#yandere Peter Maximoff
yandereunsolved · 2 months
Yandere Peter Maximoff with a captive s/o—in the blink of an eye you're back.
↻ You don't mind his clinginess at first. It's normal for the both of you to fall asleep in his dorm bed. His head is stuffed in the crook of your neck. His legs straddling your legs and trapping you within his slightly sticky cotton sheets.
It isn't until further in your relationship that problems arise. He's part of the X-men, and you're simply the support. So naturally, his word has more sway than yours. Your damn Quickie just couldn't let you go. Now you're stuck playing nurse for him in some secluded hideout. 
↻ You can't escape. You've tried. You just get so antsy! He would understand that. He quite literally can't stay still.
He's always so disappointed in you, which is the worst part. He'll go on some demeaning speech and mock you before tackling you and humping you like a dog in heat. He's so predictable. You'd almost say it's pathetic if you didn't find it so hot. 
↻ He gives you everything you'd ever need. You have your favorite foods and video games galore. You have windows to look at the mountain view, even if they have titanium bars locking you in. Clothes? You have piles of them. Magazines? He even bought the raunchy ones. He even lets you have newspapers! He tells you about everything that goes on in the outside world!
↻You should be happy, but you aren't. You find yourself relaxed at first. It almost feels like heaven. Then you begin to feel like a caged animal in a zoo. Doubts begin to formulate in your mind. They fill up all the space that you had for thinking about Peter in your mind. Paranoia sets in.
What if he dies and you are just left to rot?
What if he cheats on you?
What if some enemy breaks in and kills you?
What if, what if, what if—
↻ Peter's gotcha! He makes sure no inch of your skin is left untouched. He keeps you marked up so you don't forget. He hangs off of you. His attention is always on you when he is at 'home' with you. He showers you in praise. He even takes you on small excursions to secluded places! 
Even if it doesn't do much, he'll go the extra mile again and again and again.
↻ Clingy doesn't even describe it. Obsessed doesn't describe it. Not even infatuated encapsulates how he feels for you. It's a need. You're a need, like air. If you died? He'd die as well.
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Sweet Dreams Are Made of This pt.18 Dark Peter maximoff x Fem Reader (mob AU)
Guess who's back!!
Summary:  Peter has felt like a piece of him has been missing ever since he was taken away from his mother to be raised by his father. But when you seem to fill that piece there’s no way he’s ever letting you go
Warnings: Fluff, angst, mentions of violence 
Word Count: 2.1K
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11| Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17
His eyes were unwavering as he took it in and after a moment you broke the silence. “What is it?” 
His tongue darted out to wet his lips and his eyes moved to look into yours, dark and unreadable. He made you wait a moment more before replying in a hushed voice that set you on edge. “You look like you belong to me.” Peter held your gaze, you waited for it to drop like it always did but they held sure. “Say it.” 
“What?” You were taken aback by the tone shift in his voice. 
“Say it.” His hand reached out to play with a strand of your hair, winding it tight around his finger as he stepped closer, his hips pressing against yours. He dropped your hair and his hands came to grab yours, moving them to hook around his shoulders. When he released them you let them hang limply. Peter clasped his own hands behind your back, tight and unbreakable. “Say you belong to me.” 
The way he spoke sent a shiver all the way down your spine, dropping your heart into your stomach. It was different from the way in which he normally spoke, there was something darker laced in his tone. It reminded you of Erik, of the way everything he said was final and unquestionable. It reminded you that despite his moments of softness there was still a part of him that you had yet to see. Something cruel that he did his best to keep under lock and key, but in his moments of desperation managed to rear its ugly head.
You had glimpsed it once, during when you first tried to escape. You saw how quickly he turned to violence when his soft spoken cries weren’t enough. You had let yourself forget that moment, of how close he was to snapping, how badly it had hurt when he flung you to the ground. You had lost yourself in delusion and allowed yourself to get comfortable. Last night was proof of that. 
Peter is something much more dangerous than his father, while Erik’s actions are justified and calculated using logic, Peter’s were guided by emotions. Emotions which he seemed to have very little control over. Peter’s dark gaze continued to stare you down until you said it. Yet he still regarded you with that unsettling gaze until you locked your hands behind his neck and played with the hair at the nape of his neck. You felt the tension release from him and his eyes fluttered closed. He leaned down to bury his face in your hair, breathing in your scent. 
You did your best to keep your body relaxed, praying that he didn’t hear the pounding of your heart. Something had changed in him since you left. He had never been this way unless you had provoked him, now it seemed as if it was bleeding into his everyday without him knowing. You wondered how much longer it would be before there was nothing left but the version of himself that his father had created. You didn't know if you’d have any leverage over that version of him, you weren’t sure if your old tricks would work anymore.
Peter nudged his face against yours, a noise rumbling in him as you returned the gesture. For now it seemed you still had some, but you weren’t sure how long it would last. It wasn’t as simple as it was before. You couldn’t just play house with Peter because his father commanded it and do the bare minimum to keep them both appeased. Peter no longer seemed to be satisfied by your meager attempts at affection, he wanted it all. Peter’s obsession had grown in your absence and something darker had grown to accompany it. To ensure that you did as he wanted. You hated to see what would happen if you didn’t. 
You needed to get out of here, you weren’t sure if you could keep doing this. You had barely been back one night but you noticed that Peter was becoming attached, even more than before. Meaning that there was no way you could leave, unless you could get him to come with you.. But you had no idea how you were going to convince him to leave. You knew you had to try before it was too late, this new side of him scared you. And you knew that if he wouldnt leave you’d have to go without him. You slightly shook your head, trying to shake the thoughts from now. The motion didn’t go unnoticed by Peter. He lifted his head, resting his forehead against yours. “What are you thinking about?” 
“Nothing.” You mused, petting his hair with your shaking hand. “Are you hungry, let’s get something to eat.” 
You didn’t know how to tell how much time had passed, all your days seemed to bleed together into one. Everyday was some variation of the one that came before. It usually started with Peter waking you up to get breakfast, which Peter prepared each day. The first day he did it, it had taken you by surprise, you had presumed that he knew very little about any domestic tasks, assuming that Erik had deemed them beneath him and had discouraged his son to learn them.
You had asked Peter how he knew how to cook and his motion of whisking the eggs had paused for a moment. His brow pulled together, as he looked down at his hands. “I don’t remember.” He mumbled, looking at his obscured reflection in the half whisked yolks. You had dropped the topic after that day, noticing that for the rest of breakfast he seemed lost in thought, as if trying to recall where he had learned how to cook. After that Peter would take you back up to his room, where you would lay together.
Peter’s head laying on your chest, ear pressed close to hear the beating of your heart. You had noticed that after a while your breathing would sync, and any time you’d try to change it he’d follow. An unsettling revelation. During this time Peter would ask you vague questions, you knew he didn’t like to discuss your life before the manor but his curiosity would sometimes drift his questions in the direction. Asking you about past memories or about the kids you taught. But while he was allowed to ask you questions about your life before you were never allowed to do the same.
Every attempt to ask him about his life before was shut down immediately, like that day in the garden. He just pretended that you had said nothing at all. And each day he would leave at the same time, picking himself off of you as he moved his hair back into place with a sweep of his hand and stood up, pressing out the wrinkles in his shirt and dress pants. He would look at you with a forelong glance as he left, mumbling how he didn’t want to leave you. You would tell him that it would be okay as you softly kissed his cheek and let him close the door behind him. The act nauseated you, it made you feel as if you were a wife character stuck in an endless sitcom loop, bidding her doting husband goodbye each day as he left for work. But after a while you became numb to the action and a soft smile sometimes graced your lips at the way it would light up his otherwise dull eyes. 
The first day he left you tired the door and found it to be locked from the outside, there were no other points of exit. You had tired the window and were delighted that it opened. But it was short lived when you saw how high up it was. Escape was futile. As the days passed you spent the majority of your time trapped in Peter’s room only leaving to eat during scheduled meals with him. You were no longer free to wander the manor, so you had no idea if anyone else had returned or if it was only just you and Peter. 
You had no idea what Peter did all day, sometimes you could hear soft piano music coming from somewhere in the manor, those were your favorite days, you would lean against the wall and listen. The music was always soft and sad, it pulled at your heartstrings but despite it all you always longed for more. Heart sinking when it stopped and you were left with nothing but your thoughts.
Your least favorite days were when you heard the voices of men enter, you could never make out what they said but you could hear the malice in their tones. And there was always one who was different from the others, it was desperate and at times would scream once the doors were shut. It never lasted very long but each time it did you pressed your hands to your ears and waited for it to stop. You didn't know what happened to those men, after the main doors shut it stopped all of a sudden but you knew that it wasn’t anything good. 
You also noticed that on the days the piano music played Peter would come back earlier, his actions as possessive as always. But there was a gentleness to him, he let you move at your own pace and never asked for more than what you gave him. But on the bad days he would come back with a hardness in his eyes, it would soften some when he saw you but no matter how much you coddled him it never fully disappeared. These days Peter was needier and more demanding with your affections.
But there was something else that was there, a sort of guilt. He wouldn't quite look you in the eye and when he spoke it was hushed. He would lay his head in your lap as you combed through his hair. Hand gripping your thighs in an uncomfortably tight manner. His hair was always wet, on the bad days he always showered before he came back to the room. But no matter how much scented body wash he used you could still smell something metallic on his skin. 
Like tonight, you tried to ignore it as you brushed through his hair. “How was your day?” You asked. 
“Fine.” Peter never said much on these days, just wanting to be with you after whatever it was that he had to do. “Did you miss me?” 
“Of course.” You hummed, continuing your movements. As the days in captivity passed you found yourself being able to answer his questions with ease. He closed his eyes at your touch. 
“I missed you so much.” He mumbled, turning his head slightly to look at you. “I wish I could stay here with you all day.” He took your hand and pressed a soft kiss into the palm. On these days Peter was more bold with his affections. “I wish it was just you and me. That all I did all day was stay in this bed with you.” Your eyes widened at his confession, snapping you out of your domestic trance. 
“What if it was.” You whispered, tracing the bridge of his nose. His brow knitted together and he regarded you with an unreadable look. You opened your mouth to speak, wanting to voice your ideas about leaving and him going with you. But the longer he looked at you the more you doubted the chances of him agreeing. “Nevermind, I wish you could spend all day with me too.” He smiled at that and went back to enjoying your gentle touches.
After that night you began to feel your desire to run waning, you had tired every means of escaping the room and found there to be none. And as you weighed your chances of escaping from Peter himself the hopelessness of it all seemed to crush your very will to try. You began to grow comfortable to the predictableness of each day. 
That was until you awoke one night with a start, the feeling as if you were being watched becoming true as you regarded the dark figure in the doorway with wide eyes. A pair of familiar eyes and a cruel sneer filled with brilliant white teeth piercing through the darkness. “Did you miss me?” 
Taglist: @joshdunstoothbrush75@coffeeandteaintheevening@livingmybestfictionallife@amourtentiaa@madison05x@rottenstyx @raincoffeeandfandoms@ietss@cursedandromedablack@castielsguardianangel22@nightlockcornucopia@usuck@xlucyintheskywithdiamondsx@darlingevanpeters@whyisaah@hollandlover19@quicksilversg1rl@loversjoy@sweetxswiftie13@moonr1ver r @funelinee@kenmas-nintendoswitch @aruiiiii@foreverloops @jamesmarchisbae @bxtchopolis@demxnicprxncess@yes-divine-ruler@slayingdaily @valeriinee @clareissad @sweetxswiftie13
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
I feel like Yandad!Peter Maximoff would sometimes be too clingy with his mutant darling, to the point were they use their powers to have space. Like ice powers!bby would freeze their dorm door to lock themselves inside alone, or super strong!bby would use extremely heavy objects to close the door for the room they're in. Or a dimension traveler that would escape when they have a chance and take a 30 minute break from him before coming back, but it wouldn't work for long since he'd give them space for sometime until he goes back to his old habits and clings onto them again.
A darling who can make force fields would be even better. Like, they could just create a force field bubble around themself and go about their daily activities and there isn’t really anything yandad Peter can do about it. He still gets to see them and be somewhat near them but he can’t touch them or smother them like his presence usually does. Not to mention whenever yandad Peter does try and get closer to his bby their force field bubble will only grow larger, pushing him away.
Oh, he would absolutely hate it. He loves his bby to no end and he totally loves them showing off their powers and everything but it’s not fair for them to use said powers against their loving dad, right? He just wants to hold his bby damn it! Can’t he at least have that?
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Platonic yandere avengers x reader x romantic yandere peter parker
Idek how to begin this so beware unlucky readers
Summary: you are an idol ,you are an avenger. How can they not be slightly a little bit protective of you
Warnings: yandere themes , stalking, obsession, fighting, blood , I think this is it
Also this will include(I'm sorry I didn't exactly do the like main six or whatever) Tony , Steve , Bucky , Clint , Natasha , Wanda , Peter
This is longer than I expected and I kinda don't like it but here it is in its full glory<3
When you joined the team , they blamed their protectiveness over you to your personality
I mean you are so cute and look so innocent , how can they not want to protect you ?
Tony had totally not hacked into every single account that you own / have owned in your life and he absolutely hasn't researcher your dad's Facebook to find childhood pictures of you. And he surely didn't print those out and handed then around in the team. Also expect to be spoilt rotten. Complained once about a stain on your favorite jacket? Have three more of the exact same just in case
Steve claimed to need specifically your help to understand how to operate anything mechanical ad expect to have a lot of movie marathons. He will read you before you sleep even though you are not a child anymore because ' he just liked when he is reading out loud'
Bucky would be the type of person to dig in deep in your life. He wouldn't stalk you specifically. That is tasked to someone else. No . He would stalk Al your friends and all your exes and highschool teachers.ad if he had to he would accidentally make some of them he consider bad influences disappear
Clint along with Natasha are your stalkers
Clint will always be hidden close by in case you need help with something (like , idk someone dead?) and my man could literally enter your home , casually look around a bit , stare at your decorations , and be out without you even realizing he was never there
Natasha on the other hand isn't so subtle. You could easily spot her on the other end of the street wearing sunglasses and staring at you intensely. Once you were in a bookstore admiring some books and stationary that you did not buy and the next day they were at your door with a little note that said ' saw them and they reminded me of you - Natasha ' as if you hadn't seen her looking at you. It isn't even that she is stupid . She just doesn't care
Wanda practically lived at your head at this point knowing things about you , you were barely aware of. Like , what do you mean you can't remember that one time you went snowboarding and fell? What do you mean how she knows that story and that you never told her? Of course you did silly!
Peter now was clearly in live with you and the first to meet you and get obsessed over you. When after some time he went to Tony and told him about his feelings , Tony supported his feelings to the max since this could be beneficial for all of them. Peter would never leave , they trusted him and he could keep you close.
Now you seem like a soft baby that needs protection from everyone ands that's mainly due to the way you present yourself and act. You have the most bubbly soft personality and everyone loves that
Being an idol , and an avenger was a dream come true for you , so when you had a big show and gave to them tickets to come see you they of course came( Tony almost bought all tha tickets so it could be only you but Steve stopped him)
Heating a music so fitting to your aesthetic it was like they fell in love (platonically and romantically for Peter) all over again. You are just so sweet and cute
Then a day came where an attack happened in new York and all of you jumped to action. They had no time to stop you from going to battle or even think about doing it really. The only think they could do was act.
Now , your powers were so incredibly powerful that they never thought you would have to fight face to face with someone. But they were terrible wrong
Once the fight was over they all spotted you on the corner of a building with bloody fists and a small trail of blood staining your pretty pink costume. A fan of yours was there asking you to take a picture . You kindly smiled at the camera revealing a set of bloody teeth.
Your fan seemed super excited at that and almost yelled out in joy. You bid her goodbye and went towards the group of your shocked friends
They all just stared at you in an unusually bloody shape , that somehow seemed fitting (?)
Later on they were shown a video of you with a bunch of people , that you were brutally fighting with . They were all left to shreds when you left your head held high.( Peter was even more into you after that)
Asks are always open<3
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avengerslittleone · 2 years
KIᗪᑎᗩᑭᑭᗴᗪ TO ᗷᗴ Tᕼᗴ ᗩᐯᗴᑎᘜᗴᖇᔕ ᗷᗩᗷY
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Warning :cursing,drugged ,humiliation,
Tony :do we have everything to get our baby
Bucky:oh yes we do (smiles)
Natasha:well I got the knockout stuff a syringe and some other stuff and some other drugs to make them limp and some drugs to weaken there muscles
Pepper:ok are we ready
Peggy:Steve you ready
Steve:ready as ever
Dr strange:ok now (opens portal to your universe)
Bucky:(walks by you) Excuse me y/p can you give me directions to the mall
Natasha:(grabs you injects you)I am sorry baby but your mama’s and dada’s can’t have you running
Y/n: Scarlett Johansson , Sebastian Stan , Benedict Cumberbatch (you fell your eyes close)
Dr strange:ok good we got them (closes portal)
Bucky:(carry’s you to med bay)
Bruce:awww they look so cute but now I do my thing so they become ours and our little one alone mine
Natasha:just tell Wanda when your dune she is going to erase there adulthood memories
Bruce:(injects headspace starters in iv and some other stuff)Wanda you can come in now
Wanda:ok (does wiggly woo magic on you)that should be ok
America:are they awake yet I want to meet them
Peter:please I want to
Morgan:please pretty pretty please
Tony:ok but shhh they are asleep
Natasha:(sits by your bad side)
America:awwww there so cute
Tony:shhhh they need there nap time they had a big day
Peggy:there the baby Steve come on
Peter:let’s go (leaves with America and Morgan)
Bucky:jerk so how’s it going
Steve:good she loves it here and we can be happy together same for you and romanoff
Y/n:(rolls over in bed)
Pepper:there waking up
Y/n:(opens eyes looks around) ou are Chw
Bruce:well we are your mommy’s and daddy’s and you are our baby
Y/n:(cry’s) nw you ovie charters you nw weal nw wana be baby
Vision:well you are our baby
Natasha:shhh it’s ok baby (sits in hospital bed with you in her lap)
Bucky:oh see that made them quiet
Y/n:(pulls at Natasha’s top)mama
Natasha:everyone except Bucky out
Natasha:(unbuttoning her top takes nursing bra off let’s you latch on)good baby
Bucky:thank goodness for Wanda
𝗧𝘄𝗼 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵𝘀 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿
Peggy:(picks you up off of play mat lay’s you on changing table changes you)
Natasha:(takes you from Peggy)say bye bye to ma she is going bye bye of two weeks
Y/n:bye bye ma
Wanda:nat I need to feed our baby
Natasha:ok (carry’s you to dining room put’s you in high chair)
Wanda:(grabs a spoon of baby food)come on baby look mommy likes it see
Y/n:(eats baby food off spoon spits it’s at daddy/tony)
Yelana:hahaha ha you didn't think that was going to happen
Wanda:(looks into your mind the adult part)
Y/n adult part of brain: I hate these ass holes they are some kinky asshats who want to control some now all I eat is baby food and titty milk and some food and shit and piss my self becoming of the fucken avengers I would rather be at hydra and or dead like piedro
Wanda:(does more wiggly woods on your mind)see now we have our baby and the best part is everyone in your universe can’t find your phone or anything on you your our ’s
Natasha:Wanda can I ask what you did
Wanda:someone’s adult self was coming through so I killed it so now we only have our sweet baby (wipes drool from your chin)
𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗼𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗴𝗼𝘁 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗶𝘁 𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗽𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁'𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗱𝗿𝘂𝗴𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗴𝗼𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝘆/𝗻 𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿
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no-mercy-bby · 1 year
A Get Away Getaway
A trip, vacation, or a getaway with a friend; that's all you thought it was. A week long sabbatical with Peter at a gorgeous cabin. However, on the eighth too normal day; you run.
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AO3 LINK: CH.2 Steal Away (Go Away)
Peter continues to help you recover from your failed escape. 
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lady-ashfade · 5 months
So I already know the fandoms I will be opening, but I kinda wanna throw one in because why not?
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nastyavolk-cp · 2 years
K̵͓̩͚̑̃͝a̴t̷̜͈̊͠ê̵̋̚ B̴̛̤̖̑͌ȋ̸̼̞ͅŝ̸̢̺̒h̷̭̩͠o̵̧̧̼ṗ̸̮̍͜
Oh, my dear Kate.
I hate to see you cry, seeing you suffering but oh, Kate, you look so prettier when you beg for me not to kill them.
I can’t stop myself from feeling so powerful, having you in my hands, knowing that you will only belong to me. But hey- look at the bright side, without them in our way we will be happier than we have ever been.
So please, Kate, my dearest, forget them and only look at me! Give attention only to me! Make me your everything because from now on I am all that you ever need.
You belong to me.
You belong only to ME!
Love me, Kate Bishop.
Love only me, Kate Bishop.
I̵̡̠͉͙̫̪͉͓̟̙̘̖̝̜͉͓̻͙̟̍̑́́̾̽́̽̆̿̃͒͜ l̴̬̞̪͑̓͌͗̈͌͊̓̅́̓͐̕̚͘͟ō̷̥̳̭͖̫̗͙̔͜ͅv̸̳̺̣͚̹̻̣̺͇̜͟ͅe̴̺̝͖̖͔͙̖̙͈̣͂͆̀̾̈́͊͘ y̴̢̡̧̥̹͇̰̦̳̫̗̥͊̆̂̍̃́̍͛̎͌̔͋̈͂̎̐̀̇̑̉͟͜ͅǫ̶̡̡̙̼̻͖̭̫̼̮̫͔̤̞̜̈́̉̔̊̅̿̑͋̓͐͒͟͝͝͠͡u̸̢̦̟̇̓͆͋́̓͗̅͛̒͒͒͝͝͠͡͝ s̸̘͑̿͝ơ̶̧̧̻̯̥̥͙̲̗͍͕̬̲͈̑̑͑͋̂̊̈͐́́̈́͜͟͝͝ m̵̧̡̟͙͇̠̱̩u̵̮̘͛͊̊̈́̈̈̕c̴̻̹̱̥̜̈̈́̂͛͘h̶̢̡̥͉̜͎̺̠̪͉̤̟͙̭̮̝̫͔̖ͅ,̴̎͊̈́͐̋͒̊̽̿̏ K̷̝̦͊̏̽̿̃͘͠ă̸̢̛̮̘̺̯͍͖̬͛̓̾̚͟͟ẗ̵̝̮̬̥̻̬͚̹̣̤͈̯́̅̓̿́͑̉͌̈̿́͟͜͝ͅe̴̛͇͇̮̲͈̦̖̠̒̇̀̑̓̐́͂̕͘͜͡͠ Ḅ̴͇͍̬͚̑̂̈́̈́̇̓̆̈́͛̄̋̄͗̂̒͘̚͟͝͠î̵̞̞̠̿͟ş̸̢̞̖̣̞̤̤̪͙̫̗̜̽̾͛̂͠͝ḩ̶̖̺͚̰̦͉̭̖̝͍̤̘̳̗̌͌̈́͌̇̂̇̓̿͌̆́̐̈́̚͟͠ͅo̴̧͉̫̻̫̟͖̩͔̪͈̰̭̠͍̭̩͆̿̋̓͊͛͋̈̂͝p̶̢̧̢̧͉͍̫̹̜͎̼̘͉͎͓͓̈̀̅̆̃̆̅̇̈́̀̈͆̾̉̑̅̔̀͘͡ͅ.̷̨̨̝̠͍̘̗͔̟̙̬̅̌͛͐̆̀͊̓̈́̇̏̕͟͝ͅ
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(Photos not mine)
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tomriddleslovergirl · 2 years
Marvel Masterlist:
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Peter Parker (Tom Holland's):
none yet...
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield):
Dating Peter Parker Headcanons
Marvel characters x oblivious!reader
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yandereunsolved · 6 months
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⍣ ೋ Yandere Peter Maximoff ⍣ ೋ
"You can run but you can't hide, babe. They call me Quicksilver for a reason."
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Sweet Dreams Are Made of This pt. 16
Dark! Peter Maximoff x fem reader (Mob Au)
Sorry about the delay but to make up for it this part is a little longer than usual!! And there's something special for you guys!! 👀👀👀 I hope you like it! And always comment or send me asks to let me know what you thought of it!! I love hearing from y'all (not fully proofread so if there are some mistakes please ignore them)
Summary:  Peter has felt like a piece of him has been missing ever since he was taken away from his mother to be raised by his father. But when you seem to fill that piece there’s no way he’s ever letting you go
Warnings: Fluff, angst, smut, subby peter 
Word Count: 2.5k 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11| Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
Peter’s question weighed heavily, making the air in the room disappear. You found it was hard to breath but under his heavy gaze you forced yourself to form a response that came out more like a question. “Spend the night with you?” You repeated, wondering if he understood the implications of his words. 
Despite the boldness of his request his eyes were cast downward at his hands that laid in his lap. “Yes.” His hand came up to subtly touch the nail indents you had left in his cheek, an action that reminded you of your wrongdoings against him.”I do not think it is the worst thing I could have asked for.” His dark eyes moved to your face making you look away. 
The dark undertone of his statement sent a shiver up your spine. As if sensing your discomfort he paused before continuing. “I lied.” His blatant statement caught your attention and you lifted your head to look at him. His tongue darted out to wet his lips before he continued.” I haven’t been sleeping well since you left, your absence made it… difficult. I missed your presence, even if it was just in the room next to mine. It was nice knowing that I wasn’t alone…”  You could tell there was more he wanted to say but settled for an oversimplification hoping it would ease you. 
“Alright.” You rose to your feet, doing your best not to collapse. “I will spend the night with you, if it is what you want.” 
Peter scrambled to his feet, the unrefined gesture making you let out an amused huff. “It is.” He replied, breathless as he took your hand in his. “Oh it is.” You gave him a soft smile and watched as his face broke out in a wide one. You had never seen him smile in such a way, your chest tightening because of it. He kept your hands joined as he guided you to sit with him on the edge of the bed. You waited for him to undress but were surprised he moved to lay on the side of the bed closest to the wall. Peter looked at you expentaly waiting for you to do the same. Your face burned with shame and what you had assumed. 
You awkwardly moved to lay on your side facing him. For a moment no one moved, you just watched one another. You took in the gentle rising and falling of his chest and the way his silver eyelashes seemed to glow in the darkness. You wondered if he was comfortable laying in suit pants and a dress shirt but he seemed unaffected. You tried not to show your own discomfort, one you blamed on laying in your damp work clothes. You kept your hand cradled close to your chest, knees slightly tucked up. You were trying your best to fit within the small confines of the bed. “I don’t think this bed was made for two people.” You joked, trying to ease the tension. 
Peter just hummed, his chin tucked to his chest. His hands stayed close to his chest, clasped together as if he was replicating the gesture of holding someone else’s hand with his own. You took you a minute to realize that he was waiting for you to hold him. In your brief history of knowing one another he had never really initiated contact with you. Despite his wants, his unfamiliarity with it all stopped him from doing so out of fear of making a mistake. You moved your body impossibly closer and scooted further up onto the mattress, so his head was now level with your shoulders and chest. You were about as unfamiliar as he was but not so much so that you didn't know what to do. 
You guided your hand across his side and underneath his arm to settle on his back to pull him closer. Your other hand lifted his head slightly so his head could rest on your arm. You then began to softly stroke his hair and watched as the tension leaked out of his body. His breath shaky as he welcomed the forgein touch. He moved so one of your legs was slotted between his and his leg rested along the curve of yours. and relished in the feeling of such intimate contact. His head came to rest in the space between your shoulder and head, nuzzling into you, his nose grazing the underside of your jaw. It was quiet and almost peaceful before his voice broke it with a question. “Do you like me?” 
You were taken aback by it. “I like you.” 
He let your answer mull around his head for a moment before asking another. “Do you love me?” This time his voice was quieter, unsure.
You thought about it for a moment, weighing your options and the outcomes of them both. You could feel his impatience grow as he awaited your answer. But you couldn't bring yourself to say those three little words so instead you went around it. “I do.” 
“You do?” Peter asked, brows coming to furrow together. Unsatisfied with your answer, it wasn't what he wanted to hear. 
“I do.” 
“Say it.” He pressed, moving back so he could look at you.
“I did.”
“Say you love me.”
“I already said I do.”His frown deepened and you relented. “I love you.”  Although your response was barely above a whisper he heard it. A pleased noise rumbling in his chest, and he resumed his nuzzling. You felt his hand begin to trace the the exposed skin above your chest. Peter was trying to replicate what you had done to him in the library. But at the memory of what had happened after had him whimpering as he felt his tight pants get even tighter. 
“People who love each other get to do things other cannot.” He started, skin warming under your touch. 
You felt your heart stop at his newfound revelation. But you played coy. “Like what?”
He hummed in thought as he scooted up to your level, the tip of his nose nearly touching yours. “They get to eat together, spend time with one another, share things, touch one another.” 
“Touch each other?” Peter looked to you to gauge your reaction but your face remained unreadable so he continued. 
“They kiss. Real kisses like the one in your bedroom, not just on the cheek or forehead.They get to touch each other in the way you did in the library.” At the mention of the incident you froze, knowing that it would have come up sooner than later. Although you hoped for later. ‘And I do love you.” 
“You love me?” You stalled, hoping to steer him away. He nodded. “How do you know it is love and not… something else?”
Peter’s face contorted in confusion. “What else could it be? I only ever think of you, of your face, your kind words… of your touch.” At this he took your hand and led it down between your bodies. He placed your hand on the crotch of his pants and laid his over yours. He gave your hand a soft squeeze which made you give one unintentionally in return. He tilted his head back and shuddered. “O-oh your touch. I missed it.” 
“Peter that was meant as a one time thing.”
‘You don’t love me then?” His eyes searched yours for the lie you were hiding. 
“I love you but-”
“Please.” He begged, lips moving to kiss your jaw. “I’ve waited for you, you don’t know what you’ve done to me.” He pressed his lips to yours and you were surprised by his boldness. Although you weren't sure you could call it a kiss. His desperation caused it to be a clashing of teeth and spit, and when he pulled away a string of saliva connected you both. His watery eyes were blown out and a whimper escaped his lips as he began to rock his hips into yours, inexperienced and sporadic. “Please.” At the site your last ounce of restraint was broken. 
“Like last time?” You asked, beginning to stroke him softly squeezing him. 
Peter let himself get lost in the moment before shaking his head. “I want to see you.” His curious hands came to touch your clothed chest, groping your chest through the material. “C-can I kiss them?” You nodded but before you could remove your shirt he began his assault. You watched as he sloppily kissed the fabric before mouthing at the outline of your breast. You cursed and let him before pulling him off, his drool darkening the fabric in his absence. He whined at the loss of contact until he saw your hands coming up to work the buttons of your shirt. His breath was heavy and opened mouth as he watched you. Your simple black bra was exposed to him and you felt his hips rock in response. 
You reached behind to unclasp it and your tits spilled out with a bounce. “Oh god.” Peter groaned, voice high and whinny. “You’re so pretty.” His compliment had you flushing with warmth. He wasted no time attached his lips to the puffy nipple while his hand came to squeeze greedily at the other. His natural instincts taking over as he began to suck, it was too painful and rough, as all of his touches were. You let him until you felt him nip the sensitive bud. 
“Peter baby wait.” You winced, making him stop his assault on your chest. “You gotta be gentle, no biting honey.” You stared down at his wide eyes, petting the side of his face with your knuckles. He preened from your gentle touches and pet names. Eyes fluttering closed, his moan vibrating through you. “M’sorry.” He mumbled, not detaching himself to respond. He began to suck again and shifted himself so he was laying half on top of you and you were on your back. 
You let out a reluctant moan of your own and Peter paused, moaning in response. He began to suck with a new motivation, eager to hear more of your pretty noises. And after a while you couldn't hold them in anymore. Your soft moans ringed in harmony with his breathless and whinny whimpers. Peter moved again, rocking his hips into your core, it was fast and hard. “His lips slipped from your chest as his eyes began to roll back. “The feeling is back. “O-oh it feels so strange, but it’s so good.” He had buried his face into your neck, roughly biting down despite your warnings of not to. 
“Peter!” You hissed, the pain easing as he mouthed at the wound. He fought the urge to smirk, now all in the manor would know who you belong to. 
He rested his weight on his hands as he thrusted his hips into you, he knew so little about sex but he knew what made him feel good.Peter assumed this is what sex was. Little did he know how good it could feel if there was nothing between you and he was buried balls deep inside. But he knew none of that so instead he settled for dry humping you. 
He had recalled that day in the library and knew that after you had given him so much pleasure it felt so good to buck into you. And if he hadn't been so spent after coming he would have done as he was doing now. So he humped your clothed pussy, shaking the frame of the small mattress and moaning into your ear. Tears pricked his eyes as he felt his frustration build, he couldn't figure out why it didn’t feel as good as before. Then he realized it was because you had been in control last time. The rush he had from you touching him and bending him to your will made his control so unsatisfactory. 
He let his weight fall onto you as his hips kept at it. “I can’t- I need you to do it.” Peter moaned, suddenly flipping you on top of him with a strength you didn’t expect him to possess. His hips now bucked up into you. You hesitated a moment, it was one thing to let him take you as he wanted but it was another to do it to him. Even if it was far less vulgar than before. But somehow this felt much more sinful. 
But the throbbing ache in your core from his relentless clothed thrusts and his soft cries for you to move you caved. You leaned back and rested your hands on his thighs as you began to move your hips over his raised member. “Peter,” You mused, throwing your head back as your hips picked up their pace. He whined your name in response and his hands laid limply at his side fisting the sheets. You figured he didn't know where to put them so you led him to rest his hands on your hips and he looked at you as if you had given him the world. Peter used it to aid your movements. His eyes were locked on your chest as they bounced, mouth agape and watering. “Something’s happening again.” He whined, his grip on your hips getting tighter. 
“You’re cumming baby, I’m gonna cum too.” You whined, picking up your pace. 
“I’m cumming,” He cried, loving the way the dirty word sounded on his tongue. “(y/n) I’m coming-” He sat up and pulled you flush to him, hips spasming as he spilled himself into his pants, the warmth of his cum making you come as well. You let out a string of moans that echoed throughout the room, mingling with his cries. Peter continued to hold you close as you both came down from your highs. You felt his hips shift below you, uncomfortable with the sticky mess that was in his pants. “M’ all messy.” He whined. “And sticky.” His face burned red with his embarrassment. 
“It’s alright baby, I am too.” His eyes widened at your confession. 
“I made you feel good?” Peter asked in wonder. You nodded, leaning down to kiss his lips, blaming the gesture on your lust. 
“You better change, It won’t be very comfortable to sleep like that.” Peter listened to your words and reluctantly got up to rid himself of his spoiled clothes. But before he disappeared to change he spared a nervous glance back at you, as if scared the moment he left you would be gone. You gave him a reassuring smile. “I’ll be right here.”
Peter nodded and closed the door to the bathroom. You wanted to change as well but not wanting to borrow anything for Peter you settled for slipping off your jeans and staying in your sticky panties. Which weren’t doing anything to ease your want for him. Peter returned in record time and settled next to you in bed. He slipped beneath the covers as you had done. He wanted to recreate your position from before but in feeling your bare leg his cock sprang to life again. He whimpered and you sighed. “It’s back.” 
“You’re okay, tomorrow we’ll take care of it.”
“Okay.” he huffed. You moved him to where his back was to your chest so he couldn't seek any more pleasure and he could perhaps catch up on sleep. And sure enough his soft snores filled the room and you felt your eyes begin to heavy.
Taglist: @joshdunstoothbrush75@coffeeandteaintheevening@livingmybestfictionallife@amourtentiaa@madison05x@rottenstyx@raincoffeeandfandoms@ietss@cursedandromedablack@castielsguardianangel22@nightlockcornucopia@usuck@xlucyintheskywithdiamondsx@darlingevanpeters@whyisaah@derangedcupcake@hollandlover19@urfavtemptress@emmylovesxmen@violate-larmon@quicksilversg1rl@loversjoy@sweetxswiftie13@moonr1verr @funeline @kenmas-nintendoswitch @aruiiii
If I didn't tag you lmk, I'm so bad about tagging but if you comment below I'll try to tag you in the next part :)
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
I was think about Yan! brother Peter Maximoff, like him obsessing over another mutant(most likely one older than him) when he first arrives at the mansion/school. His older sibling would be someone who's been there for years now, so Charles would get them to be his tour guide through the place and to teach him everything he needs to know to do well in classes. They're so kind and friendly to him that he immediately just decides that his best friend forever and sibling, I like the idea of him being the dependent one on this case instead of the one to depend on. Like his mutant sibling is so experienced in everything he's not and they're very mature, so he always goes to them when he needs help since he knows they'll able to help.
Yandere Peter is naturally clingy but he would become so much worse with an older sibling/best friend. He looks up to and greatly admires them. He thinks they’re so cool and just wants to be around them all the time. Not to mention how nice and accepting they are, as well as attentive. Peter loves the attention they give him and will do anything to keep said attention on him. He would definitely be that little brother who follows their sibling everywhere; whether it’s hanging out with their frinds with them or tagging along on their sibling’s dates, ect. Peter would be attached to their hip no matter what.
Also, Peter totally shows off in front of them. He loves to show them how fast he can really go. He just really craves praise and any attention he can get from his darling. No doubt Peter would also use his speed to get rid of anyone he deems as competition. He really doesn’t take well to the idea of being replaced or his darling giving more attention to anyone other than him. He’d also make it pretty clear how dependent he truly is on his darling. He needs them around otherwise he just doesn’t feel the same and can’t function properly or positively without them.
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Platonic yandere avengers
Romantic yandere spiderman
This is for the egg ask I got and I'm sorry but It got deleted twice when I had made some really good progress so this is going to be maybe a little short
Warnings: fighting , limping , implied yandere behavior , I wrote this in the middle of the night
Summary: this thing basically
Feel free to drop me an ask<3
When the egg fell out of your pocket and cracked you started hyperventilating. Natasha assumed it was some normal panic attack that was simply triggered by the fallen egg, and was ready to try and comfort you
On the other hand Thor was confused on why you had an egg in your pocked and an unboiled one for the fact!
Before Natasha could comfort you , bucky an expert at panic attacks stepped in , trying to assure you about how this wasn't a big deal , noone was mad at you and that you were safe , even going as far as to say that they had other eggs in the fridge and he could get you one if you wnted
At the sound of that offer , tony was in common ground and went as far as to offer you a whole chicken 'so you can have eggs whenever you want to apparently'??
Peter just sat there staring at you feeling helpless not knowing how to help you in any way. With all the staring he did, he noticed your hand discreetly slipping in your back pocket and pulling out your favorite pair of scissors that you carried everywhere with you. He felt fearful for your safety ad attempted to say something but was cut of by something extraordinary happening
On the other hand , the only thing you could think about was how to get out of there before-
A teenage girl around yours and Peter age shot out of the egg before you were even able to finish your thoughts
Everyone stood around you and the girl , obvious confusion showing on their faces.
Everything was evolving so fast though and they had time to ask no questions, since when you listened to the screeches from outside the tower , the scissors in your hand got turned to a pair of beautiful swords
You were out of the tower and defeated the monster in a very skillful and efficient way.
After you were done , the monster was slayed ad the girl freed , you returned to the avengers
Clint noticed your subtle limbing and thought about how strong you were unbeknownst to them, and how they had insisted on babying you
Clint had taken you to a cute coffee shop , to buy you some chocolate( he of course couldn't buy you coffee, you are just a baby) and some much needed caffeine in any kind for himself
Him and the other avengers had agreed that new York was just too dangerous for you to walk alone and had decide that each day one of them would take you to school and of of it just to keep you safe
You of course noticed the man coming through the door and you instantly knew you were in danger
You quietly informed Clint about the face. The man quickly pushed you behind his back, not aware yet of what the problem was.
It turned out you were right and he prevented an armed robbery that da while you went to school late and holding some macdonalds.
They never really wondered how you knew you were in danger only ever discussing about how it is actually even more dangerous than they thought outside
On that note Tony placed a tracker on your pai of shoes and favorite jacket, not wanting to let you get hurt.
Peter was obviously worried about you but he felt other things too
First of all he felt relief because now at least they knew what was harming you and could figure out ways to stop it
On the other hand he was a bit turned on by you
They all gathered around you , while Tony had already tasked Friday to analyze the whole video and find out was is happening
They once again began babying you , fretting over your situation and minor injuries
A lot of questions were asked that day and by the end of the interrogation conversation you were left exhausted and fell asleep on the couch
The team of course considered that super cute and Wanda snapped a few pictures of your sleeping form with your favorite blanket placed over you .
Then it was time for their grown up talk , that included everyone but you
' ok, I felt the magic coming out of this monster, but it also radiated of her too. Those swords may be the source of it all'
Wanda explained to the team. They all talked about you for hours , unable to decide how to handle the situation
If you think that them knowing about you being powerful and capable, made them any more attentive and worried , you are wrong. If anything everything intensified since now they knew you were in harm's way.......
This is for @slaymbo <3 who keeps me productive:)
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brightlilith · 1 year
Request open
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Peter Parker
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Bucky Barnes
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Ajax Petropulus
Robby Keene
Miguel Diaz
Samantha Larusso
Tory Nichols
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Klaus Mikaelson
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Elijah Mikaelson
Caroline Forbes
Elena Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
Hope Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Daemon Targaryen
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Aemond Targaryen
Jacaerys Targaryen
Alicent Hightower
Aegon II Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen
Spencer Reid
Jennifer Jereau
Emily Prentiss
Lenny Bruce
Miriam Maisel
Jensen Ackles
Jenna Ortega
Tokio Hotel
More will be added as requests are placed!
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I will do NOT write
Tv show couples ex: Damon Salvatore x Elena Gilbert
Romanticization of mental health, eating disorders, depression, any type of self harm, physical abuse, any forced sexual activities, any hate towards LGBTQ People/Rights, any hate towards Transgendered people/Rights, or any hate towards race.
Pedophilia, or activities, child abuse and more.
These NSFW themes - A/B/O, humiliation/degrading kink and more Pregnancies Incest (with the exception of got and hotd)
Characters with some physical disability (nothing against it, I just wouldn’t want to write it wrong)
Black!reader or plus size!reader (nothing against it, I wouldn't want to offend something I don't know.)
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If you want to be added to the tag list, send me a message!🩷
Is there anything you'd like to see in the future from my blog?
Note: Depending on what it is, I might be able to make it happen. All I ask is that you ask kindly.
© morganaah/brightlilith ─ all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other platforms.
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blue-sadie · 11 months
Request Page
Platonic = 🌼 Fluff = 🌺 Smut =🌹 Lime =⚘️ Angst = 🥀 Yandere =🍁
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Temptation - Bucky 🌹
Khonsu's Turn - Khonsu 🌹
Gentle Touch - Loki 🌺
Sit Upon The Throne - Loki 🌹
Praises - Marc 🌹
Five Stars - Peter 🌺
After Class Punishments - Moon System 🌹
Reflections - Moon System 🌹
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Incorrect Quotes
Crusty... What? - Bucky, Natasha
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Drive On - Jake 🌹
Take A Breather - Miguel 🌹
Blood Flood - Peter 🌺
Save Him - Moon System 🥀🌺
Three For The Price Of One - Moon System 🌹
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Different Versions Oscar Isaac Characters: Moon System, Marcus, Shiv, Basil Stitt, Jonathan Levy, Llewyn Davis, William Tell, Cecil Dennis, Robbie Paulson, Outcome 3 (David), Santiago Gracia, Kane, Nathan Bateman, Leto Atreides, Poe Dameron, Peter Malkin, Bassam, Prince John, Orestes, Laurent Leclaire, Oscar Isaac
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Modern Day
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Flashing Lights - Marc Spector, Jake Lockley, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes 🌺
Kiss The Cook - Peter Parker, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, Thor, Bucky Barnes 🌹
Movie Marathon - Jake Lockley, Peter Parker, Pietro Maximoff, Bucky Barnes 🌹
Beach Sun - Bucky Barnes Petro Maximoff,Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Thor, Tony Stark 🌹
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NSFW and SFW Alphabet
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Apologizing After A Fight - Moon System
Dating An Artist - Moon System
they accidentally hurt you when having a nightmare - Moon System
Them when Your On Your Period - Stephen Strange, Loki Laufeyson, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker
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strawb3rrystar · 25 days
X-Men Masterlist
🌸 Fluff | 🍃 Smut | 🥀 Angst | 🌼 Yandere |🪻 Platonic
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✰ Charles Xavier ✰
Nothing to be found (・・ ) ?
✰ Erik Lehnsherr ✰
Nothing to be found (・・ ) ?
✰ Logan James Howlett ✰
Nothing to be found (・・ ) ?
✰ Wade Wilson ✰
Nothing to be found (・・ ) ?
✰ Peter Maximoff ✰
🍃 Indulge -> Drabble | 319 words | Not requested
✰ Kurt Wagner ✰
🍃 Gift from the gods -> Oneshot | 3,943 words | Not requested
✰ Scott Summers ✰
🌸 Confessions with wild flowers -> Oneshot | 2,247 words | Not requested
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✰ Multi ✰
Nothing to be found (・・ ) ?
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