#yancy fry jr.
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theshadowrealmitself · 2 years ago
Okay but even though Fry got to talk to his mom and say goodbye to her, he was never able to have that kind of moment with his brother
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emdeejaydraws · 5 months ago
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haunted house (please click for higher quality)
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fryandleelasbigfling · 2 years ago
Fry and Yancy Jr. could be good too
oooo yes, luck of the fryrish is actually one of my fave episodes (and one of my first) so i think about yancy jr a lot even tho i don't talk about him much!
my take on yancy jr is that he was envious of fry's unabashed self-expression, but didn't have the way to express his feelings because of their dad's toxic masculinity and the family's tendency towards repression. yancy jr is the older son and his father's namesake, so i think he has a stronger sense of "duty" than his younger brother, especially with yancy sr's strong american values.
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we see in "cold warriors" that yancy sr actively encourages his boys to fight each other, presumably because he thinks it'll toughen them up. they don't have much room to be honest with each other because, on top of being young boys in a time of political contention, they grew up in an environment where neither parent was great at expressing themselves and love was inconsistent.
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so i think YJ is jealous of fry's boundless creativity -- yes, there's the clover too obviously, but their rivalry and YJ's plagiarism and jealous dates back to fry's birth. while it started as childish "i should get everything i want," i think YJ struggled to find a sense of identity as he became a teen, and it was much easier to take a page out of fry's playbook even though he knew fry's ideas were often stupid and impractical.
fry had low self esteem and possibly issues with getting respect , but he was still confident in his imagination and originality. so i think it stung whenever YJ aped his style because that's all he had. fry wants to be important so bad and it sucks feeling like you can't have anything to yourself. so he interpreted YJ's plagiarism as spite, because it's a recurring theme that he cannot believe his family loved him at all because of the low self-esteem they fed him out of their highly flawed "tough love" approach.
i really love that YJ seems to have grown into a well adjusted adult and is now able to clearly recognize that he loves his brother, even if it sadly took a loss to acknowledge it (though we can infer in the BBS timeline they also became much closer for some time -- we see them playing together and phil ii knows his uncle's whereabouts, implying a consistent family relationship. and of course phil ii still has his name because YJ has liked the name philip since he was a toddler, so no it's not a plot hole like some people think). in fact, i think naming his son after fry isn't just honoring the (allegedly) dead, but symbolically breaking the need to follow the fry family legacy by breaking the yancy name tradition. you can tell from what phil ii became that his father encouraged him in a way fry was never encouraged, and i think that's in part because YJ retrospectively respects his brother so much more and probably regrets their strained relationship.
so i don't think it's any coincidence that phil ii shared the same dream as fry -- i think YJ had some good stories to tell that planted some ambitious seeds in his son's mind early on. :)
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whynotzoidbergdotorg · 1 year ago
Chapter 3 is out!
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irregularbillcipher · 14 days ago
something that i think is very sweet and unremarked upon is that cameo with little phil in bender’s big score. phil still being named phil is the crux of the joke, but it also shows that even in a universe where fry isn’t missing when his son is born, yancy fry jr. still just loves his little brother enough to name his son after him, even when it isn’t being done in memoriam
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fryandleelasbigfling · 2 years ago
okay here's my personal hot take on this because I've wanted to share my feelings on the yancy name anyway and this is as good a time as any!
so my reading of the end of LOTF is that yancy jr naming his son philip goes beyond simply naming his son after his brother. the yancy name is a tradition that yancy jr did not like. he was named that way because he had to be and I think it symbolizes why he copied fry all the time. yancy was named after his father and thus had to carry on that super patriotic and toxic attitude. fry isn't bound to the yancy name and thus has less obligation to carry on his legacy.
philip II's name represents how yancy jr wants his brother to be the new legacy of his family. they don't need to honor their father, who for all his good intentions projected a lot of bullshit and competitive attitudes onto his sons. it is fry's name, and his carefree approach to life, that persists. and look how successful phil ii turned out cuz his father broke the cycle!
yancy didn't even like his own name as a child (granted he was 3 lol) so I don't think his name is the only way to honor him anyway. plus I would wanna see more options for the baby's name that reflect both fry AND leela's desires and legacies, especially since unlike yancy's wife, leela is a character whose narrative role in rearing the baby is just as important as fry's so I'd like them to compromise. (in other words, naming them after morris or munda would also be so great)
however I do think it would be a good move if they named their daughter yancy just cuz it would subvert expectations without owing too much to the masculine patriotism of the yancy name :)
i am seeing “what if fry and leela have children in the reboot” discourse and to that i say this
if they do not name their son yancy bc he’s “named for his uncle, to carry on his spirit,” then i do not want a freela child storyline. i say this w love
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redandfranticfeelings · 3 years ago
thinking about fry being like 8 years old and saying “the doctor said i have ADD? :/” and yancy jr, with no context for what that is, just immediately going “whatever i have ADDD. it has an extra D cuz it’s better” 
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rikriotastroff · 7 years ago
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Nouveau dessin ! Mes deux perso favoris de Futurama ! L’un est Fry le personnage principal de la série et l’autre son frère Yancy un peso qu’on vois rarement mais avec le quel je me suis vraiment attaché !
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dirtdoesntneedluck · 7 years ago
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Luck of the Fryrish [S3 E8] (dir. Chris Louden)
“Stop hogging the clover.” - Young Yancy Fry Jr.
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Definitely everything above, but I also think a lot about how it's reversal of the traditional role cause usually its the younger sibling constantly trying to imitate the older and not the other way around, and I can't help wondering if it isn't partially because Yancy feels pressured to follow in his dad's footsteps as a person (esp w/the naming convention and the explanation Yancy sr. gives him about the name at the start of the ep) while Fry is allowed more freedom as both the younger one and the one that doesn't quite fit into their family. And I do think that would influence a certain level of resentment that younger Yancy has towards his little brother.
But then Fry goes missing, and his weird little stray dog friend refuses to stop waiting for him by the pizza place, and all of a sudden there's that consequence of wishing your brother away and Yancy can't do anything but remember him (again it's stated canonically that Fry's parents didn't bother to look for him much and said it's a waste of money to do so) and try to move on.
So he takes Fry's childhood picture and clover and passes them on to his kid and breaks the generational tradition of naming convention and (symbolically) the generational cycle of family issues passed down from father to son. In some ways, I'd guess that Phillip Fry Jr. is a representation of what Fry could have been and how the path to so much of his fortune probably does stem from his parents being kind and loving and caring and it's shown really early on exactly how different Yancy and his wife are from Yancy Sr. and his wife, from how they handle the newborn baby to how they name him.
And the fact that when Yancy says he thinks he knows the name he wants to give his son, his wife says that she already knows what hanme he has in mind and openly approves of the choice, it says a lot about how much more open the two of them are as opposed to Yancy and Fry's parents, and how unlike Yancy Sr., Yancy is naming his child in honor of someone he loved and not just to honor a tradition (throughout the entire franchise it is hinted that Yancy Sr.'s father was also not exactly the best, most likely having also been in the military and raising his son with the same leftover trauma that Yancy Sr. exhibits in his time).
We even do see a few scenes from Fry's past that imply that the bickering with Yancy wasn't their only way of hanging out and they probably shared a lot of good memories that Fry doesn't like dwelling on because it makes the loss hurt more. But for Yancy, those good memories probably don't feel like enough. (On a slightly happier note, the fact that even in the alternate timeline where Fry time travels back Yancy still names his kid Phillip suggests that they grow closer again and it's possible that Yancy's resentment comes more from them both being cooped up in the same house all the time and stuck under the influence of their family's issues than from him hating Fry.)
i see you post about futurama occasionally, and i don’t see many people as passionate about it as i am lol.
i’m just curious about how you feel about fry’s relationship with his family members and how that was elaborated on.
one plotline that always makes me cry is when we go from being shown what a selfish/horrible brother yancy was to finding out that he named his son after the brother he lost.
shitty family or not, it really showed how “love” doesn’t always mean “respect,” and that most relationships are complex instead of “good or bad.”
Yeah, "Luck of the Fryrish" is an amazing episode. Fry's family loved him, but they weren't...great? His dad was a conspiracy nut, and his mom was disinterested and self-absorbed. Yancy was a brat, but I'll give him a pass for that because he was a child.
I wonder if the writers did that on purpose so Fry leaving everything behind would seem less tragic. The show's premise is so dark when you think about it. Fry loses EVERYTHING--and yeah, he didn't have much going for him, but he never sees his immediate family again. They all died centuries ago without ever learning what happened to him. I guess it would've been even sadder if they were all super close to him.
Losing Fry was probably a wake-up call for Yancy. He probably thought a lot about all the time that they wasted 😬 Their relationship was troubled, and he just assumed that they'd bicker, fight and drive each other nuts forever. They took each other for granted.
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chororine · 12 years ago
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He's cute when he's mad.
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emdeejaydraws · 11 days ago
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first page rough of this yancy comic i started and haven't finished (it's like 12 pages and i've done 5), maybe i'll get around to completing it sometime. it was mostly an introspective thing about Yancy's thoughts after Fry went missing
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fryandleelasbigfling · 1 year ago
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oh lawd he baby!!!
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jovishark · 3 years ago
ill say this: lotf fry is pissed the whole time until he gets the clover back and decides he doesnt need it, and jb hes so hopeful to get back a part of his past until he decides it doesnt need him and i think they both have their sad parts but ultimately what decides it for me is the ending
sure its sad that yancy named his kid after fry but in jb? their parents were Right There and he will never know how close he was to not being frozen
also. phil jr lived a whole rewarding life having no idea who his uncle was but seymour sat there on the front stoop for TWELVE YEARS just because fry told him to. he knew exactly where fry was at the lab but he sat there and waited just in case
(bender makes the rest of the episode less sad by being bender but they barely squeak out at the end when he comes around) (in lotf he helps out in a fun way that doesnt call attention so youre forced to care about frys shit brother) (who by the way was the only one who wanted to look for fry in jb and was pretty easily thwarted)
im so sick. which one is worse (saddest), luck of the fryrish or jurassic bark
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whynotzoidbergdotorg · 1 year ago
Chapter 5 has been released!
Enjoy!! :)
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emdeejaydraws · 8 months ago
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the most important person in the universe
(click for higher quality)
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