#yandere Kyujuro
teddy-yandere · 3 years
Friendly neighborhood Koku-chan summoner 🤣 damn this is not funny but oh well
I think I remembered my previous asks and I'll add a cursed meme at the end, as promised
One was about yandere Kyojuro, Sanemi, Kokushibo and Muzan(if you don't mind, can Uzui, Douma and Akaza be added, if it'snot too much) , where let's say one of these cheesecakes already kidnapped their Darling, but the other yandere is also simping for the Darling, like what would let's say Kyo do if Sanemi was also yandere for his darling and ect.
The other one was like a Yandere Darling secretly in live with the Yandere cheesecakes, if you watched Hey Arnold and remember Helga, so that's the Darling. Maybe not insulting but aggressive and stuff, but secretly deeply in love but somehow even after being kidnapped need a lot of time to actually act normally towards the cheesecakes.
Hope this makes sense, but you always amaze us so I'm not worried.
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Spill the tea sis.
- Steal -
⚠️WARNING⚠️ will contain dark themes
Characters = Rengoku , Sanemi , Kokushibou , Muzan , Tengan , Douma , Akaza
A/N = I will probably complete the second request a little later , i had a lot of fun writing this !!Feel free to request any characters you want. I write for many different fandoms , all you have to do is scroll to the bottom of this post and pick what fandom and character you want me to write for and send me a request. My inbox is always open so feel free to chat with me!! <3
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Sanemi tried to steal you from Rengoku
• Rengoku had always known that Sanemi had some feelings towards you. Let’s just say Rengoku tried to act as civil as he can around Sanemi but it was very hard too , when he knew that Sanemi was simpimg for his Darling.
• After Rengoku kidnapped you , he started to act a lot more relaxed around Sanemi because he felt like there was absolutely nothing to worry about , because you were safe in his home.
• Little did Rengoku know , that Sanemi knew about him kidnapping you. Sanemi had been watching Rengoku for a while , and knew that he had taken you because he followed him home one day. Sanemi was furious that Rengoku would even dare lay a hand on you , so he decided to confront Rengoku about it. Let’s just say that , it did not end well. Turns out that , Sanemi had threatened to take you from Rengoku , all Rengoku did was laugh in his face and tell him “ good luck “.
• A couple weeks later , when Rengoku was walking though the front door , he expected to see you laying on the couch, but instead he could hear you crying for help in the bedroom. When he walked in , he saw Sanemi Sanemi jumping through the window. He was about to go after him , but he decided to ask you what had happened.
• Turned out that Sanemi came to try to convince you to come with him , because he can “ protect you better “. Rengoku was furious , but he knew that he could never approach Sanemi about it , because Sanemi would report him.
• The only thing that Rengoku did was , put wooden boards on most of the windows.
Obanai tried to steal you from Sanemi
• As we all know , Sanemi is very protective and possessive over his darling , saying this , sometimes he can act like a very aggressive dog around his Darling. He does not like it when people talk , touch or interact with his darling in any way.
• The only person that he does trust around them , is Obanai. Sanemi really trusts Obanai , so he did not think that Iguro would try anything with his darling. Little did he know , that Obanai had fell in love with you from the moment he first saw you. That being said , Obanai felt a strong responsibility over you. When it was announced that you had gone missing ( Sanemi kidnapped you ), Obanai was completely destroyed over the news, but he tried to hide it so Sanemi would not question him.
• So imagine Obanai’s surprise when he looked over , and saw that Sanemi had a calm face , and was showing no emotion over the fact that you had just been kidnapped. When Obanai approached him about the matter , Sanemi whispered in his ear , “ the only reason why I am not worried , is because I took them , they are safer with me “. Obanai only nodded his head , and started to plot a way to get you back to him.
• Obanai decided that the best way to take you from Sanemi’s house , is if he waited for Sanemi to go on a long mission. That way the house would be empty. He waited for the moment Sanemi went off on a mission , and he headed to his estate to get you. Unknown to Iguro , Sanemi had actually stopped by his house to kiss you goodbye.
• Instead if being greeted with you , he was greeted with Obanai in the middle of his living room. “ what the fuck are you doing “. Sanemi asked. “ nothing I just wanted to make sure that all of your doors were locked… the window was opened”.
• Sanemi only stared at him, before asking him to leave. Sanemi knew that something was up, but he did not want to cause a scene in front of you.
• Iguro would have to come get you another day.
Douma tried to steal you from Kokushibou
• When Kokushibou first kidnapped you , he took you to the infinity tower and introduced you to Muzan and the other upper moons. Kokushibou felt like it was very important that you get along with them , especially Muzan. The reason for this , is because he wanted you to join him as a upper rank demon. Just because he told you to be nice to them , does not mean that he wants you to have long conversations with them.
• Kokushibou always feels like the other upper moons are trying to steal you away from him, especially Douma. Ever since Douma first met you , he has always made a effort to talk to you , or be in the same room as you. Every once in a while , Douma will give you compliments and tal bad about Kokushibou in front of him and you.
• Still , Kokushibou did not feel like Douma was a threat , until Douma started to make many different comments about taking you , and keeping you all to himself. That crossed the line for Kokushibou. One time , Kokushibou even threatened Douma about the whole matter.
• Lately, you had been spending more time with Douma , then with Kokushibou. Kokushibou never brought it up because he did not want you to think that he was insecure. One day , Kokushibou walked into your room after a long mission , expecting some cuddles , but found that you were not there. So he started to look for you around the palace , but he could not find you.
• He tried not to panic , but every time he went into a empty room , he could feel a sense of anxiety start to wash over him like cold water. Eventually he found you , but you were with Douma. Turns out that Douma wanted to show off some of his expensive jewelry. Kokushibou just watched from the doorway. He knew that you would never try anything with Douma , but he wanted to see how Douma acts around you.
• “ Does Kokushibou ever buy you expensive stuff ?”. Douma asked in a teasing voice. “ Oh Yeah !! He buys me a ton of stuff “ you said proudly. “Don’t you think you would be happier with me “?. You froze when you heard that question coming from Douma’s mouth . Kokushibou felt like he was going to explode out of anger , it took everything in him not to beat up Douma. All there was , was silence. Eventually Kokushibou walked in and picked you up and threw you over his shoulder , and started to walk out.
• He was going to have a serious talk with Douma , after he is done cuddling you to death.
• This is going to be really short because I don’t think that anyone would even try to take you from Muzan. Not even Kokushibou would dare try . You have to be mentally insane to think that you could get away with taking Muzan’s Darling.
• The second Muzan fees like someone is going to try to take his darling , they are dead. He does not even want anyone else , but him , to be around his darling.
Rengoku tried to take you from Tengan
• It had been a while since Tengam and his wives had taken a you , but by all accounts , you were adjusting very well to your new life.
• But sometimes , you start to miss your old life. You were a hashira in the demon slayer corps. That is how you got to meet Tengan Uzui. You also became quite close with most of the other hashira’s. You were very close to Rengoku in particular.
• Sometimes , Rengoku used joke about the two of you being together, most of the time , Tengan would just laugh it off . Little did Tengan know that Rengoku had fallen head over heels in love with you , and was stalking you. Rengoku knew that Tengan had taken you .
• After Tengan had taken you , however , he stopped worrying about all of those things , and was just focused on you , and his wives. One day , one of his wives spotted Rengoku in the distance. This was unusual, because Tengan wasn’t here , and he was suppose to be on a mission.
• Almost immediately, his wives started to rush you into a secret bedroom . Tengan had warned them that Rengoku would suspect them . When Rengoku came banging on the door demanding you , the wives simply kicked him out , and sent a crow to Tengan , asking him to come home immediately.
• This won’t be the last time Rengoku tries to get you. The next time , would be bloody.
Akaza wants to steal you from Douma
• This sneaky little bastard.
• He would always tease Akaza about him having a huge crush on you. I mean who wouldn’t? You were perfect in Douma’s eyes. He saw nothing wrong with bragging about you to everyone.
• Apparently, Douam bragged one too many times to Akaza , because Akaza snapped at him one day.
• He basically told him to shut his mouth , or else he will take you from Douma.
• Douma was speechless
• How dare his underclass man threaten him. Douma did not take this threat lightly , and locked you up the next day.
• Every once in a while , you swear that you can see Akaza looking through your window. You will be Akaza’s, one day..
• Same thing as Muzan -
• I don’t think anyone has the guts to take you from him
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Thanks for reading Darling !! <3
Feel free to request any character you want. I write for all genders. If you don’t tell me what gender you want then I will just make it gender nuetural. I write for many different fandoms such as:
• Demon Slayer
• Haikyuu
• Attack on Titan
• My Hero Academia
• Death Note
• Jujitsu Kaisan
Have a nice Day / Night ~
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possessivedesires · 2 years
How would the yandere Hashira react to their Darling (who's also a hasira) coming home severely Injured and they were trying to hide it cause they knew if they were seen that injured their "partner" would force them to retire?
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“Where are they?” The loud voice made you freeze in mid step, knowing that you were busted. Of course Shinobu would send a letter out to Kyujuro, not knowing of the tendencies he has when it comes to you. No one knew, because no one believed you. Kyujuro was the perfect Angel, the perfect man. Who would ever believe anything he has done to you?
“Firelily.” He was pissed, you knew that. His eyes didn’t hesitate to scan over your body; seeing the bandages covering your body. When you tried to look over at one of the butterfly girls for help, his hand moved his haori to block them from you. “We talked about this.”
He said with the sweet smile on his face, hiding the anger easily. It terrified you; wondering what awaited for you. Silently cussing Shinobu for sending him a letter, but know she was just wanting to help. “I-I know but-“
“Do you know what I would have done if I lost you?” You flinched at hearing him, looking down at hearing the concern in his voice. Even with him treating you awfully, you could never deny that he cares for you. Truly he does, just in his toxic way. “I thought-“
“You thought? Baby, love of my life, this…” He stepped closer to you, lifting your chin to stare at him. “This is why you don’t think. This is why you need to depend on me and only me. I can take care of you, I can protect you.”
“There’s no arguing. Let’s go. Now.”
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“Oh sweetheart.” You had no where to go but to her place; she had all the medical supplies and you could die without getting your injuries checked. Tears slipped over your face, staring at the woman who was giving you that innocent smile and letting you know just how much you were in trouble.
“Hush now sweetheart; we don’t want you to waste your precious energy.” Shinobu had already decided that she was going to take you out of commission when you returned for the fact she didn’t like to be separated from you. But this… This made her realize just how much you needed to stop fighting demons.
You tried to struggle when she wrapped you in her arms, ignoring her sweet shushing. There was a sharp point to the back of your neck; sedatives kicking into your system while you began to slump forward in her arms. “There there, rest easy my love. I’ll take care of everything for you.”
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This is the one that you could hide the easiest from. Mostly because he doesn’t know how to show his feelings; all the craziness is just bottling up more and more because he doesn’t know how to release it until it just cracks.
Like now.
“B-babe…?” He whispered, lowering the sword from his hand. There was a crash that made him panic in thinking there was a demon, but it was only you on the kitchen. Blue eyes were focused on the wounds crawling up your skin; poking out from poorly wrapped bandages. “It’s n-“
“Don’t… Dont tell me that this is nothing!!” He exclaimed, raising his voice and making you jump lightly. You’ve never heard him yell at you before, the sword digging into the wooden floor as he marched over to you. You backed up, trying to put the chair between the two of you and grabbing back on the cabinet. After being taken and forced to live with the hashira, this… this is the time you’ve honestly felt nervous of him. You’ve never seen him act like this before so you didn’t know how to predict what he was gonna do.
“Why did you even go?” He demanded, putting his hands on the table. You opened your mouth to answer, but Giyuu knew you. He knew what your answer would be. “Who gives a fuck about those people? You… You are the only thing I care about! I don’t care if all those people die!”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. A hashira, a demon slayer, not caring about the lives at stake. Giyuu looked at your wounds again. “The thought of losing you… No… I won’t…”
He shook his head; making his way over to you and grabbed your arm before you could stop him. He tightened his arm when you tried to wiggle out of his grasp while he pulled you back to the bedrooms. “You’re no longer allowed to step out of this house, I won’t lose you too.”
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“Babe, I’m back home.” He announced loudly, kicking off his shoes by the door while he put his katana on the table. Pale purple eyes immediately shot toward the direction of your shared room at hearing the crash, his hands only slamming open the door seconds later.
You were trying to collect the broken shards of a medicine jar, the medicine spilled over the floor. Sanemi narrowed his eyes, wondering why you need the medicine jar in the first place and his eyes turned to look at the bloodied bandies where you were sitting.
“S-say something!” You yelled out; the silence was pressuring for you- making it feel like you couldn’t breath. Sanemi was never quiet, so to know he was standing there and just… watching you; the thought terrified you. Your body flinched when he stopped in front of you, crouching down before his hand lifted up your jaw roughly. “What happened?”
“Demon…” He mused as if it was some joke, then stood up. Your eyes widened as you watched him walk toward the door. “Wha-what? What are you doing?”
“I’m going to to talk to the master.” Your eyes widened at hearing that, quickly running toward him and flinched when you felt him grab you. His arm wrapped around your throat, locking his arm as he held you close. “Don’t fight against me, I’m not gonna let you go out on missions anymore. From hear on, you’re dead. I’m gonna go tell the master that I found your body and you’re gonna spend out your days here. By my side. Understand it?”
You tried to argue with him, but Sanemi kept a hold on you till you passed out. Immediately taking his hand off, fingers pressing against your neck to check if you were okay and put you in bed. He tucked you in, thumb brushing over your cheek. “I do this because I love you.”
*Before his own retirement
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“There’s my darling!!” Tengen cheered excitedly, sliding in front of you with a large grin. Your eyes widened; not expecting to see the hashira home yet since he wasn’t due to be back for another three days. Three days you would have time to clean up, but his smile dropped when he saw the blood on you.
“Darling, what is this?” He narrowed his eyes at you, making you quickly try to wipe the blood from your skin. “I-it’s nothing.”
“This doesn’t look like nothing.” He even put quotations on the word, hand reaching out to grab your arm. You winced are the pain spiking up your dislocated arm. “See! This is what I’m talking about!”
“Lord Tengen, I’m f-“
“Don’t. If you finish that sentence I will lose my goddamned mind.” He pulled you closer, putting his hand on your lower back to guide you into the house. You looked down at the wives were watching you; they didn’t dare to step out to say anything when Tengen was angry like this. No one could win with him.
“Hey! Wait! What are you doing?!” You exclaimed as the shackle was put around your ankle; trying to tug it out from his grasp. “What do you think?”
“L-Lord Tengen, I thought we moved on from this!” You exclaimed; not wanting to be chained up again. He wasn’t listening to you, getting the medicines that he would need. “Can’t have my darling leave again; now can I? Hmm? You don’t need to do that job anymore.”
“You can’t be ser-“
“Girls; you’ll watch her when I’m not here. Right?” He looked to the three women who nodded immediately to his request. Good luck getting out.
Warnings: murder
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You don’t know that Muichiro even knew you were hurt; not hearing him when he was close. Especially because he said nothing as he watched you tried to clean the wound and bandage it up.
But he knew he had to do something.
“Oh? It’s the (your hashira pillar).” You looked over at hearing the surprised Kinoe to your left. “I heard they retired yesterday.”
“They’re looking good for retirement.”
“But aren’t they so young? Maybe they just weren’t ready for being a hashira yet.” Retirement? That word stuck with you, making your way over to the kinoes. “Um… what do you mean im retired?”
“Huh? Whatcha mean by playing innocent? Everyone knows you retired yesterday. Muichiro told the master.”
“What? No I didn’t. I just got back from a mission yesterday… and I was going to give my report to the master.” You were confused. But the kinoes didn’t have time to answer because the familiar spoke out from the side. “Y/n.”
“Muichiro… We need to talk.”
“I know.” His pale blue eyes looked over at the kinoe standing there; feeling annoyed with their presence before he looked back to you. “Why… Why didn’t you talk to me about this? I don’t want to be in retirement.”
“It wasn’t up for decision.” You were surprised at hearing that, but your eyes only widened when his sword slashed through the two kinoes standing there. They shouldn’t have gossiped about you. “M-M-M-“
“Let’s go home.” He said, turning his body to face you. Not a thought behind those eyes; only dreaming on living with you and spending out his days by your side. “Now.”
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There was no hiding the scent of blood from Kaburamaru; no matter how much you tried. Obanai knew as he saw those crimson petals on your clothes; there was no way that he was going to let you do anything remotely dangerous again.
“I’m fine, I swear.” You tried to argue with him, but Obanai was having none of it. He didn’t believe you; fighting against you when you tried to push him away from taking care of you. “Stop! Stop just stop it.”
He growled, demanding your cooperation. It got to the point where he had to restrained you, being able to focus clearly on your wound and taking care of it. “You’re not leaving again.”
“But I said-“
“You’re not leaving again. That’s final.”
“You can’t-“
“I can and I will. Do remember who’s hands your family’s lives are in.” He hated to use that above your head, but necessary times call for necessary plays. Your hands clenched at hearing that and he picked up your sword from the bedside. “Wa-wait what are you doing?”
“You won’t be needing this again.”
“Wait no-!” Pieces of your sword fell to the ground, Obanai breaking it without a remorseful thought. Mix matched eyes looked over at your sulken form, tears slipping down your cheeks. “I’ll be talking to the master. Be good and don’t make me hurt you when I return.”
It was an empty threat, sorta, Obanai was not above breaking your legs to keep you from running. There was no more leaving the house; he wouldn’t let this happen again.”
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“Honeybunches!” Mitsuri cheered happily as you arrived back home, jumping in your arms and hugging you close. You winced, tears springing toward your eyes at the pain flaring but still hugged your psychotic lover back. But she noticed the wince.
“Sweetie?” She asked, leaning her head back; looking down at you and her eyes widened when she noticed the tears in your eyes. “Baby! Why are you crying? No no no no don’t cry.”
She immediately wiped away your tears, peppering your face in kisses. “Don’t cry! I’m right here for you! You’re home now, no reason to cry.”
That’s not the reason I’m crying… You thought, getting reminded of your injuries with all of her movement. Her hands gently pet your hair, putting her forehead against yours. “You’re all home now. And~ I’ve talked to the master, sooooo you’re on vacation. Permanently.”
“I know we talked about you retiring and I thought it was a brilliant idea because you want to stay home with me.” Your head shook, feeling like your heart was stuck in your throat. No, you felt like you were sick. This was another one of her sick delusions; another one of her thoughts where she really thought you’d played along. “What? Aren’t you happy? Don’t you want to spend time with me?”
Tears sprung in her eyes, making you feel guilty. Of course she knew how it effected you; that’s why she uses it to get what she wanted whenever it comes to you. A small sign came from you; letting her down and she grinned at you. “Come on! Let’s go spend our time together! We have so much to catch up on and all the time to do so!”
It didn’t matter if you were hurt or not, Mitsuri didn’t want you to be leaving anymore. So even if you can back completely fine; the end result would have been the same.
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“Sweetie?” You didn’t hide your wounds, thinking that you were fine. But he could hear the way the bandages rubbed when you moved; it made the hashira frown. “What happened?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about lov-“
“You’re lying.” His hands gently held onto your face, thumb rubbing lightly over your skin. “You know I hate when you lie to me. Did you get hurt?”
“Was it on your mission?”
“Yes…” He hummed, thinking about what he needs to do to. His hands moved to your back, pulling you closer to him to hug you closer. “I’m going to go get some supplies from Shinobu; please get some rest my love.”
He guided you to the bed, helping you lay down as he left the house. But he didn’t head toward the butterfly mansion, no, he went immediately to Kagaya. He was going to fake your death, going to keep you back at his house. Gyomei made a promise to protect you and he was going to keep that promise.
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teddy-yandere · 3 years
how yandere Tanjiro, Yoriichi and Rengoku reacted when they learned that reader is Muzan daughter
- Muzan’s Daughter -
⚠️WARNING⚠️ will contain dark themes
Characters = Tanjiro , Yoriichi , Rengoku
A / N = Sorry for any grammar mistakes, I did not proofread this. Please read my bio before requesting, and make sure that my requests are open or else your request will be deleted. Enjoy <3
«★»———- KNY Demon Slayers Masterlist
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★ Oh boy … this is going to be super complicated.
★ First off , Tanjiro is the type of person to fall madly in love with someone who is kind , caring , and compassionate.
★ That being said , the thought never crossed his mind that you could possibly be related to Muzan
★ You were half - demon when he first met you at the butterfly estate , and he could not of asked for a better person.
★ There was a problem though , none of the Hashira’s would ever tell him your past.
★ Tanjiro never asked you about your past because he just assumed that it would be very triggering for you.
★ The only reason that he found out was when you were in the middle of a mental breakdown , and he couldn’t figure out why you were crying so much.
★ Then you let it slip to him that you were the daughter of Muzan.
★ He stared at you stunned
★ It took him a minute to gather all of his thoughts. Then all of a sudden , he pulled you into a long hug
★ He told you that he didn’t care about your heritage and that he loved you for who you are.
★ He knows that in his heart , you would never hurt another human.
★ It was a normal day for Yoriichi , and he was out on his daily spree of killing demons.
★ Typically , he could care less about the demons . In fact , he rarely even payed attention to their faces . As I saying , he decided that he wanted to take a different route to town.
★ This route was through the mountains
★ While he was in the middle of walking , he stumbled upon a demon. Well , he didn’t exactly stumbled upon them , he just heard crying
★ When he went to check what was wrong with them- that was when he noticed they were a demon.
★ You were not just any demon .. you looked oddly familiar to him. Maybe it was your red eyes?
★ Anyways back to the story
★ He doesn’t know why he didn’t kill you , all he knows is that he wanted to know why you were so upset. It is not everyday you see a beautiful demon crying
★ You knew that you had nothing to lose so you just confessed everything to him.
★ When you were done , you prepared yourself to be killed by Yoriichi
★ But to your surprise , he simply gave you a warm smile , and invited you to come have some tea at his house
★ You are going to wish that you never accepted his offer . Over the next couple of years , Yoriichi is going to find a way to make you human again.
★ Basically , Yoriichi fell in love with you , because of your kind voice , and your sweet heart.
★ A nice creature like you doesn’t deserve to be a demon.
• This might be confusing , so please bear with me
★ Similarly to Tanjiro , Rengoku first met you while you were at the butterfly estate . You were just helping Shinobu with some of her patients , when Rengoku introduced himself to you.
★ He made it very obvious that he thought that you were beautiful.
★ You also made it clear that you were half - demon but Rengoku didn’t seem to care.
★ Turns out that you were the first half - demon to officially join the demon slayer corps
★ Over the next couple of weeks , you noticed that Rengoku was becoming a very possessive as a friend.
★ You also caught him following you while you were on missions.
★ Whenever you brought it up to him , he would shrug his shoulders and say that it was all just a huge coincidence.
★ This time , Rengoku ‘was talking about how much he hated Muzan . He turned to see your face , but he was surprised to see that you had a uncomfortable look on your face.
★ I am not sure how , but Rengoku kinda figured it out.
★ I don’t think that he would bring it up with you , because he wants you to know that he loves you for who you are.
★ In fact , this motivates him more
.:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
Thanks for reading , Darling !! <3
Have a nice Day / Night ~
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teddy-yandere · 3 years
Hi, you write very well. I love your writing so much. Could you make yandere giyuu, rengoku, kokushibou and muichiro worried about your darling who doesn't fight back, doesn't feed for days and never speaks to them since her capture?. If yes, that's fine.
- Compliant -
⚠️WARNING⚠️ will contain dark themes
Characters = Giyuu , Rengoku , Kokushibou , Muichiro
A/N = Feel free to request any characters you want. I write for many different fandoms , all you have to do is scroll to the bottom of this post and pick what fandom and character you want me to write for and send me a request. My inbox is always open so feel free to chat with me!! <3
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• Giyuu knows that you would probably go into shock after he kidnapped you. He expected it to only last a couple of days. He tried his best not to worry about it , but the longer you go without talking or eating , the more concerned he starts to get.
• He will force you to eat after the second day. He tried to be gentle with you , but when you didn’t open your mouth , he had to force it open to allow you to eat or drink water.
• Tomioka will try is absolute best to get you more comfortable with him. He knows that this is not a easy thing.
• He was very surprised when you didn’t fight when he tried to cuddle you one night. You just let him cuddle you on the bed.
• Eventually, Giyuu will get mad at you for not reacting to anything he does. He will get desperate and start to threaten you and your family . If that doesn’t work , then he will give you more freedom around his estate.
• Just like Giyuu , Rengoku would be extremely worried for you. He will force you to eat on the first day.
• When he told you to come cuddle him , he was surprised when you came to him right away. He does get worried that you dont even try to fight back to him.
• He feels bad because he doesn’t want you to feel like a slave. He will constantly ask you questions about how you are feeling and stuff , even if you don’t answer him.
• Rengoku would definitely ask his father , and little brother what he should do. He might decide to bring his little brother over to estate , to get you to open up a little more.
• As I have said before , he does not tolerate you starving yourself to death , so he can be a little rough when feeding you.
• Don’t play this game with him. He wants a partner , not a puppet.
• He will force you to eat. Because he is a demon , he will probably scare you into talking to him.
• He likes that you don’t fight back , but sometimes he wishes you had a little more spirit.
• He definitely would cuddle you to sleep tho. He has to take advantage of the fact that you don’t fight back ( or even talk back ) . Snuggle you to death
• I don’t know what else to add.. he doesn’t play this game
• It will take him longer than the others to realize what is going on.
• He did not know what to expect when he first took you , so at first he thought that it was normal that you would not talk to him. What did catch his attention, was when you started to refuse to eat.
• He won’t force you to eat , but he will always leave a small snack near you .
• Like all of the others , he will use you as a personal teddy bear , because you don’t fight back
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
Thanks for reading Darling !! <3
Feel free to request any character you want. I write for all genders. If you don’t tell me what gender you want then I will just make it gender nuetural. I write for many different fandoms such as:
• Demon Slayer
• Haikyuu
• Attack on Titan
• My Hero Academia
• Death Note
• Jujitsu Kaisan
Have a nice Day / Night ~
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possessivedesires · 3 years
Enmity Chapter 2
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Yanderes: Kyujuro and Akaza
Summary: During his recovery, Kyujuro is stuck thinking about you. He'll do anything to get you back.
"Y/n, be careful. You don't want to fall." Kyujuro chided as he saw you standing on the counter, trying to reach up into the cabinet for something you needed. Your head turned back at hearing that familiar voice you adore, "Hmm? Oh! Welcome back Kyujuro! You're not supposed to be here until tomorrow... Or I would have greeted you at the entrance."
"It's fine." Kyujuro said as he walked over to the counter, reaching up to put his hands on your waist. He would admit that he was a little disappointed that you weren't there, haven gotten used to your sweet greetings. "Do you always climb unstable things?"
He asked worriedly, helping you down when you got what you needed. His hand pulling the mask off your face to stare at your features. You gave him a smile. "I do, but I don't worry Kyujuro. 'Cause I know you'll be there to catch me if I fall. I trust you."
Everything hurt when he opened his eyes, hearing the birds singing in the morning outside the open window. Fresh air filled his nose, hinting at the stinging scent of medicine. There was a harsh pounding in his head, making his vision blurry at times before returning to normal. A familiar, rough feeling scratched at his skin and making him weakly look around.
The butterfly mansion...
"I know you'll catch me if I fall. I trust you. I trust you. I trust you. I trust you." The last three words of yours echoed in his head, guilt beginning to rip large holes in his chest. The door opened, Aoi making a surprised sound at seeing the opened red eyes. "Y-you're awake! I have to get Shinobu! Uh... Stay right here!"
She didn't bother shutting the door, running down the hall to get the hashira. Rough bandages covered his wounds, scratching at his skin and his hand pressing against the damp banadage around his head. The white cloth tinted pink a soft red from the head wound, eyes closed briefly and pain filled his chest at seeing the memories of your smiling face.
I wasn't able to catch you... He thought sadly, tears slipping down his cheek. It felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest, wondering why he was able to survive if you weren't here with him. What was the point to continue on without his shinning hope?
"Kyujuro, I'm glad to see you awake and I know the master will be glad to hear these news." His eyes opened, head rolling on his shoulder to look at the hashira standing by the doorway. She sighed in relief at seeing him alive. Kyujuro wasn't there mentally, stuck in his own memories of you, stuck in his guilt of processing you walking away with that demon...
"Kyujuro? I heard you crying." Your soft voice from the doorway, peeking your head to look at the flame hashira now sitting up on his bed. He looked pitifully, not able to his sadness from the vivid nightmare he had previously stuck in. "Oh Kyu... I knew something was wrong..."
You whispered, making your way over to him and comfortingly wrapping your arms around his shaking figure. Kyujuro broke down at the feeling of your sweet touch, hugging you close to him and his head buried in your stomach. His body shaking, fingers digging in the cloth of your clothes to bring you even closer to him.
The tears fell in his lap, hanging his head as he hated himself. How could he let you slip through his fingers? How he had wished and prayed that you would walk through the door, hug him tightly and tell him that everything's alright. That this was another one of his nightmares. One of his hands reached up, tightening his fingers against the strands of his hair.
He reached out, watching that parasitic demon smirk oh so deviously at the demon slayer. Akaza had a gentle touch as he held your hand, completely different than his attitude with Kyujuro.
Don't. Don't... Don't leave me... I can't... lose you... Kyujuro though to himself as he fell forward, eyes beginning to shut as he watched you walk away with holding onto the demon's hand nervously. Your worried eyes gave him one last glance before his eyes began to slid close; Akaza easily scooping you in his arms.
"HOW COULD I BE SO STUPID?!" Kyujuro screamed in the night, throwing the spare pillow across the room harshly and watching it hit the hall. The random member of kakushi jumped outside of the room; hearing Kyujuro's yelling. They remembered of being warned about harshira's outbursts, since the flame pillar was suffering mentally. Everyone knew that mentally Kyujuro wasn't the same after that night, no one was allowed to bring it up to him. "Jeez... He really is unstable..."
The member of the kakushi muttered to themselves; continuing to walk down the hall. Tears continued to slip down Kyujuro's face; palms rubbing at his eyes while he broke down in his bed. How he wished for your sweet voice and warm touch to check if he was alright. But no... He knew that demon had his claws sunk into you.
"Kyujuro... Please don't cry." His eyes widened, hands lowering to fall in his lap as he stared ahead with a blank look. He's officially lost his mind, sanity snapping and creating the illusion of you sitting in his bed. His eyes closed, leaning forward with a choked sob. "I can't do this without you."
"I'm right here Kyujuro."
"Please don't leave me..."
"You're okay, you're alright. I'll never, ever leave your side. I will stay and I will fight. With you. Aah, aah, you're okay. You're alright, I'll stay here through the darkest night. All the way, I will fight. With you." Kyujuro had paused when he heard you singing, soft eyes watching you through the cracked open door. You gentle ran your hand through Senjuro's hair, sleeping in his lap. His hand holding onto your arm nervously, the nightmare scaring him and making him not want to be alone.
"You're good with children." Kyujuro whispered as he silently opened the door, slipping insinde the room. You smiled sheepishly, scratching at the back of your neck nervously. "Y-yea... I want to have a family one day."
I want my family with you. Kyujuro thought without wasting a beat, staring at you while trying not show you how deep his affection for you was. His hand reaching out to cradling your head with his hand, brushing his fingers through your hair as he settled down besides you. Pulling you to lean against him without a word, silently craving for your touch as he smiled.
He wondered what you and his family would look like. Would they have your eyes? Hair color? Would they be as sweet as you were? The thought of what your cousin had said made him frown, fingers unintentionally tightening in your hair. Remembering the fact that your cousin had said that your father planned to make you engaged by the end of the week and refused to let it be him; even after the talk with your father. Kyujuro didn't want to lose you...
"I can't do this anymore." Kyujuro hit the floor with his fist, falling again as he stared at nothing. Pain pulsed from his side and leg, trying his hardest to keep with this physical therapy, but it felt hopeless. "Don't give up my love... I'm right here."
He heard you whisper in his ear, making him nod and wipe the tears with his arm. "You still need to come rescue me. I'm waiting for you."
"I'll rescue you..." He mumbled, nodding to himself. He's been talking to you more and more, depending on the imagery that his delusions gave him. You were his savings grace, the only thing that kept him going at this point. He's shut out everyone else, only focusing on your ghost touch and wispy sweetness. Praying for his swift recovery, planning for a way to find you when he's out of this place.
"Do you really think we should tell him...? He's already mentally suffering, any drastic news can devastate any progress we made with him." He turned his head at hearing Shinobu's voice, your touch disappearing like smoke as he struggled to get up. His muscles were shaking, gritting his teeth in pain as used a crutch when he was standing. "I can't do this anymore!"
His annoyance grew once he realized who that voice belong to. Your cousin. His idiotic choice to stay close once your father denied his request to be the one to marry you. "I can't let you go in there. For his mental heath and recovery."
"And you think I want to stay with him when he's like that? He's pathetic!" She exclaimed, looking at Shinobu who eyes turned dark with a glare. Slandering her comrades was something she did not take lightly. "I thought you would stay with him when he needs you most."
"I don't need you." Kyujuro's voice was cold, taking the two off guard. Shinobu looked back at him in shock, never hearing that cold voice of his before... Your cousin stared at him with wide eyes, not expecting Kyujuro to say something harsh like that and definitely not expecting him to be walking around yet. "K- Kyujuro-"
"Don't. Don't say my name. Don't come around me. Stay away from my sights and my life." Kyujuro demanded, Shinobu looking back at him him with wide eyes. She couldn't believe what he was saying. "But... But don't you love this woman?"
"Love? That thing? No, never." Kyujuro hissed, hating how he acted around your cousin just to see your sparkling eyes. Hated sacrificing his attention to this woman who would never be you. If you weren't the room, then Kyujuro wasn't either. He never wanted to be around your cousin unless he had to.
"You're going to regret doing this." Your cousin hissed, glaring at Kyujuro with a hurt pride. He rolled his eyes at hearing her threat, leaning against the crutch more. "But weren't you the one bitching earlier that you didn't want to stay? So go already, I'm tired of looking at you."
Kyujuro closed the door in their faces, guiding to where his bed was and sat down with a pained hiss. The drawer in the nightstand was pulled out, papers filling the drawer and his hand ran over the drawings. All the drawings were the ones he drawn of you, thumb rubbing over the sketched face of yours.
I will get you back.
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"You're so close to finding me." He smiled as he watched the demon scurry off, scared out and running into the night. His body leaned against his katana as he sighed happily, enjoying the delusional of you standing next to him.
"So, the rumors are indeed true." He heard the voice and opened his eyes, looking up at those sickening red eyes. One of his hand held the back of the demon that Kyujuro had spared. "I didn't believe them when they said that a demon slayer was sparing them."
Kyujuro didn't flinched as the lower demon cried out, screaming as he was destroyed and Muzan lazily wiping his hand to get rid of the blood. "So, what do you want?"
"I want to turn into a demon."
"Oh?" That definitely took Muzan off guard, crossing his arms and staring at Kyujuro coldly. He knew that this was the hashira that fought with Akaza; surprised that he was still alive after that. "Why?"
"Your uppermoon was something that belongs to me."
"Ah, that little pet of his." Muzan shook his head at hearing him, Kyujuro tightening his fingers around the handle of his katana. But not moving from where he was sitting. "Are you prepare for the consequences?"
"I've made my decision." He spoke, eyes not wavering when showing his determination. Kyujuro would do anything to get you back in his arms. "Well, how could I deny this offer. But you know what this'll mean. You'll be betraying your demon slayers."
"Love makes you do insane things." Kyujuro answered, letting his handle go and katana fall to the ground with a small thump. There was a chuckle from Muzan, making his way to Kyujuro. "There will be no going back."
"I won't go back where they're not there. Whatever it takes; I'm going to get them back. Even if it means killing and taking his place." Muzan laughed at hearing that, tapping his chin with an amused sadistic glint. Some part of him wondered how the outcome would turn out, curious of how everything plays out. Besides, it's not everyday that a hashira comes searching willingly to be turned into a demon.
"Fine." Muzan accepted his quest, watching the former demon slayer intake his blood. He watched the marks in the shapes of flames run up his skin, over his neck and collarbone; inking his skin like a sinister canvas. Orange horns poked out from his hair, tips in red like a wispy flame. Sharp fully red eyes opened, pupils slit and staring at the demon lord. "Good morning there Kyujuro."
He mocked, watching the new demon pick up his sword and look at his reflection in the surface of the blade. Muzan crossed his arms as he watched Kyujuro closely. "Now what?"
"I'm hungry." He mumbled, walking away from Muzan to the village he was just outside of. Muzan chuckled while leaving the village to the new flame demon's hunger. Those unhinged, feral red eyes glared at the new prey in his eyes.
I refuse to let anything take you away from me again.
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possessivedesires · 3 years
Enmity Chapter 1
Yanderes: Kyujuro and Akaza
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“You’re back!” There was a soft wave from you, smiling happily at the hashira making his way toward you. Akaza’s eyes narrowed; crouching down on the branch that he was sitting on and glaring at the person standing there.
Kyujuro smiled in greeting to you, giving you a soft hug before moving to look over at your cousin that was walking out of the house. The upper moon could see the way your eyes fell as hashira was quick to greet your cousin.
Broken hearts… pathetic. Akaza didn’t know why he stayed hidden there or why he was still watching the way you would hurt yourself by staying with the two of them. Only leaving the room when your cousin asked for some privacy, bidding them a good night. You somehow intrigued him…
“Kyujuro!” That same voice… Akaza would recognize it anywhere! It was the same voice from his dreams, the same voice that’s on his mind every second of the day. His golden eyes looked over where you were standing, the worry in your eyes.
But the recognition blossomed in your eyes at seeing the sinister familiar figure. You should have known that Akaza was a demon… But you were so lonely, that the thought didn’t cross your mind, now you were forced to watched them fight.
How can you still call for his name when he’s done nothing but hurt you? Akaza thought harshly, the thought of ripping out Kyujuro’s throat stuck in his head.
“Y/n, when do you think you’ll get married?” Akaza lazily turned his head to stare into your house with a bored look, bouncing the apple in his hand. You smiled sheepishly, a smile that Akaza would never admit aloud, but something he treasured. “I… well… I just don’t think marriage is a good idea.”
“And why not? That’s the only way you’ll bring something to the family for your case!” You flinched at hearing that, hands tightening on your tea cup. You were still in the kakushi uniform, the mask on the ground as you rubbed your thumb on the side of the cup nervously. “I just… my heart belongs to another father…”
“Someone who won’t ever love you back idiot, just give it up already.”
“Tanjiro!” Your worry for injured people outranked your shock. He was laid on the ground, your hands pressing against the wound on his side and kept the pressure on while you ripped off the mask from your face. Using it as bandages to tie up his wound as Akaza was staring at you. Watching your face get highlighted from the moon. “Stop staring at them! I won’t let you get anywhere close to them!”
“You… You’re always in the way!” Akaza snarled, glaring at Kyujuro. The hashira moved in the way of the demon's glare, blocking you from his sight and narrowing his eyes. "Something wrong demon?"
"Forget it! Forget becoming a demon! YOU'RE NOT WORTH IT!" Akaza roared, the red hot anger beginning to crowd the edge of his vision. The thoughts of your smile, your sweet greetings, and hurt eyes only clouding his thoughts. "I'm going to kill you... Gouge out your eyes for even looking at them! They're too perfect for your worthless eyes!"
"Don't... Don't you dare talk about them like you know them." Kyujuro snapped and Akaza only tilted his head to the side with a unhinged smile. "Oh, but I do know them Kyujuro. I know them so well."
He laughed, grabbing Kyujuro by the shoulders as he was behind the hashira. The demon leaning down and whispering in his ear, "I know what their skin feels like against mine, I know what it's like to have them in my arms. Which is more then what you can say, hmm?"
Akaza foot slammed against Kyujuro's back, hearing a crack on his ribs as he jumped back. The demon landing on the ground and loved to see the angered look in the stupid slayer's eyes. "You had such a treasure in front of you, but what do you do? You get with their cousin, leaving my little kitten such vulnerable. I should thank you for making them so easily dependent on me, but I think I'll like to rip you heart out first."
Akaza leaned down to hold onto the branch he was crouched on, his head tilting to side lightly. He turned to look left, then right, seeing you alone. Your eyes were staring up at the stars, mask covering your still. One of your hands pulled the hood over your face, trying not to cry.
You could remember how your cousin was excited to be with Kyujuro; only talking about him when you were around. You knew your cousin didn't like you, always taking the toys you wanted when you were a child. Now she took the one thing you wanted more than ever, leaving you to suffer.
Your body fell back, laying in the grass and covered your eyes with your arm while you closed your eyes. This wasn't fair... But you weren't going to stop him if it made him happy. Who were you to deny him happiness? At least you could still see him...
Akaza landed with a silent sound on the ground, making his way over to your form and leaned over to stare down at you. Your breathing was soft, relaxed. Enjoying the sounds of the forest, hearing the nocturnal animals shuffling around. Akaza leaned down, hands hovering over your skin as you moved your arm.
Your eyes blinked, sheen gloss of tears in your e/c eyes and staring up at the empty skies. As you sat up, fixing your uniform and standing up; you were alone. Akaza standing a good distance away as he was leaning against the trunk of tree; his sharp golden eyes watching you closely as you walked back to the butterfly mansion.
As Akaza finally had his hand through Kyujuro's chest, he grabbed the back of his neck in a harsh grip. Your hands covered your mouth, gasping and tears slipping down your cheeks. Tanjiro gasped from where he was laying and Inosuke couldn't believe what he was seeing.
"You were a fool Kyujuro, to ever abandon and hurt Y/n. You never deserved to have them in your life." Kyujuro's eyes widened at hearing that, looking at the demon in shock. He looked through the corner of his eye to stare at your crying form. Did... Did you always look at him so softly?
"You can't get out of trouble to save your life, hmm?" You teased the flame hashira, wrapping the bandage around his wound. The bloodied rag was in the bowl, blood stained bowl pushed to the side as you left to get a new bowl of water. Your hands wringing out the water, wiping it over the wound while you looked at him with that soft look in your eye. The same look you always had in your eyes when you saw him.
Yes... You always had that look in your eye. Something he instinctively looked for in your cousin, but she never had your kindness. She's never taken care of Kyujuro like you had. Kyujuro blinded followed his insecurities in thinking that he would never be able to have you, so opt to at least stay in your life forever.
"ST-STOP IT AKAZA!" You screamed, not being able to see the one you loved get hurt. Inosuke turned his head, spinning his sword slowly in his hand before lifting the sword to point at you. The tip of the blade under your chin. "How do you know this demon?"
"Watch it bastard." Akaza whispered in Inosuke's ear, kicking the demon slayer and looking at with you grin. Inosuke hit the side of the train with a dull thud, falling to the ground as he was still. Tanjiro yelled out worriedly, looking at his friend and prayed that he was just unconscious- not dead. You were shaking as you looked up at the upper moon, his hand flicking off the blood from his fingers. "Say my name again angel."
They really know this demon closely...? Kyujuro couldn't believe it. Suddenly remembering everything the demon said and looked over at you, watching his vision blur lightly. The thought of everything Akaza said worried him, terrified him of being true. Were you that close to a demon?! To... Feel your skin against his...?
Kyujuro's eyes widened as he watched the demon's hand press against your cheek; burying his head in your hair. His forehead pressing against the side of his head, grinning at you and showing his instability. "Kitten, didn't I say that I would always protect you? I would never break my promise to you."
"You look horrible." Akaza mused, pulling the hood off of your head. Your jumped from his sudden appearance and stared at him. He stared down at you, expecting you to recognize him, but your blank eyes only closed. "Great... I'm seeing imaginary friends, I'm definitely loosing my mind."
"Imaginary friends?" Akaza was offended at first, before smirking to himself. He could make this work in his favor. He plopped down to sit down besides you, hand petting your head. "That's... right, I'm your friend. Which means you can trust me, so you won't be alone."
"What if I want to be alone?" You asked, lowering your hand from your face. He only smirked more, leaning down and booping your nose. "Then you wouldn't have created imaginary friends."
"That's true..." His grin grew as he heard the exasperated chuckle that left your mouth. Akaza couldn't believe how it easy it was to get close to you. That could be dangerous. What if it was any other demon? You would have been killed! Well, not killed with him watching over you... But you could have gotten hurt at least. "It's that man, isn't it? You're hurting so bad because of him."
"I don't want to talk about this..." You mumbled, he hummed while silently enjoying your sweet scent. His hand playing with strands of your h/c hair, easily pulling you into his lap. "Ah, ah, ah, don't close up on me now kitten. Talk to me, I'm your friend; right?"
"Can we please not talk about this?" You mumbled, closing your eyes at feeling his hand running over the back of your neck as if he was trying to soothe a frightened animal. He sighed, seeming to be annoyed at hearing that as he leaned back on one hand. In reality, he was enjoying you laying his lap and trusting him being so close to you. "You don't have to worry kitten, I won't let anything hurt you now that I'm here."
"How... How could you?" Tanjiro whispered, staring up at your tear stricken face. Kyujuro just stared at you, he still couldn't believe what was happening. He couldn't believe that you didn't flinch when the demon was leaning against you, that you didn't fight back when he pulled you close to his body, that you were okay with his hands on you.
How could you fight back against the one person who let you cry on their shoulder? The one person who stayed with you late at night when you wanted to disappear. The one person who pulled you close to promise that you wouldn't be alone.
To what thought you were crazy and making up a person to soothe your aching heart, turned out to be really a demon who would kill for you.
"Come with me kitten, I will make you happy. I'll stop wasting my time with these idiots and take you far away from here."
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