrinking for the past month. Where once they missed him by a week it was now a matter of hours. And Marco could feel how close they were.
“Yeah, this weather really brings out weird people, doesn’t it… Say, have you seen any shady characters around lately?” Marco asked, refraining from fiddling with his buttoned-up shirt. Not exactly subtle to question the locals with a massive Jolly Roger staring at them.
Marco didn’t even get an answer being the sound of a distant explosion reached his ear. He sighed, fully expecting to see fire on the horizon from whatever shit Ace had gotten himself into now.
First Smoker and now this?
His eyes rolled over the sea and widened with shock.
A column of fire and smoke violently erupted into the sky in the direction of the other island he’d sent Ace to investigate—wrongly assuming that he’d find less trouble with a smaller island.
Marco was airborne in an instant, speeding over the land and sea as he rushed to find out what was going on.
The minutes ticked by as his lungs filled with sea salt from diving to gain speed before gaining altitude to do it all over again. Getting faster and faster with each repetition. Boats blinking by as he crossed the expanse.
Damn near half the island was on fire in some way or another. Demolished buildings and rocks littering the sea in debris fields as people fled quickly.
Marco banked sharply, ice in his heart as he spotted the marine vessel moored nearby.
He found Ace on the other side of the island facing fucking ADMIRAL AKAINU of all fucking marines. Your familiar shape pinned to the admiral’s chest. Teach dead—where the fuck did his head go?!—just behind you both.
Marco was fit to sweep down and toss Ace into the ocean his own damn self when the young man threw a fiery punch at the admiral. Only to find that it was himself that was burned.
The literal worst case scenario matchup for Ace and you were right in the middle of it.
Marco wanted to rescue you both—he really did—but clearly Akainu wasn’t planning on killing you. The crazy bastard even shielding you from excessive blows.
At the very least, he could plan to steal you back later. But Ace was certainly not getting such consideration. Akainu planned to kill him. If it was just Ace he had to worry about, he’d go down right now and take Akainu head on with no problem—okay, a bit of a problem, he’s not an Admiral for nothing. But at any moment The Mad Dog could turn on you and Marco had no idea if your devil fruit combined with his would help. Hell, if Akainu had just slung you over his shoulder, Marco could probably pick you up with a small distraction.
But there was no way Akainu wouldn’t notice him aiming right for his chest.
And Marco—much as he ached to admit it—only had one solid plan of action.
Marco tilted his wings and prepared to dive at Ace. Hold onto the stubborn bastard and take them both far away.
The marines would fuck up eventually and you’d be right back where you belong. Even if ‘fucking up’ was just not having a full escort to Marineford as Marco stashed Ace somewhere he couldn’t blast his way into a fight he can’t win.
A massive ball of lava arched into the sky, the heat searing as it passed him by barely an inch. His body beneath the phoenix fire burning bright to heal the damage before it cauterized completely. Leaving a deep ache in his wing that promised to take him down if he lost his head again.
Marco reared back, soaring higher to avoid a repeat. To get a moment to think since clearly Akainu wasn’t entertaining a retreat either.
He had to get Ace. Fast.
You remember the first time you really understood what your devil fruit was. There weren’t any other users near you when you first ate it, so it took some time before the effects became clear.
A man came to the island. Ostensibly a traveling stage magician. He was good at crafting a compelling stage presence, but the entire time you watched him, you got this strange feeling. Like a faded memory recalled through scent. A series of seemingly unrelated images and sensations undeniably connected to one person. A vague emotion. All of it strung together like pearls. An odd sense of creeping exhaustion seeping into your skin.
Cut grass and mint. Woven daisy chains tangled in your hair during summer. Spring rain and dewdrops on misty mornings. Softer than buttercup petals and flashy like daffodils after winter.
You watched as he offered his beautiful volunteer ‘assistant’ a playing card. Flicking his wrist to then ‘magically’ present a white rose that blossomed in his hand.
The drain went from a dripping tap to a river.
The rose grew, vines wrapping around his arm with thorns and blooms sprouting until he and his unfortunate volunteer was consumed by a rose bush.
They were fine, but more than a little cut up from the thorns.
Teach’s devil fruit was like a forest gone silent and dark. Shadows in thick water dragging your feet as you walked. Breath fogging the air as the atmosphere pressed down on you. Threatening to swallow you whole if you tripped. It felt like a graveyard emptied of it’s dead and leaving you alone with ghosts. The threat of a knife still sheathed in a sleeve.
Ace’s fruit felt like a campfire at night. Consuming your view with flying embers, reaching high into the sky. Warm laughter and cinnamon smoke curling around a hearth fire wreath. Blazing with conviction so bright it dimmed the stars. Surrounding you in excess.
Marco’s fruit was like a firework. A cry shooting through the air in triumph as the atmosphere burned with it’s brilliance. The flash of the sunset and sunrise just as it slips past the edge of the horizon. Flooding your senses with thick incense as birdsong echoed. Bitter medicine and tangy sweets on your tongue.
Whitebeard’s fruit was something a little different. A tremble in your bones. Strength and uncertainty held in the same hand. The ground beneath your feet shifting on a level you could only just barely sense. Heavy bass that thrums in your heart. The short hairs on the back of your neck tingling. Senses reaching for a source with no name. An echo of something much larger than yourself.
Held in place, frozen with your heart stuttering in fear, you bathed in the feeling of Admiral Akainu’s devil fruit. Exhaustion burning away to ash as horror bled from your lungs.
Hot and cracked, uncompromisingly deadly around you. Fire pouring like thick liquid from the earth. Consuming everything in it’s path as it simply oozed forward. Belches of toxic gas as magma was ejected in thick clumps from broken rubble. Life smoldering in it’s presence before being smothered under it’s weight. Move or be moved. It smells like death and cinders as burning ash coats your lungs and skin.
You reflexively tried to curl your hand into a fist and your muscles spasmed, nerves screaming at the abuse so soon after your shoulder had been set.
Panicked, you looked at Ace, aware that your new ability would be useless if you couldn’t even hold it for a second. He would have to get close to deal damage and in that timeframe, he’d be close enough for Admiral Akainu to kill him with ease. But Ace didn’t seem to know that, his lips twisted into a snarl as he locked eyes with Admiral Akainu. Fire sparking in his hands as he clenched his fists, scorching the earth around his feet in a burst of heat.
He screamed, damn near feral as he charged forward with his arm reared back.
Ace’s fist was stopped by Admiral Akainu’s hand, a blast of heat ringing out like a shockwave. Admiral barely let his raised hand drip with magma before Ace shot back with a startled hiss, eyes wide in shock.
“Your devil fruit is beneath mine in power level, Fire Fist. And that’s before my partner got involved.” Admiral Akainu declared with a slight, smug grin.
But Ace wasn’t about to back down. Spinning on his heel as he launched a fireball at Admiral Akainu. Aside from turning to shield you from the direct path, it flew harmlessly past him.
Attack after attack was simply batted away or ignored completely. Like the Admiral was taunting Ace.
Playing with his food until he got bored.
A flicker of blue and gold in the sky drew your attention and Admiral Akainu’s.
You nearly sighed in relief at the magnificent sight of Marco preparing to dive.
T-This was good!
He could take Ace and get out of here!
Admiral Akainu threw back his fist and hurled a mass of molten lava into the sky, nearly clipping Marco. The pirate instantly scrambling to gain altitude to protect against another attack.
While you wholeheartedly believed that Marco could face Admiral Akainu, it would be a massive risk with Ace and yourself so close to the crossfire. And Ace would never leave him behind. And if you overtly tried to assist, there was every chance the marine would simply break your neck for being a traitor.
Maybe with luck, you could have ‘dialed down’ Admiral Akainu’s devil fruit to allow Marco and Ace to flee—assuming Ace even let it happen to begin with. But your damaged hands couldn’t handle the tensed position right now without flinching and breaking the bloody scabs. You weren’t sure you could repeat the feat for an appreciable amount of time either. They’d need more than a second to get the hell out, after all.
You had no doubt Akainu would explode if he realized you were helping your friends escape.
Your thoughts screeched to a halt.
You looked around you at the devastation. Every jeer and blow Akainu delt shook the ground and brought hot magma to the surface as he wound himself up. Losing his shit as Ace refused to falter and Marco kept trying to rescue him without getting hit—he’d heal from that, right? Could he? You weren’t sure and the thought that Marco could actually get hurt scared you—
You squeezed your eyes tight. Let the world fall away as you imagined that dial again. The dizzying heat around you fading to a buzzing pressure.
The needle bouncing in and out of the red with every attack.
If you could turn it to zero, totally cutting off the power of his devil fruit, then what would happen if you pushed it the other way?
 The image of a volcano came to mind. Violently exploding as plumes of gas and smoke ejected into the atmosphere.
Akainu was already capable of such things.
Just like that magician could already create bushes from a single flower.
Ace needed to get distance. Marco needed a distraction. It wasn’t going to be fun. It certainly wasn’t going to be very safe. But it would double perfectly as both an escape for your friends and an alibi for assisting them.
A sudden, explosive volcanic eruption seemed like exactly what you needed.
You wrapped your less injured arm around Akainu, placing your bloody hand on his back as he made a soft noise of surprise. You looked up at Marco, your eyes connecting as he seemed to suddenly start to dive down instinctively.
You mouthed one word.
“Dial up: Overclock!” You pushed against the connection between your fruits, the air sucked out from your lungs.
For a moment, nothing seemed to happen. Akainu was frozen, staring down at you with an expression bordering on awe. Heat rising between you as suddenly, the ground buckled.
Falling and then heaving up.
Ace screamed your name in horror.
Marco crying out with a sound more avian than man.
You didn’t realize the volcano would be underneath you.
Magma rushed up like a geyser, slamming Akainu and yourself into the air as though Whitebeard himself punched up beneath your feet. It happened so fast you don’t even recall the moment after.
Just thick, black smoke rushing around you until you cleared the top of the billowing cloud, almost floating for a moment. Skin scalded and cracked, bleeding from any number of burns you didn’t even have time to feel.
Akainu no longer in sight.
Then the ground rushed towards you, yanking your innards first as you screamed. Barely having time to hope you didn’t hit land before you realized you’d been ejected at an angle, skin seared and the air cutting past you as the sea rose to meet you instead.
The you hit the water as though it was made of bricks, knocking out the air from your entire body as you gasped, sinking beneath the waves motionlessly. Salt burned your wounds and eyes and lungs. Limbs frozen for any number of reasons—take your pick really—as you sank beneath the waves.
With no idea if your plan worked, you could only watch as darkness consumed you. Your heart burning as you choked on seawater.
This wasn’t how you wanted to be free.
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chassie48 · 22 days ago
My little Nepo baby: Yandere Akainu x Yandere Kizaru x Yandere Aokjij x black fem oc.
The rest of the chapters. Last chapter.
Warnings: sexual themes, use of alcohol, I'm sorry, but Ace is dead on here, and Aokjij takes advantage of a drunk Andrea, and remember this is a messed up story.
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Chapter 5. After party.
(Andrea POV)
I woke up to the house shaking like crazy then it stopped. I thought they were done with the war, so I quickly grabbed the reports and headed out of the house.
On the battlefield I saw Sengoku talking to the guy with red hair who might have been some guy named Shanks while the three admirals kept trying to chase after that blue guy who was carrying that straw hat guy.
I quickly headed inside of the captain's office and saw it was a complete mess. Like the wall from the ceiling was on the floor and the only thing that wasn't messed up was my desk.
I sat at my desk and acted like I was doing the reports. I heard someone rushing into the office and it was the three admirals.
Why weren't you on the battlefield, Nepo baby?
The Akainu guy asked while I glared at him. Who the fuck is he to get mad at me like that. I should be the one who should be mad at him for not giving me a break on these stupid reports.
Because I was here doing these stupid ass reports.
I answered him. He clench his fist and lava starts coming out of it.
So, you risk your fellow comrades life just to do a report?
Of course I did because I know your asses isn't going to give me a break if I didn't finish them.
He starts charging at me, but before he could hit me Kuzan stops him by punching him into the ground causing the floor to break. Damn, why did he stop him?
I want him to hit me, so that I can go to my grandfathers and get him fired from his job.
Idiot, do you want to be executed?
You know, you can't attack the five elders granddaughter.
Kuzan told him while he got up and left the office. The Kizaru guy walk towards my desk and grabbed the reports and went through them.
Well, Andrea. It looks like you are done.
How about you start heading home and enjoy that break.
A ship is waiting for you.
I quickly got up and head out of the office. Once I made it to the port a guy escorted me to a ship and then it starts sailing off. The island of where my apartment is located was close to Marineford which didn't take long for the ship to arrive there.
When the ship starts to dock the workers of the ship starts helping me to get off. Then I start walking towards my apartment. I'm glad I can stay in my apartment and not have to live with my grandfathers and follow their stupid rules.
Once I made it I immediately lock the door and jumped on my bed and went to sleep. A couple hours later it was dark and I woke up to loud music and people celebrating about the Navy's win.
I wish these stupid people could wake up and see that the world government doesn't give two shits about them.
The only reason why they are able to live without pirates vading their country and taking their money is because of Whitebeard.
I understand that they think the pirates are not going to attack this country because it is closer to HQ, but the Navy is not going to help them if they don't have any money.
Yes, there are some navy officers that are willing to help them without money being involved, but those Navy officers are either busy at HQ or they are somewhere else that is not closer to this country.
I tried to go back to sleep, but the music kept getting louder. Since I couldn't go to sleep I got up from the bed and went to the restroom to look decent enough to go outside.
Once I looked decent enough I head out of my apartment and saw all of the townspeople dancing on the street and drinking on the sidewalks.
All of the children were running around and playing with each other. This kinda annoyed me because like all of them were in my way and all I wanted to do was get some snacks and drinks and go home.
As I was walking to the store somebody had bumped into me causing whatever drink they were drinking to splash on my shirt.
When I looked at the person it was Kuzan. Before I could say anything he handed me a napkin.
I'm sorry about that, Andrea.
I didn't see you.
He said while I took the napkin and tried to get the drink off of my shirt. I tried to walk away, but he grabbed my wrist.
Hey, why won't you stay and have a drink with me?
He asked.
No thanks, I'm just going to the store and I'm going home.
I said while he rolled his eyes and pulled me inside of a bar.
One shot of Brandy, please.
He told the bartender and he nodded and made the drink while me and Andrea started heading towards the counter.
(3rd person POV)
The bartender came back and handed Andrea the shot. Kuzan kept convincing her to drink it and she did. A couple of minutes later Andrea got drunk to the point where she barely could stand.
She kept on apologizing about how she didn't help them in the war while Kuzan kept secretly laughing at her.
Kuzan knew that he was the sober one and should take Andrea home since she couldn't take herself, but Kuzan didn't want to do that.
In his mind he thought this was the moment he could take her for himself and mark his territory. He didn't care about her being drunk and vulnerable.
All he cares about is being the first man she ever had sex with and marking her up, so that Kizaru, Akainu, Hancock can see that she belongs to him.
Andrea tried to get up from her chair, but she tripped over on something and Kuzan had to help her before she could fall.
They left the bar and as they were leaving Kuzan couldn't wait any longer, so he pulled Andrea in an alleyway where nobody could see them and shove his tongue down Andrea's throat and pinned her to a wall.
Andrea didn't know what was going on, but she kissed him back. Kuzan smirked and grabbed both of Andrea's legs and wrapped it around his waist.
For him he was lucky that she wore a skirt, so he pulled her skirt up a little and rubbed his clothed cock against her clothed pussy.
His cock tightened his pants while Andrea's pussy became wet. Kuzan smirked and slid his hand inside her panties and started rubbing her clit making her moaned loudly.
Did you like that?
He whispered in her ear making her moan more. She didn't know what was going on, but she enjoyed it and kept rubbing her pussy against his hand.
Kuzan chuckled and rubbed her clit harder.
Do you want me to put it in?
He asked her and instead of her answering him she moaned.
Oh, darling.
I can't hear you.
He whispered while pulling her shirt and bra up revealing her huge breasts and her hard nipples.
If you want me to put it in you then you'll have to answer me with your words, sweetheart.
He said while he wraps his lips around her nipples and starts sucking it causing her to moan more.
P-please, put it in.
Andrea said in a slurred tone.
He stopped what he was doing and unzipped his pants. He then pulled down his pants and underwear and pulled Andrea's panties to the side.
He then shoved his cock in Andrea's pussy causing Andrea to scream in pain while Kuzan groaned because of how tight Andrea's pussy was.
The music was loud and nobody could hear them, but Kuzan still didn't like it when she screamed, so he shut her up by kissing her.
Shh, I know it's hurt, but you will get used to it.
He said after he pulled his lips away from her. He slowly thrust himself into her causing her to move up and down against the alleyway wall.
Her pussy started bleeding and the blood had gotten on her panties and his cock, but Kuzan didn't care and moved his lips to her neck and started sucking on her neck while grabbing and massaging her boob.
A couple minutes later Kuzan's thrusts became faster to the point where Andrea back started having scratches from the alleyway wall.
Andrea came about three times while Kuzan kept holding back his cum for the right time. When Andrea comes again Kuzan pulls his cock out of her.
He made her get on her knees then he put his thumb in her mouth and forced it open.
He rubs his cock up and down, and then his cum burst out of his cock and skirted all over Andrea's face getting cum in her mouth and hair.
Andrea was feeling exhausted, so she passed out, but before her body could hit the dirty ground Kuzan quickly pulled his underwear and pants up and carried her in his arms while walking to her apartment.
Without them noticing Kizaru was in the further end of the alleyway hiding behind a trashcan while recording them with a video recording transponder snail and jerking off.
When they left Kizaru ended the recording and pulled his underwear and pants up while smirking.
Can't wait to see you, my dear Andrea...
-the end:)
I'm sorry I haven't been posting in a while. But, I will post the next chapter of my fashionable darling soon:)
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rollinouttahere-writes · 2 months ago
Do you ever think about how scary it would be to have one of the marine admirals as a yandere?? Like even aokiji is a bastard and they're basically untouchable and even if they weren't WHO WOULD BELIEVE YOU IF YOU GOT AWAY also they're all so tall that they could carry me around like a purse dog which is appealing but all marines are bastards
Oh yeah definitely. The only person above them is Sengoku, and frankly, he can't be bothered to help you. He has more important things to worry about than one darling in an unhealthy relationship. Even if you do get away and people believe you, they're more likely to turn you in to save their own hide than they are to help you.
I've briefly touched upon Akainu before, but he would be the worst of the three. Don't get me wrong, they're all bad and inescapable, but at least Kizaru and Aokiji will settle for bringing you back home after an escape attempt. Akainu will straight up murder you on the spot because of how much he loathes betrayal and desertion. If you're going to leave him, you better pray you get isekai'd or something if you want to live.
That being said, he wouldn't be completely awful if you were compliant. He's gone most of the time due to his position, and when he is home, he busies himself with caring for his bonsai trees and training. You honestly don't have to endure his presence that much.
Kizaru is infuriatingly nonchalant about everything. You can scream and cry and curse his name and he'll continue to stare at you with his usual smile. The most you get out of him is a "Are you done now?" when you stop. Getting away from him when he's around is actually impossible. Are you faster than the speed of light? No? Sucks to be you, you're stuck with him. You might be able to get away while he's at work, especially if Sentomaru accidentally lets slip where Kizaru keeps the spare keys for all the deadbolts at. Not that it matters much. You'll be located and brought back home before nightfall, all while he's smiling and whistling like nothing is wrong here.
Aokiji is the most tolerable because he's at least willing to acknowledge that he's being a bad person by keeping you with him against your will. You can cuss him out, and he'll just shrug and be like, "That's fair."
The worst part is that after he defects from the marines, you now have to be exposed to Blackbeard. Though he does do his best to keep you far away from him. Aokiji might share some sentiments with Blackbeard, but he doesn't trust him even a little bit.
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quinloki · 11 months ago
What do you think the punishment for willingly going with teach is when they’re hunted down, caught and brought back to the moby dick?
Its getting me thinking, it would definitely be a lot greater because someone almost died
Would thatch be the main one dishing it out? (Pun intended)
Oh Nonnie wants me to go dark dark, huh?
Cw: dark themes, sensory deprivation, gas lighting, mentions of amputation and torture as possibilities, referring to reader as a toy or thing,
I feel like there would be a lot of depravation - and Thatch would definitely be the one who would decide when it was over, considering his near death experience.
I feel like you’d be isolated, some small interior room with no windows, no clothes. You get food when they give it to you, and maybe a bucket.
The irony being it wouldn’t be all that different from being consumed by Teach’s Devil fruit power.
If they do let you out of the room, your senses are still bound - blind folds, ear plugs, hands and feet bound, etc. you still need sun and exercise and such, it’s a punishment not an execution.
But you lose all rights for a while. No one will speak to you. No matter what you say or how you beg or apologize it won’t matter. There’s no safe word to spare you, no apology you can offer.
Once you’re near to breaking from it all, the binds will come off. They’ll have a conversation with you, tell you how they forgive you, how good you did enduring your punishment, how they know you’ll never abandoned them like that again.
And you agree.
The next few days you’re tangled up in all of them until you pass out. You’re sure things don’t end at that point, you’re always clean and bandaged the next day, if not sore to your bones. It’s only when Marco’s powers can’t quite heal you that they start to let you truly rest.
Now, admittedly, I can see punishments being far worse - actual torture, possible mutilation, branding, even amputation (not gonna run away without legs, no matter what you promise, etc.) but I personally don’t see any of them being *that* kind of yandere or dark.
Honestly, they’re just too powerful to feel a need to go to such an extreme. Izou and Marco are too strategic to let someone push them to that point. Thatch probably wants his sweet little doll completely unmarred as well. They wouldn’t risk anything Marco couldn’t heal, and gratefully his healing for others is limited.
Yandere Doffy, or Teach too. Buggy even. I can see them being that kind of twisted. (Doffy promises you won’t miss your legs, he can string you along so easily.)
Crocodile… nah, he’s too much of a planner and a controller. He doesn’t like breaking his things either.
Yandere Akainu would be terrifying. That’s a real body horror story if ever there was one. Yandere Shanks would only be less extreme cause that observation haki of his gives him so much control.
Yandere Kid could get ugly - he doesn’t mind breaking his things. I just think he puts effort into avoiding it because it feels like he did something wrong if he’s forced to break a toy.
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hannahbarberra162 · 4 months ago
Under the Microscope (Yandere Sabo x Reader) Part 8
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on Ao3 18+ MDNI
All the other chapters
This particular chapter is fluffy. I promise Sabo's coming back to the island soon. And that he's just as focused as he was before :)
Remember I don’t know anything about science! If you do, just pretend you don’t either!
Your POV
“Make a Logia fruit? Um, that’s kind of the opposite of what I’ve been working on,” you explained, wiggling your toes in your wet socks. Your butt, feet, and sleeves were wet from the sea water lapping gently at you as you sat on the beach. The temperature was dropping steadily and you felt the chill of the night starting to bother you as you splashed. “I’ve been trying to reverse engineer the fruits and find a way to nullify their powers. I was thinking that maybe, um, Sabo…or someone..could um..I’m not sure really. But I can’t - those fruits shouldn’t exist and it’s all my - all my f-fault…S-Sabo tried to tell um tell me -” Your heart started racing again, beating faster and faster as your thoughts returned to the collateral damage you’d caused.
You felt Ace’s hand on the back of your neck. He was probably trying to bring you comfort but right now it felt more like the weight of a guillotine. You shook him off, wanting to wallow in the feelings you deserved in spades. You hugged your knees and rested your head on top as you ran your hands along the parts of your pant legs that were still dry. You realized your hands were stinging from salt water that had entered the open wounds left from biting your fingers.
“I caused a lot of pain and suffering, too. I get it,” Ace said, stretching out his legs. You hummed, you couldn’t imagine any one person had unintentionally brought so much devastation to the world as you had.
“Did you watch Marineford? The Paramount Wars?” Ace asked while observing the sunset. 
You took a deep breath, held it in for a moment, then exhaled. “Um, no, Sabo already asked. I was supposed to watch it live but I was too busy and then I never got caught up. I had just started getting assignments from the higher ups at that time and -”
“That was me. I caused all those Marines to die, my friends to die. Brought my brother into my mess, almost killed him too. Even killed my own father.” Ace said with no emotion in his voice.
“You - you didn’t kill your father. Are you playing with me? I’m sorry, it’s hard for me to tell sometimes,” you said, wiping your running nose on your sleeve. You hoped he was joking but the stiffness of his shoulders belied his calm tone.
“No. I’m Portgas D. Ace, Gol D. Roger’s son. I was sentenced to execution but Luffy came to save me. Whitebeard and the crew too.” You tried to take in all the information Ace was telling you but it had your head swimming. 
“Is Luffy your other brother? The one in the picture with you and Sabo?” you asked an obvious question to avoid the awkwardness of his statement. Helping others with their emotions was never your strong suit.
“Yeah. Strawhat Luffy. Me n’ him n’ Sabo aren’t related by blood. Roger was my biological father but Whitebeard was my dad. Died trying to save me. Buncha my crew siblings died too. Good men.”
“Oh.” You wanted to support him like he’d supported you but you were afraid to say the wrong thing in case he started crying or got angry. “That explains a lot of your lineage factors,” you added quietly. “If your dad was Gol D. Roger, it makes sense you’d have Conqueror’s Haki.”
“Didn’t help me much,” Ace lamented. “Luffy even got me free and all I did was waste the opportunity by taking bait from Akainu. Fucker tried to kill Luffy and punched me through the chest. The only reason I was revived is Law brought me to his sub.”
You blinked rapidly. “Law? Trafalgar Law? Dr. Trafalgar D. Water Law?” Ace grunted.
“Yeah, Trafalgar Law. How come you know him but not me’r Luffy? I’m more famous than him,” Ace said in a half hearted joke. 
“Oh, I’m familiar with Dr. Trafalgar from his articles, not his piracy. He’s brilliant, his articles are always so intriguing. I pay for a subscription out of my own pocket to the journals that publish him, actually. His last article was about heart replacement complications, I wonder if that was from you,” you mused. You cringed as you realized that was not an appropriate statement to make, considering it was likely Ace’s heart he detailed in the article.  
“Probably. He said it was difficult, but I didn’t ask about the details,” Ace said unbothered.
“How did he save your life?” You were curious about the intricacies of Dr. Trafalgar’s devil fruit power and how he used it in conjunction with his medical knowledge and skills. You’d hoped to be invited to a Warlord meeting and catch a glimpse of him but it had never happened.
“I dunno, I was dead for that part,” Ace stated, flicking his long hair over his shoulder.
“Right,” you said, wishing you could bury your head in the sand much like your toes were. If Sabo were here he’d know what to say, you thought. Unlike your own awkward nature, Sabo was suave and charming and would know how to soothe his brother. 
“Are you still healing? Is that why you still have all those bandages?” you asked. Ace raised his eyebrows and looked down at his own chest.
“Oh, no. I’m healed, there’s just a huge scar I don’t like seeing and the yukata doesn’t cover it.” he explained.
“Why don’t you wear a shirt then?” Ace frowned like you’d asked him to eat sand off the beach.
“Nah, not my style. Besides, all the shirts here are Sabo’s and uh…they’re a little too frilly for me,” Ace said. Shirts weren’t his style? What on earth did that even mean? And why didn’t Sabo bring him any? Maybe Sabo was keeping Ace on the island too, not letting him leave. You decided to gently press for information while Ace was in a sharing mood.
“So how long has Sabo kept you on the island?” you asked, hoping Ace would reveal some negative feelings towards Sabo. If Ace wanted off the island, maybe the two of you could work together and figure something out.
“Hm? He doesn’t keep me here. Actually, he’s been trying to get me to leave for a while. Wants me to “reintegrate back into society.” Ace said, using air quotes and mimicking Sabo’s voice, your hopes of escaping dashed. Still, you stifled a laugh at Ace’s impression, trying to keep your composure for the serious conversation. Ace gave you a small smile. “It’s OK, you can’t say anything to me I haven’t said to myself already.” The sun had set, leaving the two of you in the chill of the dusk. “C’mon, it’s cold and I’m sure the water’s making you feel shitty. Let’s go back to the house, get changed. If you get sick, Sabo’s gonna yell at me even more than he’s already gonna.” 
Ace stood up and offered you a hand, pulling you to your feet as well. The two of you walked in companionable silence for a minute before he spoke again.
‘But just hypothetically speaking, could you make a Logia fruit? From a scientific standpoint?” Ace asked curiously.
Ace’s POV
Ace knew you fell for his bait when you slowed your stroll and began chewing your lip. He could practically see the cogs turning in your head as you thought through the possibilities, your wet socks squelching on the path to the house.
“Well….the other fruits were made in advanced scientific labs. I don’t have the equipment needed to engineer something like that…” you trailed off.
“No, no. Not to actually make it here. But could you make an artificial Logia fruit?” 
“I could use the- well, it depends which one,” you said, starting to gesticulate. “The fruit I’d have the most success in creating would be the Mera Mera that you and Sabo ate. You still have the lineage factor which provides a large part of the genetic material needed to make an artificial fruit. Oh, and a strand or two of Sabo’s hair, that’s definitely here. Oh, and maybe part of my own lineage factor? Even though mine is paramecia it might help with some of the active components… And I could probably use any fruit, but for a Logia I would probably want something with a similar quality, maybe some kind of spicy - no that wouldn’t really make a difference, I think Vegapunk used apples? But there aren’t any here so maybe from a common fr- no, no…” you were off in thought, talking to yourself about how the fruit could be made. Reaching the deck of the house, you stopped before you went up the stairs. You stared off in the distance in silence, giving Ace pause.
“Hey, are you alright in there? Didn’t mean to start anything, I was -”
“The flame flower,” you stated. 
“Right.” Ace nodded knowingly, but had no idea what you were referring to.
“I could use the flame flower as the base and the genetic material provided by your and Sabo’s lineage factor. That’s how I could make it work,” you said, nodding slowly. Ace’s mouth dropped open as he watched you staring off into the darkness, Sabo hadn’t exaggerated. Your genius was on par with Vegapunk and other top scientists of the world. You looked at Ace and tilted your head. “But again, I can’t actually do anything without a lab. And a lot of money. So, hypothetically probably. In reality, no.” You nodded to yourself and entered the house, going up the stairs to change your clothes. Ace trailed behind you, pulling on your sleeve to get your attention.
“But can’t you like….” Ace trailed off, using his fingers to pantomime pulling marionette strings.
“What? I don’t follow,” you replied, looking worn out. He should really leave you alone and let you sleep but Ace couldn’t drop the idea, not after you said it was possible.
“I’m not - I don't know how to say it, but like, can’t you like change stuff? Like move the molecules around or cells or whatever?” You blinked rapidly while frowning. 
“Say more,” you commanded, your brow furrowed. You looked like how he’d found you in Sabo’s office, completely focused on one thought. The intensity of your stare almost rivaled Luffy’s when he was serious. 
“Like, um, y’know, like change stuff when you magnify it. Like move the stuff around to make other things? Aren’t molecules the building blocks of life? So move the blocks around?” Ace finished with something Sabo had taught him, trying to get his idea across to you. He wasn’t a scientist but he knew devil fruits could be awakened, he’d tried to do it on his own but ran out of time before his death. Maybe this could be the key to your own fruit awakening and to him getting his powers back.
You stopped walking and stared past him, blinking rapidly. Ace waved his hand in front of your face after a moment. You were on the stairs, he didn’t want you to fall and get hurt when you finally surfaced again. You moved your head away from his hand but didn’t resume walking. Sighing, Ace picked you up, disrupting your thought process.
“H-hey! Put me down! I’m not a child,” you protested while making no movement to get out of his arms. 
“Go do your big thinking after you change your clothes. Like you said, none of this is possible here and if you get hypothermia Sabo’s gonna kill me for real this time,” Ace joked. Depositing you in Sabo’s room, you smiled at Ace.
“Thanks Ace. Good night,” you said, holding the door to shut it.
“Good night, kid,” Ace replied, smiling. He turned and walked away to his own room, getting inside before he heard you yell. 
“I’m not a kid! I think I’m older than you!” Ace chuckled lightly, reaching to unwind his bandages. 
Your POV
You were exhausted from the panic attack and the subsequent heart to heart with Ace. But you couldn’t stop thinking about what he’d said to you. You were turning the thoughts over and over in your mind, thinking about artificial devil fruits and the implications of changing the molecular structure during magnification. Like you’d told Sabo, you could get to the sub-atomic level but it took a lot of concentration and effort. You closed your eyes to rest but you were fixated on Ace’s idea. You tossed and turned for what felt like hours until your stomach rumbled. Oh yeah, you remembered, you hadn’t eaten since earlier that day. It was going to be a long night for you anyway so you might as well eat some food while you thought through the creation of artificial Logia devil fruits.
Heading down to the darkened kitchen, you took out a bowl and some rice. You’d made jambalaya a few days prior so now you’d give your stir-fried rice a shot. There still wasn’t any fish in the house but it would taste ok without it. You were able to make the dish on autopilot, washing the rice and vegetables while thinking about molecular changes. As you thought, you noticed the droplets of water that had landed near the colander. 
You could probably… try what Ace suggested. Changing h2o to h2o2 wouldn’t cause a huge reaction or anything, it would just be hydrogen peroxide. And only one molecule… If you changed the wrong elements or made too many molecules unstable, you could cause a huge chain reaction but that would take so many molecules and this was just one…this was just water…After starting the rice and starting the vegetables sauteing, you magnified a water droplet on the table. Getting down to the molecular level took a few moments but shortly there were two h2o molecules in front of your eyes. Careful not to erase the image, you used your thumb and forefinger to try and pluck one of the oxygens from a molecule and put it into the other. Picking it up felt like static electricity and your heart was racing as you tried to move the oxygen from its current molecule. It almost felt sticky, like it didn’t want to move, but it didn’t take much effort to disrupt its bonds.
You held your breath as you placed it within the bonds of the other molecule. If it didn’t work, at least you tried. You let go.
It worked. 
You were now looking at a molecule of hydrogen peroxide and an hydroperoxyl radical left over. “Holy fuck,” you said softly, looking at the newly formed molecule. You rotated it under your magnification and it looked identical to every other hydrogen peroxide molecule you’d ever seen. The implications were….
“Boo,” a voice said from behind you.
You shrieked like a banshee, jumping in fright. Ace laughed loudly and you swatted him with the spatula you were holding while cursing at him.
“Ace!! What the fuck?! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Why would you do that?!”
“Hey! Ow. Stop hitting me! Ow, that hurts! It was just a joke!” You huffed but you weren’t really mad as Ace dodged your well aimed spatula strikes.
“Why are you awake?” you asked, looking at the clock. It was the middle of the night, surely he had been sleeping like you should have been.
“Smelled good food cooking and I’m hungry,” he shrugged. You noticed he was wearing his yukata but no bandages underneath. The scarred skin on his chest was a deep red and in a circular pattern, blazing out from where his heart was. It was large and raised and had likely taken months to heal. You knew you were staring but the scar was so large and harrowing, you couldn’t stop looking at it.
“Stop undressing me with your eyes. You’re not my type,” Ace teased, sitting at the bar to wait for the food to be done. 
“Oh? And who is?” you asked, genuinely curious. You weren’t offended. Besides Sabo, you’d never been anyone’s type. And even Sabo was just pretending.
“Men,” Ace said offhandedly. Ah. Well, that made things between you a little easier since you didn’t have to worry about any sexual tension between the two of you. 
“Nice,” you replied, stirring the dish on the stove.
“Whatcha cookin’?” Ace asked, standing on the rungs of the bar stool to look over the counter and into the frying pan.
“Stir-fried rice. It’s one of the three dishes I can make, you’ve had the other two. Usually I put seafood in there too but we don’t have any,” you said, giving Ace a pointed look. 
“Well, there is a boat on the island,” Ace began, scratching his cheek. Your interest was immediately piqued - maybe you could use it to escape at some point. “But it’s my old one, Striker. It’s powered by fire and since I don’t have my devil fruit anymore, I can’t use it. There’s a sail but that’s not to propel it, just to direct it.”
You sighed, another plan to escape the island foiled. You thought in silence for a few moments, adding in the rice to the dish.
“What were ya lookin’ at?” Ace asked, watching you cook. You bit your lip, unsure if you should tell Ace about your experiment. You couldn’t think of a reason that the information could be used against you, and it was his idea anyway.
“Um. Well, it’s um. Not that big of a deal and I didn’t think it would work but um. I did kind of do what you said and, ah, changed the structure of a molecule - only one! Just one, it’s fine, don’t worry. And um it. It did work. I changed it by hand, so to speak. So I - that’s what I was looking at.” Ace waited patiently while you stumbled over your words.
“That’s amazing! So what does that mean? Does that mean you can make the devil fruit? The Mera Mera?” He exclaimed, his face breaking into a huge smile and eyes alight. 
“Um, yes, I suppose hypothetically speaking, I could potentially make a Mera Mera artificial fruit. It would be a huge undertaking but again, hypothetically, I could do it. Um, there’s enough genetic and lineage factor material here and I probably could if I worked on it enough but I don’t think -”
“This is wonderful! Oh my god I can’t wait, I’m gonna blow up Sabo when he comes back,” Ace exclaimed. He was off the chair and on his feet, pacing in front of the kitchen. “He’ll be fine, it can’t hurt him. Ooh, maybe we can finally fight each other! That little fucker has been using my moves, I know it. Gonna teach him who’s the real boss, ha! And I can finally make my way back to Wano! Maybe see Luff? I know his bounty is way higher -”
“Ace -”
“But before all that I need to find Marco and the crew. And Deuce, oh my god, Deuce. I miss that man so much, gonna kiss him first thing, did you know he was my first mate? I wonder -”
“He might be doing better off without me, he wasn’t really a pirate, more of an intellectual type. You’d like him a lot. But I also need to go thank Traflagar and hug Bepo, there’s so much to do -”
Ace finally stopped pacing and chattering and looked at you. “Ace, I said I might be able to do it. I just made one molecule , do you know how much work it would take to engineer something like that?” Ace shrugged and waved off your concern, continuing to pace behind the counter.
“So what? You’re a genius, you’ll figure it out. Besides, it’s not like you have anything else to work on right now,” he said, unbothered by your hesitation.
“No,” you stated, crossing your arms. Ace turned on his heel to face you immediately.
“What do you mean ‘no’?” he asked worriedly, racing to the counter. 
“No. I’ve been working on ways to undo the damage my research has caused, not increase the damage. It’s unethical to bring yet another artificial devil fruit into the world, no matter who it goes to.” 
Ace held you in his gaze for a moment, staring into your eyes. Even though he wasn’t related by blood to Sabo some of their mannerisms were eerily similar. He plopped back down on the bar stool with a sigh and ran his hand through his tangled black hair. “You can’t undo what you’ve done. Trust me, I’m the first one to wish things were different, that I could change what I did. But it’s not possible. Doflamingo already made the money, Kaido got the soldiers, Vegapunk made the Seralinas or whatever. You can’t undo it. What were you going to do? Make a new fruit for them to eat? It won’t work, what’s done is done.” Ace got up and walked to where you were turning off the heat on the stove and put his hands on your shoulders. You looked up into his freckled face.
“The only thing to do now is to help the good side win, help people like me ‘n Sabo. Y’know, fight fire with fire,” he said seriously. 
“I don’t know, Ace….I don’t know if that’s something I want to do,” you hesitated. Ace hummed. 
“It could be a one time thing, make the Mera Mera and be done with it,” Ace pleaded, shaking your shoulders lightly. 
“Ace, even if this works, you’ll still be you. You’ll be the same person, with or without the fruit. It’s not going to solve all your problems. You need to work on your emotional healing, not just your body. You can’t even show your chest most of the time,” you said quietly. Ace didn’t respond, looking away to avoid your eyes.
Ace took his hands off your shoulders and went over to the cabinet, pulling out two bowls. His face was impassive but his departed enthusiasm spoke volumes. You plated the food and set the bowls side by side on the counter, Ace bringing you a fork. You ate in silence for a few minutes, Ace mostly pushing the food around his plate. You thought about what he’d said about Striker and getting off the island. If Sabo found out you could manipulate matter, you didn’t think he’d ever let you go. Your only window of escaping closed once Sabo came back to the island. Steeling yourself against your better judgment, you faced Ace.
“I’ll do it. On one condition,” you said, looking at him. Ace’s cheeks were puffed out wide with food.
“Hwaf cuhdihun?” Ace asked, not bothering to chew or swallow.
“You have to take me off the island. Away from here,” you stated. You knew Sabo and Ace were brothers but maybe the desired reward would offset his loyalty to Sabo.
“Hmm,” Ace mumbled as he chewed. You watched him closely to see his reaction, this would make or break your escape from Sabo.
“Sure, why not?” Ace said, quirking his eyebrow with a small smile. 
“You’re sure? You know I mean you need to take me away from Sabo, right?”
“Yeah, I got it. I can get you off the island if the fruit works. It won’t help you,” Ace said, scooping the last of his food into his mouth. His careless attitude made you worry that you’d fallen into a trap you set yourself.
“What do you mean, it won’t help me?” you asked, frowning.
“Sabo’ll just chase you. And he’ll find you, no matter where I take you,” Ace shrugged, literally licking his bowl clean.  
You chewed on the skin next to your nail for a moment. “Are you sure? I mean, I’m not -”
“I’m sure. He’d follow you to the South Pole if he had to. So I’ll take you out, but you won’t get far. He really likes you.” Ace replied, patting his belly.
“He doesn’t, it’s all an act. He’s just using me for - well, for this. To have me finish Project Seraphim for the Revolutionary Army. I heard him tell Dragon,” you protested. Ace stared at you, eyes softening with an unknown emotion.
“Whatever you say,” Ace said lightly, getting up and plugging the sink to begin washing the dishes. You tasted blood as you bit too hard on your already chewed thumb.
Sabo’s POV
Sabo wasn’t sure exactly what set off his internal warning signal. He and Ace had been calling back and forth every few days over the weeks, exchanging information and pleasantries. Ace had been in an elated mood, which he chalked up to becoming better friends with Sunny. Sabo noted Ace hadn’t been wearing the bandages around his chest anymore which was an interesting development. According to Ace, you worked in the morning and took a short walk with Ace before lunch. After eating, you’d work again until the evening when you and Ace would eat dinner and go stargazing or hang out in the house. You’d spoken on the snail a few times, you sounded happy and refreshed. But Ace was up to something and had dragged Sunny into it, Sabo was sure of it. The end of his trip was approaching and Sabo was eager to sail back home and see Sunny. And Ace, of course.
Narrowing his eyes, Sabo wanted to catch Ace in whatever dumbass idea he’d concocted. Sabo was between meetings and ducked into an empty storage room to call. It was nearly lunch, not his normal time to connect with Ace. With luck, Sabo would be able to detect what was going on.
Puru puru puru puru puru puru
“Hey Babo, what’s up?” Ace said, using a childhood nickname Luffy had given him.
“My ‘Ace is doing something stupid’ alarm is going off. Are you doing something stupid?” Sabo asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Almost always. But right now I’m making lunch. Potato salad,” the Ace snail said.
“And where’s Sunny? What’s she up to?” Sunny was an incredibly poor liar, even worse than Ace. With only a little pressure, Sabo would get the truth out of her.
“She’s working in your office, wanna say hi?” Ace asked, the snail throwing a kitchen towel over its shoulder.
“Inna minute. How are you guys doing? How’s she feeling?” Sabo asked, trying to keep from projecting his worries into his voice.
“Good, good. She’s working right now, like always. Sleeping enough, I make sure of it. Eats food, drinks coffee and water ,” Ace said proudly. 
“Alright, put her on.”
“Gimme a sec,” Ace said, the sounds of boots on the wood floor coming through the receiver. Ace pounded on the door three times.
“Yo, Sunny! Wanna -”
“Fuck off Portgas, I’m busy!” you yelled through the door. Sabo’s gut twisted with the ease and familiarity in your voice you used for his brother. He’d been feeling jealous for a few days now even though the jealousy made him feel guilty. He had brought you to the island partially for just this reason - to befriend his brother. And now that the two of you were friendly he was seeing green. Sabo wished you were just as comfortable with him , telling him to fuck off or spending all your meals together voluntarily. Sabo tried to rein his feelings in but it was difficult when he saw that you’d given Ace a haircut, or you were wearing Ace’s old clothes, or saw how well rested you were looking. During the calls between the three of you, it was difficult to contain himself from making snarky comments. Sabo was homesick for you and Ace, his meetings felt endless and the two of you were up to something. He could feel it in his bones.
“Nah, it’s Sabo, c’mon.” Ace urged you. Sabo heard a huff and the door open.
“Fine, but you know the penalty for disturbing me when I’m working,” you said cheerfully as the snail changed its visage to your bright smile. Sabo had never made that smile appear before, he thought.
“Ow! Owww ! That hurts! Stop pinching!” Ace whined in the background as you laughed.
“No, you get five pinches for disrupting my flow. I was moving the mol- er -” you looked at Sabo, afraid you’d almost said something.
“Moving what?” Sabo asked brightly.
“Uh, nothing! Nothing, um just moving the, um, mol- um…mole. The mole,” you finished lamely. Sabo quirked an eyebrow. 
“The mole?” he asked incredulously.
“Yeah, um the mole. It’s um, gotten into the office and um Ace and I have been trying to catch it and I um, oh lunch is ready! I have to go!” you stammered. The snail turned back to Ace, who was laughing into his palm.
“I know you’re up to something dumb and I’m gonna find out what it is. If Sunny gets in trouble because of you…” Sabo trailed off menacingly.
“Ok, love you, see you sooooon!” Ace chirped happily and hung up the snail.
The call ending quickly gave greater credence to Sabo’s theory that some Ace-derived foolishness was afoot. He sighed and leaned back against the nearest crate. He was leaving for the island in a few short days and it couldn’t come quickly enough. 
Your POV
You and Portgas D. Ace stared at the flower-turned-fruit held in the palm of your hand as you sat side by side on the beach. You’d experimented and developed it for the past few weeks almost constantly. You’d worked harder than you ever had in your life, racing to complete the project before Sabo returned in the next few days. True to his word, Ace had locked you out of Sabo’s office at 8 every night but that alone didn’t turn off your brain. For the first few weeks after your discovery, you stayed up late in the night in the darkness of your room, rearranging molecules and perfecting your craft. Ace had figured out you weren’t resting enough and started sleeping on the floor of Sabo’s room to get you to go to sleep. Eventually, you’d invited him into the bed because you were tired of seeing him toss and turn on the hard floor. You enjoyed having a warm body next to you but it wasn’t the same as Sabo’s heat and pleasant aroma.
You weren’t sure if you missed Sabo or not. Ace was fun, dynamic, engaging, and easy to talk to. He made you laugh, either intentionally or from his antics, and he had interesting insight to share. Ace was an endless talker, providing you with background noise to listen to while you walked together. He told you stories about Whitebeard, the Spade pirates, his brothers, anything he could think of. Ace enjoyed your company and would watch you work in Sabo’s office, sometimes falling asleep and snoring to your amusement. You thought you and Ace were friends and you’d miss him when you left the island.
But a little part of you missed Sabo, too. He treated you like you were worth the world, not just what you could make or produce for him. Ace claimed repeatedly that Sabo was romantically interested in you, which always made you flush. You found Sabo attractive and charming, unlike Ace who felt more like a sibling. He was smart and intelligent and enjoyed the same intellectual pursuits that you did. He had kidnapped you but through his actions you’d realized how drained you were from the Marines, subsisting on coffee and loneliness. You had been miserable, sick, and stuck, even if you didn’t see it yourself at the time.
“Hey, your hand’s shaking,” Ace noted, bringing you out of your thoughts.
“Haven’t seen that in a while,” Ace mused. You didn’t answer, too nervous about the outcome of your experiment. There was no way to test anything and make sure you’d gotten everything right. You used parts of your other research, Sabo’s hair, Ace’s saliva, and sheer willpower to craft the hideous looking fruit in front of you. It didn’t look like the Mera Mera no Mi, it looked like a sad black sea urchin covered in molten red spots. Your lips were bloody and Ace had bandaged all your fingertips after you bit them too much.
“This is a bad idea,” you said.
“Yeah,” Ace replied.
“It might not work. You might not get any power and you won’t be able to swim.”
“It might kill you.”
“Sabo will be mad.”
“You gonna try it?” 
“Yeah,” Ace said, taking the fruit from your sweaty palm. You had the urge to reach out to take the fruit and fling it into the sea, to let life stay the way it was. But Ace’s brow was furrowed and his jaw set, you knew he wasn’t going to hesitate. You held your breath and covered your eyes with your hands as Ace bit into the fruit, scowling as he chewed.
“You got the taste right. Not something you forget,” he joked, trying to lighten your mood. You took a little peek and he hadn’t exploded or projectile vomited. That was a good sign.
“Did it - did it work?” you whispered. Ace ate the fruit in a few bites, one of the advantages to his eating habits, you supposed. He wiped his hands on his yukata and stood up.
“One way to find out,” he grinned, pointing his index and ring finger like the barrel of a gun.
Fire bullets shot out of his hand rapidly, making you scuttle backwards on the beach. He whooped loudly and beat his chest with his fists, screaming at the top of his lungs. Turning and running full force at you, you squealed as he picked you up under your arms and spun you around in circles. His arms were too warm, almost burning you as he laughed wildly and spun.
“Ace! Ace! Too hot!” you yelled into his ear, trying to get him to put you down.
“Ah! Sorry, kinda forgot about that,” Ace said, grinning from ear to ear. He set you down only to give you a huge kiss on your cheek. You couldn’t help but share in his happiness and laughed along with him. He looked so much younger, his face radiating pure joy as he raised his arm to continue testing his strength.
“Hiken!” he yelled, his arm outstretched. A column of flame burst forth from his fist, the raw destructive power it posed sending a shiver down your spine. He turned and winked at you, finger still made of flame. 
“And that’s why they call me Fire Fist Ace.”
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff
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mikoyamisheadcanonblog · 6 months ago
Yandere Ex Admirals
Current Admirals
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🧊Kuzan (Aokiji)🧊
🧊Will act nonchalant when first meeting his S/O other than catching him glance at his S/O every once in a while, as something about them did catch his interest and such. He starts feeling more animalistic.
🧊He somehow always knows when his S/O is in trouble and comes to their aid when they are in trouble freezing those that are causing trouble for his S/O or helping them out in the minor invoices as they would need help. Slowly gaining their trust.
🧊His Yandere ways are more hidden unknown to his S/O as they are out shopping while he is sleeping he will think of ways to keep them around him. He will not allow his S/O out of sight for too long and isn’t against drugging them with a sleeping pill to have them sleep while he sleeps.
🧊He keeps things chilled so his S/O is around him and wants to be around him and in his arms. It is all control and a bit of manipulation to keep them with him, unknown to his S/O he only starts showing it when his S/O isn’t taking his soft suggestions.
🧊His S/O becomes more aware when they are in danger and seeing how his calm cool demeanor is becoming aggressive and dangerous. He will capture his S/O holding them close to them as it becomes aware that they also can’t get away from him as he will chance them, not even the deep waters in the Grandline would stop him thanks to his Devil Fruit.
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🌋Sakazuki (Akainu)🌋
🌋He doesn’t hide he is a Yandere and is interested in his S/O though slowly it isn’t immediately, and it has to be his S/O who is pursuing him. He stays pretty indifferent to them till they catch his eyes, it doesn’t matter what his S/O achieved their goal and caught his interest.
🌋He is at first pretty distant as he is allowing his S/O to explore his manor, and check everything out while he has marines around them all the time watching and reporting everything to him. A few times he will allow his S/O out but most of time out of the manor but a few times he is with them.
🌋He isn’t a fan of other people chatting or talking with his S/O getting jealous right away if a stranger even looks in their direction and not hesitating to his authority to make sure they understood that he wouldn’t want anyone taking his toy away.
🌋He really starts seeing his S/O as his own toy as he is a selfish man who wouldn’t allow anyone near his S/O other than those he ordered. Even those who are ordered aren’t allowed to talk to his S/O making the only company for them his Akainu himself.
🌋He will act indifferent when his S/O wants attention and praises them. He is a master at manipulating them, if his S/O doesn’t wonder or go far he will give them a treat. If they don’t listen he becomes indifferent and of course, he will blame his S/O if they are put in danger and while he will save them they will be in lockdown down even not leaving the room.
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kob3n1yy · 2 months ago
I just finished Arcane and all I can think now is Warlord/Pirate!Reader forced to join the marine because they loved a marine officer and would actually disregard their morals for them. I can just imagine HOW both sides are acting losing.
When Reader visits the Warlord meeting it’s not because they’re ONE of them, but because they have to be there as a marine.
Not even the marine is safe. Like yea the Yandere Marines are happy that you’re on their side but you’re just here because of some easy to discard marine?!
Akainu would be fuming when he found out, he HATES you all right because you’re a pirate/warlord but he can’t help the growing feelings he tried to hard to repress, and when he saw you kiss that fuckass random officer? Oh he was PISSED.
Kizaru would be kind of disappointed that he can’t have the thrill of being your enemy, and he was more disappointed when you join the Marine because of some no body. Some no body that you’re so inlove with, that he just wants to rip you apart from him.
Oh well, this is just a random thought I have
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merbear25 · 9 months ago
One Piece Requests
A/n: a better collection of what lovely people have requested
Their type
Killer and Kid
With a well-endowed reader (Beckman)
Gifting them a Valentine's Day basket (Sanji, Mihawk, Shanks)
With a shy s/o (Beckman, Shanks)
Innocent turn-ons/offs (Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru)
His saving grace (Caesar)
Calling them "buddy and pal" for a trend (Ace, Law, Kid)
Experimenting on himself (Caesar)
Helping you feel comfortable in your own skin (Sanji, Mihawk, Shanks)
His two loves (Katakuri, Crocodile, Mihawk)
If you went overboard (Zoro, Law, Mihawk)
Teasing them just to get a rise (Doflamingo, Crocodile, Ace) *very suggestive
Pangs of a forgotten heart (Judge)
The reason I lie awake at night (Caesar) *mention of experiments
The kind of love that sneaks up on you (Zoro)
For research purposes (Caesar) *dark themes
Who's the prettiest girl? (Cross guild)
Your bleeding heart (Caesar) *dark themes
Raising a child who's goth (Mihawk, Kid, Buggy)
When you're a carbon copy of...Todo Aoi X OP
A constant reminder (Doflamingo)
A love that was true (Sanji)
With a shy reader (X Drake)
His for the reaping (Caesar) *yandere tones and experiments
But what if...you were a worm? x OP
With a s/o who's much taller (Kid, Killer, Law)
With a s/o who rations their food (Sanji)
Teasing OP men for being "short"
Twerking for the OP men *suggestive
When the need for acceptance trumps one's own morals (Akainu)
Finding their s/o crying (Crocodile, Mihawk, Smoker)
With a beautiful and bashful reader (Law, Zoro, Ace)
With a cute and feminine reader (Franky, Zoro, Luffy)
Them taking care of you (Crocodile, Katakuri)
Them asking you out (Cross Guild)
Until we meet again (Shanks)
How they handle an argument x OP
Their light in this dark world (Kid, Shanks, Law)
Sending them nudes x OP men *very suggestive but nothing mentioned
With a pregnant reader (Mihawk, Zoro, Smoker)
One of their own (Monster trio)
Accidently hurting their s/o (Monster trio)
An enchanting voice (Monster trio)
A natural mother x Cross Guild
With a kind reader (Ace, Mihawk, Smoker)
With fem!reader who bakes and has a bakery (Sanji, Luffy, Koby)
With a small fem!reader (Corazon, Zoro, Law)
Buggy as a boyfriend
Ace with a fem s/o with scars
Much needed attention (Aokiji)
Being his sugar baby (Kizaru)
Flooding thoughts (Caesar)
Be my distraction (Reiju)
With a virgin reader (Kizaru, Aokiji)
The thrilling chill of death (Caesar)
Here and now (Hongo)
Can't have a moment's privacy (Corazon)
Their s/o having a breeding kink (Katakuri, Crocodile, Mihawk)
What kinks they're into (Nami, Robin)
Waking them up with head (Monster Trio)
You're just irresistible, darling (Ace, Smoker, Crocodile)
With a busty reader (Usopp)
Lost in the heat of the moment (Law)
What they're into x OP men
Catching you masturbating (Ace, Zoro, Luffy)
When their pull-out game is weak (Zoro, Ace, Shanks)
His little plaything (Crocodile)
Popping your cherry (Ace, Smoker, Zoro)
Leading his devoted follower into sin (Priest! Doffy)
Such big words for someone so small (Caesar)
Crocodile x needy and clingy m!reader
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fleet-admiral-hiba · 2 years ago
Hi can I request Yandere Akainu, Kuzan, and Kizaru sharing a stern but easily flustered reader?
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It's hard to deal with seemingly three different people, with three very different approaches. But somehow, their love for you united them. Something you'll never see again
Sakazuki is the one who will try to make you flustered by using his presence and height alone. He's not gifted like his fellow partner, so he will try using simplicity. He loves your stern side, it makes him appreciate you a lot more for your rigorous style, but when he leans over you to take something, he knows you're flustered. His smirks are always a delight to see and they tend to happen when you are around.
Borsalino will use his words, often cornering you around and whispering filth in your ear. He loves to break that stern facade you put on at work or whenever you around the base. And when he succeeds, he will laugh, happy to see your cheeks coated in red dust.
Kuzan is more tactile, often gliding his cold hand on your sides, getting closer and closer, so much so that you can feel his icy breath on your neck. He's much easier than the others, he will simply plant a kiss or two and then leave. When you least expect it, it's when he does it the most, and the results are always the same. Your cheeks heat up, and he gets to see you stammer for a bit, looking at him both fondly and exasperated. He managed to do it with Sakazuki, he will do it with you too. Especially when you nap together
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adozowa · 5 months ago
|| this is a gn/male reader only blog, therefore requests will ONLY be male/gn. Any female reader requesters WILL be blocked. ||
Hi, adozowa here!! Anyways I write for the fandoms: Jjk and One Piece
So, here are the characters you can request from in those fandoms!
Also, I will be not writing weird things/or kinks if you are requesting... Well any thing.
Just like vore, no consent, too explicit yandere themes... Yeah you get it!
And, I am sorry but I might decline the characters I haven't met yet in the series!! Not because I want to get spoiled, but you won't get the full experience of their personality.. I might get it wrong yknowyknow!! Unless it's specified in the request itself that I can write it even though i haven't met them!!
And I will not write characters I hate with all my heart, such as
And etc.
And a little note if you wanna!
And yes I accept emoji anons!
MINORS, GET OUT!!! (Unless you are reading the normal ones.)
One piece:
The whole straw hat crew (platonic for chops)
red hair pirate crew
Cross guild members
Whitebeard crew
Gol d Roger crew
Beast pirates
Big mom pirates
Heart pirates(platonic for bepo)
And you can request others I haven't mentioned.. As long as I know them and don't hate them!
everyone except for curses
Uh, I don't really know..... 😘
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everlasting-rainfall · 2 years ago
Ok I just read your Sanji / Akainu who tries to check the progress on the pregnancy of the reader but reader not even pregnant is terrifying cause imagine the reader just minding her business not even knowing someone keeps breaking and entering her home cause some marine/pirate are delusional believe your carrying there baby 😱
I wonder if any of the marines have questioned where Akainu goes at night ? And does the crew questioned Sanji or do there believe he met someone in the timeskip?
I wonder are yanderes normal in pages au or does no one question it cause it’s not the strangest thing in one piece since OP does have dragons , devil fruits users even fish men/mermaids 👀
sorry for rambling , I’m so interested in this au XD 💗
I would incredibly heavily doubt that anyone would outwardly question where Akainu goes at night as he is the Fleet Admiral and scary as all hell like we all saw what he did not only at Marineford but on a daily basis even before he was an Admiral
People probably have questions as they wonder what Akainu is up to but no one is ever going to ask him directly about it especially not when Akainu is caught reading a book on baby names one day
The only one who could ask him is probably Kizaru and Kizaru is probably told to mind his own business any time that he asks Akainu about any of his behavior
As for Sanji however, the crew definitely questions where Sanji goes at night but I can’t see him telling anyone where he goes except for Nami and Robin
I have no doubt in mind that if one of the Straw Hats is a Yandere then all of them would become Yandere like some quicker than others but regardless so once that explanation is given, none of them really bat an eye and let Sanji go on with his day
If Luffy finds out though then he probably really wants to meet Sanji’s “pregnant” SO but of course he won’t allow it as it could stress out the SO and cause harm to the non-existent baby
Eventually though they are gonna have to leave the island and when that day comes, they’re more than happy to help Sanji out in getting his SO
As for if Yandere’s are normal in the Pages AU… That’s something that I actually don’t know as they could be normal but they also couldn’t be like they could also not be…
Either way, I don’t think I wanna say concretely if they’re normal or not if I knew anyways because I want to give myself more things to write about for this AU
All I will say though is that if one person on a Pirate Crew is a Yandere then you should expect everyone else to be one too
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mamamittens · 1 year ago
Oh, Sweet Child of Mine (Akainu AU End +18)
As requested by snowflakebeads on AO3 as an AU end to Oh, Sweet Child of Mine.
Akainu X Gender-neutral!Reader
Warnings: Yandere/obsessive behavior, power imbalance, dubious consent, zero prep, unconventional use of devil fruit, unprotected sex, authority kink, vague threats, degradation, and oral sex under desk. If you were anyone else, this would be insanely dangerous sex. His cock is sort of... lava but not? Very hot and semi-liquid.
Word Count: 3,248
Sorry for the wait!
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Medical leave had never looked like this before.
Oh, being stuck in bed most of the time, sure! But it being the fucking Admiral’s quarters was certainly not how it usually went! Despite your unique situation in the marines, you were always in the med bay if you were sick or injured. And at first, you figured it was because you’d been effectively held captive by pirates for several months. That alone would get you suspicious looks, never mind who those pirates were!
And judging by the familiar bounty posters on the wall, scorched nearly beyond recognition, you figured Akainu had more reason to be suspicious of you than most. But he certainly didn’t act like you were a possible rouge agent. In fact, he acted like this was your room the whole time, only lingering to deliver food or grab something from his room. Your bandages were also changed with his assistance though it wasn’t needed by the time he’d found you.
Akainu always looked annoyed if he came in and you were walking around, insisting you stay on near absolute bed rest. Thankfully he did have a bathroom attached to his room but still. It was fucking bizarre.
You’d expect this shit from Marco, the hovering bastard.
You weren’t about to argue with him though, the Admiral more than capable of restraining you or doing something equally drastic with his size advantage alone. It did make you wonder what would come after all this, though. Any mention of training was vague, no indication of physical conditioning or anything else that would make sure you never got caught by pirates again. No, if Akainu ever did mention the future, it was always about how you’d be by his side.
Doing what exactly, you weren’t sure. You didn’t think an Admiral needed emotional support from an ensign of all people, but you’d been around enough unhinged people to recognize the overt attachment. Not to you specifically, but some idea of what you could be. It was weird and left a strange, hollow feeling in your chest. All the more disorientating in that you had no idea what he was ‘seeing’ in you.
At least the Whitebeard Pirates were clear in wanting you as their newest sibling. That’s a role that, while not overly familiar, you could wrap your head around.
But Admiral Akainu… he hovered. Lingered by your side when you ate. Staring down at you with an intensity that made you want to squirm. Heat pooling in the air around him as he kept his gaze on you. He…
Akainu looked like he wanted to slip in beside you and hold you close, but the sheer tension in his frame made you wary of such a prospect.
Sure, you thought there was some strange yearning for softer affection behind his stony façade, but his burning gaze and usual attitude made you concerned. He could just as easily be holding himself back from beating the shit out of you for getting caught, after all. Excuse it as training—if he even needed an excuse to begin with. Not like anyone would argue with him. Could argue with him.
Which led to here.
You, sitting up on a massive bed built to accommodate Akainu’s large stature, as he fussed at his desk. Glancing back at you every so often while you ate your soup.
You hadn’t seen anyone in a couple of weeks. Idly wondering if the rest of the crew thought you were dead by now. Akainu wasn’t known for his mercy or gentleness, after all. You bruises and aches all but gone now, only the faintest twinge when you turned too sharply to indicate you’d been in an explosion.
There was a rustle of papers and the groan of wood as Akainu sat back in his chair, facing away from you. Still, you knew he wanted to say something. His pause deliberate as his shoulders tensed. Head tilting slightly to the side so he could hear your response.
“You know… I’d imagined our meeting many times over the years.” Akainu mused with a frustrated huff. Years? That familiar, nervous feeling sank into your guts as you set your spoon down. “They never tell you what it means to truly rise up in the ranks. The weight of your decisions. What will be required of you in the line of duty…”
You waited a moment for him to continue, but he remained silent.
“…Sounds like a lot.” You said softly. “I never really thought about it myself, but when I did… I was pretty confident it wasn’t for me. Upper rank stuff.” You sniffed. Every captain you’d met was stressed as hell, although it might have just been because you were there. If you were in their shoes and knew an Admiral was intensely interested in an ensign, you’d have been nervous as fuck too.
Akainu snorted softly.
“Yes. It’s not for the faint of heart. Still, to accomplish what I want, what I need, I have to. I have to rise up in the ranks to enact absolute justice.” Akainu growled. “Because of my dedication, I find my inner circle… lacking. Even my fellow admirals feel differently than I do about all this. Too lazy to do what it takes to enact justice as it should be.”
The room grew tense and hot, waves of heat wafting over his rigid shoulders. You felt your heart shudder with anxiety. Akainu felt like a trip wire ready to snap. Whatever he was getting at… it made you increasingly nervous.
“…Is that where I come in, then? Why you kept looking for me?” You asked softly, taking care to keep your voice gentle.
You weren’t going to fight him. He didn’t need to lash out of you were wrong.
Akainu deflated, air leaving his lungs in a sudden rush as he slumped uncharacteristically in his seat. The hard line of his shoulders bowing under the weight of his thoughts finally.
“Yes.” Akainu said simply. “I have everything I need to accomplish my goals. The power. The strength. The dedication. But the one thing I lack… is support. For myself. I know most don’t see the need for absolute justice like I do. After your time… captive, you likely won’t for a while yet either. But minds can change. If given time. You’ll see why I stand so firm eventually. In the meantime, the only place you need to be, is right next to me.” Akainu turned finally, dark eyes burning as he looked at you with the intensity of a man scorched by the desert sun seeing an oasis.
You didn’t know what to say to that. The horrible, nervous feeling returning sharply as Akainu slowly, deliberately stood up from his chair. Crossing the short distance in clipped strides to stand over you. His body cast in shadows as he clenched his fists. His eyes glowing red with a plume of steam seeping from his lips.
You stared up at him, wide eyed and nervous.
“…Sir? W-What are you…” You swallowed hard, jumping as he scooped up the bowl and set it onto the bedside table. “… what does that mean?” You finally managed to ask as he leaned down, hand planted onto the bed next to you.
“Forgive my forwardness, ensign. It’s been a very long time since someone’s held my interest and could stand the heat.” Akainu breathed, free hand cupping your cheek. His words curling over your lips.
“S-Sir! I-I don’t think we-we’re allowed to--!” You attempted to jerk back but his fingers curled around the back of your head. His hand growing suffocatingly hot against your skin. He chuckled, a short bark of sound escaping his chest as his eyes narrowed, lips quirked up in amusement.
“You’re mine to do with as I please. Whether that’s throwing you in the brig or vouching for your freedom—if you were anyone else, you’d be in an interrogation room for weeks. But you’ve been promised to me for a very long time. So I’m the one who decides where you go.” Akainu grinned. “Luckily for you… this is exactly where I want you. Unless you’re a traitor?” He asked silkily.
So he wasn’t so deluded that the idea you blew him up on purpose was impossible.
“I-It’s just—there are rules about fraternizing with superior officers, sir. A-After that mess with Whitebeard, I don’t think it’s wise I get close to anymore lines to cross!” You excused frantically, heart racing. “M-Maybe they don’t mind right now b-but--!”
Akainu pressed his lips against yours, a deep rumble vibrating against your skin as he hummed with amusement. Dizzying heat cracking the surface with bursts of gas swirling in your chest. His fingers curled into your hair and pulled sharply, making you gasp at the sting. His hot tongue slipping into your mouth with a groan. It felt slippery and choking, almost not solid as he ran his thick tongue over your teeth. Your hands clenching in his shirt as you fought the instinct to gag as boiling drool slipped down your throat. He tasted like cigars and cinnamon.
He finally pulled away with taunting slowness, lapping at your puffy lips while you gasped for air with wide eyes. Glasses nearly slipped down your nose at an awkward angle. He looked pleased at your flustered state.
“It’s good that you’re so thoughtful. Clever little ensign.” Akainu huffed with a wry smile, hot steam billowing over your face. “There’s nothing for you to worry about though. They only care that you’re loyal. And I only need you to be loyal to me.”
Akainu kissed you again before you could say anything more, pulling you up against his chest, trapping you in place for his affection. Hot hands rubbing over your smaller frame, the threat clear as you smelled burning fabric.
The consequences of disloyalty would be severe.
You whined as Akainu slipped his tongue into your mouth again, choking you with it’s slippery mass. It felt so hot, you weren’t sure it wasn’t magma. There was no way you were sweating so much his hands could slide over your skin like they were. The sheer heat and danger making you dizzy. Nowhere to run to alleviate the spike in temperature as he dragged your thighs around his waist.
Large hands gliding over your body as your clothes and bandages gave way to the heat. Scorching your skin and making you jerk, whining on his tongue as he curled over you.
Akainu pulled away, bare hands cupping your ass as he dragged you closer to his chest. His expression hotter than his glowing hot tongue, aware he has you trapped. His devil fruit can’t hurt you… but he has so many more options than that.
“So, who has your loyalty, little ensign?” Akainu breathed out, taunting you as your flushed hard, aware of how bare you were against him. Barely scraps of clothing left after his causal use of his fruit. “What will it be? Me or the brig?”
You suddenly became aware of the heat between your thighs, the source a notable bulge in his pants.
Akainu knew your answer didn’t matter. It was clear at this point he fully intended for it to end in one way. Even if you declared yourself a traitor, you knew it would just mean he could punish you however he wanted and no one would care. But he did want your agreement. Maybe to feed the delusion of your ‘intended’ place by his side.
You couldn’t help the overwhelmed whimper as you pressed your face into his partially exposed chest, body tense as he swept his hands over your back. He chuckled softly, pressing his lips to your head.
“Oh, feeling scared, little one?” Akainu asked softly, soothing you. “I know my… attentions can be overwhelming. This must be so sudden. But a clever thing like you, you understand how good for you this will be, don’t you? I’ll take care of everything… partner?”
You swallowed hard, feeling the heat wrap around you.
“…partner.” A wave of heat exploded over your back as his arm slipped under your waist, lifting you up high against his chest. Lips pressing over yours as he kissed you deeply again with a pleased growl. Unlike before, he barely brushed his tongue to the back of your throat before lowering you down again. Burning heat pressing up against you. The shape almost confusing as it slipped between your thighs. “A-AAhh~!”
It was almost firm with a slickness to it. Slippery and thick enough that it burned as it breached you. Hot and aching, the magma didn’t need any preparation to invade you. You writhed against Akainu’s chest, panting and moaning as his cock kept going. It nearly hurt, the pain eased by the sheer heat of his cock inside you. Oozing inside your walls as he gazed down at you with pride.
“Look. At. You.” Akainu breathed, bucking into you as you yelped. Your thighs slapping against his as he only sort of hilted. His length too much for you to take with ease but inhumanly like slime to keep out. You knew his cock was almost entirely magma and part of you hysterically feared what would happen when he cums. Will it be molten hot? Will it scorch you from the inside out when he lets go of you? “Worth the wait to finally have you here. Taking my cock so well, oh what a trooper~” Akainu teased, leaning down to press kisses onto your face and shoulders. Bouncing you on his lap slowly, tormenting you with his massive, burning cock.
“K-Kai~! Kai-nnuuuu! F-Fuck—h-hot, it-it’s too hot!” You couldn’t help but whine, gasping as his cock jerked against your walls. “A-Ah—KAINU~!” you yelped as he slammed you against his lap. Pressing you down hard as his cock pushed in too deep.
“Is that how you address your superior officer, ensign?” Akainu asked silkily, voice dark with promise as you writhed from the burning stretch. “I don’t recall giving you permission to be so informal with me. Seems you may need some corrective punishment after all~?” You shook your head, struggling to look up at him desperately as you whined.
“N-No, sir! S-Sorry—I’m sorry, no, sir!” You cried out after startled gasp, his cock throbbing in your tight walls. Admiral clicked his tongue. “SIR!” You yelped as he stood up, hands gripping your hips and pinning you on his cock.
Your hands clenched in his shirt as he walked to the wall, bouncing you on his cock until he stood in the middle of the room. Hands wrapped around your waist as he fucked you like a toy.
“M-My name is earned, little ensign.” Admiral barked, smirking down at you as your body jolted with every harsh slam. “You’ve many privileges but my name isn’t one of them. Yet. Perhaps when I see how well you uphold your new duties. Taking all my frustrations like a good marine. Obedient and beneath me.” Admiral sighed, fucking you faster as the heat poured off of him.
Your arms trembled from the strain as he kept going harder.
“S-Sir~! Sir! O-Oh! P-Please, e-easy! I-It’s s-soooo hot a-and b-big I-I can’t--!” You whined, feeling dizzy and weak, hands growing slick.
“L-Let go, little ensign. Your only duty is to take it~ leave the rest to me.” Admiral sneered. “Y-You’re too weak for anything else, so just be a cocksleeve for me to f-fuck~!” Your grip slipped and you fell back, spine arching towards the floor as his hands were the only thing holding you up.
Your cries ripped from you as he jerked off using your body, thick cock buried so deep you brushed your hands over your chest like you’d feel him under your ribs. Shoving aside your lungs and aiming for your throat.
“s-sir~! A-ADMIRAL! A-Ah! Ah! Ooooh, sir~! T-Too much~!” You wailed, seizing on his thrusting cock. Squeezing around his oozing cock as it throbbed hard against your walls. He slammed you against his waist as hot cum shot into you. You gagged reflexively, still dizzily convinced he was almost in your throat. “—I-It’s so hot, sir~ P-Please~!” You whined weakly.
Admiral laughed, squeezing your waist hard as he ground you against his cock.
“Best fuck hole I’ve ever had the pleasure of taking, little ensign. You can take more, can’t you?” Admiral asked coyly. You shook your head, still trembling from your overwhelming orgasm. “Good little marine, of course you’re ready for more! Ah… but I still have work to do… Well, that’s what your mouth is for, isn’t it?” Admiral pulled you off his cock, hot cum sizzling in the air as it dripped from your abused opening. He carried you almost lovingly to his desk, pushing you underneath it where there was a pillow.
Clearly, he planned this for a while.
Admiral Akainu collapsed in his chair with a sigh, scooting forward and trapping you in the space between his thighs. In the darkness, his cock glowed red hot, it’s exact shape a little obscured from the oozing magma along it’s thigh length. His hand reached down and dragged you close as you flinched from the heat.
“S-Sir—” His cock bobbed visibly at the title.
“Attend to your duties, little ensign. I’ll get back to you properly after I’m finished. If you do well, we’ll talk about rewards for good behavior.” You swallowed hard, still weak from being fucked so roughly. “This is a privilege few get, ensign. So act accordingly or I’ll have to teach you manners after kindly forgiving your impertinence earlier.” Admiral warned darkly, tugging your head closer to the opened zip.
“Y-Yes, Admiral, sir.” You responded meekly, letting him pull you the rest of the way. Lips trembling as you took in the tip of his hot cock, the surface oozing against your tongue as he forced you to take him all the way. Strangely, you could taste cinnamon and salt water as you gagged softly, the tip curving past the back of your throat while your jaw ached. Admiral petting your head in approval before returning to his paperwork. You swallowed around his unnatural cock, gripping his wide thighs as you prepared for a very long day.
Somehow, you doubted he’d be in any rush to finish his paperwork. The thick drips of cooling cum on your thighs a weak reassurance that pleasing him wouldn’t kill you somehow. Assuming you didn’t choke to death on his cock, that is.
Tears beading in your lashes as you struggled to take him so deep, any attempt to pull off for proper air thwarted by a firm hand on the back of your head and a warning growl. Stuck breathing in sharply through your nose buried in his pubes as you sucked on his burning cock. The unnatural heat doing much of the work in loosening your throat to take him easier.
“You’re such a good little marine for your superior officer, ensign. Keep up the good work~” Admiral grunted as hot cum flooded your mouth, his hand firm over your head as you choked it down. “Like your treat, don’t you? There’s plenty where that came from, so drink up and don’t waste a drop of it.” He warned.
With no other choice, you struggled to keep swallowing, no clear end in sight to his ‘paperwork’.
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chassie48 · 2 months ago
My little Nepo baby: yandere Akainu x Yandere Kizaru x Yandere Aokjij x black fem oc
The rest of the chapters. Last chapter. Next chapter.
Warnings: spoilers of those who haven't watched the Marineford arc, and slightly sexual themes.
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Chapter 4. The war.
(Akainu POV)
I really hated how privileged that bitch Andrea is. She didn't do any work to get that title of captain and this happened all because of her stupid grandfathers.
I wanted to kill her because she was dating a pirate and ruining the world government reputation, but Sengoku had reminded me that I can't even do that because of her grandfathers.
I purposely kept giving her more reports to do, so that she can get stressed out and know that in the navy HQ there is no such thing as being privileged.
I hate how beautiful she is and whenever she glances at me my face turns red and my chest starts beating faster.
I hate how she is in my mind every 24 hours. I couldn't go to sleep because I would be dreaming of her.
I hate when she makes me feel jealous whenever other men or women get too close to her. I hate that I have to jerk off at every chance I get some privacy because she doesn't know how to wear some appropriate clothing and my stupid cock doesn't know how to stay down.
I think she is a witch who put a love spell on me, but I won't fall for her.
I was walking to Sengoku's office until I saw those two idiots who call themselves admirals arguing about who get to accompany that Nepo baby on her monitoring duty.
Some part in me was mad that they were fighting over something that is mine, but I quickly pushed those thoughts away and remembered that we have a war to be prepared for.
Can you two idiots stop fighting.
Did you guys remember we have a war to attend to?
I said while they stopped and sucked their teeth and walked away from each other. I rolled my eyes at how ridiculous they could act like children.
(Andrea POV)
I was so fucking stressed out today because they kept giving me stacks of reports after reports to do and I was trying to get them done before this stupid war starts because I heard that after this war we get four weeks off and I'm not going to miss that over some damn reports.
I hate that they brought Ace here because everything is so fucking chaotic. Like everyone in the office room was trying to get their reports done before the war and rushing out of the room like there is a fire.
I can tell how serious this war is because my desk mate Smoker was ignoring me when I tried to give him a health tip about not smoking.
I was getting more stressed out when I saw everyone finishing their reports and leaving the room and leaving me by myself with stacks of reports that hid me.
Hey, Nepo baby, it's time to go you can finish those reports after this war.
One of the Rear admirals said while I slammed my pencil on the desk and glared at him.
No, you will have to wait until I'm finished with these reports because I know you and your other Rear admirals friends aren't going to let me have a break after this war about them.
The Rear admiral sigh and walked towards the door.
Ok, you can stay here but don't cry when you die.
He said while walking out of the office room. I know more higher ups are going to come here and force me to leave the reports alone.
So, I grab all of the reports and find an empty box and put all of them inside then I grab the box and leave.
I exit the building from the back, so that nobody can see me. Luckily the citizens had evacuated the island, so their homes are empty.
I picked the one that looked like they had a lot of food and went inside and locked the door. The house looked cozy and it smelled nice.
Normally I would have thought this kind of house stinks because it gives off people who have a baby in the family who just leave their babies dirty diapers on the floor and having it smell like shit.
But, surprisingly it doesn't give off that energy. I set the reports down on the coffee table and went to their kitchen to get me some snacks.
I saw they have my favorite chips, so I grabbed them and went to the living room to finish those reports.
(Aokjij POV)
Me and the other two admirals were sitting on these chairs while waiting for the Whitebeards pirates to come.
The closer I'm to them the more I want to kill them because I feel like they are trying to take my Andrea away from me.
Like the other day I saw Borsalino getting touchy with my Andrea when she was trying to get her reports done.
And the other day I saw Sakazuki jerking off to a picture of my Andrea acting if she is his.
Hey, I will like to address something before we get into this war.
I said while both of them looked at me.
Andrea is mine and will always be mine. I'm not going to lose her over you two.
They both chuckled like I wasn't serious and when they saw how serious I was they stopped.
Andrea, is never yours, she is always mine, but if you want to fight for her then we can after this war.
Borsalino said.
I agree with Borsalino. She is not yours, but if you want to fight about it then we can, but you will have to wait until this war is done.
I swear one day I will fucking kill them.
(Andrea POV)
I was happy I can get these reports done because normally I couldn't because of that Kizaru guy. Lately that guy had become too touchy to the point where I couldn't get those reports done and it is making me uncomfortable.
I guess Kuzan realized it and tried to get him away from me which caused them to argue. A couple minutes later I was done, but I didn't feel like going out there to fight, so I stayed here.
I can tell they are busy out there because of the shakiness in this house. I hope that no one falls in here because I have a feeling that I will be in some trouble.
I heard a guy screaming, so my nosey ass went up to their front window and pulled the blinds a little and saw that the Akainu guy was burning one of his men alive.
I never liked that Akainu guy ever since I first started at the Navy HQ because every time I see him he would always give me hell.
Like that one time when I came back from my restroom break he had yelled at me in front of my fellow captains about me being so-called lazy and privileged.
I swear one day I will tell my grandfathers about him. He turned his head towards my direction and I quickly closed the blinds.
I quickly grabbed the box full of reports and headed towards one of the rooms and hid in the closet. I try catching my breath while putting my hands on my chest where I can feel my heart beat.
I heard the front door opening which made my heart beat faster.
Hey, if you are a civilian.
You are supposed to evacuate.
It is too dangerous for you to stay here.
A couple of minutes later he stayed there for a while and left. I slowly got up and went to the living room and checked if he had really left. Then I opened the blinds a little and saw him talking to one of his men.
I close the blinds and sigh of relief. I went to the room that I was in and checked the bed to see if it was clean.
Then I got on it and decided to take a nap.
(Kizaru POV)
The battlefield kept getting dangerous which made me worried about Andrea because when we were waiting for them to attack I didn't see her lining up with the other captains.
I was fearing the worst that she must've gotten killed or hurt by the Whitebeards pirates. I looked at Kuzan who was freezing one of the member of the Whitebeards.
Hey, Kuzan I didn't see Andrea with the other captains.
Do you know where she is?
I asked him while his eyes widened and he stopped what he was doing and glared at me.
What do you mean?
I thought she was underground for back up with the other captains.
He said while I quickly grabbed my transponder snail and contacted the unit underground.
Hey, guys, is captain Andrea is with you.
No, sir. Rear admiral Kendal said that he told her to come to the battlefield, but she refused and kept doing the reports.
They said. I quickly hung up the snail.
What did they say?
They said that Andrea is still inside doing the reports.....
-The end:)
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rollinouttahere-writes · 8 months ago
Akainu is definitely one of the worst options for a yandere
All of the admirals are really scary to have as yanderes simply for the fact that there are very few people who would dare to interfere, but Akainu is absolutely the worst.
He would be one of those yanderes that would pose a very real risk of killing his darling because of how extreme he is. You can't run from him unless you know 100% that you'll never see him again. Because when he finds you, he will kill you for leaving him. Especially if you were a marine. There might be some lenience for a civilian darling, but not much.
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quinloki · 7 days ago
The yandere event sounds fun :3
How about Sakazuki with a willful darling? 🌋❤️
PS: Hope you will feel better soon and greetings from the cat
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Yan Sakazuki and a willful darling.
Willful, that's cute. You might as well just resign yourself to being accepting.
He's not going to hurt you, he's too strong to need to resort to something so useless as breaking your legs. He might put you over his knee and spank you, if you really step out of line, but he has 100 ways to get your behave that are less violent than any real pain.
Once he set his eyes on you, you were his. Sakazuki isn't again using CP_ agents to keep you in line while he's busy either. They won't hurt you either, but he might find you bound and gagged when he gets home if you were a little more forceful than simply willful.
Sakazuki is also likely to indulge you, so it's not like he's trying to break that willful spirit of yours. Anything that's directed at defying him will be dealt with accordingly, but he's not against you being strong-willed.
You won't get to test what he'll do if you run away, because he simply wouldn't allow the possibility to happen in the first place. The moment you start squirreling away funds, he lets you know he knows. there's no playing games, and no chase. Every action of defiance against him - no matter how mellowed - will be struck down before it's begun.
Since the willful darling isn't the defiant darling, there's no attempt to sneak out under the cover of dark. Not that it would well for either, but if you're smart and learn all the ways you can still be yourself, you'll find a comfortable like with the admiral. He'll let you have the things you enjoy, and he'll ensure your life is comfortable - more so when you accept him and your situation.
Some Yandere to Soothe the Ache
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