#yancy headcanon
i LOVE the way they know each other so well and keep each other in check aaa
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(at this point, they're just fighting on who gets to be the mom friend in their duo)
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ricky-tiki-tah · 3 months
Adding to my “Engie was played by Damien” madness we haveeeee
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Engie and Dark both have their hair parted to the right while the Actor
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Has his either slicked back or parted to the left. Same with his “characters”
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(Illinois and Magnus not included becuz hat)
Idk, probably a reach but I can dream.
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julewolfstar · 6 months
one of my many ego headcanons(?)
he calls Dark "boss"
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creat0r-cat · 1 year
Iplier Egos Head Cannon - What Song in "Encanto" Did They Get Emotional During?
Surface Pressure
Deep down he really does care about his “brothers”
He thinks he needs to keep up the tough guy act to make them think he isn’t afraid
He is
He’s worried about the space/time continuum, keeping order, and making sure the ipliers’ existence stays a secret
He tries not to let the others see the tears that involuntarily start to fall as Louisa sings about her struggles as the strongest sister
He probably heard all of the songs before watching the movie
He wouldn’t really cry for any of them in particular (feeling that he doesn’t necessarily relate to any of them)
He would look at certain egos to watch their reactions during different songs
He would notice the small things that happen and slowly learn more about his “brothers” based on the musical numbers and their lyrics
After the movie, he’d probably go and visit the egos that had the worst reactions (who got the most emotional or those who would straight up leave the room)
He did get a little bothered listening to “Dos Oruguitas” though
He didn’t get emotional per say
But watching Pedro die with the love song in the background kinda reminded him of when he lost Celine
Fortunately, he opted not to dwell on it too much
Waiting On A Miracle
This boy is INSECURE because of his breakup with Celine
Is he good enough?
Has he done enough?
Is he really worthy of anything?
He wants to be better
He wants his life to be better
But everything seems to slip through his fingers, coming back to resent him later on
He just wants someone to open their eyes and see that he’s worth their time, even if that person is Dark
Mirabel dancing on screen, singing about how she wished to be noticed as part of the family, made Actor tear up, wiping them away before someone could see them
Eventually, it got to be too much (especially seeing how Mirabel was pushed away by her family after trying to help them) and he left the room, using the excuse of getting more snacks
As soon as he entered the kitchen, he had a silent breakdown
Surface Pressure
I can’t really hear Louisa sing “I’m pretty sure I’m worthless if I can’t be of service” without thinking about Google and his first objective
Yes, his secondary objective is relatively important, but the first one is.. Well it’s his PRIMARY objective
If he can’t do anything other than hurt people, then what is the point of him being there?
His optics widen and his mechanical heart speeds up
“How do you feel?” survey pops up and he clicks on one
“I’m in this picture and I don’t like it”
What Else Can I Do?
He’s imperfect
That’s all I really need to say, but I’ll continue
He’s always compared to Google and he knows deep down that he’s worth more than his search bar abilities
He doesn’t want to be perfect like Google
He just wants to be himself, which is hard when everyone is always doting on him for every mistake he makes
Isabella creating spiky plants and beautiful flowers in front of him makes his optics widen and he slowly smiles, feeling an odd mixture of happiness and sadness as he watches her accept her imperfections in spite of her family’s expectations
Dr. Iplier
He doesn’t really get emotional during the songs
When it’s revealed that Bruno has been shunned by his family because of his gift, he smiled sadly
“How unfortunate,” he thought, “for someone to be abandoned because of something uncontrollable and never be spoken of again for fear of taboo”
He’s seen patients in the hospital who never have anyone visit them
He always feels sad when he finds out that someone has been abandoned
He secretly makes trips to animal shelters for that reason, to visit the abandoned animals and give them some love
He gets happy again when Bruno is reunited with his loved ones who welcome him back with open arms
Dos Oruguitas
He wouldn’t relate to any of the English songs enough to have a real reaction
He gets emotional during certain parts of the movie because he recognizes a lot of what’s going on in the Madrigal family (Toxic family roles and stuff like that)
He feels bad for the characters (especially Mirabel and Bruno)
But when “Dos Oruguitas” starts playing and we find out the heartbreaking truth behind Abuelo Pedro’s death
WHOOOO BOY the tears start FLOWING
He hates to imagine the pain Abuela went through, losing the love of her life
Yandere, being a very romantic man, can’t stand the thought of his own senpai leaving him
Like, she’s everything to him!
He’d become very protective of her after watching this movie, afraid of anyone taking her away from him
He’s fine with the movie though, loves the music for the most part
He loves music and finds each of them so amazing
He also kinda relates to each of the English sung songs in their own way (except “We Don’t Talk About Bruno”)
WOAM: The want to be extraordinary and help others
SP: The need to be the tough one and look out for his fellow prisoners and weaker “brothers”
WECAD: The want to live life how he wants without being the picture perfect civilian that the world wants him to be
He thinks very highly of this movie and loves it to bits
He does eventually become frustrated with how often “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” gets sung by people both online and in real life
Like, he gets that it’s a catchy song, but still, give it a break
Waiting On A Miracle
Yes, Illinois is a special adventurous and flirtatious boy 
But not everything is really as it seems with him
His whole “Everyone falls in love with me” act is a facade
He’s trying to convince himself that he’s loved / cared about by someone
He took up adventuring to be different
To be a conversation starter
To be interesting so that somebody
Would look his way and want to be around him 
After all..
He wasn’t special or cool enough growing up to have many / any friends
He sees way too much of himself in Mirabel and ends up leaving the group for a few minutes to cry in the bathroom
Engineer Mark
Waiting On A Miracle
What else needs to be said?
If given pictures of Engineer and Mirabel everyone would say they were the same image
Feels unwanted
Wants to be impressive and help those around him with his talents and ideas
Hides behind a false persona of happiness
He’s close to leaving the room but stays put, activating his space helmet which is also soundproof so no one can see / hear him start to cry
Poor man can’t hear “Waiting On A Miracle” without having a breakdown
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gardenofchrome · 1 year
Pacific Rim Headcanons #5
How PR characters would comfort you if you had a bad day
Requested by @screechinginthevoid: ty <3
Raleigh+Yancy: Both would immediately notice and immediately get you stuff like your favorite ice cream and a fluffy blanket. They would tell you funny stories about each other, trying to take your mind off of your day. They would also tell you things their mother used to tell them to make them feel better: "Ca va aller" (it's going to be ok), "Quoiqu'il arrive, je t'aime et je serai toujours là pour toi" (whatever happens, I love you and i'm always going to be here for you). Eventually, you fall asleep and the brothers carry you back to your bed.
Mako: She would take you down to the kwoon training room and spar with you to take your mind off of it. Afterwards you guys go down to the Shatterdome cafe and you vent to her about your frustrations.
Chuck: Would take you up to Striker (or your Jaeger) and talk about your guys day. Nearly beats up whoever caused your bad day.
Herc: You vent to him about your day and he gives you a hug, telling you about his bad days and what he does to deal with them. Max runs up to you guys and Herc lifts him up so that he could give you lots of licks.
Don't drool over Y/N! ...Sees something pretty and he gets all wound up.
Stacker: When you tell him about your bad day, he tries to comfort you a little. He makes sure that whoever caused you to have a bad day is punished: extra paperwork, assigning them the worst duties in the Shatterdome, etc.
Newt: Immediately notices and drops everything and you tell him about your day. He would try and make you feel better by insulting the person(s) that caused you to have a bad day and told you to get some rest. You decide to stay with him in the lab as he goes on a small rant about the new sample he just got- part of the secondary brain of a kaiju.
Hermann: Awkwardly tries to comfort you, before deciding to start explaining the project he was working on to distract you.
Tendo: Would crack a few cringy jokes (dad jokes, flirtatious lines, etc.) to distract you. It works as you laugh and slightly cringe at the quips. You two then go on break and head up to the tallest catwalk and talk as you watch a Jaeger get repaired.
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driftwithme · 6 months
Pentecost must had been sooo glad he didn't have to deal with teenage Raleigh and teenage Chuck at the same time tbh.
At least they are more mature during the events of the movie, but if Yancy hadn't died??? A mess. Yancy and Herc would accidentally fuel the fire of the Chuck vs Raleigh rivalry that no one knows is happening except the ones who reaaaally know Chuck. Raleigh just thinks Chuck hates him for whatever he doesn't pretend he understands the kids mind. Also??? They would have fought way more. Younger Raleigh would have taken the bait sooo fast. It'd be embarrassing for both of them.
That's without even including Mako in the picture. Whoever thinks Mako would balance the dynamic is wrong. Mako is as competitive and jealous and prideful as them, so you'd bet she'd be bitter 'bout not getting to be a pilot yet. Passive-aggressive Mako. Judgmental stare Mako. Lists everything Chuck, Yancy and Raleigh are doing wrong Mako.
Bless poor Herc, he'd be the one trying to fix the situation because he wants the kids to get along.
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taintedmind6669 · 11 months
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vanilla-ending · 1 year
Random Markiplier ego headcanons: Relationships edition (platonic, familial, romantic!) 🩷
Bing, Derby (Cool Patrol Leader), and Marc (E-Boy) are all friends- they’re the shades boys and do dumb shit like make tiktoks of Bing trying to pull Derby on his skates while skateboarding down a street-
Derby and Bop (MarkiplierTV) are Yancy’s younger brothers. They all have the same dad but different moms, and are thick as thieves with each other. Part of Yancy’s incarceration was protecting his brothers from his mother. The younger two visit him on third Sundays 🥺
There is a possibility that Actor is Yancy’s father. There is also a possibility that Actor has attempted to treat Marc like his son despite their vast generational gap-
The Nightguard and the Survivor (FNaF Musical and Resident Enis musical) are brothers, who got separated when their lives went in different directions. They only meet again in the manor with their own sets of trauma and a quite bond over singing
Speaking of singing, there’s a Glee club type get together between all the egos who sing (Yancy, Derby, Bop, NG, and Res-), where they mostly just sing and Yancy tries getting them to do original songs he’s written (even if Bop is only vocalizing and not verbally speaking-)
Ed Edgar and Derek Derekson are work partners, who are attempting to fight for their businesses to get more advertising time on the Markiplier TV scheduling. They’re both awful fathers who convince each other they’re just Doing the right thing :/
Eric has been lowkey adopted by Captain Magnum, the two bonding over their prosthetics at first until Magnum offers to get the boy his sea legs, wanting to take Eric away from the loud bustling manor and onto the “calming” sea. Eric is just happy someone so big is being nice and caring to him 3:
Dr. Iplier and Dr. Plier (My Therapist, Dr. Plier) are cousins, who don’t know exactly why their last names are so similar but Different, but don’t really care. Edward (Iplier) and Greyson (Plier) have coffee together in the morning before their appointments and chat often, they have a solid relationship 🩷
Dark and Wilford are in an open marriage, Wilford enjoys flirting and being with many other egos while Dark is content as long as their husband returns at the end of the night to sleep with them.
Dark and Wilford have also unofficially adopted the King of the Squirrels as their youngest kid, as well as Ayano (Yandere) who was possibly the bastard child of William and Celine in their past life. All she knows is these adult egos feel safe to go to when she’s in trouble at school-
William and Michael (Actor) were brothers, Michael was adopted into the Barnum family and adored his older brother until their adult years, when the affair came to light. In the manor, Wilford has no idea why his spouse despises the depressed Actor that he just wishes to befriend!
Micheal had a short relationship after his divorce, with a writer named Arthur (Author) who wrote him violent poetry and made him feel adored. Now in the manor, Actor finds himself fondly listening to the Host when the man reads in the library ❤️
Google Blue is assigned the task of working with the Engineer to keep the man busy now that he doesn’t have a ship to take care of, leading to the Engineer to grow affectionate over the android as the “nicest” person in the manor (seeing how they barely leave the lab)
Murdock (A Murder With Markiplier) and Yancy are in a relationship that started as only physical and developed into more personal, both sharing their interests with each other the more they hung out. Murdock offers his couch in his apartment for Yancy when he gets on parol
The Googles do not see each other as siblings, more as separate parts of one being. They share files and memory space between each other, work on the same projects, simply having their own color coded folders for anything deemed unnecessary to share between each other. They all see Bing as a reluctant colleague while he sees them as his friends-
Edward has taken responsibility for HeeHoo, while it isn’t domesticated enough to stay in the manor full time, he leaves a cellar door open with a nest of fabrics for HeeHoo to curl up in during the cold months, as well as bowls of food and fresh water by the back door of the manor. Every few months he gets Illinois and Res to hunt it down so he can do a check up and give it necessary medical work.
Illinois and Res are adventuring buddies, in the sense they go on forest walks in near silence. Illinois talks the most while Res is just interested in getting out of that too clean and too fancy house for a few hours. Illy has the maps and the experience while Res has the weapons and skill to keep them safe.
Maybe I do a a part 2 for these adding in JSE egos or non-Mark characters from his projects?? I dunno- also I hit 30 whole tags for this post trying to name everyone and what they’re from 😭
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kanawrites · 2 years
Welcome Back
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Actor stopped his drafts for your next adventure when the entity whispered of your upcoming arrival. In the Actor's usual fashion, he had to make a grand entrance.
The manor was dark, cold, and empty when a spotlight (accompanied by the overdramatic switch sound you often hear) shone over him as he slowly walked down the stairs.
“Welcome back, my dear!”
He descended from his grandiose staircase wearing his signature red suit while something shiny gently flutters and falls (was it glitter or foil? Either way it sparkles under the light)
“I missed you so much” he starts, taking your hand for a kiss.
Actor being Actor kissed the back of his hand, a faux gentleman just as you remembered.
“That should be my line, jerk”
And it was back to snark just the way you usually reply to him. However, the smile on your face betrays the words you said.
He grins widely before escorting you to his planning room. You two have much to talk about in the time you were apart.
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“I’m back”
You said softly, suppressing the smile on your face.
Dark was in the middle of talking to Lunky about its most recent failure in his office when you just popped into existence.
He glanced over your direction discreetly as you checked yourself as though your own body was an alien. He went back to Lunky who stared back and gave a shrug.
“I guess you are”
You didn’t hear him nor see the slight upturn of his mouth afterwards.
Whatever adventure you had, or whatever life you lived since you two last met will be given the proper time it deserves. After he talks to his underling that is.
Engineer, Google, and Yancy under the cut.
“I. AM. BACK!!!!!” 
“Welcome…back?” Mark was busy repairing a pipe that got busted in the cryogenics room when you decided to hug him so suddenly from behind.
He always loved giving and receiving affection from his Captain, but this was an uncharacteristically energetic greeting from you.
Last time he saw you was no more than 10 minutes ago when you informed him that you’d check up on the sleeping colonists as Celci asked him for help.
“Captain, this is kind of an emergency” as he looked back, he saw the state of disarray you were in and decided to compartmentalize the rant he was very ready to give.
Your hair was a mess, a bit burnt along with certain areas of your clothes that looked like close call encounters. Now that he’s paying attention you smelled like oil, grime, blood, dead leaves and a whole lot of other unpleasant scents.
“Hehe don’t worry about it” you waved both your hands haphazardly and let out a fake laugh.
You hugged him again. Tightly this time. Missing his warmth as you recall your journey.
“I just really REALLY missed you”
He hugged back this time, with a load of questions but his Captain needs comfort right now and he can give that. Maybe not much since you’re in cryo but it’s the thought that counts.
“And I can’t feel my legs. Yeah… maybe you should actually fix that pipe, or I should go see a doctor”
“Shut your mouth Google. We will talk about this later”
You were seething the moment you got back to your apartment. Despite your absence the apartment looked like it was very lived in. Lived by a rat.
You have a lot of broken shards to clean and laundry to do and the excitement from seeing your favorite AI had to be ruined by said AI.
That said as you started to clean up, Google had already decided to talk to you about unread emails first. With the only one marked as important coming from him.
The Subject? My Human. The opening statement? I missed you
Hopefully it would be enough to get you to smile.
Or at least placate you to forget why you got mad in the first place.
“Yancy I am so sorry I just left you in the middle of your performance-”
The moment the portal closed you began rambling to Yancy about the adventure you had. And you might have hit your head on the top bunk but let’s not worry about that!
Reassuring your favorite interdimensional (?) inmate why you couldn’t see the whole thing is VERY important.
You were in a rush to explain everything because God knows when you’re gonna get transported again that you didn’t notice that your head is lying on his thighs, on his bed, but he does.
“Shh shhh shh shush” he animatedly said and lifted a finger to your mouth which got you to shut up but confused.
“Youse need to take a breath, you’re turning blue in the face”
Now that he mentions it, you do feel lightheaded.
“And uhh… before you continue… Welcome back and thanks for coming”
Oh my god you literally just visited him once out of the many 3rds sundays you probably missed and you didn’t even get to hear him finish his performance through the stupid glass (which is very meta of how you can’t know what the hell happened and the literal screen that separates your realities) and he’s super thankful about such a small thing. If it was possible to fall in love with him even more this moment sold it for ya.
Hopefully you got to hear him sing the song while cuddling in that small and cramped bed before you leave.
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Hi I’m back~ you guys wanna know why? It was Jack with the whole IRIS thing. I got curious about how the Mark fandom was doing which led me to reading fanfics which led to me having this bubbling feeling that could only be let out by writing fanfics and then I word vomitted. 1 hour and 30 minutes of writing.
BTW here’s my docs where all the Mark writings are. There’s about 14 pages worth of content and more or less 50 ideas that I haven’t continued since June 3.
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On an unrelated note, since last month I’m aroace now (and I’m still low-key in denial about being aro). Go me? Still figuring things out.
P.S in my rush I forgot to write for Damien. NOOOOO. Well, I did write for 5 characters and that’s a lot so I’m good. Should probably make a lil header thing for the other characters if I write them more. Also I have to fix my tagging system. That’s mildly annoying.
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yancy-free-songbird · 2 months
What was Yancy's reaction when we(as an iswm captain) disappeared in the wormhole, when he was singing 'The Last Goodbye'?
Sad. Probably thought we hated him or hated his performance and music which is basically the same thing o him. Because I doubt he saw the wormhole take us. But if you somehow got to him again I’m sure he would forgive us after explaining it a bit. He wouldn’t believe us but just nice to know we’re sorry.
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crazyw3irdo · 1 year
do y’all ever think about how yancy knows how to break out of prison and actively chooses not to. do you ever think about how when he breaks us out he knows the way so easily as if he’s been there a million times before. do you ever wonder if at some point he considered breaking himself out and just couldn’t go through with it.
#i have been thinking about this for the last few days it’s absolutely rotted my brain. like it’d occurred to me before but my brain is sooo#fixated on this lately like he. he knows. and he doesn’t. he’s done bad things and he doesn’t think he deserves it#just. younger yancy who just killed his parents and hasn’t fully processed anything trying to break himself out#standing at the gate knowing he can take a step out and be free again. and he doesn’t. and everything sinks in for him and he just slowly#goes back to his cell. and a few more times he does the exact same thing but… he just can’t bring himself to leave.#he constructs this half-truth about prison life being great and makes friends- makes a family. but. when y/n leaves the first thing he says#is that he’s done bad things. the ‘and hey! this is home!’ seems more like an afterthought that he’s trying to convince himself is true#god the fact that y/n gets a universal key in ending 12… i can see y/n breaking in to try and convince him to leave but he just won’t. he#could’ve gotten out before even without that. but he won’t. if he’s gonna get out he’s gonna do it right. even if it means he can’t stab any#one anymore :( and cmon everyone knows he loves to STAB#this seemed more tangential to include but also. do you think yancy’s ever broken anyone else out?#…do they visit? he was absolutely overjoyed when y/n visited in space i think he doesn’t get that many ngl…#god this character has like 15 or 16 minutes of screen time idk i haven’t recounted after space came out#*pats his head* this bad boy can fit so much overanalysis and headcanons in him#yancy#markiplier#yancy ahwm#ahwm yancy
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ricky-tiki-tah · 4 months
Ego Headcanons: The Ipliers
Pt. 1
Iplier Manor is home to most of Mark Fischbach’s egos, the Ipliers.
The Actor-Marc(he/him): doesn’t live at the manor. No one knows where he is or much about him. Dark is the only one who recalls what Actor did, and Host knows due to their powers. His body was dead before and during the entirety of WKM (explaining the amount of maiming that Abe listed). He considers the egos made from AHWM and ISWM to be his children, except Engie. He doesn’t like Engie. (More on that in another post). None of those egos know he calls them his children/creations. He cannot be seen as a failure/the bad guy. (In the words of Mark himself, a narcissist asshole). All of the films he was in disappeared without a trace when he died for the first time due to interference by the HE, leaving many film buffs confused (many people thought the movies, and even Marc himself, to be mass hallucinations and there was later a documentary done on the phenomenon)- Powers: can harness the power of the House Entity to create pocket realities(and stay alive).
Wilford Warfstache(he/him): gnc pan Pink and yellow whirlwind of a man. Cries bubbles. Is more powerful than Dark but content letting him take the lead on most things while co-leading the egos. In a relationship with Dark. The events of WKM haunt his dreams, but he very rarely remembers them in the morning. His mustache and a strip of his hair are naturally pink, he doesn’t dye it. (The color loses vibrancy the closer he is to William. Some mornings, his hair/mustache will be entirely brown. On those days, Dark will sit quietly with him until Wilford finally slips back into place.) He feels a special connection to Dark, but is unsure why (he stopped questioning it after they started dating, assuming that’s why). His bouts as William can be triggered by Damien/Celine so they tend to avoid the bubblegum man when in control. - Powers: reality bending (telepathy/telekinesis/teleportation/ ect.)
Darkiplier-Dark/Damien(they/he): nonbinary ace fusion. Is the designated Head of Iplier Manor. While Dark is their own consciousness created as a byproduct of the twins having been stuck in The Upside-down for a time, they only exist when both Damien and Celine are in the body(they can only separate when in Actor’s stories). Dark specifically is the one in a relationship with Wilford, not the twins. Who is in control can be determined by the color of their aura, with Dark having both red and blue, Damien having only blue, and Celine having only red. (Damien will go by both ‘Dark’ and his own name when in control, while Celine chooses to only go by ‘Dark’.) Only a few of the older egos actually know the difference. Dark himself is usually in control of the body with the twins keeping a running commentary in the back of their mind. Celine is the strongest, due to having been a seer, and can force the other two asleep if she so wishes. Feels a sort of parental responsibility for Engie despite them not being a ‘young’ ego. - Powers: blasts of raw telekinesis like power, shadow bending(possibly more, undiscovered)
King of the Squirrels-Artie(he/him): a physically younger ego (roughly 12). Was pretty much adopted by Dark/Wilford. Has a treehouse connected to his bedroom through the window where most of his squirrel friends have built nests. Always has one or two baby squirrels in his pockets. Has named all of his squirrel friends. Doesn’t usually have his peanut butter beard(Dark banned it in the house and he ushers almond butter instead when a Crank is over). Likes spending time with Engie, who is fascinated by all types of animals. - Powers: higher agility, can talk to animals.
Engineer Mark-Engie(he/they): an ego made from Dark, specifically Damien (like how Marc considers certain egos his children). Due to that, he feels a special connection to Dark and has adopted them as a parent. He likes hanging out with Wilford. They love animals of any type and can often be found with Artie, helping him take care of his squirrels. Loves hugs and will find any excuse to hug someone. They are basically the physical embodiment of Mark’s love for space. He has those glow in the dark stars on his bedroom ceiling and a telescope. - Powers: unknown
The Host-Isaac(he/they): demiaroace nonbinary. uses his narrations as a sort of echolocation, able to see what they describe. Doesn’t technically need a service dog, but sometimes wishes they had one (more so when Mark and Amy visit with Chica)- Powers: visions, low level mental suggestion, and limited reality warping through narrations.
The Author-Oscar(he/him): aroace agender. Wrote actual books. Lived alone in a cabin. Loves dogs. Does not like large groups of people. Keeps to himself. - Powers: low level mental suggestion, limited reality warping through written word.
— Host and Author are siblings OR the same person depending on how I want to write them. (There is a separate post for these 2 as well)
Dr. Edward Iplier-Doc(he/him): demiaroace in a relationship with Host. Watches those medical dramas. Consistently running on 2 hours of sleep and way too much caffeine, but somehow always pretty chill and looks well put together. Pretty much adopted Eric. Dislikes when Mark is off his ADHD meds because it effects all the egos. - Powers: can see how people will die. (He’s very glad egos don’t stay dead)
Eric Derekson(he/him): anxiety boiTM. One of the younger egos (about 18-19). Has chronic bad luck. Has two prosthetic legs. Showed up at the Manor one day and was practically adopted by Doc and Host by the end of the day. Enjoys spending time with Oliver. - Powers: unknown
Bim Trimmer(he/him): theatre bi, not a literal cannibal. Does enjoy very rare steaks though and was mistaken as one by the Jims. Runs a game show in Wilford’s studio but often helps Wilford with interviews as well. Hangs out with Murdock the most and has taken Yan under his wing. He sees Yancy sort of as a younger brother too. - Powers: ramped up charisma
Murdock Malarkey(he/him): murder man with a plan. He’s the older of the two Malarkey brothers. Murdock has a job as a paranormal investigator(the Drowned Man). Keeps an eye on Yancy most of the time. Has a flair for the dramatic and enjoys spending time with Bim. He definitely gives murder tips to Yan. He helped Yancy with the murder of their parents but got away while Yancy got caught. He still blames himself for not watching his brother close enough. Write poetry in his free time. Sometimes hangs out with Author. - Powers: can see and talk to ghosts.
Yancy Malarkey(he/him): theatre kid all the way. The younger Malarkey brother. Best friends with Heapass. Very good with anything that could be used to stab. Regularly spars with Yan to keep their skills up. Got a job at the local corner store after he got out of Happy Trails on parole. Wants to someday hit Broadway. Does not blame Murdock for ending up in jail and constantly tries to explain how it’s not his fault. - Powers: Magic tattoos that he cannot control.
Yandereplier-Yan(she/they): transfem demigirl. Physically younger ego (about 15-16). Hangs around the Malarkeys and Bim to the point that she’ll call them her uncles. Has their own katana. She and Yancy made a secret club called “The Yan Gang” and they meet up every Monday to play dress up and make plans for the week. - Powers: heightened agility, instant mastery of weapons techniques.
The Iplier egos are all open to questions.
Part 2
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sprucedarkstache · 11 months
You got any trans Damien and or trans Yancy headcanons?
Boy, do I have headcanons???
(Tysm for the ask sorry this took me so long)
I used to heavily headcanon him as trans, not so much anymore but.
I had this old post that (jokingly but also not) both Celine and Damien were trans and just ended up swapping identities.
I believe that Damien would feel emasculated simply by being around his other male colleagues.
Since it’s the 1920s, a lot of men don’t wear facial hair and keep their face quite clean (aside from a nice handlebar above the lip), which gives Damien an excuse to not have facial hair at all
It also makes his clean reputation very attractive to all the ladies in town
All in all, he feels very empowered when he becomes Dark, who (in my headcanon) can shape himself however he sees, giving Damien the liberty to make himself as big buff masculine.
But also, in my headcanon, Damien and Dark are two separate spirits, so this leaves some times where Dark has taken a more feminine form that day, it catches Damien off guard when he’s in control and leaves him dysphoric.
TW// mentions of mvrd3r and transph0bia
Yancy I feel more strongly about. He is trans. 100%
My entire interpretation is that him being trans the reason he murdered his parents (paraphrasing)
Essentially, Yancy got incredibly bullied in the small town he lived in, and it only got worst as his best friend Jay ran off to become a geologist (iykyk)
Eventually it got to a point where he couldn’t take it anymore, and when he got home one night after rehearsal, he ran to his room for an hour, and went downstairs, had a screaming fit at his parents from built up anger and sh0t them when they tried to soothe him.
Thing is, there was a sudden surge of acceptance from his fellow prisoners when he arrived at Happy Trails
Despite being surrounded by big burly tough men, he was treated as the head of the pack essentially.
I don’t know if it’s a thing that prisoners can get operations while in prison but since this is the MarkCU lets say at Happy Trails they can.
Yancy has some badass top surgery scars, which he has tattoos around for decoration
Going back to his childhood, there were a lot of “transmasc theater kid” things he did
(What im not projecting nooo)
For instance, he would exclusively play the male parts when he sang songs from his favorite musicals (specifically “Maria” from West Side and “Johanna” from Sweeney Todd”)
He would do a lot of one man plays on the school playground sometimes, and clearly wouldn’t like singing the female parts
It’s also in my headcanon that he’s (in this current year) 29, which would make him a teen between 2007-2013. Definitely believe he had a quirky transmasc ukulele phase.
Not theater kid related but when he was little, he was definitely the “girl who always offered to pick up chairs when a teacher asked for a strong boy to help” type transmasc
Back to prison
When he first got into prison, he used binding tape for so long until he was literally wheezing any time he ran so the warden was like “look son let’s just get you top surgery and that’ll do it.”
Absolutely made a joke about giving himself top surgery with a shiv he found
Warden was not too happy abut that
Another defying the logic of reality thing, but after he got top surgery, he gifted his chest to Tiny who is transfem
Now that he’s out of prison, he bought a lot of greaser-type manly man things to fuel his euphoria (a motorcycle, smoking a lot more, a lot more piercings)
He also returns to his hometown every now and then to spite the locals and steal their wives.
He’s just such a bad boy >:) /j
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earnestlyegos · 1 year
Rank your fave mark egos, and why
-🗡(not part of the qnapp I just felt like asking)
this one. took awhile. also this isnt a list that like,, shows which one i hate?? i love, all of them! just some a little less, but if i had to rank em, this is how id do it! So this is more of a “most favorite to i still like them, but i like these guys more!!”
(1) Yancy
i like him the most honestly because hes just.. he means so much to me?? ive got no clue as of why i attached to him so hard, but something about the way he sings and dances, his daddy issues, his past, the way he smiles and just how dramatic he is. he makes my heart soar, i want to give him all he deserves. hes an amazing person to me.
(1.5) Wilford Warfstache
literally couldnt pick one favorite. warfstache was the first ego i fell in love with, due to his complex character and lore!! i love how in WMLW hes sincere with abe, and i love how kind he is before he goes “insane”. i love how hes a loyal man as william J barnum, and hes just AUGHHHH!! hes got so much to him and i love him so so so so much!! hes SO cool!! LIKE SPACE!!!
(2) Eric Derekson
eric is a hot and close second. i love how timid and nervous he is, and i love how he canonically comes back, and somewhat gets over that!! i LOVE characters with a tragic past, which is why yancy and wilf are first!! i love eric sosososo much, i wanna kiss his head and hold him, he deserves the world!! hes only second cause yancy and warf are some of my BIGGEST hyperfixations.
(3) illinois
ironically loved him and now i unironically love him. i love the confidence and the stupid fucking suaveness, it makes me laugh! i also headcanon hes a genuinely nice guy, and often teaches at the prison because he works with a program and such!! i like to think he genuinely loves his job, and is maybe (100%) is autistic over archaeology. i love his energy!!!
(4) Damien
i love him. i just, i do! i love how sincere of a man he is, how soft and serious he is, BUT HE CARES SO FUCKING MUCH FOR WILLIAM AND IT HURTS!!!! i hc him as such a nice man, who is genuinely doing his best to make everybody happy. he also deserves the world.
(4.5) THE JIMS!!!!
I FUCKING LOVE THE JIMS I LOVE THE HCS THAT PEOPLE COME UP WITH I LOVE READING THEM IN FICS!!! they are SOSOSOSOOO silly!!! devilish little bastards, rats!! rats in my walls!! I LOVE THEM.
(5) Head Engineer Mark
hes a stupid brat man child and i love him. hes such a smart guy, and yet so dumb and adventurous, i love his energy, and i love how hes basically captains puppy???? he really comes in close with damien for me, but we dont get much of his character in ISWM, so honestly its hard to form a solid opinion on him! otherwise i think hes absolutely fucking hilarious and i adore him and his personality.
(6) Darkiplier
i love you. i have the hc of him being edgy and evil, but hes also doing it mostly all for show. i love how its literally all out of spite because he fucking hates actor, and i love how hes just there to fuck up his plans. i love thinking hes just— HES A CAT, MAN. A SNARKY LITTLE SHIT, I LOVE HIM, HES GREAT. i also love the hc that he goes by most pronouns!! mostly he/they, but sometimes she/her and im absolutely fucking here for it. slay girliepop!!!!
(7) Bing
do i. do i have to explain? hes a douche! i fucking love him! over confident idiot, who looks epic?? dude, thats just me!! i just fucking adore his vibe, love how you see him interact with google in fics and shit, i just, THERES JUST SOMETHING ABOUT HIM THAT MAKES ME LAUGH IN SUCH A GOOD WAY!!!
(7.5) Actor Mark
hes a dumb egomaniacal asshole and i love it. hes fucking stupid and greedy, is also a man child, and i can absolutely see him pouting and stomping his foot when upset. HE ALSO KILLS HIMSELF FOR FUNSIES I JUST THINK THAYS FUCKING HILARIOUS??? literally dies and says to damien “hey i want you to be my villain, bye!!” and RUNS OFF TO MAKE ANOTHER UNIVERSE?? HELLO??? also hes evil and im here for that, slay king, fuck things up!
(8) King of the Squirrels
hes funny as fuck and ive read a few fics with him. love how people think he interacts with Bim and the jims, i also think he would be good friends with eric, considering they both LOVE animals!! love his outfit too!! hes just silly, and i like to think hes this nice energetic guy whose just really passionate over squirrels :)
(9) Bim Trimmer
show host. thats it. cannibalistic show host. love it. its me core, i love him. i like to think hes a nice guy, but also has manic undertones and a slight sinister feeling about him and OH BOY AM I FUCKING HERE FOR IT. im a sucker for the over dramatic show host type, and its a reason why i actually love spamton too! i love the “always have a professional smile even though im clearly extremely angry at you, so ill just be as passive aggressive as possible, haha!!” GOD I LOVE HIM
(9.5) Dr. Iplier
OF COURSE I THINK HE MATCHES WITH YHE HOST!!!!!!! their dynamic is so cute in fics dont even fucking get me STARTED. anyways, i love how much of an asshole he is in the skit(s??), but i also love how people write him as this caring and hardworking man. he would get along well with eric, dark, and the host in my eyes! maybe even yancy, because theyre both kinda a reserved character in my mind!
(10) Google
hes cool!! i love that hes a sinister sentient AI, and is always a fucking smartass. i love smartasses that are always serious and always follow the rules. Tenya iida core, iykyk— uh, love the guy!! again, love how hes an asshole, yet i still hc he cares about the others and alla that, he just doesnt show it and blahblahblah. also love his design, its something so simple yet, it really pops!! love the art people make of him, and i also love the asshole confidence hes got—
(10.5) The Host
hes also sosososooooo neat!! again, seen him in fics, i love how some people write him. he deserves love and care, and i think that him and yancy would really connect, considering theyre both outcasts in their own ways! hes a sweetheart who is trying his best and you literally cannot fucking convince me otherwise.
(and then all the others i dont know/care about)
lots of ties, though, hoped you enjoyed this long and VERY autistic ramble about the egos i like-
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writtengalaxies · 2 years
Any hcs for the Heist Egos? Cryptid or not, up to you! :D
Ooooh time for thonks! I leaned a little away from cryptozoology, and a little more towards folklore and mythology, but...well. Have these!
Captain Magnum
Absolutely has met sirens.
And a kraken.
Honestly, he might not be fully human himself, not with that jump and height. I mean. The man has logs for peg legs. No one knows what the hell is up with him though.
He's not-so-secretly descended from a legacy of pirate captains. He thinks it's a secret, everyone else knows it.
That accent he picked up from watching old gangster movies.
He knows how to do knife tricks with a butterfly knife...but has a comb version of it instead to help keep his hair slicked back.
While plenty of people would first jump to sirens as part of his ancestry...it's not actually.
He has a great-great-whatever grandfather who was (or still is) a nøkk. Honestly, he doesn't know himself.
He's a professor. You can't tell me he's not a history professor or like...even specifically a Classics major. He has the vibes and yes I know he's a parody of Indiana Jones, and yes I personally think of them as rivals.
The reason his adventuring partners keep dying, as he's said, is that he has a curse on him.
He also has some god-given gift of ABSURD luck.
He probably also is a bit superstitious despite saying he's not, as anyone who works a lot underground is. Does he leave offerings for the tommyknockers and listens to the knocking? Yep. Has saved him more than once.
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gardenofchrome · 1 year
Pacific Rim Headcanons #2
What they would do if you, their (S/O) brought them lunch
(Requested by @screechinginthevoid, I hope you like it 😊)
You, Y/N, are [character's name] S/O and decide to bring them lunch everyday, as they are busy Ranger pilots and can sometimes forget to eat. You make sure to include a little note to show how much you appreciate them (*^‿^*)
Raleigh: You make him classic American foods- a grilled cheese sandwich, mac n' cheese, and chocolate chip cookies. You write a little love note to him, putting it all in a brown paper bag, and take it to his barrack. He was sleeping when you got there, so you put it on his nightstand and gave him a little kiss on the forehead, covering him up with a blanket.
Yancy: You make him the same thing you made Raleigh- once you gave it to him, he pulled you into hug and kissed you, getting a very loud 'awwww!' from Raleigh who was in the doorway.
"Get out Raleigh!"
Mako: You make her Ingee Chicken, Nagarame, and Anno Imo, foods from where she was born, as you thought she would like a little taste of home. It turns out that she made some lunch for you too, consisting of your favorite foods. You both have a picnic on the roof of the shatterdome, watching Jaegers being deployed.
Chuck: You make him meat pies, chicken parmigiana, and fairy bread. When you go to give it to him, he nearly knocked the food straight out of your hands by accident, as he was sparring with his father. Herc made him apologize while he begrudgingly thanked you for the food.
Herc: You make him sausage rolls, avocado toast, and pavlova. He hugs you tightly, before he lets you go when you tell him that he's crushing your ribs. He also makes sure that you had something to eat before he went somewhere quiet to eat.
"Herc, please put me down before you snap my ribs."
Stacker: You make him Shepard's pie, sausage rolls, and trifle. You leave it at the foot of his office, before knocking on the door to let him know it was there. You didn't want to disturb him as you knew he was probably very busy with all the paperwork he had to do and overseeing the Jaegers in the shatterdome.
Newt: You give him a PB&J sandwich, a Caesar salad, and a roll of oreo's. You force him to it eat, as you knew that if you gave it to him he'd probably just eat an oreo or two and then focus on his research for the rest of the day. He thanks you for the lunch and offers to let you see the new kaiju samples that just arrived.
Hermann: You made him a ham and cheese sandwich, schnitzel, and plum pudding. You set it down on his desk, and he thanks you, promising to eat it in a few. You come back 3 hours later and notice that his lunch was still not eaten, and you scold him.
"Please just give me 5 more minutes to finish this and I will!"
Tendo: You give him a few bagels to eat, along with some jam and butter, and a cup of coffee. He gives you a quick peck on the cheek, before nearly spilling the coffee on the controls.
I might include Jake and Nate the next time, but I've watched the first movie more than Uprising so idk if it would be good.
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