#yandare black butler
fanfictionsworld · 3 months
A rabbit and a wolf
sebastian x fem reader/obssesive behavior/stalking/confident but easily embarrassed reader/you could say self-indolgent
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A loud gasp escape your lips,the sound of bed hitting the wall was matching the sound of your lips.Sebastian without mercy pound your pussy like there was no tomorrow and how could he not you were the sweetest most annoying thing in the world,but you were his.Your back being blown out you could not take it any more,it was good so fucking good.You know better then to anger him but my god was the anger in the sex so good.You could barley think of anything.Eyes rolled to the back of your head fifth orgasam coming and you could not even speak.Yelling his name and your pussy being filled to the brim was amazing.In a second after coming from yet another high he was back in you again,going hard destroying your insides like it was nothing to him,and you were loveing it.God yes you were strong and independent and he knew that ,but god did he wanted to break it and maybe some part of you wanted that.Pulling you out of your thoughts was a loud slap on your ass which caused you to moan even more.,,What is it my slut you like that,i can feel your pussy clench around my cock whore."Oh god did you love that nickname.Yes you were a slut but for him,for his cock and no one else and it felt good.,,This fucking pussy is mine,all mine,your body your soul is mine do hear my rabbit,if you so much as look or speak in any mans direction i will kill him and you,i will fuck you until your fucking pussy remembers how her master is,do you hear me little rabbite,well do you", pulling your hair your fucked face closer to his you could barely say anything but mumbling yes was enough for him.His pace become faster and harder he was hitting all the spots his cock was piercing threw you.You could not think your brain was just about his big fat cock destroying you and you enjoying it.As you grew close to the high you screamed so hard you were sure you woke up the whole building.Finishing you lay there on the bed breathless,unabel to speak Sebastian took you to the bathroom washed you dressed you.,,Darling how are you feeling was i to hard,did i hurt you"Sebastian asked looking form some bruise he might have left knowing he was to lost in the moment.,,No i am fine and you were perfect as alwasy darling,but maybe next time do go a bit harder i can take it." you said mischief in your eyes ,,Oh really well you little minx i will be sure to remember that now gets some rest my love."
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inevitablehorror · 1 year
♱ Introduction ♱
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Fandom's I write for include: Creepypasta (mainly), Black Butler, Ranfren, Angels Of Death, Diabolik Lovers, and more. If unsure please ask for more fandoms incase I do write for them.
Limit is 4 characters per request.
Rules I have for requesting:
Please do not rush me, writing takes time and I write for fun. Being rushed takes the fun out if it for me.
Be somewhat specific, if not specified reader will be gender neutral, headcanons are mostly what I write but if requested I will do oneshots.
I do write smut, I have the right to deny requests if I am uncomfortable with it however.
Whenever I write for any creepypasta character I try to make it as accurate as possible, which means there will be gore and more triggering subjects whenever I write them. I don't like writing the more soft versions of them.
Reposts are heavily appreciated.
Feel free to request, I really do love writing them.
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kuroshitsujiluv · 2 years
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hello! my names sebi
im a writer, heres some of the fandoms i write for!
black butler, hxh, kamisama kiss, ohshc, danganronpa, angels of death, vampire knight
my prefered way of writing is hcs, but i can do oneshots if requested!
i will write fluff, yandare, and angst!
however, i will not write smut!
i will write for multiple characters in one request!
i can do character x character, however if theres a ship i dont like i wont do it, i hope you can understand <3
i will write gore sometimes, ill put it in the warnings if i do!
unless specified, the reader will always be gender neutral!
thank you for reading, request are open!
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fanfictionsworld · 1 year
I had an idea for Sebastian x reader.
Sebastian is protective of female reader more than usual because Claude is after her after smelling her soul once.
Y/N tells Sebastian to turn her into a demon. Sebastian doesn't want to lose her to mortal death and this way she won't die and Claude won't be able to smell her soul anymore
Great idea i like it,so i am back its been a while so i hope i live to the expectation,hope you like it anon
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Sebastian knew the trancy butler Claude was hooked on the smell of your soul.It disgusted him.How dare he,not only was his after his masters soul and now you,he never felt such wrath.
You felt the same way,Claude was creepy and had this stare that sent shivers down your spine,and you knew that this did not go unnoticed by Sebastian.So every time Sebastian,the young master and you visited the Trancy estate you would always stay close to Sebastian.
So when the fight between them broke out because of you.You asked Sebastian something that you never thought of asking him.To turn you into a demon.You liked that your human,but if this fighting keeps continuing someone is going to get killed.
Sebastian was a bit shocked at the request,never expecting to hear that from you,it did arouse him a bit when you asked him,but he hid it very well.He was also concerned for you,knowing how much you loved being human.He alwasy dreamed of seeing you grow old and he always told you that he did not care if you did grow old he would love you still.But explaining to him that this would be good because not only would she be toghether with him,but also Claude would not try to harm her anymore,so Sebastian agrees.
Darkness falls around you and Sebastian his ture from showing,he asks before he preforms the ritual if your completely sure and that once he does this there is no going back.Yes falls of your lips and the darkness consumes you and you pass out.
Upon opening your eyes you see Sebastian standing above you helping you up.You fell hungry,you fell this enormous powers in your veins,you want to kill something your eyes glowing red as you set your sites on the trancy butler.
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fanfictionsworld · 8 months
Countess Y/n was very powefull woman.Yes she was kind when need be and sweet to all who were colse to her,but she was aslo vengfull,powerhungry,bloodthrsty woman who didnt let anyone stand in her way of getting waht she wanted,and of course who could forget her two loyal demon butler at her side who would ruin,kill and tear to limb anyone who dears to question her.
But thoes demons were not only doing this for her soul no,but for something they never dream of happing to them,they fell in love with there misstress who took there behavior as some silly game for she knew that trusting a demon let alone two with her hart would be a grave mistake
So yeha i maybe turn this into a story dont know but let me know what you think☺️
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fanfictionsworld · 2 years
Beeb crying a lot lately due to burnout and my friends leaving me behind. Sebby from BB comfort fluff pls? Honestly I just want him to hold and comfort me 🏃🏃🏃
Ah yes the feeling of friends leaving you behind,i am very familiar with that feeling,but worry not i am sure you will find friends how will never leave you behind.
Y/N pov/sweet Sebastian/comfort/reader being sad/
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I throw my phone a cross the room as i found out my friends met up without me at her house.I can not believe i was so stupid to think that they are my friends.I always looked out that no one get left behind,but i guess no one care if i get left behind.Am i just a fool,for giving everything and receiving nothing.I start to cry.Why is that i always get left behind.
I was thinking to much about everything that i did not hear Sebastian calling out my name.
,,Y/N dear,love what is the matter what happened is everything alright?”
,,No Seb its not.”
,,Is it your friends again?”He asked.
,,Yes.”He let out sigh at sit down next to me.
,,Y/N we been over this you have to confront them about this.Darling it pains me to see you in pain.I know you said not to hurt them,but they are hurting you mentally and physically,I only want whats best for you and right now the only solution to this problem is for you either to confront em about this or let me to take care of it.I understand that this is hard for you,but maybe it would be better for me to have a talk with them.”He was hugging me while he said everything it made better.
,,Sure Seb,but just talking noting more.”
,,But darling how will they get the point if i at least do not break there arm.” i glared at him
,,Sebastian.” I warned him.
,,Fine i will not,can not believe your taking my fun away,but fine.”
Time skip as Seb had a chat with your friends.
,,I am back.”I ran to him an hug him very hard.
,,Did you settle everything?”
,,Yes i did you do not have to worry about them anymore.”He kissed my forehead and walked in to the kitchen to make me something to eat and drink.Just as i step in to the kitchen my phone rang i check phone  its my so called finds.I answer the call and i hear a trembling voice say that they will not bother me any more.
,,Sebastian what did you do?”i asked with a slight glare and a bit irritation cause i knew he would not listen what i told him.
,, I did nothing,i just gave them a warning like you said my dear.”He gave me a closed eye smile and put the plate of food and cup of tea in front of me.
i guess demons will be demons.
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fanfictionsworld · 3 years
Could you do 6 from the lyric prompt for Claude?
Promot 6 is:Just the two of us,we can make it if we try.For Claude
Claude pov,female reader
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Today i tell her,who i truly am.I am so afraid which is the felling i never felt before.She came in to my life so unexpectedly and won my cold and crule hart.Truly outstanding for a mere human if i dare say.I did not no how it happned,but it did and for the first time in my life i have some sort of happines.
But now i do not now how will she reacte to my conffesion of who i truly am.Will she go away and leave me forever or will she stay and be my light in all this darkness.
Lost in tought i did not realise i was in front of her room,dare i say i was nervous.Never would i imagine that i would be nervouse talking to a human,but yet here i stand.
I gently knock on her door a soft come in was heard from the other side of the door and i enterd her room.
Oh she was beautiful truly a swan i did not deserve,but now i have to put that a side and come clean.Whatever her answer is i will respect it good or bad.
,,Oh Claude your back a bit early,but no matter i am just glad that your here now."she said with cutest smile on her face.
,,Yes i did i wanted two tell you something very important,that is why i came back early."
,,What is the matter Claude has something happened?"
,,No,but you might want to sit down for this,my love."
,,Whatever it is i am sure will get through it Claude."
,,Yes i know love for now just listen."she only noded her head and i countinue.,,My dear you know i love you and that i would do anything for you,but there is one thing that you do not know about me,about who i truly am,the truth is my dear is that i am a demon."I waited for her to back up in fear of me and leave me this manor and what we have behind,but she huged me what she huged me.
,,Draling i knew i just did not want to tell you anything i just tought that you knew that i knew,but no matter demon or not i will alwasy love you."
,,I am so glad that you fell that way i had no idea how would you reacte.",,I just tought you would leave never want to see me again."
,,Do you remember what i said that day when you told me that you are bad at expressing yourself and why i said it."
,,Yes i do remember."
,,What did i say tell me word for word i want to hear it straight from you,my Claude."
,,You said:,,Just the two of us we can make if we try".You said that beacuse no matter what we face you will alwasy be by my side."
,,Yes that is it and this situation is no exepection,i will love you till the day i die."she said and the warm felling entered my chest.I took her face and kissed her ever so passionet.
,,You realy knew what was i from the start and you did not tell that is crule my dear."
,,Oh do not be like that i only wanted to tease you a little."
,,Oh is that so well then now its my turn."
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fanfictionsworld · 3 years
Lyrics from song for promots:
1.I just wanna be yours
2.Its been a long long time
3.Only you my girl, only you darling, only you
4.Your no good for me but i want you.
5.Cant take my eyes of you.
6.Just the two of us,we can make it if we try.
7.People say that loves a game a game you just cant win.
8.I like shiny things,but i will marry you with paper rings.
9.I promise that you will never find another like me.
10.She sang as if she knew me in all my dark dispair.
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fanfictionsworld · 3 years
Marking her thighs
N-swf with Claude 🕷❤
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There you were on the Claude's bed a mess trying to get it together while drowning in pleaser that your demon lover gave you.
He was standing right above you enjoying your exspresions they were like are reward to him because he knew that he could only put you in this and no one easl.
While admireing you this sinful thing poped in Claude's mind.(when dose it not pop) He tought marking your thighs is the best thing,but not just love bites his initials on them.
He loved your body but he could not leave his favourite part of you go unmaked.
So Claude picked your leg up kissed your thighs which brought you in the state of bliss.You looked at him and saw his fangs are showing and he is bitting it to your thighs.This was a new feeling of plesure that you liked.
You could see his head moving like he is makeing something on your thighs you could not figure out what it was since it made you feel so good and weak.So you just waited until he finshed whatever he was doing to your thighs.
After he finshed marking he looked at you brought you head closer to your thighs and told you ,,Look at this pet do you see my initials on your thighs that means your thighs and this whole body belongs to me undrestood little one". ,,Yes",you said but he was not pleased with you answer ,,Yes what pet?" ,,Yes sir",you said ,,Good girl".
,,Now little one there are many parts of your body that i left unmarked so you better be preparde."
After he said thoes words you knew ti was going to be a long night.
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fanfictionsworld · 3 years
Then,darling since you forgive us we would like to fuck you sensless,like we intended to last night
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The night before:
You know they told you stay home and not go to this party,but hey how made them the boss of you thats rigth no one.
So last night you snuk out while they were taking care of some stuff which you nothing about,so took this chance and snuk out.
The party was wiled dirnks,music,dancing with your friends,but suddnly you felt a chill run down your spine and you felt like someone was staring at you glaring daggers into your head.
You turned around at it was your two demon boyfriends looking pretty angry at you for not listening to them.
It was truly scary like your worst nightmere comeing to life.So not to angered them more you told your friends you got go home.
The ride home was pretty quiet nobody said a word,until you got home and you knew the lecture was coming honestly they can be such dads sometimes.
,,I just can not belive that you snuck out after we told you that you can not go what were you thinking."said Sebastian very much displeased.
,,Well i wanted to have some fun for fuck sakes i am allowed to do that and you can not tell me what can or can not do."
,,Well yes we can and imagine if someone did something to you".said Claude
,,Well i just wanted to have fun and for once be free from this rules that you set i am sick and tired i want a life and you can not take it away am not one of your contracst i am human for fuck sakes and i have rigths!" I said i did kind a felt bad for saying that i knew i should not have but it was the truth.
,,Well if thats how you feel then we can slepp in separet room tonight!"said Claude
,,Well i do not mind one bit!"I said as i slam the door to the gest bedroom.
Then next day:
I wake up to the Sebastians and Claudes voices.
,,What the hell are you two doing cant you see i am sleeping!"
,,Draling wake up pleas we got to talk."said Sebastian
,,We wanted to say we are sorry you were rigth,but we just wanted to protect you your the only human we care about."said Claude.
,,Do you accept our apology dear we are truly sorry pleas now that."said Sebastian who was on his knees kissing your hand along side Claude who was doing the same thing.
You could help but blush at this,who yoh could not accept an apology like this.
,,Yes of coures i do."
And in a split second you found yous self in between two of them.You felt there erections poke at you.
,,Then,darling since you forgive us we would like to fuck you sensless, like we intended last night."said Claude his hot breath next two your ear.
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fanfictionsworld · 3 years
Could I get some headcanons of how yanderes William T Spears and Sebastian and Claude (Separate) would react to the reader freaking out after he kidnapped her and she suddenly yells ''What's the guarantee you won't kill me after you're bored with me?''
1.Sebastian Michaelis
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Oh darling why do you think he will kill you.He could never get bored of you and your personality he is amused by it and that amusment will not go away any time soon.
You have enough personality to keep him amused for the rest of your human life.
And killing you is the last thing he will do he ,,loves" you and you are not going anywhere even if you tried. ❤🖤
2. Claude Faustus
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Darling you never know what he is thinking so you can not know if he is bored of you or is he well not bored of you
You can not tell which mood he is in never no matter how hard you try.
I think he will at some point consider killing you if you be a brat and do not listen what he told you to do.
Thats when hes mood goes from calm to full annoyance and he is on avrage on killing you so listen what he told you and you will be fine.💛🖤
3.William T Spears
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This man will not kill you he knows how you want to live he will be gental with you out of thoes two.
And he will not kill you as long as you have some topic on conversetino to come up with and as long as you listen to his rants about grell and ronald beaing pain in the ass.Everything will be fine.
Comforte him about his problems and give him a massage and you will be safe.🤎🤍
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fanfictionsworld · 3 years
Black Butler
Writing for
Kisses with Sebastian-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/648353841702748160/kisses-with-sebastianwilliam-and-claude
Poly with Sebastin and Claude-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/648920855000252416/she-is-not-shy-nor-quite
My kitten,my love and my comfort-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/649106284177768449/my-kittenmy-love-and-my-comfort
Sebastian with a s/o who is afraid of him-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/650695834332200960/heyyy-can-you-do-hcs-for-sebastian-and-undertaker
With a s/o who bumps into things-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/660709581106905088/black-butler-boys-and-grell-with-a-so-who-bumps
S/o who likes horror movies-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/661969857336754176/bb-men-and-grell-with-a-so-that-loves-horror
 Sebastian with a shy s/o-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/668212580311072768/sebastian-with-a-shy-so-hcs
S/o who does not want to bother them when they are sick-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/662681172892073984/do-you-mind-if-i-could-please-request-for-yanderes
Some dude telling them they do not derseve their s/o-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/662694721798504448/ight-so-how-would-yanderes-sebastian-ciel
With a s/o who looks calm but she feels uneasy-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/662766794558357504/ive-just-finished-reading-a-book-and-tbh-the
Reactions from getting a gift from a unknown secret admirer-.https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/662771441237983232/how-would-yanderes-ciel-sebastian-grell-william
The reader freaking out after kidnapping them-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/663015624293941248/could-i-get-some-headcanons-of-how-yanderes
S/o telling them, that they can not sit on their lap because they are chubby-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/663060721317429248/hi-your-writing-is-absolutely-wonderful-could-i
Nswf yandare-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/666847480304058368/hi-could-you-write-some-headcanons-of-sebastian
Poly for Sebastian and Claude part 2-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/666947354655637504/hi-hi-could-you-write-headcanons-about-a
Sebastian relationships things-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/669298672051322880/sebastin-relationship-things
Sebastian with a s/o can not be manipulated so easy-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/671821682464407552/what-if-yandere-sebastian-claude-ciel-ailos-am
Submission is a very easy thing for you when it comes to me-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/673482224085172224/submission-is-a-very-easy-thing-for-you-when-it
Then,darling since you forgive us we would like to fuck you sensless,like we intended to last night-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/673762308961550336/thendarling-since-you-forgive-us-we-would-like-to
Sebastian with a s/o who is scared of frogs-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/674907928293261312/hii-can-u-please-do-sebastian-reacting-to-name
His pride part 1-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/675737479198949376/his-pride-part-1
Lyric promot-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/676463631236464640/can-you-please-do-3only-you-my-girl-only-you
Sebastian comforts you-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/680138550237446144/beeb-crying-a-lot-lately-due-to-burnout-and-my
Jealosy is an ugly felling(Poly Sebastian and Claude) -https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/fanfictionsworld/680984070871826432?source=share
With a s/o who is nurse-https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/fanfictionsworld/689223462611533824?source=share
Sebastian getting jealous of reader holding Ciel-https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/fanfictionsworld/693186487269883904?source=share
Sebastian and his 50s housewife-https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/fanfictionsworld/693189325698072576?source=share
Claude wanting his s/o soul-https://www.tumblr.com/fanfictionsworld/714238427332313088/i-had-an-idea-for-sebastian-x-reader-sebastian?source=share
Sebastian with a reader that does not find him attractive nad just is a bitch to him-https://www.tumblr.com/fanfictionsworld/721836859871936512/can-we-plese-please-get-a-reader-whos-tired-of?source=share
Sebastian with an upset s/o-https://www.tumblr.com/fanfictionsworld/721842890865885184/what-if-reader-is-having-a-very-bad-day-and-when?source=share
Things in the L/n,Michaelis and Faustus household that just make sense-https://www.tumblr.com/fanfictionsworld/721852890927513600/things-in-lnmichaelis-and-faustus-household-that?source=share
Sebastian in heat with shy reader-https://www.tumblr.com/fanfictionsworld/728645568677691392/can-i-request-a-very-shy-and-timid-reader-with?source=share
A rabbit and a wolf-https://www.tumblr.com/fanfictionsworld/754072113673109504/a-rabbit-and-a-wolf?source=share
Poly with Sebastian and Claude-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/648920855000252416/she-is-not-shy-nor-quite
Fluffy Claude-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/660616741305663488/hey-hello-darling-i-know-this-is-a-little
With a s/o who bumps into things-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/660709581106905088/black-butler-boys-and-grell-with-a-so-who-bumps
S/o who likes horror movies-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/661969857336754176/bb-men-and-grell-with-a-so-that-loves-horror
S/o whit does not want to bother them when they are sickhttps://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/662681172892073984/do-you-mind-if-i-could-please-request-for-yanderes-
Some dude telling them they do not derseve their s/o-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/662694721798504448/ight-so-how-would-yanderes-sebastian-ciel
With a s/o who looks calm but she feels uneasy-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/662766794558357504/ive-just-finished-reading-a-book-and-tbh-the
Reactions from getting a gift from a unknown secret admirer -https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/662771441237983232/how-would-yanderes-ciel-sebastian-grell-william
The reader freaking out after kidnapping them .-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/663015624293941248/could-i-get-some-headcanons-of-how-yanderes
S/o telling them, that they can not  sit on their lap because they are chubby -https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/663060721317429248/hi-your-writing-is-absolutely-wonderful-could-i
Nswf yandare-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/666847480304058368/hi-could-you-write-some-headcanons-of-sebastian
Poly for Sebastian and Claude part 2-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/666947354655637504/hi-hi-could-you-write-headcanons-about-a
Marking her thighs n-sfw-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/667086946079768576/marking-her-thighs
Claude relationships things-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/670481666551201792/claude-relatinoships-things
Claude with a s/o who can not be manipluated so easy-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/671821682464407552/what-if-yandere-sebastian-claude-ciel-ailos-am
Then,darling since you forive us we would like to fuck you sensless,like we intended to last night-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/673762308961550336/thendarling-since-you-forgive-us-we-would-like-to
Lyric promot-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/676375249317756928/could-you-do-6-from-the-lyric-prompt-for-claude
Jealosy is an ugly felling(Poly Sebastian and Claude)-https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/fanfictionsworld/680984070871826432?source=share
Things in the L/n,Michaelis and Fustus household that just makes sense-https://www.tumblr.com/fanfictionsworld/721852890927513600/things-in-lnmichaelis-and-faustus-household-that?source=share
Kisess with William-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/648353841702748160/kisses-with-sebastianwilliam-and-claude
With a s/o who bumps into things-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/660709581106905088/black-butler-boys-and-grell-with-a-so-who-bumps
S/o who likes horror movies-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/661969857336754176/bb-men-and-grell-with-a-so-that-loves-horror
S/O who dose not want to bother them when they are sick-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/662681172892073984/do-you-mind-if-i-could-please-request-for-yanderes
Some dude telling them they do not derseve their s/o - https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/662694721798504448/ight-so-how-would-yanderes-sebastian-ciel
With a s/o who looks calm but she feels uneasy-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/662766794558357504/ive-just-finished-reading-a-book-and-tbh-the
Reactions from getting a gift from a unknown secret admirer- https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/662771441237983232/how-would-yanderes-ciel-sebastian-grell-william
The reader freaking out after kidnapping them .-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/663015624293941248/could-i-get-some-headcanons-of-how-yanderes
S/o telling them, that they can sit on their lap because they are chubby - https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/663060721317429248/hi-your-writing-is-absolutely-wonderful-could-i
William T. Spears relationship things-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/668121262016659456/william-t-spears-relaitonship
Kisses with Grell-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/649426251284725760/i-noticed-i-havent-done-kisses-for-ronald-and
With a s/o who bumps into things-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/660709581106905088/black-butler-boys-and-grell-with-a-so-who-bumps
S/o who likes horror movies-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/661969857336754176/bb-men-and-grell-with-a-so-that-loves-horror
S/o who dose not want to bother them when they are sick-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/662681172892073984/do-you-mind-if-i-could-please-request-for-yanderes
 Reactions from getting a gift from a unknown secret admirer- https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/662771441237983232/how-would-yanderes-ciel-sebastian-grell-william
S/o telling them, that they can not sit on their lap because they are chubby- https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/663060721317429248/hi-your-writing-is-absolutely-wonderful-could-i
Kisses with Ronald-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/649426251284725760/i-noticed-i-havent-done-kisses-for-ronald-and
With a s/o who bumps into things-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/660709581106905088/black-butler-boys-and-grell-with-a-so-who-bumps
S/o who likes horror movies-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/661969857336754176/bb-men-and-grell-with-a-so-that-loves-horror
S/o who does not want to bother them when they are sick-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/662681172892073984/do-you-mind-if-i-could-please-request-for-yanderes
The secrets he keeps part 1-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/667941159394492416/the-secrets-he-keeps-part-1
The secrets he keeps part 2-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/674914779440300032/the-secrets-he-kepps-part-2
Ronald with a time traveling s/o,but i turned it into enemys to lovers a little-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/671823737938640896/can-do-headcanons-for-ronald-knox-you-can-add
Ronald Knox relationship things-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/674280323643801600/ronald-knox-relationship-things
ronald with a chubby so-https://www.tumblr.com/fanfictionsworld/738313820771057664/okay-so-may-i-request-ronald-undertaker-n-grell?source=share
Kisses with undertaker-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/648555468515655680/what-would-kisses-with-the-undertaker-be-like
Undertaker as a parent-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/648653663555993600/how-would-undertaker-be-like-as-a-parent
Undertaker telling a woman he likes her-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/648698429474734080/i-loved-the-last-one-you-did-for-me-how-would
UNDERTAKER SMUT-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/648717375450005504/hello-can-i-request-a-nsfw-scenario-w
Undertaker with a s/o who is afraid of him-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/650695834332200960/heyyy-can-you-do-hcs-for-sebastian-and-undertaker
With a s/o who bumps into things-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/660709581106905088/black-butler-boys-and-grell-with-a-so-who-bumps
Fluffy Undertaker-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/660795288493129728/hewwo-could-we-have-a-fluffy-romantic-scenario
S/o who likes horror movies-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/661969857336754176/bb-men-and-grell-with-a-so-that-loves-horror
S/o who does not want to bother them when they are sick-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/662681172892073984/do-you-mind-if-i-could-please-request-for-yanderes
Why,are you still here with me-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/663695986139561984/whyare-you-still-with-me-insparation-came-out-of
Undertaker relatinoship things-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/670117310182408192/undertaker-relationship-things
Fluffy head cannons for Undertaker-https://at.tumblr.com/fanfictionsworld/fluffy-head-cannons-for-undertaker-d/fef5czqyzptj
Undertaker with an upset s/o-https://www.tumblr.com/fanfictionsworld/721842890865885184/what-if-reader-is-having-a-very-bad-day-and-when?source=share
undertaker with a chubby so-https://www.tumblr.com/fanfictionsworld/738313820771057664/okay-so-may-i-request-ronald-undertaker-n-grell?source=share
Edward Midford-
Edgar Redmond-Relationship headcanons-https://www.tumblr.com/fanfictionsworld/754085079417012224/relationship-headcanons-edgar-redmond?source=share
Herman Greenhill-
Relationship headcannons-https://www.tumblr.com/fanfictionsworld/753837448051736576/relationship-headcanons-for-p4-one-by-one-first-is?source=share
Lawrence Bluewer-
Gregory Violet-
Eric Slingby-
Alan Humphries-
Rules for match ups of black butler and moriyat the patriot (open)
Tell me your sun,moon rising
Tell me a bit about your self-likes,dislikes,hobbies etc.
Something interesting about your self
Your personality type
Moriarty the Patriot
I write for
Willam James Moriarty
General hcs-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/674911361665482752/moriarty-brothers-general-hcs
Albert Moriarty
General hcs-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/674911361665482752/moriarty-brothers-general-hcs
Luois Moriarty
General hcs-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/674911361665482752/moriarty-brothers-general-hcs
Sherlok Holmes
General hcs-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/674916360706490368/hello-may-i-please-request-general-headcanons-for
Irene Adler
Mycroft Holmes
General hcs-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/674916360706490368/hello-may-i-please-request-general-headcanons-for
Lyric promot 1-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/680134681736495104/may-you-do-prompt-1-for-mycroft-holmes-thank-you
One piece :
Monkey D Luffy-https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/fanfictionsworld/688944172689948672?source=share
 Lyircs from songs for promots-https://fanfictionsworld.tumblr.com/post/676286577737121792/lyrics-from-song-for-promots-1i-just-wanna-be
507 notes · View notes